The National Week of Safe internet use

Workshop for teachers.
The National Week of Safe internet use
In conjunction with the
Department of Education’s week against sexual violence
for fair
internet use
The Israeli
National week of safe internet browsing.
Department of education: Educating against
sexual violence.
The National week for safe
Our lives are intertwined to such
an extent with technology, that it
is difficult to imagine how we
managed without it!
Wi-fi connections pop up
everywhere, information is
accessible, communication
available and there are no end to
possibilities on the internet.
Youth in Digital Space
The National day for safe internet browsing is
intended to raise the awareness of students to
behavior which is fitting in the digital
environment, and to the wise use of the many
advantages of the internet.
This workshop deals with shared exposure
to and thinking through issues which arise
in the digital space
Objectives of workshop:
Becoming familiar with the internet culture of teens.
Guidelines for the instructor
Life on the internet
Name of slide
Present the concept of “Life on the internet” and discuss .
Discuss reservations and points of agreement with the
What does the concept bring to mind? Identification?
Antagonism? Concern?
What is its significance….? Is there life (activity) on the net?
Of what kind?
Maybe it is more correct to say –there is (also) life on the
How much of my life is there? And how much of my
student’s life?
Questions for
Break up into groups.
Each group will present the concept graphically.
(humorously, emotionally……)
Materials required: writing utensils , large bristol boards (per
number of groups)
"Life on the internet"
What associations does the concept
raise for us as teachers?
What feelings do we have when
we hear the concept “ Life on the
Guidelines for the instructor.
The benefits of the internet.
Name of slide
The benefits of the net include the numerous
opportunities for learning and cooperation which can be
found there, and the many knowledge communities with
shared interests.
To which communities do they belong?
Questions for
Enter the search words “How” or “Learn To" in the network
of video strips: Youtube.
Check which and how many new things are available to
learn: to play a mouthorgan, to draw caricatures, as well as
none educational things such as preparing a bomb.
Discuss good deed s and social activism to which you have
been exposed on the net.
Think of and suggest school activities to strengthen the
good things which the net enables.
Benefits of the internet
Sharing knowledge and learning new things, to
play an instrument, to draw
How to Draw Cartoon Characters
Sharing experiences from trips, parties and events.
Making connections at any geographical distance.
Spreading personal information and making it
Guidelines for instructors
So what do children actually do on the net?
Name of slide
The internet is a wonderful space which enables us to cross
borders of time and place.
The net is “ a country for all citizens. (A country which is not
a nation)
An open space which allows anonymity: without a face,
voice or typical gestures.
And this is where one must be aware of the dangers
involved in a lack of identity within such an open space.
Presentation of a variety of activities which children do on
the net
What is your experience of the virtual space?
How do you see the way in which children experience it?
What are the differences?
Questions for
Present the sentence : “ the internet is child's play”
Brainstorm the sentence on a page/ or in a document.
Attached are various examples, which can be presented,
or one can search on the net for additional examples, at
ones discretion.
So what do children actually do
on the net?
‫ילדים מבלים זמן רב‬
Children spend
hours on the net,
playing, watching
films , chatting with
friends on ICQ,
messenger, and
social networks .
They write, create
and upload it all to
,the web
So what do children actually
do on the net?
77% testify that they browse to sites with games.
81% search for information on the net.
68% use the net for learning purposes.
63 % of them download music and films.
66% of the students use the net as a means of
66% use it for correspondence and talking with friends
From Ministry of Education survey. 2008(5th,8th and11th grades)
Guidelines for instructors
Social Networks
Name of slide
The following examples will present additional experiences
the participants .It is recommended to use these cases as of
basis for discussion.
As part of their social culture, (and the social culture of our
times), teenagers open groups, and upload films which reflect
their social way of life. Some of the groups and the films are of
a positive nature, but others contain content which is hurtful –
whether with the intention of insulting, or because of a lack of
sensitivity to the feelings it creates for the person in question.
It is important to make this distinction in order to assist
teachers in containing the flood of anger and insult which
results from watching these films, and will help to more
clearly define the variety of violent behavior on the net.
