Ideas for children's crafts

Balloon Feet
Craft for Older Children
Supplies: Balloons, permanent and water based markers, tag paper, scissors.
Directions: Trace child’s feet (feet should be close together) or use the
templates on the next pages. Color in sports shoes from favorite sport and
cut out into one piece. Or take a picture of the child’s feet (they can wear
sports shoes) and print them out on heavy weight or tag paper. Cut a slit
from the heel to the instep or make a hole for the balloon. Blow up a balloon
and draw a face on it with permanent colored markers. Attach the balloon to
the feet.
Play: Create a target on the floor so children can throw the balloon and try
to land it on the target.
Awards: Funniest face; who can keep their balloon in the air for the longest;
whose balloon looks most like themselves; best looking feet or shoes, etc.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Balloon Feet
Craft for Older Children
Outlines of feet in flip-flops and bunny slippers – scan & enlarge
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Illustrations by Amy Rudolph, SDPL
Balloon Feet
Craft for Older Children
Outlines of shoes – Scan and enlarge.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Illustrations by Amy Rudolph, SDPL
Balloon Feet
Craft for Older Children
Outlines of shoes – Scan and enlarge.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Illustrations by Amy Rudolph, SDPL
Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon
Craft for Older Children
Supplies: Screw eyes, ribbons ½” - 1” wide in a variety of colors, ½” wooden dowels
(approx. 12”- 24” in length), colored tape (plastic or duct), swivel badge clips (from all of
those library conferences that you’ve accumulated!), split rings (key rings), Fray Check
Seam Sealant. (A split ring tool or small slot screwdriver to open the split ring is
helpful.) Supplies are available at most craft stores.
Directions: Attach a screw eye to one end of the dowel. Wrap the bottom of the dowel
in colored tape to create a handle. Attach a badge clip to a split ring and then attach the
split ring to the screw eye . Cut the ribbon in 3’-6’ lengths
(depending on the age of the child) and use the Fray Check on the ends
to prevent fraying. Fold the ribbon in ½ and attach the fold to the badge
clip. The ribbon can then easily be changed out. Additional ribbons can
be added if the ribbon is not too thick. The badge clip allows for more
spinning of the ribbon.
Simplified Directions: Attach a screw eye to one end of the dowel.
Pull the ribbon through the screw eye and tie together.
Demonstrate making circles, figure eights,
waves, etc.
Play dance music to test them out!
Suggested CD’s:
Chinese Ribbon Dance (SPARK K-2 Music CD)
Leaping Literacy Rhythm Sticks, Ribbons, &
Games For Reading Readiness; 9781563461316;
Schiller, Pamela Byrne. Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo Educational, 2005.
Ribbons & Rhythms Movement Activities For Learning,
Plunkett, Michael; Long Branch, NJ: Kimbo, 2009.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Ring Toss
Ring Toss, Skateboarder, Snowboarder
Craft for Older Children
Supplies: Paper plates or pipe cleaners, toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls, tape.
Directions: Cut the center of the paper plates out and color or decorate the rings. You
can also make rings with pipe cleaners, 2 or 3 twisted together.
Play: Tape a line on the floor as a “throw line.” Tape the paper rolls standing up in
place on the floor. Assign points to the rolls: more points as they get farther away;
more points for taller or more difficult “posts.” Child stands on the line and tosses the
Supplies: Ellison Die finger puppets (#13264 LG, Boy; #13268 LG, Girl), stiff paper or
light cardstock, craft sticks, markers, stickers, butcher paper or yarn.
Directions: Punch out a finger puppet, and thread a craft stick through the finger
holes. Use the punched out holes as wheels for the skateboarder. Decorate the
skateboarder/snowboarder and board with markers or stickers. Create a course
around the room on butcher paper or with yarn on the wall with hills and jumps.
Have the children use their puppets to ‘skateboard/snowboard’ around the course.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Table Tennis
Craft for Older Children
Table Tennis
Paddle 1:
Supplies: Cardboard, felt, craft sticks, colored tape, glue.
Directions: Cut circles from cardboard and felt to make paddles. Glue felt circles onto
cardboard using tacky glue. Cover craft sticks with colored tape. Place end of stick
between the 2 pieces of felt-covered cardboard and glue together.
Paddle 2:
Supplies: Old CD’s, craft sticks, permanent markers, colored tape, glue.
