Examination of the usefulness as the new boron compound of ACBC-BSH 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Gen Futamura1 Shinji Kawabata1 Shin-Ichi Miyatake1 Toshihiko Kuroiwa1 Yoshihide Hattori2 Mitsunori Kirihata2 Hiroki Tanaka3 Yoshinori Sakurai3 Shinichiro Masunaga3 Koji Ono3 1Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka Medical College 2Osaka Prefecture University 3Kyoto university research reactor institute 16th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy June 16, 2014 Helsinki, Finland Introduction What is ACBC ? 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery 1)1-amino-3-fluorocyclobutane-1-carboxylic acid (ACBC), unnatural amino acid was reported as the agent which showed intense uptake in glioblastoma1)-4) *ACBC has high affinity to amino acid transporter. *ACBC is not metabolized in cells. *ACBC is not used for protein synthesis. 1)Washburn LC, et al, Cancer Res 1978;38:2271-2273 2)Washburn LC, et al, J Nucl Med 1979;20:1051-1055 3)Goodman MM, et al, J Labelled Compd Radiopharm 1994 4)Hubner K, et al, Mosby-Year Book, Inc 1992-10 Introduction 2) In a clinical study, [18F]-ACBC showed usefulness as a tracer of PET imaging 5) 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery MRI(Gd+) 18F-ACBC PET FDG PET T/N ratio 5.0 5) Shoup, et al, J NucI Med 1999; 40: 331 This PET imaging becomes useful as well as F-BPA PET imaging in clinical BNCT Introduction We conjugate BSH to ACBC for further BNCT experiments. 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery BSH ACBC + ACBC-BSH 2 N H S C O 2H 2N a + 2 Introduction ACBC-BSH 2- BPA H2N CO2H Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery N H S C O 2N a 2 2 H + Molecular weighht:439.75 HO 10 B OH Molecular weighht:208 *ACBC-BSH is high molecular weight and low electrical charge, so it is difficult for this agent to reach regions that tumor cells invade microscopically where the BBB seems to be intact. 2014 *We have adopted Convection Enhanced Delivery(CED) for drug administration to solve this problem 6)-9) 6)Kawabata, et al, J Neurooncol 2011 June 1 7)Miyata et al, Neurosurgery 2011 68:1380-1387 8)Hiramatsu et al, Lasers Surg Med. 2011 January 9)Saito et al, Cancer Res 2004; 64(7):2572-2579 Introduction Convection Enhanced Delivery (CED) *CED is one of the methods for local drug infusion into the brain. Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery *Continuous slow infusion into a local site of the brain under a small constant positive pressure makes a ‘bulk flow’ in the interstitial space. *Bulk flow enables to distribute high molecular weight drugs to a large area in interstitial space , keeping high concentration without through the disrupted BBB. CED enables to distribute ACBC-BSH to tumor cells invade microscopically where the BBB seems to be intact. 2014 Convection Enhanced Delivery (CED) 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Hamilton syringe Hamilton syringe F98 glioma Brain Brain Objectives 1) in vivo biodistribution experiment Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery To determine the biodistribution of ACBC-BSH following intracerebral (i.c.) administration by CED to F98 glioma bearing rats. Administration rate: 0.33 µl/min, 30 min (CED30min) 0.13 µl/min, 24 h (CED24h) 2) in vivo BNCT therapy experiment To determine the efficacy of ACBC-BSH as boron delivery agents for BNCT in F98 glioma bearing rats. 2014 1) Materials and Methods *Animal: Fischer 344 male rat Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery *Cell line: F98 rat glioma cells(bearing 1×105cells) (provided by Rolf F. Barth, Department of Pathology, Ohio State University) *Way of administration: CED or iv *CED Administration rate: 0.33 µl/min, 30 min (total 10 µl) 0.13 µl/min, 24h (total 200 µl) *Evaluation of boron concentration: ICP-AES (Tumor, Blood, brain, skin, muscle, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney) 2014 1) Materials and Methods Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Boron compound *ACBC-BSH 1000 µg10B/ml *BPA 1000 µg10B/ml Injection methods *ACBC-BSH CED30min *ACBC-BSH CED24h *ACBC-BSH iv *BPA iv dose 10µl dose 200µl dose 2000µl