File - Inssaf Kurdi's Kinesiology in Wellness Management

KINE 4370
The aim of this study is to find out what is the overall effects of exercise during
pregnancy. The research looked over at all the type of aspects that plays a major role in
pregnancy. Focusing on what type of barriers did most of the women faced. Such as, mode of
delivery, any type of discomforts during exercise, and what did their doctors recommend for
them during pregnancy. The research asked the participant’s one question in three different ways
to see if the results all correlate to one another. The question stated, how minutes in the week do
you exercise? Question numbers 14, 15, and 20 all asked the same question but the only twist
was how many minutes a week did they exercise pre pregnancy, post pregnancy, and how
regularly do they work out. The study was handed to a women’s clinic at the front desk and each
women was asked if they would like to take part of this survey. There was 30 surveys given to
the clinic and only 11 were filled out completely. The data in the research showed 75% of the
women delivered their baby naturally and 25% delivered their baby through cesarean section. All
the participants who surveyed were of white decent and were around the ages 20-24 when they
conceived or delivered. Also majority of the women were unemployed and/or continuing their
educations. There are great benefits to exercise and physical activity in general to help the female
body develop and adjust to the pregnancy. But there defiantly should be more detailed studies on
pregnant women while exercising. To further the research and to have a better understanding on
the type of body shapes and they different ethnicities affects while pregnant.
As women in American society we tend to not look at pregnancy as a big deal because
everywhere we look we see pregnant women of all different ages, sizes, and ethnicities. Since the
beginning of time women have always given birth and mothered children. But they do not take
the time out of their day to actually notice what is good for their bodies and what is needed to be
done while pregnant. This mentality they have is either cultural or just a habit they have formed
over the years with their families growing up as young girls. It is defiantly a force of habit and
the only way anyone can change is if they put in effort to take their doctors advice and also to
remove any barriers in the way. This means having help like your partner or a family member
keep you motivated. That is a major life changer for the woman who is struggling through her
pregnancy. During pregnancy it is known that women get exhausted, sleepy, moody, and she can
have all types body aches. This is a sensitive time for a woman because she gets hungry all hours
of the day and is consuming all kinds of foods she maybe craving. With all the things going on
during pregnancy a woman probably does not make time to get in exercise. This information is
crucial for the mode of delivery of the baby. Exercise is a very important part of a woman’s life,
especially if she is going through the changes. The changes involves puberty, adulthood,
conceiving and much more. My main focus is on the woman’s body with exercise during the
time they decide to conceive, during pregnancy, and post. The rest of the research will explain in
depth about the survey that was handed out and the answers that were received. The research will
also look at the age of the women, their body weight changes and the kind of exercise they were
performing. In the research there is much more of an emphasis on the amount of time the
participants actually worked out pre, during, and post pregnancy. This was a major factor that
came into play during this survey because many of the women did not actually answer truthfully
for those three question, which lead to a very interesting outcome in this research study.
Research Problem statement
As women in American society we tend to not look at pregnancy as a big deal
because everywhere we look we see pregnant women of all different ages, sizes, and ethnicities.
Since the beginning of time women have always given birth and mothered children. But they do
not take the time out of their day to actually notice what is good for their bodies and what is
needed to be done while pregnant. This mentality they have is either cultural or just a habit they
have formed over the years with their families growing up as young girls. It is defiantly a force
of habit and the only way anyone can change is if they put in effort to take their doctors advice
and also to remove any barriers in the way. This means having help like your partner or a family
member keep you motivated. That is a major life changer for the woman who is struggling
through her pregnancy. During pregnancy it is known that women get exhausted, sleepy, moody,
and she can have all types body aches. This is a sensitive time for a woman because she gets
hungry all hours of the day and is consuming all kinds of foods she maybe craving. With all the
things going on during pregnancy a woman probably does not make time to get in exercise. This
information is crucial for the mode of delivery of the baby. Exercise is a very important part of a
woman’s life, especially if she is going through the changes. The changes involves puberty,
adulthood, conceiving and much more. My main focus is on the woman’s body with exercise
during the time they decide to conceive, during pregnancy, and post.
The rest of the research will explain in depth about the survey that was handed out and
the answers that were received. The research will also look at the age of the women, their body
weight changes and the kind of exercise they were performing. In the research there is much
more of an emphasis on the amount of time the participants actually worked out pre, during, and
post pregnancy. This was a major factor that came into play during this survey because many of
the women did not actually answer truthfully for those three question, which lead to a very
interesting outcome in this research study.
The hypothesis in this research is women who are physically active will have an easier
time giving birth than women who are sedentary. This research will prove that discomfort in
exercise only occurs in women who were never physically active to begin with. Also exercise
during pregnancy will be an overall health benefit to not only the mother but also the baby. This
means that the mother will have an easier time getting back into shape and not develop any type
of pain or disease. The baby will be just as healthy and also not develop any type of disease in
the womb and in later life.
Pregnancy should be understood in more a medical sense rather than a religious or
spiritual sense. This is because most people who are pregnant understand it in the means of a
blessing. It may have been a blessing but women need a more in depth understanding that
medically pregnancy does not come with ease, there is a nutritional and physical aspect that falls
alongside with it. Weight gain is something that women deal with not only during pregnancy but
also after pregnancy. Chronic disease can affect a woman while pregnant such as, onset type II
diabetes. This is not something that comes while a woman is pregnant and just disappears after
she gives birth. Type II diabetes has all the risk for a pregnant woman to develop it. Weight gain,
too much sugar intake, no exercise, weakened vision, and hypertension. If all these risks become
higher than normal than the pregnant woman can develop it and will be a long term disease that
will not go away. Exercise and a healthy diet can help avoid these risks from developing and
causing any chronic pain. Exercise is being physically active for about 150 minutes a week and it
does not matter how many days they are completed, just as long as the 150 minutes are
performed. This can be performed at either moderate to high intensity, but for the pregnant
woman this may have to be cut down to lower intensity depending on which trimester she is in.
