A Former Witchcraft Becomes An Evangelist Testimony of brother Megnanou welcome Chapter 1: Framework of life General environment To know who is really MEGNANOU welcome, it is not superfluous to foray into its geographical, cultural and religious environment. Our author is David (real name Decanme), native to the South of Benin, on the coast, 55 Km from Cotonou. Benin The Republic of Benin was, until October 26, 1972, known as the Republic of Dahomey. Its history goes back to Ghezo, King of the Dan-Home (1818-1858) who signed a treaty in 1851 with the France. Despite this Treaty, France, after two expeditions in 1890 and 1892-94 with general Dodds, is Dan-Home and prisoner fact King Béhanzin. He is deported to Algeria where he died in 1906. Dahomey became colony on 10-3 - 1893, between in the AOF in 1899 to become independent until 1960. This country located in West Africa, has a 190 km border with Niger, 270 km with Burkina Faso Faso, 750 km with Nigeria, 620 km with Togo. It borders the Atlantic ocean 120 km long. It is in this country that is found Ouidah. Ouidah World Headquarters of Voodoo (real name vaudoun), that is that in February 1993 was celebrated for seven days the international celebration of Voodoo precisely in this region, of this city, that Voodoo was widespread in America (and worldwide). David is located in the Sub-Prefecture of Ouidah David Village of the Sub-Prefecture of Ouidah, world headquarters of the David Voodoo is considered to be the seat of witchcraft among the villages of the Ouidah district which he is 22 km. The village is located on the edge of a large lagoon of 15 km wide and 80 km long. II is also surrounded by a large forest divided into two left. the second is reserved for agriculture, while the first part is reserved for the practices of witchcraft in hours late is the venue of all the witches in the village and even region. There are large trees (iroko, baobab, cheese) on which the wizards install all their diabolical weapons. When these trees fall in a strong wind or a rain, found in their hollow trunk, kitchen utensils, human skulls... But the wizards also plant trees in the village that they use their end. There are the same objects after cutting. Indeed, these trees are inhabited by sorcerers. The dead are buried in boxes, houses or in the course until today, the village has no cemetery. In the course, the hoes are arranged on the graves. People sleep on tombs without that bothers them unduly. This situation means that the inhabitants of the village are constantly possessed, inhabited by the dead spirit. David village is divided into three districts: the first neighborhood loves a fetish based on two albino a woman and a man buried alive in a big hole by the heads of the said fetish. This fetish ensures the protection of this area. II is considered as the support of frames. Any framework that manages to find work through this fetish must thank him with a sheep, red oil, a bottle of gin, two litres of koutoukou (local liqueur alcoholic over 80 °) and at least 50 000 FCFA this fetish claims per year the sacrifice of a child, a human being! Page 1 of 46 The second district love an other fetish based on 41 Heads of men placed in a big hole. It is called zangbeto1, it participates in the promotion of executives who worship him. But those who use end poorly The third district is linked to a fetish built upon a woman pregnant with in a big hole. His followers are in a trance. The day of the ceremony, they indulge in acts terrible is an opportunity or blood is widespread in abundance: some may be of the notches on the body with a knife. They bumping your head against the wall. etc. This fetish is supposed to help villagers and executives who trust him David has an another dangerous fetish called Heviosso or thunder. Purpose is destruction of thieves when an object is stolen and fetish says leaders are solicited, they implore the Thunder that will lead to the unveiling of the thief. The fetish is during a great rain to foudroyer2 the culprit. After the burial of the thief. the body is dug up regardless of its state of decomposition. The head of the fetish cut the body with a knife, takes the lead that he keeps in the House of the fetish. The day of adoration of the fetish, he leaves with 16 skulls of his victims around the kidney. It is his claim to fame. This is proof that his fetish is powerful, he killed many criminals, thus, Satan gives his bail by punishing the guilty. Seen, the village of welcome is victim of a real demonic possession. The author believes that to David, children, young people, executives, are 90 %3 immersed in witchcraft. What his family environment? Family environment Welcome parents Paternal great grandfather : It was the greatest sorcerer in the region. He was born Wizard, in the first part of the forest. It is he who has imported the fetish of the family (the wloivaudou) from another region of Benin. He injected diseases to people. He could turn into WaSP to go destroy an entire village in case of dispute between two villages, by inoculating a deadly poison by its sting. He remained sorcerer until his death. Paternal grandfather : II succeeded his father in the same practices of witchcraft. In the army, he turned into fly immediately battle. This earned him to be rank. But later, he was poisoned by one of his wives. He is dead sorcerer. Father : Megnanou Tchanon (Tchanon is a fetish name) has done seven years of "convent", on the initiative of his father, to be initiated into witchcraft to become the head of the wizards. He needed that, although being born witch. Leaving therefore, he was appointed chief witch doctor of the family. He communicated with demons. It should be noted that the family had a House of fetishes that she had. It is in this House that lies the convent. The fetish of the family, the wloivaudou, had many followers. Each quarter, a girl or a boy es: kidnappe4 one of the family members to be trained in the convent. After three years, these young people go out and become followers of the fetish. The father of welcome had to deliver nine of his children (2 girls and 7 boys in a monastery.) It must be said that these Page 2 of 46 children there die of short illness. DL remains, itself is dead sorcerer, after a short illness, on May 26, 1996, after repeatedly refusing to accept Jesus Christ. 1 Zangbetoh breaks down thus: Zan = night. Gbetoh fetish =. It is a fetish of night. The day of the dance and miracles of the Zangbetoh ceremony. the wearer of the mask, following the pronunciation of incantatory lyrics, turns in Cayman. in hen and her chicks either. Later he becomes a man. 2. in spite of the existence of natural lightning, believed also to David as elsewhere in Africa, the supernatural lightning. 3. This estimate, as certain statements of this book, is not scientific. 4. the operation was unknown to the family. It often follows complaints. Maternal great-grandmother : It was a great witch. She killed, e the day of the funeral, she had just touched with the pain of the bereaved family. Witch is dead after having left the legacy to our grandmother. Maternal grandmother : Witch also follower of the fetish of Thunder (Hèviosso).She was engaged in the same practices of witchcraft than her husband. She is dead witch. It should be noted that all these witches went to the Church! Mother : She still lives. Can God save! Birth and Initiation When my mother was pregnant with me, she was faced with a difficult situation. After the usual nine months, it does virus me still not. Therefore, she went to consult a marabout. The response was terrible: I had to be delivered after fourteen months of pregnancy, according to the will of my great-grandfather who had already died. This is what happened. After fourteen months my mother gave birth me around 1 in the morning, at the tomb of the latter. At my birth, I had two teeth in the mouth. Born on a grave, allows, according to our beliefs, to have the power of the deceased. Also, according to my parents, should I inherit from his grandfather in power. At the age of five years. I was not walking yet. It is six years I started to walk. I was then registered at CP1 (preparatory first year courses) a night, my father led me into the forest, entailla his skin and mine, gathered our blood in a glass and we drank the two mixed bloods. It was the blood pact. When he had to consult with a client, he expected that I return from school before starting work. It has always held in that I attend all sessions. Therefore, he introduced me to the different practices of witchcraft. Student and witch At primary school, when the master was preparing its duty, I me transformais in fly to 1 or 2 in the morning to go see the composition of passing events. I did this until fifth grade. Thus, I was easily at school without the need to study. It is in this way that I got my entry in at college, I envoûtais the teachers causing headaches and stomach aches, when I was getting bad grades - hear / by bad note 12/20.* once, the teacher had to go see a marabout for the cause of his pain. After consultation, it told him he did evil to one of its Students. He made this revelation because, as you know, marabouts, witch doctors, sorcerers and other communicate telepathically. Subsequently, demons have inspired Professor so he Page 3 of 46 knew that it was all about. Therefore, he came to see me to ask for forgiveness. And I demanded that he corrected my note giving me 19/20. Around 1 in the morning, I invoked the spirits by incantatory words so he gets the healing. I also envoûtais my classmates class (those who were the most brilliant) either by headaches chronic or belly aches so they are not duties. This is happening in the schools, at the University, without the knowledge of teachers, many students and students. This is one of the causes of school failure. At that time, Benin was shaken by a political backlash that sounded on the school. The students were not progressing regularly too, I decided to join my father who was already installed in Côte d'Ivoire. Chapter 2: Installation, equipment and Consultations A few moments after arriving in Côte d'Ivoire, I was housed by a personality of this country (Director of a Minister's office) in the commune of Abobo. It had placed me in a large villa because I was his patron. Later, my tenant will become Minister, by myself. But not for long. Because, as we will see, the power of Satan does not go far. It is for this reason that among the authorities who have benefited from my care, many died, others are paralyzed or diseased. In my luggage, I had a whole arsenal of fetishes. By my power, I crossed three borders: Benin - Togo, Togo - Ghana, Ghana - Côte d'Ivoire without making me rummage only once by the forces of the order. My initial equipment (1) jaw of man and shards of bottles I had a fetish of human jaw, shards of bottles with something else, crushed and a piece of loincloth that served to shut the mouth of a corpse. This fetish allowed me to eliminate men remotely. With this fetish, whatever as was my client, he could be sent on a mission or training if there are people wanting him, simply come see me so I put an end to their existence. This fetish also applies to the jealous that put me the name of a person to eliminate. With my fetish I was putting me shirtless around 1 in the morning, I was doing incantations invoking the name of the jealous or the person to eliminate. then I attached it with the piece of loincloth. Once I pulled on the loincloth, regardless of the place where it was: in Europe, Asia or America, I could reach it. Seven drops of blood fell into my Apple, evidence that the coup was successful. The morning his alarm clock, the victim began to smell burning in his body, as if it were defaces by debris from bottles. When she tried to move, she felt the sting in his body. Disease due to the fetish, modern medicine, despite his prowess, will never happen to detect the cause. The victim died a week after. (2) head man and padlock This fetish function was to make sterile women. They could make their menstruation twice in the same month or have a terrible stomachaches at any time. This is often due to the rivalry in polygamous households. That came to me, often had the desire to be loved by their Page 4 of 46 common husband and put the other on top. I asked him a subfield of the wife to do this work. It is for this reason that women lose their subfield of an amazing way and that by the Suite they have painful menstruation. This same fetish can cause epilepsy in some victims following incantations, I spoke the name of the person on this fetish and I shut the padlock. She was then automatically reached the morning, while it was preparing to go to the shower, it was crumbling all alone and is dozing. At his wake, spittle came out of his mouth. (3) foot and padlock II was to paralyze the victim. Most often, these are the? jealousy in services and companies that cause this. Some people envying the superior position of their hierarchical leader came to consult me to destroy. And when invocations were made from this fetish, the person in the company was paralysed. It can be a chief accountant who sought thus to become Chief Financial Officer. If such a person came to see me, I expectancy CFO using this fetish, and my client took his place. (4) Canary composed of human blood, water, garbage bins... This terrible fetish was crazy. When one came to see me with the simple name of a person, around 1 in the morning, I was putting me shirtless, I was going to the Canary, and I find the name of this person, accompanied by incantations lyrics. I then saw her image in the Canary and I find more incantatory lyrics. The next day, she undress and put on the street. It could happen to him digging through the trash and eating its own excrement. This is what I was saying on his name that brought him to do so. (5) heart of man The fetish 'heart of man' had for property go blind. It consists of a human heart. My human heart, I had found it in Nigeria. But even in Treichville (Treichville is one of the ten municipalities of Abidjan), in the years 77-78, in the barracks that were located at the current location of SOTRA (Société de Transport Abidjanais), there was a human organ trafficking. Satan uses human organs to make powerful fetishes. This man's heart, I put fire, accompanied by small peppers biting hard and incantatory lyrics until it chars. I rode a powder. When a client sent me the photo of an undesirable person, I grattais the eyes of This person with a needle and I was putting the powder. At his wake, she became blind. You see people who have their eyes open but who do not see. Witchcraft is often for something. I had to destroy many people. It had rent me since the Interior of the country to go to hurt. (6) box of matches with padlock This fetish, accompanied by incantations lyrics, was used to burn mostly coffee and cocoa plantations. Driven by jealousy, had just been consult me to do harm to others. When a jealous came see me with whatever it takes, I went into the field of his opponent, I digging a hole in which I was putting a block of matches. With the padlock, I thirsty owner, by mystical processes, to come to the field, and around noon, the field was taking fire. I was at the origin of several Bush fires. I 'helped' quite a lot of growers in this area. (7) fetish consisting of ten fingers wrapped in red percale This fetish had the property lead to death in villages. It allowed me to meet the demands of many people in the region attie (South of Côte d'Ivoire). Some marketers and sellers of Page 5 of 46 drinks came to seek my services in this sense, because they found that their trade flourished during the funeral. Our contract stipulated that I pocketing half of the profits that they performed at the funeral. In a village of Côte d'Ivoire, it took that people go see an another witch to reveal them the existence of a fetish buried in their village, and that it does dig up that stops the slaughter. This fetish, I buried it in several other villages to the West, East etc. People came rent me across. 8) fetish composed of Canary containing human blood, strong drink and cigarette. This fetish has destroyed the lives of several young and senior executives. When the name of a young girl was invoked on this fetish, accompanied by incantations lyrics, it was frigid and could engage in more than ten men without being satisfied. With this same fetish, I brought the youth to engage in alcohol and drug. As to target senior officers, they could win 800,000 francs, 1 000 000 francs, but as soon as they earned their money, they dilapidaient completely. This fetish prevented them from their projects, pushing them to engage in alcohol. Despite their salary they became poor, unable to build the lower house in the village. That's how I détruisais the lives of senior officers. I did of course at the request of my clients. (9) combined phone Fetish II was used to destroy the lives of people, homes. Once I got the phone number of the person to which I had to interfere, I called him with my handset connected but covered with human blood. As soon as she won, I find incantatory lyrics, later, she had a high fever and death ensued. EC, regardless of the place where it was found. Consultation Before the consultation, I had a drink in a bottle containing a fetish: human language packed in the Red percale sewn with a cowry. This was in the form a fist. These elements are introduced in the bottle to the bottom from incantatory lyrics: the bottle opened after certain words that I spoke, and then it is closed due to other words. When I gave this drink to customers, they were spellbound. They could now believe anything from me and run everything I summoned them. All customers who consult with me were related to me for good, because of This bewitchment. I had authority over their lives. This is true of all occult marabouts I've known. Consulting fees were set at 660 CFA FRANCS more a litre of koutoukou.Like several wizards, I used as the Royal Gin and rum mangosteen beverages. The consultations were with four cowrie shells to which the client spoke before placing them on the ground. The demons then inspired me customer concerns. However, during the consultation, what I said was not always true, but the mind of the customer was controlled by the drink taken at the beginning of meeting. It was Bewitched. Also, was it at my mercy. He could even go into debt to meet my requirements. Food taboos What I did to some of my clients undergo was sometimes terrible. At some, I prescribed do not eat sheep, chicken, cassava, to mention this. At others, it was forbidden to breathe by lifting the Canary which contained their fetish. If they breathe, said them - I, the fetish is worth more. Accordingly they should acquire an another Canary, and this was the case of the Page 6 of 46 witch. Can you imagine senior executives, company directors who are handled by the witch that he told them to do not breathe by any particular drug or then dies the Canary on their head and make seven times the tour of their room before washing with... What torture! Directors, senior executives with Canaries on the head! Imagine that many are experiencing these things right now and you will understand how much they need Jesus Christ to be issued. You see in big Mercedes, but once in witch doctors. they become less than nothing. We undressed them without any form of trial. This is what it's like to not have Christ in his life. The man without Jesus Christ, really is a slave. On the contrary, the word of God tells us to eat everything that is on the market. With Jesus, no