Transmittal Training 101 - Office of the Vice President for Finance

Transmittal Training 101
Class Components
–What is a gift?
–What is not a gift?
–What is a benefit?
–Types of Gifts
–What is the purpose of a Transmittal?
–Hard and Soft Dollar Credit
–Completing a transmittal
–What is a D-Slip
–Completing a D-Slip
–Glossary of Terms
–Contact Information
What is a Gift?
A gift is a voluntary transfer of things of value,
usually in the form of cash, checks, securities,
real property, or personal property. Gifts may
come from individuals, corporations, foundations,
and other resources; PENN can use them for
unrestricted and restricted purposes. The university
makes no commitment of resources or services in
return for gifts, other than agreeing to put the gift to
use as the donor designates . *
* Taylor, John H., Advancement Services Research and Technology Support for Fund Raising
What is not a Gift?
Some signs that a check may not be a gift:
•There is an odd amount listed on
the check (i.e. $2043.67)
•On the check or in a letter attached
to the check there is an indication
that the funds are proceeds from the
sale of stock.
•It is a payment for a bill.
What is a Benefit ?
**Under certain circumstances, when a
donor receives a small item (such as a mug
or T-shirt costing less that $7.20*) or
benefit of token value, the entire amount
of the contribution is fully deductible.
However, if the fair market value of the
goods or services (benefit) received is more
that 2% of the payment or $72, whichever
is less, the benefit is not tax deducible. *
* Taylor, John H., Advancement Services Research and Technology Support for Fund Raising
* These amounts are current for 1999 donations and are adjusted for inflation each year. Please
contact Development gifts at 215-898-9210 or for specific information
Types of Gifts
 Cash / Checks / Credit Card
 Bankwire
 Stock
 Gifts of Services
– Donor must perform professional service. (e.g. free written legal
advice from a lawyer.)
 Gifts In kind
– Equipment, computers, artwork, animals
 Assets Held in Trust
 Matching Gifts
What is the purpose of a transmittal?
 Transmittals are the primary source of tracking gifts
given to the University. They serve as :
– A paper trail for Auditing/IRS purposes.
– An internal reference for information.
– An assurance that donors wishes are carried out,
gifts and pledges are allocated properly and the
correct donors and alternate sources are
Hard and Soft Dollar Credit
 Hard Dollar Credit
– IRS Purposes
– Credit given for actual
cash or assets received
– Automatically reduces
hard dollar pledge
– Important for donor
recognition (gifts,
invitations, BFS credit,
What to look for in IDB: 1G, 1T, 2G, 2T, 5G, 5T, 1M
 Soft Dollar Credit
(alternate source credit)
– Internal purposes
– recognition for cash or
assets given be another
– Pledge reduction needs to
be manually input
– Important for recognizing
a another individual or
organization specified by
hard dollar donor
What to look for in IDB: 6M, 1C, 6C
Completing a transmittal
Click Here to download Transmittal and Set-up instructions or visit
Transmittal Originator
Step 1:
Input your School/Dept, Today's date,
Name/Title, Phone, Address, Email, and Mailcode.
Step 2: Input the total gifts (check/cash) attached .
Step 3: Input the total benefits included.
Step 4: Total Gifts + Total Benefit = Grand Total
Completing a transmittal
Donor / Receipt Information
Step 5:
Enter the hard dollar donor name, address, school and year.
Step 6:
Step 7:
Is the gift
being given in memory
of /in honor of? Mark
the appropriate box and
enter the name up to 30
Should the donor receive a receipt?
Step 8:
If this is
an anonymous gift
you must note it here.
Step 9: Enter the gift
date if other than current
Completing a transmittal
Donor Gift Information (part 1)
Step 10: Enter Donor ID # and Source as it appears in IDB.
Step 11: Enter the 6 digit Fund Number the gift will be allocated to.
Step 12:
Prog# and Cref#.
Step 13:
Enter Fund
name that corresponds to
the fund number entered
in Step 11.
Step 14:
Enter Alternate
Source ID #, Source and Name.
Completing a transmittal
Donor Gift Information (part 2)
Step 15: If this is a new pledge that has
never been recorded on the gift system, enter
the pledge amount here.
Step 16:
Is this a conditional pledge,
Yes? or No?
Step 17: Enter the amount here if this is
a payment on an existing pledge.
Step 18:
Enter new gift amount.
Completing a transmittal
Bill/Pay Schedule
This information must be provided even if a bill will be manually produced.
Step 21: Insert the
Step 22: Should the
Step 23: What date will
expected month and year
that the donor will
completely pledge
system produce a bill,
Yes? or No?
the donor begin paying the
Step 24: How frequently
should the donor be billed?
Step 25: How much should
the donor be billed?
Completing a transmittal
Acknowledgment Information
Insert the name of the person who thanked the
donor and the date the thank you was completed
Completing a transmittal
Credit Card Information
Step 1: The name of the credit card holder as it appears on the card.
Step 2: The
amount to be
deducted from
the card.
Step 3: Visa? Mater
Card? American
Step 4: The
account Number
{Amex = 13
digits Visa/MC =
15 digits}.
Step 5: Expiration Date.
What is a D- Slip?
D-slips are used to process gifts for which a potion of the
gifts has a benefit value. The gift distributions are prepared
for deposit using separate lines on a deposit slip (D-slip).
For the benefit distribution use the OBJECT code assigned
by your Business Administrator. For the gift distribution,
use gift account and OBJECT code 1149.
Completing a D-Slip
Step One:
Enter your name, Date, Department Name, Telephone Number,
Address/Bldg Code, E-mail and Signature.