The assumption of this research is that I would receive surveys from women who are
currently pregnant and they would explain the kind of effects the baby has on them. Such as
weight, emotional feelings, and current exercise plans. Here I wanted to recognize the different
kinds of women, who either believe exercise was beneficial and the women who believed that
exercise was dangerous. From that perspective I also wanted to know how their doctors reacted
the idea of them not wanting to exercise because it was dangerous. The women who believed
exercise was great and beneficial were active but not consistent with the daily activity. And the
women who believed it was dangerous and not beneficial for their babies were working out
because their doctors recommended they start working out. The survey was limited on questions
about the type of conversations the women had with their doctors. Most women also did not
answer their correct weight before, during and after pregnancy. That information was left out
because it had not type of correlation with what I wanted to bring out and present about my
research. The normal amount of weight a woman should gain during her pregnancy is about 20
pounds. This is considered healthy and it is easy to drop the weight after birth. Most of the
participants I had answered that they wanted to lose weight and never answered how much they
weighed, which made it tough to bring together any kind of questioning and comparing in this
research. This information was limiting for my research because I would have done so much
with this information but this is a very sensitive topic for many women.
Women are not aware of the importance of health when they become pregnant. The idea
they have is now they can eat as much as they want and not have to worry about it in the long
run. This is a serious life changing and in many times a permanent change for the woman. When
the change becomes permanent this develops into a disease that could have been completely
avoided just with exercise and diet alone. The prior research I did before performing my research
lead me to believe exactly what I went out to find. That most woman who are physically active
throughout their pregnancy had an easier time delivering their babies verses the women who
were not physically active. Sedentary women were told by their doctors they needed to start
exercise. The theory on why some of the women think it is dangerous to work out during
pregnancy is because they come from other parts of the world and they have seen how their
mothers raise them and their siblings. Most women in the research were from other counties and
they do not understand the western idea of medicine. Exercise sounds like a good idea to most
women so in the research most women answered that they exercise a certain amount of time
before pregnancy and answered something completely different for the same question just on
another page. This lead me to believe that most woman only answer what they have been lead to
believe is correct about exercise. It is known they exercise is beneficial to the human body. This
means anyone and everyone needs exercise but when it comes to the female body, this is much
needed especially when she has another being growing inside. Exercise wards off disease and
helps the body’s blood flow much more smoothly through organs and skin. Now just imagine
what it can do for a woman and her fetus that is growing every day. The effects of exercise
during pregnancy is extremely beneficial and helpful for the body, mind, and fetus.
My research will emphasize on the different types of speculation many women have about
exercising while pregnant. By all means, pregnancy is not something that is easy for women and
it also is something that is not difficult to make happen. There is not one kind or one specific
answer when it comes to exercise and pregnancy. Exercise is a growing and evolving profession,
where every other day someone comes up with a new workout and a new idea on how to lose or
gain weight. Pregnancy needs much more focus on the topic of exercise and it needs to find a
way to expand the knowledge of many women.
The effects of exercise during pregnancy is important to the women in our society
because they are the ones that bring new life into this world. Women are the ones that help make
up the population on this earth, to help it continue to grow. So women need to take care of
themselves before becoming pregnant, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy. Before even
deciding on having a baby the woman needs to be healthy and to have the energy to carry a child
for nine months. During pregnancy the women needs to be active to help the baby to be able to
get all the nutrients it needs and for it to grow without complications. After pregnancy the
women needs to continue exercise to not only rid of the baby weight but to also be the child’s
role model. Since women are the sole carriers and providers for their babies, they need to teach,
that daily exercise is beneficial for the body. Exercise keeps the human body healthy and in top
shape. It also strengthens bones, muscles, and the brain. Pregnancy should not keep a woman
away from being healthy and physically active. Becoming pregnant should make the woman be
more aware of the unhealthy things she should not do to her body. If a woman decides to change
the unhealthy habits it should not be a dramatic change on the body only because becoming
pregnant is already something that takes a toll on the body. The effects of exercise during
pregnancy is both beneficial and risky. It is beneficial for growth and nutrition. The human body
can protect itself from harmful diseases and bacteria all with exercise and the right type of diet.
The risk of exercise during pregnancy comes with the type of intensity a woman decides to
perform and the amount of days she goes without being physically active. When a woman is not
physically active it gives her a high risk of having complications during child birth. This means
either she has long hours of painful labor or this could mean she might need a caesarean section.
Being physically active during pregnancy will help in the long run for the woman’s physical and
mental wellbeing.
Pregnancy is not a safe or an easy time for a woman. This is a very fragile time in her
life. Especially when talking about a woman to exercise or stay physically active. This is a
conflict that occurs between doctors, trainers, and family. Every individual has a personal
opinion on what a pregnant woman should do and what type of physical activity they need to
perform. Women come in all different shapes and pregnancy does not look the same on all
women. This is why exercise is going to be beneficial for all women not matter how they look.
