Let’s Discuss Learning Outcomes Katharine Janzen, Ed.D. Coordinator M.Ed. In Higher Education Leadership Cohort September 24, 2012 katharine.janzen@utoronto.ca www.oise.utoronto.ca The Panel Erika Kustra Director Teaching and Learning Dev., Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Windsor Nicola Simmons Faculty of Education, Brock University Regional Vice-President, Can International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSoTL) Past Chair, Educational Developers Caucus Mary Catherine Lennon Senior Research Analyst Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) The Context • Focus will be on Learning Outcomes as they apply to Graduate Studies • Recognize the Discussion Paper applies to Learning Outcomes in Undergraduate and College programs as well Defining Learning Outcomes • Clearly articulated culminating and significant learning to be demonstrated by students for successful completion of a course/program of study • What students are expected to be able to demonstrate that they know, that they can do, and what they value when they complete that course/program is clearly defined for when they BEGIN the course/program Defining Learning Outcomes Complex clusters of learning in all 3 domains as relevant to the focus of the course/ program and credential: 1. Cognitive – knowledge, understanding, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation 2. Skills – tasks, study skills, analysis skills, synthesis skills 3. Affective - attitudes Learning Outcomes in The Ontario Colleges • Early 1990s the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts & Technology (CAATs) were directed to move to outcomes based curricula with identified: 1. Vocational Learning Outcomes – specific to the focus of the course/program of study 2. Essential Employability Skills - communication, critical thinking/problem solving, information management, interpersonal and personal skills 3. General Education Requirements Learning Outcomes and the Ontario Universities • Ontario Council of Academic Vice Presidents (OCAV) • Graduate Degree Level Expectations (GDLEs) - Masters and Doctoral Level • Undergraduate Degree Level Expectations (UDLEs) Defining Degree Level Expectations “Degree level expectations (DLE) define expectations appropriate for a given degree in terms of both discipline specific and generic knowledge and skills.” http://vpacademic.lakeheadu.ca/?display=page&pagei d=68 Learning Outcomes and Quality • January/February 2005 - Ontario Council of Graduate Studies (OCGS) adopted statement of Graduate University Degree Level Expectations (GDLE) • December 2005 - COU endorsed University Undergraduate Degree Level Expectations (UDLES) • The Ontario Council of Academic Vice- Presidents (OCAV) subsequently incorporated UUDLES into its UPRAC Review and Audit Guidelines. • GDLEs incorporated into Graduate Program Review Process – OUC “Quality Assurance Framework” • (Feb/May 2012) Undergraduate Degree Level Expectations (UDLE) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Depth and Breadth of Knowledge Knowledge of Methodologies Application of Knowledge Communication Skills Awareness of Limits of Knowledge Autonomy and Professional Capacity GDLEs Masters and Doctoral Levels Six areas: 1. Depth and Breadth of Knowledge 2. Research and Scholarship 3. Level of Application of Knowledge 4. Professional Capacity/Autonomy 5. Level of Communications Skills 6. Awareness of Limits of Knowledge “Doctoral Degrees – extend the skills associated with the Master’s degree and are awarded to students who have demonstrated "them Doctoral Level: 1. Depth and Breadth of Knowledge A thorough understanding of a substantial body of knowledge that is at the forefront of their academic discipline or area of professional practice. 2. Research and Scholarship a. The ability to conceptualize, design, and implement research for the generation of new knowledge, applications, or understanding at the forefront of the discipline, and to adjust the research design or methodology in the light of unforeseen problems; b. The ability to make informed judgments on complex issues in specialist fields, sometimes requiring new methods; and c. 2. Research and Scholarship - continued c. The ability to produce original research, or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, and to merit publication. 3. Level of Application of Knowledge The capacity to i) Undertake pure and/or applied research at an advanced level; and ii) Contribute to the development of academic or professional skills, techniques, tools, practices, ideas, theories, approaches, and/or materials. 4. Professional Capacity/Autonomy a. The qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and largely autonomous initiative in complex situations; b. The intellectual independence to be academically and professionally engaged and current; 4. Professional Capacity/Autonomy – continued c.The ethical behaviour consistent with academic integrity and the use of appropriate guidelines and procedures for responsible conduct of research; and d. The ability to evaluate the broader implications of applying knowledge to particular contexts. 5. Level of Communication Skills The ability to communicate complex and/or ambiguous ideas, issues and conclusions clearly and effectively. 6. Awareness of Limits of Knowledge An appreciation of the limitations of one’s own work and discipline, of the complexity of knowledge, and of the potential contributions of other interpretations, methods, and disciplines. 6. Awareness of Limits of Knowledge – continued Competence in the research process by applying an existing body of knowledge in the critical analysis of a new question or of a specific problem or issue in a new setting. References Biggs, J., & Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning at university. (3rd ed.) Berkshire, England: McGraw-Hill. Spady, W. G. (1994). Outcome-based education: Critical issues and answers. Arlington, VA: American Association of School Administrators. Lakehead University: Degree Level Expectations http://vpacademic.lakeheadu.ca/?display=page&pageid=68 OCGS Degree Level Expectations for Graduates of Each Credential http://vpacademic.lakeheadu.ca/uploads/OCGSDegreeExpectations.pdf References Ontario Council on Quality Assurance (2012) Quality Assurance Framework (D.Woolcott) http://www.cou.on.ca/related-sites/the-ontario-universitiescouncil-on-quality-assura/pdfs-(1)/quality-assuranceframework---guide-may-2012 Resources McMaster • http://cll.mcmaster.ca/COU/pdf/Graduate%20Degree%20Leve l%20Expectations.pdf • http://cll.mcmaster.ca/COU/index.html U of Waterloo • http://cte.uwaterloo.ca/teaching_resources/OCAV/index.html • http://cll.mcmaster.ca/COU/pdf/Graduate%20Degree%20Leve Resources Ryerson • http://www.ryerson.ca/lt/programs/curriculum/Quality_Assura nce_2010.pdf U of Windsor • http://web4.uwindsor.ca/units/senate/main.nsf/main/3320D4E3 2399A684852570D800705E73?OpenDocument • http://vpacademic.lakeheadu.ca/?display=page&pageid=68