Postgraduate Certificate in Higher and Professional Education

Course Handbook
Course Name: Postgraduate Certificate in
Higher and Professional Education
Year: 2015-16
Your course team
Introduction to your course
Learning, teaching and assessment on your course
How you will learn on this course
Teaching and learning strategies
Award specific regulations
How to submit assignments
Feedback on your work
External Examiners
Personal development plans, personal tutors and mentoring
Accreditation of prior learning
Support and guidance
Student voice
Professional Body recognition
Concerns and complaints
Academic misconduct and plagiarism
Equality and diversity
Sources of Additional Information
This handbook provides useful information about your course, how it will be delivered and
how you will be assessed. It does not try to give you all the information you will need during
your time at the university. More information can be found in the following places:
On-Line Student Guide
The on-line student guide ( provides important
information about the university and the services available to students, including:
Welcome Week
Student Cards
e:VisionStaffs Portal
Our Student Charter
The Staffordshire Graduate
Term Dates
Student accommodation
Campus and travel information
Finance, fees and support
Disclosure and Barring Service
Course and module enrolment
Changing your award or modules
Withdrawing or intermitting from
your course
Certificates, Transcripts and
Verification Letter
University rules and regulations
Disciplinary matters including
academic misconduct
Appeals and complaints
Referencing and study skills
(including guidance on completing
What to do if you can’t hand in
work due to circumstances beyond
your control
Getting feedback on your work
The student voice
Employability and careers
IT services and support
Disability and dyslexia
The Nursery
The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy
Module Handbooks
Your course is made up from a number of individual modules. Detailed information on each
module is provided in separate module handbooks. Your module tutor will tell you how to
access the handbook for their module.
The Blackboard On-Line Learning Environment
Information and learning materials for your modules will be provided on the Blackboard online Learning Environment. Blackboard will form an important part of your learning
experience. Please let your module tutor know if you encounter any problems accessing this
Welcome to the Faculty of Business, Education and Law.
As Staffordshire students and through the “Staffordshire Graduate” programme, we focus on
you. We help you to learn to be independent thinkers, to debate, question and discuss key
issues in your chosen subject. You will be encouraged to be enterprising and entrepreneurial,
to be an effective communicator and successful team worker.
Enterprise and entrepreneurship are important to us at the University; they are integral to the
design of all our programmes. This means we need to have close connections with employers,
business practitioners and professional bodies that help us make our courses relevant,
interesting and up to date.
The people you meet in the faculty are friendly and approachable. They are all keen to help you
succeed. Our aim is to nurture and inspire you, to help you grow, to build your potential through
working in a vibrant, thriving, and sustainable international academic environment. You will
enjoy working with academic staff who love their subjects and who are passionate about helping
you to build your knowledge and expertise. They all come from different backgrounds and they
will enjoy sharing their research, the work they do with businesses and in the local community
and beyond with you.
The Faculty of Business, Education and Laws is international in its perspective and the people
you meet will be able to talk to you about the strong partnerships we have with other
Universities and Colleges both in this country and around the world. There are many
opportunities for you to learn and gain a global perspective; from other students and the
academic staff. Our job is to help you see new possibilities and to bring new horizons into view.
Above all, our strongest partnership is with you, our students. You are at the heart of everything
we do and we are committed to giving you the best possible experience we can. We
understand the importance of the commitment you have made to us and we value the time you
spend with us and remember, we are always pleased to hear what you have to say.
I hope you have a successful, exciting and fulfilling time with us.
Susan K. Foreman, MSc , PhD
Dean of the Faculty of Business, Education and Law
Welcome to your programme
The staff within the Award team would like to wish you a warm welcome to the Post Graduate
Certificate in Higher and Professional Education (PGCHPE) and we hope that you find your
experience as a participant on the course both rewarding and enjoyable.
This course is aimed at those who are new to teaching in higher and professional education,
and those with experience who would like to reflect on and enhance their practice. Through the
course, we aim to enhance student learning by reflecting on the needs of individual learners,
and the range of strategies we might use to meet those needs. The PGCHPE programme is
wholly aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UK PSF) and participants who
successfully complete the PGCHPE award automatically become ‘Fellows’ of the Higher
Education Academy (HEA) and also receive the Staff and Educational Development Association
(SEDA) PDF award for ‘Learning, Teaching and Assessment’. Participants on the Nursing and
Midwifery Council (NMC) route will also gain NMC accreditation on successful completion of the
course and NMC portfolio.
This handbook aims to provide you with a significant amount of information to guide you through
your award. However, we do not want to swamp you with too much information. As questions
arise we will be able to offer you supplementary documentation. In particular, there are separate
handbooks for each module.
We recommend that you read through this handbook at the outset, in order to understand the
structure, content, delivery regime and assessment within the course. Some of the information
will be of greater relevance to you as the course develops and you may therefore chose to use
the handbook as a reference point throughout the course.
All procedures within this award are directly aligned to University Policies and Regulations
which you can find on the University website.
Russell Spink
Award Leader for MA Education
School of Education
Your Course Team
2.1 Academic Contacts
Award leader: Russell Spink, room B387 (Brindley), 01782 294199
Academic Group Leader: Dr Cheryl Bolton, room B360 (Brindley), 01782 294413
A full list of staff contacts can be found using the Staff Directory on the University’s website.
2.2 Administrative Contacts
Award/Programme Administrator: Elaine Knox, B227 – Faculty Reception Office (Brindley)
01782 294085,
Student Guidance Advisor: Lesley Mountford, B223 (Brindley), 01782 294073
Elaine Knox (Award Administrator) is located in B227 on the second floor of Brindley Building
(Leek Road Campus, Stoke Site) and she should be your first port of call (either in person, by
phone or by email), if you have any queries or problems relating to the School or Faculty or if
you are unsure of how to deal with other queries.
All enquiries should be made to Elaine in the first instance. Elaine will assess whether she are
able to help you immediately or whether you need to talk to another member of university staff.
Elaine will be able to help with a wide range of queries, including:
University regulations
Your credit and progression status
Referral opportunities for modules failed
Claims for extenuating circumstances you may have made in relation to assessment
Information about your study here: award and module records, local and home address
information, etc
Any changes to your award or programme of study
Elaine is responsible for keeping all the information on your period of study accurate and up todate.
In particular, make sure that you:
Check your university e-mail account regularly for any information or queries sent to you by
Faculty/School administrators or by academic staff. This means your student university email account – not your staff or personal one!
Always let Elaine know of any changes in your contact details. This includes mobile
numbers as well as home and term addresses and any landline telephone numbers. It
really is important that we know how to get in touch with you.
