Jesus of Nazareth was a Historical Person

Jesus of Nazareth was a Historical Person
There are no historical accounts of “Jesus”, there are only a handful of historical accounts of
“Christ”, after his death, but “Christ” is not a name, “Christ” is a title. Christ comes from the
Greek word Christos, which is a title meaning "The Anointed One".
The name Jesus is also Greek. If Christ existed he would not be named Jesus, as there’s no J in
the Hebrew alphabet.
The name Jesus stems from the Greek God Zeus. This is why Mexicans call Jesus, HaZeus. So
when you pray to Jesus, you are praying to Zeus. The name YH-Zeus comes from merging the
Jewish god YHVH and the Greco-Roman god Zeus. In comparison the popular first century
Egyptian god, Serapis, was the result of merging the gods Osiris and Apis. The English "Jesus"
comes from the Latin transliteration of the Greek name into the Latin Iesus. Now Greek has no
"y" sound, but the Latin "i" is both an "i" and a "j".
Thus YHWH becomes YH-Zeus,which becomes Hazeus, which becomes Iesus, which becomes
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, thus becomes, “the anointed Yh-Zeus of Nazareth”.
Also the story of Jesus was heavily influenced by Re-Harmakhis(Ra-Horus at the horizon), as
well as other Pagan religions. Christianity at its core is a perversion of Atenism.
Atenism to Christianity
Horus (Hor) was a sky and solar god and was one of the oldest gods in the Nile Valley. (2)
Mary comes from the Egyptian word "Meri" meaning "beloved". Isis's title was the beloved,
making her name, Isis-Meri. Isis stood for motherhood, love, magic, children, medicine and
peace. Isis was Horus's mother. (2)
Horus's father was Osiris. Osiris was king of the afterlife and originally a god of agriculture and
nature. He was the chief judge in the court in the Underworld, where all the dead citizens were
trying to come through to Paradise. (2)
The "Myth of Osiris" is about his death (murdered by his brother Set) and resurrection. (2)
Set was a god of storms and disorder from Upper Egypt. (2)
In the Myth of Osiris, Set killed Osiris out of envy. Isis asked the sun god Ra to resurrect Osiris.
Osiris was resurrected for 1 day. In that one day Osiris impregnated Isis, in which she gave birth
to Horus, in a cave. Set took the form of a snake and bit Horus attempting to kill him, but the
God of wisdom, Thoth, saved Horus. Isis hid Horus until he was fully grown. When Horus was
full grown he searched for Set, in order to avenge his father’s murder. (2)
By fighting Set who had killed his father Osiris, Horus defeated all evilness in the world
Re (Ra) was the solar god and a major deity all over Egypt. He stood for the rising sun, life,
rebirth, children, health, virility, and ect. (2)
Horus was often fused with Ra to create Re-Horakhte. Horus was also seen as a manifestation
of Ra.
Re-Horakhte, meaning "Re-Horus at the horizon" was a combination of the sun god Re from
Lower Egypt and Horakhty who was an aspect of Horus from Upper Egypt. (2)
From Re-Horakte, we get the story of the birth, death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We
also get the holy Trinity, the devil, and salvation.
Around 1340 BC, the pharaoh Amenhotep IV declared that just a single deity should be
worshipped, named Aten. Unlike other Gods, Aten had no human form. Aten was praised
mainly by hymns, poems and offerings of fruit and flowers. (2)
In one of the Hymns to Aten, in the 14th century BC, it sings about a trinity, with Re, Aten, and
Ptah. (3)
Ptah was the creator god, and was called "The First of Gods". He was the patron of all
craftsmen especially the smiths. Among some other gods he was creator of mankind, and could
create life by just using words. He stood for good moral and order. He was said to have created
Atum, and thus was responsible for creation of the World. (2)
Atum, meaning "The Completed One" was a creator god and was the first to rise from the water
Nun at the dawn of time. He created everything and thus became the first god on earth. His
body was considered the parts of all physical matter. Atum was also a aspect of Re, just as
Horakhte was an aspect of Horus.Mostly Atum was depicted as a man. (2)
Ptah thus is the creator.
Osiris is the father
Atum is Adam
Re-Horakte is Jesus
Isis is Mary
Aten is the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore Ptah was often combined with the falcon god Sokar, to create Ptah-Sokar. By the
middle kingdom, which lasted from 2055 BC to 1650 BC, Ptah-Sokar became fused with Osiris,
becoming Ptah-Sokar-Osiris.
This merges the stories of Ptah, and Osiris, further unifying the stories of Re and Horus.
Furthermore, the Christian cross comes from the Egyptian ankh, which is the symbol of life. The
roman crucified people on a cross that looked like a capital T, not a lowercase t. The Christian
cross is more an ankh than a crucifixion.