dose 2000µl =250 mg10B/kg b.w. 2014 1) Materials and Methods Timing of boron concentration measurement 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery CED30min i.c. tumor implantation CED over 30 min 1h 6h 24 h i.c. tumor implantation CED over 24 h 1h 6h 24 h iv 1h 6h CED24h iv i.c. tumor implantation 1) Result Boron concentrations (Blood, Brain, Tumor) Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Boron concentrations ± SD(µg10B/g) Timea(h) n Agent CEDc 30min d CED ACBC-BSH BPA 24h ive ivf 1 6 24 1 6 24 1 6 1 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 Blood 0.8 ± 0.3 0.9 ± 0.6 0.8 ± 0.1 3.3 ± 2.2 1.3 ± 0.0 0.5 ± 0.1 6.3 ± 1.7 7.0 ± 3.4 8.5 ± 0.3 4.1 ± 1.3 Brain Tumor 0.1±0.0 0.2±0.1 0.1±0.0 1.5±1.3 0.4±0.3 0.0±0.0 0.2±0.0 0.3±0.1 3.0±0.6 3.1±1.3 10.7 ± 3.0 0.5 ± 0.5 0.4 ± 0.3 21.1 ± 3.3 17.8 ± 10.1 0.0 ± 0.1 2.7 ± 0.5 6.0 ± 1.7 19.7 ± 1.4 14.4 ± 3.4 Ratiosb T/Blood T/Brain 13.3 0.5 0.4 6.4 13.7 0.1 0.4 0.9 2.3 3.6 147.2 2.8 6.2 14.2 42.4 1.4 14.9 18.6 6.7 4.7 2014 1) Result (µg10B/g) Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Boron concentration (Tumor) Tumor Boron concentrations 30.0 CED30min CED24h 25.0 ACBC-BSH iv BPA iv 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 2014 0.0 1h 6h 1) Result Boron biodistribution in normal tissue (1hour after intracerebral drug administration) 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Boron concentrations ± SD(µg10B/g) ACBC-BSH CED i.v. 30min BPA Organ i.v. Skin Muscle Heart Liver Spleen Kidney Lung Blood Brain Tumor 5.2 ± 6.7 ± 7.8 ± 9.6 ± 14.6 ± 45.7 ± 8.5 ± 8.5 ± 3.0 ± 19.7 ± 1.6 1.6 0.5 1.4 5.3 12.3 2.1 0.3 0.6 1.4 5.1 ± 2.1 2.6 ± 1.9 1.4 ± 0.5 20.7 ± 5.4 6.1 ± 3.1 106.4 ± 15.7 11.7 ± 8.2 6.3 ± 1.7 0.2 ± 0.0 2.7 ± 0.5 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.3 3.0 0.6 0.3 0.8 0.1 10.7 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 1.9 0.4 0.1 0.1 1.9 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.0 3.0 CED 24h 0.5 ± 2.1 ± 1.3 ± 1.9 ± 4.4 ± 1.5 ± 1.2 ± 3.3 ± 1.5 ± 21.1 ± 0.6 1.3 0.9 1.8 2.0 0.4 0.8 2.2 1.3 3.3 1) Result Immunostaining of F98 glioma cell(in vitro) Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery microscope immunostaining overlay BPA diffusely distuributed in the cytoplasm and cell nuclei ACBC-BSH 2014 aggregated on the fringe of the cell nuclei 1) Snmmary of biodistribution experiment Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery *The tumor boron concentrations of ACBC-BSH CED24h (21.1µg/g) was highest and was similar to BPA iv (19.7µg/g). *Immunostaining showed that ACBC-BSH was incorporated into the cytoplasm of the F98 cells and aggregated on the fringe of the cell nuclei compared with BPA. 2014 We expected that the BNCT using ACBC-BSH delivered by CED24h therapeutic effect would show greater therapeutic effect than BPA iv administration . 2) Materials and Methods *Animal: Fischer 344 male rat Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery *Cell line: F98 rat glioma cells(bearing 1×103cells) (provided by Rolf F. Barth, Department of Pathology, Ohio State University) *Boron delivery system: ACBC-BSH(1000 µg10B/ml) *Studies were initiated at KUR. *Way of administration for BNCT study 2014 a) untreated b) Irradiated(neutron irradiation...1MW 1hour) c) BPA iv + neutron irradiation d) ACBC CED24h + neutron irradiation e) ACBC CED24h + BPA iv + neutron irradiation 2) Result Radiation doses Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Agent Boron concentrations±SD (µg10B/g) Timea Route (h) 2014 Without compound s Untreated Controls Tumor Biological radiation dose c (Gy-eq) Brain Tumor Brain Tumor 1 1.5 ± 1.3 21.1±3.3 1.1 3.7 2.1d 12.3d iv 1 3.0 ± 0.6 19.7±1.4 1.3 3.5 2.3 11.6 - - 0±0 0±0 0.9 0.9 - - - - 0±0 0±0 0 0 0 0 ACBC-BSH CDE24h BPA Brain Physical radiation doseb (Gy) 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Survival rate 2) Result Kaplan-Meier survival curves Discussion 1)The CBE factor is specific for different tissues and for different Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery boron compounds and depends on the microdistribution of 10B in the cells. Therefore, therapeutic effect by the same boron concentration varies according to the localization.10)-12) Conceptual diagram of CBE alpha particle B cytoplasm B B B nucleus B B B BB B B B B B B B As much as a boron compound accumulates it near the nucleus, the therapeutic effect becomes higher. = 2014 high CBE 10) Fox JC, et al, BJR supplement / BIR. 1992;24:48-52. 