Section 1 – SHRM Strategic Planning Toolkit

2014 Volunteer
Leaders’ Summit
Strategy Guide
The purpose of the Volunteer Leaders’ Summit is to align your passion and commitment
with SHRM’s goals and objectives to help you achieve your maximum potential in your
2015 volunteer leader role. As a key volunteer leader you leave the summit with an
understanding of how your chapter/state council can:
Utilize SHRM Strategic Planning Resources
Effectively plan for 2015 and beyond
Successfully maintain SHRM affiliation requirements and standards
Effectively utilize SHRM Certification
Better leverage available resources
Learn successful practices from your colleagues
This workbook contains information and resources to help you chart your chapter/state
council’s strategic planning for 2015 and beyond. It is a strategy guide to introduce you
to the SHRM Strategic Planning resources.
Section 1 –
SHRM Strategic Planning Toolkit
Section 2 –
Strategic Planning Overview
Alignment with SHRM Mission/Vision/Strategic Priorities
Section 3 –
Strategic Planning Worksheets
Current State: As-Is Analysis
Environmental Scan
SWOT Analysis
Gap Analysis
Section 4 –
Strategic Planning Worksheets continued
Primary Objectives
Action Planning Worksheet
Action Planning Schedule
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
SHRM Strategic Planning Toolkit for Chapters/State Councils
SHRM is pleased to provide the resources to guide your chapter or state council in the
strategic planning process. Designed specifically for SHRM volunteer leaders, this toolkit
contains everything you need to successfully guide your group through the strategic
planning process.
Chapter or State Council boards can have someone facilitate a strategic planning
workshop by using these resources. Many times the workshop takes a full-day to cover
all of materials and to allow the board to work together to develop a strategic plan that is
meaningful and sustainable.
Link: SHRM Strategic Planning Toolkit
Resources in the toolkit include:
Strategic Planning & Budgeting Webinar: (PowerPoint Only or Webinar with Sound)
Toolkit with guide, workbook, & PowerPoint presentation
– Administrator's Guide: Click here
– Participant Workbook: Click here
– PowerPoint Presentation: Click here
Vision Planning Worksheet
Worksheets to analyze the highs/lows, environmental scan, & SWOT, along with
an action planning sheet & implementation schedule
How to Budget for Your Strategic Plan
SWOT Analysis Form with Strategic Budgeting Section
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Strategic Planning
What is planning? It is a process to ensure that you and your chapter/state council have a
strategy to get to where you want to go. Through planning you can identify opportunities
for success and make sure there are resources to fund those opportunities.
It’s taking a look at where you have been, where you’re going and how you will get there.
You want to look at the gap between what your reality is now and what you want it to be.
It is more than setting goals for the upcoming year using the SHAPE – it really is setting a
direction for the future up to 5-years in advance to ensure that long-term goals are met
and that the future is planned for.
Before Setting Strategic Objectives Develop/Update/Confirm:
Mission Statement
(what we do; purpose of organization)
Vision Statement
(how we want it to be; future state of organization)
(what do we believe in)
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Alignment with SHRM
It is important to consider SHRM’s vision, mission, & priorities when chapters or state
councils conduct planning, so that you can focus on similar goals and objectives.
SHRM Mission/Vision/Strategic Priorities
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest association
devoted to human resource management. Representing more than 275,000 members in over
160 countries, the Society serves the needs of HR professionals and advances the interests of
the HR profession. Founded in 1948, SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the
United States and subsidiary offices in China, India and United Arab Emirates.
SHRM Mission
SHRM is a global HR professional organization that exists to:
 Build and sustain partnerships with human resource professionals, media,
governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses and academic institutions
to address people management challenges that influence the effectiveness and
sustainability of their organizations and communities.
 Provide a community for human resource professionals, media, governments, nongovernmental organizations, businesses and academic institutions to share expertise
and create innovative solutions on people management issues.
 Proactively provide thought leadership, education and research to human resource
professionals, media, governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses and
academic institutions.
 Serve as an advocate to ensure that policy makers, law makers and regulators are
aware of key people concerns facing organizations and the human resource profession.
SHRM Vision
SHRM will be a globally recognized authority whose voice is heard on the most pressing
people management issues of the day – now and in the future.
SHRM’s Strategic Priorities
1. Serve the core membership
2. Be a thought leader
3. Be a global organization
4. Be financially sustainable
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Strategic Planning Worksheets
All of the worksheets contained in this guide are available in the Strategic Planning Toolkit
in the Volunteer Leaders Resource Center. Most of the worksheets will be covered during
the Summit. During the Volunteer Leaders’ Summit an overview of the worksheets will
be covered, so the worksheets in this guide have been shortened. The full worksheets
can be utilized for the full day workshop with the chapter or state council board.
Following is a list of the worksheet contained in the Strategic Planning Toolkit:
Worksheet to develop a vision statement - click here
How to Budget for Strategic Plan - click here
Following worksheets - click here
o Current State: As-Is Analysis
o Environmental Scan
o SWOT Analysis:
o Gap Analysis
o Primary Objectives
o Action Planning Worksheet
o Action Planning Schedule
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Current State
As-Is Analysis
Highs - What are our organization-related “celebrations” from the last year? Where have
we made a difference?
Lows - What were the disappointments? What didn’t happen as planned?
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Environmental Scan
What is going on inside the organization that influences the success of our
External Assessment
What is going on outside of the organization that could influence the success
of our organization?
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
SWOT Analysis - The critical issues we must address for our organization to be effective
Based on the internal environmental scan, identify our organizational…
Strengths –
Weaknesses –
Based on the external environmental scan, identify potential…
Opportunities -
Threats - What can potentially get in the way of our success?
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Gap Analysis
Based on our As-Is and SWOT analyses results compared to the vision we seek to achieve,
identify the gaps we need to overcome to achieve our vision.
For example, a “weakness” identified in the SWOT analysis of “low attendance at chapter
meetings” may indicate a gap in marketing strategy, targeted programming content
and/or convenience for members.
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Setting Goals
The Strategic Planning Toolkit includes having a budget discussion with the board. The
plan will be successful only when considering budget implications.
The next step in the planning process is to set goals. If too many are selected the chapter
or state council probably won’t be able to accomplish them all. Here are some areas to
consider when setting goals:
Goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, TimeOriented
If the goal can’t possibly be achieved, it shouldn’t be in the plan.
What can the chapter or state council do in one year (SHAPE goals) and then in 3-5
Thinking out beyond a year would be the strategic plan
Identify barriers for every goal set and plan ahead before setting the goal
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Primary Goals
Given the issues summarized in our previous analyses, what critical goals should we focus
on to overcome gaps, build growth, and provide needed services to our members?
Try to limit your primary goals to a maximum of 3. Remember that these are initiatives
for the board as a whole, not individual goals for board members or other chapter
Primary Objectives
Priority (A, B C)
*Individual board members or other leaders may have individual goals for their functions;
these would not be included in the board’s strategic plan unless it is a board initiative. For
example, a board goal may be to increase membership by 20%, while a goal for the
Membership Chair individually may be to identify a Vice-Chair for Membership.
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Action Plan Worksheet
Use this to create an action plan for each of your goals and to reduce or eliminate identified
barriers. See action plan schedule on next page.
Barriers to overcome:
Action steps to achieve this goal:
Resources needed:
General summary of contingency plan (if applicable):
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Action Plan Implementation Schedule
Use one of these for each goal. Aim for a maximum of 3 action items for each goal.
Action Item (What?)
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit
Successful Practice Sharing Ideas
5 New Ideas:
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________
2 Ideas to implement within the next ______ days:
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
2014 - SHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Summit