File - MHS Common Core English Language

Kate Chopin's The Awakening: No Choice but Under?
Curriculum Overview and Lesson One
Kate Chopin's The Awakening is a frank look at a woman's life at the turn of the 19th century. Published in
1899, Chopin's novella shocked critics and audiences alike, who showed little sympathy for the author or her
central protagonist, Edna Pontellier. A master of craft, Chopin wrote a forceful novel about a woman who
questioned not only her role in society, but the standards of society itself.
ate Chopin. Image from the archives of
he Missouri Historical Society.
ourtesy of The Kate Chopin International
ubject Areas
erature and Language Arts
In this curriculum unit, students will explore how Chopin stages the possible roles for women in Edna's time
and culture through the examples of other characters in the novella. By showing what Edna's options are,
Chopin also exhibits why those roles failed to satisfy Edna's desires. As students pursue this central theme,
they will also learn about Chopin, her life, and the culture and literary traditions in which she wrote. Many
late 19th century writers reacted against an earlier wave of sentimental writings, focusing instead on an
approach more akin to “realism”—studies of daily affairs and commonplace events. Part of Chopin's realism
relies on regionalism or local color writing, a style of writing that emphasizes regional differences in terms of
language, dialect, religion, cultural expectations, class societies, and so on. Readers follow Edna—a
Protestant from Kentucky—in her encounters with Catholic Creole society in Louisiana. Edna's role as
“outsider” allows for a comparison between two different Southern cultures and her awakening in part
results from the clash of the two world views.
This lesson serves both as an introduction to the curriculum unit—with its overarching themes, questions,
and objectives—as well as a lesson on Chopin in context.
Guiding Questions:
me Required
Lesson 1: 1-2 class periods
Lesson 2: 2-3 class periods
Lesson 3: 2-5 class periods
Reading literary texts
Critical analysis
Literary interpretation
Historical interpretation
nternet skills
Writing skills (informal and formal)
urriculum Unit
e Chopin's The Awakening: No Choice but
Kate Chopin's The Awakening:
Chopin, Realism, and Local Color in
late 19th Century America
Kate Chopin's The Awakening:
How does The Awakening speak to the roles of women and the conventions of literature at the end of the
19th century?
How does Kate Chopin use other characters in The Awakening in order to cast Edna Pontellier's desires—and
social limitations—in sharp relief?
Learning Objectives:
Learn Kate Chopin's place in literary history
Analyze Edna Pontellier's character development specifically in relation to other characters in the
novella and generally in relation to women's roles in 19th century America
Define literary realism and discuss it as a style in American literature
Reflect on how culture and setting plays an important role in a novel, especially in local color and
regional literature
Searching for Women & Identity in
Chopin's The Awakening
Preparing to Teach this Curriculum Unit
dditional Data
Date Created: 12/03/03
ate Posted
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Download, print, and copy for students the PDF file, used in Lesson #3.
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Electronic Texts
E-texts of The Awakening are freely available at the following locations:
The Awakening available through the Library of Southern Literature (via Documenting the
American South)
E-Text Center made available by UVA's Electronic Text Center, a resource available through
EDSITEment-approved Center for Liberal Arts
The websites used in Lesson #2 provide a greater amount of detail - and complication - of literary realism of
the 19th century, but the following two definitions serve as good starting points.
In its literary usage, the term realism is often defined as a method or form in fiction that provides a "slice of
life," an "accurate representation of reality."
— from the Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism, ed. Joseph Childers and Gary
Literary realism is a 19th century conception related to industrial capitalism. In general, it means the use of
the imagination to represent things as common sense supposes they are.
—from Bloomsbury Guide to Literature, ed. Marion Wynne-Davies
Literary realism is a variable, complex, and often argued about concept. No one work is a perfect example of
'realism'—Lesson #2 allows students to read through some basic attributes of realist literature in order to
use that context to examine The Awakening. Practitioners of a realist style in the American tradition include
William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, and Henry James.
Local Color and Regionalism
These two literary terms are often used interchangeably, and certainly they have many similarities. For the
purposes of this lesson, students should not need to differentiate between the two, but for the teacher's
clarity the Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, excerpted in the EDSITEment reviewed website Documenting
the American South, distinguishes them as follows:
Although the terms regionalism and local color are sometimes used interchangeably, regionalism generally
has broader connotations. Whereas local color is often applied to a specific literary mode that flourished in
the late 19th century, regionalism implies a recognition from the colonial period to the present of differences
among specific areas of the country. Additionally, regionalism refers to an intellectual movement
encompassing regional consciousness beginning in the 1930s.
In The Awakening, as well as her short stories, Chopin frequently focused on the Creole culture of Louisiana.
Unique regional features included a heritage that drew from French and Spanish ancestry, a complex caste
system, the settings of urban New Orleans and rural vacation retreats like Grand Isle (located on the Gulf
Coast). Chopin's use of a culturally foreign protagonist—Edna was a protestant from Kentucky, rather than a
French-speaking Catholic Creole like her husband—casts cultural differences into even sharper relief. Specific
textual examples of Edna's encounter with Creole culture can be found in Lesson #2.