Always ensure that Elaine is aware of any changes you make to your academic profile
Elaine’s usual office hours are Monday – Friday 9.00-5.00
Please feel free to contact Elaine between these times. All queries, no matter how small or
large, are welcome as they ensure that your records are always correct – and this does prevent
delays or difficulties in confirming results at the end of each Academic Year. And if you have a
problem, which the Faculty/School Office can’t help you with, it usually knows somebody who
2.3 The Faculty Management Team
The Dean of Faculty: Professor Susan Foreman
Room, B315 (Brindley) 01782 294029
In this role, the Dean has responsibility for the strategic development, operation and
management of the faculty. The Dean’s personal assistant is Adell Landon. Should you need to
speak with her you should normally make an appointment with Adell , room B313, telephone:
01782 294062 email:
Susan oversees the management of all subject areas within the School of Education.
Susan is supported in running the Faculty by three Associate Deans:
Paul Byrne, room B374, 01782 294152,
Robert Curtis, room B250, 01782 294346,
Professor David Williamson, room B303, 01782 294144,
Head of Education
The university are appointing a new Head of Eduction. In the interim period, this role is being
shared by Dr Cheryl Bolton (see contact details above) and Jim Pugh (Room B358, 01782
Useful Internet Resources
The School of Education uses Blackboard as an online learning environment, and information
on modules on which you are enrolled can be accessed from this. Note: you can only get
access to those modules that you are studying – if you cannot gain access to material, it may be
that you are not correctly enrolled on the module – make sure you let your module tutor or
award administrator know.
Blackboard can be found at:
The library can be accessed from:
You will also find the HE Academy website a useful resource during the Award:
Other relevant sites and resources will be recommended to you as you progress through the
An Introduction to your Course
What are the aims and outcomes of the award?
The overall aim of the award is to provide a framework for the initial and continuing professional
development of staff in higher and professional education who are responsible for student
learning. The structure and content of this award acknowledges the fact that multitudes of staff
with different job functions are individually and collectively responsible for student learning.
The award is designed to encourage participants to critically evaluate their own approach to
supporting student learning in the light of theoretical and research based evidence, in order to
continually develop and improve their own andragogic practice.
For participants, the aims of the Award are:
To foster the development of practitioners so that they are capable of facilitating
Innovative and contemporary teaching, learning and assessment to students at level
4 and above in HE and professional settings
To explore selected models and theories which will enhance participants’ ability to
plan, implement and evaluate learning, teaching and assessment
To provide a supportive environment in which participants can receive peer and tutor
feedback and guidance in developing their skills as professionals
To offer a framework within which participants can share their experiences and
practice with a diverse range of colleagues.
To encourage continual reflection on participants’ personal and professional
development to meet the new and changing demands in Higher and Professional
To offer an opportunity to address the values and outcomes required to achieve HE
Academy and SEDA recognition and, where relevant, NMC recorded teacher status.
To encourage engagement in the scholarship of learning and teaching, with a view to
enhancing student learning in the context of changing patterns of delivery in Higher
and Professional Education
All modules within the award are designed to be practically oriented, to enable participants to
improve their skills in, understanding of and competence in the various aspects of their role in
supporting and facilitating student learning and assessment in Higher and Professional
This award has been purposely designed for staff who work within a higher or professional
education context in order to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented to student
learning within this sector.
Award Learning Outcomes
Common learning
outcome headings
On completion of the Certificate participants will be
expected to be able to:
Knowledge and
Demonstrate a critical understanding of selected models,
theories and advanced scholarship which underpin the individual
and institutional approach to support and facilitate effective
student learning.
Demonstrate the ability to adopt a positive and reflective
approach to own learning in order to develop new skills and
ideas in the pursuit of continuous improvement for student
Critically analyse and evaluate the range of factors affecting
student learning in the light of research led evidence and
developments within learning and teaching.
Analyse and evaluate the challenges and opportunities
presented by the facilitation of student learning in the light of
models, theories and current research.
Problem Solving
Evaluate the complexity of issues facing staff involved with
student learning in order to suggest workable solutions at either
an individual or an organisational level.
Communicate effectively, efficiently and appropriately with a
range of learners and partners involved in the learning process
using appropriate delivery mechanisms and media.
Demonstrate the ability to synthesise andragogic knowledge,
understanding and skills in order to apply in own area for the
enhancement of student learning
Critically review, reflect upon and adjust professional practice in
the light of feedback, scholarship and self-analysis.
The Structure of your Course
The PGCHPE consists of 2x30 credit modules, “Facilitating Learning” and “Innovation and
Contemporary Practice”. New participants are welcome to start the course at the beginning of
either module. With this in mind, each module begins with an induction to the PGCHPE and the
module. It is intended that the course will be run following the pattern below:
Innovation and
Contemporary Practice
(30 credits)
March - September
Facilitating Learning
Module (30 credits)
November - March
Innovation and
Practice Award
Learning Award
completion of
both modules
During the Facilitating Learning module, we will consider the diverse motivations and
approaches to learning of individual learners, and the implications for effective for teaching,
learning and assessment. You will be involved in the peer observation of teaching and will gain
feedback on your own approaches.
During the Innovation and Contemporary Practice module, we will consider the key features of
the changing context of HE, exploring topics such as the student experience, the learning
environment and employability. We will also examine technology supported learning and the
use of relevant tools within our own environments.
Each module lasts for four months, and it is intended that participants will complete the course
within a twelve month period. This distribution of the modules over one academic year will allow
you sufficient time to transfer the learning of knowledge, skills and techniques into your own
disciplinary practice. It will also provide sufficient opportunity for your learning to be consolidated
through discussion and feedback with subject-related mentors. In this way the award will strive
to connect centrally driven content about the scholarship of learning and teaching with your own
practice within their subject/professional domains.
Specific content and delivery profiles will be contained within module guides, which will be made
available and explained as you progress through the Award. Module descriptors can be found at
Both modules are available as 30 credit level 7 Certificates of CPD. This means that if you
successfully pass one module, and do not continue with the subsequent module, you will qualify
for a Certificate of CPD, as follows:
Certificate of CPD: Facilitating Learning Award
Certificate of CPD: Innovation and Contemporary Practice Award
In Appendix B, you will find a grid showing the modules for the Certificate and how they are
mapped to benchmarks provided by the HE Academy, SEDA and the NMC.
Student employability issues are addressed and discussed in the ‘Innovation and
Comtemporary Practice’ module. The guest speaker is Sarah Tudor (Head Of Skills & Work
Based Learning - Research Business & Employability Services at Staffordshire University).
