Emily #IEP 15 2013/3/30 The Ancient Egypt God “Ra” Teacher: Mr

Emily #IEP 15 2013/3/30
The Ancient Egypt God “Ra”
Teacher: Mr. O’Donnell
Student: Emily Hsieh
Emily #IEP 15 2013/3/30
The Ancient Egypt God “Ra”
In ancient Egypt, the most important religion to the Egyptian is the god and
goodness. They influenced all life in the society. There is one god which the most
important to the Egyptians. The god was god sun “Ra” which is the king of heaven and
the protector of pharaohs. The people who were ancient Egyptian believed in god of the
sun “Ra” very much. It affected the Egyptians to build the pyramids, because pyramids
represent the rays of light extending from the sun and these great monuments
connected the king with “Ra”. Also, inside the pyramid they preserved mummies
which was the dead body of Pharaohs, because they believed one day the pharaohs
will came alive and lived with them forever.
“Ra, the sun of the god, the Sun God symbolized the creation of every living soul.
It was widely believed that Ra was the first being and all the other beings were born
later or were his progeny.”(Buzzle Egyptian-sun-god) It means that the God Ra was
the first to create the world, and the rising sun was for them which was the symbol of
creation. Also Egyptians believed that the dead were reborn again in the after-life each
day with the rising sun. The sun god “Ra” really influenced the Egypt a lot.
The people who were ancient Egyptian believed in god of the sun “Ra”, it affected
Emily #IEP 15 2013/3/30
the Egyptian to built pyramid for the pharaoh because they thought that when people
dead, they will come alive, so they preserve them as a mummy in the pyramid.
Also, the pyramid represented the rays of light spreading from the sun, which is the
way to connect with the king god Ra. “The pharaohs were thought of as Gods, not
kings, so that after death they would be united with Ra. Humans were believed to
have evolved from the tears of Ra. The temples or complexes built for sun-worship
were always without a roof, so that the sun could shine through the structure.( Ancient
Egypt Online) Ra really had a strong power and made people to believe.
The second effect of the sun Ra is the pyramid they preserved mummies which
was the dead body of pharaohs, because they believed one day the pharaohs will come
alive and lived with them. The process that the mummy was made is called
mummification. It will take place in a workshop often near the site of the tomb, the
process of mummification would last often over two months. After this process they
put the mummy in the pyramid. So that it can preserve for long time till now. So, the
pyramid played a big part in Egypt society.
This religion in Ra, really influenced Egyptian life and society. It made them
have a better life and respect for the pharaoh. So it is really special that the power of
Emily #IEP 15 2013/3/30
the religion is very strong and can influence the empire and even the history that we
have been read about today. The most important thing let caused the pyramid to build
was totally affected by the Sun of the god Ra.
Emily #IEP 15 2013/3/30
Ancient Egypt Online
"Ancient Egypt Online RA." Gods of Ancient Egypt:. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2013.
Buzzle egyptian-sun-god
Buzzle Egyptian-sun-god." N.p., n.d. Web.
"Mummification Process in Ancient Egypt." Ancient Egyptian Mummification Process.
Historylink101, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2013.
Tour Egypt
Egypt: Ra and Ra-Horakhty." Egypt: Ra and Ra-Horakhty. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar.
Emily #IEP 15 2013/3/30