CS 2204 Spring 2011 - Computer Science and Engineering

CS 2204
Digital Logic
State Machine Design
As you wait for the lab to start :
Lab 2
 Use PeopleSoft userid and password to login
to the LABS domain
 Look at the course web site :
 http://cis.poly.edu/cs2204
 Open the Lab 2 presentation
 Read slides 2 and 3
Spring 2014
Lab 2 Outline
 Presentation
Read also next slide
Using CS2204 Lab & Engineering Fundamentals
 Engineering Environment Fundamentals
 Digital Design Trends
• Digital Design Techniques
Using Term Project (pages 1 – 7)
 The term project operation
• The input/output relationship ≡ Purpose ≡ Game rules
 Individual work
Programming the FPGA chip
Learning the rules of the game
Playing the three different versions of the Ppm game
Understanding the concept of the machine player strategy
New Handouts
 Term Project
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While waiting for lab to start, do the following :
 Reserve seats for your partners
Make sure there are enough seats next to you
 Only the last group arriving to the seats are on two rows
• These two rows are rows 2 and 3 and the seats are near the wall
 Login to the LABS domain
Create a CS2204 folder on the S drive and on your laptop
 If you cannot login nor see the S drive go to 337RH after this lab
 Take a look at the course web site :
Download this presentation and term project files to your
CS2204 folder
 If you have not formed a team, look around to form a
team and sit next to your partners if you can
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Engineering Environment Fundamentals
 Engineering Environment, especially the
digital engineering environment, is demanding
Technology advances rapidly
 A very dynamic environment
• Constant learning
• Constant adaptation
• Global team work
Even experienced engineers can be stressed out
 Students need to keep this in mind and get ready
for that environment
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Engineering Environment Fundamentals
 Companies ask job candidates
Can you adapt ?
 Are you flexible ?
 Are you a team player ?
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Engineering Environment Fundamentals
 Students need to take the advantage of their
college study to be ready
Students need to learn how to learn fast
 Students need to have a solid technical foundation
 Students need to practice interacting with people
 Their peers, senior people and junior people
• This is often summarized as communication skills, but it is
more than that
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Taking the Advantage of College Study
 Each course and professor are different,
students adapt to the course and professor
Different courses and professors help students
 Learn how to learn in a short time period
 Gain the technical foundation of their area
 Learn how to interact with people
 Labs are a good medium to acquire them
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Today’s Engineering Environment
Tight deadlines
Tight budgets
Managers and employers seek for two points
Are you systems oriented ?
 Can you relate parts ?
Can you solve problems ?
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Are You Systems Oriented ?
 On a global scale ?
They want to see that not only that
 You know your part (block) of the system (black box) but
other parts (blocks) and
 You can relate all the parts
But, you need to be prepared for that
 This can be an opportunity to prove yourself !
 You can say “No“ !
 But, it should not be the following
• “My job is only this part (block) ! I do not know the other
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Can You Solve Problems ?
 On a global scale ?
You are expected to say “Yes, I can do it”
 But, you need to know how to approach solving problems !
• Studying past exams is not a good practice to be ready
 Do not be afraid of taking on problems
 Do not be afraid of learning more
This can be an opportunity to prove yourself !
If you are systems oriented, it is easier to be a problem
You can say “No“ !
 But, it should not be one of the following
• I cannot do it !
• I do not know about it !
• I never learned !
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Today’s Engineering Environment
 These two points become even more important when
there is an economic recession which forces
To outsource
To reduce staffing
 While they manufacture about the same number of
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Engineering Environment Fundamentals
 Technical Performance is not everything
Especially as you become more senior
 You will supervise junior engineers
• Junior engineers will look upon you
 Non-technical skills means one knows what to do how,
where and when
First thing first, be patient (cool) and do not lose temper
In addition, senior engineers need to
Speak well
Be good listeners
Firm and fair
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Engineering Environment Fundamentals
 Do not take anything that is not earned
Respect intellectual property (IP)
 How would you feel if it was your IP ?
But, do not be on a one-person crusade
 Do not be : “I do my work and do not need anyone”
• Perhaps today ! How about tomorrow ?
 We are not machines
• We all need each other
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Engineering Environment Fundamentals
 Help others
No one can survive alone
 Communicate with people around you
 Practice it
• You will need it when you are a senior engineer
Help before you ask for help
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Engineering Environment Fundamentals
 Find the balance between working hard and
helping others
 Hint for success
 As a senior engineer/project manager/supervisor you
need to be approachable by junior engineers
Have you smiled today ?
 If no, why ?