Learning, Teaching and Assessment on your Course
4.1 How will I learn on this award?
As a post graduate qualification, the content and structure of the curriculum has been developed
in the belief that you will benefit from:
Engaging in theories and current evidence based research through workshops, selfstudy and work-based tasks
Undertaking a selection of task focused activities with participants from other subject
areas and/or service delivery
Being supported in the development of your own professional practice by gaining
feedback from peers, mentor and tutors
Engaging in critical reflective practice as a means of either consolidating or improving
your own standard of performance
Self-directed independent study and research
4.2 Teaching and Learning Strategies
The modules will be delivered through a combination of workshops, work-based tasks and selfassessments, independent study and mentor supported learning as follows:
Both of the modules will require you to attend a series of tutor led workshops which are normally
scheduled to be delivered on a weekly basis. The workshops will include a variety of teaching
and learning methods, including presentations by experienced practitioners, large and small
group discussions, case studies and task-centred investigations. The workshops have been
specifically designed so as to synthesise the theoretical underpinning and/or current educational
research with your own practice in order to encourage engagement in reflective practice. Such
reflective practice will not be seen as an end in itself but as a means of developing your learning
about teaching in order to improve the quality of the student experience. In this way the
workshops will be designed to build on your current practice in order to maximise personal
development and shared learning among diverse subject areas and/or professional domains.
Visiting lecturers
The core programme team will be significantly enhanced by the addition of specialist lecturers,
who are regularly invited to contribute to the PGCHPE. These include University Teaching
Excellence Fellows, other colleagues with expertise in certain topics such as widening
participation and technology supported learning, members of Executive if appropriate, and
externals such as employers to share their views on graduate employability.
Work-based tasks and self-assessments
As a participant on the programme you will be encouraged to undertake a series of work-based
tasks that support the learning from each module. Some of these tasks and self-assessments
will be used for your assessments whereas others will either be used to inform group discussion
or consolidate the learning from the workshops. NMC Teacher students also need to refer to
their practice handbook, which details the practice learning and assessment that is specific to
their professional qualification.
Independent study
As with all taught Postgraduate Awards, there will be a significant amount of work to undertake
outside the taught sessions. This will mainly take the form of reading journals and
recommended texts to both consolidate the learning from the sessions and prepare you for the
modular assessments. You will also be asked to engage with on-line discussion forums and
other tools as appropriate.
Mentor supported learning
You will be assigned a mentor who will support work-based learning in your own subject
area/professional domain. Your mentor will provide an invaluable link between the centralised
learning within the taught workshops and the discipline specific issues pertinent to your area.
Your mentor’s role will therefore be essential to your ongoing professional development as you
progress through the award.
If you are working to achieve NMC qualified teacher status, your mentor will also be responsible
for verifying evidence that you have achieved NMC teacher outcomes over the 12 weeks (360
hours) dedicated practice period.
4.3 Assessment
The assessment follows standard university processes and procedures, as outlined at: and further explained
In addition, for students seeking NMC recorded teacher status, mentor verified evidence of
practice achievement of NMC teacher outcomes will be reviewed after the successful
completion of each module. Achievement of all NMC practice outcomes must be verified and
submitted at the student’s successful completion of the award in order that students can record
their qualification with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. The satisfactory verification of
outcomes must be provided in order for the award to be ratified for NMC teacher students.
Compensation for different parts of modules or between modules is not permitted. To achieve a
pass for the full award, participants must achieve a minimum of a pass (minimum 50%) in all
Non-completion of assessments
Participants who are not able to complete the assessment by the agreed submission date will
need to submit an Extenuating Circumstances form. Further details are available at
Module Assessment Details
In the design of the assessments, the award team has endeavoured to create a diversity of
assessments whilst being mindful of the appropriateness of the assessment for the subject
under investigation. All assessments are aligned to both the award and the module outcomes;
both align to the eight University learning outcomes. Full details of the module assessments are
outlined in the module handbooks, and brief details are included below as an introduction.
The Facilitating Learning module will be assessed by a portfolio of work which illustrates your
engagement in specified teaching and facilitation activities, feedback from peers, tutors and
students and reflections on your development as a practitioner within higher and professional
education. You will be encouraged to collate this as you progress through the module. It is
intended that, by completing this assessment, you will have opportunities to seek evaluation and
feedback, reflect on your progress, identify key strengths and develop a plan for your continuing
development. It is further intended that this reflective process will underpin your continuing
professional development beyond the completion of the Award.
The Innovation and Contemporary Practice module will be assessed by two assessments,
outlined below.
A reflection on the use of technology supported learning in own teaching context: through the
module, you will explore a range of approaches to technology supported learning, and it is
intended that this assessment will provide you with opportunities to consider strategies to use
the tools explored within your own professional practice and develop an action plan to achieve
A poster presentation based on an evaluative project you have conducted on one or more of the
key topics from the module: this assessment will provide you with opportunities to engage in
research into the changing context of higher and professional education, and its implications for
your own practice. This will not only deepen your understanding of key contemporary issues,
but also ensure that your approach to teaching is evidence based, and you have the capacity to
continuously evaluate your current approach in the context of a changing educational
Award Regulations
Your award is regulated by the Regulations for Postgraduate awards. These can be accessed
Your award is regulated by the University’s Academic Award Regulations. These can be
accessed at:
Module Failure - what happens if I fail a module?
If you have failed to satisfy the assessment criteria of the module, you will be awarded a fail
grade (0-49% postgraduate). If you have failed to submit any assessment for the module, you
will be given a Grade Point N (Fail due to non-submission) for the element(s) of that module
and you will only be allowed a further attempt at that element(s) of the module at the discretion
of the appropriate Board.
If I fail a module, can I resit it?
If you made an attempt at your assessments at the first attempt:
You will only be guaranteed an opportunity to attempt referrals once IF, and only
if, you have made an attempt at the assessment(s) on the first occasion unless a
claim for Extenuating Circumstances has been successful.
If you did not make an attempt at your assessments at the first attempt:
If you do not submit work or attend assessments at the first attempt, that
guarantee of a referral is lost and the appropriate Board will decide whether or
not to allow you a referral. In making its decision, the Board may take account of
your engagement with that module.
If the Board does allow you a referral(s) and you do not take the referral(s) at the time notified to
you by your Faculty/School, no further referral opportunity will be given to you and you may fail
the award.
When can I take my resit(s)?
