1. Introduction E2646 V1 1.1. Project Background The proposed Harbin-Jiamusi (HaJia Line hereafter) Railway Project is a new 342 km double track railway line starting from the city of Harbin, running through Bing County, Fangzheng County, Yilan County, and ending at the city of Jiasmusi. The Project is located in Heilongjiang Province, and the south of the Songhua River, in the northeast China (See Figure 1-1). The total investment of the Project is RMB 38.66 Billion Yuan, including a World Bank loan of USD 300 million. The construction period is expected to last 4 years, commencing in July 2010. Commissioning of the line is proposed by June 2014. HaJia Line, as a Dedicated Passenger Line (DPL) for inter-city communications and an important part of the fast passenger transportation network in northeast of China will extend the Harbin-Dalian dedicated passenger Line to the the northeastern area of Heilongjiang Province, and will be the key line for the transportation system in Heilongjiang Province to go beyond. The project will bring together more closely than before Harbin , Jiamusi and Tongjiang, Shuangyashan, Hegang, Yinchun among which there exists a busy mobility of people potentially demanding high on passenger transportation. The completion of the project will make it possible for the passenger line and cargo train line between Harbin and Jiamusi to be separated, and will extend the the line Harbin-Dalian passenger line to the northeast of Heilongjiang Province,It willl also strengthen the skeleton of the railway network of the northeastern part of China and optimize the express passenger transportation network of the northeast. As another express railway to divert the passenger train and cago train, the pjoject will relieve the pressure of the transportation between Harbin and Jiamusi and will play an important role in the smooth execution of the snational strategy of “revitalize the old industrial bas of Northeastern Provinces” . In addition, the execution of the project will also play an important role in ensuring the good transportation as a rear-area for the trading ports between China an Russia , in accelerating the development of the relevant trading ports, in developing the economic division and cooperation between China and Russia and the economic win-win and promoting the regional economic development and flourishing the frontiers of the northeast of China. 1.2. Environmental Asessment (EA) Preparation According to World Bank OP4.01 Environmental Assessment, the proposed project is classified as Category A, dur to the scale of potential environmental and social impacts. As a result, the Bank required a full environmental impact assessment report. Chinese environmental impact assessment laws and regulations also required preparation of a full enviornmental impact assessment report. MOR retained China Railway Third Survey and Desing Institute (TSDI) Co., Ltd. for EIA preparation. The TSDI has Class A environmental impact assessment accreditation from Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP). The EIA report was prepared in accordance with relevant provisions specified in China EIA laws / regulations and technical guidelines, as well as consideration of World Bank Figure 1-1 Harbin-Jiamusi Dedicated Passenger Line (HaJia Line) safeguard policies. The final English EA documents submitted to the World Bank inlcude: Enviornmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) Environmental Management Plan (EMP) EA Executive Summary This report is the English version of the Environmental Impact Assessment, which includes a sumary of the main text and the following Annexes: Annex 1 List of Main Applicable Laws and Regulations Annex 2 Screening of Environmental Objects Annex 3 Ecological Baseline Survey Annex 4 Baseline Noise Monitoring Annex 5 Noise Impact Prediction Table Annex 6 Mitigation Measure for Noise Control Annex 7 Baseline Vibration Monitoring Annex 8 Vibration Impact Predication Table Annex 9 Mitigation Measures for Vibration Control The Chinse EIA report was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on Nov XX, 2010. 2. Legal and Regulatory Framewok 2.1 Environmental Assessment Purpose and Principles The purpose of the environmental impact assessment is as follows. 1. Through the survey and supervision of the existing conditions of the environment sensitive items and environment, it is expected to have an understanding of the existing environmental conditions of the region. And with strategy of sustainable development as the guide line to carry out the policy “Prevention as a major concern and protection as the priority” , “Development and protection as equally important aspect” and with environmental evaluation as a guide in designing , construction and environmental protection and to forecast the impact of the project on the environment during its construction and operation. And based on the forecast results, the controlling measures presented in the design document can be proved, which is imperative. n the light of the principle characterized by “letting the new measures to substitute the old, it aimed to forward corresponding measures and proposals in order to reduce and control the emission of pollutants and to reach the target of keeping total amount of emission of pollutants within the controlled limit of the region and to proved a scientific ground for the local environment protection department to control and plan the environment. 2. To carry out the principle of “people oriented” by involving the public in the project and residents in the proving of the project, so that the decision of the project will be more democratic , scientific, to avoid the potential dangers created by the impact of the project on the environment in the future. To guide the public to the management and supervision of the environment protection during the construction and operation of the project. And at the same time to publicize the national laws, statutes and policies on environmental protection. 3. To provide a ground for environmental protection and engineering design and environmental management of the project from the perspective of environmental protection, together with the analysis of the economic benefits and too prove the feasibility of the project. The principle of the environmental assessment - The assessment is based on the national laws, statutes, and relevant documents and with the environmental evaluation guiding principle and the technological criteria for railway environment as the guiding principle. The assessment is done in the light of the characteristics of the planned railway and with sensitive problems involved in ecological damage, noise ,and vibration as the evaluating principle. During the assessment full use is made of the existing data with the necessary supplementary elements such as survey, monitoring, and analogical monitoring of the existing conditions.The assessment is done in the light of the engineering design and with full consideration of different assessment elements for different section of the planned line. And finally based on the assessment results a control measures and suggestions not only feasible in technology but also rational in economy are put forward. 2.2 National Laws and Regulations The preparation of the EIA for the proposed project fully complies wit hthe provision of relevant Chinese natonal laws and regulations for construction projects. A list of relevent laws, regulations, technical guidelines and relvant document is presented in Annex 1. Table 2-1 summarizes some key provisions of applicable laws and regulations and project compliance relative to the preparation of environmental impact assessment and project design. Table 2-1 Key Environmental Laws and Regulations and Project Compliance Laws and Regulations Environmental Protection Law Environmental Assessment Law Impact Key Applicable Provisions “Construction projects that would cause environmental pollution must follow the provisions of relevant environmental protection rules and regulations. The environmental impact assessment document must assess the pollution the project is likely to produce and its impact on the environment, and stipulate the preventive and mitigation measures. The EA documents shall, after initial examination by the authorities in charge of the construction project, be submitted to the environmental protection administration authorities for approval following specified procedure.” “Pollution mitigation measures of a construction project must be designed, built and commissioned at the same time with the main part of the project. No permission shall be given for a construction project to be commissioned or used, until its installations for the prevention and control of pollution are examined and considered up to the standard by the relevant environmental protection authority which had originally reviewed and approved the environmental impact assessment documents. “The State adopts a categorized management approach for environmental impact assessment of construction projects according to the extent of environmental impact of construction projects ……The Project proponent shall prepare Environmental Impact Assessment Report, or Environmental Impact Assessment Form, or Environmental Impact Registration Form according to the follow criteria: 1) An Environmental Impact Assessment Report is required for a construction project that may cause major impact on the environment, giving comprehensive and detailed evaluation of the pollution generated and environmental impact caused by the construction project; Project Compliance EIA is prepared according to relevant laws/regulations and technical guidelines. Mitigation measures are developed in an EMP, incorporated into project design, and are to be implemented and supervised during construction. Final acceptance inspection will be carried out before commissioning. A full EIA report is prepared, and approved by Ministry of Environmental Protection. A dedicated Water and Soil Conservation Plan is developed and approved by water resources authorities. “Catalog for the Categorized Environmental Impact Assessment Management for Construction Projects shall be compiled and published by the environmental protection administration under the State Council.” “For construction projects that involve water conservation and soil erosion control, a Water and Soil Conservation Plan must be prepared and approved by relevant water resource authorities.” Notice on Strengthening EIA Management for Construction Projects Funded by Loans from International Financial Institutions Environmental Protection Management Regulations for Transport Projects “The construction project must abide by environmental protection laws, regulations and standards of China, and subject to EIA policies. With precondition of compliance with China EIA provisions, consideration should be given to technical requirements of the IFI.” EIA and EMP are prepared in compliance with World Bank OP4.01 and in consideration of World Bank Safeguards. “All environmental protection facilities in transport projects must be simultaneously designed, constructed and put into operation with the main body project…After project completion, the project proponent shall submit application for acceptance inspection to the environmental protection authority which had originally reviewed and approved the environmental impact assessment documents.” Mitigation measures are developed in the EMP and incorporated into project design, and are to be implemented and supervised during construction. Laws and Regulations Key Applicable Provisions Project Compliance Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Law Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law “It is forbidden for any units or individuals to dump or pile solid waste into rivers, lakes, canals, channels, reservoirs and flood lands and bank slope below the highest water level and other places where laws and regulations stipulate to be forbidden to dump or pile solid waste.” “The construction units shall timely remove the solid waste produced during the construction of the project and shall utilize or dispose of the solid waste in accordance with the requirement stipulated by the relevant administrative department in charge of environmental sanitation.” “It is forbidden to discharge or dump industry waste residues, urban refuse or other wastes into any water body…. It is forbidden to pile or deposit solid wastes and other pollutants on flood land and bank slopes below the highest water level of rivers, lakes, canals, irrigation channels and reservoirs” “Domestic and drinking surface water sources protection zones shall be divided into Class 1 protection zone and Class 2 protection zone…. It is forbidden to construct or expand any projects that have noting to do with water supply facilities and protection of water sources within the Class 1 zone. It is forbidden to construct or expand projects that would discharge sewage into water bodies within the Class 2 zone.” Forestry Law Wildlife Protection Law “Construction project, survey and mining operations shall not occupy forest land or occupy as little forest land as possible. If forest land is to be occupied or acquired, project proponent shall submit a land use application to the forestry authority of the people's government of or above the county level, and, after examination and approval, pay forest restoration fees according to the standard stipulated by the state.” “The State protects wildlife and its habitats. It is forbidden for any one to illegally hunt or destruct wildlife habitats.” “If a construction project produces adverse effects on the environment for the survival of wildlife under special state or local protection, the construction unit shall submit a report on the environmental impact. The department of environmental protection shall, in examining and approving the report, seek the opinion of the department of wildlife administration at the same level.” Wild Plants Regulations Protection “The State protects wild plants and their habitats. All units and individuals shall be forbidden to illegally collect wild plants or damage the environment for their survival.” “If a construction project may produce adverse effects on the environment for the survival of the wild plants under special state or local protection, the construction unit shall make an assessment on the effects in its submitted report on the environmental impact; ……” Final acceptance inspection will be carried out by MEP before commissioning. A Water and Soil Conservation Plan is developed, and incorporated into EMP and contracts for implementation Waste will be recycled or properly disposed of in preselected and approved disposal sites with a revegetation plan. Mitigation measures regarding waste management are built into the EMP. The alignment is carefully chosen to avoid drinking water resource protection areas. The alignment is designed with tunnel-bridge-tunnel scheme to minimize occupation of forestry land. Legal procedures will be followed for land acquisition and compensation for restoration. Alignment is carefully chosen to avoid protected natural habitats Tunnel-bridge-tunnel scheme is adopted to minimize fragmentation impacts. Potential impact is thoroughly addressed in the EIA, and necessary mitigation measures are developed in the EMP. Alignment is carefully chosen to avoid protected natural reserves. Protected wild plants are identified and protection measures developed Laws and Regulations Nature Reserve Regulations Protection Key Applicable Provisions “Nature reserves are classified into three zones, known as the Core Zone, Buffer Zone and Experimental Zone ….No unit or individual are allowed to enter the Core Zone, except those who have been approved.….” “A certain amount of area at the periphery of the Core Zone can be designated as Buffer Zone where only scientific research and observation activities are allowed. The area at the periphery of the Buffer Zone is designated as Experimental Zone where scientific experiments, teaching training, visit and observation, tourism and taming and breeding rare and endangered wild animals and plants and other activities are allowed.” Project Compliance Alignment is carefully chosen to avoid protected natural reserves For un-avoidable reserves, alignment is arranged in Experimental Zone using tunnel scheme to minimize impact Other necessary measures are developed in EMP “Production facilities shall not be constructed in the Core Zone and Buffer Zone of nature reserves….For projects to be constructed in Experimental Zone, the discharge of pollutants of projects shall not exceed the pollutant discharge standards stipulated by the state or the local government.” Scenic Area Regulations Management “All the scenic spots and natural environment in the scenic area shall be protected strictly and shall not be damaged or changed at will. …All the construction inside the scenic area or its peripheral protection area shall be harmonious with the landscape…. Trees inside the scenic area and its peripheral protection area shall be cultivated and managed according to the planning regardless of its tenure rights and shall not be felled. ……It is forbidden to fell ancient and famous trees. ……” Alignment is carefully chosen to avoid scenic areas as much as possible For un-avoidable scenic areas, alignment is arranged to avoid main scenic spots Greening plan and special design of stations are developed to be harmonious with the landscape Water and Soil Conservation Law “In the construction of a rai1way, highway or waterway project, the disturbance of vegetation shall be minimized; waste sand, rocks and earth thus created must be disposed of in an area specially designated for the purpose, and shall not be dumped out into any river, lake, reservoir or any ditch or canal other than the specially designated area; slope protection must be built or other land management measures adopted on hill-slopes within the frontage of the railway and highway; after the project is completed, trees must be planted and grass grown on the earth-fetching area, excavated land surface and the exposed land surface for the disposition of waste sand, rock and earth, in order to prevent soil erosion. ” A Water and Soil Conservation Plan is developed, and incorporated into EMP and contracts for implementation Urban Old and Famous Trees Management Method “No units or individuals shall, for any reason or by any means, fell old and famous trees or transplant old and famous trees without approval….If for special need that the Class 2 old and famous trees should be transplanted, it should, after being examined and approved by the urban greening authorities, be submitted to the provincial construction authorities for approval; the transplanting of Class 1 ancient and famous trees should be examined by the provincial construction authorities and be submitted to the provincial government for approval….” Alternative alignment is studied to avoid old and famous trees to the extent possible Un-avoidable trees will be relocated following applicable legal procedures “Green Corridor Construction is a major part of national greening campaign, and its main objective is to build green belt along roads, railways, rivers/canals and embankment….” Notice National on Strengthening Green Corridor Extensive greening plan is designed along the railway line following Laws and Regulations Key Applicable Provisions Project Compliance Construction by State Council relevant technical guidelines “Green Corridor must be planned together with overall planning of roads, railways and water resources facilities, and be designed, implemented and finally accepted prior to commission at same time with main projects” “By 2005, all expressways, 60% of existing railway lines….shall be greened. By 2010, all roads, railway lines, rivers/canals and embankment that have the possibility of greening shall be greened” Cultural Property Law “For large scale infrastructure projects, project proponent shall submit application to provincial and municipal cultural property management authorities which will organize specialized institutes to conduct archeological survey and investigation within the project scope.” “During project construction or agricultural activities, if cultural relic is found, one should immediately stop to protect the site, and report to local cultural property authorities. When a cultural authority receives such reporting, it shall, under normal situation, visit the site within 24 hours and provide decision within 7 days. The cultural property authority can report to local government to mobilize police department to protect the site. Chance find of important cultural relics shall be immediately reported to national cultural property administration which shall issue decision within 15 days since receipt of such reporting.” Notice on Strengthening Noise Pollution Control of Railway “New railway project must be subject to EIA procedure. …In urban areas, interchange shall be adopted and the railway tracks shall be fully-fenced to eliminate horning noise impact during operation. …Mitigation measures shall be adopted to ensure compliance with Railway Border Noise Limit Standard.” “Urban planning department shall, in accordance with Urban Regional Noise Standard, avoid planning of noise sensitive buildings such as schools, hospitals, residential areas, governmental or research institutes near the railway.” Cultural property survey along the whole line has been conducted by licensed archeological institutes. Alignment is fine-tuned to avoid existing cultural relics sites Chance-find procedure will be strictly followed. Noise impact is thoroughly assessed following EIA technical guidelines Noise mitigation measures (noise barriers, sound-insulation windows, seamless rail, noise damping system etc.) are designed to mitigate noise impact 2.3 World Bank Safeguard Polices The preparation of environmental impact assessment documents also follows the requirements of the World Bank’s safeguard policies. Ten World Bank safeguard policies were screened for the project. Of the ten policies, five are triggered: (1) OP4.01 Environmental Assessment; and (2) OP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement. The EIA documents have been prepared according to the requirements of these safeguard policies, which are summarized in Table 3-2. Table 2-2: Applicable World Bank Safeguard Policies and Project Compliance Safeguard Policies Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) 2.4 Actions Category A project. Full EIA and EMP are prepared. RAP is prepared. Assessment Scope and Applicable Standards The overall project scope considers the following: 2.4.1 The entire Harbin-Jiamusi Railway main line, 342 km in length, including new Jiamusi east terminal, 8 intermediate stations and renovation of existing Jiamusi station, and liaison lines affiliated to Harbin and Jiamusi terminal (Figure 3-4-1). Harbin Terminal is not included in the project. Construction period: construction is expected to commence in July 2010 and complete in June 2014, with a total construction time of 4 years. Operation period: from commencement of operation until 2020 for the near future, and 2030 for the far future. Assessment Scope and Grade The assessment scope of this EIA covers the main railway alignment, stations, auxiliary lines, traction sub-stations (which is for power supply purpose), borrow pits and disposal sites, access roads, construction/camp sites etc. The impacts addressed in the EIA include environmental impacts (e.g. ecology, water, air, noise, etc.) and social impact (e.g. traffic disturbance, restriction of access due to fencing, impact on local drainage/irrigation system, impact on local community life, induced impacts etc.) The assessment scope and grade of each environmental factor is determined as shown below in Table 3-3, according to the relevant stipulations of Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Railway Construction Projects (TB10502—93) and regional environmental features. Table 2-3: Environmental Factors and Assessment Scope and Grade Environmental factors Assessment Grade Assessment Scope Area within 300m at the both sides of the center lines along the outer rails of the railway line. Ecological environment Area within 30m at the both sides of the center line of the construction access road. I Area within 100m out of boundaries of temporary sites. The boundary of Mayi Rive Wetland Nature Reserve is 9 km away from the alignment. The alignment will cross Class II protection Zone of Yilan County Drinking Water Protection Area Acoustic environment Vibration Electromagnetic frequency I Sensitive objects within 200m at the both sides of the railway line. I Area within 60m from the center lines along the outer rails at the both sides of the railway line. Assessment scope for impact on televisions shall be within 80m from the center lines along the outer rails of the railway line N/A Assessment scope for impact on traction substations shall be within 50m from the boundary walls of the traction substations, and focus area for analysis of impact on GSMR base station shall be the area of 50m in radius from the antennas. Wastewater discharge outlets at stations along the railway line Water environment III Discharge of waste water produced in construction of key works during the construction period Assessment scope for source water production areas along the railway line shall be from bridge locations to downstream intakes Atmospheric environmental Solid waste Chimney emission outlet of new boiler in railway stations. III N/A Area with 50m from the construction site. Solid waste generated during construction stage. Solid waste generated from railway operation. 2.4.2 Assessment Standards Standards for the project environmental assessment are presented below in Table 3-4. The standards were established in response to the official reply from the environmental protection bureaus of Heilongjiang Province, the city of Harbin and Jiamusi to the Letter of Request for Verification of the Environmental Standards Proposed for the New Harbin-Jiamusi Railway Line. These standards are based on general national standards as well as local regulations and planning. Table 3-4 Applicable Standards for Environmental Assessment Standard Name Function Zone and Criteria Applicable Area/Subject 60m and beyond from the center lines of the outer Zone 2-daytime 60dBA, rails. Acoustic night time 50dBA School and hospital GB3096-2008 Environment Quality within assessment scope Standard Zone 4-daytime 70dBA , 30~60m from the center night time 55dBA lines of the outer rails GB10070-88 Water Acoustic Standard No. Vibration Env. Factor Wastewater Discharge Standard Noise Ambient Air Environmental Quality Standard Type Environmental Daytime: 80dB; Vibration Standards Night time: 80dB for Urban Area Residential area, schools and hospitals etc. along the railway line. Surface Water Ashi River, Feiketu River, Class III~V water body GB3838-2002 Environment Quality Mayi River and standards Standard Mudanjiang River, etc. GB3095-1996 Ambient Air Quality Standard and its Class II amendment Entire alignment Emission Standard and Measurement Place at 30m away from Methods of Railway Daytime: Leq70 dBA GB12525-90 the center line along the Nighttime: Leq70 dBA Noise on the outer rails Boundary Alongside Railway Line Noise Limits for Construction Site and Measurement GB12523-2008 Depending on the type of Methodology of Construction sites GB12524-90 construction activities Noise on the Boundary of Construction Site Binxi Station, Fangzheng Station, Yilan Station, Class III Jiamusi Station : discharge into urban sewer system Binzhou Station, 《 Comprehensive Gaolimao Station, Wastewater Geoleng Station, Dalianhe GB8978-1996 Discharge Class I Station, Hongkeli Station, Standards》 East Jiamusi Station: discharge into nearby waterbody Discharge from construction site will comply with receiving Env. Factor Standard No. Standard Name Function Zone and Criteria Applicable Area/Subject water body function. Regulations for Electromagnetic Radiation Protection CCIR Recommended / Methodology Pollutants Emission Ambient GB13271-2001 Standard for Boiler air Electromag netic Type GB8702-88 4kV/m 0.1mT Be healthy to human body Signal-to-noise ratio not less than 35dB Radio television reception for inhabitants Zone 2, Time II Railway station 3. Project Description and Engineering Analysis 3.1 Project description The HaJia Line is designed to be a Dedicated Passenger Line (DPL) incorporated with inter-city function. It is an important portion of the Northeast China fast-speed railway network, an extension of the HaDa DPL to northeast Heilongjiang Province, and a backbone passenger line of of the province. The total length is 342 km, with 5 km existing BinJiang line in Harbin city and 337 km new. The total investment of the entire project is RMB 38.66 Billion Yuan, including a World Bank loan of USD 300 million. The construction period is expected to last 4 years, commencing in July 2010. Commissioning of the line is proposed by June 2014. Key project technical parameters are presented in Table 3-1 below. Table 3-1: Key technical parameters of the Gui-Guang Line Parameter Unit Type Track Design speed Length Minimum curve radius Railway dedicated passenger line (DPL) Double 250 km/h 342 km 4000m, in difficult locations sharper curves shall be tolerated 20 in 1000 4.6 m Electric Electric Multiple Units 650m for freight and 650m for passenger trains Automatic Maximum grade Distance in center line of two tracks Traction Train type Effective length of departure track Train operation control 3.1.1 Project Contents and Scale A description of key project works and land occupation is summarized in table 3-2 Station Table 3-2 Project Content and Scale Works Unit Quantity Length of line Kilometer of trunk line 342.057 Permanent land occupation hm2 1416.27 Temporary land occupation hm2 534.78 Renovation station 1 New station 8 Relocation station 1 104m3 1437.24 Excavation 104m3 2674.54 Mortar rubble 104m3 246626 Civil grill m2 5028924 Extra-long Bridge Linear meter/bridge 157506.23 /88 Long bridge Linear meter /bridge 15084.71/53 Medium bridge Linear meter /bridge 271.66/3 Box bridge M2/bridge 2391.84/4 Culvert Horizontal linear meter/bridge 10547.68/294 Highway overpass Square meter/bridge 38615.76/62 Double-line tunnel Linear meter /bridge 14093/9 Traction substation / 8 House demolition and resettlment m2 906750 Newly built production houese m2 99969 Total investment estimate RMB100 million Yuan 386.64 Subgrade Backfill Bridge and viaduct Ancillary facilities Tunnel 3.1.2 Railway Alignment The proposed Harbin-Jiamusi (HaJia hereafter) Railway Project is a new 342 km double track railway line (including 5 km of existing Binjiang Line and newly built line 337 km)starting from the city of Harbin, running through Bing County, Fangzheng County, Yilang County, and ending at the city of Jiasmusi. The land form of the project area is mainly alluvain plain, low mountains and rolling hills. Between Harbin and Bin County the land form is mainly the alluvian plain of the Songhua River. Between Bin County and Jiamus the land form is mainly rolling hills. 