File - Shauna Purdy's Educational E

General Philosophy of Teaching
Learner Centered Proficiencies
Reading Philosophy
Mathematics Philosophy
Science Philosophy
Social Studies Philosophy
Learner-Centered Knowledge
Lerner-Centered Instruction
Equity in Excellence for All Learners
Learner-Centered Communication
Learner-Centered Professional Development
Closing Quote
Certifications – EC-6; ESL; Special Education Supplemental
February 2012 – Present – Tomball Intermediate – Special
Education Aid – February 2012 – September 2012 Tier III Aid
August 2011 – December 2011 – Klenk Elementary – Worked
along side a mentor teacher – 12 weeks of teaching – 2 of the
twelve I maintained full classroom control – 2nd grade
January 2011 – May 2011 – Stovall Academy – Tutor for grades
K-5 – during and after school
January 2011 – May 2011 - Stovall Academy – Worked along
side a mentor teacher – 3rd grade
October 2010 – Northline Elementary School – Participated in
the national reading of the book A Snowy Day
September 2010-December 2010 – Northline Elementary Worked along side a mentor teacher – 1st grade
November 2001-May 2010 – Fairfield Baptist Church –
Childcare for ages 0-5th grade with my main focus on pre-k –
ages 2-5
I believe that children are always learning and growing in knowledge,
even when not directly being taught they learn. So it is my belief that if
they have guidance and help from teachers as well as other children and
adults they come into contact with that they can learn and achieve
anything. I do think, like Lev Vygotsky that private speech plays an
important roll in the classroom. Through the use of private speech
children can talk themselves through difficult tasks. Though this can get
noisy at times I would love for my classroom to be one where children are
learning from other children by hearing their peers talk themselves
through difficult problems that they may encounter at school. I also think
if the I am able to hear some of the private speech that students are using,
I may better know and understand the way that student is thinking and
better be able to help the student if need be.
I also believe like Vygotsky that children learn best when they are in
their zone of proximal development. I feel that as a teacher it is my duty
to do my best to find my student’s zone. I want my classroom to be full of
“teachable moments”, and if I do not know where my students will learn
the best in each and every subject, I do feel that I will not be doing my job
as well as letting my students down and not allowing them to move
forward to reach their full potential.
They are always watching and listening so it is my job as a
teacher to know that everything I do and say can be a teaching
experience for me and a learning experience for them. Learning is an
ongoing process and it is up to me as the teacher to create a learnercentered environment. I believe that organization and structure play
a big part in how well the students are able to learn and how much
they are able to get out of each lesson. I feel that each lesson should
be carefully structured with a clear purpose for why the children
need to know what is being taught. If children are able to know the
purpose they will better be able to make connections between the
lessons and real life.
I believe that any child can learn to read if the right measures
are in place. First and foremost I do think that having a balanced
literacy schedule is a wonderful idea. Balanced literacy allows
children reading and writing taught to them throughout the day
in a variety of ways. I believe that in order to have a balanced
literacy schedule work correctly in my classroom, I must be very
organized and structured, and I must have a schedule that
includes the reading and writing on a daily basis.
Balanced literacy involves read alouds, shared reading, guided
reading, and independent reading, as well as shared writing,
interactive writing, guided writing or writing workshop, and
independent writing. I do believe that the more opportunities a
student has to practice their reading and writing skills, the better
they will become. I also feel that by allowing children to have a
variety of ways they can practice these skills the better they will
become because practice is one of the keys to success.
I, as the teacher, want the students that pass through my
classroom to feel that they are able to read and write, even before
standard reading and writing takes place. I want them to feel a
sense of progress when they look back at their previous reading
and writing skills. I know that one teaching method does not work
for every child and that by allowing all of these reading and
writing methods to be taught in my classroom, I will be giving my
students plenty of methods to learn.
I also believe that if I have a method in place to monitor
students progress, this will allow me to move children to different
groups and different levels based not only on their scores, but
their interest as well. I believe that students should be monitored
daily and weekly in both their reading and writing. It is my wish
that my students will continue to move forward in their learning
I believe that when teaching math to children the
teacher must model good behavior and even if math is
not one of their strong subjects they must keep a
positive outlook on math to help motivate their
students. Teachers must not only know the concepts
they are teaching, but have multiple ways to teach the
concepts. They must also allow their students to be
able to manipulate objects in order to better solve and
understand what they are doing, because until the
students is able to explain to the teacher as well as
show the work to the teacher, they may not have a
clear understanding of what is going on. This could
later hinder the students learning and cause them to
just float by without the knowledge they need to really
succeed in mathematics.