In all cases, if you are allowed a referral(s), the referral(s) must be taken at the next resit
opportunity. For many students, this will be in August 2016 but will depend on the nature of the
award and the timing of your assessments.
It is your responsibility to make sure that you know when you are required to resit.
The programme complies fully with the University attendance monitoring policy (academic
award regulations for professional awards: section 1.3). Participants are expected to attend ALL
timetabled and scheduled activities. Participant attendance monitoring is an essential
component of the CPD tutoring system and tutors closely examine participant attendance.
Unacceptable levels of absence and absence without prior notification will be investigated and
participants may be called for a formal interview with programme tutors. Participants missing a
significant proportion of formal sessions who fail to take appropriate remedial action may be
barred from submitting the course assessment. It should be noted that the same principles
apply to e-learning programmes where course participation may require online engagement.
How to submit assignments
You will always be required to submit written assignments via Blackboard depending on the
module. Instructions for the submission of assignments will be included in the relevant module
It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit assignments on time and at the
appropriate place.
Finally, it hardly needs to be said that it is always, of course, good practice to keep a hard or
electronic copy of any assignment you submit.
If you have a learning support agreement which recognises dyslexia as a disability make sure
that you ask for one of the yellow stickers (available from your Faculty Office) to attach to your
work to signal to the tutor that the assignment needs to be marked on content and
understanding and is not penalised for grammar, spelling or punctuation errors.
Similarly, if your learning support statement specifies that you can negotiate the submission
dates of your assessments then please ensure that you have agreed new submission dates with
your tutor in advance of the original deadline. On the Faculty assignment cover-sheet there is a
box for stating the agreed negotiated deadline and the tutor’s signature. Please be mindful of
the fact that you may need to complete the cover-sheet in advance of the submission date to
ensure you get the tutor’s signature – rather than assume the tutor will be available on the day /
time you intend to submit.
If you hand work in after a negotiated deadline, it will be treated as ‘late’, and will be marked at
zero. So, if having once negotiated a deadline you find that, as it approaches, you are going to
need a further extension, you will need to go back to your Award Leader / Personal Tutor to
authorise this. Your Award Leader / Personal Tutor will use the test of ‘reasonableness’ in
agreeing to any further extension.
If you need to adjust the assignment schedule agreed with your Award Leader / Personal Tutor
for reasons that are unrelated to your disability, then you will need to use the normal
Extenuating Circumstances procedure.
Penalties for Late Submission
It is your responsibility to submit work on time. Failure to do so will normally result in the award
of Grade Point 0 for that assessment. In this case you will have lost that opportunity to submit
the assessment and you are reminded that you only have one such opportunity per module.
There may be occasions when you are unable to submit or undertake a piece of assessment
due to circumstances beyond your control. The University has put in place a procedure for
dealing with such extenuating circumstances. You can find more information on the university’s
extenuating circumstances procedure at:
Marking Process
Assignments are marked on a percentage scale of 0% – 100%. As this is a postgraduate
programme, participants must achieve 50% and above in order to pass an assessment.
Students achieving 0-49% will have failed the assessment. If you do fail an assignment, you will
be set a new deadline for a second attempt by the assessment board. However, your
resubmission will be capped at 50%.
Module Handbooks will provide you with marking criteria i.e. an explanation of what you need to
do to achieve these grades in relation to particular kinds of assignments. Following a
Standardisation Meeting for the programme team, which draws on students’ submitted
assessments, assignments are first marked by Tutors and then a sample second marked. At
this point, feedback and provisional marks are provided to students, subject to external
examining and final confirmation by the assessment/award board. The external examiner is
always someone who is an expert in the field, and usually a senior academic at another
University. The external examiner will be sent a sample of assignments and is responsible for
ensuring that the marking is appropriate and that the standards achieved by trainees on those
modules are comparable with those of students on similar awards at other universities, as well
as with the level and subject benchmarks established at the national level by the Quality
Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education. Assessment Boards, attended by the relevant
external examiner(s), confirm the marks for all modules. Only then are final marks confirmed.
Assessment boards also determine the date by which any failed modules must be resubmitted.
The Award Board decides on the award of qualifications to participants, determines the date by
which any other failed modules must be recovered and considers any participants who have
failed and award
Your award is regulated by the University’s Academic Award Regulations. These can be
accessed at:
7. Feedback on Your Work
Seven principles of good feedback:
Good feedback should:
Be an interactive process involving student-tutor and student-student dialogue;
Facilitate the development of self-assessment and reflection;
Clarify for students and staff, through dialogue, what good or bad performance actually
is in the assignment or task;
Be developmental, progressive and transferable to new learning contexts;
Be ongoing and embedded in the learning process;
Motivate, build esteem and confidence to support sustainable lifelong learning;
Support the development of learning groups and communities.
See Appendix C for more information.
The University’s Academic Board has been considering the outcomes of the last National
Student Survey and discussing how it can provide quicker assessment feedback to students.
This guidance refers to summative (actual) rather than formative (practice) assessments. In
relation to this, the following has been agreed:
You will normally receive feedback on all your assessments, other than examinations, within 20
working days following the date of submission of your assessment or actual date of the
assessment (in the case of class tests). For some assessments the feedback period will be less
than 20 working days. However, it may be the case that the 20 day rule for some assessments
cannot be met for justified reasons (for example, modules on which a large number of students
are enrolled). However, it is anticipated that this will apply to only a small number of modules on
your award and, in those cases, the feedback return period will not exceed 25 days. The
anticipated feedback return times for all assessments will be published in your Module
In order to ensure that feedback is provided within 20 days, in most cases, the marks for your
work will be provisional and will be subject to final ratification by the appropriate Assessment
Board in due course.
The University hopes that you will also play your part by ensuring that you collect feedback from
the relevant sources as soon as it is available.
External Examiners
As with all universities in the UK, Staffordshire employs external examiners who are specialist in
the area you are studying. The majority are drawn from other universities or colleges in the
country, although some will also come from industry or other relevant professions. External
examiners look at the assignments that are set for you and the work you produce. They are
asked to confirm that the standards are appropriate for the level at which you are studying. They
attend assessment and award boards and write an annual report for the University which is
used as part of the process (which includes student representatives) of monitoring the quality
and standards of your award. You are entitled to see these reports and if you wish to do so you
should contact your Faculty office.
External examiner(s) who are responsible for your award are:
Name: Jenny Eland
Postion: Tutor for Educational Staff Development
Institution: Birmingham City University
It is not appropriate for you to make direct contact with external examiners, in particular
regarding your individual performance in assessments. There are other mechanisms you can
use if you are unhappy with your results or other aspects of your award, such as the appeal and
complaints procedures.