3.1.3 Subgrade Embankment The length of embankment subgrade is 150 km, amounting to 44% of the total main line. 3.1.4 Stations The HaJia Line will have 10 stations, including Harbin terminal (which is not included in the project) in the west end, 8 intermediate stations and Jiamusi terminal in the east end. Between two adjacent stations the average distance is 37.97km, the maximum is 58.507 km (between Shengli and Fangzheng), and the minimum is 18.02km between Dalianhe and Yilan. In Jiamusi, the existing Jiamusi terminal will be upgraded to a dedicated passenger station; the existing east Jiamusi station will be relocated, and functioned as an freight station. 3.1.5 Bridge Works A total of 144 bridges/viaducts will be constructed along the whole railway main line, for a total length of 172862 m, accounting for 51% of the total line length. A total of 294 culverts/underpasses will be built, which means, not considering bridges/viaducts there will be 1.9 culverts per kilometer of the the rail line. 3.1.6 Tunnel Works A total of 9 tunnels will be construced along the whole railway line, for a total length of 14km, accounting for 4.2% of the total line length. The longest tunnel will be Houshishan Tunnel, with a length of 4,902 meters. 3.1.7 Electrification Works A new AT power supply system will be providd to the main line between Taiping Bridge (where the newly HaJia line connects existing BinJiang line) and Jiamusi. A total of 8 AT traction stations will be constructed. Power will be sourced from the local grid under an electricity purchase agreement between HaJia DPL Company and local electrical grid companies. Each company will be responsible for constructing a transmission line to each railway traction substations prior to operations. They will also prepare environmental assessments of their transmission line in accorance with national EIA regulations and technical guilelines, and submitted to local environmental authorities for review and approval. 3.1.8 Aggregate, Spoil and Borrow Materials The project will need to borrow 4.9 million m3earth and stone materials, which will be obtained under commercial agreements with local land resouce bureaus of Bin County, Fangzheng County, Yilan County and Jiamusi City. At preliminary design stage, 12 exisisting borrow pits have been identified. The project will generate 17.2 million m3 of spoil materials, of which 1.2 million m3 of tops soils will be reused for revegeation. The remain 16 million m3 of spoils will be disposed of at 45 spoil sites that have been identified during design stage. 3.1.9 Temporary Construction Works Temprorary works include material storage and processing plant, beam fabricating yard, mixing plants, access road, camp etc. Temporary works long the whole alignment are summarized in Table Table 3-3. Table 3-3 Temporary Construction Works Name of Tempoary Work Unit Quantity Material storage and processing plant Nr. 4 Beam fabricating (storage) yard Nr. 10 Long rail storage base Nr. 2 Ballastless track slab prefabricating yard Nr. 3 Concrete mixing plant Nr. 31 Temporary transmission line km 163 Construction sites and camp Nr. 143 Temporary soil storage yard Hm2 71 Construction access road km 202 3.2 Engineering Analysis The purpose of engineering analysis is to analyze the project environmental settings, and the type, nature, and scale of project activities. Based on the engineering analysis, scoping and screening of project environmental issues are conducted. 3.2.1 Scoping and screening of environmental issues The project will result in environmental impacts during construction stage and operation stage as well. During construction, the main environmental issues include disturbance to ecological environment along the alignment, noise, vibration, wastewater, dust, solid wastes; during operation stage, the negative impacts include noise, vibration, and wastes. Social disturbance such as land take and resettlement and community severance are also potentially significant. Based on the nature of the environental and social issues, environmental settings and the sensitity, an screening matirx of environmental issues is developed, see Table 3-4 Table 3-4 Environmental Screening Physic-Chemical Environment Construction Stage Sewer Surface water Acoustic Vibration Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅰ Ⅰ Ⅱ -S -S -S Ⅱ -L -L -L -M -M -M Ⅱ Ⅰ -L -L -L -M -M -M Ⅱ -M -M -M -M -M -M Ⅰ +M +L +M +S +S Ⅲ +S Ⅰ +L +L +L +S +S Ⅰ Ⅲ -M -S -M -M -S -M -M -M -M +M -S -S +S +M Agricultur Forestry Local economy Ground traffic Waterway traffic Tourism landscape irrigation Ⅰ Livelihood Soil conservati Ⅰ Social Economic Environment Electroma gnetic Ambient air Vegetation Significance Land take and resettle Build access road / temp works Material storage and hauling Subgrage earth stone works Bridge / viaduct Subgrade protection House building Greening and landform Activities Significance Stage Ecological Environment Ⅰ Ⅰ Ⅰ -M -M -M -M -M -M +M +M +M Ⅱ Ⅱ -M -S -S -M -M -S Ⅱ Operation Stage reclaimation Spoils disposal Camp Train running Station Train preparation Domestic waste Ⅱ -M -M -M -S -S Ⅲ -S -S -S -S -S -S Ⅰ -L Ⅰ -M -M Ⅲ -S -S Ⅲ -S -S -S -L -L -S -M -S +S +M +L +L +L -S -S -S Note: Two types of impacts are indicated in the matrix 1. Incremental impact: + positive impact, - negative impact, L High Impact, M Moderate Impact, S Low Impact, Blank No Impact 2. Combined/Cumulative impact: I Significant Impact, II Moderate Impact, III Low Impact 3.2.2 Ecological environmental impacts Land Occupation Permanent land occupation of the project is caused by construction of subgrade, station/terminal, bridge/viaduct, culvert, tunnel portal. The total permanent land occupation of the project amounts to 1,416.27hm2. Permanent land occupation of the project will change functions of the original land, of which arable land is 903.20 hm2(63.8% of the total), woodland is 419.85 hm2(29.65% of the total). On the condition of satisfying technical criteria, bridge and viaduct scheme is maximized to reduce permanent land occupation as much as possible. Temporary Land occupation of the project is caused by borrow pit, disposal site, access road, and other temporary works. The total temporary land occupation of the project amounts to 534.78hm2. The porject construction activities, such as excavation and filling will cuase land occpation, vegetation clearance, damages to soils of irrigation facilities, and has the potential to result in degradation of soil conservation function and negative impacts to agricultural production in the regions along the line. Earth and Stone Works Total earth and stone works of the project amount to 4,111×104m3 , of which filling is 1437×104m3,and excavation is 2,675×104m3. Material balance will be achieved to the extent possible. The quantity for reuse is 951×104m3. Total total spoils is 1,723×104m3,of which 119×104m3 of top soils will be reused for revegetation. Eventually, 1,605×104m3 will be disposed of at spoil sites. Environmental impacts cuased by earth and stone works include Land clearance and preparation will result in damages to original natural landscapes and the biological environment, short-time exposure of earth’s surface and soil erosion. Embankment filling will result in excavation and filling of a large area of surface layer of the earth, soil erosion. In addition, construction and material hauling for embankment will cause dust and pollution to ambient air quality. Construction of embankment protection works, including drainage system, will cause flushing, damages to irrigation system and soil erosion. Material borrowing practices will cause loosening of land surface and soil erosion Spoil disposal practices will potentially cause soil erosion if not well managed. Bridge Works Bridge may change the natural hydrological conditions in river, valley, and channels, which will in turn cause flushing to river bed and bank and impede flood discharge. Bridge pier construction will generate spoils and wastes that may pollute river, farmland and accelerate soil erosion. Tunnel works There will be 9 double-line tunnels, with total linear meters of tunnels of 14,093m, accounting to 4.12% of the total length of the line. The burial depth of the tunnels of the line is rather shallow. The maximum burial depth of Houshishan Tunnel is about 130m and that of the other tunnels is less than 100m. Underground water in most of the tunnels are not developed, and no springs are found during the geological survey. Limited crevice water in the base rock is prevalent, which is mainly supplemented thorough natural precipitation. The potential impact of tunnel works is cut-off of ground water channel/layer, causing leakage and affecting water supply to people and plants on top of the tunnel. Tunnel wastewater, spoils and wastes, if not well managed, will pollute receiving water bodies. Soil erosion is another concern resulting from poor siting or protection of spoil sites. 3.2.3 Acoustic environmental impacts Noise sensitive sites such as residential areas and schools are distributed on both sides of the railway of the project. Train noise and construction noise will have impact on those objects. During construction, filling, compaction, pier building, material hauling, demolition and excavation, and vehicle are the major sources of noises. 3.2.4 Vibration impacts Vibration comes from bumping and abrasion of wheels against rails while the train is running, and the vibration is transmitted to buildings via sleepers, roadbeds, subgrades (or bridge structures) and the ground, causing the vibration of the buildings and impacts on residential houses. Apart from these, the project construction activities will have vibration impact on the neighboring buildings and residents passing through in the construction period. 3.2.5 Electromagnetic impacts When electric locomotive is running, pulse electromagnetic radiation with wide frequency band will be generated from instantaneous off-line in the course of sliding of the pantograph against the overhead line system, and this kind of radiation will have affect TV signal quality nearby. Meanwhile, high speed railway passing through overhead viaducts or high subgrade sections will have shielding and reflective effects TV signal nearby. Moreover, newly built traction substations will generate a power frequency magnetic field, and the newly built GSMR base station may have impact of electromagnetic radiation. 3.2.6 Water environmental impacts Domestic wastewater discharged from stations during operation has the potential to pollute receiving water body. As discussed earlier, bridge pier and tunnel construction and oils from machinery will potentially cause water pollution if not well managed. 3.2.7 Ambient air impacts Electric locomotive is adopted for traction in this line. There’s no emission of air pollutants from locomotives along the line. Fixed air pollution sources are new boilers at all the stations. Boilers use coal as fuel. Main pollutants are smoke dust and SO2. By design, desulphurization and dustremoval system will be installed to boiler to ensure emissions meet the national standards. Alternatively, old boilers will be replaced with environmental friendly ones. During construction, machinery, transportation vehicles, cooking and heating at construction camps will generate waste gas. Material hauling will cause dust. 3.2.8 Solid waste impacts The project is a passenger dedicated line. After it is put into operation, solid waste will come mainly from domestic garbage from working personnel, passengers waiting for trains and garbage from passenger trains. Fuel coal boilers will generate some slag. The slag can be used as building materials for road projects in a planned manner, which will not have great impact on the surrounding environment. Solid waste during the construction is mainly building solid waste and solid waste generated on the construction site, which, if not disposed of properly, may have an unfavorable impact on the surrounding environment. 3.2.9 Screening of Environmental Protection Objects Based on screening and scoping of environmental factors and impacts, ecological environment, acoustic environment, vibration and electromagnetic environmental are considered main environmental receptor or impacts of this project. Several types of environmental protection objects were identified during the environmental assessment process. These include: Ecological objects: land, basic farmland, vegetation, water resource conservation facilities, and biodiversity resources Noise protection objects: residential buildings, schools, hospitals, etc. , totaling 139; Vibration protection objects: residential buildings, schools, hospitals, etc. , totaling 88; Electromagnetic protection objects: residential buildings, etc., totally 85; Surface water protection objects: 10 rivers and the Yilan water source protection area; Social environmental protection objects: 4 cultural relics, land take and resettlement, etc. A complete list of these environmental protection objects is presented in Annex 2 and further analyzed later in the report. 4 Alternative Analysis 4.1 No project Scenario At present, there is no direct railway line between Harbin and Jiamusi. Railway transportation between the two cities uses existing Harbin-Bei’an line (BinBei Line, 325 km long) and SuihuaJiamusi line (SuiJia Line, 382 km long). The time required for travel is about 12 hours. Highway network plays a crucial role in the project regional transportation, including HaJia Expressway, YiHa Expressway (Harbin to Suihua), national highway G221 and G222. The continuous improvement of the above-mentioned major highways during the past years has increased the traffic capacity, running speed and service quality to different extents. The road transport is playing a more and more important role in the HaJia transportation function. The existing railway lines were originally developed 1920-1940’s. Though the two lines have been renovated, the service level and conditions is rather poor. On the other hand, the road traffic is heavily affected by weather conditions, notably in winter. The proposed project will be a major passage in the regional railway network. It connects the Harbin hub with Jiamusi hub, and links to Harbin-Dalian, Harbin-Qiqihar and Harbin-Mudanjiang DPLs. Hence, it will serve not only regional (northeast China) but also short-distance passenger travelling purposes. The targeted passengers mainly consist of the people with the purpose of tourism, business and visit of families. Without the proposed HaJia project, the increasing passenger and fright transportation demand would have to be met through widening of the existing highway network and construction of new high-grade highway, which will have large environmental footprint and social impact given its wider right-of-way. Furthermore, vehicles will have higher emission of air pollutants and green house gases, compared the railway for equivalent transportation capacity of passenger and freight, and poses higher risks of traffic safety in Chinese context. The proposed HaJia railway will substantially shorten the travel distance between Harbin and Jiamusi from 506 km to 342 km, and reduce the travel time from 12 to 2 hours. It is expected that once the HaJia line is open to traffic, the traffic system in this region will be greatly optimized, the restricted traffic demand will be released, and the passenger traffic volume will be increased in a faster manner. The faster and better traffic links will provide convenient conditions for the social and economic exchanges and the industrial cooperation. Through existing railway lines and planned railway lines, this HaJia Line will connect several ports in the eastern and western borders of the Northeast. In return, the development of foreign trade will increase the number of commercial and trade passengers. With the cooperation and exchange between port cities, the number of passengers between port cities and passing borders will be increased accordingly. The HaJia railway will significantly improve mobility and accessibility in the project area. During the construction and operation period, the supporting industries along the railway lines such as, building materials and the power industry will be stimulated, the quality of employment will increased, development of local economy will be accelerated, social resource allocation will be optimized, and sustainable development of regional social economy will be promoted. The proposed HaJia railway project will have adverse environmental and social impacts, while these impacts can be avoided, minimized, mitigated or otherwise adequately compensated through careful alignment selection to avoid environmentally and social sensitive sites and development of a strong environmental management plan. 4.2 General Alignment Selection During the project proposal and feasibility study, 4 general alignment schemes were studied, namely Songhua River South Scheme, Songhua River North Scheme, Songhua River North Existing Passage Scheme and Songhua River North Sraightening Scheme (Figure 4-1). Comparative analyses of these three corridors were carried out considering the main cities along the corridor, and other major aspects. As HaJia line is an inter-city line of relatively short length. The general alignment selection is the main alternative analysis step. The four general alignment schemes include: Songhua River South Scheme: 342 km, including 5 km existing line; 20 stations to be built. Songhua River North Scheme: 354 km, 8 stations to be built Songhua River North Existing Passage Scheme: 377 km, 10 stations to be built Songhua River North Sraightening Scheme: 326 km, including 6.7 km existing line, 7 stations to be built. Table XXX summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the four general alternatives considering environment, social, economic, technical, implementation readiness, and comatibility with pronvincial planning. Based on the comparison, the following conclsions are reached. The Songhua River North Straightening Scheme is shorter and straightest scheme. However, there are few economic hubs along the alignment, and many major construction works which are complicated and costly to build The Songhua River North Existing Passage Scheme will pass many economic hubs. The passenger lines and freight lines can be separated in this passage to improve the service quality, but in this passage there is already BinBei Line and SuiJia Line which can meet the basic passenger transport need along the lines. Meanwhile, this scheme can’t meet the passenger transport need of both sides of Songhua River, and its line is about 40 km longer than other schemes, which is disadvantageous in terms of travelling time and cost. In addition, the scheme will pass through Heilongjiang Jiajiao Wetland Nature Reserve, an environmentally sensitive area, and will cross Songhua River, so it’s not favorable from the point of view of environment protection. Songhua River South Scheme and Songhua River North Scheme will open a new transport passage. It is reasonable in terms of the railway network planning. Both schemes have the advantages of shorter length, simpler topography, less major works, more economic hubs along the line, better coordination with the local urban planning. Songhua River South Scheme has the advantages such as not crossing Songhua River, not crossing environment sensitive area, higher economic development level and passenger transport need along the line, compliance with the local government’s requirement for the alignment of the line, lower investment on project, less difficulty in project implementation. Therefore, the Songhua River South Scheme is the recommended general alignment scheme. Figure 4-1 General Alignment Comparison of the HaJia Line Table 4-1 Comparison of Four General Alignments Scheme 1. 2. 3. Songhua River South Scheme 4. 5. 6. 1. Songhua River North Scheme 2. 3. 4. Advantage It has the shortest length and journey time besides the straightening scheme. The line is in parallel with Tongsan Highway, in accordance with the requirement of local government for location of lines. The line is located in the coal chemistry industry planning zone which is one of the four industrial planning zones of Heilongjiang Province, in accordance with the industrial planning requirement of Heilongjiang Province. The line is in coordination with the planning of cities at the south bank of Songhua River, which helps the development of the cities along the railway line. The line will neither cross Songhua River nor pass by important environment sensitive regions, so it has no impact on the river traffic and flood control of Songhua River, satisfying the environment protection requirement. Few major projects along the line, which is easier for construction. There are two more major economic zones along this line than in Songhua River South Scheme. The line takes HaQi passenger line to connect Harbin Hub, avoiding the separation of the city. The demolition project scale is smaller and the construction is easier. The existing railway infrastructure can be well used. The line will pass by the north of Songhua River, which is helpful for the development of Hulan District of Harbin. The line is in coordination with the planning of cities at the north bank of Songhua River, which helps the development of the cities along the railway line. Disadvantage 1. 2. The line will cross Tongsan Highway for four times. The introduction of Harbin Hub will cause large scale house demolition project. 1. The new line is 7.24 km longer than that in Songhua River South Scheme requiring an extra investment of 4.42 billion RMB. The line passes by an environment sensible area which is Heilongjiang Jiajiao Wetland Nature Reserve. The line crosses Songhua River. 2. 3. 1. 2. Songhua River North Existing Passage Scheme 1. 2. 3. The line passes by some important economic areas such as Hulan District and Suihua City, which will help to attract passengers. The line takes Haqi passenger dedicated line to connect Harbin Hub, avoiding the separation of the city. The demolition project scale is smaller and the construction is easier. The existing railway infrastructure can be well used. The line is in coordination with the planning of cities along the line, which helps the development of these cities. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Songhua River North Straightening Scheme 2. 1. The line provides the shortest length and journey time. 3. 4. This line is the longest, 39.2 km longer than that in Songhua River South Scheme. The journey time is the longest. The orientation of the line is not in accordance with the industrial planning of Heilongjiang Province. The main economic development areas in the service scope of the line are overlapped with those along HaJia Line, which doesn’t help the development of other cities. The line passes by an environment sensitive area which is Heilongjiang Jiajiao Wetland Nature Reserve. The line will cross the forest areas in some sections. There are many major projects such as bridges and tunnels. The line will cross Songhua River, not in accordance with the current environment requirement for construction. The line passes by few economic development areas, which is not helpful for attracting passengers and developing local economy. The line passes by an environment sensitive area which is Heilongjiang Jiajiao Wetland Nature Reserve. The line will cross Songhua River twice and most of the line will cross forests and mountains. There are many major projects such as bridges and tunnels. The line will cross Songhua River twice, not in accordance with the current environment requirement for construction. 5. 6. The introduction of Harbin Hub will cause large scale house demolition project. The route of the line is not in accordance with the industrial planning of Heilongjiang Province. 4.3 Alternatives for sections and stations Field surveys were conducted along the Songhua River South scheme to identify environmental sensitive areas that could be potentially affected, including nature reserve, scenic area, forest park, geological park, source water protection area and cultural relics, as well as urban planning. There are 6 environmentally and social sensitive areas identified, including Qinghua Relics, Chang’an Ancient Town, Sino-Japan Friendship Forest, Qiaonan Relics, Mayi River Wetland Nature Reserve and Yilan County Drinking Water Source Protection Area. Various alternatives were studied and the final proposed alignment successfully avoided most of them. However, due to constraint on topography, alignment curve and the necessity to access Yilan county, the Class II zone of Yilan Drinking Water Source Protection Area will be impacted. Alternative alignments for various sections and terminal/stations have been extensively studied, during which a comprehensive comparison was conducted to choose the optimal scheme in terms of environmental and social impacts, technical feasibility, and financial and economic benefits. Consultation with local governments and relevant authorities of environmentally sensitive areas were conducted and fully incorporated into the alternative selection process. Several key sections alternative comparison processes were summarized below. 4.3.1 Comparisons of access lines to and locations of Jiamusi Terminal The HaJia Line ends at the city of Jiamusi. Two level of comparison was conducted during the feasibility study stage. Level I studies the access approach to Jiamusi, while Level II aims to study the optimal location of new east Jiamusi station based on the result of Level I comparison. Level 1 Study Access to existing Jiamusi station scheme: the HaJia Line will be connected to existing Jiamusi station. Newly built Jiamusi passenger station scheme: a new Jiamusi Station will be built at the boundary of city planning area. The access to existing Jiamusi station scheme was selected because due to the economics reason, as the newly built station will require development of a new green area, building a major bridge across the Songhua River (see Figure 4-2). Level 2 Study (CK325+000 [HaJia Line] ~ AK166 + 200[JiaTong Line]) The introduction of HaJia Railway into Jiamusi Station will cause the outward movement of local freight technical operation. A northern outer loop line for freight train will be constructed as per the general planning. Considering Jiamusi local passenger and freight transport system arrangement, existing equipment of East Jiamusi Station, renovation of JiaTong Line, discharging location of the long-term northern loop line for freight wagon, project of Jiamusi to JiaTong passenger link line, we compared the station location schemes including renovation of East Jiamusi Station, building East Jiamusi Station in new site and building new South Jiamusi technical operation station. The scheme comparison scope is shown in the schematic drawing of location of Jiamusi Local Technical Operation Station. (see Figure 4-3) Scheme I: Scheme of East Jiamusi Technical Operation Station New East Jiamusi Station is located in the west of the existing station, the TuJia Line will be renovated with parking yard and planned freight yard at one side of the existing line to facilitate the fetch/load operation on the dedicated line. The planned Jiamusi to JiaTong Passenger Line passes between the planned freight yard and tatinium sponge dedicated line through overhead track. The north loop line for freight wagons will cross the existing TuJia Line in the south of passenger car refitting site and at the throat section of the new EMU parking yard, and will get into East Jiamusi Station after discharging. JiaTong Line begins from the south end of East Jiamusi Station, not crossing Tongsan Highway, turns east at the north side of Tongsan Highway. See the schematic drawing of the location of East Jiamusi Technical Operation Station. Scheme II: Scheme of building East Jiamusi Technical Operation Station in a new site The new East Jiamusi Station will move southward compared with Scheme I. The south end throat area of the station is adjacent to the highway. The station is close to the existing line. The planned freight yard can use the free yard from Tatinium sponge factory to highway. Jiamusi to Jiatong passenger line passes between the parking yard and the planned freight yard through overhead track. The hump shunting track is located at the south side of the highway. JiaTong Line and TuJia uplink and downlink all use the existing archways in the bridge to cross the highway. Tujia uplink will cross JiaTong Line after discharging to reach East Jiamusi Station. The discharging of Tujia Line and JiaTong Line is located at the south side of the highway. Scheme III: Scheme of new South Jiamusi Technical Operation Station The new South Jiamusi Technical Operation Station will be built on the TuJia Line to the south of East Jiamusi. As the vertical section conditions of existing TuJia Line are bad between East Jiamusi Station and Changfatun Station, TuJia Line will be renovated, removing existing Changfutun Station and build a new South Jiamusi Station at the east side of Changfatun Station. The line between Jiamusi Station and South Jiamusi Station will be transformed to double-track. In the station, JiaTong Line will be connected with the JiaTong Main Line in the direction of Jiamusi. Comparison of the schemes Comparison of the 3 schemes is summarized in Table 4-2. The scheme of building new East Jiamusi Station in a new site is in accordance with the overall planning of the city and can meet the need of short-term and long-term operations. The railway infrastructure is concentrated, so it will occupy minimum of land. The titanium sponge factory is far away, so there is less noise and pollution interfering the station. The north loop line for freight wagons is in coordination with the planning of the city and easy to realize. There is no interference with the new parking yard. Scheme I requires the minimum of investment, but the long-term north loop line has big difficulties in realization. The discharging of JiaTong Line and TuJia Line will seriously separate the regions to the north of the highway and have big difficulty in realizing the longterm road planning of the city. Considering the water and soil conservation, the scheme of building new East Jiamusi Station will occupy the minimum of land, use the minimum of earthworks and have the minimum impact on the environment and water and soil conservation. Table 4-2 Comparison of East Jiamusi Station Scheme Scheme of building East Jiamusi Technical Operation Station in a new site Scheme of East Jiamusi Technical Operation Station Scheme of new South Jiamusi Technical Operation Station Length of line 53.917 55.064 65.671 Length of bridge 26995 38277 37874 Length of tunnel 0 0 3240 Occupied area 214.33hm2 211.79hm2 234.79hm2 Earthwork 5331550 m3 4722790 m3 6682460 m3 Farmland vegetation Farmland vegetation Type of occupied Farmland vegetation land and vegetation Compliance planning Evaluation impact environment 1.The line is in accordance with the overall planning of the city and meets the local 1.The north loop line is in accordance with the overall 1. The line is in accordance with the overall requirement of operation in short term and long planning of the city and meets the local requirement of planning of the city and meets the local term. operation in short term and long term. requirement of operation in short term and long 2.The station is close to the existing line and so 2.The station is close to the city. The fetch/load term. can well use the existing railway land. The operation on dedicated line is in short distance. 