When teaching science I believe that there are many things that
teachers must take into account in order to run a successful and
organized classroom. The first issue that should be addressed is safety
in the classroom. I feel that students should take a safety exam at the
beginning of the year, but I also believe safety concerns for each class
day should be addressed as well for those students who need extra
reminders. Science classes should also be run with rules in order to
maintain an organized and orderly classroom. These rules must be
followed to ensure the safety of the students. Once these steps are in
place the teacher should focus on good teaching practices for science.
I feel that the 5 E’s in teaching is the way to go in science, thought it
could be used in other classes as well. This type of teaching allows
children the opportunity to become engaged, explore, explain, extend,
and evaluate what they have learned. They must first become
engaged in the activity and then be given a chance to explore their
findings. Once they have explored and have a bit of knowledge they
should be prepared to explain what they learned. They can then
extend their learning of the concept taught and then they can be
evaluated to see that they truly do understand what they learned.
I believe social studies is a subject that often times is
over looked because of all of the testing that goes on in
science, math, and ELA. It is, however, a very
important and should be taught. Our students grow up
in a nation that allows them many freedoms, is
extremely diverse, and has a unique history. I feel that
by teaching students how the United States came about
as well as other countries and cultures, that I can help
mold our young people into more loving, welcoming
people, good citizens, who are able to use the resources
provided to them here in the United States to impact
the world and make it a better place. It is my job to
teach them that no matter how different we are, or
where we end up everybody has some type of impact
on the world.
Learner-Centered Knowledge
Learner-Centered Instruction
Equity in Excellence for All Learners
Learner-Centered Communication
Learner-Centered Professional
Closing Quote
Competency 1
The teacher understands human developmental processes and
applies this knowledge to plan instruction and ongoing
assessment that motivate students and are responsive to their
developmental characteristics and needs.
Artifact: Shared Reading Lesson
Rational: I chose this because I feel it shows how I was able to plan
instruction that would motivate the children to learn actively.
Reflection: In planning this lesson feel that there are a few
components that the children could obtain from this lesson, such
as, finding rhyming patterns and words and to making
predictions. This lesson follows the TEKS and will should
motivate the children to learn actively. To artifact push arrow
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Rationale: Describe the reasons why you are teaching this lesson.
Learner-Centered: What assessment and assessment results led you to select the objective(s) below? Assessment should inform
instruction and theory should guide practice.
Objectives: Using the selected TEKS and Bloom’s Taxonomy, write objective(s) that can be assessed. State the objective(s) in
the following manner: The learner will... [use a measurable verb].
TEKS/TAKS: State the number(s) and descriptor(s) of the TEKS/TAKS specifically being taught.
Prerequisite Skills: Be able to identify simple rhyming patterns in books– cat, sat, hat or log, jog, hog
Instructional Section:
Select a balanced literacy instructional approach from one or more of the following:
Shared reading
Description of the Learning Environment: This lesson includes all of the students they will be sitting on the reading rug and
the teacher will be sitting in front of the class. I would hope that the lesson could be done with a big book, but if not I will
have a class set so all the students can be involved.
How many children are involved in this lesson? Where will the lesson take place (literacy carpet, literacy table, etc.)? What are
the other children doing during your teaching? What are your strategies to make sure that the children not involved in
this lesson will stay on task?
Special Needs Student Accommodations/Extensions: Reference students’ individual educational plans (materials, classroom
setting, technology, extended time, etc).
Focus/Connect: Describe, in detail, an activity/event to engage the learner in the learning that is about to occur.
Example: Boys and girls we have been studying __simple rhyming patterns____ and now we are going to learn __about more
complex rhyming patterns_.
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Teach/Active Engagement: I will be giving a shared reading lesson which will include the book Chicka
Chicka Boom Boom that will be read by the teacher and invite the children to join in for the repetitive
parts of the book, allow children to make predictions about what may come next in the book, and
allow the students to find more complicated rhyming patterns throughout the book. I would hope
that the children may try to predict which rhyming words will come next once they catch onto the
rhythm of the book. Describe the verbal presentation or demonstration/model you will give. During
active engagement, students process the lesson taught. They may (1) reflect, discuss, or make plans
together, (2) attempt skill or strategy, or (3) actively watch the teacher’s demonstration. Describe the
expectation of student engagement. What will you say and do? What will your students say and do?
Be sure to follow the lesson format for the balanced literacy instructional approach selected.
Closure (Connect and Link): Describe in detail a culminating activity that will help the learner synthesize
what has been learned through connections and links. Give time estimate. Connections: Describe how
the learner will make the following connections: (1) past or future learning, (2) community, (3) culture,
and (4) interests. Link: Example: Boys and girls, today we have _found some more complex rhyming
patterns in Chicka Chicka Boom Boom__ together, and now you will be able to go out and do _Use the
books we have in class as well as make up your own rhyming patterns_.