compulsion. Which he defends us to do it is to live in adultery, fornication. i.e. to maintain intimate relationships with such or such person so that it is not married. In sum, what he defends we make, it's sin. Witchcraft embraces all areas of life, either to harm, or to restore, to bewitch or to release. In one case or another, witchcraft in general seeks to be of service to an individual or a minority of individuals generally against another individual or group of individuals. To see clear in this vast field of activities of Megnanou. We subdiviserons in three areas which sometimes overlap: health, spells, social promotion. Chapter 3: The Minister of Satan and health Blocking of pregnancy I had a composed fetish, kidney of a woman, of a padlock and another element. With this fetish, I bloquais pregnancy in the womb of women up to 15 months by the incantations that I was doing. Thus referred women could not give birth. It was enough for this that his rival come see me with one of its body and one end of his loin-cloth so that I block her pregnancy. If on operate it, one realizes that the child died in her womb, worse, she is not released. Such is the work of philosopher's stone. Abortions Abortions. It must be said, are not the preserve of the few doctors and other midwives. The witch sorcerers do. In relation to me, abortion for a pregnancy to one month, was child's play. It was only to bring me a bottle of gin, 20 000 F over a chicken that I gave to the fetish. I recovering the client a drug composed of wine brand Valpierre - previously warmed with the powder of a certain tree. I gave all of these elements in the form of beverage to the pregnant woman; she drank. The next day, she called fever and an hour to three hours of time abortion was done. Its menstruation resumed immediately. Abortion of pregnancy of one to two months were as simple as this. From three to six months, it was more complicated, the fetus having already taken the form of a child in its mother's womb. Therefore, incantatory words to destroy this child, so that it liquefies. To do this, it brought me a bottle of gin, beaten oil plus 50 000 F, because this represents a great work, work after which he had to make to the spirits at the cemetery. After receiving these items, I gave the drug made up of wine Valpierepreviously warmed with the powdered bark of iroko. When the woman drank this medicine, she did not feel nothing the first few days, but the seventh day, she had pain in the belly, pain so strong that she could not resist coming to see me. I put the at about 10 meters from my Page 7 of 46 fetishes while I was next to them. I find incantatory lyrics. A liquid then protruded from her womb by natural ways for an hour of time, proof that the fetus has been fully crushed because of the incantatory words. Therefore, I was doing abortions. Today, I appeal to all those women who continue to kill, through abortions so that they pull because they have an account to give to God. I remind them that they are at this moment under the influence of demons. Need you Jesus Christ to understand the seriousness of the crimes that you commit. I say you this to you student, if you happened to Sin with a young man, that this is followed by a pregnancy and Subsequently, you want abort and kill the child, renounce this idea and leaves pregnancy run its normal course. Because otherwise, that lu child auras so killed, on the day of judgment. God will ask accounts. I also appeal to the doctors, midwives that claim to help people improve their situation, but who actually live on abortions. What you do is nothing else than to read witchcraft. Indeed, it is Satan who inspires you all this. -Yes, these doctors and these midwives are sorcerers, because one who kills made Lu witchcraft. But know this, you realize these children you have killed. unless you accept Jesus Christ and deliver you from these satanic practices. Me, I myself am delivered to these practices. I happened, on two occasions, to carry out abortions while the girl had a pregnancy of six months, which put it in danger of death. It then took I redouble efforts with incantatory words to avoid having problems. I could perhaps find me to justice not to mention the righteousness of God which is even more terrible than that of men. Balls in the belly Women suffer quite often stomach pains that are caused by witchcraft. In relation to me, I had a bottle containing human blood and 20 grams of kidney. Incantatory words spoken on this bottle, with the name of the victim. resulted in the disease. Most often, these women underwent surgery after which they had a malaria. They will succumb. Through this same process, I envoûtais women and this gave them a ball in the belly. The gynecologist sometimes view a ball in the belly of some infertile women. This can be the result of witchcraft. I therefore make an appeal to women who have a ball of origin suspected in the belly: this is a terrible spell of witchcraft. God did not put us in the world to see us suffer from the disease. It comes from Satan, from the evil one. So you need Jesus Christ. It is the ideal solution to this problem. Bloated stomach (males in pregnancy!) When, driven by jealousy, one came see me to destroy someone's life and that they gave me his name, I had also a fetish consists of a padlock and a pig's head with which I could bulging belly of a man. Then, he did that to lose weight. And this was possible through incantations I was doing around 1 in the morning. I said that this time is the best for wizards because they easily come into contact with the spirits. To do this, I was putting myself naked and I enfermais this person in this lock. After a month or two. the victim began to have strange nausea. After three to four months, this man will go to see the doctor because her belly ballonnera from day to day. The tests reveal nothing. Everything is in order, but he lose weight. It is a sign that he has been bewitched. Despite the care that it may receive on the Page 8 of 46 part of doctors, they will never detect may. After five or six months. the doctor will be required to operate it. When it will do the operation, he will find this pig's head in his belly and death ensue. I was at the base of these things. By witchcraft, I was sucking blood from the body of the people so that they were always sick - stomach bloated. What are anaemic forever. Others are shaped eyes, but are seriously ill from fact of witchcraft. Epilepsy I had a fetish in a Canary, consisting of dog drool mixed with some liquid. With these elements accompanied incantatory lyrics, I envoûtais young people and was hitting an incurable epilepsy that only Jesus Christ can heal them. Breast cancer By witchcraft, I envoûtais women that they may have breast cancer. It would result, the removal of a breast or even both breasts, which only serves to delay the deadline. Death in health centres After the sick person: framework, student, student etc.. thus ruining by this disease, the family or the company where the framework works, wizards are responsible for preventing its healing, to kill him and even accompany him to the cemetery. Wizards prevent placed on the patient serum into his body. When the doctor or nurse place the serum, they block it so that the drug does not penetrate into the body of the patient. Certainly, drops down the pipe, but the patient gets nothing in the body. In fact, the wizards suck these drops of the body of the patient. Doctors have put him on serum serum, nothing penetrates him, or rather this is without effect. I have practiced these things: I transformais in fly to find me in the hospital rooms. When the doctor or the nurse was struggling to treat the patient for his healing, I troublais it to prevent it from properly diagnose the evil. He wondered why the serum has no effect. He could not imagine that the drops of serum do not penetrate the body of the patient. Wizards can make a sick individual as if he is going to see a witch doctor healer, it make him believe that he cured him. In fact, the latter will ruin it, because a few months or a few years later, the same disease resurface, coupled with another disease yet. If doctors are struggling to find you medicine and cure evil, wizards will create yet another disease. Thus, they create problems to the doctors hiding the disease and make spend the company or family before leaving their victim. When, as a result of their dirty work, the patient succumbs, wizards require to do the lifting body Thursday or Friday and the funeral Saturday. This allows them to realize Satan every Friday night from 1: 00 until 3:00 in the morning in sacred cemeteries or the Sea still forests. That is why more commonly, funerals are Saturdays. Healing of infertile women and its consequences In my consultations, there are couples who came to see me, for cause of sterility. Often, the sterility is due to witchcraft. The wizards 'attach' the belly of the women or make powerless human. They make you so unable to have children. Me, I aurvedic this evil not without consequences, because the first child that my clients were was doomed to demons. When Page 9 of 46 they came to see me. I énumérais them items that myself I am loaded provide silent them work against payment of course, plus a sum of 50 000 F. After one to two months. The woman fell pregnant. But until she falls pregnant, I had to go wash them, she and her husband. At the edge of a river such as the pegs or the Bia to Aboisso, or even the only zi to Tiassalé. I stayed at Aboisso. I have thus washed several couples. Even after leaving this town, people were coming to rent my services. I was so going to wash them so they can have a child. In fact, the place of purification depended on what the fetish said following consultation. Also, would I to go wash some people in their village forest. Thus, they assured my travel in their village. Generally it sacrificed a sheep whose blood, mixed with leaves, was used to wash the couple. I also gave them drugs that they had to go to drink, she and her husband (when the woman is washed only). After one to two months, the woman conceived and produces normally. This child is then dedicated to the demons. Two things one: either his life will be regularly influenced by demons. He will lead a life of curse. It will fall often sick. What will bring the parents to spend large sums of money, becoming a real problem for his parents. Or so, it will be in good health, he will go to school, but his life will be a life of curse. But if the parents accept Jesus Christ, get rid of any problems and save them. It is this mission that he has entrusted to the churches, to cast out demons. The demon who causes infertility is a tough demon to hunt on behalf of Jesus Christ. Healers, witch doctors, sorcerers and other teachers (some wizards to give this snoring title) claim to cure infertility. They heal effectively, but the child born of this healing is not a happy life, this child's life is threatened and glazed many problems due to the wizards. But a child that God gives. is never subject to problems, because God's blessings is never accompanied by grief but joy. happiness and peace in the foyer and all around the home. Therefore, as I was helping people to have children with problems, because I brought them to sign a Pact with Satan in him sacrificing their lives to have a child. Today, I urge you to not go to witch - healers to have a child. In Christ, there is everything. Car. Once qu ' he opens his heart. It has everything. Certainly, on n ' not accept Jesus Christ to gain any, no, but he said in his word seek first the Kingdom and his righteousness of God, and the rest will be given in addition. Also, is it true that when we accept his word and qu ' it puts it into practice, it is flooded with blessings. It is also true that I aurvedic diseases such as epilepsy, painful menstruation, madness, rheumatism and paralysis. Note here again, that healing is not total, because the paralytic still feels pain in the legs. The healings operates Satan are often incomplete. Chapter 4: harbingers Different types of spells The spell is a bad spell cast by wizards against an individual in the form of disease, failure or something negative which it cannot get rid at the end of a more or less intense spiritual struggle. Page 10 of 46 Spell for pissing in bed With a full bottle of urine from beef and human blood scrubbed on the bottle, I envoûtais young people and brought them to urinate the night. Spell leading to hanging With the help of a rope removed from the neck of a sheep that had been buying. I could drive a person to death by hanging. When one came to see me to destroy a person's life, it was enough to take one of my Canaries and will invoke the name of the victim. As soon as his image appeared, I plunged the rope to him tighten the neck. Some time after, the victim could hang. Bewitchment, leading to the drowning I had a Canary filled with sea and river water, mixed with human blood. This blend has the effect of a bomb. When I spoke the name of the victim, the spell went on. It gave the person the urge to go to the beach or bathe in a river. As soon as she ceded to this desire, his death warrant was signed. She was drowning. The were a few days later. Even in his own swimming pool at home, it can drown her children also. All of this is the work of philosopher's stone. In myself, I practiced it repeatedly by the power that gave me Satan. Spell for love The mistresses I have helped women who have never been the school to become the mistresses of personalities (the arnabsarkar_in as they are known in Côte d'Ivoire). They had those men who abandoned even their homes in distress. So, I was at the base of these things. But how this happened? I asked the woman to give me the name of the gentleman to bring me a number of elements of his body to it, with more like well tempered cotton impurities of the blood of its rules, some water used to wash a corpse and another element yet. All of these elements together, I put them in a Canary that I wore to a boil, accompanied by incantations lyrics by citing the name of Mr up to what this char. Then, I asked my followers (two young originating Gouros of Zuénoula, city of West-Central Côte d'Ivoire) to crush this residue. The powder into a small bottle will be given to the client who had to season the dish favorite human to conquer. See how Satan mistreats richards who do not know God! But beware, she must not eat this dish. It is only the gentleman who must eat. If she eats, the drug fails. Once this dish is eaten by humans, he is bewitched and is at the mercy of my client and followed her like a sheep. Thus do we see major types abandon their families. There are even open bank accounts for their mistress, buy them cars and even houses. But be aware that these mistresses end badly afterwards. In the beginning, they are: they roll in the 504 or big Mercedes and other popular cars. But their purpose is pitiful. If you have done these things and you are holding this book in hand. It's time, time to abandon them and you give to the Lord. otherwise you'll end badly not only on Celtic Earth, but more on the day of judgment! Men There are people who want to own women, especially of the old who love girls from 15 to 18 years. I asked them a bottle of perfume that themselves are fond and another element that I keep me quote. All this mixed and put in a bottle, I him recovering it with incantatory lyrics, of course. Once so fragrant client was shaking hands with a woman that he wanted. whether Page 11 of 46 she is married or not, she was automatically owned. In her dreams, her thoughts, she could see that my client. Thus, she became his slave and it was submitted to him in all things. Allow me to digress here to talk an also fantastic than real business: Case "stuck-stuck. This episode happened in Abobo (one of the ten municipalities of Abidjan) in 1983 and which has hit the headlines, well. I was the author. It is the story of a cuckold marin. During his many travels, his wife had a relationship with a police Commissioner at the hotel bougainvillea to Abobo avocado (a district of the municipality). The hotel had to be closed because of this affair. The sailor was presented to me by a client. I asked two more products glued gender of a dog and a bitch in full copulation. As it was difficult for him to obtain the latter, my disciples are loaded find this payment of course. The agreement thus concluded, around 1 in the morning, we found two dogs in full mating. With a padlock, I went them immobile and my disciples severed their gender. Arrived home, we sat down both sexes pasted into a Canary on the fire accompanied by incantations lyrics. We ajoutâmes a bit of gin so it chars. Subsequently, we écrasâmes it to a powder. Then we called the sailor and proceeded it the product. The Marin was preparing to make a trip to Europe, but he cancelled it. It had to consume it to his wife in a meal that she should prepare for the couple. However, it should not eat himself. Also, when his wife had finished to prepare and they began to table, he sent him to buy beer. Taking advantage of his absence, he put powder in the sauce. After drinking beer, he claimed he was sated. The woman, who suspected nothing. ate only meal. It happened about 6 p.m.. This is done, the gentleman asked permission to his wife to get to the village with a friend. I'll be back in two days, he said. In fact, he went into hiding in the vicinity following my advice: I had told him not to move away. As soon as he turned back. the Commissioner is pointed. Noting the absence of marin, he embarked the woman, direction hotel bougainvillea in their usual manner. After their antics, the man tries to withdraw from the body of the woman. without success. Following several unsuccessful attempts, the two lovers begin to shout help, starting with the woman. The receptionist comes running to see what happens, he asks them to open the door, but they cannot. It will therefore seek a carpenter for the smash and the two lovers are in rather awkward position. A doctor is called, nothing helped. Call is then made to the police. Did we not case and a police Commissioner? When the police arrived on the scene and find that it is their boss, they begin to guard you and return dare dare. The Minister supervising alert comes on the scene, but do not dare to approach. Finally, it brought the husband of the woman to whom the Minister apologizes. Then he takes a taxi and came to see me. "My wife is stuck," he said. I hand him the antidote of the fetish to separate them. "You don't rub the back of the two lovers with product (of Shea butter over other elements): they will take off. '' The husband protests: "it's too ask me to rub the back of my wife and her lover in this circumstance Furthermore." I answer him: "take courage, only you is entitled to make this gesture." Trembling, he took leave of me and hand rub their backs. In no time, they are loose. The woman is then evacuated the Chu to undergo an enema. Note that a fetish at home allowed me to live in a Canary, what was happening at the hotel. Page 12 of 46 Harbingers and disorders in homes Rivalry in the home The wife called here stepmother is often at war with the children of another woman who could succeed in their lives. She spends her time making the rounds of the charlatans and marabouts. More often. She locked up the heart of the father in a Canary she buried in a cemetery that he sees nothing. Also, always gives reason to this woman and don't think to protect it. It goes on the side of it to fight the children of another woman. These women there engaged in witchcraft into homes. Subsequently, they end badly because the power of Satan is ephemeral. There are the co-wives have children but do witchcraft. Paradoxically, their children still have problems: in fact. witchcraft practice their mother has a boomerang effect on her children. These often fail: the misfortune is that reach them and nothing works in their lives. Sometimes they become thieves, robbers, rapists, lazy. As for girls, they have children from different fathers. Most often, their lovers do not recognize these pregnancies so that even during their pregnancy, these girls become a burden to their parents. They are sorcerers who are the basis of all these curses. Wizards sow division in families, particularly in polygamous families, especially if in the family there is a wife who does not have a child. It becomes a dangerous element; It is often the basis of failures, of failure, chronic diseases plaguing social life, hardware, financial rival children (often the first wife). To do this, it will see the wizards, the marabouts who communicates the name of all the children of the other woman, so the be captivated. So spellbound, working children do not really enjoy their salary, in the sense that they are unable to complete a project. for example, save and build a house in the village or town. Those who go on an adventure do not seek to return to the country; they spend ten to twenty years abroad without thinking about their parents. Sometimes they die in their host country. Enchantment and helps students In this area, I could either destroy the students or help them pass their exams. In the first case, this is due to jealousy: in polygamous households for example, rivals tend to destroy their children co-wives. They consult the wizard to enchant them. Often the child is very bright at school, major of his promotion. After the spell, his work in class, drop considerably. Before the exams, on examination, he is panicked and he fails miserably. This leads to drug, alcohol. 