Directions: Make paddles from 2 CD’s, glued together with craft stick handle in
between. Use permanent markers to decorate the CD’s with Olympic rings, Go USA!,
Read for the Win, etc.
(Balls: Try different ones--ping pong, wiffle, foam.)
Group: Everyone stands in a circle with their paddle, hitting the ball back and forth on
the floor.
2 Players: Optional: Make a net with craft sticks as uprights. Tape the sticks to the
edge of the table and string yarn between the sticks.
1 Player: Put a table up against a wall, player hits ball into wall.
Variation: Balloon ‘Tennis’
Supplies: Paper plates, craft sticks, balloons, glue.
Directions: Make a paddle by gluing a paper plate to
a craft stick. Blow up a balloon. See how long kids
can keep the balloon in the air. No need for a table!
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Craft for Older Children
Supplies: Pencils, string, flexible rulers w/ holes on either end (otherwise you will have
to make holes), feathers or fins made from paper or colorful tape, pointed pencil
erasers, glue.
Directions: Attach string to one end of the ruler, pull and tighten into a bow. Tie a knot
@ the other end and cut off the excess. Pencil can be wrapped in colorful tape. Glue
eraser top on pencil, glue feathers or fins near the end of the pencil.
(This is not very functional, but it would be a great activity to make stuffed animal
friends into archers.)
Word Puzzles
There are several websites for creating free puzzles. Use words from programs and
events at your library to create word puzzles.
Word Search and Crossword Puzzles
Bingo Cards
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Awards and Trophies
Craft for Older Children
Award Medals
Supplies: Gold, silver, and bronze circles (cut from
scrapbooking glitter paper), miniature cupcake wrappers,
ribbon, pin backs (optional).
Directions: Glitter paper was cut with a 1 ½” punch available
at craft stores. Open up and spread out a cupcake wrapper,
glue the “medal” onto the cupcake wrapper. Trim cupcake
wrapper as needed. Glue a ribbon onto the back of the
medal. Children bring 3 books from home or find them in the
library, hang the awards on the books and explain why they
Ribbons can be decorated with sport icons, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, the titles of books written
on the ribbons, etc. Or attach the pin backs and children can wear the medals.
Trophies/Loving Cup
Supplies: 2 gold paper cups per child, small gold paper plates,
capital “D” Ellison die, athlete Ellison dies, colored paper, glue,
Directions: Punch out 2 “D’s” per child from the paper plates.
Glue the bottoms of the paper cups together. Attach the D’s
on either side of the cups and attach an athlete on the front.
(Ellison dies shown: Baseball Player; Basketball Player, Diver,
Gymnast, 4” Block Capital D).
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Bowling & Bracelets
Craft for Older Children
Supplies: Plastic bottles, rice or beans, colorful vinyl tape,
racquetball, glue.
Directions: Fill bottles partially full with rice or beans, glue
lid in place, decorate bottles with tape.
Play: Mark lines on floor with tape. Line up 10 bottles in the
traditional bowling layout. Children roll ball, attempting to
knock down as many ‘pins’ as possible.
Supplies: Pipe cleaners, pony beads in Olympic colors,
stars, and sports beads.
Directions: Make a loop at the end of the pipe cleaner,
thread the beads onto the pipe cleaner until you’ve
reached the desired length. Put the end of the pipe
cleaner through the loop, twist into place , making sure
the bracelet will slip on. Cut the end or leave it so that it
can be untwisted to put on & take off.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Chinese Jump Rope
Craft for Older Children
Chinese Jump rope
Supplies: Wide rubber bands, string.
Alternate versions: ½” or wider elastic, sewn
together; purchase Chinese jump ropes; or
use the popular rainbow looms to make the
ropes (which will require more time).
Directions: Loop the rubber bands together,
(approx. 36- fewer for smaller children). Tie a
square knot or secure with string.
Players: 2 rope holders, 1 jumper per game. The rope holders put the rubber bands
around both of their ankles (feet are about 1’ apart, rope holders are 3’-4’ apart). The
jumper jumps into the middle, then out; jumps in, then straddles the jump rope with 1
foot on either side of the jump rope. There are lots of games posted online.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Crown of Leaves
Craft for Older Children
Crown of Leaves
Crowns made from olive leaves were given to the Olympic
winners in the ancient games.
Supplies: Paper plate, leaves cut from Ellison birch leaf dies,
glue, ribbon.
