ECOOP 2007 Highlights
A Personal Summary
Yishai Feldman
IBM Haifa Research Lab
Major Topics
Type theories
 Contracts and invariants
 Functional languages
Main Conference (1st Day)
Invited Talk: Erlang - Software for a Concurrent World, Joe Armstrong
Gradual Typing for Objects, Jeremy Graham Siek, Walid Taha
Generic Universe Types, Werner Dietl, Sophia Drossopoulou, Peter Müller
Declarative Object Identity Using Relation Types, Mandana Vaziri, Frank Tip, Stephen Fink,
Julian Dolby
Runtime Implementation
Object-Relative Addressing: Compressed Pointers in 64-bit Java Virtual Machines, Kris
Venstermans, Lieven Eeckhout, Koen De Bosschere
Generational Real-time Garbage Collection: A Three-part Invention for Young Objects,
Daniel Frampton, David Bacon, Perry Cheng, David Grove
AS-GC: An Efficient Generational Garbage Collector for Java Application Servers, Feng
Xian, Witawas Srisa-an, ChengHuan Jiang, Hong Jiang
Empirical Studies
Exception Handling: A Field Study in Java and .NET, Bruno Cabral, Paulo Marques
On the Impact of Aspectual Decompositions on Design Stability: An Empirical Study, Philip
Greenwood, Thiago Bartolomei, Eduardo Figueiredo, Marcos Dosea, Alessandro Garcia, Nelio
Cacho, Claudio Sant'Anna, Uira Kulesza, Sérgio Soares, Paulo Borba, Awais Rashid
Panel: OOPS in the Next Five Years: The Hot Topics, Judith Bishop, Tiziana Margaria, Martin
Odersky, Michael Stal, Dave Thomas, Gilad Bracha
Reception: Current Challenges for Industrial Software Development Tools and Languages,
Axel Uhl
Main Conference (2nd Day)
Dahl-Nygaard-Prize Senior laureate: Luca Cardelli (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
An Accidental Simula User
Programs and Predicates
Validity Invariants and Effects, Yi Lu, John Potter
Non-null References by Default in Java: Alleviating the Nullity Annotation Burden, Patrice
Chalin, Perry James
Efficiently Generating Structurally Complex Inputs with Thousands of Objects, Bassem
Elkarablieh, Sarfraz Khurshid, Yehia Zayour
Language Design
Matching Objects with Patterns, Burak Emir, Martin Odersky, John Williams
DirectFlow: a Domain-Specific Language for Information-Flow Systems, Chuan-kai Lin,
Andrew P. Black
A Relational Model of Object Collaborations and its Use in Reasoning about Relationships,
Stephanie Balzer, Thomas R. Gross, Patrick Eugster
Inheritance and Derivation
JavaGI: Generalized Interfaces for Java, Stefan Wehr, Ralf Lämmel, Peter Thiemann
Metaprogramming with Traits, John Reppy, Aaron Turon
Morphing: Safely Shaping a Class in the Image of Others, Shan Shan Huang, David Zook,
Yannis Smaragdakis
A Higher Abstraction Level using First-Class Inheritance Relations, Marko van Dooren, Eric
Main Conference (3rd Day)
Dahl-Nygaard-Prize Junior laureate: Jonathan Aldrich (Carnegie Mellon University)
Assuring Object-Oriented Architecture
 MAO: Ownership and Effects for more Effective Reasoning about Aspects,
Curtis Clifton, Gary T. Leavens, James Noble
 Joinpoint Inference from Behavioral Specification to Implementation, Thomas
Cottenier, Aswin van den Berg, Tzilla Elrad
 A Machine Model for Aspect-Oriented Programming, Michael Haupt, Hans
 A Staged Static Program Analysis to Improve the Performance of Runtime
Monitoring, Eric Bodden, Laurie Hendren, Ondrej Lhoták
Language about Language
 Tracking Linear and Affine Resources with Java(X), Markus Degen, Peter
Thiemann, Stefan Wehr
 Attribute Grammar-based Language Extensions for Java, Eric Van Wyk, Lijesh
Krishnan, August Schwerdfeger, Derek Bodin
 Metamodel Adaptation and Model Co-adaptation, Guido Wachsmuth
Workshops (1st Day)
M-ADAPT — Model-Driven Software Adaptation
ADI 2007 — Workshop on Aspects, Dependencies, and Interactions
WOOR 2007 — 8th International Workshop on Object-Oriented
