Eligibility for Spring Events

aSpring 2015
Vol. III, Issue IV
Bartlett Jr. Sr. High School
52 Lake Parkway
Webster, MA 01570
Steven Knowlton
Assistant Principal
Rebecca Czernicki
Assistant Principal
Helen Rowlings
Dean of Students
Eric Tracey
Athletic Director
Anthony Paranto
phone: (508)943-8552
fax: (508)949-8274
As we enter the fourth quarter of the 2014-2015 school year and head down the home stretch, there is much to
report that is happening at Bartlett Junior Senior High School.
ELA MCAS testing for grade 10 was completed on April 2nd. Our students were very receptive and
understanding of the significance of the MCAS test results and the impact that these test scores have on our
district, our school, and on them as individuals. The first round of PARCC testing in both ELA and Math for
grades 7, 8, 9, and 11 was completed on March 27th.All of our students demonstrated a seriousness of purpose
and focus and gave their assessments their best effort. We are hopeful that their efforts will yield positive results
when the scores are released.
Please be reminded that more MCAS and PARCC testing is scheduled for May and June:
May 7, 8
May 14, 15
May 15-22
May 19, 20
June 8 & 9
MCAS Science
MCAS Science
Grade 8
Grades 7 & 8
Grades 9 & 11
Grades 7 & 8
Grade 10
Grades 9 & 10
Parents, please encourage your children to get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and to be in school
and on time to take the MCAS/PARCC testing.
Please be reminded that any student that is determined to be academically ineligible based on the third quarter
report card will not be allowed to participate in athletics or activities during the fourth quarter. This includes
attendance to the prom or any other school-sponsored activities. A student must be passing 60% of his/her
academic course load to be considered academically eligible. Academic eligibility is for the entire quarter.
With the warm spring weather upon us and many social events coming up, especially for seniors, we ask that
students exercise sound judgment and make good choices. We encourage students to make good choices when it
comes to the temptation of alcohol use and other controlled substances. The Webster Public School’s Evidential
Breath Test Policy will be fully enforced. With reasonable suspicion, breathalyzers will be employed both at
school and at all school-related functions. Should a student be found to be in possession of or under the influence
of alcohol or a controlled substance, they will be suspended for ten (10) school days. This penalty also includes
thirty (30) days of social probation which precludes a student’s participation in all school athletics or activities
during that time period. In the case of seniors, these consequences could jeopardize participation in prom, class
trip, graduation, or any other scheduled activities or events. Our intent is to keep our events and our students safe.
We sincerely hope that everyone has an enjoyable and safe spring season and that our seniors depart with fond
memories of their careers at BHS.
Good decision making also pertains to appropriate attire as the warm weather approaches. All students are
expected to be dressed appropriately in good taste for school and school-related activities. Please review the
Student Dress Guidelines on page 23 of the high school handbook.
The BHS Advisory Council will meet on Monday, May 4, at 6:30 pm in the BHS library. Students, staff, parents,
and community members are invited to attend.
The Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on the fiscal year 2016 budget on April 27th at 7:00 pm in the
Bartlett Jr. Sr. High School Auditorium. Parents and interested community members are encouraged to attend.
All AP exams will be given during the first two weeks in May. All AP students have been given bills for payment.
Students should bring their payments to Mrs. Dobro as soon as possible. Money orders or cash are the only
acceptable forms of payment. All students taking AP courses at Bartlett are required to take the AP exams.
Thanks to all of you who attended our Junior College Night. From the feedback we received it seems that the
presentation was informative and timely.
In addition to our curriculum for all
juniors we have been meeting with them
during the second advisory of each
month to focus on key college
admissions and college search lessons.
Our Junior College Fair will take place
at 7:45 am on Friday morning, May 22nd.
So far, over forty colleges have signed
up to participate.
Recently we also met with all
sophomores to go over their credit
status, graduation requirements, and
developing a high school plan. The
second day we continued to deliver the
career guidance curriculum. All
sophomores took interest surveys and
learned what careers matched up with
these interests. Students were then able to find the job outlook, salary, and corresponding high school courses for
these careers.