11 has headaches, it becomes unhealthy. etc. I Bewitched students and students so that when it announces a duty, they are panicked: they sometimes headaches heads and fever. They have other resources to seize a cigarette to smoke regardless so they take tablets or drugs, thereby destroying their lives. Wizards are often at the base of this state of affairs. Others may not pass their exams even though they work well in all subjects. If you are a student or student, that you do not have Jesus in your life. need to put you as early as now as read protection of Jesus, otherwise wizards, always ready to destroy, can very well make you fail your exam. In the second case. to help a student, I took the brain from the skull of a man (which was sold on the market!), mixed with another element, accompanied by incantations lyrics. I gave Page 13 of 46 this product these students so that they are intelligent and even bright classroom. Thus, they quit license, masters and even doctorates, but they will never work. This is the strategy of Satan: it can make succeed someone then will load itself him harm. Thus, people have their degree through witchcraft and they are unable to find work. Chapter 5: Witchcraft and social promotion Lack of employment - unemployment - chess There are people who will never have job, as long as they will not have Christ in their lives. Whatever studies they could make and graduates they could get, they never know happiness. Their studies will do nothing. Their records will be placed in the drawers of businesses, because wizards have decided so. They were possessed. I myself have Bewitched people so they remain unemployed and know the failure until their death. The sorcerer who claims away this bad spell is a liar. This evil can certainly be alleviated: the victim can find work, but after one or two months, he will be dismissed. This spell will always weigh upon him. A teacher or a healer can nothing do otherwise than to extract money. It is necessary that he accepts Jesus Christ to be released. It is Jesus Christ who can cure this kind of bewitchment, because it is he who has destroyed the works of Satan on the cross at Golgotha, it yielded Satan spectacle. This is why, if you accept Jesus Christ with all your heart, no sorcerers spell can harm you. It is not to accept Jesus Christ just to keep away bad luck, and then lead his life in his own way, because Christ knows our hearts. When we accept it, he knows if we are sincere or not. For this reason, found in the Church of people who do not thrive, because they come to the Church with petty motives. However we must entrust us with body and soul to the Lord Jesus Christ because nobody else that he can deliver us from these harbingers, sources of failures and unemployment. Witch doctors and professors can do nothing: they will try things that will look to walk, for example, they allow the victim to find work, but these results will be passengers. If they are hired, they will be returned later and again experience bad luck. All the promises of these socalled professors meant only one thing: make you squander your money. These people should give themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ. Witchcraft and legacy By witchcraft, I pushed the heirs of the wealthy deceased children so that they have no such property. Their uncle or aunt came to see me to make them sick so that they end up losing their heritage. The wizards are in families. Those who are in Jesus and who are attached to the word of God, the wizards cannot do anything against them as Inheritors of their father because, the spirit which is in them is higher in!'spirit that is in the world Jesus Christ is the protection of the heirs children who put their trust in him. It is the protection by excellence against the works of witchcraft. By witchcraft, I was creating problems to my own clients so that they come back to see me at any time. After helping them to thrive in their trade, business, company, I watched and at the time where they least expected, I suscitais a situation that required them to come back to see me. It was the opportunity to ruin them. It is what witch doctors. Occultists marabouts to their customers. All those who go home still have problems although things may seem to Page 14 of 46 walk. When I wanted to hurt someone, I watched it: If for example it has a vehicle, I had a date given to such fetish to do away with him. the day came, I had more than to complete it. Attack on white Of some wrongly tell Witch and wizards cannot reach the whites. This is to ignore the power of Satan. Regarding me, I détruisais the lives of whites. A day-in a large company of the place, there was a white which I shall here call Donatien. He was steering technique and was Assistant to a black. It came to consult me, because he wanted to be instead of the boss, he gave me the necessary for the work. I told him then: in seven days you will see what will become of this white. I downloaded the fetish I mentioned above and me among others used to get people to get drunk the hangover, to squander all their wages in drink, with women and worsen their mental health. I therefore uttered incantations lyrics, using the name of white. That day - I should say this night there because, as usual, this was the night. That night so I set shirtless and I did the work. At the invocation of his name, his image appeared in the Canary. After a week, it became crazy. Arrived at his place of work, he undressed, ran incoherent words and tried to throw on an electronic machine. But people prevented it, avoiding shut cut by this machine. He was taken to the hospital, then returned to his country of origin. After futile attempts to restore his mental health, the management of the company was to replace it with his Deputy. Thus Donatien became crazy, and the African took his place. I had to destroy other lives of whites by a fetish composed of human foot with a padlock to paralyze them and make them disabled. Unable to move, they were thus replaced to their position by Africans. Through this same process, I could also entice whites by the drug. the cigarette to squander their salary, there are many whites who are slaves of the cigarette, drugs, or who are chasing girls prostitutes. Their life is at the mercy of the wizards. Bewitch the whites is not difficult. The fetish, the witchcraft reach just as easily as black. For Satan, whether white or black, this has no importance. He destroys everybody with the same efficiency. The color of the skin can not influence the fetish still less Satan. Only the power of Jesus Christ (discussed later) can protect us. My friend, that lu be white or other, you who are on the heels of young girls to contaminate them by disease, law which are slave of drugs, cigarettes, prostitution and whatever, on the face of this evidence, gives your life to the Lord Jesus Christ to be delivered from all these links, because your life is in danger. Helps the bandits and traders I delivered fetishes to the large bandits (bullet proof, safety belt) they were thus protected by demons. But these people end up badly as the fetishes I recovering them, as a wizard, have a limit. Using a perfume that they brought me, I was a drug that great international traders used. They could have suspicious packages which were never controlled by customs officials. If the customs controls, he sees nothing and they pass without problem. Where appropriate, they came to see me and I recovering them a drug, then they were going to meet Page 15 of 46 with the Director of customs. For a Customs clearance that was to be valued at more than 5 million, it made them pay 600,000 CFA FRANCS through the drug that I had given them. Thus, these traders flourished. If you're very observer, you must have noticed a range with nine strokes, three at each corner of the triangle, hung in some shops. These are products made from human blood, white kaolin and cowries. You will find these shops work very hard, because this attracts the customer. The shops that are located in the vicinity are just weaned customers. But this success is not long, because their wealth is based on sacrifices, on diabolical ceremonies. These traders have not yet to have any problems and to know the bankruptcy. This is a fact that I have personally observed. Also, I appealed to the traders who make sacrifices: If you n ' do not accept Jesus Christ, be aware that you will have a tragic end. Accidents and prosperity of carriers Some major carriers of Côte d'Ivoire know me, because of the help that I made them. Some carriers began with two cars and found themselves with 50 to 60 cars. How this happened? There was a condition: generally, the customer had to sacrifice one of its cars in the fetish sakpata5 you often hear accidents of cars with many dead. Well. Here is the reason. I just wondering to the client the number of car to sacrifice over 500000 CFA FRANCS that he should bring me after the accident. With the number of because I was working with a fetish of human blood. This fetish is hungry for human blood. Absence of human blood, it needs the blood of pig. This works when it rains. After the departure of because at the speed of 120 km / h. If there is little rain, the tires slide and because fact barrel. The ideal is that half of the passengers die, because the blood must flow. Once done, the sacrifice is considered successful. After two to three months, this customer cars begin to thrive and he became rich. He was able to buy several cars. Thus innocent people die to ensure the prosperity of these criminals. To do some work, I had signed pacts with wizards in Benin, where I went regularly. I could not always indicate the day where some operations were realized, because everything depended not on me, but also great Wizards of Benin with whom I had signed pacts. Sometimes, when I saw that I could not do the work requested on the spot, I took the aircraft and I went to Benin. I saw a great sorcerer which made me the trick and I recovered the aircraft. I was doing this to satisfy my clients, because my reputation depended on the success of my practice. The fetish sakpata is a spirit who loves the human blood. It is the hase of disasters, wars and accidents. Helps musicians Most of the musicians that you see and people envy are under the sway of the demons. They have signed pacts with witch doctors, so with Satan. I personally helped musicians and singers from various countries. I was usually for them a fetish at base of a perfume that they love and human blood. I asked them to bring these elements, plus a sum of 200,000 francs. If they were unable to make human blood, I buying it them myself against payment. Benefits returned somewhat expensive because of the work to be done. Indeed, I had to build the reputation of the client, make it known. I had to arrange for that out of its cassette, people will it tear. I put therefore all the necessary elements in this bottle of perfume: Parrot red and Page 16 of 46 other feather, then, I him recovering this product which should perfume themselves everywhere he goes. Once this is done, people have their names on the lips. This spirit is on journalists. If the musician has a concert, he has to consult and make sacrifices. This concert will not only walk. It will be a lot of money. It is this work that ensures the success of certain stars whose cassettes can be purchased like hotcakes and who shows in full to overflowing halls. So, I helped foreign musicians animate concerts. Ceux-ci experienced a success extraordinary, but these concerts ended by fighting until the blood. Just because this success was due to witchcraft. This, it is that all that money will be no good. They use it to get stoned all day. Some defend themselves by claiming that they do not use drugs. That is witchcraft, fetish, that pushes them to do these things against their will. Also, these people end up badly. You have to observe things closely: there were several cases of musicians who have prospered. They sang for Satan and his demons and this, thanks to the wizards. But after they finish mat. The examples in this area are legion. The case of BOB Marley, from Franco and others are edifying. Their tragic end testifies to the covenants that they had to sign with Satan. In relation to me, there are for which I had to do fetish. They started with a bang, but their popularity was decreasing. After helping several musicians, I run a call today through to the paper that you hand links: give your life to Jesus Christ. Satan may exalt you, but you gonna hurt. I asked these musicians from Cameroon and Zaire, which are very familiar, to accept Jesus Christ. Put your life in good standing with Jesus Christ and play for the Lord. Musicians who play for the Lord are blessed. They have the protection of.Jesus Christ: nothing can against them. Everything they do, they do for the glory of the Lord. If you play for Satan, know qu ' he will destroy you one day or the other. Women executives who are not married These women were for the most part, a spirit of bad smell on their life. The fetish that causes this consists of human blood that crushes you with another element. Between 1 h and 2 a.m. in the morning, I soufflais on the powder, which was spreading. It was then made of this woman. It will never be husband. Enchantment of senior officers I also envoûtais senior executives, regardless of where they were. As they earn a lot of money, they make a lot of jealous around them. It was sufficient that one communicates me the name of a framework so that I it enchants. Then, he was never successful projects. If it be made account and that he took the flight to go to the United States or elsewhere, as a wizard, I was always on his heels. You can never flee from a sorcerer as long as there is no Jesus Christ: because then it is not protected. our life is in danger. If it happens that such people want to build a house in the village, the withdrawals they made to the Bank were no strangers to me. By witchcraft, I could destroy this money that they withdrew. Also. The work are beginning, but when the walls go up to 2 m. work blocked: diseases in the household: wife or sick children one after the other. The work is never; completed This is mostly explained by the dark hand of the wizards. They sow disorder in their economies or make them sick to their victim. They ruin to pay drug: they will go into debt by drawing on funds from Page 17 of 46 projects. Such is the life of these senior executives who receive huge salaries but who are unable to build homes. I have done this horrible work against senior executives. The sorcerer can let anyone finish his house and prevent to live in it. She became haunted and those who inhabit it die or drop out. All this is the work of Satan, he seeks only to destroy. It dangles success before men to better destroy them later. The sorcerer, after giving power to its customer. the free leash until the day he was set to deliver body and soul to Satan which then kill him. Sorcerers can attach their victim for years; Once the date they chose arrived, they have more than to kill him. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can rescue you and deliver you from all these curses of sorcerer spell links that push you to squander your salary. Because otherwise, despite the debts that you have contracted, you can't finish the House read tents to build. It will be abandoned to rain and weather which deteriorate what was built. You pay the treaties to! a Bank for nothing. And so, my friends, be careful! If you do not have Jesus Christ in your life. you are in danger. Helps senior officers and appointments You see the personalities and senior officers do big back and roll in big Mercedes, but when they arrive to witch doctors. especially at the approach of the elections, they are tiny. They become like kids before a simple witch. This is a very fun scene. I say this as a witness because I also helped many senior executives. They came with a sheep more 200000F and I did the fetish. On this occasion, they had to make two metres of percale. Were killed the sheep, is it éventrait, it disposed of all his intestines and other, I took the rest of the sheep, I put it on the head of my client, I asked him to remove his subfield, and we were at a crossroads the ritual was to wash at the crossroads. There, my disciples began to lap up the Tom-Toms at the rate of which the client should dance. This happened about 1 hour from evil, where no car passes: the rest, my mystical powers allowed me to divert all traffic, so that at this time there. the streets were empty. However, despite this power, it happened that a car passes by and that the user sees the scene. In this case, he should die of fever, once back at home. After the dance at the crossroads, the client is discharged and resulted in a cemetery to attend the burial of sheep near a tomb. I then asked him to cry until his tears flow. Some time after this sacrifice, he was appointed to an important post. For example, he became Minister after a reshuffle. Corn. Must it be repeated, these people end up badly. When power drops, they fall below that they were. Election What is elections in important positions, Member or otherwise. I had conditions that here is my famous clients: I asked them: • a part of their body that I won't name. • sand sea in large quantities. The voices that they will depend on the quantity of sand brought sea. Page 18 of 46 • a bottle of human blood. Generally, customers were unable to obtain the last element. It's me who it was giving them. In addition to this, I asked them a difficult condition: • sacrificing one of their children: the child dies either during the campaign or after the elections, or then it becomes toque. Or, if they have two women, they sacrifice one who should suffer the same fate as the child. It is for this reason that is often seen in large authorities, people hit monsters infirmity. Chapter 6: Race to the wealth and power How I was rich people. I was doing the prayer first, then the consultation, the fetish stated me the sacrifice to impose. There are several ways to become rich. Some, it was required to bring, to a bottle, a small amount of semen, a certain amount of human blood and a sheep. I was the sacrifice with these products. After the ceremony, I asked the customer bring me a suitcase in which I have white sheets cut into 5 000 and 10 000 FCFA notes format. I shed the sperm, human blood and the sheep blood on the leaves with incantatory lyrics and I him recovering the suitcase. After seven days, when he opens the bag, it will find correct tickets in large quantities, it can use its own way. But in return for the sperm delivered as a guarantee, it will no longer child. It was beautiful to have intercourse, it can never have children. That is why we see several rich childless. They have all sorts of things, but they have no children. After their death. their families cannot use this money. Need to squander. I have helped people to get rich this way, but I have to say that all those whose wealth is based on witchcraft end badly: they have big cars, Mercedes, big houses and lots of money, but they end up badly. Magic tickets I had a fetish composed 1,000 f. 5 000 F notes and 10,000 CFA FRANCS as well as 500 FCFA. I find incantatory lyrics about these tickets to customers. These silent purchases with these tickets at merchants. Once one of these tickets is in the recipe of the day, the merchant still loses money. After a few years, it fell into bankruptcy and it's a hassle. Many of these traders do more come out. Wizards are often at the origin of the bankruptcy of merchants. Initially, these traders thrive, but after a few years, it's a hassle. Debauchery and sacrifices of albinos After consultation, it happens that the evil spirit asked sunset with a Madwoman in a hangar or with their eldest daughter - today, there are clients who consent. That would be not to become rich? After having slept with a crazy woman in the street overnight. they become extremely rich. They have trailers, buses. but they end up being crazy and their offspring has problems to use this wealth which is to disappear. Still others, he was asked to propose an albino child sacrifice. It was the formula preferred by most customers and for good reason: he needed only an albino hair. The work was in their room, and the albino died regardless of the place where he was. The client should also refrain from having sex with a woman, sometime before the sacrifice. Work was therefore done using the hair of this child, half a litre of human blood. 4 bottles of gin. 2 m percale and 1 000 000 F CFA - believe me, there are people who brought me this Page 19 of 46 amount - and a large suitcase. On his way home at home. We stayed in room. I was doing all the sacrifices and incantations that this requires. After all the sacrifices I was putting all the ingredients in the bag it will open seven days more later. It will then find F 1 0 000 tickets in large numbers: the brought sum could be multiplied by 1,000. Note that the child, which the client will be sent the hair must die. You have heard of the marabouts who deceive their customers. It is that these marabouts are not well the sacrifices. There are sacrifices that geniuses can give their agreement. The marabout may make his client sees money in the suitcase, but when he arrives home, he finds that of the paper. It is that the sacrifice was not done. Beside that, there are of course liars who abuse the greedy money men. Witches and witch doctors do the work half making believe their customers that they have done so in full. Because they say that if they work in full, the client will more return. Some do so the work halfway. Initially, it's okay, but after awhile, it starts to go wrong and the client is obliged to come to this same witch who will still take him money. They are healers, witch doctors, professors, but they do that ruin the people to the point where some sell their TV to give them what they ask. They are not telling the truth to the people. It is the motto of crooked witch doctors, the rest like Satan, their master: always operate the applicant before making the true fetish. When Satan gives a power, it is irresistible at the beginning but later, it ends badly. The life of his servants is in danger and itself undertakes to destroy them. In myself, I could help people to become rich after consultation with fetishes because they are fetishes that prescribed what he should be. I was making sacrifices so that people become millionaires or even billionaires. But once these people are dying, their wealth is dissipated. Because the wealth of Satan does not last. As a Warlock, I helped many people become rich in this way. In this area, my reputation exceeded the Ivorian borders to the point that I had customers who came from Gabon, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Senegal, Mali. etc. As you know, a client sometimes brings more. Human sacrifice Many great richards and billionaires are often human sacrifices each year to maintain their wealth. And this human sacrifice is done either on 31 October, November 30 or December 31 to complete the year. If you have noticed, it is from the month of October there is abduction, and this until December. These children, not found more. Even the large people are removed. It takes blood from their body in order to enrich themselves. One thing is certain, all these kidnappers end badly by the suite. They pay the price of their package. The great richards, them, are usually untouchable because of their relations in the highest echelons of the State that earned them to be protected. My own race to wealth Trafficking in children For money, I walked into a group of child trafficking. We were flying the children to sell them to the Aladjis (El Hadj deformation). Often it sold them to 5 000 000. Meanwhile, they will work on these children to become a billionaire. So far, the Aladjis Group continues to operate. Because when I go to Benin, I see them in their posts. I do miss me approach them Page 20 of 46 to tell them the truth about this life that they lead. I believe that the Lord is going to operate the miracle a day. Manufacture of counterfeit notes I was also in the manufacture of false bank notes. I had two partners. Once, a great sorcerer of Benin asked us to bring the bump of a hunchback dead and buried. We therefore went to see the guardian of the municipal cemetery. In this time there (in the 86-87 years), the Government of Benin did not pay civil servants. We have therefore had no trouble to seduce the guard to get him to show us tomb of a hunchback buried for about six months. We broke down the coffin and we removed the body of the hunchback. Then we removed her bump, it was rotten but we removed it and we delivered the body in the coffin. With the thus extracted bump, we went to see the great sorcerer. It took her, takes us into a room. Meanwhile, he entered another small room. After an hour, he us was calling. And we have seen hundreds of thousands of bank notes that he asked us to count. I was the first to count. It was more than 50 billion! But there was a fault on the tickets, because we made a hole on the bump and it had derailed the case. We were forced to burn all tickets, more than 50 billion! Sale of drugs I took advantage of the maraboutage, to sell the drug. It was in a cemented hole and a fetish was deposited on it. Several marabouts, sorcerers and other, are drug dealers. For my part, I sold the cannabis and cocaine. Satan urged me to make these unsavory things and many others, to increase my wealth. How I conférais the power to my clients I also had a fetish that I had acquired in Benin. This fetish was based on two albino: a woman and a boy were to sell the wood in the nearby village at the precise moment where the wizards entered their tam-tam. It is seized of them and it has thrown them into a large hole is closed. With this fetish that I have acquired, regardless of the power of an individual, I could always increase this power. Other hand if a sorcerer or a witch doctor was against me, Nice going, he couldn't against me. My own race to the power YoungI practiced fasting, because as a witch, if you entrusted me with a very delicate work, I had to fast in order to make this work: I was not eating seven days; I drank that juice and coconut with incantatory lyrics, I was getting positive results for destroying the life of someone whose soul is powerful, must be fast to succeed. It is thus that proceed good number of wizards for any difficult case. For example, he got been asked to entice someone to go get lost in the forest. On see people dangling in the forest; This is due to witchcraft. Pact with wizards I made a pact with the great Wizards of Benin to have extra power. You see, there are basically three categories of wizards and ways of witchcraft: first category: a man can be born witch, from her mother's womb. It or the father of this individual may have offered it to Satan. Page 21 of 46 Second category: anyone can become by making a pact with a renowned sorcerer. It is sufficient that the sorcerer and the applicant will hack the skin, collect blood in a single glass, mix a bit of gin and drink it has turn the Covenant is thus sealed. From that moment, it is initiated into witchcraft sorcerer transmitted witchcraft for giving to initiates it his blood third category: it's born sorcerers who had nevertheless to one or more pacts with most powerful wizards that in? It was my case: I made pacts with major wizards c Ouidah, Porto Novo behind Porto Novo, there Sakele Ekpile, it is a great sorcerer I searched far I had to spend millions in these things. Witchcraft is expensive; because the Covenant with the great Wizards require money. I moved around by plane to go to see the great masters. I often hear on Ivorian radio antennas of so-called sorcerers, Beninese professors who claim go to Benin to go see customers; It is certainly not impossible because myself, I had a few customers in Benin, but most of the time, this is bluff for the simple reason that Benin is saturated sorcerers and healers. In fact, these so-called professors publicity go to Benin to search other powers in order to be more effective in their activities. They go there to make a Covenants. Maybe they benefit to see some clients. But in general, they have no customers in Benin. In relation to me, I was going to see teachers receive them other powers. On the other hand, I had clients in Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Togo, Liberia, etc. Those who claim to have customers in Benin are mostly liars who use radio antennas to attract customers. But this is not surprising, because Satan who is the basis for this is itself the liar by excellence; It is a slanderer; He came to destroy, to kill. Those who worship him can only live a lie. In fact, any sorcerer lives of lies. Let me tell you that I was helping of great directors of company to dig up the fetishes of their villas. When they came to see me, I would tell them, after consultation, it has buried fetishes in their yard or in their office, while it is not of course that was sometimes true: the fetish tells me the exact spot where the object buried. But when a rich man makes me call and I had no indication, I couldn't let him go like that. It was necessary that I draws it money. I have myself a little fetish I switched under a knit long-sleeved arrives on the scene, I was putting me to dig with a machete somewhere in their court. After a while, I Let fall the fetish hidden under the Bodley in the hole I digging, and I said: here is the fetish, therefore carry out these witches witch in order to extract money from their clients. What unmitigated liars. If so a witch doctor claims that it has buried a fetish in your office, don't believe on floor. Bury a fetish in a tiled office, it is not given to any witch. Moreover, if this was true and disposed you of this fetish, you wouldn't be issued so far. Don't rely so not to witch doctors. Rely instead on the Lord Jesus Christ, because it is the only way. Marriage to Mamie Watta In the context of increasing my wealth and my power, I had to contract a marriage with Mamie Watta. The wedding itself Granny Watta, the siren of the sea, is a powerful demon who is from the West Coast. The annual celebration of Granny Watta is celebrated in Togo to Ahmadi (seat of Mamie Watta in Togo), by the sea, a date chosen by Mamie Watta itself. Usually this happens in the month of August or September. This Festival brings together thousands of followers, men and Page 22 of 46 women who celebrated the marriage with this spirit and received support or its support for their prosperity. Marriage to Mamie Watta is a highly mystical scene. This marriage, famous seaside around 1 in the morning - because grandma Watta has his mind in the sea - is the opportunity of a great ceremony bringing together great women which you hear, the Nana Benz. venues of Togo, ladies of Benin, Ghana that they also made this marriage to Mamie Watta. Many do to enrich themselves especially. The rest was my case. It is a witch who put us in touch with his spirit. Those who officiate these marriages usually live on the edge of the sea. My marriage to Mamie Watta does not escape the rule it was famous by a great witch. To do this, the witch doctor witch leader asked me the following: a sheep, twelve chickens, one litre of human blood, a record of youki, a record of gin, twelve cartons of Gauloises brand cigarettes, twelve soaps scented brand Rexona (it seems that this spirit of Mamie Watta loves the scents of class), a full of percale that I had to wear, a white hat - there were beads that I had to put the neck, the wrist or foot. He asked me also a small Canary and a bucket plastic 15 litres and also the perfume "Saint-Michel" 6. At this ceremony, followers come from everywhere, from Togo, Benin, the Ivory Coast of, etc. Around one in the morning, a Friday at the edge of the sea, I found myself kneeling in the middle of the Group (composed of followers came to the feast). We were all naked. From this position, a woman stood up. Fuma a cigarette and sent smoke on my followed by head of the group who spoke the words of "blessing" on me. After that, the blood of the sheep that I had brought, one of twelve killed chickens and human blood, mixed in a bucket, were delivered to me, so I go to wash at the edge of the Sea (not far from the place where we were). There had, added to this, a brand sweets Youki locker I me bathed so with such products, asking the happiness in my life and an account of three billion: I presented as demand fifty taxis compteurs7, ready-to-wear stores, supply, I have request also that women like me a lot. After washing with blood please, there was blood clotted in the bucket, that witch doctor asked me to drink. Then I rinçai with youki bottles, without water. There I was, alone. After ten minutes. a great wind, a terrible wind blew, and a big snake came out of the sea and walked over to me. He turned six times around me, the seventh time, he introduced his tongue in my mouth and went into the sea. The witch which was about 100 metres all followed. He said shouting to throw everything I had: the bucket. bottles, in the sea, and come to power I joined them in the House of the Witch and they wished me welcome. In the House of the witch doctor or I was, there were white kaolin, a candle, powder, perfume Saint-Michel. He asked me to spend the night in this House until the morning. They had all left me there because the ceremony had ended late at night. In my dream, I saw a very beautiful woman who gave me a suitcase containing banknotes of 10,000 FCFA she remained with me until three o'clock in the morning. The morning, at the request of the witch, I related to him the dream. He told me that everything was in order and that the marriage was thus consumed. I had to make a commitment with Mamie Watta. I made him sign that I was ready for commitment. Page 23 of 46 The commitment There are several kinds of marriages with Mamie Watta. Each kind of marriage is associated a particular disability. There are people who still have their heads shaved and who are really rich. This is most often due to marriage to Mamie Watta. II there is others who are blind, others still have sold one of their feet, one of their fingers. Brief. The Weddings With Mamie Watta are numerous and multifaceted. So I had a choice to make: have either an eye, or a foot, or a finger cut, a head still shaved (proof that these are my hair that I sacrificed), or then accept not having children. Another type of marriage, said, was to sell my age so that every year, I would have five years younger on the time I had to live this type of marriage, added t - it makes immensely rich my choice is focused on the latter provision. The witch asked Mamie Watta notice which gave his approval. The witch doctor or Mamie Watta gave me twenty years to live from 1985 by the account, I should die in 19898. Two days later, the witch doctor and I, were again at the edge of the sea. He left me at the beach and entered the 6 this scent is used by churches, associated with candles. The churches in question have links with Mamie Watta. Often found on the edge of the sea with the perfume and candles they lit to invoke the spirit of Mamie Watta. They use the Bible as cover. 