Anatomy story

2:53 AM – Sunday, May 15th, 2012 – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C
Jackie and Kenny Brown are asleep in their two-story duplex. Their seven ear old
daughter Sh’boukey lies in her bedroom across the long hallway. Jackie hears a noise, like
footsteps, outside her window. She lays awake for a moment determining whether or not to look
into it. After hearing the noise a few times she deducts that it was only branches in the wind. A
while later the noises stop. Paranoid as she is, she decides to go check on her daughter anyway.
Her husband wakes up as she leaves the bed and tells her to go back asleep but she leaves
anyway. Jackie enters the little girl’s bedroom and is happy to see her daughter sleeping
peacefully. She leaves the room, bypassing the figure hiding in the shadows of the room.
7:15 AM – Sunday, May 15th, 2012 – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C
Jackie and Kenny wake up surprised to find that Sh’boukey is awake yet. Both of them
go to see why the little girl isn’t up only to find that she isn’t there. Frantically they check the
entire house however she is nowhere to be found. They call the local PD to call in a missing
person. The people arrive and continue to search the house and places the girl frequented. Before
they call for an Amvber Alert, one of the officers find a suspicious bundle hidden in the
9:30 AM – Sunday, May 15th, 2012 – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C
Sh’boukey Brown is found crumpled in her backyard, hidden in between two bushes.
The young child is barely breathing. At a first skim over her body the police notice many
problems. She has cuts and bruises throughout her body. There is a long cut going down the left
side of her upper body. She has some hair missing from the back of her head and her leg lay in
position that entailed a possible break. She was quickly assessed, put on a breathing tube and
transported to the nearest hospital where a more detailed report on her body disposition was
drawn up.
12:00 PM – May 15th, 2012 – George Washington University Hospital
Seven year old female, 46 lbs - ICU
Anterior Disposition
Abrasion running through right hypochondriac and lumbar regions, superior to the
inguinal region
Bruising in the cervical region inferior to the head
Ligature marks along the oral and buccal regions medial to the ears
Broken right patella superior to the crural
Deep lesion above eyebrow in frontal region lateral to the nasal region
Large contusion in the thoracic region, superior to the heart
Acromial abrasion proximal to the bracchial
Deep lesion on the right palmar distal to the brachial
Femoral bruising proximal to the patella
Vaginal bruising in the pubic area, deep to the pelvic
Posterior Disposition
Acromial laceration lateral to the dorsal region
Gluteal contusions inferior to the lumbar region
Cigarette burns on the lumbar region superficial to the spine
Ripped hair from the occipital region causing cerebral contusions inferior to the frontal
1st degree grass burns on the both sural regions distal to the femoral
Dorsal 1st degree grass burns superior to lumbar
Right femoral laceration lateral to the gluteal
Laceration on the back right lumbar region lateral to the umbilical
Dorsal carpal hairline fracture
Anal swelling deep to the gluteal