Example 2.1

Example 2.1
Finding a Breakeven Point
Background Information
The Great Threads Company sells hand-knit
sweaters. Great Threads is planning to print a
brochure of its products and undertake a direct mail
The cost of printing the brochure is $20,000 plus
$0.10 a catalog. The cost of mailing each catalog is
$0.15. In addition, the company will include direct
reply envelopes in it’s mailings. It incurs $0.20 in
extra cost for each direct mail envelope that is used
by a respondent.
The average size of a customer order is $40, and the
company’s variable cost per order averages around
80% of the order’s value.
Background Information -continued
The company plans to mail 100,000 catalogs. It
wants to develop a spreadsheet model to answer the
following questions:
– How does a change in the response rate affect profit?
– For what response rate does a company break even?
– If the company estimates a response rate of 3%, should it
proceed with the mailing?
– How does the presence of uncertainty affect the usefulness
of the model?
This file contains the completed model shown below.
Note the clear layout of the model
– The input cells are outlined and shaded and separated from
the outputs.
– There are boldfaced headings, several headings are
– Numbers are formatted appropriately.
– Text boxes to the right spell out all the range names used.
Creating the Model
To create this model, proceed through the following
– Enter heading and range names.
• Obviously we have a lot of cells, more than you might want to
enter, but you will see their value when we start entering
– Enter input values.
• The values in the shaded cells are all given in the statement of
the problem. Enter these values and format them appropriately.
Creating the Model -- continued
– Model the responses.
• We have not specified the response rate of the mailing, so
enter any reasonable values such as 8% in the ResponseRate
cell – we will perform sensitivity on this value later on – and
enter the formula =NumMailed*ResponseRate in the
NumResponses cell.
– Model the revenues, costs and profits.
• Enter the formula =NumResponses*AvgOrder in the
Revenues cell.
• Enter the formula =FCostPrinting,
=SUM(VCostMailing)*NumMailed and
pes) in the Cost cells (E10, E11, E12).
• Enter the formula =SUM(Costs) in the TotalCost cell, and enter
the formula =Revenue-TotalCost in the Profit cell.
Answering the Questions
Now that a basic model has been created, we can
answer the questions posed by the company.
For questions 1, we form a data table to show how
profit varies with the response rate. The table is
shown here.
Creating a Data Table
First, enter a sequence of trial values of the response
rate in column A, and enter a “link” to profit in cell B20
with the formula =Profit.
Finally, highlight the entire table range, A20:B30, and
select the Data/Table menu item to bring up the
dialog box shown here.
Creating a Data Table -continued
It should be filled in as shown to indicate that the only
input ResponseRate, is listed along a column.
When you click OK, Excel substitutes each response
rate value in column A in to the ResponseRate cell,,
recalculates the profit, and reports it in the data table.
For a final touch, we have created a scatterplot(or in
Excel’s terminology X-Y chart) of the values in the
data table.
Answering the Questions -continued
Clearly, profit increases in a linear manner as
response rate varies. More specifically, a 1%
increase in the response rate always increased profit
by $7800.
Here is the reasoning. Each 1% in response rate
results in 100,000 x 0.01=1000 more orders. Each
order yields an average revenue of $40 but incurs a
variable cost of $40 x 80% = $32 and a $0.20
envelope cost. The net gain is $7.80 per order, or
$7800 for 1000 orders.
Answering the Questions -continued
From the data table, we see that profit goes from
negative to positive when the response rate is
somewhere between 4% and 5%.
Question 2 asks for the exact breakeven point. This
could be found with trail and error but is easy with
Excel’s Goal Seek tool. Goal Seek is useful for
solving a single equation in a single unknown.
Here the equation is Profit=0, and the single
unknown is the response rate.
Answering the Questions -continued
In Excel terminology, the unknown is called the
changing cell because we are allowed to change it
to make the equation true.
To implement Goal Seek, select Tools/Goal Seek
menu item and fill in the resulting dialog box as
shown below.
Answering the Questions -continued
After clicking on OK, the ResponseRate and Profit
cells have values 5.77% and $0. In words, if the
response rate is 5.77% Great Threads breaks even.
If the response rate is greater then 5.77%, the
company makes money; otherwise, it loses money.
Question 3 asks if the company should proceed with
the mailing if the response rate is only 3%. From the
data table, the apparent answer is “no” because profit
is negative, a loss. However, like many U.S.
companies, we are taking the short term view with
this reasoning.
Answering the Questions -continued
We should realize that many customers who respond
to direct mail will reorder in the future. The company
makes $7.80 per order. If each of the respondents
ordered two or more times, say, the company would
earn 3000 x $7.80 X 2 = $46,800 more than appears
in the model, and profit would then be positive.
The moral is that we must look at long-term impact of
our decisions. However, if we want to incorporate the
long term explicitly into the model, we must build a
more complex model.
Answering the Questions -continued
Finally, question 4 asks about the impact of
uncertainty in the model. We would be kidding
ourselves to think that all model inputs are known
with certainty.
For example, the size of an order is not always $40 –
it might be, say, from $10 to $100. When there is a
high degree of uncertainty about model inputs, it
makes little sense to talk about the profit level or the
breakeven response rate.
It makes more sense to talk about the probability that
profit will have a certain value or the probability that
the company will break even.