EOOLT 2007 — 1st International Workshop on Equation-Based ObjectOriented Languages and Tools
ELW — 4th European Lisp Workshop
Roles'07 — Roles and Relationships, in Object Oriented Programming,
Multiagent Systems and Ontologies
OT4AmI — 3rd Workshop on Object Technology for Ambient Intelligence
ICOOOLPS — Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of ObjectOriented Languages, Programs and Systems
IWACO — 2nd International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and
Ownership in Object-Oriented Programming
Eleventh Workshop on Pedagogies and Tools for the Teaching and Learning
of Object Oriented Concepts
Workshops (2nd Day)
Third Workshop on Models and Aspects - Handling Crosscutting
Concerns in MDSD
RAM-SE'07 — Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software
WCOP 2007 — Twelfth International Workshop on ComponentOriented Programming
MPOOL'07 — Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages
Dyla'07 — 3rd Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications
WRT'07 — 1st Workshop on Refactoring Tools
WCAT'07 — 4th International Workshop on Coordination and
Adaptation Techniques for Software Entities
QAOOSE 2007 — 11th ECOOP Workshop on Quantitative
Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering
FTfJP 2007 — Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs
Main Conference
Invited Talk: Erlang: Software for a
Concurrent World
Joe Armstrong (Ericsson Telecom AB, Sweden)
 Problem: How do we build systems that run forever, are scalable,
fault-tolerant, evolve with time and work reasonably well works
despite errors in the software? (planetary scale – giga-year
operations – no loss of service)
 “Shared memory and fault tolerance is incredibly difficult”
Concurrency Oriented Programming
“Sharing is the property that prevents fault tolerance”
A style of programming where concurrency is used to structure the
Large numbers of processes
Complete isolation of processes
No sharing of data
Location transparency
Pure message passing
How do we program multicores?
Hint: “Erlang has no mutable state and processes”
Erlang (2)
Erlang (3)
Programming Multicore computers is difficult
because of shared mutable state.
 Functional programming languages have no
shared state and no mutable state.
 Concurrent FPLs have the right intrinsic
properties for programming multicore computers
(concurrency maps to the multiple CPUs, nonmutability means we don't get any problems with
memory corruption)
Panel: OOPS in the Next Five
Years: The Hot Topics
Gilad Bracha:
 Convergence of OOP & Functional Programming:
Erlang, Scala
 There is no contradiction between OOP & FP
 Democratization: More and more people are
programming, and they are less and less qualified to do
so, which means we won’t see elaborate type systems
for static checking in extensive use
 Expect to see something ugly with braces that is
Luca Cardelli (in Dahl-Nygaard Prize Invited Talk):
 OOP will soon have ML-style type inference
© Copyright 2007 SAP AG
All Rights Reserved
Reception: Current Challenges for Industrial
Software Development Tools and Languages
Axel Uhl (Chief Development Architect, SAP)
Demystifying Language Approaches
“We could embed a DSL into a suitable host language.”
“Let’s build a new scripting language, and we’ll be doing fine.”
Are tooling concerns addressed appropriately?
How do you restrict the host language infrastructure to use only your
But what distinguishes scripting in the first place?
“Ok, so we’re going to use a model-driven approach.”
But what’s the difference between an executable model and a piece of
And where is a graphical syntax more appropriate than an ASCII text?
Is a model transformation or a code generator different from a compiler?
Can I debug my models when the system doesn’t behave as expected?