2. The north loop line for freight wagons is in planned freight yard can use the free space 3.The north loop line for freight wagons crosses the city coordination with the planning of city, reduce the with between tatinium sponge factory and the and causes a large scale house demolition project and scale of house demolition project and avoid the highway. MuJia New Passage crosses the have big impact on the existing enterprises and residents interference with the new parking yard. planned yard. Here the concentration of the along the line. 3.The existing tracks and equipment of East railway infrastructure helps to reduce the area of 4.The discharging of JiaTong Line and TuJia Line will Jiamusi Station can be kept and used for the local occupied land to minimum. The north loop line seriously separate the regions to the north of the industrial station. for freight wagons is in coordination with the highway and have big difficulty in realizing the 4. The station is far from city, so the planned planning of city, reduce the scale of house longterm road planning of the city. freight transport will be in long distance. demolition project and avoid the interference with the new parking yard. of This scheme requires more occupied land and This scheme requires minimum occupied land This scheme requires maximum occupied land and on earthworks, which has bigger impact on environment and earthworks, which has minimum impact on earthworks, which has maximum impact on and water and soil conservation. environment and water and soil conservation. environment and water and soil conservation. Figure 4-2 Access to existing Jiamusi Station Scheme (Recommended) Figure 4-3 Location of East Jiamusi Station 4.4 Analysis of the project’s compatibility with related planning 4.4.1 Analysis of coordination with railway network planning As per the Medium-term and long-term railway network planning of China (adjusted in 2008), Heilongjiang Province will build a railway passage between Harbin and Jiamusi to improve the railway network in East and Central regions. It will be an important part of North-East railway rapid passenger transport network and the extension of HaDa passenger dedicated line toward the North-East region of Heilongjiang Province. The project will reduce the time and space distance from Harbin to Jiamusi, even to Tongjiang, Shuangyashan and Hegang. It will become the most convenient passenger transport passage from the North-East region of Heilongjiang to Harbin and Inside Shanhaiguan Pass. Currently, the construction of HaDa and HaQi passenger dedicated lines has started. HaMu passenger dedicated line and MuJia new passage are under planning. After this project is built up, a rapid passenger transport network will be formed in Heilongjiang region and connect, through HaDa passenger dedicated line, with all the railway passenger dedicated networks. It permits the rapid passenger transport network to reach all the regions in Heilongjiang and extend the coverage radius of the rapid passenger network. This network will make full use of the impacts of passenger dedicated lines and meet the need for rapid intercity passenger transport along the railway lines. The realization of this project will greatly reduce the time and space distance between North-East to Harbin and Inside Shanhaiguan Pass, help to improve the development of Harbin city circle and accelerate the urbanization along the lines. The project is significant for pushing the win-win cooperation of North-East regions and accelerating the regional economic integration. See Figure 4-4 “Schematic Drawing of Medium-term and long-term railway network planning (adjusted in 2008)”. Figure 4-4 Schematic Drawing of Medium-term and long-term railway network planning (adjusted in 2008) 4.4.2 Analysis of coordination with local traffic and economic development planning At present, HaJia passage is attracting the passengers from the prefecture-level cities of Heilongjiang Province such as Harbin, Jiamusi, Shuangyashan, Hegang and Yichun. There is a frequent people flow and a great potential need for passenger transport. In 2007, the existing HaJia railway line transported 7.29 million people (in single direction), only after HaDa, ShenShan(QinShen) and HaQi lines in North-East regions. Table 4-3 Passenger flow density (in single direction) of existing HaJia line in different years (Unit: 10,000 people) Section 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Harbin-Suihua 506 537 532 511 505 525 558 512 769 628 693 729 Suihua-Nancha 325 361 330 309 298 287 341 298 362 388 427 453 Nancha-Jiamusi 235 265 235 232 228 214 257 215 407 295 331 347 The existing railway transport system are already not able to meet the need of the rapid development of regional economy. It is in urgent need to improve the railway transport capacity and quality. The realization of HaJia passenger dedicated line will bring breaking progress of the regional traffic infrastructure and it is significant for establishing and improving a modern comprehensive transport system which is unblocked and convenient and effectively combined with various modes of transport in the passage. The realization of this project will strengthen the economic links among the cities along the railways and help the mutual complementation and harmonious development of all the cities in capital, resources, technology and talents. It will have very deep impact on the realization of industry cluster, resources assignment and profound integration within the passage and become an important traffic passage with remarkable connecting impact within the region. In addition, this line passes by some regions with beautiful natural scenary in northern China style. But when the tourist economy is growing faster and faster, the tourism along the line is waiting for development due to the lack of the important engine of “convenient traffic”. The realization of this project will open a rapid transport passage in HaJia region for the tourists and reach the whole country by connecting with adjacent passenger dedicated networks. It will greatly help to develop the tourist resources along the railway to attract the tourists and make the regional tourism greater and stronger. The forecast annual passenger flow density on HaJia passenger dedicated line is given in Table 4-4. Table 4-4 Forecast of passenger flow on HaJia passenger dedicated line(in single direction) Unit: 10,000 people Passenger flow density (10,000 people) Sections Year 2020 Year 2030 Total Intercity Long distance Total Intercity Long distance Harbin-Binxian 1717 837 880 2328 1039 1289 Binxian-Fangzheng 1635 755 880 2237 948 1289 Fangzheng-Yilan 1584 704 880 2172 883 1289 Yilan-Jiamusi 1528 648 880 2097 808 1289 Consequently, this project will greatly push the development of local traffic and economy and is in coordination with the traffic and economic planning of the cities along the line. 4.4.3 Analysis of coordination with the planning of the cities along the line Coordination with overall planning of Harbin Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province, a famous historical and cultural city, a modern center city in the north of North-East China in economy, politics, trade, science and technology, information, culture and tourism. The population in city center is 3.47 million and the overall city planning forecasts 4.60 million till 2020 (1.1 million in the north of Songhua River). The spatial layout is an open city spatial structure with multiple centers described as “One river, two cities (south of river and north of river), nine groups, eighteen clusters”. The future city spatial development strategy is “to develop North(north of Songhua River, both banks of Hulan River), to expand West(Qunli and Haxi New Area), to extend South(develop bungalows), to optimize East(maily industry), to improve Center(commerce, trade, finance, information, conferences and exhibitions) and to communicate with outside”. In the project, the line begins from Harbin Station. The existing Binjiang Line and Jiangnan Line are rebuilt till Taiping Bridge. The new line passes a corner of the planned Thermal Power Plant of Harbin, goes northward and then turns to east. The project uses the existing Binjiang Line to connect Harbin Station so as to reduce the cutting of the urban area. The project is in accordance with the overall planning of Harbin city, harmonious and compatible. The Urban and Rural Planning Bureau of Harbin agreed on the itinerary of this line in Harbin with Haguicheng[2010]No.53 document – Report of opinions about the selection of location of the Harbin urban section of HaJia passenger dedicated line. Figure 4-5 Sketch map of the planned HaJia railway project and overall planning of Harbin Analysis of coordination with overall planning of Bin County It is planned to build Bin Countyinto a major industrial function area of Harbin. Production and manufacturing, recreational tourism, special agricultural trade and transport are the main town functions of Binxian District. The planned HaJia railway project passes by the north of urban area of Bin County(not introduced into the existing areas). According to the overall planning of Binzhou Town of Bin County(2006-2020) – Land Development Planning, this area is classified as Level-4 and Level-5 control area and planned for the purpose of Level-3 housing land as well as commercial, financial and warehouse purpose. So the existing areas of the city will not be separated, the pollution sources for ecological system and noise will not be expanded. The boilers in the station are in accordance with the emission regulation and the sewage of station is treated by the Sewage Treatment Plant. So the planned project doesn’t have big interference with the overall planning of Binxian District. In addition, the planned project passes by the Level-3 housing land. We propose that the noise and vibration reduction measures shall be taken when this housing land is put into construction in the future. Figure 4-6 Sketch map of the planned HaJia railway project and overall city planning of Binxian District Analysis of coordination with overall planning of Fangzheng As per the Overall city planning of Fangzheng (2004-2020), the nature of Fangzheng Town is the political, economic and cultural center of the district, an ecological garden city specialized in green food, deep manufacturing of forest products and tourism. The planned HaJia railway project passes by the north of Fangzheng but does not reach the planned urban area, about 2.5 km away from the District. Fangzheng city overall planned area is located in the south of the planned railway project. So the planned project has not big interference with the overall city planning of Fangzheng District. See Figure 4-7. Figure 4-7 Sketch map of the planned HaJia railway project and Fangzheng city overall planning Analysis of coordination with overall city planning of Yilan County According to the overall planning of Yilan County, the urban area of Yilan is concentrated in the north of Songhua River, between Woken River and Mudan River near Songhua River. The south and southwest of Yilan County is planned for industrial and warehouse purpose. The planned HaJia railway project passes by the south-west corner of Yilan County. According to the overall planning of Yilan, this area is part of the warehouse land. The project will not cause new split of the urban area and will not expand the pollution sources for econology and noise pollution. The boilers in the station are in accordance with the emission regulation and the sewage of station is treated by the Sewage Treatment Plant. Consequently the planned project is in accordance with the overall planning of Yilan County. See Figure 4-8. Figure 4-8 Sketch map of the planned HaJia railway project and overall planning of Yilan Analysis on coordination with overall planning of Jiamusi The planned project will cross Tongsan Highway atill the reserved New Jiamusi Station. Then the line will go along the reserved passage in Jiamusi city till the destination of the existing Jiamusi Station. The planned HaJia railway project will pass by the south of the planned urban area of Jiamusi by means of Jiamusi Great Bridge, and turn northeastward at Wanfatun and go along the existing railway line. This project will not cause new split of the urban area. The areas along the line is the passage reserved to railway, so it will not cause new split of the urban area and will not expand the pollution sources for econology and noise pollution. The boilers in the station are in accordance with the emission regulation and the sewage of station is treated by the Sewage Treatment Plant. Consequently the planned project is not in conflit with the overall planning of Jiamusi. In the Jiaguicheng[2010]No.12 document – Demand for opinion on the preliminary selection of location for Harbin-Jiamusi railway passenger dedicated line project, Jiamusi Planning Bureau indicates that the HaJia passenger dedicated line project is located within the scope defined by the overall planning of Jiamusi. The nature of project, location of stations, itinerary of the line are in accordance with the related requirements of the overall urban planning. Figure 4-9 Sketch map of the planned HaJia railway project and overall planning of Jiamusi 4.5 Summary of the alternative analysis In this design stage, the concept of environment protection is always in our mind during the whole design procedure of the project. When we select the route schemes, we tried to avoid and reduce the impact on the environment sensible areas along the line in order to ensure the environment feasibility of the route. After investigating the environment sensible areas within the route selection scope, the line avoids the important econological and social environment sensible areas along the line such as Mayi River Wetland Nature Reserve (9km away from the border of experimental zone of the Reserve), Qinghua Ancient Ruines, Changan Old City, Sino-Japanese Friendship Garden, Qiaonan Ancient Ruines. But limited by the conditions such as topography, radius of curve and the need of introducing Yilan County into the scope, the project will still cross the Level-2 Reserve for the source of drinking water of Yilan County. According to the function of this railway passenger dedicated line, the spatial layout of Jiamusi and the distribution of the economic development areas of Binxian, Fangzheng and Yilan, the itinerary of this line is reasonable from the point of view of economic development areas. The line is in coordination with the planning of the cities along the south bank of Songhua River and helps the development of the cities along the line. The line is in parallel with Tongsan Highway, which is in accordance with the requirement of local government for the location of the line. The line will not cross Songhua River, so it has small impact on the traffic and flood protection of Songhua River. The line will not passes by important econology sensible areas and cultural relic protection units. In brief, the route is reasonable. 5 Environmental Baseline 5.1 Natural Environment 5.1.1 Landform HaJia Railway is located in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province. The topography along the railway line is mainly alluvial plain, low mountains and hills. From Harbin to Binxian is mainly the alluvial plain of Songhua River, from Binxian to Jiamusi mainly hills. Jiamusi is located in the northern edge of Sanjiang Plain at the altitude of 100m ~500m. Alluvial plain Low mountains and hills 5.1.2 Hydrology and river system Groundwater Because of different types of topography and sedimentation along the railway line, there are various types of groundwater. In the river valley flat area near Songhua River, Mayi River, Feiketu River and Mudan River accumulate stratums of Pleistocene series, upper Pleistocene series and Holocene series. As there isn’t stable aquiclude between stratums, a unified quarternary system of water-content rock formation was formed to conserve the pore water. The flood plain of the river has thicker watercontent layer with loose granules, good water permeability and strong watery. The water inflow per well is 1000~5000 m3/d and the buried depth of the groundwater level is not deep. The supply and drainage both depend on the river. The groundwater level is normally 2.0~50.3 m underground. In the hills area are distributed a large area of granite, Metamorphite series and sedimentary rocks where the bedrock fissure water is mainly conserved. The supply is from atmospheric precipitation. The groundwater level is buried very deep at about 11.0~38.5 m underground. The water level in some concave section is buried more superficial at 2.3~3.6m underground. Surface water The water system along HaJia railway line belongs to Songhua River water system. In Songhua River South Scheme, there are several larger rivers such as Mudan River, Woken River, Mayi River, Big Luomi River, Small Luomi River, Demoli River and Feiketu River. In Songhua River North Scheme, there are several larger rivers such as Hulan River, Piao River, Shaoling River, Mulanda River, Baiyangmu River, Chalin River, Wulahun River, Xibei River, Dagudong River, Xiaogudong River, Balan River and Tangwang River, and many medium and small rivers and irrigation canals criss cross. Now we describe the main rivers passed by the project as follows: Ashi River Ashi River basin is located at the south bank of Songhua River. Ashi River is the first-level tributary of Songhua River, originating from Jianshan Rock of Maoershan Town of Shangzhi, flowing through Shangzhi, Wuchang, Acheng, Harbin, and flowing into Songhua River near Harbin Cement Plant. Main stream of Ashi River is totally 213 km long with a river basin area of 3581 km2. Ashi River develops a good river system and have many tributaries. Its main tributaries include Liushu River, Liangjia Channel, Fanjia Channel, Huaijia Channel, Small Yellow River, Dongfeng Channel, Dashitou River and Haigou River. Ashi River is a mountain river with rich water yield in summer but frozen and almost cutoff in winter. The ice period is from mid-November to the first third of April of the next year. This project is located at the tidal mouth of downstream of Ashi River. This section of river becomes zigzag from Xiaosanjiazi and is naturally divided into two branches eastward and westward at Huangjiaweizi below the entrance of Dongfeng Channel. They cross four bridges at Hatong Road and Cement Plant Road and flow into Songhua River respectively. The levee of both banks of the tidal mouth section is the backwater dyke. The distance between the dykes of both banks is 2.5~3.0 km. The discharge rate of this river section when the water rise to the same level as the banks is 551m3/s. For the sections above the backwater dyke of Songhua River, the flood stage at 20-year frequency of the section with dyke is close to the top of dyke, while the flood will be overbank at the section without dyke. The flood stage at 50-year frequency is at the same level as the roads along the banks and the main irrigation canals. The flood protection standard of the banks of backwater dyke section of Songhua River is higher: the Huagong Dyke of left bank can resist a flood of Songhua River at 50year frequency, while the Dongfeng Dyke of right bank can resist a flood of Songhua River at 20-year frequency. There are many industrial and mining enterprises along Ashi River, so a lot of industrial waste water flows into the river, which causes serious water pollution. The downstream tributaries of Ashi River, where the vegetation is in bad condition, are mostly intermittent rivers. The sources of some rivers are even the drainage of the factories. Within the bridge section, the centenary flow rate of the catchment area of Ashi River is 2037 m3/s. Feiketu River Feiketu River is the first-level tributary at the right bank of Songhua River, originating from northeast of Diaoshui Lake Ridge, its river basin at the north end of Zhangguangcai Mountain Range, its upstream splitting with Ashi River in north-south direction. From the source, it flows northward to Linglong Mountain and turns to northwest, then flows westward slowly at Erlongshan Reservoir, then turns to northwest again after Binxi and flows into Songhua River at Tangfang Laoshantou. The area of river basin is 1057 km2, of which 887.15 km2 in Binxian. The center line of the river is 78.6 km long, and the straight line is 67.6 km long. The larger tributaries of Feiketu River include: Dasheli River, Xiaosheli River at left bank, Deyuanheng Channel, Dijuzi Channel, Tangfang Channel, Shuiquan Channel at right bank. In dry season, this river has little runoff, but there are many runoff in spring and summer flood periods. Figure 5-1 Position of Erlongshan Reservoir, Tongsan Highway and railway bridge Erlongshan Reservoir is located at upstream of Feiketu River, in south of HaTong Road, 6 km from Binxian. The basin area controlled by the Reservoir is 275.5 km2, reservoir capacity is 94 million m3. The standard of the Reservoir is designed for resisting flood of 50-year frequency, corrected as per the resistance to flood of 500-year frequency. It is a comprehensive and adjustable reservoir mainly for irrigation and flood control and combined with fish-farming and electricity generation. Binzhou River Binzhou River is a tributary of Hailihun River, originating from north of Beishan Mountain Rocks. The controlled river basin area at the railway bridge is 37.61 km2. It is 13.8 km long. Its centenary flow rate is 133.77m3/s. The tributary of Binzhou River at CK161+300: upstream basin area at the bridge location is 9.2 km2, and flow rate is 52.07m3/s Hailihun River It originates from Hailihun Mountain of Datong Village of Xinli Town. It flows through four counties which are Xinli, Binzhou, Niaohe and Minhe and flows into Songhua River at Bin Village of Minhe Town. Hailihun River is totally 43.3km long and the river basin area is 326 km2. Its main tributaries include Binzhou River and Jiangshuidian Channel. The controlled basin area within the bridge section is 83.4 km2 and 18.9 km long. Its centenary flow rate is 228.07m3/s. Mashe River Mashe River originates from Gaotai Village of Sanbao Town. It flows through four towns which are Sanbao, Binan, Jingjian and Xindian and flows into Datong River at Xinmin Village of Binan Town and then into Songhua River. Mashe River is totally 33.3km long and its river basin area is 344 km2. Its main tributaries include Erdao Channel, Toudao Channel, Kongxin Channel, Yuanbao Channel, Caishen Channel and Xiaosanxing Channel. The controlled river basin area within bridge section is 119.08 km2 and 14.3km long. Its centenary flow rate is 289.54 m3/s. Jiaban River Jiaban River is totally 53.5 km and its river basin area is 950 km2. Its main tributaries include Hengdao River, Tangshi River, Chaoyang River and Shidong River. The controlled river basin area within bridge section is 511.73 km2 and 39.5 km long. Its centenary flow rate is 769.03 m3/s. Taoqi River Taoqi River originates from Taiping Mountain of Shengli Town of Binxian. It flows through two towns Shengli and Xindian and flows into Songhua River at Yuquan Village of Xindian. Taoqi River is totally 47.7 km long and its river basin area is 311.3km2. Its main tributaries include Heimalu Channel, Chengqianglazi Channel, Luoquan Channel, Hama Channel. The controlled river basin area within bridge section is 169.94 km2 and 24.6 km long. Its centenary flow rate is 367.44 m3/s. Mayi River Mayi River originates from the southeast side of Hufeng Ridge of Laoye Mountain in Shangzhi District at the north end of Wandashan Mountains. Its trunk stream gathers several steams from the mountains and flows through Shangzhi District and Yanshou District. It gathers Daliushu River at 49.3 km from the river mouth and goes into Fangzheng District with Yanshou District at right bank. It flows northeastward along the border of Yanfang District and gathers Dongliangzhu River from right hand at 32 km from the river mouth. The two rivers flow into Fangzheng District. Its trunk stream flows toward northeast and gathers Tongzi River from left and Shitou River from right at 25 km from the river mouth, then it gathers Huangni River from right at 20km from the river mouth, cross HaTong Road, finally flows into Songhua River in the east of Xinsheng Village of Tianmen Town and in the west of Laolonggang of Songnan Town. The river is totally 341 km long, in which 49.3km is in Fangzheng District. The total river basin area is 10727 km2. The tributaries include at left bank Shitou River, Huangni River, Weisha River, Niannu River, Liangzi River, Xiliushu River, Dongliushu River, Taipingchuan River, Daliushu River, Tongzi River, and at right bank Dahuangni River, Shitouhezi River, Wujimi River, Dongliangzhu River, Shitou River and Huangni River. Lianhua Hydrologic Station of Mayi River is located at 20km upstream from the river mouth. The controlled river basin area is 10425km2. At medium and high water level, the maximum width of water surface is 260~1900m, maximum depth of water is 2.6~6.0m, maximum flow speed is 1.3~2.2m/s. At low water level, the maximum width is 145m, maximum depth is 1.3m, maximum flow speed is 1.1m/s. According to the documents collected from Harbin Hydrologic Station, the centenary flow rate at Lianhua Hydrologic Station is 6520m3/s. The historic maximum flood flow rate is 4060m3/s and the corresponding flood level is 100.18m. The frequency of flood is every 30 years. Daluomi River Daluomi River originates from north side of Zhangguangcai Mountain and flows from south to north. It flows into Songhua River at 1km from west of Daluomi. Its total length is 42km and the river basin area is 491km2. Its main tributaries include Xiangshui River, Dazhujuan River, Yaochuan River (Xiaohuangni River). Xiaohuangni River, called Yaochuan River too, is a tributary of Daluomi River. Its total length is 19km and its river basin area is 81km2. It flows into Daluomi River at 2km upstream from the river mouth of Songhua River where it gathers Daluomi River. Xiaoluomi River Xiaoluomi River originates from north of Zhangguangcai Mountain. The altitude of river source is 560m and the altitude of river mouth is 121m. It flows from south to north and flows into Songhua River at 1km south to Dagaoleng and 3km downstream from the railway bridge. Its total length is 52km and its river basin area is 419km2. Xiaoluomi River crosses mountains and its tributaries are small. Its main tributary is Wugu River. The river basin area upstream from the bridge is 412km2, 49km long and the centenary flow rate is 682.44 m3/s. Figure 5-2 Layout of Songhua River, Daluomi River, Xiaohuangni River, Xiaoluomi River Mudan River Mudan River is a larger tributary at right bank of downstream of Songhua River. It originates from Mudan Ridge of Changbai Mountain and flows from south to north through Dunhua, Ningan, Hailin, Mudanjiang, Linkou, Yilan, and flows into Songhua River at Yilan County of Heilongjiang Province. The total length of Mudan River is 725km and the area of river basin is 37600km2. The shape of river basin is like a band in south to north direction and crossing Jilin Province and Heilongjiang Province. The river is located at 127°32′-130°45′E and 43°00′N. There are many high mountains but few flat in the river basin. The mountains represent 89% of the total area and the flat 7.7%. The land is higher in the south and lower in the north, distributed between 300 and 1100m altitude. The average altitude of the river basin is 528m. The river basin is near Muling River in the east, Tumen River in the south, Zhangguangcai Mountain, Lalin River and Mayi River in the west, main stream of Songhua River in the north. Mudan River is a mountain river flowing through the band of valley between Zhangguangcai Mountain and Laoye Mountain. The topography changes greatly: narrow valley upstream and U valley downstream, width between 400-500m. There are 7 larger tributaries: Sha River, Zhuerduo River, Mayi River, Hailang Rier upper than Mudanjiang city, Wuhulin River, Sandao River and Wusihun River lower than Mudanjiang city. The tributaries are distributed evenly at both sides of the main stream. This project is located at 1km from where Tongsan Highway