50 taxis were somehow my capital I in two days to enter in possession of this capital when the process of my conversion is turned on. In my efforts to get those 50 taxis, I had worn out my influence in mystical terms to constrain Executive Director of a large sales companyvehicles to accept grant me fifty vehicles without even I have to pay the penny. I had to pay only after operation of this non-guaranteed loan. If I still live, it is through Jesus Christ who holds our lives bottom of the sea after three hours. He came out with four packets of candles that he handed the part of Granny Watta. He later explained to me in him, that these candles should be used every Thursday night until Friday, for ceremonies. I had to do these ceremonies all alone in my room once back to Abidjan. II showed me the different roles that could play these candles: If a client wanted to eliminate a troublesome person, with one of these candles, I could do it for him by creating an accident. I could also make it rich, because marriage to Mamie Watta enhances and protects, even if it is true that this reserve to the contractor a tragic end as this was to be my case, namely five years less each year! Following the marriage, every Thursday morning, I had to dress me, recommended - in white dress. This was my outfit of percale. I wore beads at the neck, feet and wrists. This time was more favourable to the consultations on the night of Thursday to Friday, the same large snake which emerged from the sea at my wedding came lie near me. I did 1 hour ceremonies at 3 in the morning in his company before the arrival of the snake, I should not have sexual intercourse. After his departure, my bed drawers were filled with 10,000 F tickets. When making purchases with these kinds of tickets, they always come back in their place that enriched me more. It is this marriage to Mamie Watta. But only just imagine the problems this creates to traders and to the cashiers of banks! This spirit of Mamie Watta is the basis of prostitution. It pushes people to go in nightclubs. Mamie Watta is also at the base of women and husbands of night. Page 24 of 46 How to contact with Indian mentor I was in contact with an Indian with whom I had sessions on several occasions in my house in Abobogare. There, him and me, the torso we we were incantations around one in the morning. After that, he took his plane and went. A week after this series of visits, each Friday noon, I was the incantations in which I saw the image of the Indian in a large mirror that he gave me and that I had installed in my room. Through this mirror, I was talking to him directly I have to say that senior executives engage in such practices made incantations with partners in Europe, in India or elsewhere in the world. They know what I mean. So I was in touch with Indian incantatory words A pronunciation of these words, he arose in my mirror and we disclose it in India, and me in Abidjan. By this Indian I had increased my power. This allowed me to help many people. I was doing them evolve in their society, in their Ministry. They came from the Congo, Mali, Cameroon, Burkina Faso and so on, to consult me through this book, I address to all those that I had "helped" in this way telling them that what I did for them is zero. This is worthless next to eternal life.I beg you therefore: stop everything! Accept Jesus Christ, otherwise you'll end badly. The mystical works are terrible: you can: be on Board of your car and you're run over by a big truck. This is what I call end evil. Chapter 7: Megnanou and the Church Witchcraft, we have seen, is to hold mystical powers which we use for the benefit of individuals or group of individuals against another group of individuals generally more significant in number. But the real foundation of witchcraft is the devil, and as such, it opposes to God and his Church. In the exercise of my profession, I have therefore become enemy of God. I was associated with a group of occult sorcerers practicing Voodoo. This group was composed of an Indian to a Haitian of a Guadeloupe to a Brazilian. I was the only African in this group. Our mission in the world was to work in collaboration with the great masters of Freemasonry, of the Rosicrucians, of the Eckankar, Voodoo to cause air disasters, collisions of trains, flooding, etc. to collect human blood on behalf of Satan, so that lives are destroyed. We were subsequently to report to Satan in cemeteries and in the sacred forests are sorcerers, occultists and others, which are at the base of air disasters, civil wars, floods worldwide, which cause the destruction of human lives and create problems for foreign financial institutions to rebuild the country. Witches, occultists, marabouts, followers of Voodoo or witch doctors, operate from midnight until 3 o'clock in the morning. Of no profit from these hours to get out of their bodies, doing so in a dedoublements9 to go operate off, destroying human lives by making them sick in their sleep. This explains that people are waking up the morning sick and after fourteen days or twentyand-one days, they make the soul. If read are attached to the Lord.Jesus Christ, no wizard cannot attack you in your sleep for kill you "because I the Lord Angels camped around those who fear him." No sorcerer can kill a Pastor or another Christian attached to the Lord. Pastors and other Christians who have fallen or have been eaten in witchcraft, prove there qu ' they n ' were not properly converted. The sorcerers attacked remotely. They kill remotely. They create problems remotely. They make sick people remotely. But if you are in Christ Jesus, they may make against you a distance, nothing can happen to you because you are covered by the blood of Jesus day and night. I have attacked many Christians and pastors in sorcery to bewitch them, make them sick in order to destroy them, but to no avail. I have Page 25 of 46 failed because they were strongly attached to the Lord. Being strongly attached to the Lord, it does consult occultist, or sorcerer. or witch doctor. neither visionary nor devin, whatever the trials that come upon us. Being strongly attached to the Lord, it still engage in prayer when we cross the tests and it endured attacks. and expect that his God intervene in favour of time because the Scriptures say not to turn to those who evoke the spirits to the soothsayers, the marabouts, witch doctors, sorcerers, visionaries, not search, for the fear of soil us with them (Leviticus 19.31). You turn to Jesus Christ who is the solution to all our problems. However, I often happened to attack Christians who have "a foot a church and one foot out" visionaries, devins-wizards or witch doctors. Such Christians are very unfruitful works and the family tradition ties often. I kills several supposedly baptized confirmed whose faith was wavering. Does the Bible says: "believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved"? Only those who have a real faith in Jesus are out of reach of wizards. The prayer vigils that Evangelical churches organize are bombs thrown into the camp of witches, occultists, witch doctors, marabouts. They prevent them from operating safely. By witchcraft, I pushed the churches By witchcraft, my group and I compromising Christians and brought them to interrupt their time of fasting before term. When they decided to do a one day fast, I brought them to interrupt at noon instead of continue until the scheduled time to be blessed. When a group of Christians decided to make four or seven days of fasting, I pushed them to shorten the young decreed by the Assembly. When nevertheless they continued, this put the Funk in our camp. Youth and prayer do fail the works of witchcraft directed against Christians. I could attack the churches with my group of wizards by sowing division between pastors and leaders of churches for the money and material goods, when they are attached to these things. These dissensions prevented them pray enough, fast and to take care of the sheep for the advancement of the work of God. -Sorcerers excite the beautiful daughters of the Church who are not converted, so do drop leaders and pastor in order to destroy even living churches. I pushed the churches by fostering a spirit of rebellion, of pride, of slander among Christians so that they are attached to witchcraft. Rebellion against pastors, criticism and slander, hatred, spite each other, are most often caused by witchcraft. The wizards are transformed in cockroaches, in lions, in black cats, in mice, in cattle, in hippos, in snakes, in flies, scorpions or dogs to kill. Quant. me, I am dédoublais turning me into fly-fishing. As wizards, we cooperate with the following associations: Eckankar, Rosicrucian, Gouroumaraji, Mahikari, Buddha, Moon, Chrischna, the Freemasons, the associations where people light candles to pray and who worship the statues of carved images representing things that are up in the heavens. All of them practice witchcraft some so-called churches offer visions to people to be captivated, and sell candles white, red, blue, green. They require married seven to fourteen days of convent women. These 'churches' practice, they also witchcraft. At night, their leaders go in cemeteries and at the edge of the sea to pray, make sacrifices, practise witchcraft, occultism and the maraboutage. Others use the anointing oil which is very dangerous. It's Page 26 of 46 python fat which they are black SOAP they hand over people for washing, thus putting them in contact with demons. They prepare perfumes Saint-Michel for their clients, exposing them to the spirit of Mamie-Watta. It's true witchcraft practiced by these churches. These visionaries are taking advantage of their so-called convent to commit adultery or fornication, with married women and young girls. There is also "churches" where the faithful dress in white and policy-makers in cassocks with a black belts chest and a cane in hand. These people here practice witchcraft all these churches and networks of the occult I just quote you are colluding with the wizards. Also, as a wizard, I was me also create a church. Church project As a result of my contact with the Indian, we decided to create a church in Abidjan. You can imagine, this was to be a Satanic Church! Our church would be called International Church of the blood of Jesus Christ. Is it necessary to point out that this is not the blood of Jesus Christ but the human blood that was to be the basis of this church? It is the Indian and me who have chosen this name. We set up the folders and set the conditions for all those who wish to be members of this church: to be registered in the register of our Church, we had to pay 10,000 F this should be a guarantee of prosperity for the faithful in its activities that prosperity should be based on a fetish held by the Church and that is made from human blood. If a member were to die, we will bury him ourselves, history of him remove the heart to entice wealthy so that they join the Church. The Indian had to take this heart in India, working on it that another person who is like the deceased come to take his place. A deceased rich faithful, to fill the gap by another equally if not richer. The heart of the deceased was to enable the Indian to achieve this result. The faithful had to wear an all red cassock and a red banner percale during prayer. Every faithful had to buy a candle: red, blue, white, green. Among the candles, there were revenge against all those who were opposed to the members of our congregation. Using these candles, they could do the incantations to destroy their enemies. In our church so project, we have provided candles for sale to provide happiness to our fideles10. Moreover, each year we planned the death of four faithful in mystical terms, i.e. outside the natural death. It must in fact be sacrifices intended to bring to the Church nearly 100 to 150 people over. We had also planned to organize three baptism ceremonies each year. The Indian had to move his country far to the ceremony. Candidates for baptism should give 50,000 F for the water of baptism. This is not the true God that we worship in this Church also, we decided that a faithful can marry four women and have mistresses outside. This should not be counted as sins before God. We have planned all this after doing research in the Bible and found somewhere that seven women came to a man to say: we want to marry you. This was to be the biblical support for this point of articles of our Church. This is to say that it had the Bible as cover, but this was based on the lie. That is what the Indian and I had planned for our Church, but this could not be achieved because Jesus Christ took me and all these projects fell into the water 10 curiously, ago today of churches that use candles to do exactly what we had planned. Today there in Abidjan and even in the whole world, a church of the same name in some shade near. We are entitled to ask if this is not the same idea that the founders of this church were resumed. Page 27 of 46 Chapter 8: Conversion, fighting and issuance Conversion As you can see, everything was going well for me: I had success and my reputation exceeded the Ivorian borders. With my Indian mentor. prospects were fantastic. Nothing predisposed me so apparently to abandon my practices but God had his plan to achieve, it helped that my sister, by the name of Beatrice, accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and pray with perseverance for me. This is the place to say that a witch Wizard can do everything, but once the time of God has come, it has nothing; do, he may only transfer. When Beatrice realized what I was doing, she was brought home Saturday, while I was getting a customer. I tell him: I learn that you go to church. Yes, answered she, I accept Jesus Christ and I am here to talk to you from him. It should not be more that I hunt me because customers had intended such a conversation, they might get discouraged. Without disarming, she returned the next day, this time, to invite me to the church because she said, there was a program I had to hunt with a machete. The fight was so engaged between me and her. It must be said that she prayed and fasted for me also. Rows day by day. Not knowing. I was making fun of her whenever I saw her. But she kept repeating that the Lord has a plan for me, which naturally more amused me these words, I'd get in my car and I was going. After a month, I had a terrible bout of fever, I shivered from cold. A witch doctor friend who lives in Port-Bouët (one of the ten municipalities of Abidjan) visited me at this time there II asked me what I had. I was obliged to tell the truth I tell him so: for some time, my little sister makes me visit with his Bible and she invites me to the Church in response, the friend put me caution: never collaborates with people coming to speak you of Jesus Christ, told me. Because in his presence, the fetishes have more power. Subsequently, he pronounced incantatory lyrics about me, after which I delivered him the name of my little sister so make of it what he wanted. including the kill. I was determined to put an end to it. As a Warlock, I decided to go myself to the attack even before my friend comes in. Around 1 in the morning so I ' not approached my fetish which had the property of crazy and I uttered incantations lyrics. I was expecting to see his image in the Canary containing the fetish. To my surprise, this had not occurred. I did then call my followers to see clearer in this case. One of them suggested to pour a bottle of Gin on the fetish, to give it more power. After all these sacrifices, the image of my sister still not released. I inquired of my cowry that had predicted that labour would work. Then. I took a lock which had the property of crazy; I say his name; When I was trying to close, the lock is blocked. I picked up the experience, still the same thing. This lasted until 3 o'clock in the morning. Exceeded and imagining me that she was already suffering, I decided all drop it was a Friday; on Saturday, around 4 p.m., while I was visiting my father, I saw my younger sister who saw me, cried: "so, big brother." Alleluia! Jesus is wonderful. Very angry, I however made an effort on me to master me, I approached her and asked if she could not feel a headache any part "I'm Jesus Christ; How do you want that I get sick like that? », I fitelle. Then, she told me: accept Jesus Christ, because everything you do is null and void. The power of Jesus she added, surpasses by far that of the wizards. After three days, I take an another fetish, consists of a foot of man and a padlock, for paralyzing. To do this, I locked me in my room and I fast for three days. For all food, I take Page 28 of 46 coconut juice. I am talking about up to seven times and when I try to close the lock, it crashes again. I was wondering if she was magician. However, I decided to go to the cemetery late at night to bury the fetish, to give it more power. The next day, I decided to go visit him, hoping that she would be paralyzed, on her bed. But being in the taxi, I see go away. Bible in hand. So I approach her and tell him: I made a dream on you wouldn't you not bad at the foot she answered: «I am in Jesus Christ, the disease is no longer power over me»11. in wrath, I get home and I appeal to my friend and colleague of Port-Bouet. I explain what I had done, without the slightest success. He said: give me a week. And then he adds: don't worry, it is we who will pay his coffin. I give him white card. This is the place to say that the wizards, for having us, pass by a member of our family. On this, he goes home; After a week, nothing happens. I go home; He told me that he has done the job and understands nothing happens. This conundrum, I decided to drop everything. But this is only three weeks after, the fever which I had suffered returns more beautiful she was so strong that I thought: it is done, I'm dead. By instinct for survival, I nevertheless take a taxi to the airport, history of make me emergency with my mentors in Benin to treat me when I come down from the vehicle despite the fever, in a supreme effort. I do not have the presence of mind to see if the fire for pedestrians was always green before crossing the road. I therefore almost get knocked over by a taxi. The driver of the taxi after having me insult itself. down to give me a good pair of slaps. People looked at me. I was without a reaction. I could not even contact the driver one of these words which I was the secret, which would have led him to make an accident, I had forgotten all this, both I was troubled. Arriving at Air Africa - teller came close. And I was there, not knowing that make a voice I suggested going to see my little sister. Another objected to this proposal. But the first voice was irresistible. It is she who won my vote. Here I am on the way to the House of my sister. Arriving at her home, she told me that the Lord is going to operate the miracle. I asked him: what a miracle? For me also I do miracles. And I quote him some miracles that I working. These miracles-there are Satanic, they are evil, they have no power. exclaimed with a hint of nervousness well, I say, what is it What we do for my health? She told me: 'we'll see pastors. They will pray for you. Okay, fisje. Looking to see pastors after worship, she said. No problem, I replied in the taxi which led us to the Church, I noticed that my sister had the head down and prayed. I assenai him so suddenly on the back telling him that the taxi is not a church. When we arrived at the Church, she was very excited because she had to find a new soul. Finally, she found me a place to sit. After worship, before being received by the pastor, I went in the toilet, I opened my briefcase, I came out a fetish that I put in my mouth saying: hell will break loose! It was of course with the intent to do harm to Pastor. Pastor received me in his office the fetish being in my mouth. He asked me questions to which I answered the head because I couldn't open his mouth. I had to take advantage of a moment of inattention to remove my mouth fetish curiously, incantatory lyrics I want to pronounce on the pastor, I had all forgotten. Like what, when you are in Christ Jesus, the arrows of the evil one cannot reach us. The pastor asked me what was wrong, what was causing this fever that brought me there. Before leaving, the pastors should pray for me. I did not know how this Page 29 of 46 happened. We went so in a room where I live a woman to the ground screaming while people who were beside her said: get out of this body, get out of this body! Taken of panic, I made a step back, telling me that I was going to suffer the same fate as this woman who was lying on the ground. But the pastor tells me not to be afraid. It encouraged me to move forward. They made me sit on a bench; the pastors of the Demonology Department began to pray over me. I then put me to sleep. When I woke up, they had finished praying, I felt so much heat out of my body. They gave me see you in three days. Three days ago, point Megnanou. During my absence, in effect, clients had missed me. When they returned, they asked me where I was spent. Informed that I went to church, they disowned me: is put more feet, told me. It is very dangerous. Wanting me reassuring, I answered: this declaration of Beatrice, the author includes the today in the sense that the true child of God is hidden in Jesus. Therefore, it can not be reached by these mystical practices. It notes, however, that some Christians are victims of these attacks, which he explains by the fact that they leave openings for Satan. have