File - Mrs. Balanon's 4th Grade

Welcome Parents!
• Please find your child’s folder and letter.
• While you’re waiting, please write a reply
to your child’s note. Be sure to include
how proud you are of him/her. You’ll child
will be so happy to see your response
(please write in print—not all can read
• Please take a moment to look through the
class “flip-book”. I hope this is a handy
resource for you.
Mrs. Balanon’s 4th Grade
Room 210
Topics To Be Covered
About Me
Vision Statement/Goals
Common Core State Standards
Classroom Rules/ClassDojo
Daily Schedule
Technology in the Classroom
Parent-Teacher Conferences
The Collaborative Classroom
A Little Bit About Me…
Mrs. Hilary Cuevas-Balanon:
– A California native from Oxnard, CA. Raised in San Diego with her sister
and 4 brothers.
– A graduate from Arizona State University, B.A. Education (‘94), postgraduate, M.A. Ed. Administration/Supervision (‘98), and post-graduate,
M.A. English as a Second Language, Linguistics, University of LaVerne (‘09)
– Lives in Rancho Bernardo with her husband and 9 year-old son who is in
4th grade this year at Del Sur.
– Twenty-two years of classroom experience. Seven years with PUSD.
(Grades 2, 4, 5, 6, and G.A.T.E pull-out)
Del Sur Teacher of the Year, 2015-2016
Scholastic National Teacher Board Member
– English Language Coordinator for Del Sur
Heritage Night Coordinator
– Technology in Education Leader
MyConnect Site Trainer
ClassDojo Mentor
Former PUSD Future Focus member
Certificate of Digital Literacy, UCSD
– Loves running, reading, yoga, and visiting Balboa Park
with family.
Del Sur Elementary
Vision Statement
Inspire 21st century global citizens, Del Sur will educate the
whole child.
Learning opportunities will foster curiosity, creativity, and
academic achievement through standards-based curriculum
that promotes inquiry, discovery, and challenges students to
rise to their highest potential.
Partnered with our state of the art technology, students at Del
Sur will connect with the rest of the world giving them an
unparalleled education.
Students will become technologically literate and teachers are
dedicated to continuing their own technology education.
Our talented and caring teaching staff is among the very
finest. Their high standards for quality instruction, unwavering
commitment to the profession, and dedication to professional
development will ignite enthusiasm for learning.
Welcome Back to
This year students will:
•Read stories for enjoyment and information
•Write pieces to explain, entertain, or to persuade
•Clearly explain and discuss their mathematical thinking
•Work on persistence and patience
•Research Early California history and California missions
• Julian Mining Co. field-trip (May or June)
•Study rocks, ecosystems, and electricity.
• Science Center field-trip (April)
•Practice keyboarding and incorporating technology in the subject
Class Projects this year will be:
-Birthstone report (Trimester 1)
-Ecosystem presentation (Trimester 2)
-California Weebly Website presentation (Trimester 3)
-Gold Rush Pioneer biography (Trimester 3)
Education Is Changing!
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
• New standards replace “No Child Left Behind” legislature beginning
in school year 2014-2015.
• CCSS provide a practical way to prepare children for the challenges of
a constantly changing world.
• Common Core State Standards: A New Foundation for Student
Success – YouTube
• CCSS places a heavy concentration on writing, reading, and 21st
century skills.
• 4 C’s: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking
Skills. Lots of discussion is encouraged! A “Collaborative Classroom”.
• California Standards Test (CST/bubble test) will be replaced with
Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium test (computer based test)
beginning in school year 2014-2015.
• New Smarter Balance Assessment is language rich and requires 21st
century skills (keyboarding, and computer literacy).
CST and Smarter Balance Comparison
CST: California Standards Test, Fourth Grade Mathematics
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium,
Grade Four Mathematics
Student-Teaching Mentor
• Del Sur collaborates with California State University San Marcos
student-teaching program.
• CSUSM stresses a Team-Teaching model.
• I have been a student-teacher mentor for over ten years.
• Our student-teacher candidate will be joining the class for 8 weeks
beginning in September for his/her teaching practicum. Studentteacher candidates are an excellent resource in the following areas:
Small group instruction
Differentiated instruction
Building positive relationships with students
Available as substitutes if needed
Student-Teaching Team Teaching Model
Classroom Rules
• School-wide Discipline Plan [Character Counts]
• Class Dojo Link
• Classroom rules were discussed with students and created with
student input.
• S.T.A.R.
– Safety, Take Responsibility, A Learning Attitude, and Respect
– “Be a S.T.A.R Student”
– If you damage it, please amend it.
• Love and Logic
– Children LOVE attention so I make sure to acknowledge
positive behaviors
– Marble jar
– Responsive Classroom (Community environment)
– Student Services/Counseling Services/Second-Step
Daily Schedule
School Begins (First Bell)
8:30-9:00: Grammar/Writing
9:00-10:50: Reading/Literacy
10:55-11:10: Recess
11:10-12:30: Social Studies/Science
12:30- 1:10: Lunch
1:10-1:30: Read Aloud
Del Sur Spirit
Day (Wear any
Del Sur shirt)
Running Club
at AM recess
1:30-2:30: Math
2:30-2:50: Clean-up/Homework Schedule
2:50: Dismissal
*1:10: Early Dismissal (Thursdays)
*Please note
that playground supervision does
not begin until 8:10am. Students should not be
on campus before this time. 4th and 5th graders
are allowed to go upstairs to drop-off
Minimum Day
1:10 Dismissal
College Shirt
Day, Friday
Running Club
at AM recess
Art 11:20
• Homework is assigned a maximum of 4 days a week (M-Thurs)
• Math practice pages each night, Technology practice two-three
times a week (blogging, keyboarding practice).