crosses Mudanjiang Great Bridge. The span of the river at the location of bridge is about 500m. The section of the river is in U form and there is cobble river bed and scouring phenomenon. The main channel bends at the location of bridge. There is running water but no plant in the main channel. Cobble river bed with a coefficient of roughness of 0.026. The flood plain is about 150~300m wide, normally no water, maximum average depth of water about 4m. There are arable land, sand quarrying pit and flood control forest. The soil is sandy soil with a coefficient of roughness of 0.06. At right bank of the river is a flood dam in soil texture. The top of dam is about 6.5m wide where can pass large-scale sand truck. The centenary flow rate is 14670 m3/s. The flood control project of Mudan River mainly consist of a reservoir project and a levee project. There are now in Mudan River basin 28 large, medium and small reservoirs, in which 3 large reservoirs, 6 medium ones and 19 small ones. The existing medium and small reservoirs are mostly reservoirs with problems or risks which are useless for the flood control of the main stream. Among the large reservoirs, Huashuchuan Reservoir is in risk and its control area is only 505km2, so it’s useless for controlling the flood of downstream. Jingbohu Reservoir plays certain adjusting role to the medium and small flood, but has little adjusting impact on big flood. Lianhua Reservoir has no flood control capacity, so it discharges all the flood of below 50-year frequency, but has little adjusting impact on the flood of 50-year frequency and above. The levee of the main river channel crossed by Mudan River Great Bridge is the backwater levee of Mudan River. Woken River The area of river basin of Woken River is 11630km2 in which the area of main stream is 6242km2. Woken River is first-level tributary at right bank in the middle of Songhua River. It is located in the east of Heilongjiang Province and originates from northwest of Wanda Mountains, composed by many small mountain streams and springs. It flows into Songhua River at 1km east to Yilan County. The river is 305km long, the average gradient is 0.59% and the river channel bending coefficient is 1.5. The tributaries of Woken River are densely distributed. The tributaries at right bank are larger, including Wajinbie River, Qibahuli River, Songmu River, etc. The tributaries at left bank are smaller, including Qiezi River, Qitai River, Xiaowuzhan River, Nianzi River, Lianzhu River, Jixing River, etc. There are about 16 tributaries with an area of river basin above 100km2. The river bed of the main stream and the tributary are dissected superficially. The river channels are mostly in groove profile and are wide and superficial. The main river channel is in obvious ladder shape wide of 80m, deep of 0.5m with scouring phenomenon. There is running water but no plant in the main channel at the location of bridge. The river bed consists of stones and mud. The coefficient of roughness is 0.026. At the side of shorter milage, the flood plain is 100m wide, normally no water, maximum depth of water is 3m, there are arable land and sand quarrying pit. The soil is sandy soil with a coefficient of roughness of 0.06. At the side of longer milage, there is dense vegetation which are grassland and forest. At the location of bridge, the river channel bends and the bridge is located at the turning of river channel. The centenary flow rate of the river at the position of bridge is 3660m3/s. The main stream and the tributary of Woken River Basin will be frozen in winter and become frostbound before and after January. The documents collected from Woken Station (1961-2006) show that in drift ice period, maximum water level is 130.02m and minimum water level is 128.19m. Songhua River Songhua River is one of the seven large rivers of China. It has two sources in south and north. Its northern source is Nenjiang River originating from Yilehuli Mountain of Daxinganling. Its southern source is the second Songhua River originating from Tianchi of Changbai Mountain of Jilin Province. The two rivers flow together at Sancha River and are called Songhua River. Songhua River flows eastward till the border between China and Russia and into Heilongjiang Province. Nenjiang River is 1370km long while the second Songhua River is 958km long. Songhua River is 939km long. Songhua River flows through Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Province. It is 920km long from east to west, 1070 km wide from south to north. The area of river basin is 542000km2 representing 44.8% of the total area of North-East region. Songhua River is wide and superficial river in plain. There are many distributaries, sandbanks and flood plains in the center of river. The river network at both banks of the main stream is very developed with a lot of tributaries. From the mouth of convergence, from above down, the tributaries at right bank include Lalin River, Mayi River, Mudan River and Woken River, and at left bank include Hulan River and Tangwang River. This railway line is in the territory of Fangzheng, at south bank of Songhua River. Their distance is the shortest at this position. In the territory of Fangzhen, the main stream of Songhua River flows from west to east till 2km north-west to Liuhe Village, Xinan Township of Fangzheng District. It flows through the northern borders of the five townships which are Xinan, Tianmen, Songnan, Yihantong and Daluomi and enters into Yilan County at Shahezi Coal Mine of Daluomi Township. The length of Songhua River within Fangzheng District is 114km. There are Wangjianglou Pier, Fangzheng Port, Gaoleng Pier and Shahezi Port Office at the river banks in Fangzheng. The land at upper end and lower section of the river bank is higher. The middle section is the alluvial plain delta of Mayi River. The bank is convex. It forms a concave bank at Daxingtun at the upstream and Demoli of Yihantong River at downstream. Songhua River is open every year in the middle to the late April and closed late of November. It is open to navigation in unimpeded period. The upstream connects Tonghe, Mulan, Bayan and Harbin. The downstream connects Yilan, Jiamusi, Fujin and Tongjiang. There are frequently passenger and merchandise vessels coming and going to transport passengers and woods, coal, etc. It is an important water passage to connect Fangzheng with outside. Tonghe Hydrologic Station is located at left bank in the middle section of Songhua River within Fangzheng District. According to the record of Songhua River’s hydrology between 1935 and 1985, when the Songhua River is at middle and high level at this station, the maximum width of water surface varies between 1500 and 5500 m, the maximum depth of water 7.3~10.4 m, the maximum flow speed at 1.2~1.7m/s. During dry season, the maximum width of water surface is 500mm and the maximum depth of water is 2.4m. The characteristics of the main rivers along the railway line are given in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 Characteristics of main rivers along railway line Mileage of railway line River Centenary flow rate Centenary water level Designed flow rate m3/s m m/s CK3+600-CK5+600 Ashi River 2037.0 116.57 2.57 CK36+520.00 Feiketu River 1400.19 145.007 2.95 CK66+736.50 Hailihun River 228.07 151.725 2.63 CK81+580.00 Mayi River 289.54 136.738 3.10 CK90+743.60 Jiaban River 769.03 140.298 2.86 CK163+770.00 Mayi River 6520 112.710 2.07 CK201+250.00 Daluomi River 526.9 10.381 1.23 CK206+450.00 Xiaoluomi River 682.44 104.981 2.26 CK249+550.00 Mudan River 14670 101.802 4.13 CK254+230.00 Woken River 3660 99.992 2.97 Note: The rivers above-mentioned in the table are mainly those whose centenary flow rate is above 200m3. The centenary flow rate of other rivers are all very small, so not described here. The photos of the main rivers along the railway line are shown below: Ashi river Halihun River Mayi River Jiaban River Taoqi River Xiaohuangni River Mudan River Demoli River Xiaoluomi River 5.1.3 Daluomi River Feiketu River Woken River Meteorological Characteristics This region belongs to temperate zone with humid continental climate. The area that the railway line passes by is controlled by artic continental air mass in winter, so it is freezing and dry. In summer it is affected by subtropical maritime air mass, so the climate is hot and rainy. In spring and autumn, due to the alternative winter monsoon and summer monsoon, the climate is variable. In spring, there are a lot of gales, little precipitation evaporating fast and frequent drought. In autumn, cold wave often attacks this area with sudden drop of temperature and frequent frost injury. It is classified as severe cold area according to the classification of climate zone affecting railway projects. As the temperature drops fast in winter, the moisture content forms the zone of accumulation. In spring, the temperature increases slowly, so the infiltration of moisture content is not easy, which is unfavorable to the strength and stability of the roadbed. So the depth of fill of the roadbed shall be ensured to avoid ice accumulation and expanding of the ground water in winter and the roadbed shall meet the frost resisting requirement to avoid the disasters such as ice expanding and water seepage. The principal meteorological factors of the main cities along HaJia Line such as Harbin, Binxian, Fangzheng, Yilan and Jiamusi(1979~2008) are given in Table 5-2. Table 5-2 Principal meteorological factors of weather station City Harbin Binxian Fangzheng Yilan Jiamusi 39.2 36.6 36.8 37.8 38.1 Mensal extreme low temperature -37.7 for years(℃) -35.7 -38.6 -36.1 -39.5 Mensal average temperature for 4.7 years(℃) 5.3 4.2 4.3 4.3 Average relative humidity for years(%) 64 62 71 68 65 Average precipitation for years(mm) 537.5 504 532 488.2 469.3 Average evaporation capacity for 1454 years(mm) 1524 1117.9 1272.3 1106.1 Maximum depth of snow(cm) 24 30 50 42 45 Average wind velocity for years(m/s) 3.1 3 2.9 3.5 2.7 24.7 21.7 23 33 25.5 SW WNW SW WSW SW Item Mensal extreme high temperature for years (℃) Maximum wind velocity(m/s) and wind direction for years Most frequent wind direction for SW、S、 WNW、 years SSW SSW SW、WSW SW、WSW SW、WSW According to the meteorological documents(1979~2008) and investigation documents, the maximum frozen depths of the soil along the railway line are classified in Table 5-3. Table 5-3 Table of classification of the maximum frozen depths of the soil along the railway line Section Maximum frozen depth (m) BJCK0+000~CK256+000 2.05 CK256+000~CK338+600 2.20 5.1.4 Formation lithology and geologic structure Formation lithology The exposed stratums along the railway line include Quaternary Holocene series artificial accumulative formation(Q4ml), Quaternary Holocene series alluvium(Q4al), Quaternary Holocene series alluvium(Q4al+pl), Quaternary upper Pleistocene alluvial proluvial stratum(Q3al+pl), Quaternary upper Pleistocene talus-pluvial stratum(Q3dl+pl), Quaternary mid Pleistocene alluvial proluvial stratum(Q2al+pl), Quaternary mid Pleistocene talus-pluvial stratum(Q2dl+pl), late Tertiary (E) mudstone, sandstone, Cretaceous upper series(K2) tuff, lower series(K1)mudstone, sandstone, conglomerate, Jurassic mid series(J2) basalt, Proterozoic(Pt) gneiss, griotte and intrusive rock of Yanshannian Period(γ5) and Variscan Period(γ4). The stratums are described as follows: Quaternary system(Q) ①Holocene series artificial accumulative formation(Q4ml) is mainly composed by miscellaneous fill and plain fill. ②Quaternary Holocene series alluvium(Q4al) is mainly composed by silty clay, rough angle gravelly soil and rough round gravelly soil. It is distributed in the riverbed, flood plain and first-level terrace at both sides of Songhua River and its tributaries. It is the alluvial deposit of the river. ③Holocene series alluvium(Q4al+pl) is mainly composed by silty clay, clay, silt, fine sand, medium sand, grit and gravel sand. ④Upper Pleistocene talus-pluvial stratum(Q3dl+pl) is mainly composed by silty clay, clay, silt, fine sand, medium sand, grit, gravel sand, fine round gravelly soil, rough round gravelly soil, fine angle gravelly soil, rough angle gravelly soil, cobbly soil. It is distributed in the second level terrace at both sides of Songhua River and its tributaries. ⑤Quaternary upper Pleistocene talus-pluvial stratum(Q3dl+pl) is mainly composed by silty clay and clay. ⑥Mid Pleistocene alluvial proluvial stratum(Q2al+pl) is mainly composed by silty clay, clay, silt, fine sand, medium sand, grit and gravel sand. It is distributed in the third level terrace at both sides of Songhua River and its tributaries. ⑦Quaternary mid Pleistocene talus-pluvial stratum(Q2dl+pl) is mainly composed by silty clay and clay. Late tertiary system(E) ①Dingshancun Fm (Eds) is mainly composed by mudstone, sandstone, conglomerate. It is distributed in Binxian. ②Tertiary Dalianhe Fm (Edl) is mainly composed by mudstone. It is distributed in Dalianhe Township. Cretaceous system (K) ①Upper series (K2) is mainly composed by tuff. It is distributed between Yilan and Jiamusi. ②Lower series (K1) is mainly composed by mudstone, sandstone and conglomerate. It is distributed in Binxian at right bank of Songhua River and in the eastern mountains area of Binxian. Jurrasic mid series (J2) Basalt: tawny, weakly weathered, cryptocrystalline texture and blocky structure, 0~>3m thick. Scattered distribution. Proterozoic(Pt) Gneiss >10.0m thick and mainly distributed in the east of Woken river. Yanshannian Period(γ5) Granite: tawny, fleshred, completely weathered ~ highly weathered, granular structure, blocky structure, core in form of sand, fragment, short column, normally 10~20cm long, thickness of layer >10m. It is mainly distributed in the rolling terrain along the railway line from Binxian to Fangzheng. Scattered distribution of diabase. Variscan Period(γ4) Granite: tawny, brown yellow, taupe, fleshred, completely weathered ~ weakly weathered, 0~46.7m thick, mainly distributed in the mountains along the railway line from Fangzheng to Yilan. Geologic structure The geologic structure movement along the railway line is intense, frequent and complex, affected by multiperiodic structure movement. It is preliminarily divided into eastward and westward structure systems, Cathaysian structure system, Neocathaysian structure system, Cathaysoid structure system, southward and northward structure systems and northward and westward structure systems. The geologic structure in this area is mainly rift structure. The larger fracture zone are as follows: Songhua River Fault (F1): It is distributed along the valley of Songhua River and divided into two parts. The first part is mainly the normal fault dipping steeply to the north. The geologic structure characteristics of two sides of the faultage are different. The north side accept a large area of Quaternary coverage, while the south side forms a banding concave in parallel with the river body or abrupt bank. The basement is widely exposed, mainly in Harbin ~ Fangzheng. The second part is mainly the reverse faultage of subtwisted nature constituting rift of the trunk of the east branch of Yishu graben. It is covered by very thick illuvial horizon and has no relationship with and no impact on the railway line. Beilidong-Zhendong Fault (F3): It begins from Beilidong and extends to north west by 300°. Total length is about 60km. This faultage is a normal fault formed by tension impact and steeply invading north east. It has no relationship with and no impact on the railway line. Shengli-Huifa Fault (F4): It is distributed in east-west direction through Shengli and Huifa. The strong invasion forms a large area of granite. Triangular section and steep rock of the northern rift appears from time to time. There are normal faults along the rift line such as vein rock, well, etc. It passes by CK146+000 and is coverd by Quaternary stratums. It has little impact on the construction of the railway. Dongliangzhu River Fault (F5): It passes by Jiaxinzi, Zhonghetun, nearly south-north direction, length >76km, and triangular sections of rift appear along both banks of Dongliangzhu River. It passes by CK161+000 and CSK158+000, covered by very thick illuvial horizon, so has little impact on the construction of the railway. Demoli Thrust Fault (F6): It is an insidious fault of 17km long. It moves over a long period. The Variscan gabbro body invades along the fault. In late geological time, due to the continuous movement of this fault, the north part descended relatively and accumulated the silty clay and silt of Quaternary upper Pleistocene. It passes by CK194+000, covered by the Quaternary stratums, and has little impact on the construction of the railway. Daluomi Fault (F7): It is distributed in Daluomi and extends to north east by 20°, 24km long. Daluomi River generates along the fault. It passes by CK198+000, covered by the Quaternary stratums, and has little impact on the construction of the railway. Chenjialiangzi Oblique Thrust Fault (F8): It is distributed from Gaoleng to Suliantun and extends to north west about 75km. It passes by CK205+000, covered by the Quaternary stratums, and has little impact on the construction of the railway. Sifengshan Reservoir Fault (F9): It is distributed in Sifengshan Reservoir, 17km long, extends to north west and inclines to north east. No visible relief characteristic. It is a reverse fault. It has no relationship with and no impact on the railway line. Zhaoyang Village Fault (F10): It is distributed in Paoziyan to Jiangongcun, 40km long in east-west direction. It is a series of discontinuous piedmont faults causing the visible border between mountain and plain. It passes by CK335+000, covered by the Quaternary stratums, and has little impact on the construction of the railway. Jusheng Fault (F11), Upland Fault (F12): They are distributed in Jusheng and 372 Upland. Jusheng Fault is 11km long, while Upland Fault is 4.5km long. They both incline to north east and are normal fault. They pass by CK320+000 and CK323+000 and cross each other in a big angle. They have little impact on the construction of the railway. Electrician Bureau Farm Fault(F13): It is distributed in Fruit Tree Farm to Electrician Bureau Farm in north-east direction and inclines to north west, 10km long. It is in relief a modern river valley and a shift fault. It has no relationship with and no impact on the railway line. 5.1.5 Seismic parameters As per Annex A of Regionalization Map Chinese Earthquake Dynamic Parameters (GB18306~2001) and combined with the field investigation and engineering setup, the acceleration of the dynamic peak value of earthquake along the railway line is classified as follows: Harbin to Jiamusi: the acceleration of the dynamic peak value of earthquake is 0.05g (basic earthquake intensity is Grade VI). 5.1.6 Unfavorable Geology and special rock and soil Loose and soft soil In the project scheme, there exist loose and soft soil including silty clay and clay. Silty clay and clay: grey black, tawny, charcoal grey, grayish yellow, light grey, molliplast~fluidal plastic, containing rusty spot. It is mainly distributed in the surface layer of the earth’s surface, 2.0~23.0m thick. See Table 5-4 for detailed sections. Table 5-4 Loose and soft soil section table Scheme Mileage distributing section CK11+000~CK12+305.96 CK16+392.54~CK18+396.06 Route scheme CK23+137.7~CK23+681 CK24+191.06~CK27+502.7 CK28+528.5~CK31+167.7 CK39+906~CK48+500 CK166+674~CK168+654 Filling soil There is generally fill along the line, mainly including plain fill, miscellaneous fill, filled soil, etc. As the different filling years, various filling methods and different material sources, the variation of thickness, content and compactness is important. The filled soil is distributed in the existing roadbed and composed by silty clay with more homogeneous soil texture and better engineering geological conditions. Plain fill, tawny, molliplat~stiff-plastic, mainly composed by silty clay filled with a few of plant roots. It scatters around the towns and villages. Miscellaneous fill, light grey, black grey, mixed color, moist, mainly composed by silty clay and life waste. It is mainly distributed around the towns and villages. Swelling rock (soil) The mudstone of lower Neogene series and lower Cretaceous series between Harbin and Dalianhe as well as the completely weathered tuff of upper Cretaceous series between Gaolimao and Jiamusi have weak to medium expansibility. The side slope shall be moderated during excavation section and the fill in cutting foundation bed shall be exchanged. In the new station scheme, existing Jiamusi to East Jiamusi scheme and other scheme, the local silty clay has medium~strong expansibility. The side slope shall be moderated during excavation section and the fill in cutting foundation bed shall be exchanged. The depth of excavation shall be controlled. Seasonal frozen earth Along the railway line are severe cold regions. There is a layer of seasonal frozen earth on the surface layer of the ground, thick of 2.2m. It begins freezing every year from the last third of October and reaches the maximum freezing depth in mid-March. 5.2 Social-economic Environment 5.2.1 Regional economic characteristics This project is located in Heilongjiang Province, connecting Harbin hub in the west and through Harbin hub linked to HaDa and HaQi passenger dedicated lines under construction and planned HaMu passenger dedicated line and related existing lines. It is connected to Jiamusi in the east. It is an important part of Heilongjiang High Speed Railway Network. It passes by Harbin and Jiamusi of Heilongjiang Province. Harbin Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province, a modern center city in the north of North-East of China in terms of economy, politics, trade, science and technology, culture and tourism. Its whole area is 5.3×104km2. Its total population is 9.874 million by the end of 2007. In 2007, it realized a regional GDP of 243.68 billion RMB, an increase of 16.4% compared with the precedent year. The ratio of the three industries is 14.3:37.0:48.7. GDP per capita is 24768 RMB. Harbin is rich in mineral resources. 63 minerals have been discovered, in which 25 types have been verified for industrial purpose. In which 20 minerals take important position in Heilongjiang Province, including coal, natural gas, copper, zinc, wolfram, molybdenum, iron pyrite, smelting crystal, serpentinite, arsenic, stones for construction, mineral water, etc. Harbin has particular tourist resources, reputed as “Oriental Paris” and “Oriental Moscow”. There are many historic landmarks and sites such as Dragon Tower, Flood Protection Monument, Confucious Temple, Jile Temple, Saint-Sophia Church, Central Avenue of Russian culture, Former Residence of Xiaohong, Shangjing Huining Mansion of Jin Dynasty and more than 500 human and natural landscapes. They, together with Jingbo Lake, Five Volcano Pools and Zhalong Nature Reserve, constitute a distinct and particular tourist place in the North of China. The industrial production of Harbin keeps growing fast. In 2007, the total industrial output is 214.88 billion RMB, an increase of 16.7% compared with the precedent year. The agricultural production grows steadily. In 2007, Harbin realized a total agricultural output of 50.69 billion RMB, an increase of 6.3% compared with the precedent year. Its total grain output is 975×104t, oil output of 1.2×104t, beet output of 2.3×104t, vegetable output of 194.2×104t. By 2020, after realizing the objective of building a well-off society in all aspects, Harbin will realize the modernization, with a GDP of 850 billion RMB and a GDP per capita of 8300 USD. Bin County The total area is 3845km2. The total population by the end of 2008 is 620000 and the natural rate of growth of population is 4.41‰. It has jurisdiction over 17 towns including 10 nations: Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Miao, Zhuang, Korean, Dong, Yao and Xibe. In 2008, Binxian realized a GDP of 11.12 billion RMB, an increase of 16.9% compared with the precedent year. In which, the primary industry realized an added value of 2.61 billion RMB, an increase of 7.0%. The secondary industry realized an added value of 4.95 billion RMB, an increase of 20.1%. The tertiary industry realized an added value of 3.56 billion RMB, an increase of 20.7%. The ratio of the three industries is 23.5:44.5:32. The GDP per capita is 17821 RMB, an increase of 16.1% compared with the precedent year. It realized the general budget revenue of local public finance of 260 million RMB, an increase of 21.1% compared with the precedent year. The total industrial output is 16.60 billion RMB, an increase of 17.9%. The total fixed investments are 4.49 billion RMB, an increase of 31.7%. The total social retail goods is 2.85 billion RMB, an increase of 22.3%. The disposable income per capita of urban residents is 8938 RMB, an increase of 14.0% compared with the precedent year. The net income per capita of farmers is 5501 RMB, an increase of 19.8%. Fangzheng The total area is 2969km2. By the end of 2008, the total population is 220000. It has jurisdiction over 8 towns. There are 17 national minorities living here, representing 2.5% of the total population. In 2008, it realized a GDP of 2.38 billion RMB, an increase of 20.2% compared with the precedent year. In which, the primary industry realized an added value of 840 million RMB, an increase of 16.7%. The secondary industry realized an added value of 590 million RMB, an increase of 34.0%. The tertiary industry realized an added value of 950 million RMB, an increase of 15.9%. The ratio of the three industries is 35.3:25.0:39.7. It realized the general budget revenue of local public finance of 130 million RMB, the total industrial output of industrial enterprises of 610 million RMB, an increase of 54.2%. The total fixed investments are 1.17 billion RMB, an increase of 50%. The total social retail goods is 1.16 billion RMB, an increase of 23.3%. The disposable income per capita of urban residents is 7573 RMB, an increase of 20.6%. The net income per capita of farmers is 5782 RMB, an increase of 20.0%. Yilan County The total area is 4616km2. By the end of 2008, the total population is 400000. It has jurisdiction over 9 towns. There are 17 national minorities living here, representing 5.9% of the total population, most of whom are Manchu, Hui and Korean. In 2008, it realized a GDP of 5.21 billion RMB, an increase of 15.6% compared with the precedent year. In which, the primary industry realized an added value of 1.63 billion RMB, an increase of 9.7%. The secondary industry realized an added value of 11.89 billion RMB, an increase of 18.5%. The tertiary industry realized an added value of 2.00 billion RMB, an increase of 17.8%. The ratio of the three industries is 31.5:30.3:38.2. It realized the general budget revenue of local public finance of 230 million RMB, an increase of 30.9%. The total industrial output of industrial enterprises above designated size is 11.89 billion RMB, an increase of 14.2%. The total fixed investments are 2.87 billion RMB, an increase of 45.2%. The total social retail goods is 1.50 billion RMB, an increase of 24.4%. The disposable income per capita of urban residents is 10031 RMB, an increase of 25.6%. The net income per capita of farmers is 5949 RMB, an increase of 19.8%. Jiamusi Jiamusi is located in the heart of Sanjiang Plain where Songhua River, Heilong River and Wusuli River join gather together. It is the center of economy, culture, traffic, science and technology of north east of Heilongjiang Province and the largest comprehensive center city. Its total area is 32700 km2. There are 5 open ports of national first level, two international passenger and merchandise transport passage from Tongjiang and Fuyuan to Russia and a golden water channel joined by river and sea connecting the countries in Asia-Pacific. It’s very convenient for the trade with Russia. Its total population is 2.505 million. There are 7 districts in its jurisdiction. In 2007, it realized a GDP of 50.754 billion RMB. The ratio of the three industries is 39.4:18.2:42.4. Jiamusi is rich in mineral resources. There are 50 minerals explored and verified such as iron, manganese, titanium, copper, aluminum, zinc, etc. It has distinct tourist resources including Russian frontier travel, “First sentry in Orient”in Wusu Township of Fuyuan, folk custom of Nanai nationality, Tangyuan Daliangzi River Forest Garden, etc. With the ownership of Heixiazi Island and its future development, Jiamusi will become an important breach for the development of tourism. The industrial economy of Jiamusi operates at high speed and efficiency. As the old industrial basis of China, its industrial system is complete with solid industrial foundation. There are over 20 sectors such as mechanical and electrical, paper making, medicine and chemical, foods, textile, etc. There are a lot of large and medium size key enterprises known in the whole countries in paper making and motor production field. Its equipment manufacturing industry such as large-size agricultural machines, large-size coal mining equipment and large-size electrical equipment is in a leading position in Chinese and international market. In 2007, the enterprises above designated size have realized a total industrial output of 126.48 billion RMB. Jiamusi possesses rich resources and products. It is located in the heart of Sanjiang Plain, one of the world’s three largest black soil plains. With 22 million mu of arable land, it’s the main development zone of Sanjiang Plain and an important marketale grain basis of the country, abound in grain crops such as soy bean, rice, corn, wheat, etc. In 2007, its total grain output is 722.3×104t and its total agricultural output is 11.59 billion RMB. According to the planning of Jiamusi, by 2020, its total GDP is expected to be more than 120 to 140 billion RMB with an average annual increase of more than 11%. The GDP per capita is expected to reach 6000 USD and the people will enjoy higher and more comprehensive well-off life level. The ratio of the three industries will be adjusted to 15:40:45. The main economic indices of the cities along the railway line are given in Table 5-5. Table 5-5 Main economic indices of cities along railway line in 2007 Indices Unit Harbin Jiamusi Total Area of land 10000 km2 5.3 3.27 8.57 Total population 10000 people 987.4 250.5 1237.9 GDP 100 million RMB 2436.8 507.5 2944.3 100 million RMB 347.7 200.1 547.8 92.5 995.1 100 million RMB 1186.5 215 1401.5 RMB 20259 Primary industry In which Secondary industry 100 million RMB 902.6 Tertiary industry GDP per capita 24768 Total agricultural output 100 million RMB 506.9 115.9 622.8 Total industrial output 100 million RMB 2141.8 1264.8 3406.6 Total grain output 104t 722 1697 Social retail goods 100 million RMB 1035.9 120.4 1156.3 5.2.2 975 Traffic and transport situation and reality of passenger carrying capacit HaJia passenger dedicated line is surrounded by convenient traffic system which has formed a solid transport network involving water, road and air as well as a large international sea and river combined transport passage. Railways In HaJia passage, the existing railways related to Hajia Railway include BinBei Railway, SuiJia Railway, TuJia Railway, JiaFu Railway, etc. In 2007, on the section of Harbin to Suihua in this passage were running 24 pairs of passenger trains, 16 pairs from Suihua to Nancha, 15 pairs from Nancha to Jiamusi. This railway line, together with Hada passenger line, HaQi intercity line, HaMu passenger line, will constitute a rapid passenger traffic network in north east region to improve the passenger and merchandise transport system capacity of 3-longitudinal-4-horizontal railway network of north east region. Road The main modes of transport in HaJia passage include highways like HaJia Highway, YiHa Highway(Harbin to Suihua) and national highways G221 and G222, etc. Civil aviation Along HaJia line there are Harbin Airport and Jiamusi Airport. During the last years, with the rapid development of economy and growth of life level, the passenger traffic volume by civil aviation increases fast. In 2008, Heilongjiang Airport Group Corporation realized a passenger throughput of 5.41million person-time, a merchandise throughput of 60000t. In which, Harbin Airport realized 4.98 million person-time and 58000t of merchandises; Jiamusi Airport realized 110000 person-time and 226t of merchandises. The passenger and merchandise throughput represents 94.09% and 97.04% respectively of the total throughput of Heilongjiang Province. Water transport Harbin Port is one of the eight biggest river ports of China and also the largest river port in north east. Its river lines cover Songhua River, Heilong River, Wusuli River and Nenjiang River and connect some ports in Russia and Far-East. Through the river sea combined line, the ships can go out of Dada Strait and go up to Japan, North Korea, South Korea and South East Asia. Now there are one passenger port (Beiqidao Street, Daowai District) and one merchandise port (Sankeshu, Taiping District). Every summer, there are passenger liners running from Harbin to Jiamusi by Songhua River. 