Directions: Cut out the center of the paper plate and glue
the leaves on the outside, overlapping them as shown in the
picture. An opening can be cut in the paper plate to fit a
larger or smaller head. Add a bow to hang down the back.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Craft for Older Children
Supplies: Ice cube tray, 2 colors of small pom-poms,
white butcher paper, red & blue markers, tape (blue
painters tape works well).
Directions: Fill an ice cube tray, putting 1 small pompom in each cube, and freeze. Make a track of white
butcher paper, approximately 40’ long by 2-3’ wide. Cut
another sheet the same length as the first. Cut it in ½
lengthwise, rolling up each piece to create side bumpers.
Cut two shorter pieces and roll them up to make end
bumpers. Make targets on each end by coloring a large
blue ring that almost fills the paper, then color a smaller
red circle inside.
Play: Divide children into 2 teams. Each team takes
turns throwing the colored ice cubes to the other end of
the target. The goal is to have the most ice cubes closest
to the red circle.
The ice cubes melt quickly and the target gets wet, so
the game does not last very long!
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Mask, Pennants, Picture Frame
Craft for Older Children
Celebrate Rio with a Carnival type mask.
Supplies: Paper plate, feathers, wooden skewer or
small dowel, pipe cleaners, markers, feathers,
jewels, glue.
Directions: Cut the paper plate in ½, then cut out
space for nose and eye holes. Color the mask and
add feathers, jewels, etc. Attach a stick wrapped in
pipe cleaners to one side to hold the mask.
Make pennants for favorite teams.
Supplies: Felt, glue, glitter glue, dowels.
Directions: Cut felt into triangles and decorate with team name, using felt letters or
glitter glue. Glue to dowel.
Picture Frame
Supplies: Picture of child participating in their favorite
sport (approx. 2½” x 2½), 8 craft sticks per child, jewels,
craft foam stickers, glue, book tape.
Optional: pipe cleaners or stick-on magnetic strips.
Directions: Glue craft sticks together to create a frame, 2
on each side. Decorate frame with craft foam and
jewels. Use tape to attach picture to back of frame.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Fencing Foils
Craft for Older Children
Fencing Foils
Foam sabers or swords are available online, or make them!
Supplies: Foam swim noodles, knife, PVC pipe (flexible), PVC pipe cutters, end caps for
the PVC (optional), colorful vinyl tape, craft foam, glue gun.
Directions: To make a foil: cut the foam swim noodles in ½, so that they are
approximately 3’ long (a bread knife works or you can use an electric knife). Cut
lengths of PVC pipe approximately 16-18” long; about 10-12” will go inside the noodle.
Cover the handle end of the PVC pipe with colorful vinyl tape. Push the PVC pipe part
way into the noodle. Apply glue to the pipe and push it farther inside the noodle,
leaving 5-6” outside to use as a handle (use caution as the heat can melt the foam).
Flexible PVC pipe is much softer and will bend.
To make a guard: cut a piece of craft foam to approx. 3” x 8”-10”. Use the PVC pipe to
create an impression in the craft foam and cut a hole in each end (approx. 1” from the
end), making sure it will fit snugly onto the pipe. (Large hole punches might be
available at craft supply stores.) Slip each end over the handle and glue the guard to
the noodle. Optional: place a PVC cap over the end of the pipe and glue in place.
The flexible PVC can be encouraged
to be straightened by putting a
dowel inside for a few days.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager
San Diego Public Library
Fencing Foils
Craft for Older Children
Fencing Foils
Foam swim noodles for this project were purchased at a dollar bargain store. The foil
at the top in the picture-with the skate board tape-uses a ½” PVC pipe; the foil with the
color splashes uses a ¾” PVC pipe. The ¾” pipe was more difficult to push into the
noodle, but either size worked for these foils. The ½” pipe might be best for younger
Demonstrate how to hold the foil and how to safely use it. Remind children to hit each
other’s foils, not each other! Try fencing from a chair. Have pictures of the clothing
worn by fencers, information on the history of fencing, books on swordplay, etc.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Sports Bracelets
Sports Bracelets
Craft for Older Children
Supplies: Plastic beads, E6000 glue, toothpicks, bead & jewelry elastic cord, (Stretch
Magic .7mm is a good choice), alligator clips, bead trays, washcloths or lids to contain
the beads.