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CS2204 engineering environment
 Problem solutions for systems
Keep focusing on the big picture
 Technical and non-technical dynamics
Learn/practice with teammates, TAs and the professor
Do not ignore the non-technical side
 Team-oriented labs and homework
 Rules and regulations to acquire technical and nontechnical skills
 The professor and TAs are the project manager and
senior engineers and students are junior engineers
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College Training for Engineering Environment
 Take the advantage of your courses to learn and
improve engineering environment basics
By training yourself in similar situations
 Would you arrive late to a team meeting as an engineer ?
• Do the same with your partners !
 Would you complete your project assignment late ?
• Do the same for your term project !
 Would you argue with your project manager ?
• Discuss with your professor ! How, where and when ?
 Be patient, do not lose temper
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Digital Design Trends
 Current digital design techniques
Top-down design
 Team-based design
 Core-based design
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Top-down design
 One does not start with gates and FFs
 One does not start with chips and PCBs
 One starts with simple concepts, few details
Gradually adds more details until all the details are obtained
 All the gates and FFs and their interconnections
 The design is done layer by layer
A layer implements the layer above
 Upper layers are simpler than lower layers
• A layer is less complex than the layer below
• A layer is built on the layer below
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Top-down design
 Layered design
The design is done layer by layer
 The design starts with the top layer, the simplest layer
• After completing the top layer moves down the layer below
• There are more details on the 2nd layer
• Then, the next layer below with more details
 The design completes with the bottom layer !
The simplest level : Start with this level
The most complex level : The last level to work on
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Top-down design
 Block-based design
Structured design
 A layer has a number of blocks/components
Upper layers are simpler than lower layers
 A layer has less details than the layer below
• A layer has less number of blocks/components than the layer
The simplest level : Start with this level
The most complex level : The last level to work on
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Block-Based Design
 One starts the design of a complex circuit, by
considering it as a black box
This is the top layer that has just one block, the black box !
Digital product
as a black box
 The internal components, details, are ignored
Dealing with many details in the beginning is frustrating and
time consuming
 Deal with simplest issues first, the top layer :
The input/output relationship, design goals and technology
of the black box is studied
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Block-Based Design
 Once familiar with the input/output relationship, we break it up
into simpler blocks and study each block separately satisfying
The input/output relationship, design goals and technology
 One continues to partition (sub)blocks until each one is so
simple one can design it very quickly by using gates and FFs
One moves down layer by layer and increases the number of
(sub)blocks (details) until there are only gates & FFs
 (Sub)blocks can be designed and tested separately at the same
Proceed partitioning and testing until a (sub)block is completed
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CS2204 Top-Down Design
 The term project is just one black box in the beginning of the
All we will be concerned about is its operation, the input/output
relationship, that is how to play the game
 Today we will study the input/output relationship
 The black box will then be partitioned into six blocks :
Control Unit
Human Play
Play Check
Points Calculation
Machine Play
 These six blocks are partitioned into subblocks and so on
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Current Digital Design Techniques
 Top-down design
 Team-based design
Even if top-down design is used, today’s digital
circuits cannot be finished by the projected
completion time unless a team of people designs it
in parallel
 Expected introduction of the product to the market
• Time-to-market (TTM) : 18 months typical
• The work starts with the first team meeting where the
top level view of the product is given by the project
►The black-box view & the input/output relationship
(operation), design goals, technology
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Team-Based Design
 Block-based design fits well since each team member
can design a separate block
TTM is divided into periods of work or project phases to
make sure team members are synchronized
 Time is saved
However team members must cooperate well for an
acceptable product
 Team-based design can be inefficient if members do not know
each other’s block
• For example there can be duplicated circuits !
 This is what we call it being systems oriented
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Team-Based Design
 CS2204 team-based design
3- or 4-student teams are formed in the beginning
of the semester
 There are six project phases which are called
 Experiment 1 through Experiment 6 to make sure team
members understand all the blocks and each other’s
• Also learn new subjects to complete the design
 TTM is May 2, 2014 !