5.2.3 Cultural property Cultural property survey was conducted for roject alignment by entrusting local archeological institutes, combined with consultation with local cultural property management authorities/general public and field survey during EA preparation. In total 4 cultural property were identified, and the alignment was shifted to avoid all of them. The location of thse cultural properties is shown in Table 5-6. Table 5-6 Cultural property along the alignment Name Location Qinghua relics Bin County of Harbin Chang’an ancient twown Sino-Japan Friendship Forest Qiaonan Relics Bin County of Harbin Fangcheng County of Harbin Yilan County of Harbin Level Provincial Level Provincial Level Provincial Level Provincial Level Relation with the railway alignment 2km out of control boundary 3km out of control boundary 3km out of control boundary 200m out of control boundary 6 Impact Assessment of Ecological Environment 6.1 Forecast and Evaluation of impact on ecological environment 6.1.1 Impact analysis of land occupation on land use and mitigation measures Impact analysis of permanent land occupation on land use The permanent occupation of lands by the project includes subgrades, station yards, bridges and culverts, tunnel inlets and outlets. The permanently expropriated lands by this project line totals an area of 1416.27 hm2, including cultivated lands of 903.20 hm2 (paddy fields of 45.92 hm2 and dry lands of 857.28 hm2), accounting for 63.77%, orchards of 7.59 hm2, accounting for 0.54%, forest lands of 419.85 hm2, accounting for 29.65%, ponds of 8.24 hm2, accounting for 0.58%, lands for construction of 42.63 hm2 (including house site), accounting for 3.01% and other lands of 34.75hm2, accounting for 2.45%. Including stations and relevant facilities, the permanently expropriated lands averagely cover an area of 4.21 hm2 per kilometer. The classification and quantity of permanent occupation of lands in the project refers to Table 5-3-1. Table 6-1 Classification and quantity of permanent land occupation Unit: hm2 Cultivated Areas City County and District Total Daowai Gar den Plot s Subt otal Pad dy Fiel ds Dry Lan ds 66.7 9 56.4 9 0.2 7 56.2 2 2.49 A’chen g 116. 94 105. 70 105. 70 0.30 Bin 413. 64 281. 11 1.7 8 Fangzh eng 268. 18 109. 05 Yilan 293. 45 Veget able Plots For est Lan ds Past ure Lan ds Pon ds Oth er Lan ds 1.7 4 Lands for Constru ction 6.07 1.78 4.0 4 279. 33 128. 16 0 4.37 43. 76 65.2 9 157. 72 0.9 2 0.49 174. 68 0.1 1 174. 57 113. 18 0.1 4 5.44 1159 .0 727. 03 45. 92 681. 10 2.79 400. 85 6.8 4 2.4 1 19.07 257. 27 176. 17 176. 17 4.80 19.0 0 1.4 32. 33 23.56 Total 257. 27 176. 17 176. 17 4.80 19.0 0 1.4 32. 33 23.56 Total of the Whole line 1416 .27 903. 20 45. 92 857. 28 7.59 419. 85 8.2 4 34. 75 42.63 Percentage % 100 63.7 7 3.2 4 60.5 3 0.54 29.6 5 0.5 8 2.4 5 3.01 Har bin Total Jiam usi Subur bs Unu sed Lan ds 2.4 1 2.71 The permanent land occupation will change the original use function of land, wherein the cultivated lands cover an area of 903.20 hm2, accounting for 63.77%; and the permanently occupation of lands averagely cover an area of 2.64 hm2 per kilometer. The forest lands cover an area of 419.85 hm2, accounting for 29.65%. The occupied basic farmlands along the whole line cover an area of about 767.72 hm2, accounting for 85.0%. It is estimated by the yield per unit area of the cultivated lands from each city along the line (By 5000 kg/hm2) that the local grain yield caused by railway construction is reduced by about 3836.5t/a. The permanently occupation of lands in the project will slightly impact the land utilization pattern of regions along the line; and the expropriated lands will reduce the quantity of agricultural lands per capita and the agricultural output aiming at related towns and villages, thereby having an adverse impact on agricultural production. Impact analysis of temporary land occupation on land use The temporary land occupation include borrow pit, Spoil ground, construction roads, large-scale temporary facility sites, Construction buildings and the like which totally cover an area of 534.78 hm2. The respective floor areas are shown as follows: Spoil ground of 217.78 hm2, construction roads of 85.38 hm2, beam construction and storage yards of 123.40 hm2, Prefabrication site of ballastless track slab of 25.20 hm2, concrete mixing plant of 29.00 hm2, temporary power lines of 7.34 hm2, construction sites of 22.68 hm2, Temporary residue piling yards in tunnel of 3.20 hm2 and Construction buildings of 20.80 hm2. Refer to Table 5-3-2. Table 6-2 Classification and Quantity of temporary land occupation Unit: hm2 Cultivated Lands Forest Lands Pond Uncultivated s Lands Total Spoil ground 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Construction roads 5.91 2.22 0.00 1.11 9.23 Beam construction yards 12.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.32 0.12 0.00 0.06 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.60 1.60 Temporary residue piling yards in 0.00 tunnel 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Construction buildings 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.80 Subtotal 21.57 2.34 0.00 3.57 27.47 Spoil ground 65.70 2.40 0.00 9.78 77.88 Construction roads 16.27 6.10 0.00 3.05 25.43 Beam construction yards 37.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.02 Prefabrication site of ballastless track 8.40 slab 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.40 Concrete mixing plants 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 Temporary power lines 1.30 0.49 0.00 0.24 2.03 Construction sites 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.32 5.32 Temporary residue piling yards in 0.00 tunnel 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 Construction buildings 0.00 0.00 4.80 4.80 City and County Prefabrication site of ballastless track 0.00 slab Harbi Concrete mixing plants n Temporary power lines Construction sites Bin 0.00 Subtotal 135.69 8.99 0.00 23.59 168.27 Spoil ground 5.48 9.61 0.00 59.21 74.30 Construction roads 15.28 5.73 0.00 2.87 23.88 Beam construction yards 12.34 12.34 0.00 0.00 24.68 Prefabrication site of ballastless track 8.40 slab 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.40 Concrete mixing plants 6.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 zheng Temporary power lines 1.44 0.54 0.00 0.27 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.60 7.60 Temporary residue piling yards in 0.00 tunnel 0.00 0.00 1.60 1.60 Construction buildings 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 8.00 Subtotal 48.94 31.22 0.00 79.55 159.71 Spoil ground 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.47 51.47 Construction road 12.24 4.59 0.00 2.29 19.12 Beam construction yard 12.34 24.68 0.00 0.00 37.02 Ballastless track slab recasting yard 8.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.40 Concrete mixing plant 4.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 7.00 Temporary power line 1.00 0.38 0.00 0.19 1.57 Construction site 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.84 5.84 Temporary tunnel slag piling yard 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.80 Construction building 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.60 5.60 Subtotal 37.98 31.65 0.00 67.19 136.82 Spoil ground 0.00 7.18 0.00 6.95 14.13 Construction road 4.95 1.86 0.00 0.93 7.73 Beam construction yard 12.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.34 Ballastless track slab recasting yard 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.63 0.24 0.00 0.12 0.99 Construction site 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.32 2.32 Temporary tunnel slag piling yard 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 Construction building 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.60 1.60 Subtotal 20.92 9.27 0.00 12.32 42.51 71.18 19.19 0.00 127.41 217.78 Fang Construction sites Yilan Jiamu Concrete mixing plant si Temporary power line Total Spoil ground Construction road 54.65 20.49 0.00 10.25 85.38 Beam construction yard 86.38 37.02 0.00 0.00 123.40 Ballastless track slab recasting yard 25.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.20 Concrete mixing plant 23.00 5.00 0.00 1.00 29.00 Temporary power line 4.70 1.76 0.00 0.88 7.34 Construction site 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.68 22.68 Temporary tunnel slag piling yard 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.20 3.20 Construction building 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.80 20.80 Total 265.11 83.46 0.00 186.21 534.78 Percentage 49.57% 15.61% 0.00 34.82% % 100.00 % (1) According to engineering design, the temporary land occupation cover an area of 534.78 hm2, mainly dry land (265.11 hm2). As a matter of railway construction experience, the foundation of beam storage yards are generally larger in dimension, with serious hardened earth and difficult to recover after construction. (2) The track laying bases and the material plants which are shallower in operation and are easy to manage may impact local vegetations in case of mishandle, thereby reducing the cultivated lands and reducing the vegetation coverage rate. (3) Consider arranging the access roads for major projects, borrow earth pits and spoil pits, material storage yards and other construction sites during the construction of the temporary roads in the project design. Totally arrange construction access roads with a length of 202 km in the whole line, including newly-built double lanes with a length of 28.20 km, newly-built single lanes with a length of 149.01 km, rebuilt double lanes with a length of 11.30 km and rebuilt single lanes with a length of 13.49 km, which all cover a total floor area of 85.38 hm2. (4) The project, which is mainly excavated, is required to respectively excavate and borrow the earth of 485.8×104 m3 and 1604.57×104 m3 except for the use of partial excavations, and the borrow earth pits and spoil pits cover an area of 217.78 hm2. As the water and soil loss are easily produced on borrow earth pits, spoil pits and construction roads, the occupied lands will be largely damaged in absence of protection. Mitigation measures (1) Increase the proportion of the bridges during the scheme selection providing that technical conditions are satisfied; and ensure that the bridges along the main line have a full length of 172,862.60 m, which accounts for 50.54% so as to reduce the quantity of the permanent land occupation as much as possible. Earth and rock engineering should be implemented on principle of reasonable allocation by means of cut to fill as well as full use; and make the best of earthwork from cutting excavation, temporary project and bridge & culvert so as to reduce the earth from borrow pit and spoil pit. These measures can remit the contradiction between railway construction and land resource protection. (2) After field investigation and negotiation with county governments along project line and according to railway construction requirements and local actual situation, design company decided that all earth required by this project will be purchased . 12 borrow pits selected for this project are all existing stone pits. Recover low vegetation coverage rate by adopting the measures of reinforcing the protection during the construction and the vegetation recovery after earth excavation and the like after earth excavation to a certain degree as the vegetation is slightly impactd during the earth excavation; and recover or improve the ecological environment within a certain time. (3) Arrange the borrow pits on the low lands with sparse vegetation so as not to impact the agricultural production and the vegetation in the local. Meanwhile, protect the project and the plants well; and give priority to farmland building and re-cultivation on the earth discarding fields under adequate conditions. (4) Give priority to permanent and temporary combination in the temporary project and utilize the expropriated permanent lands and the used urban lands within the existing sites or the areas as much as possible so as to reduce the newly occupied lands. Ensure that all the arranged temporary material plants use the existing stations along the Binzhou line; and arrange 2 track-laying bases at the Xinxiangfang station in Harbin and the Jiamusi station along the line; and utilize the freight yards in Xinxiangfang and the rebuilt parking lots in Jiamusi so as not to newly increase the temporarily occupation of lands. (5) Continuously use a small amount of construction access roads taken as the rural roads as the rural road network nearby the project is relatively prefect, and plant trees on two sides so as to green and beautify the environment; recover other construction access roads to be the cultivated lands after the whole lands are tilled and turned or recover the vegetations; recover the original land utilization type and plant undershrubs. (6) Peel 30-cm-thick surface earth before use in the temporary project for the occupied lands and recover the vegetations after use. (7) According to the laws and the statutes, etc. regulated in the “Land Administration Law of the Peoples Republic of China”, the “Regulations on the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the Peoples Republic of China”, the “Measures for the <Land Administration Law of the Peoples Republic of China> implemented by Heilongjiang Province” and the like, let the Employer be responsible for supplementing the cultivated lands in case that the lands are occupied by the project; pay the cultivated land reclamation fee in case that the cultivated lands can not be reclaimed under some conditions and let the unit capable of supplementing the cultivated lands implement the cultivated land supplementing obligation; and let the Provincial Land Administrative Department inspect and accept the supplemented cultivated lands. Pay the land compensation fee, the relocation subsidy, the young crop compensation fee and the like for land requisition for recovering and improving the expropriated farmers’ living standard. Table 6-3 Regulations on Compensation of expropriated lands Regulations Land compensation fee Relocation subsidy Attachment and young crop compensation fee Calculate by 4-5 times of Calculate by 3-5 times of average output per mu in the average output per mu in the former five years as for the former five years as for the Compensate by the “Measures for the requisition of the basic standard on relocation subsidy value and the <Land farmland; and calculate by 3-4 of farmers required to be practical loss of Administration Law times of average output per mu relocated and ensure that the attachments; and of the Peoples in the former five years as for relocation subsidy does not compensate by the Republic of China> the requisition of the general exceed 10 times. Ensure the output per mu in implemented by farmland. Additionally regulate relocation subsidy of animal the current year as Heilongjiang by the Autonomous Regional husbandry people required to be for the young crop Province” People's Government as for the relocated during the grassland compensation fee requisition and the requisition to be higher than the appropriation of grassland and standard on the relocation forestland compensation fees subsidy of farmers. (8) Basic farmland protection scheme Modify the overall land utilization planning according to the document approved by the State in case of changing the overall land utilization planning of the lands for the construction of large-scale energy sources, traffic, water resource facilities and other infrastructures approved by the State Council according to the regulations in Article 26 of the “Land Administrative Law”. Through estimate, the project will cover a basic farmland area of 767.72 hm2 along the line. Because the Employer has no condition to reclaim new cultivated lands, the compensation for the occupied basic farmlands and the occupied cultivated lands will be implemented according to the regulations in the relevant laws and policies from the State and Heilongjiang Province so as to ensure unchanged quantity of the local basic farmlands. Implement the following processes according to the relevant regulations in the “Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland” as for the expropriated permanent farmlands: Transacting the approval process on agricultural land transfer Implement the basic farmland protection system. According to the regulations in Article 44 of the “Land Administration Law of the Peoples Republic of China” and Article 15 of the “Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland”, transact the approval process on agricultural land transfer with the approval of the State Council if the project can not avoid the basic farmland protection area from the view of site selection and must occupy the basic farmlands as well as the agricultural lands are required to be transferred to be the lands for construction. Paying the cultivated land reclamation fee According to the regulations in Article 16 of the “Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland” that the land occupying unit is responsible for reclaiming the cultivated lands which are equivalent to the occupied farmlands in quantity and quality according to the principle of "Reclaiming the same amount of occupied lands” in case of occupying the basic farmlands approved by the State Council; and if the land occupying unit has no condition to reclaim or the to-be-reclaimed cultivated lands does not comfort to the requirements, he should pay the cultivated land reclamation fee according to the regulations from provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to reclaim the new cultivated lands, it is preferred that the cultivated land reclamation fee is paid as the Employer is difficult to reclaim the equivalent cultivated lands in quantity and quality due to deficient standby land resources along the line; the quantity of the basic farmlands occupied by the subgrade should be subjected to that affirmed by the local at the next stage; and an equivalent number of cultivated land reclamation fees should be paid. Disposal for basic farmland cultivated horizon According to the requirements in Item II, Article 16 of the “Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland” that the basic farmland occupying unit should ensure that the earth from the occupied basic farmland cultivated horizon is used for the earth improvement of newly-reclaimed cultivated lands, poor lands or other cultivated lands according to the requirements of the local people's governments at or above the county level, move and transport the 30-cm-thick cultivated horizons on the surfaces of the basic farmlands to the right place during the construction in coordination with the local government; transport the earth from the cultivated horizons to the borrow pits for piling if necessary; and let the Local People's Government use the earth for the earth improvement of newly-reclaimed cultivated lands, poor lands or other cultivated lands. Basic farmland protection plan Seriously control and protect the cultivated lands, in particular to the basic farmlands as the land is non-renewable and is taken as the primary resource of national economy and social development and the elementary condition of social and economical development. Seriously implement the cultivated land protection policy, in particular to the basic farmland protection policy and carry out the cultivated land and basic farmland compensation system. According to the regulations in Article 31 of the “Land Administration Law of the Peoples Republic of China” that the State should carry out the cultivated land compensation system, the Employer should fulfill the occupying-supplementing balance for the occupied basic farmland during the evaluation so as to balance the quantity and the quality of the occupied and the supplemented cultivated lands. Implement the measure that the basic farmlands are evenly occupied and supplemented. Insist on the guideline of increasing income and reducing expenditure and greatly excavate the potential of standby cultivated land resources. Formulate the following basic farmland compensation plan during the evaluation through field investigation: ① Agricultural land consolidation: The land consolidation includes both agricultural land consolidation and non-agricultural land consolidation. The agricultural land consolidation is carried out in combination with low-and medium-yield farmland upgrade and farmland capital construction; and a great deal of low-and medium-yield farmlands are distributed in hilly areas where the project passes through. For example, a great deal of low-and medium-yield farmlands in the hilly areas in Fangzheng and Yilan Counties can be developed and reclaimed. ② Non-agricultural land consolidation: The non-agricultural land consolidation refers to the development and the consolidation of villages in the agricultural land, barren hills, barren ditches, barren hillocks, barren wastes and other odd and waste lands so as to increase the effective utilization area of the cultivated land and other agricultural lands, improve the land output and improve the important measures of ecological environment. The agricultural land consolidation can be combined with the comprehensive agricultural development so as to consolidate the lands belonging to one production unit but enclosed in that of another in the agricultural lands, the bad lands, the land barrier factors and other bad conditions according to the sequence of easy first and difficult then step by step, area by area and plot and plot. ③ Land development and reclaim: It can be realized through developing the easy-to-cultivate wild grassland and other lands during the planning according to the practical situations of standby land resources from each city and county along the line. The land reclaim mainly refers to the rectification and the reclamation of waste brick and tile kilns damaged by mining and pressing, industrial and mining wastes and damaged lands. The balance of occupied and supplemented basic farmlands can be realized in quantity and quality through the above-mentioned plan. (9) The compensation fee for land requisition is 664,790,770 RMB during the design so as to minimize the impact of the project on the cultivated lands and the basic farmlands. 6.1.2 Impact analysis of project construction on plants and mitigation measures Impact of fugitive dust during the construction on crops and vegetations and mitigation measures Impact analysis The earthwork and the stonework will be excavated and filled during the railway construction; and a great deal of fugitive dust are easily caused in dry season during the construction and covered on neighboring crops, branches and leaves, thereby influencing the photosynthesis and reducing the yield of the crops and the fruit trees. The fugitive dust also will impact the fruit setting during the flowering phase, thereby reducing the yield. The fugitive dust caused during the construction can cause the TSP content in the atmosphere to increase by 0.3-0.8 mg/m3 within 20-50 m away from the construction site due to exposed soil through rough estimate during the construction. In addition, the fugitive dust caused by transport vehicles, which also can easily impact the crops and the trees on two sides of each construction access road, can be covered on the branches and the leaves, thereby influencing the growth. It is researched and tested that the fugitive dust caused by vehicle bumping can reach 8-10 mg/m3 in short-term concentration on two sides of a traffic lane when the weather is continuously dry and the road conditions are worse. However, the concentration of the fugitive dust can quickly drop along with the increasing distance and can not be impactd beyond down wind of 200 m. Mitigation measures 1) Adopt relevant measures such as watering or capping for transport vehicles in case of transporting sand, soil, dust and other fugitive dust easy-to-produce building materials so as to prevent the fugitive dust. 2) Manage and maintain the construction roads to keep level road surface; and frequently water the gravels and unsurfaced roads so as to prevent the adverse impact on the vegetations and the crops during the transportation of the fugitive dust. 3) Harden the main roads on the construction site with clay-bound macadam. 4) Cover or harden in case of storing the earth on the construction site in a concentrated manner. 