Evaluation of Learning: Describe in detail the formal and/or informal method(s) of determining if the
learner has met the stated objective(s)). How will you determine how much learning took place
during your lesson? Once done the students will be invited to create a list of their own using books
and other materials around the classroom as well as thoughts they have on their own of complex
rhyming patterns. (By complex rhyming patterns I mean words that sound alike, but do not
necessarily have the same spelling, but give off the same sound. For example: glue – two, me – tree).
Materials/Set-up: For this activity I will need the text Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Extra books, charts, poems,
possible word wall. Paper. Pencils. Describe specific materials, including text/trade books, visuals,
manipulatives/realia, and technology, and how they will be arranged in advance.
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Competency 3
The teacher understands procedures for designing effective and
coherent instruction and assessment based on appropriate learning goals
and objectives.
Artifact: Balanced Literacy Schedule
Rational: I chose this artifact because I believe that it takes careful and well
thought-out planning to create good learner-centered instruction.
Reflection: This schedule was carefully planned out with the entire class in
mind. If the teacher uses a balanced literacy schedule this gives students
the opportunity to learn reading and writing in many different ways. This
is important because not everyone learns in the same way.
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10 min. Have the class come into the room and begin
with independent reading, they may read their AR books or a
book that they have chosen from the library quietly.
Writing workshop – including minilesson - Included in the writing workshop we will begin with a
shared writing that will hit on what the mini-lesson will
include.(10min) We will then move onto the mini-lesson. (This
lesson may be conducted as a whole or small group setting.)
(10min) After this we will have independent writing to see that
they are understanding what has been taught to them for
writing. (10min) The groups will also have writing stations to
reinforce the writing topic of the day.(20min)
Read Aloud – shared reading – including
discussion about the shared reading
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40 min.
Guide Reading - 2 groups – Group 1 will be
reading independently and group 2 will be in guided reading and
then these two groups will switch. - Remaining two groups will be
at their seats finishing up an activity that follows the Reading
lesson provided to the group. Once finished students will do
independent reading for ten minutes (if not in a guided reading
group. Finally all students may go to work stations each station
for 15 min. ( Listening stations, overhead – for spelling and
sentence writing, reading sorts, spelling sorts, library lounge,
computer reading – interactive reading, chalk board/whiteboard –
spelling and sentences, literacy box – browsing box).
Shared writing – Interactive writing
Journal writing – some type of journal
entry about a past event, future event, or what they learned that
5min .
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Competency 2
The teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan
learning experiences and design assessments that are responsive to
differences among students and that promote all students’ learning.
Artifact: Photo of me teaching
Rational: I chose this photo because I created this lesson to be very studentcentered and hands-on as well as teach one concept in several different
Reflection: I involved the children in my focus to be part of my example. I
feel that by using the children in my example along with the hands-on
portions of my lesson that I was able to create a lesson that even children
from other backgrounds and possibly even LEP children could come
away with something from my lesson. The children in the class
responded well to the lesson and at the end I did feel the lesson to be
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This is a photo of me teaching – it was taken during
my focus, while using the children as examples.
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Competency 11
The teacher understands the importance of family involvement
in children’s education and knows how to interact and
communicate effectively with families.
Artifact: None given
Rational: Teacher – Parent communication is a huge factor in seeing
that students succeed in the classroom
Reflection: I believe that contact by telephone, e-mail, conferencing,
and special school dates such as meet the teacher, open house,
carnivals, and/or science and math nights, etc… are very
important and because the parent usually knows the child best
communication is a large factor to ensure each student’s success
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Competency 13
The teacher understands and adheres to legal and ethical
requirements for educators and is knowledgeable of the structure
of education in Texas.
Artifact: Rules and Regulations for teachers
Rational: For this I chose a project that I did in class that highlights
some of the important rules and regulations that teachers who are
or will be working in the classroom must know and follow.
Reflection: I feel that if a teacher is going to be working around
students and be looked upon as a professional they must know,
understand, and follow the rules set for them. This allows for a
safe and comfortable environment where education can take place
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If you are new to the classroom
A). Find a mentor or experienced and well respected educator to help guide you and give you advice.
B). Address any concerns brought forward by parents, faculty, or administration promptly and professionally.
This includes making adjustments in schedules, prompt feedback, and having necessary documentation when
C).A teacher is a professional therefore should always be professional not only to staff, but to students and
parents as well. This includes keeping your personal life and professional life somewhat separate. Supporting
you students is a must, but outside get togethers are not encouraged.