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Current Digital Design Techniques
 Top-down design
 Team-based design
 Core-based design
In today’s competitive digital product market, top-down
design and team-based design are not enough to be ahead of
the competition
A complex block is licensed from another company
 Intellectual Property (IP) is licensed
 Time is saved
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Core-Based Design
 The most difficult block is identified
 The team searches around the world to see if there
is a company that has a product similar to the block
that can be licensed
The team makes sure the licensed product satisfies
 The input/output relationship, design goals (speed, cost, power,
etc.) of the block and technology
 The company is asked for licensing in return for a
one-time fee or for a percentage of each product
The licensed block is called core since it is the most complex
part and the remaining ones are designed ‘around” the core
 The remaining, simpler, blocks are designed by the team
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Core-Based Design
 CS2204 core-based design
Student will design only one block out of six blocks
The Control Unit Block : core
The Input/Output Block : core
The Human Play Block : core
The Play Check Block : core
The Points Calculation Block : core
The Machine Play Block : non-core
• The Machine Play Block uses all other blocks except the
Human Play Block
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Lab Grade
 Students receive a lab grade
5% of the term grade
 Lab work
• Lab attendance, arrival, departure
• Concentration on lab work
• How well he/she cooperates with the teammates
 Term project (Experiment 6) grade based on the Term Project
Check List handout
Arriving late would delay the team work
 Also, teammates cannot synchronize well
 If this happens frequently, the team member would fall behind
the teammates
• Exam grades would go down as well
Labs affect the term grade more
 Labs are on all exams
 Labs reinforce lecture topics
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Lab Grade
 Calculating the lab grade
5% of the term grade
 Term project (Experiment 6) grade based on the Term Project
Check List handout : 80
 Lab work : 90 based on
• Lab attendance, arrival, departure
• Concentration on lab work
• How well he/she cooperates with the teammates
The lab grade : (0.90 * 0.80) * 5 = (0.72) * 5 = 3.6
Labs affect the term grade more
 Labs are on all exams
 Labs reinforce lecture topics
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Developing the term project
 A student who has fallen behind
Homework assignments
 cannot develop the term project !
 When it is week 11, 12, 13, you may realize
you cannot design the machine player !
It is too late !
If a partner falls behind the team falls behind
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The Term Project, Ppm
 The term project game is human vs. machine
Player 1 : human, Player 2 : machine
 When the game starts
Three random digits are generated
A 2-digit code is generated
 After the random digits and code are generated
Player 1 has the turn
Then Player 2 plays, then Player 1 plays, and so on…
 Unless a player has an adjacency, then the player plays again !
 The game continues until one has more than (255)10
 Game is restarted by resetting
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Digilent NEXYS-2FPGA Board
USB cable
must be
to this port
LED lights
Push buttons
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The Xilinx XLA5 FPGA board
The board circuits
FPGA and its associated circuitry
Placed around the FPGA chip
I/O devices
We should not touch the FPGA area
Switches, push buttons, LED lights
and 7-segment displays as well as
Serial, VGA,PS/2 and other ports
Memory chips
There are two memory chips on the
board a 16-Mbyte Flash EPROM and 16Mbyte SDRAM
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The Term Project, Ppm
 When a player has the turn, a binary-coded
decimal (BCD) random digit (RD) is given
0 ≤ RD ≤ 9
 The player has two options
Play the random digit
 Skip the play, so the opposing player gets the turn
 The skipping player does not lose points
 The opposing player gets a new random digit
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Playing the random digit means
Play RD directly on a position (overwrite it)
 Add it to a position display
 The result of direct playing/addition is stored on
the same position
 The player earns
• Regular reward points + code reward points
 If there is an adjacency, the player plays again after
getting a new random digit
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The Term Project, Ppm
 If the random digit is played on a position directly
The largest digit played is 9
 If the random digit is added to a position display
The largest result is F
If the result exceeds F, there is a display overflow : the
result is subtracted (16)10
 PD2 = A & RD = 9  A + 9 – (16)10 = 3  PD2
• The display blinks at a high rate
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The Term Project, Ppm
 The code for each game
A 2-digit code
 On the rightmost two displays
 Both code digits are non-zero
 The digits are invisible to the players
 The digits can be discovered by observing reward
points earned after each play
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The Term Project, Ppm
 After playing the random digit, the player
earns two types of reward points
Total reward points = Regular reward points +
code reward points
 Regular reward points
 Based on the adjacency of the digit played
 Code reward points
• Playing one of the two code digits on display 0 or 1
 Code digits are always on displays 0 and 1
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Regular reward points earned when digit K is
If there is NO adjacency (0 adjacency)
 K regular reward points earned
• Basic reward
If there is at least one adjacency
(2 * K) reward points if there is one adjacency
(4 * K) reward points if two adjacencies
(8 * K) reward if three adjacencies
The player plays again, after getting a new random digit
The leftmost and rightmost displays are not adjacent !