5) Ensure that the construction site is cleaned by specially-assigned persons and provided with corresponding watering devices as well as watered and cleaned so as to reduce the pollution produced by the fugitive dust. Impact analysis on biomass and mission measures Impact analysis of project construction on regional biomass The biomass is used for measuring the function stability of a community, in particular to the function stability of an ecological system and indicating the living organic matter deposited in the unit area of the ecological system during the investigation at a particular moment. The biomass is lost and reduced due to land occupying and ground vegetation destroying during the project construction, which mainly manifested in two aspects: the project permanently occupies the lands, so that the land use nature is changed and the permanent biomass loss is caused, and the project is constructed on the occupied temporary land, so that the ground vegetations are destroyed and the biomass is lost. But, the biomass on the temporarily occupation of lands will be gradually recovered through agriculture reclamation and vegetation recovery after the construction. Refer to Table 5-3-4 for fell trees in the project. Table 6-4 Summary Table for Fell Trees along Hajia Railway Fell trees (Diameter: cm) Project/unit Fell young trees Mleage 100m2 6-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 pc. pc. pc. pc. Main tree species CK0+000 CK7+000 90 100 CK7+000 CK51+000 290 1390 CK51+000 CK70+400 1500 1100 CK70+400 CK178+500 430 640 CK178+500 CK219+500 780 150 Poplar CK219+500 CK259+000 500 260 Poplar CK259+000 CK325+000 3030 1840 CK325+000 CK338+670 5.5 14.45 Poplar 260 30 Poplar 200 Poplar 100 Poplar 92.20 Poplar 12410 5290 Total 112.15 Poplar 240 19030 10770 800 Poplar 30 Totally fall 30,630 trees in the project, including 19,030 trees with the diameter of 6-20 cm, 10,770 trees with the diameter of 21-4 cm, 800 trees with the diameter of 41-60 cm and 30 trees with the diameter of 6180 cm. In addition, fall 11,215-m2 nurseries with the diameter of below 6 cm. The fell tree species is mainly subjected to poplar and a small quantity of fruit trees. The fell trees are mainly distributed in Fangzheng County, Yilan County and Jiamusi suburbs. Investigate the community biomass by adopting the biocoenology method and calculate it according to the sample community type. Calculate the community biomass on the arborous layer by adopting the average sample tree method. The biomass of each community during the evaluation is changed along with different site conditions. Calculation formula: W=S ( W ' / S ' ) Where: S-basal area of total sample trees; W', S'-weight and basal area of samples Calculate the weight and the total quantity of trunks, branches and leaves according to the above formula. Determine the biomass on the shrub layers and the herbaceous layers by adopting the full harvest method through weighing the gross dry weight. Refer to Table 5-3-21 (indicated by dry weight) for biomass sample investigation results of main community type in the project. Calculate the lost biomass on the basis of occupied permanent floor area and occupied temporary floor area of vegetations and calculated as well as the unit area of different vegetations. Refer to Table 5-3-5 for biomass loss of each community caused by permanently occupation of lands and temporarily occupation of lands in the project. Table 6-5 Computation Table for Biomass Loss of each Community Community Type Site conditions Plant species Biomass (t/hm2) Total biomass (t) Secondary forest 502.2 Good Poplar, etc. 12.5 6277.5 Wild grassland 74.48 Common Guinea weeds 1.5 111.72 Orchard 8.37 Good Apple, etc. 16 133.92 Crops 1167.82 Good Corn, rice sorghum, etc. 19.6 22889.27 Total 1752.87 / / / 29412.41 Area (hm2) grass and and The project will occupy a permanent and temporary vegetation area of 1,752.87 hm2 during the construction and cause 29,412.41-t total biomass loss. Mitigation measures 1) Tree transplant and compensation Further determine the species and the quantity of the fell trees at the next stage and transplant if the trees are protected by the State and the Local during the design and construction process. Transplant the young trees which are suitable for being transplanted or the trees which have larger economic value. Carry out mutual compensation (including mutual complementary planting or monetary compensation) to the trees which have small transplanting value or are not suitable for being transplanted on the principle of equivalent compensation under local forest department’s direction in accordance with national and local compensation standard. Contact the Local Forestry Department at the next stage to further detail the mutual complementary planting or monetary compensation scheme. Locally select the unused land and the suitable land for forest to replant on the principle of balanced occupation and compensation. Ensure that the area of newly-planted forests is larger than that of forests occupied by the project as the forest compensation is on the principle of biomass equivalence compensation. Select the suitable land for forest in other places for forestation in case that the unused land and the suitable land for forest are not enough so as to ensure unchanged total forestry land. 2) Subgrade side-slope greening Protect by planting the Amorpha when the embankment side-slope has a height of below 2 m. Protect by adopting 3×3-m cement mortar coffer stone arch type framework with a water intercepting trench, wherein the framework, in which the Amorpha is planted, has a thickness of 0.6 m. 3) Station and living quarter greening Protect the newly-built embankment side-slope through planting; plant trees in open places on two sides of the newly-built subgrade for greening and combine the greening trees with local weather and natural environment; and arrange flower beds at the newly-built stations so as to beautify the environment. In addition, compensate the lost biomass by greening the soil excavating and discarding fields in the project; and let the Land Department to reclaim in other places after the Employer pays the cultivated land reclamation fee in case that the reduced crop biomass is caused by engineering construction so as to ensure unchanged biomass after the completion of the project. Newly plant 375,510 arbors and 43,729,360 shrubs along the whole line in the project by adopting the measures of planting on the subgrade side-slope, planting the arbors and the shrubs and greening the temporary fields and the soil (slag) discarding fields; and ensure that the seeding, planting and greening area reaches 237.52 hm2. Through implementing these measures, the ecological environment along the line also can be improved. 4) Selection principle of greening trees Adopt a series of slope protecting and greening works for existing railways and highways according to geographic and geomorphic conditions, weather, soil, water and soil loss causes and other environmental conditions of the project so as to obtain good impact. Bring forward the selection principle of tree and grass species at this section in combination with local natural conditions and many years of relevant experience: ① Arbor: Poplar, willows, pinus sylvestris and larch, etc.; and the greening seedling can select cedars and spruces, etc. ② Shrub: Shrub willows, Amorpha, Lespedeza, caragana, sallow thorn, poplar willows and Salix sungkianica, etc.; and the greening seedling can select cloves, privets, green fence and purple leaf barberries, etc. ③ Grass seed: Ryegrass, annual meadowgrass, alfalfa, chinese wildrye, Astragalus adsurgens and daghestan sweetclover. Observe the growth rhythm of natural vegetations during the greening, adjust measures according to local conditions and match species with the site. Give priority to local plants and then select the plants introduced successfully; give priority to deciduous and broad trees, simultaneously and properly combine evergreen conifer trees and then prepare arbors, shrubs and ground cover plants, etc. for viewing leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, branches and barks so as to form rich seasonal aspect. Impact analysis on rare plants and old and famous trees Impact analysis Three Class-II State protected key wild plants, namely linden, manchurian China ash and amur corktree, are discovered in the process of preliminarily investigating the rare plants and the old and famous trees. In addition, numbered old and famous trees are not discovered within the evaluation area. Refer to the diagram for distribution position relation between newly-built Hajia railway and protected key wild plants in Heilongjiang Province. Mitigation measures 1) Avoid the State protected wild plants and the old and famous trees, etc. on two sides of the railway within the impact range during the next design phase as much as possible; employ professional personnel to identify the protected plants before surface cleaning; and move, transplant and adopt other relevant protection measures for unavoidable protected plants. 2) Train constructors about environment protection before construction to teach them how to protect the protected wild plants; distribute relevant pictures; and additionally strengthen the propagandizing and teaching works in a manner of issuing brochures and pictures, etc. or organizing constructors’ representatives to learn. Strengthen the propagandizing and teaching works about the protection of the protected wild plants, formulate relevant regulations and supervisory systems, and forbid the constructors to randomly destroy the vegetation activities. Immediately report and cooperate with the Forestry Department to protect or transplant the discovered protected plants. Figure 6-1 Diagram for Distribution Position Relation between Newly-built Hajia Railway and Protected Key Wild Plants in Heilongjiang Province 6.1.3 Impact of project construction on animals and mitigation measures Impact on terrestrial animals and mitigation measures Impact assessment Form the barrier impact due to railway construction and operation, improve the habitat fragmentation degree, increase the patch quantity and enhance the heterogeneity, so that the population of the terrestrial wild animals is divided, and their activity range is impactd. The damage of railway construction to animal habitat is mainly manifested in two aspects, namely railway route selection and construction period. As the railway construction is a trans-regional and trans-basin project, and the animal field has to be divided, the large area required by the animals for living is divided into small areas, so that the natural habitat, the growth, the reproduction and the activity place of the animals are damaged, the living environment of the animals is threatened, and the animals can not obtain enough foods and information. In addition, the railway self as well as the temporary facilities, the temporary houses and the soil excavating and discarding fields during the construction occupies some land; and the natural environment is damaged by the disturbance caused by excavating the cut, filling the embankment and tunneling to ground surface, so that the animal habitat is damaged to a certain degree. Mitigation measures Realize the coordinated development of railway construction and ecological behavior of the animals by adopting systematic and all-around protective measures in the railway planning, designing, constructing, operating process to minimize the impact of the railway construction on the ecological behavior of the animals. Selecting optimal line Main animal habitat along the line as well as natural reserve and other areas with relatively rich wild animal resources is not related in the project; and bridges or tunnels should be arranged for water bodies, hilly areas and other sensitive sections to ensure smaller barrier impact and satisfy the walking demands of nearby animals. Strengthening the management The management adopts a man-made measure and is related to railway construction and ecological behavior of the animals in the project. The railway planning should not only satisfy the economic demand, but also satisfy the social and environmental protection demands; and the railway construction and operation should be explicitly regulated and seriously implemented. Meanwhile, warning signs should be arranged at the nearby road sections where the animals come and go. The farmlands, the residential areas and hills, etc. are mainly distributed along the line, the human interference factors are larger, the habitat is seriously damaged and the natural ecosystem is slightly conserved. Thereby, there are poor animal resources and unstable habitats of large-scale animals in areas where the line passes through; and national protected key animals (Refer to Fig. 5-3-1) are not seen during the filed investigation. The national protected animals mainly depend on birds, and most of birds with wider habitat are travelers, which are not propagated along the line and confined at a certain place, so that the impact is less. Figure 6-2 Diagram for Mutual Distribution Position Relation between Hajia Railway and Protected Key Animals in Heilongjiang Province Impact evaluation of noise during the railway construction and operation on bird habitation and breeding The impact of the noise on the birds is mainly manifested as follows: the noise may lead the birds to lose the nesting sites, so that the bird breeding, the food chain and the migration route, etc. are changed. Impact of noise on birds: the foreign study shows that the sensitive range of the birds to the noise is basically similar to that of people. However, the birds can not hear the low frequency noise like people under the usual conditions, and their optimal hearing threshold is 1-5 kHZ, and the birds can adapt the noise due to great endurance to the noise. The ambient background noise level (such as leave trembling) beyond the bird habitats is 45 dB averagely, and the background noise level in the bird nests is 56-60 dB generally. According to some data concerned, the birds in the bird nests can not be impactd by the noise when the noise level is 60 dB. According to the results observed by foreign scholars, the birds in the bird nests will be impactd by the noise when the maximum sound level L max in the nests is more than 60 dB(A). Bulldozers, excavators, construction machines and other fixed sources as well as concrete agitator trucks, road rollers, various transport vehicles and other mobile sources will generate strong noise during the project construction. Through taking heavy cranes with higher sound level A for example, the noise source level is 90 dBA, which can weaken to 60 dBA at 315 m without any blockage. Through field investigation, some birds breeding in the evaluation area such as corvidae, fringillidae and other birds will cause the disappearance and the migration of breeding places in the occupied areas due to construction. As the breeding birds in the evaluation area have less varies and larger interference factor, the impact on the breeding birds is less. The foraging of partial birds in the occupied areas will interfered during the construction, so that the foraging place is slightly transferred. The weak night light from motor vehicles will have less impact on the habitat of phototactic birds and other animals during the operation. In conclusion, due to the adaptability of the birds to the noise and the position relation between the project and the habitat and breeding place of the protected birds as well as the social and natural activities nearby the proposed railway, the habitat and breeding of the protected birds can not be impactd for a long time during the construction through investigating relevant similar projects. Impact evaluation of project construction on rare animals along the line Through carrying out filed investigation and consulting relevant data, there are 28 protected species along the line. There are 26 bird species, including 20 Class II state protected birds and 6 Heilongjiang provincial protected birds; and there are 2 provincial protected reptiles. Refer to Table 5-3-6 for the distribution of protected animals along the line and the impact analysis of the project for details. Table 6-6 Protected Animals in the Evaluation Area and Impact Analysis of the Project Ser. No. Species Name Relation between main habitat and proposed project Protection Class Birds 1 Accipiter gentilis Class-II State Protection 2 Accipiter nisus Class-II State Protection 3 Accipiter gularis 4 Buteo buteo 5 Buteo lagopus 6 Strix uralensis 7 Asio otus 8 Falco amurensis 9 Falco tinnunculus 10 Milvus migrans Class-II State They are distributed in the forests and the hilly Protection regions along the line and nested on the tall trees in the forests. Because the areas where the line passes Class-II State through are mostly parallel to Tongsan Highway and Protection other existing roads or are positioned in a same Class-II State channel, the hilly areas where the line passes Protection through mostly pass through in a tunnel manner; and their suitable nesting environment is not discovered Class-II State through field investigation, so that the project will Protection not impact the habitat and the breeding of these Class-II State birds basically. Protection Class-II State Protection 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Circus melanoleucos They are inhabited on wide low hills, plains at the foots of mountains, grasslands, open fields, river valleys, marshes, bushes in the forest and marsh grasslands and also move in the farmlands and the cultivated lands as well as the grasslands and the Class-II State forests nearby the villages after breeding sometimes. Protection They are mostly nested on the haystacks on the tower heads of the shrub meadows in the open forests or the ground. They mainly move on the bank of Songhua River through consulting local people. B. hemilasius They are generally nested on the cliffs or the trees, and its nest is protected by small shrubs. Their activity areas are mainly distributed along the line, Class-II State where the population quantity is extremely rare. Protection There is no suitable breeding environment along the line. Falco columbarius They are generally nested on the trees or the cliffs and also nested on the ground sometimes. They Class-II State particularly like occupying the old nests of crows, Protection magpies and other birds and move in the waste lands and other unused lands along the line sometimes. Bubo bubo They are nested in the tree holes and at the recessions under the cliffs or directly laid at the Class-II State recessions on the ground. Their activity areas are Protection distributed along the line, and there is no suitable breeding environment. Asio otus They, which are nested in the forest and also nested in the tree holes, generally utilize the old nests of Class-II State crows, magpies and other birds. Their activity areas Protection are distributed along the line, and there is no suitable breeding environment. Asio flammeus They are nested in the grass nearby the marshes as well as in rotten tree holes in the secondary broadleaved forest. The grassland habitat along the line is Class-II State less, most of cultivated lands are distributed on the Protection periphery, and the human interference factors are stronger, so that the project will slightly impact the Asio flammeus. Circus cyaneus They are mainly inhabited on the ground of dry reeds on the bank of Songhua River, grasslands or bushes. The inhabit suitable for the Circus cyaneus Class-II State to nest along the line is less, and the populative Protection structure of the Circus cyaneus in this area during the breeding period is not damaged basically, so that the project will slightly impact the Circus cyaneus. Circus spilonotus They are mainly inhabited in low-humidity regions. The inhabit along the line is less, and there is no Class-II State inhabit suitable for the Circus spilonotus to nest due Protection to frequent human farming activities nearby the farmlands, so that the project will not impact the Circus spilonotus. Aix galericulata They are mainly distributed in the water areas of Class-II State Songhua River and are not distributed at the river Protection sections in the project crossing areas. 20 Bonasa bonasia They, which are mainly nested at the base of the trees, are also nested on the sunny slopes, at the primary water sections and under the fallen trees and Class-II State are mainly distributed in the broad-leaf forest in Protection Fangzheng County, are far away from the line, so that the project will not impact the Bonasa bonasia. 21 Dryocopus martius They are nested in the conifer forests and have wider Provincial inhabitation range, so that the project will not impact Protection the Dryocopus martius. 22 Anser fabalis They are distributed on the bank of Songhua River sometimes and nested on the ground; and there is no Provincial suitable nesting environment in the impact area, so Protection that the project will not impact the Anser fabalis. 23 Hirundo rustica They basically belong to a natural bird living Provincial together with people, so that the project will not Protection impact the Hirundo daurica. 24 Hirundo daurica Provincial Protection 19 25 Lanius sphenocercus 26 Cyanopica cyana They are inhabited in the forests and the bushes; a certain area of bushes will be fell in the project; the Lanius sphenocercus and the Cyanopica cyana Provincial utilize other ecological niches suitable for inhabit to Protection breed; and two species of birds have stronger adaptability, so that the project will not impact the Cyanopica cyana basically. Provincial Protection Reptiles 27 28 Takydromus wolteri With smaller activity areas, they are inhabited in the Provincial bushes under the mountains and are not distributed Protection in the evaluation area. Agkistrodon saxatilis They are inhabited on the sunny slopes, which also discovered on the forest edges and commonly discovered in the stone cracks on bank of rivers. They are not distributed in evaluation area. are are Provincial the Protection the Figure 6-3 Diagram for Mutual Distribution Position Relation between Hajia Railway and Class-I State Protected Animals in Heilongjiang Province Figure 6-4 Diagram for Mutual Distribution Position Relation between Hajia Railway and Class-II State Protected Animals in Heilongjiang Province According to the investigation on reptile resources along the line and the distribution of rare animal resources in Heilongjiang Province, the areas where the proposed Hajia railway passes through belong to IC3 (Songliao Plain Area) and IC4 (Changbai Mountain and Lesser Khingan Mountain Area) from the view of zoogeographical division. The above analysis results show that the proposed project does not belongs to the distribution area of State protected mammals and Class-I State protected birds and only relates to the distribution area of a small quantity of Class-II State protected birds and partial Heilongjiang Provincial Protected animals. In order to avoid many ecological interference factors (visual interference and noise interference, etc., in particular to traffic noise and vibration impact) generated by railway construction and operation, the habitats of the animals should be far away from the railway during the selection, i.e. the inhabit selection of the animals will be changed due to the existence of the railway to avoid the inhabits and transfer the nests. Because the linear project only occupies about 30-m-wide long and narrow area, and Tongsan Highway, national highway G221 and other existing roads are adjacent in the channel, there is no inhabiting and breeding rare and endangered animal basically along the proposed project. In addition, artificial forests, wet lands and other suitable habitats are arranged along the line so as to satisfy the inhabiting, foraging and breeding demands of above birds and other animals. Thereby, the distribution of the protected animals in this area can not be impactd by the habitat avoidance of partial population during the evaluation. Mitigation measures Strengthen the management during the construction, reasonably arrange the construction time, avoid the morning-evening peak of the birds during the process of protecting the birds; strengthen the propaganda and the education of constructors, enhance the awareness of protecting the animals and forbid to catch the birds and collect the eggs. 6.1.4 Impact analysis on ecological protection zone The Harbin-Jiamusi rail line to be built will pass through the following areas: the downtown of Harbin and the agricultural ecology area in the suburb(Ⅰ5-1-1), the Mayi River downstream, the agriculture and soil maintaining ecology area (Ⅰ4-2-5), the ecology area of agriculture and animal husbandry and soil maintaining of Woken River downstream (Ⅰ3-2-4), the ecology area of city and agriculture in Jiamusi (Ⅰ3-1-1). Analysis of the project impact on Harbin and suburb agricultural ecology area The project passes through this ecology area from the designed starting spot (the Harbin station) to the nearby (BJCK0-CK62). Harbin-Jiamusi rail line in this region mainly involves in bridge and roadbed construction. And the length of bridge is approximately 29.02km, composing about 46.8% of the total length in this section. The use of large-proportioned bridge will to a certain extent diminish the destruction to the local agricultural production, coordinating with the agricultural ecology area. In this section, the volume of living water is little, which will not intensify the excessive picking of ground water of the city. The project will destroy the vegetation for a certain area, but it will compensate to vegetation’s destruction in a large degree with the finished temporary land’s reclamation, afforestation, the afforestation toward the transplanted arbors and shrubs and such grass on both sides or the roadbed side slope. Therefore, it will not be obvious to the urbanized warming impact. In the Binxi station and the Bin County station, sanitary sewage respectively is 10m3/d, 21m3/d, entering sewage treatment plant after the septic tank processing, the sewage water quality satisfying “Sewage Synthesis Emission standard” (GB8978-1996) the third-level standard, which will not affect the water quality of the Songhua River. In this section, the coal boiler is used, with the standardized air pollutant emissions, nearly not influencing Harbin’s winter mist and dust pollution. Based on the above possible environmental problems the railroad may produce and the ecology area faces, there is the assessment that the project will not affect the ecology function area. Impact analysis of the project toward the Mayi River downstream, the agriculture and soil maintaining ecology area This project passes through this ecology area from Bin County nearby (CK62) to the about spot (CK245), 8km from the south west of Yilan County. Harbin-Jiamusi rail line in this region mainly includes bridge, roadbed and tunneling, with the bridge about 93.9km in length, approximately composing 51.3% of the total length in this section. The designing of large-proportioned bridge will to a certain extent diminish the destruction to the local agricultural production and the backfilling of the bridge waste(dregs) will reduce the soil erosion, both coordinating with the agriculture and soil maintaining ecology area. The main ecological environment problems are that the slope farming soil are mostly albic soil, with poor water permeability, extremely easy to cause the soil erosion; The quality of the forest is relatively bad and the ecosystem service function is weak. In addition, in the area the Mayi River basin is the extremely important area for the soil maintenance. The construction will inevitably bring about the soil erosion to a certain extent, but with the end of the construction perturbation's conclusion, the soil erosion will be effectively controlled with the implementation of the construction and plant-protecting measures on both sides of the railroad. Besides, it is appraised the soil erosion in this section. Impact analysis of the project toward the Woken River downstream, the agriculture, animal husbandry and soil maintaining ecology area This project passes through this ecology area from the spot (CK245), about 8km from the southwest of Yilan County southwest to the point (CK297), about 10km from the northeast of Hongkeli Station. Harbin-Jiamusi rail line in this region mainly includes bridge, roadbed and tunneling, with the bridge about 26.8km in length, approximately composing 51.5% of the total length in this section. The designing of large-proportioned bridge will to a certain extent diminish the destruction to the local agricultural production and the backfilling of the bridge waste(dregs) will reduce the soil erosion, both coordinating with the agriculture and soil maintaining ecology area. The main ecological environment are the following: The multiple-crop index of agriculture is high and so is the agriculturally-used chemical’s investment, and also the surface source of pollution is relatively serious; The vegetation coverage fraction is low and soil erosion is in existence. In the area the Songhua River basin, the Woken River basin and the Mudanjiang basin are the extremely vital areas for soil maintaining. This area is moderately sensitive area for soil erosion. Collectively connecting with the ecological environment problems in this area, the main impact of the project on this ecology area is soil erosion in the construction period, but which does not involve in the desertification-controlled vital areas of the soil. Therefore there is the assessment thought that the conservation of water and soil should be strengthened for this section in the construction period so as to reduce the quantity of soil erosion. Impact analysis of the project on the Jiamusi towns and agricultural ecology area This project passes through the northwest of the ecology area from the spot (CK297) about 10km from Hongkeli Station to the end point (CK338+670), Jiamusi Station, which does not cover the highly sensitive areas of biodiversity and sensitivities or water polluted moderately sensitive areas along Songhua River basin. It is thought that the main impact of the project on this ecology area is the possible soil erosion to a certain extent. Harbin-Jiamusi rail line in this region mainly includes bridge, roadbed and tunneling, with the bridge about 22.09km in length, approximately composing 53.01% of the total length in this section. The use of large-proportioned bridge will to a certain extent diminish the destruction to the local agricultural production, coordinating with the agricultural ecology area. 6.1.5 Environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures of roadbed project Impact analysis This design includes 487 individual roadbed construction sites, with the total length of 150.142km, occupying 44.54% of the newly-built total length. The construction types are mainly the moat slope protection and the deep cuts, sticky earth embankment, the soft ground embankment and so on. For details sees Table 5-3-7. Table 6-7 special roadbed construction point list Serial number Type 1 Embankment proofing 2 Low slope 3 Sticky embankment earth 4 Soft embankment ground 5 Moat slope proofing 64.973 and deep cuts slope embankment Length(km) Construction number(spots) 18.168 101 7.652 20 31.772 131 15.537 46 168 6 Inflation cuts 3.964 9 7 Cuts along the level 1.026 3 8 Groundwater cuts 0.854 2 9 Soaking embankment 4.966 7 Sum 150.142 487 Before the slope protection project completes, the roadbed slope face will meet with the following outcomes if not protected properly, especially after the cross section excavated: If in storms, it is easy to wash the slope face, bring about soil erosion, cause the side slope to collapse so as to possibly destroy and even wash away the vegetation and the farmland nearby the roadbed, and also possible to cause that has embankment near the rivers to stop up, to compress the rivers and the drainage ditch. Mitigation measures Related protection is done to different side slopes and both sides of the roadbed on the condition that it is safe and stable for the entire roadbed, stations, and the principal part of bridges and ditches. And the perfect dewatering excavation is designed to on both sides of the line and the stations, with high-standard designing and satisfactory water-passing capability. Protection of the slope face of embankment The protection of the slope face of embankment should act according to the height and padding nature and the like of the embankment. The identical labor usually uses the identical protection forms and in ordinary circumstance the following protection is used: 1) The qualified padding is filled to the low embankment 2.7m below the roadbed face according to the foundation-bed requirement. 2) The slope face of low embankment uses the planted amorpha fruticosa to protect. 3) The common embankment with the height H≥2.5m, uses 3×3m concrete arch-type skeleton of the C25 belt shutting to protection, with skeleton thickness 0.6m, and amorpha fruticosas planted in the skeleton. When the embankment is higher than 5m, every other 0.6m a bidirectional earthwork grill is laid down from the toe of slope to the foundation-bed surface layer, horizontal width 3.0m. Water immersing embankment 1) Pit immersion Protection elevation is equal to pit bank elevation and 0.3m. Protection berms in elevation place are designed together considering the berms with freezing and inflating-proof berms, with the width 2.0-3m. Above the elevation, the side slope of embankment is designed according to the common embankment. Below the elevation, the side slope of embankment can degrade a level. Below the elevation water is pumped, silt is digged and water infiltrating soil is reclaimed. 