Innovative suite of services and platforms to engage with the

Innovative suite of services
and platforms to engage with
the campus research enterprise
Wayne Johnston
Head, Research Enterprise and Scholarly Communication
University of Guelph Library
Organizational renewal:
Strategic priorities
1. Resolve the Financial Challenges
2. Enhance Student Learning &
Lead Curriculum Change
3. Grow the Research Enterprise
Research enterprise
Literature review
Grant application
Data collection
Data analysis
Document management
Knowledge transfer
Study design
Research team formation
Data processing
Data management
Informal peer review
Scholarly Communication
RE&SC Work inventory
• Data consultation and management
• Virtual research environment
• Catalogue of research
• Institutional repository (The Atrium)
• Electronic theses and dissertations
• Open access journal publishing (OJS)
• Conference hosting (OCS)
• Digital collections
• Author rights, copyright & publishing consultation
• Open access
• Research consultation
• Campus author celebration
Research Support Services
Working Group
Researcher Day
Data consultation and management
• Accelerates scientific progress
• Increases the visibility and impact of research
• Ensures compliance with funding agency policies
• Avoids duplication of research
• Enables replication and verification of research results
• Enhances collaboration
Research Data: Unseen Opportunities
Canadian Association of Research Libraries, 2009
All too often the results of expensive and timeconsuming research as represented by rich data sets are
lost due to the absence of sound data management
plans. Redundant research is undertaken because the
previous research data is no longer available.
Opportunities for analysis of data across time are lost
along with the historical data sets. Even when data has
been properly stored and preserved it benefits no one if
it isn't easily discovered, retrieved and repurposed.
Virtual research environment
Catalogue of research
Institutional repository (the Atrium)
Electronic theses and dissertations
Open access journal publishing (OJS)
Conference hosting (OCS)
Digital collections
Author rights, copyright
and publishing consultation
Open access
Research consultation
Campus author celebration
Innovative suite of services
and platforms to engage with
the campus research enterprise
Wayne Johnston
Head, Research Enterprise and Scholarly Communication
University of Guelph Library