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Axel Uhl (2)
Scripting ↔ Non-Scripting
Scripting is about
Blurring boundaries
eliminating the compilation step
using flexible type systems to make developer more productive
short compile/run/debug cycles even for compiled languages
JIT compilation (Java byte code  native; JSP to Java to byte code; ...)
type system qualities (static vs. dynamic vs. duck typing; inference)
memory management and bounds checking in compiled languages
lifecycle management requirements for scripting solutions
difficult auto-completion and refactorings in IDEs due to lack of type
Core values
quick roundtripping
easy to learn
making change easy
good integration capabilities
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All Rights Reserved
Axel Uhl (3)
Modeling ↔ Coding
There are many commonalities in what we call programming
language and modeling language. Both
have abstract and concrete syntax
can be of rather declarative or imperative nature
can use different types of representation (though we usually think of
programming language artifacts as ASCII strings)
Many issues of classical “programming” also exist for “modeling”
strive for adequate abstractions, concern separation and aspect
physical partitioning of artifacts
teamwork aspects (change management, versioning, ...)
What’s the difference between
a code generator / model transformer and a compiler?
a piece of C++ code and a sequence chart?
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All Rights Reserved
Axel Uhl (4)
Environmental factors to consider
number of developers working on a software product
size of the software
may require good modularization, as well as flexible delivery and
deployment options
supporting IDE features enabled by the language design
may require good collaborative features (e.g., partitioning,
auto-completion (“intellisense”), refactoring, static checks, type
debugging capabilities
life cycle of a piece of software
from small to large
from local to central
from prototype to product
from one-off to commercial success
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All Rights Reserved
Axel Uhl (5)
Why Representation May Matter
State of the art for textual languages
lexer / parser generators come off the shelf
auto-complete and refactoring frameworks maturing
diff/merge is understood well
text-based “model” editing (TEF, Intentional Domain Workbench)
becoming available
developer-type people love this
State of the art for graphical languages
different approaches to specifying the notation (GMF, MetaEdit+, ...)
model partitioning and diffing not addressed by generic “meta case”
hence, model merge not reasonably addressed
partial views raise question where to find an abstract piece of
information in a concrete artifact
non-developer people love this; relations and flow sometimes even
liked by developers
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All Rights Reserved
Axel Uhl (6)
Lifecycle Issues of Multiple (Graphical) Views
Changing a model through one view may update
Changes in graphical views may be for viewing only...
views may be versioned and access-controlled artifacts
extensions to models may be provided in multiple layers of
the system
toggle expanded/collapsed setting on a diagram entity
change the zoom level and panning position
...but should not necessitate checkout/versioning
user may not have the permissions required
creation of a new version not justified by minor changes of
Gradual Typing for Objects
Jeremy Graham Siek, Walid Taha
Combining static and dynamic typing in a single
language, under programmer control
Type-theoretic foundation for gradual typing in objectoriented languages
“Type consistency and subtyping are orthogonal and can
be naturally superimposed”
class Point {
var x = 0
function move(dx) { this.x = this.x + dx }
var a : int = 1
var p = new Point
Declarative Object Identity Using Relation Types
Mandana Vaziri, Frank Tip, Stephen Fink, Julian Dolby
Object identity can be defined by overriding equals() and
“The contract is unenforced and at times impossible to
satisfy, and its implementation requires tedious and
error-prone boilerplate code.”
Subtle bugs when objects that change cannot be found
in hash-based collections
“Relation types are a programming model in which object
identity is defined declaratively, obviating the need for
equals() and hashCode() methods.”
“This entails a stricter contract: identity never changes
during an execution.”