2)Bridge head immersion The protection elevation is equal to the many-year meeting design level, the height of attacking waves, backwater height and 0.5m. The protection berms in elevation place are designed with the width 2.0-4m. Above the elevation, the side slope of embankment is designed according to the common embankment. Below the elevation, the side slope of embankment can degrade a level. Below the elevation water infiltrating soil is reclaimed. In the pumping difficult section, slabstone is thrown and filled from below general water level plusing 0.5m. In the protection berms and the slope face below them and M7.5 cement mortar slabstone or dry slabstones of 0.3m in thickness are used to protect the slope. Under the protection slope is crushed stone layer, with the thickness 0.15m and the foundation pattern basis is determined according to washout depth. Generally the bucket foundation is adopted: The bottom extends to 0.6m, with burying depth 1.0m. Above the protection elevation, the protection is carried on according to the principles of the slope face protection of embankment. In the shoal place, when the speed of flow is bigger than 4m/s, it is considered to thicken the layers of the slope with mortar slabstones. In the section, when the washout depth is bigger than 0.5m, the foot wall foundation is established. Deep cut and moat slope protection 1) The slope of cut slope basis is established according to engineering geology and the hydrogeological conditions, the ground category, the side slope altitude, combining with the factors, rock mass structure, structural plane occurrence, decency degree and so on. 2) Moat slope protection: The slope of cut generally uses M7.5 to back the wall and the slope with mortar slabstone and the skeleton. To the moat slope higher than 25m highly or the steep rock moat slope, generally the gravity bulkhead wall is used to reinforce or the pile wooden fence is used to pull the slope. Inflation earth cuts In this section, the inflation earth is mainly located along Dalian River~Ilan (CK245+470~CK248+520), geologically belonging to late third system and mudstone under the Cretaceous system and between the spot Korean hat ~ Jiamusi (CK306+600~CK327+200) in the Cretaceous system the series tuff entire regolith, with the weak ~ strong expansibility. 1) The 0.4m graded broken stone is filled to the foundation-bed surface layer and to the bottom 2.3m nonheave padding is filled. In the lower part of the foundation-bed surface layer is established two-pieces-ofcloth and one-membrane airtight water and earth worker cloth(600g/m2), with high and low respectively coarse sand breaker strip, 0.1m and 0.05m in thickness. 2) When the side slope of cut is smaller than 10m in length, at the toe of slope is designed a 2~4m high retaining wall, the retaining wall slope 1:0.25. Behind the wall, is designed crushed stone inverted filter of granulated clamp, 0.5m in thickness. Behind the top wall, a 2m wide platform is designed, above it moat slope 1:1.5~1:2, one level every 6m, between two levels the side slope platform 2~3m wide and 0.4m thick; The slope face uses 3×3m the belt shutting arch-type skeleton, in the skeleton lays down the C25 concretes hexagon hollow slug, in the block amorpha fruticosa planted to protect. 3) When the moat slope of inflation earth cut is higher than 10m, the pre-reinforcement anchor pile is designed at the toe of slope, pile 8m long. The moat slope above top moat is 1:2, one level every 6m, between two levels the side slope platform 3m wide and 0.4m thick; The slope face uses 3×3m the belt shutting arch-type skeleton, in the skeleton lays down the C25 concretes hexagon hollow slug, in the block amorpha fruticosa planted to protect. Soft ground embankment and sticky earth embankment 1) Qualified padding and attacks roller compaction processing is adopted as loose soft soil and loose, slightly dense granulated substance class earth is located within 2.0m of the surface, at the same time above underground water level. And forced tamping is used when surface element earth fill, mixed filling earth and common sticky earth is located within 2.0~4.0m scope of the surface and at the same time above underground water level. After the tamping, on the top is laid down the 0.5m thick crushed stone breaker strip. 2) When the loose soft soil and sticky earth depth are bigger than 4m, the CFG pile reinforcement is generally used, with the computed length of the pile long basis, and in principle penetrating the weak level to the hard bottom. Regarding the soil texture stratum of the fourth system, it should be inserted into the granulated soil layer or the hard plastic viscosity earth, with the general depth not smaller than 2.0m. The entire regolith not less than 0.5m should be inserted into the underlying bedrock section. Subsidence examination should be carried on to the bedrock entire regolith of loose and low modulus compression. The processing scope is between two toes of slope (not including the lower part of non-heave berms), with CFG pile 0.5m in diameter, the square arrangement, spacing 1.5m, the head of pile having breaker strip, 0.6m in thickness (crushed stone 0.15 +sand mat 0.3 +crushed stone breaker strips 0.15), in the breaker strip laying down 2 earthwork grills (tensile strength 100kN/m). When the pile is longer than 20m, the reinforced concrete pile cap is added to the top of the pile, 1×1m in size, and 0.35 in thickness. Earth-retaining wall 1) In the embankment section, the weak toe of slope should be filled to pull the embankment to avoid the thin strip roadbed or to avoid the embankment taking up or pressing the existed buildings such as the designed road shoulders or embankment earth-retaining wall by constructing road shoulders or the embankment breast wall and so on. In the cut section, the breast walls are designed to reduce the height of the side slope, to guarantee stability of slope and reduce the excavation of cubic meter of earth and stone. 2) The embankment wall or cut wall between the sections is mainly gravity-typed. In the station the breast wall should be of the reinforced concrete cantilever or the buttress type. In the horizontal -longitudinal project of Jiamusi key transportation systems, gravity-typed breast walls are designed on both sides of approach of the intersected bridges. When the supporting capacity of the breast wall basis can not meet the requirement, reinforcement processing should be carried on regarding the ground situation. Seasonal frozen earth roadbed This section lies in severely cold area, so the freezing precaution is the key point in the designing of the embankment, for which the following measures are adopted: the limitation of the embankment minimum altitude, improving of roadbed padding or foundation-bed structure, establishment of aquiclude and the elimination of table water and ground water and so on. 1) Limitation of the embankment minimum altitude The height of the embankment should be in principle bigger than freezing depth +0.5m. The road shoulder in the yearly water-accumulated areas should be above the ordinary water level and not smaller than freezing depth +0.5m. 2) Improving of the embankment padding Fine-grain content control of the foundation-bed surface layer should be strengthened. Based on “Passenger transportation Special line Foundation-bed Surface layer Graded broken stone Temporary Engineering factor”, the foundation-bed surface layer padding should simultaneously satisfy: The finegrain (pellet particle size ≤0.075mm), the content is smaller than 5%, smaller than 7% after compaction; the post-compaction soaking coefficient is not smaller than 5×10-5m/s. Group of A and B of non-heave padding is filled to the foundation embankment including the upper of the culvert and the non-heave padding is the fine-grain (pellet particle size ≤0.075mm); the content is smaller than 5% and smaller than 7% after compaction; the post-compaction soaking coefficient is not smaller than 5×10-5m/s. 3) Establishment of the aquiclude In the lower part of the foundation-bed surface layer is established two-pieces-of-cloth and one-membrane airtight water and earthworker cloth, with high and low coarse sand breaker strip, respectively 0.1m and 0.05m in thickness. Subgrade drainage principle of designing 1) To reduce the investment of strengthening works, the drain should be designed depending on the geographical conditions. It is better to choose good places in geology. The outlet of drainage should be connected to the natural ditch river, avoiding irrigation of the farmland directly. When the ground transversal grade is not obvious, it is necessary to construct outlet on both sides of the embankment. The plane of drainage should use the straight line as far as possible. Its radius is not smaller than 10~20m, if curve is necessary. The length of the drainage is decided according to the actual need, usually suitably in 500m. The lengthwise grade of the drainage is not smaller than 2 ‰. The grade can be reduced to 1 ‰, only in the special difficult situation, as smooth ground or counterslope draining. The cross section should be carried on the computation according to the capacity of 1/50 flood frequency .The most light-sized of the drainage is 0.6×0.6m, the side slope 1:1, it should be defended with mortar rubble masonry 0.3m M7 in thickness. 2) One-sided or the two-sided gutter is established outside the edge 5m of the cut .The lengthwise grade is not smaller than 2 ‰. In the deep cuts made of different stratum, catch drain is established on the platform of the middle of side slope or in the dividing places of the different stratum. The rectangular side-gutter, 0.6m wide and 0.8m deep, is adopted in the soft crag cuts, the strong decency flinty crag cut and the soil cuts, using the concrete prefabricated component in masonry building or using the slabstone concrete for scene watering construction. On one side of the line, water emitting hole should be reserved and concrete top panel should be added to. In the side-gutters listed above, the drain gutter and the catch drain of the side slope platform, M7.5 mortar slabstone or the C15 concrete prefabricated component is used in masonry building. Embankment temporary protective measures Temporary steep slope excavation protective measure When excavating the roadbed on the steep slope, the iron wire netting should be used to carry on obstruction and excavation the cubic meter of earth and stone under the slope, avoiding the destruction of downstream vegetation, the farmland and the traffic equipment. The netting is 2m in height. It should be fixed in the roadbed downhill to uses the boundary place. Line (1:2000) and the line profile diagram (1:2000). The length of the roadbed for iron netting is 60.47km. Among them, Harbin 4.40km, Bin County 18.50km, Fangzheng County 20.16km, Yilan County 7.40km, and Jiamusi 10.01km. Temporary draining water measure in roadbed construction The engineering project locates in the area where the precipitation mainly focuses from June to September. Therefore, the temporary draining water measure is not allowed to be ignored in the roadbed construction. In fill section, chute should be established every other 50m over the edge of the roadbed’s two sides. In the section of partly digging and partly filling, chute should also be established every other 30m .The two has the loudspeaker shape of the mouth. Chute should be closely connected with the waterproof platform with the trough width 0. 5m, depth 0.5m. Lower part the chute along the roadbed direction should be build with earth drainage. The mouth of the cross section is 0.9m wide and 0.3m deep, the mouth of the bottom extends 0.3m and the side slope 1:1. The chute should be installed with the earth knitting bag, laid down along the side slope. The install should guarantee that the knitting bag joint is close and smooth, and meets with the earth drainage. It makes discharge of the rain water smoothly from the roadbed scope to natural draining system. The earth loading knitting bags should be abandoned to neighbored dregs field. Sedimentation basin should be built every other 100m, its size is: 1.5m×3m×1m. Sand collector silt in the basin should be cleaned up and taken away regularly in the construction period so as to subside the runoff silt and reduce the runoff speed of flow. In order to prevent the rain water of the embankment from flowing off willfully, washing away the side slope, both sides of the filling embankment, (or partly digs partly fills in roadbed flank), a long strip waterproof ridge should be established in the place of the road shoulder. Size for the cross section is: top width0.3m, 0.5m high, pitch 1:0.5. It should be connected with the trumpet of the chute after being strengthened. It can gather rain water to chute and discharge them. Outside the earth or stone excavation section, roadbed draining water should be considered about the temporary and permanent impact. Firstly draining gutter should be constructed to prevent the external catchment of water from washing the excavated slope in rainy season. This time altogether 51.52km of water-resisting ridge is established and 34.35km earth knitting bags for current ridge is designed. Temporary protective measures of regolith This time the peeled surface soil from the roadbed is used in afforesting along the route and secondary ploughing in abandoned dregs field. Therefore, the stripped regolith should be collectively piled in the roadbed land-levying scope according to different sections of route and terrain, to afforest along the route and secondarily plough in abandoned dregs field. The regolith should not be piled at will in solicits land outside the scope. The disturbing surface area should be expanded. This roadbed altogether strips the surface soil 75.46×104m3. In order to prevent the soil erosion of the surface soil in the temporary stack period, this project is designed to install the earth knitting bag in peripheral stack field to obstruct temporarily, built in trapezoidal cross section, 0.5m top wide, 1.0m high, 1.1, bottom wide, piled 4m high equally. And the dense item of net is used in the surface. After computing, temporary protective measures and the resilience in the roadbed area, sees Table 5-3-8. Table 6-8 Temporary embankment protective measures Harbin Bin county Fangzhen Ilan g county county Jiamusi Sum Length m 7577 12414 15942 2544 Cubic meter of m3 earth 2076.22 3401.52 4368.05 3574.56 697.14 14117 Length m 5052 8697 34349 Earth knitting m3 bag 3788.73 6207.15 7970.89 6522.91 1272.15 25762 Length m 7654 13178 Cubic meter of m3 earth 1377.72 2257.15 2898.50 2371.97 462.60 9368 Quantity item 77 125 161 132 26 520 344 564 725 593 116 2342 8800 37000 42120 14800 20020 122740 17820 9100 135051 115236 184570 461777 22.21 22.92 16.26 Item Unit Water-proof ridge Current groove Temporary drainage ditch Sedimentatio Cubic Temporar n basin meter of m3 y earth measures Iron net fence m2 Knitting coverage cloth m2 Earth 10,000m piling 7.65 3 quantity Earth knitting Temporary bag m3 earth piling retainin protection g wall Dense item of net m2 coverag e 6.1.6 8276 12540 10628 16103 13046 1696 2570 6.42 51524 52044 75.46 2866.45 8322.08 6092.62 2405.57 28274.86 8588.124 5 7 2 4 2 19507.5 56635.5 58446 41463 16371 192423 Environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures of bridge building Bridge building survey The total length of the main-line bridge is 172862.60 double linear meter /144, accounting for 51.28% of the line span. Among it, double-line extra-longbridges are 157506.23 double extension meter/88; doubleline large bridges are 15084.71 double extension meter/53; double-line moderate bridges are 206.46 double extension meter/2; steel-framed moderate bridges are 65.2/double extension meter one. The number of newly-built culverts is 294 and after deducting the length of the bridges and tunnels, the culvert is 1.90 for each kilometer. In this project, the designed flood frequency of the bridge and culvert is 1/100, and the Ilan Mudanjiang extra-longbridge uses the frequency 1/300 for examination and calculation. The main river characteristic and watered pillar establishment of the cross river bridge water along the line sees Table 5-3-9. Table 6-9 Water pillar establishment situation of main river characteristics and cross river bridge along the route Serial Railway central Name number course bridge Pillar Century Designing Rrdinary number flowing of Century water water on Basic type level speed flow(m3/s) level drying pillar water m m/s level CK7+699.99 Harbin especially 2037.0 large bridge 2 CK35+919.27 Feiketu River 1400.19 especially large bridge 3 CK90+084.85 Jiaban River especially 769.03 large bridge 4 5 1 40 / Hole-drilling stake 145.007 2.95 2 / Hole-drilling stake 140.298 2.86 3 / Hole-drilling stake Mayi River CK161+924.58 especially 6520 large bridge 112.710 2.07 30 / Hole-drilling stake Large Luomi River CK201+582.82 526.9 especially large bridge 10.381 13 / Hole-drilling stake 1.23 CK206+307.5 Small Luomi River 682.44 especially large bridge 104.981 2.26 4 / Hole-drilling stake 7 CK249+860.3 Ilan-Mudan River 14670 especially large bridge 101.802 4.13 7 / Hole-drilling stake 8 Ilan-Woken River CK253+845.88 3660 especially large bridge 99.992 4 / Hole-drilling stake 6 2.97 Key bridge specifications Feiketu river extra-longbridge Feiketu river especially large bridge is entirely 1601.15m long, central course CK35+919.27, located at a 6000m-radius circular curve, an easement curve and a straight line. This line spans Feiketu River in the position CK37 + 05, an angle of intersection for 94° with this river. The opening cross model of the entire bridge is: (2-24m) double-line prestressed concrete simple support box bean + (52-32m) double-line prestressed concrete simple support box beam +1 unite (12+16+12m) double-line steel-framed continuous beam, spanning 1795.1m; The entire bridge uses the round-tipped entity bridge abutments; The pier is in a form of Chinese character “one”; The foundation uses stakes, with the basis stake’s diameter 1.0m and 1.25m; The preliminary idea is like the following: the scene prefabrication is for simple support box beam to construct while steel-framed continuous beam uses the support for cast-in-place construction. Mayi River especially large bridge Mayi River especially large bridge spans for 9097.60km, central course CK161+924.58, located at a 8000m-radius circular curve, an easement curve and a straight line. There is not any special grade intersected path, and in principle the bridge span uses 32-meter simple support box beam to pass. Then opening cross model of the entire bridge is: (278-32m) double-line prestressed concrete simple support box beam. The bridge spanning scope involves the farmland, the farming, and the soil texture is the granulated clay. The Mayi River bed is the granulated sand, both banks sandy soil. At the shore is the farming. The groundwater in the bridge site is mainly hole groundwater of 4th system, supplied by atmospheric water and river water. The surface water in the bridge site is from Mayi River, a seasonal river, whose bed is steady, and whose course is smoothly straight; In reconnaissance period the principal river bed is approximately 100m wide, water breadth approximately 40m, water depth 0.5~3.0m. In the bridge site distributes the holocene alluvium (Q4 al) of 4th system, early pleistocene diluvium (Q3 al+pl) and middle pleistocene diluvium (Q2 al+pl). In the bridge site area the biggest freezing depth of soil is 2.05m; The acceleration of seismic peak value is: 0.05g (basic earthquake intensityⅥ). The entire bridge uses the round-tipped entity bridge abutments. The pier is in a double-line form of Chinese character “one”. The foundation uses stakes, with the basis stake’s diameter 1.0m and 1.25m; the scene prefabrication is for simple support box beam to construct. In Mayi River the foundation uses the steel-plated stakes for cofferdam construction. CK164+000 right side of Mayi River CK162+160 right side of Mayi River Yilan Mudanjiang extra-longbridge This bridge is designed to span across Yichen highway, the Mudanjiang river course and dam, the central course, CK249+860.3, total length 1834.3m. Surmounts the Mudanjiang main river channel in the scope of CK249+350~CK249+745, surmounts main course of the Mudanjiang and the course span is approximately 400m. The cross section of the river is U-shaped with pebbled riverbed. The line is between the water junctions of two current in the Mudanjiang River and 1km downstream is the old TongSan freeway bridge. The river course in the bridge site is smoothly straight. In the main channel the current of water is massive, and along the beach is planted 20-30m-wide floodproofing forest. There is neat slabstone to protect the slope on the Mudanjiang floodproof. The groundwater in the bridge site is mainly hole groundwater of 4th system, supplied by atmospheric water and river water. Mudanjiang is approximately 500m wide, with water running all the year and water depth about 10m. Intersect point of main & inferior river course of Mudanjiang freeway Mudanjiang bridge in Tong-San Decision ground of bridge opening: Navigation The site of the planned Mudanjiang extra-longbridge is located at the Mudanjiang main current, about 1km apart from the downstream Mudanjiang extra-longbridge in Tong-San freeway. Ilan section in Mudanjiang is now V-Level navigating course, with the capability of passing for 500-ton barges. The clear width is not less than 50m according to Heilongjiang river system standard of national V-level navigation course. Overpass The line is at the location CK249+260, from above spanning Yichen highway. The requirement of the overpass is clear width times clear height: 8×4m, the overlapping angle 96°07'. 32m simple beam is planned to span in this designing. Bridge-type plan: Impactd by the existed bridge and navigation of Mudanjiang, 10-opening 64m simple beam is planned to use in the spanning of Mudanjiang to meet the requirement of navigation and put the bridge to the hole as the existed bridge in Tong-San freeway. The others use 32m simple beams to span. The entire bridge opening cross model is: (36-32m) double-line prestressed concrete simple support box beam + (10-64m) double-line prestressed concrete simple support box beam, spanning 1834.3m. Preliminary suggestions of construction: 32m simple support box beam uses the prefabrication construct, and 64m simple support box beam uses movable frame to construct. In Mudanjiang the foundation of the abutment uses the steel-plated pile for cofferdam construction. Ilan Woken River extra-longbridge This bridge is established for Woken River and its bank passing Yilan County nearby in Harbin-Jiamusi rail line project, central course CK253+845.88, entire bridge 1247.3m long. The surface breadth of Woken is approximately 100 meters, approximately 1-4 meters deep. There is running water not plant in the main channel at the bridge site. Rubbled stones silt riverbed. The side sandbank in small course is approximately 100m wide, usually anhydrous, mean depth of hydraulic maximum approximately 3m. The river course is curving in the bridge site, the bridge located right at turning point. The century current capacity is 3660 m3/s at the bridge site. The groundwater in the bridge site is mainly hole groundwater of 4th system, supplied by atmospheric water and river water, soaking coefficient: powdered clay k=0.05m/d; gravel sand: k=5.0m/d; thin round gravel soil: k=20.0m/d. The entire bridge opening cross model: (2-24m) double-line prestressed concrete simple support box mean + (32-32m) double-line prestressed concrete simple support box beam +1 unite (40+64+40m) double-line prestressed concrete continual box beam. It is planned to use 32m double-line span across this river, 40+64+40m prestressed concrete continuous beam used to surmount the bank. Simple support box beam uses the prefabrication for construction, 40+64+40m prestressed concrete continual box beams used for hanged pouring construction. Woken River landform at the bridge site Woken River dike Impact analysis and mitigation measures in construction period Impact analysis of the cross-river bridge construction on water environment The impact of the cross-river bridge construction on water environment includes the following aspects. T he mud deposit at the bottom will be stirred because of foundation of the abutment, pillar body and temporary support and so on in construction and then the suspension in the water is increased and the water quality is polluted, which will brings the adverse impact to the water body. Although this kind of impact will vanish with the end of the construction, but the impact is serious, not allowing for neglecting. Besides, the environmental impact is also possible because of the mechanical oil leak in the construction. The bridge foundation construction flow sees Figure 6-5. Seen from the actual construction process analysis, the suspension in the construction period are mainly from cofferdam, water extraction from the cofferdam, the mechanical hole drilling and cofferdam demolition. While compared with the above process, the suspension is much less from pile grouting-in, platform-bearing abutment construction, maintenance, bridge floor, reconditioning, which impacts relatively little after taking some protective measures. Cofferdam Mechanical earth filling & pile grouting-in cofferdam demolition, hoisting precast slab and box beam water extraction from the cofferdam platform-bearing abutment construction Bridge floor construction mechanical drilling hole maintenanc e reconditioni operation ng Figure 6-5 Bridge construction flow schematic drawing The concrete analysis of the bridge construction about key pollution links is as follows: a. The cofferdam and the demolition construction: In the basic construction of the bridge, with the cofferdam or the trestle and their demolition, the bottom silt and sand of rivers will be stirred and the opacity of partial waters is enhanced. The density of the suspension is increased instantly, which will in a certain degree impact the water quality around the construction area. Concerned data show that the amount of the suspension in the course of cofferdam is 0.9-1.75kg/s. b. Water in cofferdam: Besides that the suspension from the process of cofferdam directly releases and goes into the water body, a great deal of suspension keeps in the water of the steel pipe cofferdam. The water in cofferdam is generally extracted first into the multistage sedimentation ponds outside the dike and then into the water body after precipitation. The production quantity of cofferdam water is concerned with such factors as pressing depth of the pipe pile, the pile volume, water extraction and so on. According to the estimate data for suspension production in the construction of the bridge, when the pipe pile with water inside is pressed underneath steadily, the amount of the suspension in the extracted water is 0.1-0.5 kg/s. c. Mechanical hole-drilling: The dregs (bottom mud) from hole-drilling contain little moisture; if ejected at will, they will also greatly impact the water quality of the construction area. Generally the drilled dregs do not enter the water body but enter the slag pot nearby the drilling pile and are sent into the prepared sedimentation basin on the bank after the pot is full. After precipitation, the base mud is used for farming, afforesting or dealt with by municipal department after drying. The upper clear part can be used in water circulation or dispersed into the water body. In this part, the density of waste-water suspension reduces to below 60mg/l. Table 6-10 The suspension quantity in bridge foundation construction process releasing speed and density of suspension main construction general cofferdam steel cylinder note course protection cofferdam protection cofferdam and 1.75~1.33(kg/s) 0.90~1.2(kg/s) demolition course no suspension release after the completion of cofferdam water in cofferdam steel tube protection, dregs after the instant sending away of drilled holes 0.31~0.5(kg/s) 0.1~.0.5kg/s) dreg sedimentation before precipitation 500~1000 mg/l, basin after precipitation<60 mg/l sediment in the dregs field out the dike Forecast and analysis of suspension proliferation density in construction process By the above analysis of construction pollution, massive increase of water suspension caused by the construction have negative impact on quality of partial waters, thus affects the living environment of aquatic organism. For an accurate understanding of the influential area and the degree caused by construction process, two-dimensional mix pattern of stable state of river is adopted to evaluate and predict the mixture degree and scope of the spread and mixture of the suspended proliferation in the Mudanjiang extra-longbridge water. The prediction take the single pillar work as the basic operating mode and regards each bridge pier as the continuous drop discharge source of suspended substance. . Prediction mode c x, y ch exp[ c p Qp {exp( 1/ 2 2 H M Y xu uy 2 ) 4M y x u ( 2a y ) 2 u ( 2 B 2a y ) 2 ] exp[ ]} 4M Y x 4M y x Where, c is the pollutant density; H is the water depth; a is the distance from emission point to the shore; My is the crosswise mixed coefficient; u is the water speed of flow; B is a river width; Qp is the discharging quantity of wasted water. Parameter determination M Y (0.058H 0.0065B)( gHI )1 / 2 gHI 100 where, I is riverbed gradient. Source intensity determination According to the analysis of construction pollution, suspended substance is released most during the process of coffer dam and weir opening. Take this process as source intensity, dereferencing 1.2kg/s. The state of prediction Predict suspension concentration under the normal construction situation in the low water season. Prediction results and analysis Input parameter, the proliferation scope of the suspended substance during bridge construction process. Area of enveloping line and concentration value-added of suspended substance and affected distance of the upstream and downstream is as follows. See Table 5-3-11, 5-3-12 respectively. Table 6-11 Concentration value-added of suspended substance and area of enveloping line during construction period unit: km2 State suspended substance of Concentration value-added of suspended substance≥ Diffusion area 5mg/l 10 mg/l 15 mg/l 20 mg/l 0.08 0.010 0.005 0.001 Table 6-12 the biggest affected distance and concentration value-added of suspended substance during construction period. Unit: m The largest distance State of prediction Construction pier of single affected Concentration value-added of suspended substance≥ 5 mg/l 10 mg/l upstream 346 87 downstream 864 239 Lateral diffusion breath 52 23 The result indicated that during cofferdam and demolition ,when single pillar works, the waters area is 0.01km2 in which concentration value-added of suspended substance ≥10mg/l . The suspension density ≥10mg/l. Affected impact distance of upstream is 87m and downstream 239m.The maximum diffusion breadth is 11.5m (take bridge pier as center). Obviously the suspension area of impactd is only restricted in nearby work and the area of impactd is limited. When two close pillars work at the same time, density of suspension possibly will double, depending on the water pillar spacing and the lateral divergence width of suspension. Table 5-3-12 shows that affected distance is 11.5m crosswise in the bridge pier one side. Therefore, even if construction is carried out simultaneously between the neighboring two bridge piers, the suspension density created by each pier is independent and proliferation does not superimpose mutually. According to the standard of national fishery water, the increase of suspension caused by man should not surpass 10mg/l. During this bridge construction, the water area with suspension density over 10mg/l is very limited. Therefore, the construction has little impact on the environment of fish living. During cofferdam and demolition period, the time of disturbance of river bed bottom mud lasts a short time. Massive suspended concentration gather in the coffer dam of steel pipe. And the increased suspended concentration will not further impact water quality with the completion of cofferdam and demolition. Impact of mechanical oil leakage Because machinery is electrically operated primarily, the occurrence of mineral oil leakage can be avoided. Even partial machinery operates on machine oil or the lubricating oil with limited quantity. Generally, water will not be polluted with strict management of construction so long as the strict construction management will not have the pollution generally. Suggestion of water pollution prevention a. River crossing bridge's foundation construction should be carried out in the dry season, avoiding the impact caused by mud and mechanical oil leakage during rainy season. Simultaneously, the Construction should optimize the plan of construction and adopts the most advanced construction craft, the scientific management as far as possible. Enhance the construction progress under the construction quality. Shorten the submarine operating time as far as possible and strengthens the management and the maintenance of construction equipment. Avoid the leakage of contaminating material as petroleum and the leakage of building material which and reduces the water pollution as far as possible. b. During the construction period of main bridge, the dregs, wasted material and life garbage are not allowed to discharge in to the construction waters. Temporary restroom and trashcan should be built in the platform of the site. It should be cleaned regularly and delivered to the bank. Measures are as follow: ① During the construction of pier, sediment barrel should be built nearby the drilling poles to deposit the mud dregs. It should be shipped to sedimentation pond when filled.