Twist – Core

Pelvic Tilt
The goal of the exercise is to keep your pelvis and spine from moving while
raising your legs. This exercise will work your abdominal muscles.
Do not hold your breath while performing this exercise
 Start lying on your back with your knees bent and both feet on the
 Pull your abdomen down, flattening your back into the floor.
 Slowly lift your right leg until your knee is directly above the hip.
 Slowly lower your right knee down until the foot is on the ground.
 Switch and repeat with the left leg.
Progression: To make the exercise more difficult, you can incorporate both
legs in the exercise.
First, lift the right leg so that the knee is above the right hip. Then, without
lowering the right leg, raise the left leg so both knees are above the hips.
Lower one leg at a time. Repeat, starting with the left leg. This will be one
Supine bridge
This exercise will work the back of your legs, abdominals,
and buttocks. Make sure you do not hold your breath while
performing this exercise.
 Start lying on your back with both knees bent and
your feet on the floor
 Slowly lift your hips up off the floor so they are in line
with your knees
 Hold this position for 3 - 5 seconds
 Slowly lower your hips back down to starting
Progression: Hold the bridge position and alternate slowly
lifting and lowering one foot off the ground while keeping
your hips and knees level, not letting one side drop. You can
perform a single leg bridge by holding one leg straight out
and lifting and lowering your hips with the other. Again,
squeeze your buttock muscles to keep your hips aligned.
Side Plank
This exercise will work your abdominal muscles. Do not hold your breath
while performing this exercise
 Start by lying on your right side with your hips straight and your
knees bent on top of each other (Figure A).
OR for a more difficult variation  Start by lying on your right side with your legs straight out, and your
hips and knees stacked on top of each other. (Figure B)
Make sure that your right elbow is in line underneath your right
Lift your hips up off the ground while maintaining the same straight
position and making sure your left shoulder is not rotating forward.
Hold this position as long as prescribed before returning to starting
position. Be sure to return to the starting position when you are
unable to continue maintaining the correct exercise posture.
You will be able to hold this exercise longer as you become
Once you have completed your repetitions on your right side,
switch and complete the exercise on your left side
This exercise will work your abdominal muscles and your buttocks
 Start on all fours, with your hands placed directly below your shoulders
and your knees directly below your hips
 Slide your right toe out behind you, straightening your knee. Stretch your
leg behind you as far as possible.
 Lift your right leg off the ground.
 Lift only as high as you can while able to maintain a straight back, and
no higher than even with your back.
 As you get stronger over time you will be able to lift your leg even with
your back (so your leg makes a straight line with your back).
 Make sure that your hips don’t lean to one side while lifting your leg.
 Hold this position for 5-10 seconds before returning to starting position.
 Return to the starting position after the hold time is up or when you are
unable to continue maintaining the correct exercise posture.
 You will be able to hold this exercise longer as you become stronger
 Once you have completed your repetitions on your right side, switch and
do the same thing on the left side.
Progression when able: To make the exercise more difficult, you can
incorporate both arms and legs in the exercise. First, lift the right leg as
instructed. It does not need to be level with your spine. Next lift the left arm of the
floor. Only lift it as far as possible while maintaining a straight spine.