What is a plant ? by Jack

All About Plants
by Mrs. Staszowski’s
2 Grade Class
What is a plant ? by Jack
Plants are living things that grow in
most parts of the world. People all over
the world could not live without plants.
In photosynthesis, the plant makes
food by using light from the sun, water
and minerals from the soil, and a gas
called carbon dioxide from the air.
Plant structure by Adell
There are two different kinds of
plants they are called
herbaceous and woody. Most
herbaceous plants have stems
that are soft and the color green.
Photo Credits: Courtesy of University of Illinois Extension
Photo Credit: Courtesy of University of Illinois Extension
Life Cycle by Daniel
These are the ways a plant can
Annual plants- an annual plant grows
in one season, example: tomato.
Perennial plants- a perennial plant
lives three or more years example:
Biennial plant takes two seasons to
grow example: carrots.
Photosynthesis by
Photosynthesis makes food from
light, water, nutrients, and carbon
dioxide. Plants make food for their
leaves. Plants release oxygen into
the air. Chlorophyll helps make
the plant food.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of University of Illinois Extension
Pollination by Alexis
Pollination is the transfer of
pollen from a pistil. Pollination
starts the production of seeds.
Seeds by Tyler
A seed is a part of a plant
that makes a new plant. A
seed needs water and dirt.
Seeds are a major source of
food for millions of people.
Roots by Andrew
Roots are like a straw, and the flower
“drinks” the water and nutrients from
the dirt. The roots give the plant food.
The roots keep the flower living. If
there are no roots the plant falls over.
The roots stick in the dirt to help
flowers grow.
Stems by Derek
Stems support the plant.
The stem collects water
and food. Woody stems are
hard to bend.
Leaves by Kierra
The leaf is the food making part of the
plant. Most leaves are 1 to 12 inches,
2.5 to 30 centimeters. Some drugs
come from leaves. People use certain
leaves to make rope. Leaves also help
make the air that we breathe.
Photo Credit: World Book illustrations
Flowers by Angelina
People enjoy flowers because
they are beautiful and they help
make seeds. Moths search for
flowers. The crocus usually
blooms every year. They bloom in
the spring and summer.
Photo Credit: World Book illustration by Allianora Rosse
Fruit by Noelle
Fruit is a good snack for you to munch
on. Fruit also has a lot of Vitamin C.
Apples have about 5 seeds. Some
types of fruits have a lot of sugar, like
strawberries, cherries, plums, and
blueberries. Some fruits grow on trees
like apples and peaches.
Vegetable VS Fruit by TJ
The fruit’s seeds are inside of
the plant. An asparagus is a
stem of a plant. A fruit is a
flower before it is a fruit. A
vegetable is some part of the plant.
Room to Grow by Jacob
All plants like to have room to
grow. If they have space
then they grow faster. At the
bottom of the ground the
roots are growing too.
Temperature by Harrison
Plants grow indoors and
outdoors with bright light. Some
like cold and some like warm air.
Too much water can kill the plants.
Light by Gina L.
Plants need enough light. If they
lean over then they need more
light. If plants grow indoors they
need 14-16 hours of light each
Water by Gina C.
Water is important to plants.
Without water or too much water
the plant dies. The plant needs
soil and water to help it grow. You
have to touch the soil to know if it
needs water.
Air by Billy
Plant stems carry water and food
through the plant stem. Co2 goes into
the plant. Oxygen goes into the air.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of University of Illinois Extension
Nutrients by Lyndze
Most of the nutrients that a plant
needs are dissolved into water
and then they get sucked up into
the plant. Nutrients help the plant
survive and grow.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of University of Illinois Extension
Time by Devon
Plants mostly grow outside.
They need a certain amount of
time to grow. Plants can be
either a flower, tree, or fruit.
Some take more time than
others to grow.
"Flower." World Book Kids. DPS Library, Nassau, NY. 24 Apr. 2009
"Fruit." World Book Kids. 2009. DPS Library, Nassau, NY.24 April 2009
"The Great Plant Escape”. (Case 1). University of Illinois Extension-Urban Programs Resource Network University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 24 Apr. 2009 <http://urbanext.illinois.edu/gpe/index.html>.
"Leaf." World Book Kids. 2009. DPS Library, Nassau, NY. 24 April 2009
"Making Food." Biology of Plants. 2009. Missouri Botanical Garden. 24 Apr. 2009
"Plant." World Book Kids. 2009. DPS Library, Nassau, NY. 24 April 2009
"Plant Parts." Biology of Plants. 2009. Missouri Botanical Garden. 24 Apr. 2009
"Seed." World Book Kids. 2009.DPS Library, Nassau, NY. 24 April 2009