For additional information contact Darlene Thompson at 8-1941 or email
Completing a D-Slip
Step Two:
If the entire amount has a benefit, enter the 26 digit account string
to which the money should be deposited always using object code
Step Three:
Write a detailed description, including donor name,
ID # and Transmittal #.
For additional information contact Darlene Thompson at 8-1941 or email
Completing a D-Slip
Step Four: If a portion of the amount is a gift and a portion has a benefit value
- Complete a transmittal for gift portion
- Complete a d-slip for the benefit portion using the benefit
distribution OBJECT code assigned by your Business
Administrator. For the gift distribution, use OBJECT code 1149.
- Attach check and calculator tape.
For additional information contact Darlene Thompson at 8-1941 or email
The following forms can be very useful during the gift giving process. These
forms and their instructions can be obtained at on the Web at:
501(c)(3) IRS letter :
(obtained by contacting Central Gifts Processing at 215.898.9671)
Adjustment/Reallocation Form
New Fund Request Form
Form 8282 Form & Instructions
Gift Transmittal
Payroll Deduction Form – Gifts to Penn via payroll deduction
D-Slip (only available through the comptrollers office)
Glossary of Terms
Annual Giving Fund: An unrestricted find created to support the general operating expenses of the University.
Certain gift funds, though restricted, are considered annual giving funds for the purpose of gift counting (these include
reunion gift funds as well as others)
Benefit: specific privileges given to a donor in exchange to a gift. For example, membership, invitations, valued gifts
of appreciation, etc.
Capital Fund: Restricted fund used to support specific programs, such as financial aid, faculty support, research, and
capital projects.
Deferred Gift: A gift that is held for a stated time or until an event occurs. – e.g, the death of the donor.
Endowment: Donor has stipulated as a condition of the gift instrument that the principal is to be maintained inviolate
and in perpetuity and invested for the purpose of producing present and future income.- e.g. Endowed professorship:
permanent endowment for a specific academic program.
Fulfillment Date: The date on which a donor promises to complete his or her pledge.
Full Face Value: The total amount of a pledge or promised gift in today’s dollars, with no deductions made based on
payment schedule or risk.
Fund Allocation: The account to which a gift has been credited.
Glossary of Terms
Gift Date: The gifts date will always be the date that a gift is entered into the gifts system by Central Gifts Processing.
The exception to this will occur at End of Year and Fiscal Year Closeouts. At these times, special instructions for the handling
of these gifts are distributed. Any addition questions or requests regarding gift dates should be forwarded to Central Gifts
Processing at
Gift in Kind: Non-cash asset, such as painting, furniture, computers, and real property.
Grant: For Development gift counting purposes, a contribution from a foundation, association, or corporation in support of
the University or a particular program. Most grants received by Penn are in support of research, but grants may be given for
any purpose.
Hard Dollar Credit: Credit given for actual cash or assets received. For example, if a donor sends a check to the University
and asks that his/her spouse also receive credit for the gift; the person who writes the check receives hard dollar credit while
the spouse will receive soft dollar credit. If a check is sent to the University from John Smith’s Family Foundation, the
foundation will receive hard dollar credit and the John Smith will receive soft dollar credit. The entity whose assets are
actually given to the university is the person who receives hard dollar credit.
Intangible Gift: A gift of services, rendered in a professional capacity: e.g., a legal opinion written by an attorney and given to
the University at no charge.
Matching Gift: A corporation’s gift in support of an employee/board member’s philanthropic gifts. The corporation would
receive hard dollar credit for the gift; soft dollar credit would be given to the employee/board member.
Matching Gift Forms: Forms, often times provided by the donor, to initiate a matching gift. Only the matching gifts office
are authorized to sign off on these forms. They can be sent to Central Gifts Processing along with the gift or directly to the
Franklin Building RM 409A. You may contact them directly at 215-898-5069 for more information.
Glossary of Terms
Membership Fund: Memberships bestow certain privileges to donors, such as invitations to special events and discounted
admissions fees. The Institute of Contemporary Art, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
and the Morris Arboretum have membership funds
Outright Gift: Cash, securities, credit card, or in-kind gift, given in its entirety. Not a payment that reduces the obligation on a
existing pledge.
Payment Schedule: Expected dates that a donor will make payments against a pledge.
Pledge: A donor’s oral or written promise to make an immediate gift or gift in the future. Also called a subscription. A pledge
may be either unconditional or conditional. Just as you can have a hard and soft dollar-credit, you can have a hard and soft
pledge. The donor making the hard dollar pledge has to specify who receives soft dollar credit for the soft pledge.
Securities: Stock or Bond certificates. Security gifts are processed by Trust Administration in the Treasurers Office.
Soft Dollar Credit (Alternate source credit) : Recognition for a gift given by another individual (e.g. spouse) or organization
(e.g. family foundation), or credit given for expenses involved in making the gift (e.g. wire transfer costs, foreign currency
exchange costs).
Subscription: A donor’s oral or written promise to make an immediate gift or a gift in the future. Also called a pledge.
Contact Information
Cash / Check/ Credit Card: for all questions, contact
Central Gifts Processing at 8-9671 or email
Bankwire: For donor instruction for sending a bankwire,
or any other question regarding a bankwire received by the
university, contact The Treasurer's Office at 8-7256 or email
Stock Gifts / Assets Held in Trust: Contact Trust
Administration at 8-7254 or email
Matching Gifts: for all questions and inquiries contact,
Abraham Cotto, Matching Gifts Coordinator at 8-2682 or