External examiners have been informed that if they are contacted directly by students they
should decline to comment and refer the student back to the University.
Personal Development Planning, Personal Tutoring and Mentoring
Personal Development Planning helps you systematically to address your profile of skills, to
identify areas of improvement, and to plan strategically to address them. You will be
encouraged to engage in reflection to contribute to planning your professional development
throughout and beyond the Award. You may choose to use PebblePad to facilitate this process,
and we will be exploring how to use this e-portfolio tool as part of the programme.
All members of the Award team are available to provide personal tutoring. We aim to provide
support with your academic progress through the Award, and offer advice on relevant services
should you have any specific support needs.
At every stage of the course, efforts will be made to provide you with appropriate support and
guidance, either as individuals or collectively for the whole group. The entire ethos of the course
is one of support in order to enable your growth and development in line with the strategic aims
of the University.
Staff are available for support during office hours and probably the most effective way for you to
contact them is via e-mail (see previous table for contact details). If you have a specific query re
the content, delivery and/or assessment of a module, you should contact the module tutor in the
first instance. However if you have additional queries, you should contact Russell Spink [ext:
4199] or
Please talk to your tutors about problems, barriers to learning, and issues you are unhappy with.
If you have a disability which might affect your progress through the course, you are strongly
encouraged to discuss this with the award leader or one of the tutors at the earliest opportunity.
Both the application and the enrolment form provide you with the chance to alert us to any issue
relating to a disability you may have.
Working with your mentor
A mentor is an individual who you can go to for advice, support and encouragement whilst you
are on the PGCHPE programme. Mentors provide an invaluable link between the centralised
learning within the taught workshops and the discipline specific issues pertinent to the area of
individual participants.
For participants who are working to achieve NMC recorded teacher status, your mentor will
also be a recorded NMC teacher. They will be responsible for verifying that the evidence you
are submitting in your assignments confirms related achievement of NMC teacher outcomes in
practice. Participants should refer to the specific details provided in the NMC Teacher Practice
Mentor’s Role
Although the precise role of the mentor will vary according to both your prior teaching
experience and your current needs, the following points should be considered as a framework
upon which to build the mentoring relationship. The mentor should:
Introduce you to University and Programme/Service area processes and procedures
relating to teaching and the facilitation of student learning
Provide advice and guidance on the delivery of teaching within the subject area. This
will necessitate translating how the generic information covered on the PGCHPE
operates within discipline related areas
Be familiar with the UK Professional Standards Framework and provide feedback and
guidance aligned to the principles enshrined within the framework
Provide formative feedback on your progress in teaching / facilitation of student learning,
if requested
Communicate with you on a regular basis (the frequency of which should be negotiated
between you and your mentor)
Ensure that you are kept up to date with any initiatives and policy/procedure change
which might impact on their teaching / facilitation of learning
As soon as possible after registering on the Certificate you should identify a mentor in your
Faculty or Service. If you are working towards NMC teacher status, your mentor has an
important role in ensuring progress towards NMC accreditation and you should keep in regular
contact with the person concerned.
Any issues relating to the PGCHPE mentoring arrangements should be discussed with
the award leader or a course tutor.
10. Accreditation of Prior Learning
The Accreditation of Prior Learning is the term used when a student uses his or her previous
experiences to gain admission to a programme of study; admission to a module; admission at
an intermediate stage in a programme (advanced standing); or to gain exemption from part of a
programme of study. These previous experiences may be work-based learning, general learning
experiences (experiential) or certificated qualifications.
You should normally apply for exemptions or admission with advanced standing through the
AP(E)L scheme when you apply for a place on the award, or immediately upon registration for
your modules. You will not be allowed to apply for AP(E)L in a module once you have submitted
any assessment for that module. If you apply for exemptions or admission with advanced
standing through the AP(E)L scheme you may be required to undergo some assessment to
determine the relevance of your experiences/qualifications.
The APL and AP(E)L forms can be obtained from the Faculty Office. The APL and AP(E)L
Board meets in early October. It is chaired by one of the Faculty’s Programme Area Managers
and its purpose is to consider all the APL and AP(E)L applications received from students and
uphold or reject these applications dependant on the evidence provided.
11. Communication
Course tutors will use ‘Blackboard’ to communicate with students. Email messages will also
be sent via Blackboard, so it is very important that you check your student email account on
a very regular basis.
Module tutors will also ask take your mobile telephone number (only if you wish the tutor to
have it). This would only be used to contact you as a matter of urgency e.g. if a session
had to be cancelled at short notice (this happens very rarely).
12. Support and Guidance
Your first point of contact is with your Personal Tutor. Their role/s is to support the
development of professional skills through tutorials and formative feedback on your work in
sessions. They also provide guidance on assignments. This role might include:
 Holding one meeting per term
 Holding any additional meetings at the instigation of yourself, or where otherwise
 Providing you with general academic guidance on your progress through the award
for which you are registered.
 Taking appropriate action in respect of absenteeism.
 Indicating their availability though appropriate means
 Taking any necessary initiatives to refer matters to student counsellors/awards
directors/module leaders, etc., completing referral forms and forwarding to
appropriate personnel where appropriate, plus placing a copy on file. (Anything that
is deemed to be of private and confidential nature may be held on your file in a
sealed envelope, marked accordingly. This will only be “used” with your
 Providing careers advice where appropriate or directing you to people with
appropriate expertise.
 Providing support, if appropriate, for an extenuating circumstances claim
Learning Support Agreements
If you have a learning support agreement which recognises dyslexia as a disability make
sure that you ask for one of the yellow stickers (available from the Faculty Office) to attach
to your work to signal to the tutor that the assignment needs to be marked on content and
understanding and not penalised for grammar, spelling or punctuation errors.
For online submissions, you will be advised by your Faculty Office, or in the module
handbook on how to signal this to your tutor.
Similarly, if your learning support statement specifies that you can negotiate the
submission dates of your assessments then please ensure that you have agreed new
submission dates with your tutor in advance of the original deadline. On the Faculty
assignment cover-sheet there is a box for stating the agreed negotiated deadline and the
tutor’s signature. Please be mindful of the fact that you may need to complete the coversheet in advance of the submission date to ensure you get the tutor’s signature – rather
than assume the tutor will be available on the day / time you intend to submit.
If you hand work in after a negotiated deadline, it will be treated as ‘late’, and will be
marked at zero. So, if having once negotiated a deadline you find that, as it approaches,
you are going to need a further extension, you will need to go back to your Award Leader /
Personal Tutor to authorise this. Your Award Leader / Personal Tutor will use the test of
‘reasonableness’ in agreeing to any further extension.