Dependence on Mutable State
class Point {
int x;
int y;
public boolean equals(Object o){
if (!(o instanceof Point))
return false;
return ((Point)o).x == this.x
((Point)o).y == this.y;
main(String[] args) {
Set<Point> s = new HashSet<Point>();
Point p1 = new Point(3, 4);
Point p2 = new Point(3, 4);
//s.contains(p2) == true
//s.contains(p2) == false
public int hashCode() {
return 13 * x + 17 * y;
public void setX(int n) {
x = n;
p2 seems
to disappear from the set
Odd behavior and no violation of equality contract
Java’s Equality Contract: Problems
Observation of several open-source Java applications revealed:
Dependence on mutable state
ant, bcel, hsqldb, javacup, jfreechart, lucene, pmd, shrike
Violations of the equals/hashCode contract
ant, bcel, javacup, jfreechart
Violations of symmetry/transitivity requirement
equals refers to a field that is not final
Highly error-prone & hard to debug, when used for collections
Not forbidden by contract
Cannot always be satisfied
hsqldb, jfreechart, pmd
Violations of the requirement that o.equals(null) is false
Under-specified: throwing of exceptions in equals/hashCode
lucene, pmd
Correct implementations have a very specific structure
Much boiler-plate code required, esp. when hash-consing is performed
Relation Types
Define object identity declaratively
Programmer declares which fields define identity (called key fields)
An instance of a relation type is a tuple
The identity of a tuple is determined by its type and the identities of its
equals/hashCode methods generated automatically by the compiler
Code implementing hash-consing also generated automatically by the
An implicitly defined, stricter and enforced equality contract
Identity is immutable
Disallow defining object identity in terms of mutable state
Equality is an equivalence relation
Objects of different types are never equal
Explicit conversion methods
relation Person {
key int SSN;
Name name;
relation Name {
key String first;
key String last;
relation FullName
extends Name {
key String middle;
String nickName;
relation Car {
key String model;
key int year;
key String plate;
class Policy { ... }
relation CarInsurance {
key Person person;
key Car car;
Policy policy;
int computePremium(){ ... }
Person p1 =
Person p2 =
Person p3 =
// p1 == p2
// p1 != p3
// p1.SSN =
args) {;;;
789 ==> compile error
Name n1 =“Alice”,“Jones”);
Name n2 =“Alice”,
“Leah”); = n1;
// n1 != n2
// n1 == ((FullName)n2).toName()
// == “Alice”
// == “Jones”
Policy pol1 = new Policy();
Policy pol2 = new Policy();
// pol1 != pol2
Car c1 =“Kia”,2004,“DZN”);
CarInsurance carIns =, c1);
carIns.policy = pol1;
Relation Types
relation PolicyMgr {
main(String[] args) {
// no key fields
public void add(Policy p){
PolicyMgr pm =;
List<Policy> policies =
new ArrayList<Policy>(policy); Set<Person> people =
new HashSet<Person>();
// people.contains(p2) is true = n2;
// people.contains(p2) is still true
Non-null References by Default in Java:
Alleviating the Nullity Annotation Burden
Patrice Chalin, Perry James
“A marked increase in tools that statically detect potential
null dereferences”
JSR 305 will “work to develop standard annotations
(such as @NonNull) that can be applied to Java
programs to assist tools that detect software defects.”
Empirical study of 5 open source projects totaling 700
On average, 3/4 of declarations are meant to be nonnull, by design
Customized version of the Eclipse 3.3 JDT Core which
supports non-null types
Edit-time, compile-time and runtime checking of nullity
Propose adopting a non-null-by-default semantics.
Other Papers
Object-Relative Addressing: Compressed Pointers in 64-bit Java
Virtual Machines
Exception Handling: A Field Study in Java and .NET
“Exceptions are not being correctly used as an error recovery mechanism.
Exception handlers are not specialized enough for allowing recovery and,
typically, programmers just do one of the following actions: logging, user
notification and application termination.”
