
Plant cycle
Digital POSTER
By Heather Bush
EDT 605
Instructor Ranes
October 21, 2012
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
Instructional Model
Learning is active and involves integration,
construction and compilation of new content.
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
Web 2.0 Tool - Glogster EDU
• Teacher must have a Glogster EDU account (free).
• Once the teacher creates a virtual classroom,
students are given computer-generated login
codes and passwords.
• A student who is logged into a virtual classroom
can view the profiles of other students in that
classroom but nothing else.
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
Pre-Learning Requirements
• Using Glogster
– How to write on the “wall”
– How to upload pictures and video
– How to choose and change your design
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
Subject: Science
Target Group: First Grade Students
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
Using digital media (iPod or camera), students
will plant grass seeds and then track their
growth over a two-week period.
Students will create a digital poster using demonstrating their understanding
of the basic plant cycle.
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
Common Core Standards - SCIENCE
–2.b. Students know both plants and animals need
water, animals need food, and plants need light.
–2.e. Students know roots are associated with the
intake of water and soil nutrients and green leaves
are associated with making food from sunlight.
–4.b. Record observations and data with pictures,
numbers, or written statements.
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
Ongoing Assessment
–Teacher will monitor and assist students using
–Teacher will ensure students tend to their seedlings
as needed.
–Teacher will monitor and assist students with
digital media as needed.
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
Final Product Evaluation
–Students must have at least two pictures and/or
one video of their growing seedling.
–Each digital poster must include the needs of the
plant (light, air, water).
–Each digital poster must include a diagram of a
plant with its basic parts labeled. (Note: This may be
hand drawn and uploaded or a pre-printed graphic)
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
• Evaluation
A sample student glog can be found at the following
Plant Cycle
digital POSTER
Missouri Botanical Garden. (2009). Biology of
plants. Retrieved from