APEH/Biniukow Period 6 Age of Absolutism Unit Syllabus By the end of this unit, you will be able to answer the following questions: Absolutism Overview Absolutism Divine Right Constitutionalism Feudalism and Serfdom in Eastern and Western Europe Table of Power Analogy Power of the nobility (AKA gentry) in Europe during the Age of Absolutism Similarities and Differences between England and France in the 1600s France under Louis XIII and XIV Louis XIII and his PERSIAGM decisions Cardinal Richelieu and his PERSIAGM decisions for France Changes made to monarchy-nobility relationship by Louis XIII and Richelieu Cardinal Mazarin and the Fronde Who is Louis XIV Sun King Estates General Palace of Versailles and its purpose Louis XIV’s views and plans for the nobility of France Bureaucracy Intendents Nobility of the Sword and Nobility of the Robe Minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert and his decisions Mercantilism and how it works France and Art in the 1600s Huguenots and what happens to the Edict of Nantes under Richelieu and Louis XIV Louis XIV and Spending Issues Balance of Power coalition/alliances War of Spanish Succession causes War of Spanish Succession outcome Treaty of Utrecht Louis XIV’s decisions on the army and war Status of France in 1714 when Louis XIV dies Absolutism in the Prussia Development of Prussia from the Wars of Religion Frederick William “The Great Elector” and his impact on Prussia Prussia’s PERSIAGM profile and its impact on the future of Germany Frederick William I “Sergeant King” and his impact on Prussia Junkers Absolutism in Austria Leopold I Austria vs Ottoman Empire Territory gains made by Austria during the Age of Absolutism Austria’s acquisition of Hungary and effects Multinationalism within the empire Absolutism in Russia Ivan IV “the Terrible” (1533-1584) Creation of position of “tsar” Time of Troubles Michael Romanov (1613-1645) creates dynasty “barbarism” of Russia Russia and serfdom policy Peter the Great and his PERSIAGM policies Westernization St. Petersburg Peter the Great’s military victories Other Limited Monarchies and Republics Poland…its political structure and defeat to its neighbors Golden Age of the Dutch Republic…what allowed it to prosper? Dutch Decline in the late 1600s…what were the reasons English Civil War Cromwell Sandwich 5 parts Who are the Stuarts Difference between Tudors and Stuarts Parliament Timeline and climaxes of the English Civil War James I and the political and religious issues he faced Charles I and the political and religious issues he faced Puritans, who are they, and their goals for the Anglican Church Episcopalian vs Presbyterian models Petition of Right Triennial Act Long Parliament of 1640 Who starts the war…why? Civil War 1642-1646 Cavaliers Roundheads Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army Outcome of Civil War Levellers Presbyterians, Congregationalism (Independents), and Quakers Rump Parliament Cromwell and the Commonwealth and life in it Lord Protector/Martial Law “Restoration” of Charles II Declaration of Indulgence Test Act Charles II’s reign Exclusion Crisis James II vs Parliament…what are the problems William and Mary Glorious Revolution English Bill of Rights (1689) Toleration Act Whigs and Tories Constitutional/limited monarchy Who wins the 85 year struggle in England and why? How is this war political….how is it religious? Social Contract Thomas Hobbes…his book, and his beliefs on gov John Locke…his book and his beliefs on gov Evolution of European Art Mannerism Baroque French Classicism Dutch Realism Schedule for the Age of Absolutism Unit Day 33: Peasants DBQ Review and Age of Absolutism Introduction HW1: Louis XIII GUIDED NOTES 1 – 16pts (Due Day 34) Day 34: Age of Absolutism and Louis XIII of France HW1: Study for Test on Wars of Religion – 100pts (Due Day 35) Day 35: Test on Wars of Religion HW1: Louis XIV GUIDED NOTES 2 – 20pts (Due Day 36) Day 36: Louis XIV of France Day 1 HW1: Absolutism in East GUIDED NOTES 3 – 35pts (Due Day 37) Day 37: Louis XIV of France Day 2, POV Directions HW1: Louis XIV POV Document Analysis – 30pts (Due Day 41) Day 38: Louis XIV of France Day 3, Absolutism in East, English Civil War Day 1 HW1: English Civil War GUIDED NOTES 4 – 20pts (Due Day 39) Day 39: English Civil War Day 2 HW1: English Civil War GUIDED NOTES 5 – 15pts (Due Day 40) HW2: English vs US Bill of Rights HANDOUT – 5pts (Due Day 40) Day 40: English Civil War Day 3 HW1: Hobbes and Locke GUIDED NOTES 6 – 25pts (Due Day 42) Day 41: Louis XIV Role Play Panel Discussion HW1: none Day 42: Hobbes and Locke HW1: Scientific Revolution GUIDED NOTES #1 – 20pts (Due Day 43) Day 43: 17th Century Art and Scientific Revolution Introduction HW1: none Day 44: Scientific Revolution Day 2…Scientists’ Contributions HW1: Study for Test on Absolutism – 100pts (Due Day 45) Day 45: Test on Absolutism…December 4, 2012 HW1: Scientific Revolution GUIDED NOTES #2 – 25pts (Due Day 46) Day 46: Scientific Revolution Day 3…Women Scientists and Scientific Societies HW1: TBD