If you need to adjust the assignment schedule agreed with your Award Leader / Personal
Tutor for reasons that are unrelated to your disability, then you will need to use the normal
Extenuating Circumstances procedure.
Information on university support services can be found in the on-line student guide
(available at:
The Student Advice Centre run by the Students’ Union provides independent, impartial
and confidential advice to students free of charge. More information on the Students’
Union can be found at:
13. Student Voice
During the course you will have the opportunity to share your views and opinions on your
modules, course and the university. Your feedback is key to ensuring that we get an
accurate picture of what it is like to be a student at Staffordshire University and enables us
to enhance the learning experience for current and future students.
Two student representatives will be recruited and all students will be given their contact
details. Student views can then be presented to programme committee meetings. The
course team value feedback and students are encouraged to share their views with tutors
during the entire period of study.
We also encourage you to complete the PTES [Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey].
This is a national survey of student opinion. Your views really matter to us: they inform
and help shape our academic programme.
Your Students’ Union understands the pressures and challenges of academic study and is
always here to help all its student members.
If you have an issue with your course, you can turn to your Student Academic
Representatives. Elected by their course mates, the Student Academic Reps are there to
listen to your views, represent them at faculty meetings involving your course and feed
them back to the Students’ Union to help achieve positive outcomes for you. If you’re not
sure if your course has a Student Academic Rep, get in touch with the Students’ Union
and we can find yours or help you become one.
For those matters that can’t be fixed so easily, the Union also provides a team of fullytrained advisers to help you solve your problem. The advisers can be seen for free all
week, just drop in to find out when they’re free. The team can help you with academic
issues, housing, student funding, benefits and much more. If you can’t make it into the
Union, you can also chat to them online at
14. Professional Body Recognition
Full details of the award accreditation is available in Appendix B.
The PGCHPE is accredited to the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA)
PDF award for ‘Learning, Teaching & Assessment’. Further details are available on the SEDA
website at
For those who are in nursing and midwifery education, accreditation by the NMC is available
on completion of a portfolio as well as the Award.
The PGCHPE is also accredited by the HE Academy; all successful participants will gain a
Fellowship of the HE Academy provided they:
Are currently in a learning and teaching related role which involves teaching at level 4 or
above in a HE environment. This would include, for example, teaching HE in FE, but may not
include professional education, depending on the setting. Please contact the Award Leader for
more details.
Complete the short form which will be sent to them on successful completion of the award.
The HE Academy accreditation is based on the alignment of the PGCHPE programme with
Descriptor 2 from the UK Professional Standards Framework and the opportunities presented
to participants to provide evidence to demonstrate how they meet the different elements of the
descriptors. An overview of descriptor 2 is available at the HE Academy website via
15. Concerns and Complaints
We endeavour through our support systems to deal with any concerns and complaints
informally. Within your department, we advise you to talk to your Module Tutor, Award Leader
or Personal Tutor as soon as possible. You can also talk to the Faculty Student Guidance
Advisor or central Guidance Officer.
If you are still dissatisfied then the University has in place a Complaints Procedure. You can
also use the Complaints Procedure if you feel you have been subject to discrimination,
harassment, bullying or abuse. For more information contact the Appeals Complaints and
Conduct Manager on 01782 294359 or visit:
16. Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism
The University and Faculty take the issues of academic dishonesty, plagiarism or cheating
very seriously. If you are caught breaking the University’s rules, you can expect to be punished
– this might mean failing an assignment, failing a module or even failing your award and being
asked to leave the University.
It is vitally important that you understand the rules regarding plagiarism. These can be found
There are several resources available to help you in writing and preparing assignments so that
you do not break the rules. You might want to look at the following resources.
If in doubt, make sure you ask your tutor before you submit work, or arrange to see someone
in the Study Skills Centre (located in the library).
17. Disability
Staffordshire University is committed to enabling all students to achieve their full potential. If
you have a disability or specific learning difficulty (SpLD) which might affect your progress, you
are strongly advised to disclose this to one of the Award or Module Tutors at the earliest
opportunity. Every effort will be made to implement any reasonable adjustments to the
learning environment in order to support you through the module.
Disability Coordinator who coordinates support for disabled students.
Each Faculty has a
The Student Enabling Centre provides specialist study support for disabled students and
also a counselling service to support students who may experience issues that affect their
mental wellbeing. The service provides a range of information, advice and facilities such as
offering study needs assessments, help to apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)
and providing study support services for students with dyslexia.
At Stoke, the Student Enabling Centre is based in the Cadman Courtyard, and at Stafford in
the One Stop Shop in the Beacon Building. More information about the Student Enabling
Centre can be obtained from or by email at or
18. Equality and Diversity
Staffordshire University is committed to equality of opportunity and diversity: these are part of
the core values of the institution. We aim to be an inclusive organisation where everyone has
a fair opportunity to fulfill their potential.
At Staffordshire University we recognise that people are unique individuals. We are committed
to ensuring that all our students and staff - whatever their background, nationality, cultural
heritage, age, race, disability, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, belief, colour,
gender identity, skills and experiences - are able to study or work in an environment free from
discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation.
We all have a responsibility to ensure that this happens, and students and staff are expected
to behave in a way that promotes a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
The Students’ Charter sets out the University’s commitment to students and your
responsibilities as a student. This can be found at The University also has a behaviour policy to
inform students and staff of the behaviour expected of students. This can be found at:
More information, support and advice about any aspect of equality and diversity at
Staffordshire University can be obtained from
Appendix A - Glossary of Terms
A unit of study with a defined learning outcomes, curriculum and
The module definition is to found in the module specification for the
Each module has a number of Credits, associated with it. A single
module is worth 15 Credits and notionally requires 150 hours of learning
activity to complete. This learning activity being divided between time for
class contact hours with staff, independent study and assessment. The
number of allocated learning hours rises in proportion to the number of
Credits attributed to a module at the rate of 10 hour per credit. All
modules are multiples of the basic unit of 15 Credits. So for example, a
double module will be worth 30 Credits and will have a learning time of
300 hours.
Core module
This is a module that you must take and pass to qualify for a given
award title or range of titles.
