2013 Progress Review : progress during 2013 and delivering the Strategy Preliminary conclusions and challenges Steering Committee Meeting Dakar, Senegal 26-27 November 2013 Annual Progress Review 2013 Key Conclusions: 1. The GWP is a unique Global Action Network in the water sector 2. The 2009-2013 Strategy - ambitious: many outcomes have been delivered across all 4 goals we will have succeeded in delivering our 2009-2013 Strategy 3. We can document our results: GWP’s results framework – a hybrid: Outcome Mapping and Results-Based Management • Activities outputs outcomes/challenges impacts • RBM indicators and targets – new in 2013 4. Programme management has built confidence and enabled continued and increased investments from our financial partners 5. Thematic programmes are helping to “market” GWP’s strengths, increasing funding for/and thus energising RWPs and CWPs 2 Challenges • Thematic programmes: a new “business model” – ref. new Strategy • WACDEP • EU Transboundary projects – e.g. SITWA • Key challenges: 1. Building capacity 2. Maintaining momentum 3. Funding-raising: core funding: need a longer-term basis locally-raised funding: essential 3 Programme Pipeline ref. Annual Workplan, Section 7.3, p. 36 4 Investments in GWP - 2002 to 2016 2004-2008 Strategy 2009-2013 Strategy 2014-2016 Work Programme 5 Investments in GWP - 2002 to 2016 2004-2008 Strategy 2009-2013 Strategy € 14.8 m € 11.4 m and 3 year Work Programme 2014-2016 Work Programme 6 GWP Logical Framework: RBM indicators - preliminary targets 2014-2016 Impact Ref. I1 I2 O1 Outcome O2 O3 Number of people benefiting from improved water resources planning and management Total value of investment influenced which contributes to water security and climate resilience through improved WRM & water services Number of policies, plans and strategies which integrate water security for climate resilience Number of approved investment plans associated with policies, plans and strategies which integrate water security for climate resilience Number of agreements/commitments on enhanced water security at transboundary/regional level influenced Cumulative targets 2014 2015 2016 260 m 550 m 900 m 20 m 50 m 100 m 9 34 49 11 20 29 4 12 20 O4 Number of investment strategies supporting policies and plans which integrate water security for climate resilience 7 17 29 O5 O6 Number of enhanced legal frameworks/policies/strategies integrating water security and climate change facilitated by GWP 6 23 38 Gender: Percentage of women and girls benefiting from interventions to improve water security (min %). 50% 50% 50% O7 Youth: Number of youth organizations involved in water resources decision making bodies. TBD TBD TBD 6 13 18 22 58 103 16 47 75 26 89 118 21 59 100 26 49 65 22 55 81 22 k 69 k 130 k 43 114 195 6 15 25 59 153 283 36 83 134 TBD - TBD - TBD 4 10 18 Operational Operational Operational 0.5/1 1/1 1/1 OT1.1 OT1.2 OT1.3 OT1.4 OT1.5 OT1.6 OT1.7 Output Indicators followed at GWP level OT1.8 Recognition of GWP contribution to the global debate measured by number of acknowledgments in official documents Number of regional organisations supported in developing agreements/commitments/investment options and tools that integrate water security and climate resilience Number of national organisations supported in developing legal frameworks/ policies/strategies, sectoral and development plansintegrating water security and climate resilience Number of organisations (all levels) supported in the development of investment strategies supporting policies and plans which integrate water security for climate resilience Number of countries supported in the development of capacity and projects to access climate and climate-related finance to improve water security. Number of demonstration projects undertaken for which innovation has been demonstrated Number of documents produced outlining the lessons from GWP demonstration projects and a plan for replicating solutions Number of beneficiaries supported in demonstration projects on water security and climate resilience undertaken OT2.1 Number of government institutions/other stakeholders with demonstrably enhanced capacity to integrate water security and climate change in the design and implementation of policies, plans & projects OT2.2 Number of south-south lesson learning & knowledge transfers initiatives with commitments for concrete follow up OT2.3 OT2.4 OT2.5 OT2.6 OT3.1 OT3.2 Number of media features on climate change and water security linked to the Water Security Programme. All media including radio, television, print, internet. Number of publications, knowledge products (including strategic messages) and tools for water security & climate resilience developed and disseminated User satisfaction across knowledge products and services produced, managed and disseminated by GWP. Number of joint global/regional activities by GWP and WPP on climate change and water security which lead to demonstrable follow-up actions. Implementation of Results Framework & associated M&E across the GWP network. Increased financial performance across all Regional and Country Water Partnerships. IWRM Outcomes: Outcome level governance tools clustered by GWP ToolBox classification 2013 Strategy Total since 2009 to 1998 2013 A Enabling Environment 15 54 92 B Institutional Roles and Capacity 7 44 98 C Management Instruments 9 80 127 31 178 317 Total: • • • • • 178 outcomes identified so far in the current Strategy period Steady progress during the Strategy and since 1998 Lower progress in 2013 compared to 2012 : • gearing-up water and climate, and other thematic programmes Higher incidence of outcomes during programmes - since 1998 Still difficult to quantify and attribute benefits and value added 8 Outcomes reported in 2013 Ref. Progress Review, Table 5, p. 14 9 2010 2011 2012 2013 Influencing Change: • • plausible linkages between outputs and outcomes based on monitoring and reporting on the influence on the boundary actors with whom GWP is working to effect change 10 Progress Markers left unaddressed 2010-2013: 11 GWP Logical Framework RBM indicators and preliminary results - 2013 Impact Ref. I1 I2 O1 Outcome Results 0 Total value of investment influenced which contributes to water security and climate resilience through improved WRM & water services Number of policies, plans and strategies which integrate water security for climate resilience 0 12 Number of approved investment plans associated with policies, plans and strategies which integrate water security for climate resilience 0 Number of agreements/commitments on enhanced water security at transboundary/regional level influenced 4 O4 Number of investment strategies supporting policies and plans which integrate water security for climate resilience 1 O5 Number of enhanced legal frameworks/policies/strategies integrating water security and climate change facilitated by GWP 3 Gender: Percentage of women and girls benefiting from interventions to improve water security (min %) 0 Recognition of GWP contribution to the global debate measured by number of acknowledgments in official documents 7 Number of regional organisations supported in developing agreements/commitments/investment options and tools that integrate water security and climate resilience Number of national organisations supported in developing legal frameworks/ policies/strategies, sectoral and development plansintegrating water security and climate resilience Number of organisations (all levels) supported in the development of investment strategies supporting policies and plans which integrate water security for climate resilience Number of countries supported in the development of capacity and projects to access climate and climate-related finance to improve water security. Number of demonstration projects undertaken for which innovation has been demonstrated 9 O2 O3 O6 OT1.1 OT1.2 OT1.3 OT1.4 OT1.5 OT1.6 OT1.7 Output Indicators followed at GWP level Number of people benefiting from improved water resources planning and management OT1.8 0 Number of south-south lesson learning & knowledge transfers initiatives with commitments for concrete follow up OT2.6 OT3.1 OT3.2 2 Number of beneficiaries supported in demonstration projects on water security and climate resilience undertaken OT2.2 OT2.5 3 0 Number of government institutions/other stakeholders with demonstrably enhanced capacity to integrate water security and climate change in the design and implementation of policies, plans & projects OT2.4 0 Number of documents produced outlining the lessons from GWP demonstration projects and a plan for replicating solutions OT2.1 OT2.3 35 29 0 Number of media features on climate change and water security linked to the Water Security Programme. All media including radio, television, print, internet. Number of publications, knowledge products (including strategic messages) and tools for water security & climate resilience developed and disseminated User satisfaction across knowledge products and services produced, managed and disseminated by GWP. 13 Number of joint global/regional activities by GWP and WPP on climate change and water security which lead to demonstrable follow-up actions. Implementation of Results Framework & associated M&E across the GWP network. 0 Increased financial performance across all Regional and Country Water Partnerships. 0 36 0 0 12