There is no doubt that the body will change from the outside but also the inside is moved around
and changed. For example, the abdominal wall loses its elasticity because of all the subtle
stretching it has been doing for the past 9 months. In the research article Training in Pregnant
Women: Effect on Fetal Development and Birth, the researchers performed a study on forty-two
women to examine their exercise program through their pregnancy. “The project was limited to
well-trained athletes who performed intense exercise before conception with a large part of the
body's muscle mass involved. After the project was initiated, these women followed either a
high- or a medium-intensity exercise program, and their performance was monitored throughout
pregnancy until 6 weeks after delivery” (Kardel and Kase, pp280, 1998). Physical activity
should be done in moderation when returning, because the body needs time to recover from such
a traumatic experience. Yes, the female body is designed to endure and withstand child birth, but
it also needs time to get back in to full recovery. The female body needs about 6-8 weeks to fully
recover and for the muscles to actually become fully supported by one another. “Performance
athletes too can be confronted with depression and anxiety during pregnancy. It seems that these
pathologies stem from feelings of insecurity generated by the abandonment of competitional
activity, the loss of position in a valued hierarchy, as well as the fear that after pregnancy they
will not be able to get back to their prior physical shape, necessary for their return to sporting
activities” (El-Bsat, pp. 567, 2014). Not only do athletic woman suffer from pregnancy but all
woman go through the same permanent body changes. There is a fear in all woman when it
comes to after birthing the baby. They fear that they might never get back into shape and that
their health might decline.
Pregnancy is a very natural process that the human body endures, it is embedded and has shaped
into our very existence. Pregnancy is known to be physically and mentally life changing and as a
society we have learned to understand and accept those changes, for better or for worse. Better,
in a sense we are populating the world and creating generations of people to keep coming. For
worse, in a sense that the female body changes and permanently reshaping her life. When
deciding on whether to continue exercise throughout the pregnancy, a woman should speak to
her doctor about the risks that might come along with exercise. The intensity of an exercise can
over heat the fetus and put the fetus at risk of birth defects. Women must be educated by their
doctors on the benefits and risks that might occurs during her pregnancy. The fetus is not the
only thing that is effects during pregnancy, the mother is too. The growing belly affects the
center of gravity on the woman’s body. Balance is pushed forward and this causes difficult for
the woman to get up and to actually move around. The extra weight gained causes additional
strain on the body. Doctors recommend a women to be careful of their body and where the center
gravity is located. So when a pregnant woman decides to exercise she knows who to place her
body and how she should go about performing exercise. “The overall health, obstetric, and
medical risks should be reviewed before a pregnant woman is prescribed an exercise programme.
In the absence of contraindications, a pregnant woman should be encouraged to engage in
regular, moderate intensity physical activity to continue to derive the same associated health
benefits during pregnancy as before pregnancy” (Artal and O’Toole, 2003, pp.8).
Woman in general are at a higher risk of injury from physical activity. This is due to the female
triad concept. Where the female body can be effect by particular categories during growth. The
female triad is a combination of disordered eating, curtailed menstruation also known as,
amenorrhea and the loss of bone mass known as, osteoporosis. The female body is much more
fragile than the male body because the female body is subjected to changes. The male body does
not go to much changes through the lifespan. Healthy men reach puberty and that is sometimes
the only dramatic bodily change they go through. As for the female body there are physical and
mental obstacles she goes through when reaching puberty and if there are any risk factors that
might delay her. Also when deciding to have a child, the body’s entire frame changes to make
space for the fetus. Lastly the final stage a woman goes through is menopause, and this stage the
female body is known to be the weakest. She loses bone density, is prone to cardiovascular
disease because of the lack of estrogen in the body. Exercise is the one thing in a woman’s life
that can prolong a healthier and safer lifestyle. Especially when she is pregnant, because not only
is it beneficial to here but also to her baby long term.
There are plenty of risk factors to exercising while pregnant. This is due to the amount strain and
intensity a woman places on her body. Hyperthermia can cause impairment of oxygen and
nutrient delivery to the baby, this causes a possible risk for premature birth. “Women who
exercise are less likely to be stressed or depressed. Settling down to sleep particularly at the end
of a pregnancy is a problem that many women suffer with but exercise can aid sleep” (Lincia
Daniel, 2009. Pp.659). When returning to the daily exercise routine a woman should give herself
at least 6 weeks to recover. The abdominal muscles have stretched and hormonal changes also
have taken place. The body went through a traumatic change and also during birth the body is
forced. Meaning the muscles and bones have adjusted and moved to exhaustion. It is crucial to
take the recommend time to stay out of exercise and to relax, get your body back into shape
Literature Review
This section will consist of the different effects of exercise on the female body. The
review consists of five themes that will focus on the research at hand. The first theme is the
benefits of physical activity and how keeping up with exercise is helpful in the long run. This
will emphasize the need for daily physical activity, especially for the female sex, whether or not
she is thinking of conceiving. The second theme will go over the effects of pregnancy on the
body. Every woman has a different type of body and not all have the same reaction to physical
activity as the other woman. During pregnancy, every woman’s side effect varies from the next,
this goes into relationship with, if she was physically activity before conceiving, during
pregnancy, and after delivery. The third theme focuses on complications that come with
conceiving due to consumption and exercise. Exercising is beneficial to not only the mother but
also to the baby. What type of exercises are the most beneficial? This brings in the fourth theme,
which is professional athletes and pregnancy. Female athletes are asked to leave their sport when
becoming pregnant due to the fact that this is a very fragile stage in the life of a woman. Most
sports are played at high intensities, and this is not good for the growing fetus. Heat exhaustion is
the main cause of birth defects and even miscarriages. The fifth and final theme is going to
discuss professional thoughts on exercise on the female body. Here there will be information on
what researchers and doctors have to say about what type of exercise is good for the female body
and the growing fetus. These different themes all have a common relationship: pregnant females
who are planning to become pregnant need to take care of their bodies and watch the changes.