Unfamiliar Words and French Phrases
Chopin's The Awakening is set in Louisiana—in the resort town of Grand Isle, as well as New Orleans. Often,
the characters slip into French phrases, or Chopin uses words that might be unfamiliar to students—such as
Creole or quadroon. Students should be encouraged to use either a print or online dictionary while reading—
the Internet Public Library has several available, including, which provides both English and
French dictionaries.
Unit Lesson Plans:
This Curriculum Unit contains one overview and three lessons. This page functions as the:
Overview and First Lesson.
The two subsequent lessons are:
Lesson Two: Chopin, Realism, and Local Color in late 19th Century America
Lesson Three: Searching for Women & Identity in Chopin's The Awakening
Activity: Chopin in Context
The following information is useful for introducing and contextualizing the novel for students. The teacher
may want to use these resources as the stage for a web research exercise, allowing some students to
research aspects of Chopin's life, her environs and culture influences. Alternatively, the teacher might
introduce the activities below with a brief lecture, drawing from the following resources.
Introducing Kate Chopin:
Chronology of her life with EDSITEment resource Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening
About Kate Chopin, via Documenting the American South
Biography of Kate Chopin through EDSITEment resource Scribbling Women [free registration
Geography: A map of Louisiana (circa 1895) is available via EDSITEment reviewed American Memory
American Authors on the Web, via EDSITEment reviewed Center for the Liberal Arts, links to Dr. Ewell's Kate
Chopin page, which has several images of Chopin, as well as the setting she wrote about—Grand Isle. [Note:
the images include a hurricane map—in 1893 a large hurricane swept through that region]
EDSITEment reviewed Xpeditions has a map of Louisiana available. Grand Isle (not labeled on the map) is
almost due South of New Orleans, on the Gulf Coast.
Yahoo Maps, available via EDSITEment reviewed resource Internet Public Library, has a map of Grand Isle
(use the zoom feature to get a broader context of its location).
Chopin's novel, while universal in its themes, depends heavily on Louisiana Creole culture for its effect.
French Creoles in Louisiana: An American Tale, curriculum developed by Harriet J. Bauman for the Yale-New
Haven Teachers Institute, has a great deal of useful information about Creole culture, available through
Domestic Goddesses: AKA Scribbling Women (a link from EDSITEment reviewed Kate Chopin: A ReAwakening). The Encyclopedia of Cajun Culture, available through EDSITEment reviewed Internet Public
Library, has brief essays on a variety of relevant topics, including the meaning of Creole and Cajun.
Students may wish to compare Chopin's representation of Creole culture with George Cable's Who Are the
Creoles?, which was published in 1883 (and available through the American Memory Project). Cable's article
is lengthy, but the first few pages provide some description of Louisiana, and images (engravings) of old
New Orleans and other sites are interspersed throughout the remainder of the article (which deals
predominantly with the history of Louisiana Creole culture). The article extends from page 384 to page 398.
The introduction and Section VII: "What is a Creole?" (which begins on page 395) serves as perhaps the
most useful for reference or review.
If students engage the material via online web research, then they might write up a brief summary of
Chopin and/or Creole culture (approx. 250 words) to turn in. How does Chopin's life situation contribute to
the circumstances of writing something like The Awakening?
If the teacher lectures based on the above (and other resources), the teacher can give a short quiz or assign
a brief report.
Extending the Lesson:
Even though Chopin did not claim to be a suffragist, study of the Suffragist movement is very relevant to her
body of work. Study of the movement not only highlights some of the biases against women at the time, but
it also illuminates Edna Pontellier's struggle for a non-traditional place in society. EDSITEment has several
lessons that deal with the Suffragist movement that might be incorporated into this lesson:
Cultural Change
The following lessons were developed for grades 6-8, but can be adapted for use in grades 9-12:
Voting Rights for Women: Pro- and Anti-Suffrage
Women's Suffrage: Why the West First?
Who Were the Foremothers of Women's Equality?
Women's Equality: Changing Attitudes and Beliefs
Next lesson
Return to Curriculum Unit: Kate Chopin's The Awakening: No Choice but Under?
Selected EDSITEment Websites
Documenting the American South
The Awakening (e-text)
Local Color Era
Regionalism and Local Color
About Kate Chopin
Center for Liberal Arts
The Awakening (e-text)
Kate Chopin page
Internet Public Library
Map of Grand Isle
Encyclopedia of Cajun Culture
Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening
French Creoles in Louisiana: An American Tale
[] The Kate Chopin International Society
Kate Chopin FAQs
Scribbling Women
of Kate Chopin
Map of Louisiana
American Memory Project
George Cable's Who are the Creoles?
Map of Louisiana (circa 1895)
Standards Alignment
View your state’s standards
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