no fear; I came to the House take an another fetish to go against the pastor. After that, I did their consultation and they went. In fact, I was not on my plate. My thought was to the Church. All that happened there parade in my head. If realized that I was absent from the meeting, my little sister came to see me. -But, great ' brother, you has not been to worship. I answered: with God, so do not rush. I will come to the Church; But let me go at my own pace. No, fit, don't let yourself be fooled by Satan. He seeks only one thing: go you crazy and you destroy at the end. She was not at all happy to see that I was still practicing consultations; It was a Friday. In the evening, we went to the Church. They began to pray on me. That day, when the pastor who was in the program began to pray, I noticed that people were falling here and there. Taken of panic, I accrochai my foot to my neighbour, which did not fail to cause any misunderstanding after which service order had to intervene. People were falling everywhere after the prayer, I went home and I started to laugh alone. Worried, I took the initiative to go to the Church. That day, it preached on God's love; following the prayer, neither I, nor anyone not fell. I was happy. Pastors have asked me why I came over. I told them: when I come and pray - people fall they replied that this should not stop me from coming. Another day, I had an interview, a priest of soul at the end of which I confessed them I had fetishes. They then have me request to bring them. I did not agree, because |e thought at the bottom of my heart that Pastors would seize to have extra power but, after this interview, I slept more. I was the scene of a terrible fight: I saw as people sue me with sticks in full lounge. Was around the table to eat on the other hand, I got to speak alone. I was on the edge of madness. Frightened neighbors came to the news. To hide my own apprehension, I told them: don't worry, there is nothing actually, I hastened to go the pastor at the Church to explain the situation. It tells me to turn: brings the fetishes that burned, after which, you will have the peace of heart. This time, I have my agreement... It must be said that I had no choice. One morning, I rented a new tent which was in circulation barely three months. I told the driver that had luggage to be transported to the Church. I took suitcases, bags, and I Page 30 of 46 addressed the fetishes in these terms: it seems that it is because of you that I do not sleep. You will therefore get out there, the Church. If you want, go attack them and leave me alone on this, I'm heading to a fetish to lift; He became extremely heavy. Unable to take even the smallest of fetishes! After this failed attempt, I got to speak alone. The driver then approached me to ask me what was happening. -No, it was nothing, wait for me, I happens, am not hurry, I arrives, don't worry, I'll pay you, I tell him. -He said: "but you speak alone; If the luggage is heavy, you don't have to call me, I will help you. » -No, it's going to, I'm coming. But all fetishes were heavy and as nailed to the ground. I started to think and I remembered an expression that was on the lips of the people to the Church. "In the name of Jesus, get out of this body!" I went in the room and I asked fetishes: you are going to move or not? When I said: "on behalf of Jesus, get out of this body!", the largest fetish has become light. And I said: well, well! So therefore, you are worth nothing. It is in this way that I put all fetishes in bags and suitcases, repeating this expression. Have therefore been everything in the tent. But the steamroller refused to start. It was necessary that I pronounce the same end of sentence so that it starts and that finally, we used to go to church. When we arrived at the Church this December 26, 1987, the pastors, seeing the large number of fetishes, exclaimed: Hey, you, you was really a dangerous element. Then, they called me aside and made me sign a paper. Then, they set fire to all fetishes. Some of these fetishes were leaps into the fire. Therefore, I delivered all my fetishes. And that day, I slept from 10 p.m. to 10 o'clock in the morning. The lesson I draw from this experience, I pound in the form of Council to those who want to accept Jesus Christ: we must all deliver, without reserve. Seven months later, either on July 28, 1988, I was baptized. Fighting After my conversion, my life has changed at all. My standard of living has fallen very low. I kept no money in the Bank; one morning, I found all my money to ashes while my clothes remained intact. I called my sister to explain the situation. She said: this is proof that the money was not from God. This opinion was confirmed by the pastors. I therefore accepted the situation and have same rendering glory to God! When clients came to see me, I re-experience them in evangelizing. In response, they said that I went crazy. I was going to evangelize the witches and witch doctors. Some of them attacked me. Even my father sent a message to Benin for that one ' away with me. It was the beginning of my conversion; the situation was tense; and this continues even now. I had attacks everywhere. Every day, I wake, I found a snake in my room. I always find the same sentence: "On behalf of Jesus!" then I gave him a sweep of the broom on the head and he died. I noticed that whenever I kill a snake, you had announce me a death in the village. Even the wizards with - which I had signed pacts have leagues to kill me. At this time, I went to Benin. Then people said: we will see if it will come out. He will surely die. Like that, it will go to evangelize the 'there is nothing '. This means in our language those who are no longer. So to the village, they did everything to kill me when I got up in the morning, I saw fetishes next to my bed I took a broom, I said: "name of Jesus", and I balayais even on the road, I met from Page 31 of 46 great sorcerers who were asking me or were passes the fetishes that they had given me. I told them I have all burned on behalf of Jesus Christ and I told them the word of truth. This irritated around them grew to everything possible to kill me. Vain. This means that when one really is Christ, nothing can happen to us So therefore. my friends ex-sorciers especially, give yourself to the Lord without reservation if not. you will have problems with the wizards. Issuance At the beginning of my conversion, every morning on waking, I was bleeding of the nose and the mouth because of the Pact signed with the wizards. But by the grace of God, I was issued from these evils. Glory be made in his name! I also had stomach ulcers, typical disease of many sorcerers. I spend a lot of money without result. In fasting and prayer, I was cured one night while I was sleeping. In a dream, I saw someone make the part where I was wrong. I then felt a sting-like pain. At my alarm clock, I prayed and thank the Lord. I had such a belief that I asked my sister to prepare a good spicy sauce that I've consumed without moderation: I felt nothing. It was somehow my test. Jesus Christ is really wonderful! Our God is a great God, a God merciful, precious. It is called Yahweh Floyd, El Shaddai, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the God of Israel. It has point changed, he is the same yesterday, today and forever. It is only he who can deliver and save. Yes, it is he alone that can release from all sin. Glory and honor to him be rendered! Qu ' is - what ' deliverance? It is due to be forgiven for the misdeeds committed: murders. abortion, crimes, iniquities, in short, any sin committed against God who we is forgiven. It is to be converted into a new creature according to what said God's word in 2 COR. 5.17. It is when. as it became a new creature, abandoned all the bad things which was strongly attached. That is the issue. It is not issued when there are still the look turns old things like Lot's wife. It is not issued when it still has a foothold in the witches and witch doctors and one foot in the Lord. In this case, the issue is not yet effective As for me. Jesus Christ delivered me. I have my feet, my arms. in the camp of the Lord. He has redeemed me and I am in great joy because today. Christ lives in me, it is no longer I who live. We must add that the issue is not external. It is not in the abandonment of fetishes. She is also inside. The issuance. This is the breakdown of all funeral links from all ties of any kind be they, of all contracts with the enemy. they have been our fact or because of someone else. 11 is thus a fight for which the young convert is not always armed. Also, a – til need support and guidance. Supervision for the issuance I was framed in an extraordinary way to the Church where I did my first steps. Without the framework provided by the servants of God, the old, the issue cannot be total. We must frame that gives himself to God, make him a cure of soul (of no talk about counseling). Thus, it will be issued by the harbingers and other curses. When my deliverance, I prayed a lot, I intercédais; There's a spiritual war. My issue was not easy she lasts four months in the Church or I accept.Jesus Christ and for good reason: I had to get rid one of my multiple links. My first issue is when I delivered my many fetishes for Page 32 of 46 beings burned to the Church by the servants of God. I have been delivered in the sense that I have been cleared. I no longer had the temptation to use them. They had more power. I knew that if I rétrogradais my condition would be more terrible because the demons would be multiplied in me and the devil could then kill me easily. Indeed, satan came to misplace, destroy. Once we accept Jesus Christ, it should no longer look back but forward, to say that Jesus Christ is to. We must resolutely follow Jesus Christ. I cannot rely on my fetish, but only on Jesus Christ that I have received, whose name is above all names and before whom every knee shall bow (Rom14.11). I was issued of the occult, fetishism. My issue of the spirit of Mamie Watta was not easy. During the period of practice of witchcraft, my sex no longer worked because the Pact signed with Mamie Watta. Remember that under this Covenant, I was married to Mamie Watta. Indeed the spirit of Mamie Watta manifested by a large snake coming to lie to me. When I received Jesus Christ through prayer and fasting, this snake is gone because the power of the spirit of God that dwells in me is superior to those of sorcerers, Rosicrucians, Masons and others. But it must be said that the issuance came after three days of fasting and prayer. After these three days of fasting, my sex resumed its form. I had also been introduced to the Najam at Hevie, in the Sub-Prefecture of Calavie. At the end of this introduction, I got a name, like all other followers. This name plays the role of a pass. This initiation was to swallow three heads of venomous snakes with incantatory words. Well, I could send a snake bite a person and death ensued. After my issue, these three-headed snake swallowed for more than ten years have been expelled. I had, for this fast four days, the fifth day, the three serpent heads emerged through natural channels So, I had to fight four months. helped and mentored in this by faithful intercessors. Thanks to them. I broke off one by one the many ties with Satan. In accordance with that said Jesus Christ in Marc 16.16 has those who accept it: "he who believes in him and who will be baptized, shall be saved." I was baptized of water and the spirit. Also, I was issued and name of Jesus Christ the demons have been hunts. Much more. I've invested this mission for the issue which I have benefits on the part of my intercessors. The former issued Wizard is one who can denounce the demons. reveal works of witchcraft. Should therefore be issued to unveil these works can be to the Church and be Bewitched, live in the curse because there has not been a priest of soul or framing, because there has not been a issue. It then comes oneself. How many people play piles in churches and pray like angels, but are not issued! A Christian who is not issued may not cast out demons; It may not even hunt a fly. These Christians swing again and are afraid to go to the village. While if they are issued, they have Jesus Christ with them and can go everywhere to evangelize according to his word. Since 1989. I reveal the works of Satan and his demons because I am issued multiple demons possessing me. I can testify that I was issued, otherwise Satan would not hesitate to destroy me, shred me in accordance with what the Bible in Revelation 12.12: «woe to the Earth and the sea for the devil is come down to you. '' filled with great anger. » Satan descended. It is because he is fallen which it took in human lives. But once it is issued, it must denounce Satan. It is possible because it has the protection of Christ. That is why I'm not afraid to deliver all of its secrets wherever I go. The children of God have the Holy Spirit, to achieve, should address God because these children are hidden in him. Page 33 of 46 Chapter 9: My current vocation The word of God declares in acts 26.17, 18: "I chose you middle of the people and the environment of the Gentiles, to whom I send you so that you open their eyes, so they pass from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they receive by faith in me, forgiveness of fisheries and inheritance with the sanctified. '' Since he called me to serve him, the Lord has done great things in my life. God sends me all over the world. I noticed that in general. God sends me where witchcraft made havoc, where, most often, the churches are attacked by wizards. God sends me by the invitations I receive, in Africa, in Europe and in America by his grace, these churches, previously weakened by sorcerers, are awakened after my visit. Once I dispute the evidence of my past life: how I'd served Satan for 32 years - allowing me to reveal his work - and I say how Jesus before me. how I was issued following a battle that lasted four months, lives are then released, the demons out of the body with agitation shouting, and those they held in slavery are issued. Sometimes during my crusades of evangelism or seminars on the issue. the blind see, the cerebral palsy walk and get rid of their canes, the deaf hear; those who have chronic diseases in their bodies are healed. All this is done by the power of the Holy Spirit who manifests inevitably. In Senegal I saw how God has healed the sick in Dakar, Senegal during my Crusades. Before my arrival in Senegal, marabouts, sorcerer, witch doctors had taken steps to prevent me from coming, but nothing has done: I went there twice. They launched me arrows but none of these arrows me has reached me (Isaiah 54.17). I had the opportunity to preach in the bus to Dakar and to bring people to Jesus Christ instanter. This is something that is not usually done, but the Holy Spirit inclined hearts so that the Gospel was preached successfully in these buses. In Senegal -Homes divided by sorcerers were reconciled. - People who wanted to commit suicide were issued of the spirit of suicide. -Anxious persons were released. -Drugs received the grant and have given themselves to the Lord currently. People who were attached to the cigarette and who smoked four packs of cigarettes a day, have been issued and is entrusted to the Lord. -Convinced of sin men and adult women are Venus to tears. -Those and those which are pursued by the wizards and who sleep steps the night have been issued of witchcraft. There were some repentances in churches in Dakar. -Brothers and sisters whose life of prayer was stifled by the wizards regained a normal Christian life. - Men and women in business have had their unlocked business. All this through the power of the Holy Spirit. -There was a young Senegalese who had damaged lungs. Doctors could do nothing for him. After receiving the Gospel along with prayer, this young went to see her doctor. Examinations ordered by it showed that this disease festering in his lungs had disappeared. Today, this young man breathes normally and it remains committed to the Lord. What doctors can not do. Jesus is able to do, and for good. Many have been issued of husbands and night women coming to making love in their sleep. People who had the stomach ulcer have been healed instantaneously; they are rid of this evil Page 34 of 46 of excruciating belly of the sorcerers, of occultists and religious are given to the Lord. By the name of Jesus, I destroyed fetishes, talismans and the books of magic that people had in their possession. Obviously. These are themselves who brought me these things so I burned. Sterile women with painful menstruation were instantly issued from these evils of lower abdomen. People who saw the corpses of caskets in their sleep or that were found in the cemetery have been issued of this spirit of death which prevented them from sleeping at night Blind people have regained the sight. 18 people, blind for years, have been so healed by Jesus. Bewitched by sorcerers patients have been cured. After Dakar, I went to another city of the name of Fatik Senegal. 