
January 21, 2016
Due: January 28, 2016
Solve Exercise 3.21 of the text [Elmasri & Navathe (7th ed.), pp. 97-98] [Exercise 7.21 in the 6th ed.]. Show the
structural constraints of all Relationships using the (min, max) notation. State any assumptions you make.
Consider the following set of requirements for a taxi company database that is used to keep track of all trips taken
by its fleet, all its employees, the passengers who use its services, and so on. The company operates in one state
only, owns a fleet of vehicles, has 100 employees of which 20 are drivers, and others are categorized in many
different categories.
1) It is important to keep track of each passenger’s name, phone number, and music preference (so that the
driver can play the proper tunes during the ride). It is possible that the same phone number is used by
multiple individuals in a household. A trip may be taken by multiple passengers.
2) Obviously, it is important to keep track of all employees of the company. For each employee, we need to
keep track of the unique employee number, name, and address. Address should contain street address,
city, state, and zip code.
3) Drivers are extremely important for the company to track. For each driver, the company stores the date
when that individual was licensed to operate a taxi vehicle.
4) Each trip is described by its unique number, the zip codes of its starting and ending points, the departure
time at the source and the arrival time at the destination. Passengers riding, the driver serving, and the
vehicle used in this trip are also identified with every trip. The taxi company wants to keep track of all
trips taken by its fleet in a year.
5) For each vehicle type that exists, the company keeps track of its make and model [e.g., Honda Civic, Ford
Pinto, Toyota Prius, etc.]
6) Each vehicle owned by the company is assigned a license plate number, year, its color, and which type of
vehicle it is. For example, the company may own a Honda Civic 2010 which is rainbow colored and has
FLA001 as its license plate number.
Design an ER schema for this application, and draw an ER diagram for that schema. Specify key attributes of each
entity type and structural constraints on each relationship type. Specify the structural constraints using
partial/total participation and specification of cardinality ratio. If you find that the specifications are incomplete,
then make appropriate assumptions and document them precisely (you will lose credit for bad assumptions or not
documenting your implicit assumptions). Do a complete job.
You will be graded not only on the correctness and completeness of the design but also on its quality.
1) The hard copy of your assignment at the beginning of the class on the due date.
2) In addition to this, submit the soft copy “assignment1.pdf” using SCIS Moodle system available at
Good Luck!