Eating better and exercising is key whether the female is a pro athlete or not.
Beneficial Ideas of Physical Activity
Not only does the mother benefit from exercising while pregnant but so does the baby. It
is commonly known that being physically active helps improve the overall well-being of a
person, whether they are suffering from depression, anxiety, or a chronic illness. Pregnancy too,
falls under these health risks. “Regular exercise during pregnancy increases a client’s sense of
well-being, improves sleep, contributes to the prevention of some complications of pregnancy,
helps to control weight gain and tone muscles, and after delivery, hastens recovery” (Youngkin,
2012, pp. 514). Doctors recommend childbearing women begin or continue to stay physically
active during their pregnancy. Becoming physically active does not only help the mother
externally, but it is beneficial for the fetus and the mother internally. While being pregnant, the
muscles and the skin stretches to make room for the fetus to grow healthy. For that reason,
doctors suggest continued exercise throughout the entire pregnancy but, at a low and moderate
intensity. Also, pregnant women should avoid taking on a new sport due to the fact that during
pregnancy the woman’s body is changing and her joints and ligaments begin to get weaker.
Taking on a new sport could not only injury the mother but also the fetus. It could cause many
different complications depending on where the injury occurs. “Maternal benefits from exercise
during pregnancy include improved cardiovascular function, a lower risk for gestational diabetes
in women who are obese or not obese, improved strength and lean muscle mass, improved sense
of well-being, and enhanced sleep” (Prather, 2012, pp.845).
The Effects Pregnancy has on the Body
“During pregnancy, the female body undergoes a series of major changes in every organ
and system, including the central nervous system. Pregnancy is considered to be a very stressful
event in any woman’s life” (El-Bsat, 2014, pp.566). While the fetus is growing inside the
mothers’ body it makes temporary and permanent adjustments. The stretching of the abdominal
wall is the first signs a woman will notice. Then comes the enlargement of the chest, which
becomes sore up until the baby stops feeding. After, the woman’s ribcage is expanded to make
room for the baby to grow until the ninth month. There will be an increase in the cardiac output,
for oxygen to get to different areas of the body and to fuel the many organs in the body. Physical
activity is very beneficial for the mother. But in most cases, physical activity is not
recommended for some women who are sedentary and all of a sudden decide to work out at high
intensity. The physical body is not the only thing that changes in a woman, but her brain changes
too. This means that it changes in the way she begins to think and her memory gets distorted.
Hormone secretion begins to release on its own as the muscles move around and adjust
themselves, as if the person were to exercise without being pregnant. “This tranquilizing effects
of progesterone and also high estrogen help protect against hormones during pregnancy. Those
fight-or-flight” chemicals, such as cortisol, are produced in large quantities by the fetus and
placenta, so the mother’s body and brain are flooded with them. By late pregnancy, the stress
hormones levels in a woman’s brain are as high as they would be during strenuous exercise”
(Brizendine, 2006, pp.98-99). In this book the author Brizendine (2006) describes how the
female’s brain endures so much emotions; physically and mentally. The female brain changes in
shape and size during pregnancy. The female brain plays a large part during the pregnancy and
depending on what stage of the pregnancy the woman is in. In the first trimester, the female’s
breasts begin to enlarge and her hormones join together with the growing fetus. In the last stage
of pregnancy right before giving birth, the brain is predicted to have high levels of hormone
called cortisol, as if the female is exercising at high intensity levels. This high level of hormones
does not cause stress to the female brain or body, but it does cause forgetfulness, feeling
distracted, and clouded thoughts. The size of the brain shrinks because of the changes in
metabolism, which is the chemical that processes every living cell and organism in life. Exercise
and the female brain are very closely correlated in the idea that the whole body cannot function
without the brain thinking and putting thoughts into action, for mobility.
Complications That Come with Conceiving
It is beneficial to a person to understand what needs to be done on the outside that may
affect the inside. Pregnant women need to watch what they eat and how much they are
consuming. There are many complications that arise during pregnancy such as, type II diabetes,
hypertension and cholesterol. Type II diabetes is found during pregnancy, which means this
disease is onset and could develop as a chronic disease in later life. While the fetus is growing
inside the mothers’ womb it takes up all the iron and calcium from the mother. This is why a
pregnant woman should watch what she eats and take in a good source of nutritional foods. She
should eat foods full of vitamins that can be used to help the fetus grow without complications.
This is not always easy to do because expecting mothers tend to have cravings that are not so
healthy and they do not intake the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals needed for the baby.
“It is particularly important to assess pregnant women’s intake of folic acid and iron because
many women do not meet the daily requirements. The US Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate
Web site includes pregnancy-specific nutrition information that can be used to make healthful
food choices to ensure that appropriate requirements are met” (Rosenbloom, 2012, pp.354). A
woman who is pregnant, needs to stay physically active throughout her pregnancy to maintain a
balanced diet. It is not recommended for a pregnant woman and just sit around eating and
sleeping all day. This type of action complicates the pregnancy for the mother and child in the
long run. The woman will have difficulty with bodily pains and the child can have a higher risk
of developing a chronic disease in later years. Cultures outside the United States have a different
view on what a pregnant woman should and should not do. For instance, woman are not allowed
to walk around for long periods at a time. This is idea of men being the stronger and working
while women stay at home raising the children. Does society think women are the weaker sex
because they bear children? A woman’s body begins to change in ways that could be weakening,
but can it be seen as a strength men do not have. Bones and ligaments begin to loosen up and this
causes permanent changes for some women. With this idea, professional athletic women. Most
women are asked to leave their sports to take maternity leave. Most colleges withdraw the
females scholarship when she becomes pregnant lose and are asked to leave the sport. As for
men who are professional athlete in college level are not asked to leave their sport when they
become fathers. “Throughout history many female athletes have disregarded the warnings to
become successful, elite-level competitors” (Appleby, 2005, pp.15). Women have never let the
opinion of society choose their career paths, instead they juggle both motherhood and being an
elite athlete. Just like any other woman with a full-time job, juggling kids. Being an athlete is
also a full-time job that comes with its own personal issues, but here the mother is her own boss.