Award Option
This is a module chosen from a list of Award Option modules. Award
Option modules are studied in conjunction with the core modules and
from the prescribed set of modules for a particular named award
Co-requisites are those modules that you must take as a package. All
the Level 4 core modules can be considered to be co-requisites. We
have defined co-requisites to make sure that there is sufficient shape
and coherence in your programme of study to make it a rewarding and
interesting experience. A corequisite is therefore a module which must
be studied in addition to and normally at the same time as a particular
A pre-requisite is defined as a specific requirement that you must meet
before you can take a module. In a similar way as entry to an Award was
dependent on your achieving A-Level or BTEC passes for example, or
having other prior knowledge, for some modules you will have to be
‘qualified’ to take them. This will normally mean studying for a module at
an earlier level in the Award.
Pre-requisites are specified to make sure that you have the knowledge
and skills you will need to be successful in your chosen modules. Please
refer to the Undergraduate Modular Framework Regulations for a more
detailed description of this term in particular the distinction between the
terms pre-requisites’ and ‘Special Admissions Requirements’.
Teaching block
Although rare, disqualified combinations are those modules which you
cannot study together. This is normally because the content of the
modules overlaps in some way, such that by taking both you would not
cover the equivalent of two-modules learning.
A period of study into which the year is divided, that may include
induction learning, assessment and academic counseling. There are
currently two teaching blocks in each academic year.
Appendix B - Curriculum Maps
Innovation and
Module learning outcomes
Module learning
Specialist outcomes: Learning, Teaching and
Used a variety of methods for evaluating their
teaching role
Informed their professional role with relevant
strategy, policy and quality consideration
  
 
 
Extended their use of learning, teaching and
assessment practices
     
Contributed to the processes of
module/programme design, implementation and
  
 
 
Provided support to students on
academic/pastoral issues
Specialist outcomes: Supporting Learning
Enabled learning
Used a variety of appropriate learning approaches
Used a variety of methods for evaluating their
teaching role
Informed their professional role with relevant
strategy, policy and quality consideration
  
 
 
Mapping of the UK PSF (HE Academy) Descriptor 2 to PGCHPE
outcomes and activities
Areas of activity
A1 Design and planning of learning
activities and/or programmes of study
A2 Teaching and/or supporting student
Innovation and
A3 Assess and give feedback to learners
A4 Develop effective learning environments
and approaches to student support and
A5 Engage in continuing professional
development in subjects/disciplines and
their pedagogy, incorporating research,
scholarship and the evaluation of
professional practices
Core knowledge
Innovation and
K1 The subject material
K2 Appropriate methods for teaching and
learning in the subject area and at the level
of the academic programme
K3 How students learn, both generally and
in the subject/disciplinary area(s)
K4 The use of appropriate learning
K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness
of teaching
K6 The implications of quality assurance
and quality enhancement for academic and
professional practice with a particular focus
on teaching
Professional values
Innovation and
V2 Promote participation in higher
education and equality of opportunity for
V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and
the outcomes from research, scholarship
and continuing professional development
V1 Respect individual learners and diverse
learning communities
V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which
higher education operates recognizing the
implications for professional practice
1. Facilitating Learning
Module Outcomes
Demonstrate a systematic understanding of selected current research and/or
advanced scholarship which supports the process of student learning
Identify and analyse the diverse factors which affect the student learning process
and, where appropriate, suggest strategies for improvement
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the relationship between learning and
teaching in a Higher and Professional Education context
Systematically plan, design and apply teaching and assessment strategies and
techniques to support student learning
Effectively communicate key concepts and ideas to peer and tutor audience
Engage in reflection on own development as a teacher in Higher and
Professional Education and make suggestions for continual improvement
NMC related practice outcomes:
Establishing Effective Working Relationships
Maintain appropriate supportive relationships with a range of students,
mentors, practice teachers and other professionals
Foster peer support and peer learning in practice and academic settings for
all students
Demonstrate effective relationships with other members of the teaching
teams in practice and academic settings based on mutual trust and respect
Support students to integrate into new environments and working teams to
enhance access to learning
Facilitation of Learning
Provide support and advice, with ongoing and constructive feedback to
students, to maximize individual potential
Act as a practice expert to support development of knowledge and skills for
Promote development of enquiring, reflective, critical and innovative
approaches to learning
Implement a range of learning and teaching strategies across a wide range of
Co-ordinate learning within an inter-professional learning and working
Facilitate integration of learning from practice and academic settings
Assessment and Accountability
Support others involved in the assessment process, students, mentors and
Set and maintain professional boundaries that are sufficiently flexible for
interprofessional learning
Provide constructive feedback to students and assist them in identifying future
learning needs and actions, manage failing students so that they may
enhance their performance and capabilities for safe and effective practice or
be able to understand their failure and the implications of this for their future.
Be accountable for their decisions in relation to fitness for practice for
registration or recordable qualifications, underpinning such decisions with an
evidence base derived from appropriate and effective monitoring of
Evaluation of Learning
Foster and participate in self and peer evaluation to enable students to
manage their own learning in practice and academic settings and to enhance
personal professional development
Evaluate the effectiveness of assessment strategies in providing evidence to
make judgements on fitness for practice
Evidence-based Practice
Consider how evidence-based practice, involving patients, clients, carers and
other members of the health and social care team, enhances care delivery
and learning opportunities
Demonstrate effective communication skills to facilitate delivery of educational
programmes leading to registration or a recordable qualification
Manage competing demands to ensure effectiveness of learning experiences
for students
Create an Environment for Learning
Support and develop others involved to ensure that learning needs are
effectively met in a safe environment
Context of Practice
Support students in identifying ways in which policy impacts on practice
Negotiate ways of providing support to students so that they can achieve their
learning needs within the context of professional and inter-professional
Act as a role model to enable students to learn professional responsibilities
and how to be accountable for their own practice
Adapt to change, demonstrating to students how flexibility may be
incorporated whilst maintaining safe and effective practice
Assessed by:
A portfolio of evidence weighted at 100% which shows the participant’s:
a) Engagement in specified teaching and/or supporting learning activities.
b) Tutor/mentor observation feedback and analysis.
c) Critical reflection on own development in a teaching and/or supporting student
learning environment in the context of HE.