250 km from Dakar. It was in April 1999. I there had four days of crusade of evangelization where I made the evidence of the practice of witchcraft in my life spent and how Jesus has seized me. People were did marvel to hear such testimony on fetish, maraboutage, witchcraft. As soon as the call has launched the first in this region of Fatik, 228 souls are given to the Lord this was followed by their issue. The second day, 418 souls are given to the Lord. On the third day they are 475 souls given the Lord followed their issuance. God has done great things; the people of Fatik was amazed. The Holy Spirit is fully manifest in Fatik. During these four days of campaign of evangelization, Fatik population saw the wonders of the Lord. All these souls won to Christ remain attached to him by the grace of God. I am always pleased to see that the glory of our God is manifested among the Muslims who commit themselves to the Lord Jésus. Fatik, journalists from the radio of the town have me an interview. We put the package during this time where I visited in my life testimony past as a sorcerer, marabout, witch doctor etc. Then, I said how I accept Jesus. This interview is the effect of a bomb in the town of Fatik. in the camp marabouts especially, because I have unveils all works of witchcraft, the maraboutage and fetishism. Should be biting the dust to Satan and expose it so it either always belittles, and Jesus Christ high. God is much evident in Senegal or he sent me on tour to unveil the works of the devil. I cannot tell all the goodness of the Lord in Senegal In Côte d'Ivoire In Côte d'Ivoire where Jesus took me in my practices of witchcraft, fetish, Voodoo and married life with Mamie Watta, whenever I have an evangelistic crusade. God draws many souls my first evangelization Crusade was attended by about 15,000 people a Yopougon. one of the communes of Abidjan, or some 3,500 souls are given to the Lord followed their deliverance, healing and repentance. People for whom I had done witchcraft to advance in their trade and their work, and some became Ministers, members of Parliament or other, are very surprised to hear of my conversion they have choice to confide in this Jesus whom I accepted. They are indeed: If this man who us amazed on fetishism, witchcraft etc. has entrusted to Lord Jésus, is that this Jesus is above all other powers; they will entrust to the Lord and are pleased today to have abandoned the works of the linosant. My second campaign of evangelization took place in Marcory (another commune of Abidjan). About 17,000 people were present on of land sports, and 2,800 souls about themselves are given to the Lord followed their issue and their healing. Demons have fled the body, freeing those they held in captivity. I had programs of evangelization and seminars Page 35 of 46 in all ten common Abidjan. These occasions, many people are given to the Lord. Fetishes were burned. Sometimes families have problems with demons and they make me call for their issuance. These fetishes buried in their yard, at their gate, name of Jesus, I dig up and I burned. Other families are pursued by witchcraft, with prayer followed by lunch, these families are issued. Sometimes, people call me on the telephone to explain evil problems that torment them. I then command the demons out, and these people are issued by prayer to the phone! God gave me his grace: once people have problems with the demons and explained me fully, God gives me the inspiration to provide solution to these demonic problems. Since I was in this environment of witchcraft and I know how the sorcerer, witch, maraboutsoccultists attack, I attack these demons as a result by prayer, and human lives are issued on behalf of Jesus Christ. When someone explains the problem that she lives, this is due to witchcraft, I realize II just while we were praying that the problem is resolved. What God has done through me in Côte d'Ivoire, I do can tell in detail. He did great things, wonderful things. He continues to do so. Once God delivers a person of witchcraft, the fetish, the occult, he fills it from its power to arming to fight through prayer, works of witchcraft, occultism fetish. God repeatedly sent me inside Côte d'Ivoire in towns and villages known for their practice of witchcraft and confusion still reigned in the camp of the wizards. They have always had the diarrhee13. God we recommend to go preach the Gospel everywhere, of casting out demons, healing the sick, and nothing can harm us. Most often, where God sends me to his work, it is in haunt of witchcraft and fetishism. Then the Holy Spirit will manifest much in these places God has used me a lot for his work and he protects me every day. I never make sense of Church when I get an invitation for grant programs. I consider that it is God who sends me to his work. . In Europe After my tour in some African countries. God sent me in Europe where demons manipulating many people. The demons are in the world. The Bible stated us in 1 John 5.19: "the whole world is under the power of the evil one." Wizards are everywhere Satan control worldwide wizards are not only in Africa; they are in Europe, Asia, Oceania and America. Satan is Satan; It operates everywhere. So I was in France or God made me the grace of preaching in Paris, Montreuil, a Bordeaux, has Juvisy-sur-Orge, in Villeneuve. etc. One might think, the reading of this paragraph, that all former clients or colleagues of welcome have given themselves to the Lord. It is nothing. Literally and figuratively. God has done great things. Several people have been healed of various diseases such as hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, burns in the body, and vices such as attachment to the cigarette, or the pursuit of witches during sleep, of fear, of the spirit of death, of the practice of witchcraft, the fetish, the occult. Many of them have been spiritually restored in churches, and repented thereafter. In all these churches where I went, the Christians who were engaged in the practice of witchcraft against pastors have been issued. It may be to the Church and the witchcraft in hating his neighbor, slandering his brother or sister in Christ, hating her Pastor or a manager based on us in the Church, by forming a group of rebellion in the Church against the pastor to divide the Church. It's all part of the practice of witchcraft in the Church. Refuse to give the tithe to the Lord and become greedy, it is also a form of witchcraft that some Christians practice without knowing. These Christians thus open the Page 36 of 46 door to Satan. Many were issued by these works of the devil in France. Those who are spiritually weakened were issued. Wizards much attacking churches to divide them, weaken them, push them to apostasy, bring the revolt of Christians against their pastor, neglecting the work of God by Christians. These thus weakened Christian spiritually then become easy prey for the wizards. My tour in France caused a spiritual awakening in churches. By the power of the Holy Spirit, demons have escaped from some faithful in churches or I went. Many Christians have discovered the secret of the works of the devil and can thereby fight it new invited souls themselves are given to the Lord in my programs. With this Ministry of healing that God has me says, accompanied by the wonders and miracles that it operates. God sent me to the U.s.a. where witchcraft reign lot and wreaks havoc. I was in two States (in Louisville in the State of Kentucky and Rochester in New York). Louisville, I discovered how sorcerers have weakened the churches in churches. Wizards are in churches by becoming Christian. And they infiltrate among Christians who do not have a good prayer life to entice them and weaken them. These wizards are at the base of the divisions in these churches. They cause the dispersion of Christians they bring Christians to revolt against their pastor. On the other hand, there are homosexuals in churches. People practice witchcraft in pure form in the churches in the United States. The wizards in the United States are human sacrifices each year to enrich themselves. They make the abduction of children as this is done in other continents sorcerers do pressure on pastors who do not have a tidy life with the Lord so that these pastors are obliged to sign pacts with them. 11 as a result their churches are at the mercy of the wizards, which are often linked to the spirit of vampire. They suck human blood from the body of the people. These sorcerers often make their meeting on river banks, in buildings that I discovered. They were places of rallying to make war against the churches and destroy, knowing that Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. I had a program well organized with a Louisville Church whose Pastor is attached to the word of God. Despite this attachment of the pastor, sorcerers attacked this church, especially Christians. I made my testimony on my practice of witchcraft and my issue. I said in detail how I pushed the churches through witchcraft. I also said how I was issued. I recalled a few instances of prayer. Jesus manifested himself in the middle of this people. Demons have fled the body. Several of sorcerers who are members of this church were issued. There were demons of homosexuality, bisexuality, of husband and wife by night that disturbed people. All have gone. Rumors of drug and cigarettes were issued. Those who were sued by the works of witchcraft have been released by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who are sick and who have consulted doctors without success were cured and the fantastic testimonies have been made. The repentances took place. A gangster who was trigger-happy has been issued. This man smoked four packs of cigarettes a day. Many have been issued of the spirit of Voodoo, this vampire. God has issued several people from pornography, this malignant trend to watch pornographic films. God did great things in this church and she experienced a spiritual awakening 14 II there Christians in churches who practice witchcraft, that asleep Christians, who are responsible for the spiritual heaviness of churches or Christians: even church leaders to practice witchcraft. Thanks to the pastor of Page 37 of 46 this church which has agreed to host me in his Church the Holy Spirit is fully manifested. I really bless our God for this Pastor: humility, for his commitment to the word of God and his home. If many pastors could be like the pastor of Louisville from the USA, they would see the spiritual revival in their church. My model in the Department, it is the Apostle Paul. Indeed, the Apostle Paul spent his time to teach, reveal the works of the devil, and cast out demons. Thus, it was a groundwork for the churches many churches are filled with souls, but know not how witches, occultists, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians infiltrate among the people of God to entice Christians, weaken them and sow division subsequently. It happens that a filled Church of more than 2 000 or 20 000 members know the division is the work of witches, occultists and other. A church which merely teach without ever making the issuance is often attacked by the demons of spiritual drought. One then feels the weakening in this church. People come to church but at the bottom of their hearts, they have problems with the demons. The Church must make the issue. Jesus came to deliver the captives. We know the secret of the devil to fight. God got established international evangelist and makes me travel all over the world in order to make this powerful testimony followed the issue. I practice this everywhere where the Lord sends me. I thank the Lord who takes care of me and my family. It is my safety and my protection. I'm always ready to fight the enemy. Chapter 10: The struggle continues Financial temptations My Department, I said, is to evangelize: go everywhere announce that I was issued, I am filled with the Holy Spirit and that now I give glory to the Lord. But this is not self-evident. I had hundreds of millions of francs in my room, in a safe, near the bed; EH! well, when my grant money caught fire. Rich that I was, I was reduced to my simplest expression. But what I get today comes from God and is a blessing none. Satan has stretched me many pitfalls through old friends with whom I was practicing witchcraft. Fortunately, I am totally delivered and I have Jesus Christ so that I'm immune to their shenanigans. When I went to Benin, these former friends who abducted children for sale in Nigeria have tried me by their external wealth: big houses, big cars and so on. I was on foot. I no longer had my big car. I had lost a lot of things, but I was richer that them all together, because I was Jesus Christ. These friends laughed at me, not understanding that I am rich in mind my wealth, my Bank is in heaven. They were trying to tempt me with their money but I always had in mind the word of truth and life. This word reminded me constantly that the devil lurks, looking for a loophole to devour me. (Cf. 1 ft 5.8) Also, I watch over my life on behalf of Jesus Christ and I pushes these friends. The family or Jesus My father was very powerful; It was a great sorcerer. When I accepted Jesus Christ, he has persecuted me much, he threatened the servants of God. Whenever I was going to testify somewhere, if he learned it, he made to it with my mother and armed with a machete, to prevent me from doing so, but Jesus Christ is always winner and I was despite the entire testimony. In Jeremiah 17.5, the Lord said it not: "Woe to him who confides in a man?" The Christians who regard their parents as their God and are afraid to offend them by presenting Page 38 of 46 the truth be careful! This danger is watching even churches: some people just love men in some churches. But it is Jesus Christ we are to worship, because he is living the God. I can assign me to a servant of God so it helps me in my spiritual life. But never I don't idolâtrerai it. Regarding me, I much evangelized my father. He even travelled twice to the Church. On his return home, he had problems with the demons. He could not sleep, but he did not follow what I recommended him, namely to surrender to Jesus Christ. He continued to practice witchcraft. Also, once returned to the country, the wizards did attacked and destroyed. He was then paralyzes my younger sister Béatrice and me apportâmes him the Gospel on his sick bed but he refused despite our insistence. My father made the soul the first time my mother took the percale white to cover before go to the parents. Barely an hour later, my mother discovered my father alive. He had traded his soul with that of my little brother who died a few days later. He had also refused the Gospel. Despite this agreement, two months later, Satan end definitely with my father. We have gathered after the death of my father. As an elder of the family, the old sorcerers and witches have asked me a sheep. -What for? I interviewed. -Follow-up to the consultation, it was revealed to us that one must kill a sheep. retrieve his esophagus, put it in the tomb of your father before the burial, replied. -In the name of Jesus Christ, I am delivered of these practices, I replied. In fact, it's my esophagus that they wanted to remove evil way! I was supported in my refusal by my sister Béatrice. They revolted and threw me a challenge. Me too I them kicked off a challenge - of course - on behalf of Jesus Christ and I asked them the question whether the oesophagus of sheep could bring my father to life. In was not more to put them into a ball. However, we persisted in our refusal, my sister and me. They therefore bought a sheep, have made their sacrifice and buried my father, leaving the the Tomb opened for other evil practices. I proclaimed the failure of all these practices on behalf of Jesus Christ. Then a great sorcerer of my family reproached me my too much insurance and according to him my insolence since I left their ranks. I replied that I know in whom I have believed, namely the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and that I was covered with the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus Christ in fact, is like bile from the caiman. Once it is covered, the sorcerer cannot eat us. It becomes somehow "bitter." on the other hand, the fire of Jesus Christ surrounds us. Winner name of Jesus I urge you to pay close attention, brothers and sisters, when there is a death in your family, especially when you're the eldest, as the wizards prepare accordingly. They make queries and if you reach it, you give them the opportunity to reach you. A meeting was called for the day after the burial of my father. During the previous night, my sister and I had everything given to the Lord. We must pray without ceasing, because our security is in Jesus. As the eldest son, I had to take on me to choose the date of the next ceremonies, to make the sacrifices of beef, pork and sheep to celebrate the death of my father. But I am opposed to this. An uncle, president of the youth of his Church, made the following remark: -We've been to the Church before you. Me, I've been baptized and confirmed, but we were never told to oppose such practices at the level of our family. Does the Bible says: "my people perish for lack of knowledge"? My answer was this: Page 39 of 46 -Today, I received the true Jesus Christ I had indeed been baptized and confirmed, which does no prevent me from practicing evil. I attack no church but I want to stress the fact that a true Christian is recognized by its fruit. Threatened, I answered by the word of God five days after the burial of my father, my little brother of twenty serves years died of a fever and headache. Had also rejected it the word of God. All the witches prophesied my death, but I'm still on foot on behalf of Jesus Christ. Satan is very cunning. It disguises, and only the word of God taught by his faithful servants allows us to have discernment. You have to be humble in the Church, because "The Lord resists the proud." (I Pi 5.5) Satan no longer has power over me. Sorcerers, demons and other ambassadors of Satan fear me as they fear all those who gave their lives to Jesus Christ and live according to his will. We have received - all weapons need to fight Satan and his demons in this spiritual warfare (Eph. 6.10, 18). Many expect my next death, but nothing helped, because Jesus Christ is with me. It is common practice for the wizards. When they feel their coming death, they exchange their souls against that of another person, so she died in their place. As you know, I had even sold my years to Mamie Watta. So, I had to die in 1989 and this is because material wealth. Each year, I was five and less on the days that I had to spend on Earth. Well. Jesus Christ, King of Kings, after having issued to me, re-established all things, and I live for him. Difficult delivery When I got married in the Lord, my wife, at the end of her pregnancy, was in labor. It was her first pregnancy. With her sister, we went to the University Hospital of Cocody. Childbirth was impossible and my wife had. I then remembered my old practices: the times where, by incantations, I bloquais pregnancies in women's womb. Satan wanted to use this same ploy to try me but in the name of Jesus Christ, I began to pray. It was me announced that he needed a c-section. God intervened and my wife has given birth without penalty — because the demons were bound and defeated. After childbirth, what was my shock when they told me that the child was not breathing. I then picked up the spiritual warfare, the child him placed in resuscitation and everything is back in order on behalf of Jesus - Christ. Inspired by the Lord, we named our first son Salomon the second is called Abraham. He came to the world without difficulty This is to say that regardless of the attacks, a Christian who lives in prayer and obedience to the word of God is always victory over Satan and his demons. It is the still an aspect of my grant by the Lord, our God I would urge you to be very careful around you, in your homes, because Satan can even spend by your wife or a member of your family for you persecute once you are issued. Let us be so vigilant, care about our lives. My arrest by judicial police of Côte d'Ivoire Following a crusade of evangelisation followed by a prayer vigil during which I visited testimony of my conversion, the Ivorian police, informed by secret agents of the judicial police intelligence service put me at stops. Some details of this evidence led them to stop me: the fact that I was selling drugs, that I now by witchcraft, that human blood was the basis for Page 40 of 46 my sacrifices. These are objective reasons. But these reasons cannot obscure the mystical causes. Indeed, this arrest occurred following a crusade evangelism followed by a prayer vigil from 9 p.m. until dawn, on a sports field, in one of the communes of Abidjan, which brought together nearly 12,000 people. During this prayer vigil, I visited the testimony poignant that contains this book, by unveiling the works of witchcraft, the occult, the fetish that I had practiced. I said how Satan and his demons operate night to kill people, to entice families, how the occultists con people and make them poor. I said how I was selling drugs to destroy youth. In short, I put all the secrets of sorcerers bare. I revealed how, by witchcraft, I helped people to be appointed ministers, elected members, etc. In addition, this crusade as vigil saw the conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ, of about 4000 people. I do can therefore help to believe that witches, occultists, marabouts, witch doctors - not to say Satan - which I had just unveiled the secrets were behind this police action. The rest, I expected this arrest the objective of these wizards and company was that this evidence is erased. Satan believed that if they stop me, I'd take fear, that I renierais Jesus to return to his camp to him. Never I will give in to Satan. I'll always unveil it until death for the salvation of souls in the world, so that all those who live in darkness discover light. The Apostle Paul gave evidence of his past life, he was