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Code reward points earned when digit K is
played on position 0 or 1
If the other position does not have the other code
 Earn code reward points
• (8 * K) reward points
If the other position has the other code digit
 Earn code reward points
• (Code) reward points
• It is a 2-digit reward which can be up to FF = (255)10
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Assume that
The displays are 7FE9
 The random digit is 5
 The code is 2E
 If a player plays 5 on position 0 with an addition
• The displays become 7FEE
 The other position does not have the other code digit
• The player earns (2*E) + (8*E) = (2*14) + (8*14) = (140)10
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Assume that
The displays are 7FE9
 The random digit is 5
 The code is EE
 If a player plays 5 on position 0 with an addition
• The displays become 7FEE
 The other position has the other code digit
• The player earns (2*E) + (EE) = (2*14) + (238) = 28 + 238 =
(266)10 points
 The game is over !
The player exceeds
(255)10 points and
wins the game
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The Term Project, Ppm
 We will use the term adjacency, meaning the number
of adjacencies
The adjacency ≡ The number of adjacencies
 The number of identical digits next to the digit played
 The leftmost and rightmost displays are not adjacent !
No adjacency !
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Largest adjacencies do not mean largest regular
Displays are 55AF and RD is 5, where and how do you play ?
 A points oriented player plays on position 1 with and addition to
earn (30)10 points as displays would have 55FF
• There is one adjacency
• The player plays again
 Looking for largest adjacencies ? You would play on position 1
directly to earn (20)10 points as displays would have 555F
• There are two adjacencies
• The player plays again
• The displays are kept small
 But, if the code is Fx, one would play 55FF
• The player plays again
The leftmost and rightmost displays are not adjacent !
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Largest adjacencies do not mean largest regular
Displays are 234A and RD is 4, where and how do you play ?
 A points oriented player plays on position 0 with and addition to
earn (14)10 points as displays would have 234E
 Looking for largest adjacencies ? You would play on position 0
directly to earn (8)10 points as displays would have 2344
• There is one adjacency
• The player plays again
 If the code is 5E,
• One would play with an addition to have 234E to earn (126)10 points
 There is no adjacency
 The player does not play again
 If the code is 4E,
• One would play with an addition to have 234E to earn (92)10 points
 There is no adjacency
 The player does not play again
The leftmost and rightmost displays are not adjacent !
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Players can try to play so that
There are adjacencies now and in the near future
 Adding the random digit to large digits result in display
overflows and small rewards (earnings) unless there are
adjacencies (of these small digits of course)
The code digits are tracked
 The code digits are invisible and so discovering them
requires continuous effort on both players
 Thinking needed
 Players must have strategies to play where
and how to win games
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Having a strategy is not enough for all playing situations
The primary strategy cannot decide how to play sometimes
 When there are equally playable positions
• A secondary playing strategy is needed
Displays : CAAC
RD : 2
Primary strategy : Maximize regular reward points
Play on Position 2 with an addition ?
Play on Position 1 with an addition ?
Which position will be played on ?
What is the code ? Not Cx ?
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Secondary strategies
Play on the rightmost vs play on the leftmost
Play directly vs play with an addition
We will show secondary strategies within parentheses
Play on the
(Action 0)
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Secondary strategies
We will show secondary strategies within parantheses
What if playing directly conflicts with playing on the righmost ?
 Playing directly on the left results in the same goal (points,
adjacencies, etc.) as playing with an addition on the right !
Due to implementation reasons this semester, we will select playing
directly on the left !
Play on the
(Action 0)
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Having a strategy is not enough for all playing situations
Due to implementation reasons this semester, we will select playing
directly on the left !
Displays : 4E37
RD : 4
Primary strategy : Maximize adjacencies
Play on Position 2 with directly ?
Play on Position 1 with an addition ?
Which position will be played on ?
What is the code
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Polytechnic Playing Machine, Ppm
The term project is human vs. machine
 There are two other Ppm versions which are not term
Machine vs. machine
Human vs. human
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The Term Project, Ppm
 Course web site machine player
Its primary strategy considers now and near future
 Six different actions
It keeps track of the code digits and plays them if it can
It often looks for adjacencies
It tries to keep digits small to avoid display overflows
It plays aggressively only when it is behind or close to winning
Its secondary strategy is always play on the rightmost of playable
positions except in the case playing a code digit
Its design is sped up by inputting random digits from
switches SW3 – SW0
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Course web site machine player
From page 42 of the
Term Project handout
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Strategy of Player 1 of ppmmvsm
Play on the
if equal)
(Action 0)
From page 48 of the Term Project Handout
Figure 31. The playing strategy of Player 1 machine player at the course web site.
