Judaism - YorkHighGlick

Created By:
Tenitsa De La Cruz,
Darius Hopkins,
and Roger Gray
 The religion of Judaism began around
2000 B.C., and is the oldest of western
religions. It was practiced in a
synagogue in the Middle East, where the
Jews would pray to their God and read
from the “Torah”, a guide for the Jews to
do God’s will and show respect and love
for their God.
 Jews are chosen people of God.
 All humans are equally God’s children.
 God revealed himself to the prophets, and provided the
Jews with the Torah to show the Jews what an obedient
and Holy life is like.
 There is one universal God who is omnipotent( all
powerful), omniscient( total knowledge), and
omnipresent( present everywhere).
 It is expected of every Jew to follow the 10
 Abraham and Moses key figures in Judaism history.
 Holocaust - Biggest, Most Important, Dramatic turning
 World War II – Many Jews died and were put through
hard Situations.
 The Judaism Reform – Gave them equal rights ; more
 The Enlightenment – led to reductions in
European laws that did not allow the Jews to
have a normal, more stable lives.
 The Jewish Emancipation – the freeing of Jews
to have equal rights as equal citizens
 Daily – Mainly centers around prayers which are said 3
times per day.
 Weekly – The 7th day of the week is a holy day known as
the Sabbath. This brings that family closer together during
the times that they attend services.
 Monthly – Not very important. In the beginning of the
month, some additional prayers are said, but they’re not as
important as other prayers.
 Annually – There are specific religious celebrations that are
more important to them then others
--Ex- New Years, Days Of Awe, The Feast Of Booths, and The
Festival Or Passover
Judaism today can be broken down into 4 major and 3 minor
forms of Judaism.
-Zionism And Zionists: Made up of Jews who support Judaism
in its modern state.
-Secular: Judaism is not as important to them or as strong in
their lives.
-Orthodox: Jews disagree with Judaism and how it is today.
They believe they have the true religion within them.
-Reform Judaism: Based on ethics; how the people should
behave. It is Currently the form of Judaism with the most
- Conservative Judaism: Lies in between the life on Earth
and Beyond. They believe that “Some kind of divine
revelation took place at Mount Sinai”
- Reconstruction Judaism: A modern American version
of Judaism whose ideas come from Mordecai Kaplan, a
rabbi from New York City.
-Hasidic Judaism: Promotes spirituality
and joy as fundamental
aspects of Jewish faith.
 http://www.Jewfaq.org/beliefs.htm
 http://uwacadweb.uwyo.edu/religionet/er/judais
 http://jewishvirtuallibrary.org/Jsource/Judaism/T
 http://www.ehcweb.ehc.edu/faculty/fkellog/211u2.
 http://www.rossel.net/basic04.htm