What feelings surface in the light of the information to which
you have been exposed?
Questions for
Write the words “school” or “teachers” on the social network
search, and discover the wide range of groups and activities
which exist there on the subject.
Social networks–are you acquainted?
Social networks
Beyond the wonderful things to be found
on the internet: communications , interest
groups and social activism
We are also witness to
students who open groups whose main
interest is not educational…..
A few examples!
Teacher’s photos
Funny, stupid or
boring photos
The group of all
children who hate their
I also hate school!!!
“Hey teacher, why are you a ******”
I am fed up with all the nonsense
of the teachers
Why must we attend school on vacation
because of bad teachers!!!
Pictures of her
family trip to
London were
posted on the
social network.
The teacher’s
comment was taken
from the private
world of the
student, which but
for the social
network would
never have been
During the school day
one of the students
requested to switch
off the air
conditioner as she
was cold.
The teacher turned to
her and said: “In
London it must be
much colder than
The student was
very offended
Don’t humiliate your
friends in public
Michael and Omer were
suspended from school for one
school day, because ..”they
had “come to blows”
In a discussion with the grade
coordinator it became clear that
Omer had been filmed “being
beaten up” at the same event, by
a student in his grade and the
video strip was posted on the
It is important to note that: different sorts of events of “ kids beating
up others” appear on youtube.
Do not (tell) film secrets in company
Two students in 12th grade
who were in a romantic
relationship, were
photographed by a friend
of the boy, while they
were making love.
The friend filmed them
with his cell phone,
hurried to upload it on
Youtube and spread the
news to the whole grade
The 12th grade student
counsel representative,
collected pictures of all
the teachers for the
class yearbook.
One day he took the
picture of the grade
coordinator and to her
face added a nude
He added written
descriptions to this
picture and sent it by
instant messenger
program to the
teacher’s daughter who
was his good friend.
wonders of
graphics ...
Guidelines for the instructor
What is our place as teachers on the social networks of
our students?
Name of slide
Read aloud the words of M. a girl student in 6th grade.
Discuss how M . sees her place in life on the social network, Questions for
and what place and function her teachers have there.
Who of you are on a social network? What do you do on the
network? Who are your “friends” on the network?
Do you also have students as your friends on the network?
Should this be a part of school policy?
Discuss the terms: social and educational activism as a
What is the significance of knowledge communities?
Raise dilemmas the teachers have with respect to their
privacy in relation to the students.
Allow for a diversity of opinions.
What is our place as teachers on the
social networks of our students?
Would you like the teachers to be your
friends on the social network?
“my friend” on the network: “No I wouldn’t
want any teacher of mine on the network..I
wouldn’t want them to know more about my
life than they already know…or in general
about my daily social life”
And what, in your opinion would this lead to?
“It could be that I would be more “polite”…and not from
the point of writing things that aren't nice, which anyway
we shouldn’t do, but to know that my teacher knows
about all my friends, and I am sure she would try to keep
updated on all the children, and that is really stressing
and even harassing.
I think that on the social network the involvement with teachers
should be minimal unless in is connected with a site for
learningl…. But certainly not on a site like a social network.
M. –(6th grade student.)
Do we want our
participate in our
social network?
What can we gain
from that?
What are its
advantages and
What added
educational value
can be
encouraged by
means of the
social network?
Guidelines for the instructor
From authority to responsibility
Name of slide
Read the section which appears in the communiqué of the
director: Routines in educational institutions, September
This section specifies the responsibility of the school for
events which do not happen within the school grounds.
What is the authority of the school?
What is the responsibility of the school?
Give examples of each?
Questions for
Suggest ideas for activities which can be done at school in
for prevention, supervision and punishment where
Teacher leadership and
“An increase in the significant
presence of adults in the life of
students, as a basic condition for
passing on an unequivocal message
against violence.
Also, an emphasis will be place on the
development of tools to deal with
violence and to prevent its escalation”
“…will encourage support of the
parents and the administration,
and create teacher solidarity in
coping with violent events, while
creating a mechanism for
cooperation which does not
leave the teacher to cope on
his own."
From the director’s communiqué
Thank you… and safe browsing