Pregnancy is not something that is looked down upon, it should be something to celebrate and
keep the female mind and body motivated to jump over any obstacles. “Pregnancy for the elite
athlete, like the general population, should not be a state of confinement; however, unrestricted
or even restricted physical activity involves a certain degree of risks that must be recognized”
(Mittelmark, 1991, pp. 236). Pregnancy should not be an excuse for anyone to become unhealthy
and just sit around. This is the time to be the most active and get in as much movement as
possible, even if it is just a walk around the neighborhood. Every movement of the body matters
to keep in shape and healthy.
Professional Athletes and Pregnancy
A woman’s anatomy is different compared to a man’s, because women tend to hold more
body fat in the hips and thighs. Men, on the other hand tend to hold more body fat in the upper
body. Weight loss for women is very difficult because of where the fat is accumulated, the fat is
stored in the hip area. This is due to the fact that the hips is needed to hold the baby inside and to
push through when it is time to deliver. Regardless of weight loss issues, women are very strong
individuals that push through pressure during sports. The menstrual cycle, women are weaker
during this time of the month because their bodies release unused eggs. Women cramp, ache, and
their bones ache, but they pull through during competition. Men do not go through this once and
month, they do not feel the pain of being a woman. During competitions if a women is on her
menstrual cycle she does not sit out of a game. Having a menstrual cycle, it is encouraged to stay
physically active, just like while pregnant. Women need exercise, life cannot move forward
without exercise. This is the key to a healthy lifestyle period. Pregnancy and sports have a
correlation in the fact that it does benefit a woman to stay physically active but through moderate
intensity. Many professional female athletes stop their competitive sport but continue to do other
actives that help them during their pregnancy. “The results show that well- trained women can
benefit substantially from training at high volumes during an uncomplicated pregnancy. This can
facilitate a rapid return to competitive athletics and physically active life after pregnancy”
(Kardel, 2005, pp.1509). Physical activity helps oxygenated blood get to the fetus and helps with
a healthy growth. During exercise women need to be more aware of the heat exhaustion that may
occur, heat can just subtly rise without warning. Also, the intensity of which the women is
working out in, that may cause damage to her body and to the fetus.
Professional Thoughts on Exercise
Physicians and researchers all come up with their own ideas and opinions on what is safe
and not safe for a woman to do, while pregnant. Restrictions vary on the type of woman and the
type of pregnancy she has. With that being said, women should all have a doctor they visit
during pregnancy and she should get checked up every few weeks to make sure the fetus is
growing properly. “All women should be advised to exercise while pregnant. They should not
be confined. All women should get examined periodically throughout her pregnancy while
exercising” (Artal, 2015, pp.5). Professions have much needed information for women not just
while they are carrying a fetus. Women are delicate human beings that need so much attention,
physically and mentally. Taking care of a female body takes real work and time. The female
body creates beings and populates the world, why would any woman not want to take care of it.
The word “woman” comes to mind, the first thing anyone would think is weak. That is just the
social perception our society has placed on woman. Society believes women are not capable of
being or becoming strong and athletic. Maybe this is why people do not attend or watch female
sports. In reality, woman are the stronger being verses man. And physical activity is the best way
to achieve that concept. To stay healthy a woman needs to be educated on and about exercise
before deciding to conceive. Most women are living a sedentary lifestyle and they have low
levels or awareness about exercise during pregnancy.
“Most childbirth attendants encourage their clients to continue regular activities, with slight
modifications to protect herself and her baby. A few general guidelines should be considered
when your clients are deciding how to stay in shape during pregnancy:
- Fitness plans should be discussed with health care providers.
- Mild to moderate exercise at least three days per week is recommended.
- Supine exercise and motionless standing after the first trimester should be avoided.
- Heart rates and body temperatures should be at a comfortable able level, monitored to avoid
feeling overheated, dizzy or short of breath. (If taking aerobics, eliminating large arm
movements during the workout could be all it takes to lower the heart rate and bring the body
temperature down.)
- Activities which involve being off balance or suddenly changing direction should be avoided.
- This may not be a good time to take up a new sport. Staying with what is familiar is advisable.
- Pregnant women should stay hydrated during sports and exercise. Drinking fluids will reduce
swelling and keep body temperature in normal range.” (Delaney, 1995, pp.8-9).
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist setup a fitness plan for pregnant
woman, the exercises were the same concept as the high intensity level. But here the intensity
was lower to keep the women at a safer level. Many women did not want to quit their high
intensity workout, this was okay with their physicians. The women were not asked to withdraw
from their routine workouts because it was an activity their bodies were already used to, so this
did not strain the body in any way. It was up until the expected delivery date the mothers were
asked to stop exercise weeks in advance to avoid premature birth and complication. Exercises
under water has shown to not affect the fetus, no matter how intense the body is moving. “In
longitudinal studies of immersion exercise in pregnancy at 60% maximal oxygen consumption, it
was found to be a safe activity, with advantageous effects on oedema, thermal regulation, and
buoyancy, thus minimising the risk of joint injuries.63 Furthermore, no adverse effects on the
fetus have been reported to occur during water exercise in pregnancy” (Artal, 2015, pp. 5). Joint
pain is sufficed while submerging underwater, physicians encourage this.
