Job Offer & Salary Negotiations Workshop

Job Offer & Salary
134 Mary Gates Hall
(206) 543-0535
Employer’s concerns
Negotiations timing and strategies
Negotiation Tips
Employer turn offs
Comparing offers
Acceptance and follow up
Further info
Salary Negotiations
• The idea is to approach the issue as if
problem solving with both you and the
interviewer working for the same objective fair compensation
• Express appreciation and acknowledge the
interviewer’s investment of time and effort
Employer’s Concern
• The employer is mostly concerned about…
– a) getting you at a bargain
– b) what you need to survive
– c) finding a good match regarding your value
and the position at a fair salary
– d) whether you fit into their budget
– c) finding a good match at a fair salary
Employer’s Concern
• “How can you be valuable to me?”
• Ways to demonstrate value and worth – Strengths, accomplishments and results in ...
academic coursework and projects, jobs,
internships, student organization experience,
volunteer experience, activities
Added Value Items
• Special skills and training
– up to 5% increase
• Related experience
– Internships, co-ops, jobs
– 1-3% increase
• Hot Jobs
– up to 5% increase
• University Reputation
– 1-2% increase for better programs
• All dependent on company needs and labor
market conditions
Discussing Salary
• The best time to discuss salary is…
– a) before the job is offered so they see the
bargain you are
– b) after the job is offered
– c) at the end of the first interview
– d) best not to discuss and just take what is
• b) after the job is offered
Researching Salaries
• NACE Salary Survey
• Web Resources
• UW Libraries
• Books and Guides
• Vault Online Career Library
When to Accept?
• The best time to accept a job offer is…
– a) as soon as you get one
– b) during the second interview
– c) after you get all your offers
– d) after you have had time to think about it
– e) within one week of receiving it
• d) after you have had time to think about it
Got the Offer?
• Once you have accepted an offer…
– a) you can ignore it if a better job comes along
– b) you keep looking for other jobs to get the
employer to raise their salary
– c) you stop your job search
– d) you jump up and down and say “Yes!”
• c) you stop your job search
• Tom has been interviewing with several companies and has
received a job offer from a smaller local firm that would allow
him to work on a variety of projects, develop new skills and
continue taking courses at the UW. The company has given him
one week to review their offer.
• During that week Tom interviewed with another large wellknown out of state firm that would look good on his resume. At
the end of the week he had not heard from the large company, so
he accepted the job offer from the small local firm. A half hour
later he received a call from the large company offering him a
job at $5,000 more annually plus a signing bonus.
What’s at risk here? What are other options?
Second Thoughts?
• If you accept an offer and back out…
– a) the recruiter will forgive and forget
– b) you can reapply later and it won’t matter
– c) the recruiter may remember you and think less
of your integrity
– d) you may likely never be able to work for that
– e) your reputation in the industry will be
• c, d, and e) your integrity and reputation will be impacted
and the company won’t likely hire you in future
What Does It Cost To Hire?
• The average cost-per-hire for a company is
– a) $1,000
– b) $4,000
– c) $6,000
– d) $10,000
c) $6,000 – though could be more than $30,000
depending on the level of the position
Source: National Association of Colleges & Employers, and Electronic Recruiting
Salary Negotiations
• Emphasize fairness and trust
– Both parties are working towards the same goal
 fair compensation
When Do You Negotiate?
• Getting the job offer before you discuss salary gives
you more leverage
• After the final interview employers may extend an
offer in person, or by mail, email or phone
• The actual negotiations may take only a few minutes
• Be prepared – research salaries
Salary Negotiation Tips – #1
• Get the employer to name a pay range (the top and bottom of a
salary scale) at the start of the negotiation. This should happen
AFTER a job offer has been made. If an employer asks about salary
before the job offer, keep the emphasis on the job match :
Employer: “What kind of salary are you thinking of?”
Applicant: “If you don’t mind, before we discuss salary,
I’d like us both to see if the position is a good fit for me
and for your organization. If it’s right for me, and for
your organization, then I feel sure we can agree on salary.
Is there more about the job that you can tell me?”