Just as a reminder, the June SAT will be given here at Bartlett on Saturday, June 6th. Students should be here by
7:45 am with #2 pencils, acceptable photo identification, acceptable calculator, and official admission ticket. Cell
phones should not be brought into the testing room. The last day for regular registration for the June SAT is May
8th. Our high school code is 222260. Students should log-in to their College Board accounts to sign up for the
June SAT at Bartlett. Please do not leave this to the last minute since many area schools do not offer the SATs
and students from other high schools are welcome to register for the SAT at Bartlett.
Spring athletics is finally in full swing after a record breaking snow fall here in New England. Regular season
games were scheduled to kick off on March 27th. After many postponements due to unplayable fields we finally
started our season on April 14th. Nearly 4 weeks of practices in the gymnasium and multiple drills day after day,
our student athletes finally took to the fields/tracks/courts with an abundance of energy. The spring season with
baseball, softball, girls and boys tennis and track has the most participation of any season throughout the school
year. Nearly 200 will don their skills this spring season. There will be no shortage of games this coming May as
teams will be playing three and four games a week in order to qualify for District play which will begin June 1st.
This year’s sports assembly is slated for May 14th, at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Seniors will be recognized for
their four years of commitment to Bartlett High School Athletics. Each team will recognize their Most Valuable
Player as well as their coaches award recipients. Please check out the league website daily for updated schedules
as well as postponements and cancellations: www.southworcestercountyleague.org
On March 5th the Medical Careers Club along with a few additional Bartlett students traveled to Anna Maria
College to participate in a day-long conference sponsored by Worcester District Attorney Joseph Early's
office. The day's agenda
featured teen and youth
motivational speaker Jeff
Yalden, a workshop on the
harmful risks of distracted
wellness exhibits and a
personal story shared by
Joanne Peterson, founder
of Learn 2 Cope-a support
group for parents and
family members dealing
with a loved one's drug
Worcester County Sheriff
remarks to kick-off the
popular conference.
And other Medical Careers Club news……………
Several Medical Careers Club members along with PASS members attended Kick Butts Day in Boston. They
gathered at the State House to discuss the role of reducing the influence tobacco companies have in our
community. They also had the opportunity to speak with Senator Fattman about this issue. He was impressed
with their passion and motivation.
Blood Drive:
The Medical Careers Club was fortunate to form a partnership with Paige Chiropractor and the Life-Skills for a
blood drive on April 12th at BHS. Anyone who donated blood on that day as well as on April 14th has contributed
to our school’s participation in Bob's High School Heroes Scholarship Program. April 14th was our final blood
drive for the year. We thank all who were able to donate blood on those days. Your donation will help save a life
and help one of our seniors possibly win a scholarship.
UMASS Nursing School Expo was held on April 6th at UMASS. Anyone who was interested in Nursing was
invited to attend this free program.
Harrington Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship: Seniors who are interested in Health Care are encouraged to apply.
Four $2,000 scholarships will be awarded. Information was distributed at the last Medical Careers Club Meeting.
The Super Team students will be honored at the Raceway Restaurant in Thompson, CT on Tuesday, May 19th.
They are all part of an elite group of students, chosen by the faculty and staff, for admission into the 2015 Bartlett
Jr. Sr. High School Super Team.
This year's banquet will be the 30th Annual Recognition Night; a highly-anticipated tradition that is sponsored
by many local businesses including the Webster-Dudley Quo Vadis Club. This exclusive event honors students
who go "above and beyond" every single day. These are the students who exhibit honesty and initiative and hard
work, consistently throughout the year.
The students and their families will sit down to dinner and dessert at 6:00 PM, which will be followed by speeches
from the recipients. Afterwards, these exceptional young ladies and gentlemen will receive gifts and awards as a
show of appreciation for all their efforts. This is truly one of the most enjoyable evenings of the year.