D). As a professional there are many outside resources available to you. It is to your advantage to use these
tools to help you become a better teacher. Go to conferences, workshops, or even watch and interact with more
experienced educators than yourself. Online groups and magazines or journals are also available to help you
be up to date.
E). Be prepared. As a teacher it is important to be as prepared as possible. Children can be unpredictable at
times, but the more scenarios a teacher thinks about and the more planning that goes into a lesson, the better
prepared you can be for those little surprises that could potentially try to throw you off
State laws affecting teachers.
A). The teacher contract consist of ten months out of the year – this includes 180 instruction days and 7 for
whatever the district has set aside for their teachers. Some of these days are for staff preparation. This is
usually done on campus. Teachers are allowed 5 personal days and 2 injury days out of the 180 days they must
be in the school for instruction.
B). 2003 TCTA bill passed says that a final grade given by a teacher may not be changed unless it is erroneous,
arbitrary, or not consistent with the grading policy of that schools district. The only way it may be appealed is
if the grade needed to be changed can affect students right to participate in extracurricular activities.
C). Schools may not give one teacher more than 20 students, 22 may be enrolled, but not more than 22 can be in
any given class unless it is the final 12 weeks or specified by the district with waivers in place.
D). Texas code says that all teachers must be “highly qualified” and meet the standards set by the SBEC
including but not limited to technology training or professional training.
E). A school board member may not vote to hire a person if related within the third degree or by second
degree. Exceptions for counties with limited population, as well as pre hired information are in place.
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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
A). School officials may remove a child with disabilities from any regular classroom for up to 10 days
at a time even over the parent’s objections. Repeated removal may lead to different placement for that
child. Different placement could happen if the child is removed for more than 10 days or if the child is
removed several times for less than 10 days but creates a pattern of events.
B). Law provides that a child not be determined to have disabilities if the determined factor is: Lack of
appropriate instruction in reading; including the essential components of reading, Lack of instruction
in math, or LEP.
C). Paraprofessionals who are “appropriately trained and supervised” may assist in providing special
education and related services. Aids may only be used to support special education instruction.
D). Among other IEP (or ARD committee) the team must include at least 1 regular ed. Teacher if the
student is or may be placed in a regular education classroom.
E). The IEP must contain a statement of the program modifications or supports for school personnel
that will be provided for the child.
Inclusion and ARDs for regular education teachers
A). Sec 300.550 – in IDEA – Each school district must ensure “that to the maximum extent appropriate,
children with disabilities are educated with children who are not disabled”.
B). The only way children should not be educated with regular ed. children is if educating children
in a regular classroom with aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactory.
C). Inclusion must be offered along with aids and services so that children with disabilities may be in
a regular ed. class for their education.
D). Teaching regular ed. and special ed. students in the classroom should not be a choice for the
teacher to make, therefore services and aids both direct and indirect should be offered for help to
allow maximum learning for all children.
E). Teachers who are teaching special ed. may request services, including but not limited to, direct
instruction, helping teacher, team teaching, aids, instructional accommodations/ modifications,
special material/equipment, staff development, and reduction of student to instructor ratio.
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Copyright Pitfalls
A). Copyright act of 1976 says that copyrighted material may be used for criticism, comment,
news-reporting, and teaching.
B). Multiple copies of copyrighted material may be
used if there is a short time lapse of deciding you will use the material and using the material.
C). Single use of copyrighted material may be used for a class or researched.
D). Material allowed for copy – newspaper or periodical articles, chapters from books, poems
less than 250 words and printed on 2 sides or less, articles, stories, or essays less than 2500
words, one chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture from a periodical or newspaper.
E). Material not allowed for copy – identical material for more than 1 course, more than 1 short
poem, essay, or story, more than 2 excerpts from the same author, and more than from the
same collection of work, “consumable” material such as workbooks, exercises, standardized
tests, answer sheets, etc…, the same material from term to term.
7) Analysis of the federal No Child Left Behind Act
A). Title I funds must assess reading/language arts, and math every year from 3rd-8th grade
and once in a 10th-12th grade year span. Science testing must be administered once from 3rd-5th
year span and once from 6th -9th grade span.
B). Each state must design its own AYP in increasing students achievement towards the goal of
all students reaching proficient levels on the state assessment by 2014.
All information taken from:
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“Never underestimate what a simple gesture can
do. It is the little things that you do that
make a big difference in other
people’s lives.”
~Catherine Pulsifer~
When teaching I want to always keep in mind that whether on
or off the clock, there are people watching and looking up to me. I
want to do all I can to be a positive, uplifting, and motivational
teacher. My goal is to encourage the children in my class to learn
and achieve their goals. I want to be the teacher that helps the
students set and reach goals that they never thought they could.