In conclusion the research emphasizes that exercise is very beneficial to the woman and
not only when she becomes pregnant. Exercise is also beneficial to the general public. It wards
off diseases and helps maintain chronic diseases. Exercise is a broad topic that combines many
different ages, ethnicities, cultural belief, and gender. Physicians and researchers who have
studies the healthcare field can put their own opinion in on what they might believe is beneficial
to the patient. Pregnancy is a topic that has not been stressed enough in this research. Exercise is
helpful to the pregnant female body, in that it helps blood flow through organs and veins that are
connecting the fetus. The female gender is important in this world because they are the ones that
shape and give birth to the new generations. If a woman does not take care of herself during
adolescent years, this is a major risk factor to herself and for the future body she will have. Also
exercise does not have to be a chore, there are plenty of daily physical activity that can be
substituted. In general, it is best if a woman gets in at least 30 minutes of physical activity per 4
days a week to bounce back after pregnancy. Athletes may have a harder time getting back into
gear because of the intensity of the sport.
In the research study, 30 pregnant women were given a survey with 27 questions that
were multiple choice and some of the questions were fill in the blanks. Out of the 30 women that
were asked to fill out the survey, only 11 were filled out. In the study, the women that
participated were between and wide range of ages, starting from 15-35 years of age. In the result,
the participants actually ranged between the ages of 20-25. This is the age the women were or
this was the age they decided to get pregnant. All the women in the research were active and
preformed physical activity. Also, they were in great shape. About 70% of the women were of
white descent, and they gave birth to baby girls, naturally. They over 25% were of mixed or
Asian descent, and they gave birth to baby boys, through cesarean sections. The participants
were not given any type of compensation to participate, it was by choice and voluntary.
The Instrument
Pregnancy & Exercise
Exercise and Pregnancy Survey. Please answer all questions as honest as possible. Your survey
will be confidential so do not write your name on the survey. This survey will help me perform
questionable research about the effects of exercise and pregnancy. Specifically if exercising
during pregnancy was beneficial or harmful. Thank you for your time.
1. What is the age you conceived?
a. 16-19
b. 20-23
c. 24-27
d. 28-31
e. 32-35
2. What is your height?
a. 4'5-4'10
b. 5'0-5'5
c. 5'6-5'10
d. 6'0-6'5
3. What was your weight before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy?
Before _____________
During _____________
After _____________
4. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
a. High school
b. Some college
c. Associates Degree
d. Bachelor's degree
e. Master's Degree
f. Doctoral Degree
5. Marital status
a. Single
b. Married
c. Divorced
d. Widowed
6. What is your ethnicity?
a. White/ Non-Hispanic
b. Asian
c. Hispanic Mexican
d. African American
7. What is your occupation?
8. What is your approximate average household income?
a. $0-$14,000
b. $14,500-$18,000
c. $18,500-$25,000
d. $30,000-$35,000
e. $40,000 and above
9. How would you rate your general health?
a. Very good
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
10. Do you smoke?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Occasionally
11. How many meals do you usually consume per day?
a. Less than 3 meals per day
b. 3 meals per day/exactly
c. More than 3 meals per day
12. Mode of delivery?
a. Natural Birth
b. Cesarean section
13. Where did you give birth?
a. Hospital
b. Home
14. Were you or are you physically active before your pregnancy? (This means were you got in
150 minutes of activity per week)
a. Yes
b. No
15. Were you or Are you physically active after birth of your baby? (150 minutes per week)
a. Yes
b. No
16. What was your spouse’s response to the change in your body?
a. Negative
b. Positive
17. What is the gender of the baby?
a. Girl
b. Boy
18. What type of transportation do you have?
a. Owns a vehicle
b. Takes the bus
c. Walking
d. Bicycle
19. While exercising do you feel and discomfort?
a. No
b. Headache
c. Backache
d. Joint pain
e. Shortness of breath
f. Fatigue
20. How long do you usually exercise for?
a. Less than or equal to 30 minutes a week
b. 50 minutes a week
c. 60 minutes a week
d. 100 minutes a week
e. More than or equal to 150 minutes a week
21. What is your employment status?
a. Employed/ part-time
b. Employed/ Full-time
c. Unemployed
22. Are you trying to lose weight?
a. Yes
b. No
23. Are there any barriers listed that keep you from being physically active?
a. Afraid of injury
b. No one to exercise with
c. Transportation
d. Too costly
e. No reason
24. Do you think it is safe to exercise during pregnancy?
a. Yes
b. No
25. Are you currently pregnant?
a. No
b. First Trimester
c. Second Trimester
d. Third Trimester
26. Did your doctor give you any advice about exercising during pregnancy?
a. Suggested to start exercise
b. Suggested I continue my routine exercise
c. Suggested I slow down
d. Suggested I stop
27. Are you a professional athlete?
a. If yes, please indicate which sport. __________________________
b. No
28. Type of exercise you perform. List.
To being this procedure I typed up my own survey with 26 multiple choice answers and 2
fill in the blank answers. I came up with these questions myself because I wanted to get some
data that I knew other surveys that have not been done before. I wanted to ask many personal
questions about the participants’ health. I printed 40 copies. The idea here is to get participants,
who are pregnant women. I went to a woman’s clinic downtown in the St. Joseph building. I
walked in and just asked the receptionist if it was okay for me to leave my research surveys with
them. I let her know that I wanted to be able to get all 30 of my surveys filled out from their
patients. I dropped off the surveys in the clinic and handed out 10 surveys to people I knew who
were pregnant. The participants were asked to fill out the survey as honest as possible. From the
40 surveys I handed out I received 11 back and most questions were not answered.