Grade 7 Outstanding Students
Chelsea Cournoyer
Cameron Quinn
Brittany Ward
Grade 8 Outstanding Students
Allison Grzembski
Mariya Lempicki
Marina Rezk
Samantha Kelley
Disleiny Perez
Ashley Iwanski
Christine Walker
Klarissa Johnson
Edward Hackenson
Foreign Language
French: Megan Candito
Spanish: Daniel James
Health/Physical Education
Health: Tory Nesta
Physical Education: Nicholas Van Liew
Tyler Adolfo
Xinyue Zhang
Band: Brian Tondel
Chorus: Brianna Doherty
Elizabeth Grandmaison
Sara Leighton
Social Studies
Christopher Rumbaugh
Marissa Urella
Administrative Award (Guidance)
Chelsey Grandmaison
Alexandria Steinbuch Award
Samir Azzaoui
Principal’s Award (Captain)
Amber McPherson
Since January 2015, Bartlett High School teachers and staff have been nominating students from grades 7 through
12 for the honor of "Student of the Month". A committee was formed to choose a student monthly from each
grade level. The criteria for nomination and selection is within the guidelines of a student demonstrating kindness
to others, good effort and attitude towards their school or community, and consistent work performance in the
classroom. Each month, these students have been recognized for various reasons based on a written nomination
by a teacher. When given their written nomination papers, the students have responded very positively by stating,
"I never knew someone felt like that about me." or “Wow, I can't wait to tell my parents." Students have their
pictures taken by the Art Department and they are displayed in the cafeteria for all to see and admire.
The following students have been nominated January through April 2015:
Grade 7: Madison Piehler, Mia Lipman Tessicini, Nick Livingston, Anna Israelian
Grade 8: Maggie Borowski, Paul Thomas, Allison Grzembski, Shayne Dusfresne
Grade 9: Herbert Asamoah, Kohmara Gabino, Gabe Cruz, Dylan Thomas
Grade 10: Tyler Aldolfo, Brittney Valesquez, Rania Resk, Klarissa Johnson
Grade 11: Jillian Fellows, Caitlin Cunic, Rebecca Miller, Autumn Davernport
Grade 12: Ed Hackenson, Jann Sepulvedo, Jasmine March, Tory Nesta
Although it is a year away, I would like to bring to the attention of all French students that, pending School
Committee approval, there will be a trip to Europe next year, during April vacation 2016. We will be visiting
England and France. The trip will begin in London, and then we will visit the English countryside and see the
Cathedral in Canterbury. Then we
will take a ferry across the English Channel to
visit Normandy to see some amazing
World War II sites. Then we will travel through
Rouen, where we will see the Joan of
Arc Memorial, and we will end our trip in Paris
for two or three days. At present, the
cost of the trip is $2,935.00 for a ten-day, twocountry trip.
I will seek School Committee approval in May. Upon approval (hopefully) sign-ups for the trip can begin. We
will be traveling through EF Educational Tours, and their website, www.eftours.com, offers good information
about the trip itself and its costs. Any high school student taking French 2, 3, or 4 next year is eligible to travel,
as well as any junior or senior not enrolled in French but who has completed at least 2 years. All students must
be in good academic and behavior standing.
If you have any questions about the tour, please contact Mrs. Morandi at rmorandi@webster-schools.org or by
phone: (508) 943-8552.
The last regular day of school for seniors is Friday, May 22nd. Please refer to the Senior Exam
Seniors are required to attend school for exams only and may leave at the conclusion of their exams.
The last day of school for grades 7-11 is Friday, June 19th. This is a half-day of school with dismissal at
10:55 am.
~Recipes For Success~
On Sale Now!
Bartlett High School Publishes
to Benefit the Freshman STRONG
WHO: Freshman STRONG Program
WHAT: Cookbook
WHERE TO BUY: Bartlett High School
Available for Mother’s Day!
PRICE: $10.00
Webster Public Schools is announcing the arrival of its new, one-of-a-kind cookbook,
RECIPES FOR SUCCESS. Printed by Morris Press Cookbooks of Kearney, Neb.