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Xilinx Project Development Steps in the
CS2204 lab
 Develop the schematic
Use pencil and paper to design circuits
 Do integrity tests
 Test the schematic via functional simulations
It generates the bit file after mapping the
components to the CLBs of the chip
 Do timing simulations to test the schematic
 Download the bit file to the FPGA and test
the design on the board
Program the chip and test the design
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Make sure you have the LABS account and see the S drive
Make sure you have installed WebPACK 12.4 on your laptop
Make sure you create a CS2204 folder on both
Start thinking about forming teams before leaving the lab
Do not leave the lab before your partners finish
► Help your partners
State Machine Design
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
 We will not develop a Xilinx project
 We will play the Ppm game on the board
To start learning about the lab hardware and software
To learn the playing rules
To start thinking about the machine player we will design
 We will think about its playing strategy
 We will study three versions of the Ppm game :
ppmhvsm (the termproject), ppmmvsm and ppmhvsh
To understand the playing better
To have a better idea about the playing strategy of our
machine player
 We will read the Term Project handout
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Work (High Level
Download the term project from the course web
site to the CS2204 folder
Ppm human vs. machine project : termproject
2. Extract (unzip) termproject
The termproject folder will be created for the project
3. Start the Xilinx ISE software
Note that during the semester the CS2204 folder that
is mentioned is the CS2204 folder on the S drive
After the lab session copy all the new
work from your S drive to your laptop
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work (High Level Steps)
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the
game is played
Download, extract, open, study and play the other two types
of the Ppm game to think more about the machine player’s
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
Program the FPGA chip
Play the game against the machine player to learn the game rules
Think about the playing strategy of the machine player that will
be designed
Human vs. human : ppmhvsh
Machine vs. machine : ppmmvsm
Stay in the lab and do other work to save time for the future
When we indicate to click on a button or icon or to
enter a keyword, we will use boldface characters
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work (detailed steps)
1. Download the zipped term project file “termproject“
from the Term Project section at the course web
site to the CS2204 folder
Download the way you download web files
2. Extract (unzip) “termproject” in the CS2204 folder
The term project file is zipped and so unzip it
Right click on the zipped “termproject” file
Click “OK” for the warning : Opening these files might be
harmful to your computer
Click on “Extract All…”
Make sure that you do not have a termproject folder inside a
termproject folder so that it is S;\CS2204\termproject not
Afterwards, the “termproject” folder is created
If you cannot unzip, ask from the TA to help you
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
3. Start the Xilinx ISE software
Double click on the Xilinx ISE Design Suite 12.4 icon on your
Desktop :
Xilinx will show a “Tip of the Day” window in the foreground and the
“ISE Project Navigator” window in the background :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 64
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the game is
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
The ISE opens the last project you worked on by default
Though this can be changed by changing the Preferences settings
If you did not open any Xilinx project, it will not open any project as you saw on
the previous slide and see below
Click on OK to close the “Tip of the Day” window :
Note that
this window
can be
turned off
by clicking
on this :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 65
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the
game is played
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
After the “Tip of the Day” window is closed you will see the following :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 66
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the
game is played
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
Click on Open Project... on the “Start” panel on the left to start
opening the term project
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 67
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the game is
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
The “Open Project”window will pop up asking you to select the project folder
which is termproject
Select the project folder S;\CS2204\termproject by using typical Windows
You will see the partial content of the termproject folder where all six folders the
“Xilinx ISE Project” file are shown :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 68
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the game is
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
Double click on “Xilinx ISE Project” :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 69
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the game is
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
Xilinx will open the term project :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 70
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the game is
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
The ISE opens the last project you worked on by default
If you started ISE for the first time and opened the term project then closed ISE
and then started ISE, you will see the term project automatically opened :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 71
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the game is
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
The ISE opens the last project you worked on by default
If you started ISE for the first time and opened the term project then closed ISE
and then started ISE, you will the see term project automatically opened
Click on OK to close the “Tip of the Day” window
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 72
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the game is
Open the ppm project in the termproject folder
The ISE opens the last project you worked on by default
If you started ISE for the first time and opened the term project then closed ISE
and then started ISE, you will the see term project automatically opened
After the “Tip of the Day” window is the term project is shown completely :
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Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 73
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The left section is a number of tiled panels where the top one is still the
“Start” panel
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 74
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The right section is a single panel which is the “Design Summary” panel
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 75
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The bottom section is a single panel which is the “Console” panel
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 76
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The left section is a number of panels tiled where the top one is still the
“Start” panel
Click on Close on the left tiled panels until you see the ”Design” panel
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 77
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The left section is a number of panels tiled where the top one is still the
“Start” panel
Click on Close on the left tiled panels until you see the ”Design” panel
 You will click three times :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 78
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view shows the current “Implementation” of the project
It shows the hierarchy of the project
The name of the project is ppm
The FPGA chip used is the XC3S500E-5fg320
The name of the schematic file is ppm.sch
The list of all user designed macros (black boxes)
with their labels (U125, U152,…) in the schematics
The list shown is not complete !