The questions in the study is about the effects of exercise and pregnancy. To be able to
obtain this information there were a series of questions asked regarding weight before, during
and after pregnancy, the amount of activity performed within a week, and if they think it is safe
to exercise. The questioned asked went into a more personal stand point. Whether their doctors
recommended exercise and if they were athletes prior to conceiving. The questionnaire asked
little about the pain and suffering of exercising. There were other factors that I had in mind to
understand the female body during pregnancy.
The results in this research were not too far from the hypothesis I wanted to find in the
study. There was 75% of women who delivered naturally and 25% who had to get a cesarean
section. Women who were sedentary did not have a natural birth. They reported that they had a
difficult time delivering. Also their doctors suggested they start working out and/or continue
their normal routine. The results in the conclusion did not correlate with how many minutes the
participants exercised before pregnancy and after pregnancy. Which meant the participants did
not honestly answer how many minutes in the week they normally work out. I uncovered this
with 3 questions I put on the survey. I wanted to see if the women would answer truthfully about
how much time they spent being physically active pre, post, and on a normal bases. This
information really brought up many question I needed to prove this research.
continue my
rountine, 6
Slow down, 4
start working
out, 1
stop, 1
start working out
continue my rountine
Slow down
more than or
equal to 150
minutes a week
less than or
equal to
30mmins a
100 mins a
60 minutes a
50 minutes a
The overall purpose of the survey was to determine if physical activity had an effect of a
women’s body during pregnancy. The results found in this questionnaire helped not only uncover
the good effects of exercising but it helped to understand why most women do not exercise. This
depended on the level of their education and employment status. The majority of the women that
were unemployed, wanted to lose weight and their spouses were negative toward the change in
their bodies. Toward the end of the survey I asked the women, if there were any discomforts
during exercise. All the women who filled out the survey had a many variety of pains, from back
pain, to headaches, to joint pain, and fatigue. This seemed normal because in the survey I asked
if their doctors had anything to say about the pains, they answered that their doctors told them it
was normal and the pain will subside. This seems like all the women I surveyed were all healthy
women with no complications, just that they needed more motivation to exercise. Question
number 22 seemed to have a negative correlation, because most of the women wanted to lose
weight but they did not workout often. Within the survey I asked 3 questions that had the same
answers, but they were all worded differently. I wanted to put this theory to the test, with
Question 14, 15, and 20. In question 14, I asked the women if they were/are physically active
before their pregnancy. In question 15, I asked if they were/are physically active after the birth of
their baby. And lastly, question 20 asked the women how many minutes do they usually exercise
for within a week. I did not see any positive or negative correlation between these questions,
which leads me to think the women who took my survey did not read the questions thoroughly or
they were not honest. This question was the most important question out of the whole survey. In
the end there was no correlation nor was their enough surveys that had body weight. I could not
perform the correct data needed to prove the theory here, except that women are insecure of their
bodies and they do not want researchers or their doctors know they do not get the prescribed
amount of exercise they should. There was defiantly a positive correlation with the natural birth
delivery and physically active before pregnancy. This is what I was looking for, the amount of
women who had babies and were physically active and did not have any complications giving
natural birth. This was one if the positive correlations that I did want to find. It proved that
physical activity is beneficial to the woman body while she is pregnant. There should be more
research done on this subject, like the birth weight of the women’s babies, how often did the
women speak to their doctors, and lastly I could have questioned the women about their weight
in a different way. Over all there was other questions that proved and exercise effects pregnancy
in both positive and negative ways.
Chart Title
14: were you or are you physically active before your pregnancy? (150 minutes per week)
15: were you are are you physically active after birth of your baby? (150 minutes per week?)
In the end of this research I realized I needed more information to put together to further this
information. I defiantly need to ask more question. And maybe put into perspective what age
these women decided to conceive if it was expected or was it something they did not have in
mind. During this research I noticed many of these women were very young and their education
level was not up to par. This effected the way they thought of exercise during pregnancy. These
women did not believe it was safe to exercise during pregnancy and when I went back to look at
the data I noticed the results did not match the amount of time they spend exercising. Some said
they exercised about 150 minutes per week and later they answered that they only worked out
30-50 minutes per week. This was the type of results I was looking for in my survey. Which
meant that the women only answered what they thought is the correct answer. This research
needs more information and more effort to be put in. The discomfort level these women felt
while being active had no correlation with what their doctors suggested for them. The
participants responded with, feeling many kinds of discomfort such as, back pain shortness of
breath, headaches, and joint pain. But they also answered that their doctors suggested to continue
working out. Very little responded that their doctors suggested to stop exercise all together.
These responses brings more question to the table like, what type of exercises are they
performing and what dis their doctors suggested for them to do, and why did they continue
exercise if they felt so much pain. All in all I did find what I was looking for in this research
Reference Page
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Appendix A
The following format is to be used in submitting proposals to the Human Subjects Research
Review Committee (HSRRC). Sample forms are attached. If you believe that your proposal may
be exempt from review by this committee, you must still submit the following information and
any required accompanying materials to the chair of this committee. Please use the following
template and respond to each of the questions, creating an electronic file.
1. Title of proposal and date of submission:
How Exercise Affects Pregnancy. Questionnaire title: Exercise and Pregnancy.
2. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Kylee J. Short
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology
Houston Baptist University
School of Nursing & Allied Health
7502 Fondren Rd.
Houston, TX 77074
NURS 128
3. Department of origin of proposal: School of Nursing and Allied Health: Kinesiology
4. Student/Research Assistant or Investigator(s)
Inssaf Kurdi
5. Research proposal abstract (maximum of 250 words)
I will be surveying and researching pregnant women, in different varieties such as, age,
ethnicity, daily physically active or no physical activity at all, and education level. I want to see
if exercise and social demographics keep women from exercise or if it is just a myth. Also if
there is any type of affect from exercise on the growing fetus. This will help my research in
finding all the effects and stress women go through and depending on their trimester how they
feel, either with themselves or spouse. I would like to survey 30 women from different ethnicity
and social demographics.
6. Are you receiving funds to support this project? If YES, please indicate the source or sources
of funding:
7. Number of subjects required:
20-30 surveys will be handed out.
8. Type of subjects:
Women of all ages who can get pregnant or who have been pregnant before.
9. Source of subjects:
Pregnant women, Women who are planning to conceive, and women who have given
10. Please respond to each of the following questions:
a. Who will be the subjects and how will they be recruited?
My subjects will be women I meet and know, both Houston Baptist University
Students and faculty and women I meet at the gym I attend. The subjects will be
randomly chosen.
b. Describe the psychological and/or physiological stimuli or interventions and the means
used to administer these stimuli or interventions. Indicate the steps that will be taken to
assure the proper operation of the equipment used to administer stimuli. Give particular
attention to prevention of accidental harm or injury to the subjects.
There will be not be any accidental haram or injury administered to the subjects.
c. Describe the level of risk to which the subjects will be exposed by participating in this
study. If the proposed research exposes the participants to any level of risk, attach a
detailed description and justification for the risk.
There will be no risk in my research I will be performing. I will only hand out
d. Is there any deception of the subjects that will be involved? If so, what is its rationale,
its necessity, and why is the research so important as to justify its use? Are there
modifications to this research that would allow for genuine informed consent?
NO, my research will not have any type of deception.
e. Describe the expected behavior of the subjects and the behavior of the investigator
during the study. This must include a written statement of what is to be read to, or said to
the subject concerning the study.
Hi, my name is Inssaf Kurdi and I am a Kinesiology student at Houston Baptist
University. I am conducting a research on the effects of sports/exercise and pregnancy.
This research will be in a survey/ questionnaire format. My survey will ask a few specific
questions on your pregnancy, how much you exercise during the week and a few social
demographical questions to understand you better. The Survey is either multiple choice
or a written down answer key. The survey will take no longer than ten minutes. I would
really appreciate if you took time out to take my survey and answer the questions with
complete honesty. The surveys are anonymous and your identity will not be exposed.
f. Describe how the subjects are to be debriefed and the mechanism for alleviation of
stress or psychological harm that may derive from participation in this study.
The subjects will not be stressed or harm in a way during this study.
g. Include a statement of what the data from this research are to be used for (e.g., class
assignment, thesis, etc.), who will have access to the data, and what will be done with the
data at the end of the study: The data from this research is being used to fulfill
requirements for KINE 4370 Research in Kinesiology. This course serves as the senior
capstone course for Kinesiology majors and requires that all students complete a research
paper on a kinesiology related topic. In addition to the student researcher, Dr. Kylee J.
Short, the KINE 4370 instructor, will have access to this material. Both the student
researcher and Dr. Short will take the necessary measures to destroy the data following
the completion of the course.
h. If the current project is being conducted by students, describe the level of involvement
of the faculty advisor. Dr. Short will be guiding students throughout this research
process. Because of the purpose of the project – to serve as an opportunity for students to
conduct their own research project and subsequent paper – Dr. Short will serve to oversee
the projects, but not conduct any part of the research.
11. Describe how the subjects’ privacy and anonymity are to be protected.
12. Include a copy of any questionnaires or interview questions that will be used.
13. In accordance with Federal regulations, University policy on research involving human
subjects requires the use of “informed consent forms”, which must be signed by the subject or
the legally authorized representative of the subject .One copy of the appropriate, completed
form(s) must accompany the proposal to the Human Subjects Research Review Committee. If
the study involves children, a copy of the letter or other communication to parents providing the
essentials of the proposed study must also accompany the proposal to the Human Subjects
Research Review Committee.
NOTE: A research proposal by graduate and undergraduate students must have the following
statement signed by a faculty supervisor: “I have examined this completed form and I am
satisfied with the adequacy of the proposed research design and the measures proposed for the
protection of human subjects. I will take personal responsibility for the safekeeping of all raw
data (e.g., test protocols, tapes, questionnaires, interview notes, etc.) in a College office or
computer file.”
Signature and Title of Faculty Supervisor ____________________________________________
Signature of Investigator___________________________________ Phone_________________
Appendix B
Houston Baptist University
Primary Investigator:
Inssaf Kurdi
Student Researcher(s): N/A
Title of Project:
The effects on Pregnancy women during exercise.
I acknowledge that on DATE: ____________ I was informed by INSSAF KURDI of Houston
Baptist University School of Nursing and Allied Health of a project having to do with the
Taking a Survey/Questionnaire on Exercise & Pregnancy.
I am fully aware of the nature and extent of my participation in this project and the possible risks
involved or arising from it. I understand that I may withdraw my participation in this project at
any time without prejudice or penalty of any kind. I hereby agree to participate in the project.
Printed name: ____________________________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________
* Subject should sign two copies of this form. Keep one copy and return the other to the