Salary Negotiation Tips – #2
• If an employer insists on trying to discuss salary before there is a
job offer, ask for the salary range before you commit to
– Employer: “If you are too rich for our blood, there’s
no point in taking more time. How much money do
you want?”
– Applicant: “What is the salary range for this
Salary Negotiation Tips – #3
• If an employer offers a range that is below what you feel you are
worth, you might say:
– “I think you will find I’m worth more than that, but
I’m willing to go on talking if you are. Perhaps the
job description could be modified to make higher
pay reasonable; or I might have to lower my sights at
this time because of benefits I don’t know about in
the future.
– This does seem to be the kind of organization in
which I would like to contribute. How can we make
this work?”
Salary Negotiation Tips – #4
• If you feel that the salary range is reasonable and that your talents
have been fully appreciated, you could reply:
– “I think you know you can depend on me and that my
skills are valuable. On that basis, I believe I am worth
close to the top of the range. What do you think?”
• Use silence at this point. The employer needs to respond.
– Employer: “We always start newcomers at the bottom of
the range.”
– Applicant: “I can understand that. But I think I bring
more experience and skills than the typical newcomer.
I’m sure you will find I’m worth placing in the top half of
the range. How could we make that happen?”
Salary Negotiation Tips – #5
• Even if the employer comes back with something lower, keep
talking about what you are WORTH, not what you need.
– Remind employers of your background and skills, and that they are
worth something more than is being offered.
– Your worth must be not only demonstrated, but consciously known
by an employer before it is truly valued.
• If you cannot get an employer to offer a salary increase,
remember that there are other things for which you can
negotiate: conference money, professional development,
more vacation time, bonuses, etc. You can also negotiate for
a review and possible raise sooner than is normal for that
Salary Negotiation Tips – #6
• If an employer offers you the job, but no salary has been discussed:
– Employer: “We like what you have to offer. When can
you start?”
– Applicant: “I feel I would like to work with you. I
could start next week. What is the salary range for
this position?” (Employer gives range.) “I think you
know that you can depend on me to ‘hit the ground
running,’ and on that basis I’m worth close to the top
of the range. What do you think?”
Another Strategy: Negotiate for the Future –
• When the money is not up to what you feel you are worth, you might
negotiate for an early review and pay increase, perhaps at the end of
the initial probation period.
– Applicant: “You know, the salary you offer is less than what I
have been earning. I feel that’s because you haven’t had a
chance to see my skills in action yet. I believe it will take no
longer than three months for you to see the caliber of my
– Under those circumstances, I would like to propose that my
work be reviewed in three months and that I be given an
appropriate pay increase if that is indicated. Do you think
that could be done?”
What to Negotiate
• Most negotiable
– Paid time off
– Relocation
– Flex time
– Additional training/schooling
• Other negotiable items
How to Keep Negotiations Going
• Ask questions…
– “What do you think?”
– “How can we make this work?”
– “What is the salary range for this
• Avoid…
– “Why can’t you pay me more?”
– “I need more to live on…”
Employer Turn-Offs
• Comparing their offer with other
company offers to other students
– Especially if only small differences: ($1,000-$2,000)
• Applicants who are focused only on
money and try to negotiate
every item
• Negotiating performance review dates
different from company policy
Cautions and Caveats
You might be happy with first offer
Asking “Is it negotiable?” if not sure
Be aware of monetary and cultural cues
Use caution with email salary negotiations
Think before you speak
How you negotiate sets the tone for how you
enter the organization
Comparing Offers
• Financial - salary, bonus, stocks, relocation
expense, retirement plans
• Benefits - medical, dental, other insurance
• Challenging projects
• Growth - training and development
• Other - conference attendance, vacation
and other leaves, flexible hours, on-site
Acceptance & Follow-up
• Get job offer and salary in writing
• Acceptance/Withdrawal letters in Career
Guide (p.25)
• Acceptance remorse
– attitude  no regrets
• best decision at the time based on
information you have
• consider your own integrity and ethics
Further Information
• Web Resources via Career Center website
• UW Odegaard Library Career Section
– 2nd Floor
– Under Offer – Click on Salary and Negotiation
Job Offer & Salary
134 Mary Gates Hall
(206) 543-0535