circuit activities - Junior College Sport Weebly

Weights/Body Weight
Bicep Curl (add jab or hold or
Zottman Curls)
Hammer Curls (bicep curl in a
hammer position)
Arm Lifts
V-Tuck/Crunch/Sit Up
1 Legged Push Up with Toe
Touch (opposite)
Crunches (add foot to knee or
reach through)
Cross Body Bicep Curls
Push Ups (add reptile or move
side to side or add clap)
Push Ups from Knees
Bicycling Legs
Bench Push Ups
Starfish Crunches/X Crunch
Renegade Throws (FS & lift
Arm/Leg Raises (on stomach)
Leg Extension Crunches (knee
Reverse Crunches / In & Out Abs
Running Arms
Heel Touches (on back)
Single Leg Squats
Chicken Wings
Windmill Plie Squats
M Ball Slam Pass
Narrow Feet Squats
Medicine Ball Twists (sitting or
standing in pairs side to side or
back to back)
Standing Woodchops (can use
Supine Bicycles (elbow 2 knee,
try ISO position & Speed Bike) or
Steam Engine (standing version)
Russian (Mason) Twists (add ball
or crunch)
Side (Oblique) & Standing
Preacher Curl (bicep curl in
Goblet Squat (holding weight on
Squat, Curl & Press
Drop Squats (add jump, front or
back leg lift & add tap or pulse)
Squat to Calf Raise or High/Side
Kick or Air Squats
Plie Squat to Heel Kick Jump
Sit Ups (Full) (S)
Front Plank (add kickback or tap
out or side to side)
Side Plank (add hip lift or drop or
reach through or elbow to knee
or leg lift or toe touch)
Circle Plank (F S to Plank) add
walk into plank
Spiderman Planks (add diagonal)
Shuttle Run/Suicides
Active Plank (opp. arm & leg
lifts) (S)
Plank Wipers
In and Out Jacks or Cross Jacks
Towel Pull In (F.S, feet on
towels, pull feet in & out)
Front Support (add hip raise or
salute or add to Side Plank or to
Downward Dog)
Mountain Climbers (single or
switch or diagonal or on towels)
Tuck Jumps
Star Abs (F.S w legs in and out)
Cone/Line Jumps/jumping Over
the Fire/Ski Jumps
High Jump
Hamstring Curl & Press (in F.S)
Side Lunges (add jump)
Pull Up
Side Thigh Lifts (on side on
ground, forward, backward,
circles, or clam)
Bent Kicks (on side on ground)
Split Lunges (add back kick)
Hanging Leg Raise (chin up bar)
Flutter Kicks (on front or back)
Superman (add alternating
arm/leg action, add roll over &
Lunges or Curtsy Lunges
Hanging Knee to Elbow (chin up
Chest Press or Bow & Arrow
Bench Press
Scissor Kicks (criss cross)
Leg Drops or Circles (Tornado)
Fire Hydrant Kicks (add pulse)
Side Double Leg Ab Lifts
Back Lunge (add high knee)
Speed Ladder (l,r,l or r,l,r with 1st
step outside ladder)
Hurdles (2 foot jumping, can go
up stairs)
Star Jumps (add squat)
Skipping (single or high knees)
X Jump
Half Turn Jumps
Superman with Back
Burpees (add broad jump)
High Knees Running
Touchdowns (side lunge & touch
Frog Jumps (FS, legs apart &
forward & together)
Step Ups
Weights/Body Weight
Back Curl Lunge (bicep curl at
Lunge Jumps (add twist or quick
Bulgarian Lunges (back foot on
Tricep Pushdown
Arnold Press (shoulder press to
pec dec)
Shoulder Press or Thrusters
(squat & shoulder press)
Lying Flys
Wide Toes Touches (on ground,
legs in air)
Windmills (on back, legs to side,
mid, side)
Windmill Toe Touches (standing)
Single or Double Leg Box Jump
(up & down)
Seal Jacks
Kneeling Donkey Kick (or leg lift)
Toes Hops (legs of star jump)
Shoulder Shrugs
Tricep Kickbacks
Dumbbell Rows (Bent Over) or
Plank Rows
Curl & Punch
The Roll (on back, legs together,
side, top, side)
Skater Hops
Leg Lifts (standing, front, side,
Leg Lifts (on back, past vertical,
single or both)
Standing Elbow to Knee
Tricep Extension (behind head,
standing or lying)
Tricep Dips (from rear support or Seated or Upright Rows
bench add alt. leg lift or toe
Straight (stiff) Leg Dead Lifts
Lateral Raises (front or side or
Romanian Single Leg Deadlift
(weights in hands)
Butterfly or Pec Dec
Romanian Deadlifts (legs bend)
Leg Extension or Curl
Seated Calf Raises (weights on
Calf Raises (single & both)
Lat Pulldown (front & back)
Jumping over the Fire
Bird Dogs (FS on knees, lift
alternate arm and leg)
One Legged Glute Bridge
Hip Raises (Bridge lift)
Donkey Kick (FS, legs jump side
to side)
Standing Long Jump
Hip Raises (legs high hips up)
Standing Hop
Cook Hip Lift (one legged glute
bridge w/tennis ball between
hip & leg)
Criss Cross Crunch (on knees,
extend arms & legs & opp.