Directions: Children measure their wrist to determine the length of the bracelet; the
finished bracelet should be a little longer than their wrist. Cut the cord 4”-6” longer
than the desired finished length, attach an alligator clip to one end to keep the beads
on the cord. Thread beads onto elastic in the desired pattern. Check length of
bracelet. Tie ends together, using square knots or surgical knots. Tie 2 knots, pulling
snugly. Glue knot, hiding knot inside bead if possible. Let dry for 24 hours, cut off
ends of cord.
Helpful hints: Use paper cups for children to gather their beads. A bead tray is ideal,
but not necessary. It is a good idea to use something to keep the beads from rolling
away; a washcloth or lids will work. Remind the children to keep the beads low and
inside whatever surface they are working on.
The beads will take up more
length when they are laid out,
so add more than you think
you’ll need. It might be
helpful to have several
bracelets pre-made in
different sizes so the children
can try them on to help
determine the correct size.
E6000 dries quickly if the tube
is left open. The smaller tubes
work well for a large group.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Sports Bracelets
Craft for Older Children
Sports Bracelets
Lay out beads in desired pattern.
String beads, using alligator clip. Check length.
Tie knots snugly
Glue knots
Hide knot inside bead
Let dry for 24 hours
Cut ends of cord
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Torch, Visor
Craft for Older Children
Supplies: Construction or tissue paper in fire colors (red, yellow,
orange), plastic cups, aluminum foil, paper towel tubes.
Directions: Cut out the bottom of the cup. Cover the paper towel
tube with foil and push up into paper cup. Tape or glue in place.
Tear or cut strips of paper to resemble fire and place in the cup as
Activities: Post a map of Brazil with the torch route. Go outside
and have a relay race, passing off the torch.
Buy readymade visors or make your own.
Supplies: craft foam, elastic or curly shoelaces, permanent
colored markers (alternative: acrylic or fabric paint) in blue,
black, red, yellow and green, small plastic cups or circle
cookie cutters.
Directions: Trace a pattern for your visor (adults—approx.
9” wide x 8” deep; adjust to make smaller for children). Cut
out the visor. Trace around the cups with markers to create
the Olympic rings on the visor. (Or dip the plastic cups or
cookie cutters in the paint and place on craft foam, creating
a pattern similar to the Olympic rings.) Let dry. Punch a
hole on each side and attach elastic or curly shoelaces to
visor and adjust to fit.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Visor pattern
Teddy Bear Tents & Sleepover
Craft for Older Children
Children bring their stuffed friends to spend the night in
the library. Ask them to dress them as an athlete. Create
nametags for the fuzzy friends, including animal’s name,
favorite sport, child’s name. Put the nametag on a pipe
cleaner and attach to a leash (a piece of ribbon).
Supplies: Glue, cardboard (approx. 10” x 30”), fabric
(approx. 20” x 25”-30”, leave enough for flaps on either
side of the tent), nametags, ribbon for leashes, pictures,
flags or pennants to decorate the tent.
Children make and decorate a tent for their animal by covering the precut cardboard
with fabric. They can also make pillows and blankets out of fabric and felt. Children put
their friend to bed and leave for the night. Then, magic happens! Staff take the fuzzy
friends out for adventures in the library and take pictures!
Possible activities: Marshmallow roast or sing-a-long at the campfire , playing hide ‘n
seek in the stacks, playing computer games, watching a movie, sliding in & out of the
book drop, playing board games, snack time, reading sports books, etc. Include sports
such as archery, ‘sailing’, running a race, pole vaulting, wrestling, etc.
Above left: Read to the Rhythm:
Singing around the campfire;
Above right: Reading is so Delicious: Cooking with the Tin Man & Scarecrow.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Teddy Bear Tents & Sleepover
Craft for Older Children
It’s helpful to make a chart so that all fuzzy friends participate
in all activities. It’s also useful to create a template for the
pictures. Each child will receive a picture of the activities that
occurred when the library was closed. The security cameras
captured a lot of unusual activities that night!
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Baseball Mitt
Craft for Older Children
Baseball and Mitt
Supplies: Mitt Pattern, baseball picture, brown construction paper or craft foam, velcro,
ping-pong balls, hole punch, yarn, glue, scissors.
Directions: Cut out 2 mitts, color as desired, hole punch around edges, stitch together
with yarn, leaving an opening for hand. Glue baseball in middle of glove. Attach velcro
to ball and glove. (White velcro is preferred).
Play: Child can play catch by himself or with a partner.
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library
Baseball Mitt
Craft for Older Children
Baseball mitt pattern
Submitted by:
Judy Cunningham
Tierrasanta Branch Library Manager, San Diego Public Library