d) Reflective account based on a study of student learning drawn from the
participant’s own experience
2. Innovation and Contemporary Practice
Module outcomes:
Critically analyse current research and new insights into the contemporary
factors, strategies and organisational challenges underpinning current andragogic
practice in Higher and Professional Education
Effectively communicate concepts, ideas and research to a range of audiences in
face-to-face and virtual environments
Effectively demonstrate the appropriateness of the selected methodological
approach and how this has been applied to critically investigate and understand a
specific contemporary issue in own area
Critically reflect on own learning from the module in order to design workable and
sustainable solutions to enhance the student learning experience
Apply and critically evaluate the effectiveness of new technology in the context of
own teaching
NMC related practice outcomes:
Evaluation of Learning
Determine and use criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of learning
environments, acting on findings, with others to enhance quality
Report on the quality of practice and academic learning environments to
demonstrate that NMC requirements have been met, particularly in relation to
support of students and achievement of standards of proficiency
Creating an Environment for Learning
Determine with others, audit criteria against which learning environments may be
judged for their effectiveness in meeting NMC requirements
Explore and implement strategies for continuous quality improvement of the
learning environment
In partnership with others, opportunities for students to identify and access
learning experiences that meet their individual needs
Ensure such opportunities maintain the integrity of the student’s professional role
whilst responding to the inter-professional context of practice
Context of Practice
Contribute effectively to processes of change and innovation, implementing new
ways of working that maintain the integrity of professional roles
Evidence-based Practice
Advance their own knowledge and practice abilities through access to and
involvement in, where appropriate, research and practice development
Disseminate findings from the research and practice development to enhance the
quality of learning and care delivery and academic environments
Empower individuals, groups and organisations to develop the evidence-base for
Develop effective relationships with practice and academic staff involved in
programme delivery to ensure clarity of contribution and strategies to respond to
evaluation of learning experiences
Provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice
Demonstrate strategic vision for practice and academic development relevant to
meeting NMC requirements
Initiate and lead programme development and review processes to enhance
quality and effectiveness
Lead, contribute to, analyse and act on the findings of evaluation of learning and
assessment to develop programmes
Assessment and Accountability
Develop, with others, effective assessment strategies to ensure that standards of
proficiency for registration or recordable qualifications at a level beyond initial
registration are met
Assessed by:
The assessment will comprise two elements, outlined below:
1) Reflection on the use of technology supported learning in own teaching context,
including diary entries evaluating the potential application of selected tools, and an
action plan to move forward own practice.
2) An electronic or paper-based poster presentation based on an evaluative project
you have conducted on one or more of the key topics from the module (e.g. the
student experience, widening participation, diversity) within the context of your own
subject area. As part of the evaluation you are expected to identify suggestions for
improvement which will impact on the student learning experience. The
accompanying presentation should be 12 minutes maximum.
Appendix C – Feedback on assessments
Our principles - good feedback should:
1. Be an interactive process involving student-tutor and
student-student dialogue
Because of the principles, you; the student; can expect:
There should be an agreed point of reference and common
starting point between students and staff as to what constitutes
the purpose and use of feedback as part of a learning process.
The content of this originates from the knowledge and
professional expectations of the subject discipline. Determining
the common starting point is an iterative process emerging out
of interactive dialogue between staff, students and their peers,
where all participants challenge and are open to each other’s
To work with a set of agreed assessment rules
To agree with staff and other students on why you will get
To debate with other students
To learn from other students
To see other students learn from you
To debate with lecturers and other staff
To learn from lecturers and other staff
University staff to learn from you
Every conversation about your studies to be a type of
feedback you can learn from (we are an Academic
To get feedback throughout your course
To also get specific and timely formal written feedback
from lecturers on your marked assessments
2. Facilitate the development of self-assessment and
The feedback should generate a series of questions for the
student which makes them think about their learning now, and
what they need to do to develop their learning in the future.
To ask yourself new questions about your learning
To ask yourself new questions about your subject
To improve your understanding of your own thoughts
To improve your ability to see the worth of other people’s
work and thoughts
This will enable them to understand the purpose of the feedback
in each specific context; create the capacity to developing
evaluative judgement; the ability to review their own
performance against professional and academic criteria; and to
think about learning strategies they need to develop in the
3. Clarify for students and staff, through dialogue, what good
or bad performance actually is in the assignment or task.
This involves identifying and justifying the strengths and
achievements of the assignment, artefact or task under
discussion. This should also then lead to outlining how changes
and improvements may be made, through reference to
discussion around what constitutes the criteria for good
performance and how the outcomes of the task have been met.
Students need to be aware that feedback is a process that can
take place at any time or place, and isn’t restricted to formal
learning situations.
To improve your ability to evaluate your own work and
the work of others
To become better at working in order to meet specific
goals or targets
To get better at working out what types of feedback you
need and working out when you need feedback
To get better at seeing where your work is good and
where it needs improvement
To get better at seeing where other people’s work is good
and where it needs improvement
To get better at giving people help to improve their work
To get better at accepting and using help from other
people to improve your own work
To discuss how ideas like “good” and “bad” relate to
marking criteria
To get and give feedback wherever you can: not just in
tutorials or seminars
4. Be developmental, progressive and transferable to new
learning contexts
Your feedback to be relevant to your course
Your feedback to be relevant to the way your wider
subject area is developing
The dialogue and understanding that emerges from the
feedback should be applicable both to the current debate and
also contain elements that are able to be translated to a range
of current and future learning situations. As the student
progresses through their learning journey they should be
developing a more sustained and sophisticated approach to
their learning, culminating in the expression of the graduate
attributes appropriate to their level and subject specialism
5. Be ongoing and embedded in the learning process
Feedback isn’t simply an activity that takes place after
assessment – it isn’t something that is simply done to students!
Feedback that is effective and timely occurs when students
know when they need it, recognise what they want it for, and
know how to ask for it in a way that is appropriate to their
needs.. It is multi-faceted both in terms of content and format.
6. Motivate, build esteem and confidence to support
sustainable lifelong learning
Feedback needs to point out what has been done well, both in
terms of the task process and the product. Feedback needs to
offer ‘do-able’ actions for future learning/work, so that students
are able to improve. Modules/awards need to engage students
with multiple feedback opportunities,
Your feedback to give you useful ideas for ways of doing
future learning
Your feedback to help you get a deeper understanding of
your subject
Your feedback to help you develop your overall thinking
To give and receive feedback frequently
To learn to recognise when it would be useful for you to
get feedback
To learn to recognise what type of feedback it would be
useful for you to get
To learn how to ask for appropriate feedback
To recognise that there are many appropriate ways of
giving feedback
To get, and give, praise for things that have been done
To get ideas that will help you improve your future
learning and work
To give ideas that will help other people to improve their
future learning and work
To get a lot of chances to receive and give feedback in a
variety of ways
7. Support the development of learning groups and
Good feedback – as outlined in Points 1- 6 - should create the
environment whereby effective and productive learning is taking
place, leading to the emergence of a flourishing learning
To be part of an improving learning community
To be personally responsible for helping that community
get even better
To see other people also taking personal responsibility
for helping the community to get even better