One has to scroll down !
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Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 79
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
It shows the hierarchy of the project
The list of all user designed macros (black boxes)
with their labels (U125, U152,…) in the schematics
The list is now complete !
After scrolling down !
The User Constraints File of the project
The User Constraints File allows the project designer to indicate
• Which input/output devices (switches, push buttons, LED lights, 7-segment displays, the USB
controller, flash memory, etc.) are used
• Which pins of the FPGA chip they are connected to
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 80
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
It shows any process running for the project
We will be concerned with only
three processes for the project
These three processes are
 Synthesize
 Implement Design
 Generate programming File
We will these three steps
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 81
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
It shows any process running for the project
We will be concerned with only
three processes for the project
These three processes are
 Synthesize
 Implement Design
 Generate programming File
sign indicates the process has been completed successfully but there are warnings
sign indicates the process has been completed successfully without warnings nor errors
sign indicates that the project has been changed and the process has to be run
sign indicates that the project has an error and has to be corrected
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 82
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
It shows any process running for the project
We will be concerned with only
three processes for the project
These three processes are
 Synthesize
 Implement Design
 Generate programming File
The goal of these processes is to
• Check for errors
• Check for potential issues that can cause timing problems
• Generate a file, the “bit file,” to program the FPGA chip
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 83
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
It shows any process running for the project
We will be concerned with only
three processes for the project
These three processes are
 Synthesize
 Implement Design
 Generate programming File
The “Generate Programming File” process generates the bit file !
If there is one of the two symbols next to the “Generate Programming File” process :
• One can program the FPGA chip : The bit file is ready !
• By downloading it to the FPGA chip
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 84
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
It shows any process running for the project
We will be concerned with only
three processes for the project
These three processes are
 Synthesize
 Implement Design
 Generate programming File
To program the FPGA chip we will use another software package !
We will use ADEPT from Digilent !
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 85
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The right section is a number of stacked up panels where the top one is the
“ISE Design Summary” panel
It summarizes the ppm Project Status
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 86
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The right section is a number of stacked up panels where the top one is the
“ISE Design Summary” panel
 The panel below it is the ISE Design Suite Info Center
We will not use this panel much this semester
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 87
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The right section is a number of stacked up panels where the top one is the
“ISE Design Summary” panel
 It summarizes the ppm Project Status
It gives a summary of the last Synthesis, Implementation Design and Generate
Programming File steps
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 88
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The right section is a number of stacked up panels where the top one is the
“ISE Design Summary” panel
 It summarizes the ppm Project Status
It gives a summary of the last Synthesis, Implementation Design and Generate
Programming File steps
shown is
complete !
One has
to scroll
down !
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 89
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The right section is a number of stacked up panels where the top one is the
“ISE Design Summary” panel
 It summarizes the ppm Project Status
It gives a summary of the last Synthesis, Implementation Design and Generate
Programming File steps
shown is
complete !
down !
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 90
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The right section is a number of stacked up panels where the top one is the
“ISE Design Summary” panel
 It summarizes the ppm Project Status
It gives a summary of the last Synthesis, Implementation Design and Generate
Programming File steps
We will
to these
entries all
the time !
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 91
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The right section is a number of stacked up panels where the top one is the
“ISE Design Summary” panel
 It summarizes the ppm Project Status
It gives a summary of the last Synthesis, Implementation Design and Generate
Programming File steps
No Errors
65 Warnings
CS 2204
Spring 2014
We will pay attention to these
two entries all the time !
Lab 2
Page 92
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The bottom section is a single panel which is the “Console” panel
 It shows messages from the ISE Project Navigator
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 93
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The bottom section is a single panel which is the “Console” panel
 It shows messages from the ISE Project Navigator
• Warnings are in pink with the following symbol in the beginning :
• Errors are pink with the following symbol in the beginning :
• All other messages are in black without any symbol !