On the Impact of Aspectual Decompositions on Design Stability: An
Empirical Study
Reduce memory consumption by ~10% by compressing 64-bit raw pointers into
32-bit offsets relative to the referencing object’s virtual address
“AO implementations tend to have a more stable design particularly when a
change targets a crosscutting concern”
“changes tended to be much less intrusive and more simplistic to apply in the AO
“aspect decomposition narrows the boundaries of concern dependencies,
however, with more tight and intricate interactions”
JavaGI: Generalized Interfaces for Java
An experimental language that extends Java 1.5 by generalizing the interface
concept to incorporate the essential features of Haskell’s type classes
IWACO — 2nd International Workshop
on Aliasing, Confinement and
Ownership in Object-Oriented
David Clarke (CWI, The Netherlands)
James Noble (VU Wellington, New
Tobias Wrigstad (U Stockholm, Sweden)
IWACO Program
Invited speaker
Vijay Saraswat, IBM TJ Watson Research Lab and Penn State University
Ownership Meets Java, Christo Fogelberg, Alex Potanin & James Noble
Simple and Flexible Stack Types, Frances Perry, Chris Hawblitzel & Juan Chen
Maintaining Invariants Through Object Coupling Mechanisms, Eric Kerfoot & Steve
See the Pet in the Beast: How to Limit Effects of Aliasing, Franz Puntigam
Ownership, Uniqueness and Immutability, Johan Östlund, Tobias Wrigstad, Dave Clarke &
Beatrice Åkerblom
Iterators can be Independent “from” Their Collections, John Boyland, William Retert & Yang
Using ownership types to support library aliasing boundaries, Luke Wagner, Jaakko Järvi & Bjarne
Ownership Domains in the Real World, Marwan Abi-Antoun & Jonathan Aldrich
Compile-Time Views of Execution Structure Based on Ownership, Marwan Abi-Antoun &
Jonathan Aldrich
Class Invariants: The end of the road?, Matthew Parkinson
Annotations for (more) Precise Points-to Analysis, Mike Barnett, Manuel Fähndrich, Diego
Garbervetsky & Francesco Logozzo
Runtime Universe Type Inference, Werner Dietl & Peter Müller
2007 State of the Universe Address, Werner Dietl & Peter Müller
Primitive Associations, Erik Ernst
Formalizing Composite State Encapsulation, Adrian Fiech & Ulf Schuenemann
“Representation exposure”
How to manage interconnected object structures in the
presence of aliasing
Objects can be modified through any alias, possibly
breaking other objects’ contracts
This makes it difficult to reason about and optimize
programs, obscures the flow of information between
objects, and introduces security problems
f: B
g: A
h: B
Inv: … f.g …
Ownership: restricting modification rights through certain
A strict ownership hierarchy; only owners are allowed to modify
owned objects
Invariants can only depend on owned objects
Can be checked statically (and encoded with generics)
Owners as dominators vs. owners as modifiers
Circular (and recursive) data structures
Dynamic associations
Primitive associations (Ernst); borrowing (Boyland & al.)
Callbacks (invariants temporarily violated)
Colleagues (Kerfoot & McKeever)
Aggregate invariants (Parkinson)
Who will annotate?
Discover rep/peer/any relationships dynamically (Dietl & Müller)
Annotations for (more) Precise Pointsto Analysis (Barnet & al.)
Method annotations for
Summarize non-analyzable
methods (e.g., interface
methods, native calls)
Enable modular analysis
Documentation and contracts
to impose restrictions on
eventual implementations
class List<T> {
public List<T>();
public void Add(T t);
interface IEnumerable<T>{
[return: Fresh]
[Escapes(true)] // receiver spec
IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();
interface IEnumerator<T> {
[WriteConfined] bool MoveNext();
T Current { [GlobalAccess(false)] [Pure]
get; }
[WriteConfined] void Reset();
See the Pet in the Beast: How to Limit
Effects of Aliasing (Puntigam)
 Limit
through aliases by
associating tokens with
 Methods can require
specific tokens to be
associated with the
reference through which
they are invoked
 These are removed;
other tokens can be
added on return
 Similar to typestates (a
state is a set of tokens)
interface Window {
[init -> shown,ready]
void initialize(...);
[ready -> ready]
void update(...);
[shown -> icon]
void iconify();
[icon -> shown]
void uniconify();
[shown,ready ->]
void close ();
int getCreationTime();