elbow to knee)
Crab Walk (add hip lift or alt. toe
Bear Walk (add alt. toe touches)
Hip thrust (legs out, up & lift)
Standing Jump for Height
Cobra to Child’s Pose
Bunny Hops/Jumps
Wall Sit
Toe Tap (on back, bent knees,
tap foot to floor)
3 Point Plank Crunch (F.S,
outside, inside then centre)
Bridge Crunch (crunch & then
make bridge with hips)
Hop, Hop, Jump
Side Support & Crunch (elbow
into knee, keep leg off ground)
Resistance Running (using bands
or parachutes)
Lolasana (F.S, walk feet in and
then back, swap feet)
Cross Over Jacks
Leg Spreaders (on back legs
together & apart)
Cross Crunch (arms across chest,
legs off ground, bring legs in as
upper body crunches forward)
Golden Gate (on back, legs up
straight, open & close, then pull
into chest)
Hip, Lift, Kick (side plank, knee
up, kick & back down, keep foot
off the ground)
Dawn (low plank then
downward dog)
Tick, Tock, Lift (on back, legs up,
move left, right, centre & lift
Hill Sprints (up & down)
Over speed Running (using
Weights/Body Weight
Peek A Boo (on back, legs up,
open & close)
Scissor Lift (lie flat arms back,
take arms up as legs scissor &
reach between a leg)
Seated Leg Lifts (on butt, hands
back, legs up & down)
Frog Leg Crunch (feet together,
legs apart, elbow tom knees)
Banana Tuck Ins (legs out, knees
in, whilst making small crunch
Scissor Crunch (legs in scissor
position, crunch then switch
Up & Overs (F.S, jump legs side
to side)
Jack Knife (on back, lift torso &
legs up & together)
1000’s (feet off ground, lift
shoulders up, hands up and
down beside hips)
Ab Rocks (rock back & forth with
hands above head w/o putting
feet down)
100 Ab Reps
 20 straight leg sit ups
 20 straight leg knee to elbow crunches
 20 toe touches
 20 v ups
 20 reverse crunches
Upper Body Workout
 20 push ups
 20 dips
 20 squats with weights
 20 lunges with weights
 20 plank to front support
All Round Circuit - 30 Seconds of each activity x 2 sets
(10 minutes)
 Russian twists
 Reach throughs
 Fire hydrant (left and right)
 Fire hydrant pulses (left and right)
 Leg circles
 Heel touches
 Flutter kicks
 Single leg drops
Abs - 30 Seconds of each activity x 2 sets (12 minutes)
 Supine bicycle
 Crunch
 Leg lifts
 Mountain climbers
 Side planks (both sides)
 Scissor kicks
 In and out abs
 V sit up
 Push up and rotation
 Russian twist
 Six inch & hold
30 Seconds of each activity x 2 sets (12 minutes)
 Leg drops
 Reach throughs
 Scissor kicks
 Plank to front support
 Squats
 Push ups
 Lunges
 Side planks (both sides)
 Flutter kicks
 Oblique crunches (both sides)
Circuit (20 x 30 seconds = 10 minutes)
 Scissor kicks
 Steam engine (standing elbow to knee)
 Squats
 Leg spreaders
 Leg lifts
 Mason twists
 Tricep dips
 Wall sit
 Push up and rotation
 Mountain climbers
 Rear lunges
 Alternating push up plank
 In and out abs
 Six inch and hold
 Swimmer
 Supine bicycle
 Crunch
 Side bridges
 Hip raises
 Calf raises
3 sets of 12-15 reps
 Chest press
 Dumbbell rows
 Squat, curl & press
 Lying tricep extension
4 sets of 10 or 20 reps
 One arm dumbbell rows (10)
 Clapping push ups (10)
 Standing dumbbell press (10)
 Dumbbell curls (10)
 Tricep extension (20)
 Shrugs (20)
Upper Body Workout
 Bow and Arrow Bench Press: 4 x 12
 DB Row w/Iso Hold: 3 x 15 and a 15second hold
 Shoulder Complex: 4 x 12
 A. Triceps Extension: 3 x 15
 B. Zottman Curls: 3 x 15
4 sets of 10 reps
 Bent over rows
 Armswing (front/lateral raise)
 Overhead press
 Offset reverse lunges (weights at
shoulder level)
 Double arm swing (one dumbbell)
 Offset squat (weights at shoulder
 Push up to cross body mountain
 Goblet squat (one dumbbell)
 Jump squat
3-4 sets of 10 reps
 Kettle bell swings
 Burpees
 Jump squats
4 rounds
 Push ups
 Bent over rows
 Upright rows
 Squat & press
 Bicep curls
 Close grip push ups
 Mountain climbers
 Toe touches
4 sets of 10-12
 Goblet squats
 Plank rows
 Chest press
 Single standing shoulder press
 Lying tricep extensions
 Alternating bicep curls
 Single leg calf raises
 Weighted ab crunch
4 sets of 10 reps
 Push up, roll, roll
 Dumbbell front squats
 Spinal crunch (10 each side) – F.S &
elbow to knee)
The Complete Workout
(2-4 sets of 8-12 reps)
 Squat
 Stiff leg deadlift
 Lying press
 Lying flys
 Overhead press
 Lateral raise
 Bent over rows
 Bicep curls
 Lying tricep extensions
 Abdominal crunches
Machine & Free Weights
4 sets of 10-15
 Chest press
 Tricep pushdown
 Let pull down (back)
 Flys (lying)
 Shoulder press
 Tripcep extension
 Bicep curl
 Bent over rows