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Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 94
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project
Double click on ppm (ppm.sch) to view the six schematics
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 95
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
Double click on ppm (ppm.sch) to view the six schematics
 Notice that as the schematic file is open the first schematic sheet is shown and
also the left panel changes to the “Options” panel:
CS 2204
sheet :
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 96
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
Double click on ppm (ppm.sch) to view the six schematics
 Click on 2 to the left of the schematic sheet to view the second schematic sheet :
sheet :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 97
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
Double click on ppm (ppm.sch) to view the six schematics
 Click on 3 to the left of the schematic sheet to view the third schematic sheet :
CS 2204
sheet :
Human Play
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 98
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
Double click on ppm (ppm.sch) to view the six schematics
 Click on 4 to the left of the schematic sheet to view the fourth schematic sheet :
CS 2204
sheet :
Play Check
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 99
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
Double click on ppm (ppm.sch) to view the six schematics
 Click on 5 to the left of the schematic sheet to view the fifth schematic sheet :
CS 2204
sheet :
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 100
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
Double click on ppm (ppm.sch) to view the six schematics
 Click on 6 to the left of the schematic sheet to view the sixth schematic sheet :
sheet :
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 101
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
 There are six schematics !
We will cover these schematics in detail !
The Term Project handout discusses the schematics in detail !
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 102
Xilinx Projects on the Screen :
 Three sections are shown when a Xilinx project is open
The “Design” panel view show the current “Implementation” of the project :
 There are six schematics !
This is the result of the first partitioning of the ppm black box
We will cover these schematics in detail !
The Term Project handout discusses the schematics in detail !
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 103
Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to
learn how the game is played
a) Open the project from the Project Manager
Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are core blocks
All of their circuits are given except the macro (black
box), M1, in Block 4
Block 6 completely non-core
Students will replace all the circuits in this block with
their own circuits
 Including the macros (black boxes) M2, M3 and M4
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 104
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to
learn how the game is played
a) Open the project from the Project Manager
Each block (schematic) consists of subblocks and
Subblocks and subsubblocks are identified by their names
and distance and lines between them
Common document processor editing rules and key
sequences apply to edit schematics
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 105
Xilinx ISE Project Navigator Window Summary
Three panels shown
The left section is a number of tiled panels where the top one is now the “Options” panel
The right section is a number of stacked up panels where the top one is now the “ppm.sch” schematic
Notice the sixth schematic sheet on the right
The bottom section the “Console” panel
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 106
Xilinx ISE Project Navigator Window Summary
Three panels shown
Click on Close on the left panels until you see the ”Design” panel
 You will click two times :
CS 2204
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Lab 2
Page 107
Xilinx ISE Project Navigator Window Summary
 Three panels shown
We now have the ”Design” panel on the left
Click on ppm (ppm.sch) to see the processes for the project
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 108
Xilinx ISE Project Navigator Window Summary
 Three panels shown
We now have the processes of the ppm project on the left side
Notice a check mark for “Generate Programming File”
The bit file is ready !
CS 2204
We can program the FPGA chip !
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 109
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how
the game is played
Program the FPGA chip
Make sure your PC is connected to the USB switch and the FPGA board is
connected to the USB switch
Press on the correct button of the USB switch so that your PC is selected to
communicate with the FPGA board
USB cable must be
connected to this port
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Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 110
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
Turn on the FPGA board, by switching the power switch on
You will see that the board will turn on the “POWER” LED light
After a few seconds the 7-segment displays will show “run” and the “DONE” LED light
will be turned on
Then the 7-segment displays will show “PASS” then “128” then “PASS” then “128,”
etc. continuously
Power switch
Power LED light
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 111
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
Minimize the “ISE Project Navigator” window to be able to start the
Digilent ADEPT software
Double click on the Digilent ADEPT icon on your Desktop
You will see that ADEPT window is shown where the FPGA board is immediately
recognized as the NEXYS-2 board
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 112
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
Click on the FPGA Browse… button to select the bit file
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 113
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
viii. The “Open” window will pop up to allow you to switch to the right project
folder and select the right bit file
ADEPT always shows the last project folder accessed
If no bit file has ever been selected, it shows the default folder
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 114
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
viii. The “Open” window will pop up to allow you to switch to the right project
folder and select the right bit file
By performing typical Microsoft operations select the termproject folder in which
the bit file will be listed
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 115
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
Double click on the “ppm.bit” file in the window so that ADEPT opens it
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 116
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
ADEPT will show that it read the file by displaying “ppm.bit” in the FPGA
Browse area
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 117
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
Click on the FPGA Program button to program the FPGA chip
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 118
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
Click on the FPGA Program button to program the FPGA chip
ADEPT will show the progression of programming on the bottom
The programming takes less than a second !
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 119
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
xii. When the programming is successfully over the ADEPT window will be as
shown below
It will indicate that the programming is successful by placing the “Programming
Successful.” comment on the bottom
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 120
Program the FPGA chip
Use the steps below every time you want to use the FPGA board
xii. When the programming is successfully over the FPAG board will show
four zeros on the 7-segment displays
The game is ready to be played by following the rules of the game !