arrested and brought before King Agrippa and the Lord took care of his servant (acts 26.1-30) who won the victory. Finally, the arrest of the Apostle Paul was useful for evangelism, it sowed confusion in the camp of the devil. So, I arrived at the police court, accompanied by one of the pastors of the Church where I was converted. After interviewing me and listened to three of my tapes recorded during the crusade, I was then listened by the Director of the judicial police who made us understand that order had been given to him by its Chief supervisor, namely the Minister of security, to me warn at sight in order to conduct investigations. The first day of my arrest where I was the violin, in the middle of thieves, criminals from high class that the police had arrested. they wanted to intimidate me. But I announced the Gospel to them and six of them are given to the Lord. I have prayed for these six criminal thieves who have accepted Jesus. After five days, they were released. Their lives have changed out and today they are attached to the Lord. They attack more people with weapons because Jesus has freed them. The Director of the judicial police entrusted the investigation to one of its officers who was responsible for my folder. It appealed to more-fifteen police commissioners who have listened to testimony on my three cassettes and this allowed them to draw conclusions. Following these hearings, a Commissioner of police treated me crazy. He asked that it lead me among psychiatrists. I'm not crazy, I said them, what I say is nothing else than the reality. The things I'm talking about, I myself have experienced them. It is Jesus who grabbed me and led me to abandon everything to follow; otherwise, all police commissioners you are, I was probably going to exterminate you by my witchcraft. Jesus is the only one who can deliver and transform a sorcerer, witch doctor, occultist. In the light of all these responses towards them, they accompanied me among physicians in an Institute of health. They intend to lead me in a mental facility so that I follow care. But this consultation gave nothing, at least for those who requested this review. In relation to me, by the grace of God, it was an opportunity for me to preach the Gospel to doctors. Page 41 of 46 Physicians at the centre therefore examined me asking me many questions and by suggesting me answers to see if I actually had the madness. I answered all their questions. They did nothing found which proves that I have a mental disorder early. The truth, the doctors were somewhat perplexed. It took one of them, a woman, reveals to them that often there are people who give testimony of their past life and say how Jesus saved them, which helps others who do not know Christ's will give to him. It took this argument that doctors say negative the result to the review. I was in possession of all my means unveiling Satan and his demons who are deprived. One thing struck me much in all these movements I was doing with these officers of the judicial police, is that they had machine guns loaded behind me. Even to go to the toilet, these officers had me always to the eye, weapons at the ready. They were between them need to follow me closely: who knows if I am not wall-to-wall fly to disappear from their view. I then told them that I became a new creature and that I could no longer turn into fly: Jesus Christ has freed me, I told them, I can no longer do witchcraft I live for the Lord. If the result of my consultation in Psychiatry, I avoided to be led and kept at the Centre of mental disorders"to take care, he exposed me to prison. Indeed, after the result of physicians indicating that I presented no sign of beginning of madness, I was brought back to the Directorate of the judicial police. My review has therefore presented to the Director of the judicial police by his officers. After having read this report which ends with a negative result, the Director was disturbed, he wondered what was wrong on the spot he did his a the supervisor report, namely the Minister of security, which. Also troubled by! e result, ordered on refers me to the public prosecutor (the most competent tribunal) to make the final decision. I was nine days of garde à vue to the judicial police, nine days that I've converted to time of fasting and prayer I have interceded and wept before the Lord. God answered me and here the word addressed to me: "I will make your testimony an instrument for the salvation of souls in the world. Fear nothing, I assure your defence everywhere or you will be have. "As it is wonderful to hear the voice of God! For bring me before the Court, these officers have prepared a trial-Word supposed to trace all my past life: how by witchcraft and the occult, I détruisais human lives, how I was selling drugs etc. However, in this record of fifteen pages, nothing has been emphasized on my conversion: how Jesus grabbed me and how my fetishes were burned by the pastors in the Church, as well as my new life in Jesus Christ. They simply highlight 1st bad side. This record has been responsible for many crimes that me have been assigned as follows: assassin, sorcerer, drug dealer, criminal in association. With these crimes, I had to be sentenced from ten to twenty years in prison. Would our God who does not abandon his children or don't let them orphans, let them do? His word declares t - it not: "II is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8.1 and 2)? This shows that those who made bad things such as murder, abomination etc., and who takes the decision to accept Jesus Christ – the only Savior of mankind and the only mediator between God and men -will be more sentenced. His word says: «If the son makes free you, you will be actually free.», (John 8.36) "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are past; "Behold, all things are become new" (II Corinthians 5.17). God, in his compassion has forgiven me Page 42 of 46 since I accepted Jesus that redeemed me at great price. If God had not forgiven me, I'd already dead and condemned to hell on the day of the last judgement. These officers were therefore made me sign this famous minutes. I expected my departure the tenth day of my garde-à-vue. And it is precisely this day that God chooses intervene. Thanks be to Jesus, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, President of presidents, our advocate with the father, who intercedes for us day and night, this authentic sons of God that came out of the Tomb, which has defeated death, which crushed the head of Satan, which is no longer that stir his cock, this Jesus who spoke in favour of the Apostle Paul in the King Agrippa, in the presence of an entire people, this wonderful Savior came to my rescue and destroyed all the plans of Satan and other demons of imprisonment. I had to climb into the van of liaison between the police and the Prosecutor's office. Until I put my left foot in the van followed by the right foot, both wrists handcuffed to the departure for the tribunal, a phone call was heard in the Direction of the judicial police, on the part of the Security Minister who himself had been ordered by the Presidency of the Republic, not me surrender to the Prosecutor's office, but release me immediately. The Directorate of the judicial police was surprised My liberation. On the spot, were removed me handcuffed to wrists and I was entrusted to the Church where I was converted. In fact. After being informed, the Presidency authorities in turn informed his Excellency the President of the Republic, late Félix Houphouët Boigny who they did listen to my tapes. He would be so pleased to my conversion and what God has done such a work in his country, Côte d'Ivoire. Thus he decided to free myself however, I maintain that the real author of these instructions to the President of the Republic, it is Jesus. I have to say that having learnt my arrest by judicial police, many pastors and faithful are mobilises and were ready to undertake a two day walk in the city of Abidjan to secure my release. This is a beautiful demonstration of love, of love that the elders of the early Church practiced each other. Yes, this same love must be manifested in the lives of Christians today. If a brother or sister in Christ has a problem, we must support those who do not have Christ know that Christians love. Do not turn our backs to all our brothers and sisters who through the events, which are in difficulty manifest their affection so that they are fortified. In Jesus Christ, practice hospitality, love, tolerance and forgiveness towards the other one this beautiful demonstration of solidarity is further evidence that it is God who was at work. To him be the glory in the centuries of centuries! Satan had everything planned so that this testimony is not widespread throughout the world. But the power of our Lord is above all powers, also, Satan failed. His defeat was total and Jesus won. Evidence, thousands of people have listen to this testimony on tapes and thousands of others read it today for the forgiveness of their fisheries, for their salvation, their issue and their restoration. Of the rest, since that day, I redouble effort against Satan and his demons. During all crusade evangelism, conference and seminar programs, I never cease to reveal the witches, occultists etc. Through my testimony that the Lord allows me to everywhere I go, former clients, sorcerers have given their lives to Jesus Christ. The Lord grant me the grace to go inside Côte d'Ivoire Page 43 of 46 and abroad to make this testimony and glorify him before all. I'm ready to go anywhere in the world bear witness to what it got was given to believe, just for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, who told me: "go and tell what I did for you." But I must say that I have not always had success; evidence, my own father and many members of my family who have died in the rebellion against God. I announced the Gospel to my two disciples; they treated me crazy. Subsequently, the first died of AIDS, the second has banged a stone at the back of the field and death ensued after four months Chapter 11: Exhortation to Vigilance and evangelization Vigilance! The time is short. Wizards, occult, witch healers are without mercy. They will seduce you in making you believe that there is hope in all that they do, but this is only falsehood and flight because their father who is the devil is the father of lies. The witches, occultists. marabouts, etc. are just Crooks, of misleading, of seducers. They will make stuff for you reassurance about your future. These tricks will work at the beginning, so you'll have at your disposal: money, cars, houses, but later, you will have problems on problems, until you're reduced to nil. You will have trouble. Afterward, Satan will demand all your belongings before leaving with you. You will find yourself in the Tomb. If Satan gives you 10 000 000 FCFA initially to attract you, he will call for 20 000 000 FCFA at the end and will kill you. The power of sorcerers, and occultists, the marabouts, etc. is fleeting and limited: but the power of our God is above all powers and it is eternal. When blessed God, is forever and this blessing is never followed by grief. With Jesus Christ, there is still of hope. Keep go to soothsayers, sorcerers, the marabouts. They you make her desolate, you ruin until you're reduced to your simplest expression. I'm talking about things that I practiced with my clients. At the beginning, they were butter. They were very rich: they owned cars, houses, etc. but in the end, they became miserable. I have helped them by witchcraft and even witchcraft, I them was poor. If you live in this situation now, need you Jesus Christ who came to liberate the captives; We must accept it with all your heart and you will see his glory in your life. No sorcerer, marabout or witch can bring a satisfactory resolution to your problems; only Jesus Christ can save you and bring you the real solution. God never disappoints her children; He is God: it does not change what comes out of his mouth, it executes it. He is faithful in all his promises. My friends. come to Jesus Christ and he will give you eternal life. Satan is bad. This is a false teacher who does not forgive its followers. Satan has never been good at that either. Initially, it offers you life in pink but in the end, decay and death. You, dear Ministers, deputies, mayors, CEO, managers of companies; trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and turn away the way of wizards, marabouts and occultists. You have given your business, your company, your business, your business etc sorcerers, the marabouts, occultists or soothsayers in order to prosper, I urge you to make a u-turn to entrust your entire life to the Lord Jesus Christ because "he is the way, the truth and the life." If you trust in him, he will protect you, he will bless you and it will bring you its real security. If you are in Christ Jesus, no sorcerer, marabout, occultist, or witch doctor has the power on your business, your company, your business, on your business and on your work. Page 44 of 46 Please follow the real door that is Jesus Christ. "because wide is the gate, spacious is the path that leads to destruction, and there are many that come there. '' But narrow is the gate, tightens the path that leads to life, and there are few who follow"(Matthew 7: 13-14). The wide path is the path of the sorcerers, marabouts, occultists and witch doctors. Many enter through this way to get lost. The only way I would advise you it is the narrow, narrow, path that leads to eternal life. Few people discover it certainly, but it is the right path. At your choice my friend. Do you want to collaborate with Satan (while ultimately it will destroy you) or with Jesus of Nazareth who saves, which delivers, which restores and who overcame the wizards, the marabouts, occultists, witch doctors and delivered in spectacle9 Jesus is the best path, and that is why I Megnanou welcome, former sorcerer, witch doctor, occultist, I decided to take it and to follow since December 26, 1987 and for the rest of my life. At your choice, my friend. The right choice, it is Jesus Christ who will soon come to Rapture his Church. The time is short. Sorcerers do that kill the young professionals of the village. They don't create problems to the people they do that entice the company. They divide families. They destroy the country by war, floods, air disasters and collisions of trains. The wizard is well aware that it is evil and will report to God at the last judgment. With God, it is true peace and this peace is not given as that of Satan who kills. Of many associations and churches around the world have practices contrary to the Bible. Indeed the word of God says: "the true worshipers worship God in spirit and in truth." Do not go to those who claim to put the Bible in front, while below they do that practice witchcraft, occultism and fetishism. Don't be fooled. Satan is unleashed against humanity. It invests in both men and women to use to seduce the world and destroying human lives. Some churches, as we have seen sell candles. These churches know what I mean. Some leaders who call prophets, evangelists and visionaries, programmers etc are in contact with Mamie Watta, the siren of the sea. These churches sold the same package of candles to 1,000 faithful in the Church, just to enrich themselves. If a faithful comes with a pack of candles, we keep and if another comes, after consultation, the visionary said to him: need you a pack of candles, but we have here. And that is how these people use the name of Jesus Christ to trade. It's terrible. Must be that you abandon all this to worship the Lord as one you love isn't true. It is not one that is raised on the third day you do visions to tell people that you are doing the convent. But, as you know, there are convents in witchcraft, in the fetish. A married woman goes in one of your 'churches' and spent seven days. One enchants it with the spirit of Mamie Watta and witchcraft, and we take this opportunity to commit adultery with her. I speak knowingly: you come see me at Abobo-gare. After the consultation, I gave you a power boost that you would use in your so-called Church. EH! well, need you Jesus Christ, one that came out of the Tomb. It is necessary to abandon your vision stories, because your life is in danger. I denounce these things, because they are serious and heinous, I have performed them just like them. I thus reveal Satan and his accomplices. Satan made me only too manipulated; He has used me too. It is for me to tell all the secrets in order to deliver what can be. Know this, dear 'prophets', "evangelists", "visionary". "predecessors" and that I still know, your life is in danger: you're there to deceive and betray the people. EH! well. God will ask you accounts. Page 45 of 46 Exhortation to evangelism As for you who have accepted Jesus Christ, buy tapes, books of testimonies, and offer them to executives, people who suffer today under the influence of the demons, who did not, despite their position, the peace of heart. Evangélisez also has the help of these media (cassettes, books). The Lord who is the same yesterday, today and forever, can make miracles in their lives and free them from the grip of demons. Satan has no power over a child of God issued. I take example on the life of the Apostle Paul, from the time it was called Saul. He was persecuting Christians. When Jesus Christ met him, he was freed from his sins and became a gentle man, a humble man who went everywhere preaching the good news this must be our mission. I was spiritually enriched and, prompted by the Holy Spirit, I am announcing the floor. And that touches hearts. God is wonderful! The grace that I have received, I also have the share for free so that souls are saved and cured, the broken hearts to be comforted. I have the assurance of my salvation because I'm hidden in Christ Jesus. 0, Christians enter this grace. The Lord said in his word, in the Psalms: "thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right, you do never come nigh. Your eyes you will see the reward of the wicked. "The powers of darkness have beautiful stand up against you, none of their arrows will reach you, because you know in which you believed. In this connection, I have an interesting experiment to share: in Benin, a night very late, I returned the Church passing by the sea, the zangbetos (of the geniuses) came out to intimidate me, but I had been renting the Lord by walking. They asked me: "who are you? '' And I replied: "son of God, brother of Jesus." When they started to split, I was reminded of their secrets, because I had also operated in this area where I had even received an initiation. So I said: "on behalf of Jesus, let me pass. Then they called my name as a believer and have claimed the name which had been assigned to me when I belonged to the Zangbetos. I have no other name than Jesus Christ gave me, I said. not that a name has not been to me sets time - but everything simply because it was a trap for the enemy to make me go back to what I had vomited. In other words, their deliver this name would open the door to Satan the word of God says this: "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are past, behold, all things are become new." II Cor. 5.17. suddenly a calm has settled and I continued my course in fact, one who is not Jesus Christ, in their view, takes fear and is killed. A Christian is more afraid of sorcerers, totem poles, masks wherever it occurs in the world as it is in Jesus Christ Are you a child of God issued? Then you have no problem, just like me. Alleluia ! Page 46 of 46