• Students should read 25-30 minutes daily.
• Students are responsible for completing their homework daily.
• Total time for daily homework should be approximately 40
• Spelling/Word Study will be addressed in class.
• Homework Schedule will be posted on MyConnect each night.
• Please check folders weekly for parent flyers and school
information. Please sign back sheet of Duck Folder each Friday.
• We will be having a Homework Club after-school on Monday,
Tuesdays, and Wednesday. Please let me know if you’re
interested in your child attending. It is free!
Other Important Topics
• Food policy: Because of safety and sanitation concerns, food prepared
in a private home shall not be used, stored, served, offered for sale,
sold, or given away to students on a school campus. Food must be of
commercially prepared and packaged items (Health and Safety Code
114015) Del Sur maintains a policy of no food/treats be sent to school
to celebrate your child’s birthday. Please consider sending a non-food
item (small toys, donate a book to the classroom/library, small
• Off-Campus Independent Study Contracts: If your child will be out of
school for more than 5 school days (planned trip or long-term illness),
please inform me and the office at least two weeks before the
planned absence so that an independent study contract can be
prepared. This is a district requirement. Without this contract in
place your child could potentially be dropped from enrollment.
• Absent Student? Please call our Attendance Hotline at (858) 674-6200
x 6313 or email me the day of the absence. If your child goes to ESS,
please let ESS know that your child will not be in attendance.
• Mrs. Balanon Parent Facebook (Closed Group)
-Search: “Mrs. Balanon’s 4th Grade 2015-2016”
-Weekly photos
-Updates and reminders
Please do not tag pictures. Only student family members will be approved
to join.
• Class Website: General information
• Email Notifications (Distribution List): Sunday Email Newsletter
• ClassDojo: Text Message and Instant Reminders! Behavior updates  
• Phone: (858) 674-6200 x 6360 (619) 867-9694 cell/text
• Del Sur website
• Del Sur Facebook page: Like and Follow!
• MyConnect is PUSD’s new Learning Management System.
• Free app is available in the AppStore and Android (Google
Play). For the app, you must enter the URL
• MyConnect is also accessible from PUSD’s website, [Learning Platforms]
Students will need to use their 7-digit Student Number, and 6-digit Date of
Birth to log-in.
• Students will need to check the MyConnect course each night
to see the homework schedule.
Computer access is helpful, but if you do not have computer access at
home, your child can complete the work in class.
• MyConnect will also be used to access links to the classroom
educational programs, post discussion replies, take quizzes
and much more!
Technology in the Classroom!
1:1 Bring Your Own Device Program
– Google Docs (Writing)
– Google Slides (Powerpoint)
– Google Forms
Google Play apps
Ipad Cart/Chrome Books
21st Century Education
-Invest in a STURDY case!
-Clearly label all devices.
• Google Drive (App needed
for iPads)
We use PUSD’s Google account
through MyPlan:
-We are not device specific,
but devices need Internet
access and be able to access
Keyboarding (EduTyping)
Telegami (iPad)
Educreations (iPad)
iBooks, Amazon (e-reader apps)
Accelerated Reader
Weebly Webmaker
Discovery Learning
Spelling City/Vocabulary City
Student Device Agreement must be on
file with teacher.
Connect on
Post updates,
questions, or
group photos
(no tagging).
Search: Mrs.
Balanon’s 4th
Grade Class
group code:
We will use as an
extension of our
classroom. We will use
it for discussions,
questions, and data
Inappropriate student
posts will be DELETED,
and posting privileges
will be revoked.
The Collaborative Classroom
Room 210 is a special learning
environment! The new CA Common Core
State Standars encourages students to be
prepared to use the 4 C’s of collaboration,
communication, creativity, and critical
thinking in order to meet the changing
needs for our 21st century workforce.
• We work in collaborative teams during
the day.
• Round-tables foster this collaborative
• We share materials, and work together
to make sure our work-space can
adjust from a traditional, to a
collaborative learning model.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Fall Conferences will be: November 16-20
November 16th: NO SCHOOL for students
November 17-20: Early Dismissal @ 1:10PM
My conference schedule will be sent via email and
scheduled using Google Docs (live document). The email
link to schedule a conference will be sent Friday, September
Confirmation of date and time will be sent after schedule has
been established.
Please notify me if you require more than one parent
conference and/or additional copies of progress reports.
English Language Learners
Del Sur celebrates our multi-cultural and diverse student population. We have over 13
different home languages represented within our student population. Part of our school
mission ensures that students and staff appreciate and embrace cultural diversity to
encourage, foster, and model global citizenship.
During registration, our Del Sur families who indicated another language spoken at home other
than English on the Home Language Survey, have provided us with information so that if needed,
their child may be eligible to receive assistance in acquiring English proficiency.
In order to determine this need, those identified students will be given the California English
Language Development Test (CELDT) to decide if English Language Learner services are needed.
The test for TK and K is an oral proficiency test. English Language Learner services, if needed, will
begin in 1st grade.
Identified TK and K students will be given the CELDT individually by a certificated district employee
beginning in September 2015.
Please contact Mrs. Hilary Balanon, Del Sur’s ELL Coordinator and Heritage Night coordinator, if
you have questions or need additional information. Email:
Phone: 858-674-6200 x 6360
Del Sur welcomes your participation in our Del Sur Heritage Night which is tentatively scheduled
for May 2016!
~Thank you~
We’re Going to Have a Great
Are there any questions at this time?