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 121
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to learn how the
game is played
Play the game against the machine player to learn the game rules
FPGA I/O devices
All zero when the
FPGA is downloaded/reset
LED Lights
Position Displays
A display blinks fast if display overflow
All displays blink if points limit exceeded
Random Digit
7-segment displays
Use SW3-SW0 as RD
Code digits
Code digits
Push buttons
Figure 2. FPGABoard Input/Output device utilization of the Ppm Term Project.
From page 2 of the Term Project Handout
Please be gentle with the push buttons and switches
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 122
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to
learn how the game is played
Play the game against the machine player to learn the game
 The term project game is human vs. machine
When the game starts always Player 1 has the turn
Player 1 : human, Player 2 : machine
Then Player 2 plays, then Player 1 plays, and so on…
The game continues until one has more than (255)10
Game is restarted by resetting (BTN1)
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 123
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA
board to learn how the game is played
Play the game against the machine player to learn
the game rules
When a player has the turn, a BCD random digit (RD) is
The player has two options :
Play the random digit
Skip the play, so the other player gets turn
► That player gets a new random digit as well
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 124
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA
board to learn how the game is played
Play the game against the machine player to learn
the game rules
Playing the random digit means
Play RD directly on a position
Add it to a position display
The result of direct playing/addition is stored on the same
► After a play the player earns Regular reward points +
Code reward points
 If there is an adjacency, the player plays again after getting a new random
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 125
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA
board to learn how the game is played
Play the game against the machine player to learn
the game rules
If the random digit is played on a position directly
The largest digit can be 9
If the random digit is added to a position display
The largest digit can be F
If the result exceeds F, there is a display overflow : the result
is subtracted (16)10
► PD2 = A & RD = 9
► A + 9 => A + 9 – (16)10 = 3  PD2
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 126
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA
board to learn how the game is played
Play the game against the machine player to learn
the game rules
There are adjacencies now and in the near future
The code digits are tracked
Adding the random digit to large digits result in display
overflows and small rewards (earnings) unless there are
adjacencies (of these small digits of course)
The code digits are invisible and so discovering them
requires continuous effort on both players
Thinking needed
Players must have strategies to play where and how to
win games
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 127
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA
board to learn how the game is played
Play the game against the machine player to learn the game
The course web site machine player strategy looks for Six
different actions
It keeps track of the code digits and plays them if it can
It often looks for adjacencies
It tries to keep digits small to avoid display overflows
It plays aggressively only when it is behind or close to winning
Its secondary strategy is always play on the rightmost of
playable positions except in the case playing a code digit
Its design is sped up by inputting random digits from switches
SW3 – SW0
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 128
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
4. Analyze the term project on the FPGA
board to learn how the game is played
Play the game against the machine player to learn
the game rules
Largest adjacencies do not mean largest regular
Displays are 8404 and RD is 4, how would do you play ?
One needs to keep track of the code digits as well
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 129
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
Analyze the term project on the FPGA board to
learn how the game is played
Think about the playing strategy of the machine player
you will design
Study the playing strategy of the term project
machine player at the course web site
Start thinking about the playing strategy to employ
for your machine player
Read the Term Project handout
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 130
Course web site machine player playing strategy
Not close to winning
Player 2 is behind
Plays for largest
regular reward
Plays on a 0
From page 42 of the
Term Project Handout
Plays for an adjacency
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 131
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
Download, extract, open, study and play
the other two types of the Ppm game to
think more about the machine player’s
Human vs. human : ppmhvsh
Master the rules of the game by playing against your
Machine vs. machine : ppmmvsm
Observe how the two machine players play against
each other using ppmmvsm
Use ppmmvsm project to further think about the
playing strategy of the machine player that you will
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 132
Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
Stay in the lab and do other work to save
time for the future
Read all the slides one more time
Help your partners if you have a team already
If you do not have a team today
Look around to form a team
Help your neighbor who is sharing the FPGA board with you
Do the current homework assignment
Study the term project handout and course
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 133
Assignment by next lab
 Make sure that you have installed Xilinx WebPACK
12.4 on your laptop by using the Installing Xilinx
WebPACK 12.4 presentation
It must be 12.4, not 13.2
 Make sure that you have formed your team with no
more than 4 people on the team with students from
your lab session
 Go through this presentation and repeat all the ISE
related steps so that you are familiar with the ISE
 Read all the handouts and presentations
CS 2204
Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 134
Organize your S drive and laptop
Create a CS2204 folder on both
Think about forming teams before leaving the lab
Check the course web site all the time : http://cis.poly.edu/cs2204
State Machine Design
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Spring 2014
Lab 2
Page 135