PROGRAM. Our family of educators has compiled their tastiest tried-and-true
recipes into a single book that will be treasured for generations to come. This
mouthwatering cookbook contains 140 recipes – everything you need from
appetizers to desserts. Each recipe includes the contributor’s name, so it’s easy to
find the recipes of educators throughout the district.
Cookbooks are available at Bartlett High School.
For more information or to purchase a cookbook, contact:
Name: Gina Nieves
Phone: 508-943-8552
Email: gnieves@webster-schools.org
With the next DRIVER EDUCATION CLASS not scheduled until JULY 6, 2015,
Any student who currently holds a valid Massachusetts Learner’s Permit can start the
driving portion of the class any time prior to the start of the classroom instruction.
Please see Mr. DeVito in Room A-148 if you are interested. An initial deposit of
$245.00 is required to start your Road Lessons.
MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015
8:00 am to 2:00 pm in Room C-132
Class Dates: July 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 13
Tuesday, JUNE 16, 2015 from 6 to 8pm.
The cost of the program is $490.00 and includes: 30 Hours of Classroom Instruction, 12
Hours Behind-the-Wheel Instruction, 6 Hours In-Car Observation and the Mandatory 2
Hour Parent Meeting.
Sign - Up Sheets will be available at the Main Desk at Bartlett High School beginning
Monday, MAY 5, 2015. You can see Mr. DeVito in Room A-148 before or after school OR
call the Adult Education Office at 508-949-8282 for additional information and registration.
An Initial Deposit of $245.00 MUST be paid by FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015 to
reserve your seat. Class size will be limited to the first 25 students who pay the initial
May 4
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 29
AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science
AP Calculus
AP Literature
AP Spanish
Period 1
May 8
May 11
May 13
May 13
AP US History
AP Biology
AP Statistics
AP English Language
Period 2
Class periods scheduled for underclassmen during senior exams:
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 29
During high school exam week, high school students are required to attend school during their exams only and
may leave at the conclusion the their exam period. Transportation will not be provided until 2:00 pm. If students
choose to stay at school to ride the bus at 2:00 pm they must report to the library after exams have concluded.
Lunch will be available.
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
Period 1
Period 2
***Junior High students will follow the normal full day period schedule.
Attendance Policy for Final Exams
1. Should a student be tardy to an exam without an excuse or prior administrative approval, he/she will be
admitted to the exam and allowed to take the exam during the remaining time in the exam period only.
2. If a student is going to be absent from an exam and wishes to be granted the opportunity to take a makeup exam, a parent must contact the administration in writing or by phone (main office) prior to the start
of the exam.
3. If a student is absent from an exam and the administration has not been contacted in advance, the student
will not be given a make-up exam and will receive a grade of zero.
4. Make-up exams will be given at a time to be determined by the teacher.
5. All students must remain in the testing site until the conclusion of the exam period.
6. All students are expected to be in attendance for all scheduled exams unless he/she (senior) has earned an
exemption or is excused by the administration. Consequences for absence from a scheduled exam will be
consistent with the 8:30 mandatory attendance rule.
April 28
QCC Accuplacer Test; 7am-12pm; BHS
April 30
3-On-3 Basketball; 5-7pm; gym
May 1
Scholarship application deadline
May 1
Dodgeball; 5-9pm; gym
May 4-13
May 6
AP Testing
Wednesday Half-Day of school; dismissal 10:55am; no late bus
May 7-June 9
MCAS and PARCC testing
May 9
Senior Prom; 6-11pm; Leicester Country Club
May 14
Senior Honors Night; 6:30pm; auditorium
May 18
Senior High Concert; 7-9:30pm; auditorium
May 19
Super Team Banquet; Raceway Restaurant; 5:30pm
May 22
College Fair; 7-8:45am; gym
May 25
Memorial Day; No School
June 1
Senior Class Trip; High Meadows
June 3
Wednesday Senior Class Cookout & Athletic Assembly
June 5
Graduation; 6pm
June 6
SATs; BHS cafeteria
June 9
Junior High Concert; 7-9pm; auditorium
June 19
Last Day of School; half-day; dismissal 10:55am