11) Santa Cruz GA, et al, Radiation research. 2004;162:702-10. 12) Dagrosa MA, et al, International journal of radiation oncology. 2011;79:262-8. Discussion Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery 1)The therapeutic effect of ACBC-BSH CED24 and BPA iv was approximately same. The reason is that I think extracellular accumulations of ACBC-BSH was high. Conceptual diagram of CBE in this case ACBC-BSH B B B cytoplasm B B nucleus B B B BPA alpha particle B B B B B B B B B BB B 2014 Discussion 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery 2)We did not compete for the therapeutic effect by using ACBCBSH together in BPA. Difference in drug distribution at the cell level was regarded as the cause. microscope BPA ACBC-BSH immunostaining overlay Conclusion 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery *This study suggested the possibility that ACBC-BSH became the drug to add therapeutic effect to. 2014 Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Thank you for your attention Discussion 3)The F98 brain tumor model that we used is the animal model that is resistant to standard treatment using temozolomide 13). Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Rolf F. BARTH et al 14) reported that the following survival data. *untreated.....................................................................Rat survival 24days (mean) *irradiation (Physical dose 4.42Gy)…………….........Rat survival 29days (mean) *BPA iv(250mg/kg) +BSH iv(30mg/kg)+BNCT..……Rat survival 41days (mean) +17days duration of survival This time our study result *untreated……….........................................................Rat survival 26days (mean) *irradiation (Physical dose 0.9Gy)...............................Rat survival 30days (mean) *BPA iv+ BNCT..........................................................+10days duration of survival *ACBC-BSH CED24h+BNCT....................................+11days duration of survival *ACBC-BSH CED24h+BPA iv+ BNCT.....................+16days duration of survival Other time our study result *untreated …………………………………................Rat survival 30days (mean) *irradiation (Physical dose 1.0Gy)……………….......Rat survival 31days (mean) *BPA iv(250mg/kg) +BSH iv(100mg/kg)+BNCT……+10days duration of survival %ILS 16 68 13 40 43 59 3 32 2014 BNCT using ACBC-BSH CED24 and BPA iv expect higher therapeutic effect than existing treatment of BNCT. 13) Yang W, et al, Journal of neuro-oncology. 2011;101:379-90 14) R.F.Barth, et al, Int.J.Radiation Oncology Biol.Phys.2000;209-218 in vivo BNCT efficacy study Summary of BNCT efficacy study Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery *The therapeutic effect of both ACBC-BSH CED24h and BPA iv was approximately same. *The therapeutic effects by ACBC-BSH and BPA did not compete. 2014 in vivo BNCT efficacy study Result survival times of F98 glioma bearing rats Osaka Medical College, Neurosurgery Agent/Route Group na Survival Time Mean±SD Median Range %ILSb Median Untreated Controls 6 27.2±2.4 26.5 25-31 - Irradiated Controls 5 29.8±1.9 30.0 27-32 13.2 BPA/i.v. 5 ACBC-BSH/CED24h 7 * p<0.0382 ACBC-BSH/CED24h 6 + BPA/i.v. 2014 %ILS = 37.4±2.6 37.0 34-40 39.6 37.0±5.2 38.0 31-44 43.4 44.3±8.0 42.0 38-60 58.5 MeST(each groups) - MeST(untreated controls) MeST(untreated controls) *log-rank test p<0.05 *p<0.0013 *p<0.0015 * p<0.0005 BSH ACBC + Figure4 F98 in vitro Boron up take 14 □ centrifugation(-) ■ centrifugation(+) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 tACBC 1mM BSH 1mM BPA 1mM Kyoto university research reactor institute Discussion F98 glioma cellを用いた免疫染色 BPA 顕微鏡写真 重ね合わせ 免疫染色 細胞核を含む 細胞内全体に分布 ACBC-BSH 細胞核周辺に凝集 α粒子 B 細胞質 B B B B核 B B B B B B B B B B B 核のより近くにホウ素が 集積した方が、殺腫瘍 細胞効果が高い F98 in vitro Boron up take 各化合物のモル濃度をそろえて24時間暴露 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 tACBC 1mM cACBC 1mM BPA 1mM