( slush pit and sedimentation pond is built on the bank). The wasted water is cycled for reuse. Desiccated mud should be loaded and shipped to dreg piled field. Do not throw mud dregs and slush into the river course. After the construction, slush pit and sedimentation pond should be filled to restore the plantation of ground surface. ② Before the construction, based on the amount of piers, the designing department should put forward a scheme concerning the dreg piled field, and ways and surfaces. The field should not be built along two sides of bank. Dams should be built surrounding the field before drilling the dregs. Thus, the wasted will not form the mud flow to pollute the farmland. Flowing wastes, like slush, can first be solidated and then piled. Pillar construction in the water is carried out in dry season. After completion, the field should be improved and processed with filling and afforestation and the planting of trees and grasses. c. Certain buffer distances, generally above 20-30m, should be kept between the construction location and the bank to prevent the pollution of water body. Sanitary sewage of constructors and production wasted water cannot be dispersed into the water body. d. The location of cement mix should be beyond residential area 300m. Cement must be deposited away from water and rain. Mixer and other materials must be piled in the material field. Wasted water must be cycled for reuse. Wasted water can be discharged when it reach the required standard. When mixer shipped to pier, the material spray can affect the water quality. Station of mixer must have dedusting equipment, avoiding the pollution of air and water. e. Because of the scattered construction batalior, collective process of the wasted water is difficult. So it is suggested to build dry restroom in the camping area. Dry restroom is suggested to build and cleared promptly and regularly. Avoid the float of sewage during rainy season. f. Regarding the construction place with oily sewage, a small-sized oil removal, and base sump should be established. Oily sewage can be discharged after oil filter. g. In the construction machinery maintenance point, hardened ground and desiccation groove should be established at the construction machinery maintenance point to prevent the machinery maintenance and cleaning sewage from polluting the water body and soil. Examination and maintenance should be strengthened about the construction machinery with strict management to defend the machines’ oil against running, braving, dropping and leaking. h. The awning lid should be established in the material piled field if inside it are some particular materials such as asphalt, cement and so on, so as to avoid the pollution toward environment because of the outflow in rain washing. i. Relieving measures of the impact on fish ①Because the dog-legged steel cofferdam is used in some foundation constructions such as that in Ilan and Mudanjiang extra-longbridge, in the shallow water part the steel-plated pile is inserted for cofferdam construction. The low frequency noise is weakened in the conduction melt with air noise into the water. In construction, it is suggested that the low frequency acoustic source be put at the bottom of the water and then put into the steel cofferdam after the fish is driven for a period. The protective measures should be taken promptly for the fish in the course of mud absorbing, bottom covering and water pumping. ②Try to use advanced construction equipment and ships of the low frequency noise and pay attention to the daily maintenance and reduce the construction noise; close the floor system of the bridge and reduce the acoustic level spreading to the water. Temporary protective measures of bridge construction In order to effectively avoid the different kinds of soil erosion in the bridge construction, the following measures are newly increased, measures of waste earth resisting, mud dealing and management. a. In the bridge levying area, the temporary waste earth field is established to collectively pile the waste earth. The temporary resisting measures are designed to use rack to fill in earth forming a ladder shape, with the top breadth 0.5m, height 1.0m and bottom breadth 1.1m. b. The sedimentation basin is built to deal with the mud created in hole-drilling foundation construction to reduce the soil erosion in the course of construction. Table 6-13 Construction quantity of temporary protective measures in bridge area Temporary measures Mud sump Earth Admin.district knitting bag Number retaining wall(m3) (item) Number Foundation excavation(m3) (item) Harbin 622.73 1 8 2 12 67325.00 Bin county 762.07 2 16 4 24 100825.00 800.05 3 24 6 36 111125.00 Ilan county 846.15 5 40 10 60 124300.00 Jiamusi 612.59 2 16 4 24 65150.00 Sum 3643.59 13 104 26 156 468725.00 Fangzheng county Sedimentation basin Foundation excavation Dense network coverage (10,000m2) (m3) Impact assessment in operation period In operation time, the cross-river bridge impacts the ecological environment mainly in the following aspects. Because the aperture is not suitably designed for surmounting the drainage ditch and the culvert of the river, which is likely to reduce the water-passing cross section of small scream, or even block and compress the river course, affecting the function of flood discharging or possibly intensifying the washing of the river toward its bank. The anti-flush ability of the different rivers is good along the construction line and the suspension ratio will be relatively small. So bridge building will not have tremendous impact to the fishery resources. This building of this bridge will not change the current capacity and temperature of the river, and will not be cut off other fish channels. The bridge and the dam are two completely different kinds of hydraulic architecture. The building of the river-crossing bridge has shown the ecological impact of the river dam, which is seen from the operation impact of many built bridges across the main and branch river in some rivers, Songhuajiang River, for example. 6.1.7 Environmental impact analysis and mitigation measure of tunneling Tunnel works outline The Harbin-Jiamusi rail line involves 9 tunnels, all in double-line, total length 14.093km, which is approximately 4.18% of the total line. Tunnel design is as shown in Table 2-7 and Table 2-8. The main tunnels see the following virtual appliance photos: Korea hat tunnel entrance Korea hat tunnel exit Pingan tunnel entrance Pingan tunnel exit Changfa tunnel entrance Ilan 2 tunnel exit Monkey rocky mountain entrance Monkey rocky mountain exit Key tunnel introduction-monkey rocky mountain tunnel Outline of tunnel The tunnel entrance course is CK316+484, the exit course is CK321+386, span 4902m. The greatest burying depth of the tunnel is approximately 110m. Condition of engineering geology Lithology character of stradum The surface of the tunnel is covered with powdered clay of slope diluvium (Q3dl+pl) of the early pleistocene of 4th system, clay, gravel sand, thick-angle gravel soil and thin-angle gravel soil, and tuff of Cretaceous system (K2) beneath and with partial appearance . Classification of rock construction Table 6-14 Monkey rocky mountain tunnel ground construction work grading Lithology Rock-soil construction grading Powered clay II Clay II Gravel sand I Fine-caped gravel earth Medium density II Rough-caped gravel earth Medium density III Tuff (W4) III Tuff (W3) IV Tuff (W2) IV Fault fracture zone III Rock mass classification Table 6-15 Adjacent formation hierarchical list of monkey rocky mountain tunnel lithology starting course ending course length(m) powered clay、clay、tuff(W4) CK316+565 CK317+015 450 wall rock grading V tuff(W3、W4) ,fault fracture zone CK317+015 CK318+400 1385 IV tuff(W2) CK318+400 CK319+195 795 III fault fracture zone CK319+195 CK319+325 130 IV tuff(W2) CK319+325 CK320+735 101410 III tuff(W3) CK320+735 CK320+935 200 IV rough-caped gravel earth、fine-caped gravel CK320+935 earth、tuff(W4) CK321+300 365 V 3). Hydrogeological conditions There is a spring mouth at the location 200m of the tunnel access nearby the left side of the line, containing little water and little amount of bedrock crevice water in the inside tunnel body in the exploration depth and scope . Soaking coefficient: K=0.02m/d. the tuff, the entire decency, strong decency K=10m/d, weak decency K=5m/d, fault crushed zone K=100m/d. Construction methods II-rate adjacent formation uses the terrace cultivation or the entire cross-section measures for construction. Ⅲ-rate adjacent formation uses the terrace cultivation for construction. Deep buried section of Ⅳ-rate adjacent formation uses three-terrace cultivation for construction, while the shallow-submersion uses the short-terrace cultivation (if necessary temporary inverted arch increased) for construction. The deep buried section of V-rate adjacent formation uses three-stairs-seven-steps excavation, the slanting pressed and shallow-submersion sections use the CRD or the two-sided wall guiding hole for construction. Analysis on construction period The monkey rocky mountain tunnel is designed to have double accesses, both the access and exit, without considering of the designing of slant hole, construction period of time altogether 36.24 months (3 months for construction preparation). Security measures and suggestions for construction a. Before the tunnel construction, the low-lying place should be backfilled on the surface of the shallowsubmersion section at the entrance and exit to prevent the stagnant water. b. Since the end section of this tunnel are covered with shallow layer in V grade rocks including silty clay, tuff, coarse breccias clay, and fine breccias clay, they must be constructed to a large round pipe shelf at the end of it. (Steel pipe in diameter of 108mm, and thickness of 5mm) The shelf length will be 30m, and interval distance of the round will be 33cm. Wall rock of Ⅳ grade, reinforced section of it, wall rock of Ⅴ grade, and reinforced section of it are designed to vessel grouting in advance at arc part. Vessel type is designed to hot-rolled seamless pipe in diameter of Φ42mm, and thickness of 3.5mm. Advices Research will be done at the next stage on how to use abandoned dreg according to geological information. As to the abandoned dreg unable to use, careful investigation will be done to determine the position of abandoned dreg site and permanent dreg site protection works will be set up. Cut-off and drainage system will be set up on the top. Measures will be taken on the slope of dreg site by growing plants to prevent soil erosion. Analysis on environment impact from tunnel project The impact of tunnel engineering on the environment mainly includes: Tunnel spoil disposal taking up land will lead to soil erosion, thus affecting the ecological environment; Water leaking from tunnel construction will affect plants on the top and residents’ drinking water. Tunnel spoil disposal The project consists of 9 tunnels. For tunnels of less than 500m, dreg will be carried from one exit to reduce the damage to the surrounding environment. Tunnel spoil disposal will be 204.34×104m3, among which 75.95×104m3 will be used and the other128.39×104m3 will be placed in spoil yard forever. 12 spoil yard will be built along the whole route, taking up 34.72hm2 land and holding abandoned dreg of 338.16×104m3. Tunnel spoil disposal sites along the route see table 5-3-16. Table 6-16 Tunnel spoils site Area District Harbin Jiamusi Total No Places site at Amount CK112+800 left gully 15 2.4 Woodland steppe 28.95 2.90 Woodland steppe 18.61 1.86 Waste land 42.02 4.20 Waste land 28.7 2.87 Waste land 27.99 2.80 Woodland steppe 15.83 1.58 Woodland steppe (hm2) Land 1 Disposal Tunnel 2 Disposal site at entrance of CK123+750 Pinan Tunnel gully right 100m 3 Disposal site PinganTunnel of CK125+000 gully right 200m 4 Disposal site at Lianbin Tunnel CK128+750 gully left 250m 5 Disposal site at entrance of CK131+000 Fangzheng Tunnel gully left 400m 6 Disposal site at Fangzheng Tunnel of CK133+500 gully left 500m 7 Disposal site at Changfa Tunnel CK139+500 gully right 300m 8 Disposal site at Yilan Tunnel 1 CK247+100 right 800m 19.96 2.00 Waste land 9 Disposal site at entrance of CK254+100 right 1500m Yilan Tunnel 2 31.5 3.15 Waste land 10 Disposal site at exit of Yilan CK257+880 right 500m Tunnel 2 37.8 3.78 Waste land 11 Disposal site at entrance of CK316+400 Houshishan Tunnel gully right 600m 35.9 3.59 Woodland steppe 12 Disposal site at Houshishan Tunnel left 500m 35.9 3.59 Woodland steppe 338.16 34.72 at Gaolimao Locations exit exit exit of CK321+400 gully Spoil yard of this project will mainly consist of uncultivated land and land with few scattered woods. The large amount of spoil will take up land and bury vegetation. Loosely piling up, the abandoned layer is likely to cause soil erosion and damage the ecological environment. It is suggested that geological exploration work be strengthened and earth and stone be mixed proportionately in the next stage work of survey and design. Tunnel dreg will be made full use of as roadbed stuff to further reduce the amount of Tunnel spoil disposal, thus reducing land being taken up and damage to vegetation caused by this project. When tunnel dreg can’t be used, the choice of spoil yard will be based on local planning. Little cultivated land will be taken up. Abandoned dreg mustn’t be used to back fill earth drawing site. Safety of buildings and facilities in lower reaches will be taken into account. Spoil yard mustn’t be built in higher reaches of villages to avoid dreg collapsing and threatening the safety of residents. Tunnel spoil disposal mustn’t be placed in river course. According to the rule of “first blocking and later abandoning”, retaining wall of mortar flag stone will be set up under abandoned dreg. Combined with local practical condition, measures such as land-cultivating restoration, land producing, planting grass and trees must be taken. Slopes of spoil yard must be protected. If tunnel construction is done before construction of roadbed and of spoil yard because of construction progress, the dreg dug must be placed in appropriate temporary places. It mustn’t be placed in the ditch mouth or flood land. Temporary protection measures will be taken based on terrain. 2) The impact of water leaking caused by tunnel construction on top vegetation and on residents’ life water The project tunnels are mainly distributed in the hilly land along the route, where large amount of granite, metamorphic rock series and sedimentary rock group are distributed. Bedrock crevice water is stored here, which is supplied by rainfall. Groundwater level lies relatively in deeper places. 1) The impact of tunnel construction on vegetation on the top The tops of most tunnels of this project are generally covered with few scattered bushes and weeds. Growth of vegetation usually depends on water contained by top soil and natural rain. Leaking water caused by tunnel construction mainly consists of roadbed crevice water and pore water. Water content in top soil will not be affected, so vegetation on the top will not be affected. Only the vegetation in tunnel mouth will partially be affected. As to the area with woods of deep roots on the top of tunnel, vegetation root absorbing water will be affected because of the possible negative impact of tunnel construction on groundwater, thus affecting the growth of vegetation. As to large-amount-of-water-pouring tunnels, blocking will be the first choice, which will be done through the method of grout curtain. Effective control will be done by reducing water pouring during construction. In addition, tunnels in these sections are usually buried deep, basically above tens of meters, so project construction will basically not damage vegetation roots on the top. After construction everything will be restored. Vegetation growth will not be affected during the operation. 2) Analysis about the impact on residents’ life water According to spot survey and Ha-Jia railroad drawing of 1:10000, in this project only the both sides of Gaolimao tunnel (CK111+954- CK112+866, with total length of 912m) entrance within the range of 1000m will involve two villages--Sunjiujingtun Village and Liuchunxitun Village. No residential areas are distributed within the range of other tunnel entrances and exits and on the top of tunnel. ① Gaolimao tunnel The tunnel will be located in slow, buffer hilly land. Terrain changes much. Ground level is 217~278m. Gullies develop. Top soil vegetation develops. Tunnel elevation will be about 210m and the maximum burying depth is about 63m. Surface of the tunnel is silty clay in alluvial layer of Quaternary Pleistocene series (Q3dl+pl)above the granite of invasion rock in Variscan (γ4). The granite is of brown-yellow to yellowish brown in coarse grain and massive structure, fully weathered to weakly weathered, in developed joints and fissures. Groundwater is not found within the depth of exploration during the period of survey. Little amount of roadbed crevice water is stored in tunnel body, and chances are small that large amount of water will be pouring. ② Analysis about the impact on residents’ life water Sunjiujingtun is located on the left side of Gaolimao tunnel entrance. Water used by residents mainly comes from groundwater, which is supplied by Sunhuajia Branch—Taoqi River and rainfall. Because the body of tunnel is made of granite with poor water yield property, the little amount of bedrock crevice water leaking will not affect the supply of surrounding groundwater. Besides, the village is about 830m away from the tunnel entrance, so tunnel digging will not affect residents’ life water. Liuchunxitun is located on the right side of Gaolimao tunnel entrance, and is about 850m away from the tunnel entrance. Water used by residents mainly comes from groundwater, which is supplied by Sunhuajia Branch—Taoqi River, rainfall and little amount of bedrock crevice water. Between this village and the railroad project is Tongsan highway and a valley. Tunnel area has nothing to do with the water system of groundwater in the village, so tunnel digging will not affect residents’ life water. Protection measures for tunnel project and advice Measures for construction management a. Construction unit must be under strict management. Construction personnel can’t abandon dreg freely, damage vegetation in lower courses of tunnel exit or expand disturbance of earth surface. b. As to less than 500-meter-long tunnels, construction must be done in one tunnel mouth. Roadbed body must be used as access roadof construction when construction is done between adjacent short tunnels to reduce the range of disturbance. Figure 6-6 Geological Profile of Gaolimao Tunnel Figure 6-7 Distribution of Villages around Gaolimao Tunnel Entrance Temporary protection measures for tunnel construction Part of the tunnel dreg will be used as roadbed stuff and station stuff, while part of it will be abandoned forever. Permanently abandoned dreg must be carried to spoil yard in time and corresponding measures be taken. Dreg used as roadbed stuff and station site stuff must be carried to corresponding places for filling. When tunnel sides in the connection between bridge and tunnel and upslope are dug, the bottom of slope will be blocked by wiring netting to catch tunnel dreg, avoiding abandoned dreg damaging vegetation, farmland and traffic facilities in lower courses. When tunnel dreg can’t be carried away in time, it should pile up in designated temporary dreg sites and should not be abandoned freely to avoid farmland being taken up and vegetation being damaged. Dreg sites must be away from flood course and from the area in higher reaches where large amount of water pours. During the period when tunnel dreg piles up temporarily, retaining wall of moraine must be built at the foot of dreg site slope to avoid dreg falling. Big aggregate in dregs can be used as moraine. The section of retaining wall of moraine will be in the shape of trapezoid section with size of height × top width × base width being 1.5m×0.5m×3.5m. Temporary protection measures for tunnel area construction see Table 5-3-17, which is based on calculation. Table 6-17 Temporary protection measures for Tunnel Area Temporary measure Administrative area Guardrail in barbed wire(m2) Retaining wall for stone pile (m3) Harbin Municipal 0.00 0.00 Binxian County 260 755.60 Fangzheng County 1300 1240.05 Yilan County 520 1543.89 Jiamusi Municipal 260 1544.57 Total 2340 5084.12 Ecological environment and the impact on water and soil conservation and measures taken a. The principle of “ early in and late out” must be stuck to. Structure of tunnel mouth must be simple. In combination with construction of green lanes, structure of tunnel mouth must be coordinated well with the surrounding landscape. b. As to tunnels with strict requirement on ecological environment, when drainage of groundwater has negative impact on them, leakage prevention measures such as blocking water inside tunnel, strengthening water carrying section of earth surface and water storage structures on earth surface will be taken to make the impact of construction on groundwater under control. c. Tunnel dreg mustn’t be abandoned on fertile land if possible. The best choice will be to use it as filling earth and concrete coarse aggregate. To prevent soil erosion, slope foot of the dreg body must be constructed to some flood proof wall or dreg controlling wall. Vegetation will be done according to the surrounding environment. d. For pouring water caused by tunnel digging, if it needs to be drained away, it will be drained away after being treated through sand bath located at tunnel mouth. Waste water caused by construction will be drained away after being treated through sedimentation tank and filtering basin and meeting drainage standard. It will be drained into nearby rivers or reservoir in lower reaches by using water pumps. Then it can be used for irrigating farmland or supply water resources of earth surface. It mustn’t be drained freely to avoid the loss of groundwater resource. Suggestions a. It is suggested that further exploration and analysis be strengthened in the next stage and that further investigation on water use condition nearby be made. In combination with practical condition, effective measures for prevention and slowing-down will be worked out. Hydrogeological survey and environmental protection will be strengthened in the design. Construction program will be worked out well. Tunnel construction program affecting the environment must be carried out under strict principle of “first blocking, then control drainage”. Aquifer blocking technology like pre-grouting technology will be employed. Strict measures will be taken to supervise tunnel construction. construction unit must strengthen tunnel construction management work, choose experienced tunnel construction units, assign specialized construction supervisor and avoid water pouring accident caused by violation of rules during construction. During construction and initial stage of operation, water level and water quality of the important wells along tunnel routes will be monitored. Once abnormal condition occurs, remedy must be done in time to ensure the safety of nearby residents’ life water. b. It is suggested that geological exploration work be strengthened and earth and stone be mixed proportionately in the next stage work of survey and design. Tunnel dreg will be made full use of as roadbed stuff to further reduce the amount of Tunnel spoil disposal, thus reducing land being taken up and damage to vegetation caused by this project. When tunnel dreg can’t be used, the choice of spoil yard will be based on local planning. Little cultivated land will be taken up. Abandoned dreg mustn’t be used to back fill earth drawing site. Safety of buildings and facilities in lower reaches will be taken into account. Spoil yard mustn’t be built in higher reaches of villages to avoid dreg collapse threatening the safety of residents. Tunnel spoil disposal mustn’t be placed in river course. According to the rule of “first blocking and later abandoning”, retaining wall of mortar flag stone will be set up under abandoned dreg. Combined with local practical condition, measures such as land-cultivating restoration, land producing, planting grass and trees must be taken. Slopes of spoil yard must be protected. If tunnel construction is done before construction of roadbed and of spoil yard because of construction progress, the dreg dug must be placed in appropriate temporary places. It mustn’t be placed in the ditch mouth or flood land. Temporary protection measures will be taken based on terrain. 6.1.8 Impact assessment on borrow pits and disposal sites and mitigation measures Analysis about the impact of earth drawing and earth abandoning sites on the environment and measures for harnessing Total cubic meter of earth and stone along the route will be 4111.78×104m3, among which filling will be 1437.24×104m3 and excavation be 2674.54×104m3.Excavated earth will be made full use of as filling stuff. Earth used will amount to 951.44×104m3. Total abandoned earth will amount to1723.10×104m3, among which top soil of 118.53×104m3 will be reused for greening purpose and 1604.57×104m3 be abandoned at dreg sites forever. Table 6-18 Amount of stone and earth work Unit: 104m3 Items Excavation Filling Utilization Topsoil utilization Permanent waste Borrowing Roadbed 1949.78 635.07 658.58 75.46 1215.74 242.7 Stations 229.96 606.6 21.34 43.07 165.55 243.1 Tunnel 204.34 Bridge 290.46 In total 2674.54 75.95 128.39 195.57 195.57 94.89 1437.24 951.44 118.53 1604.57 485.8 Wasted excavation Excavation earth Slag from bridge 290.46 94.89 Permane nt waste 1604.57 Non-usable earth 195.57 1215.74 Roadbed 1949.78 370.50 Fill earth Backfill for bridge 195.57 Roadbed utilization 392.37 392.37 128.39 Roadbed backfill 635.07 288.08 Tunnel 204.34 Landsc aping 118.53 243.1 54.08 43.07 Site 229.96 242.7 21.87 75.46 165.55 Borrow earth 21.34 Site utilization 363.50 Figure 6-8 TPFG of earth and stone work 396.09 Site backfill 606.60 Borrow earth 485.8 Treatment Methods and Environment Impact Assessment of borrow pit General condition of the borrow pits Since the excavation of this engineering is much more than the fill of it, the fill will be done mainly by using the excavation. According to the treatment plan to earth and stone work, borrow earth in the whole line is designed to amount of 485.80×104m3 from 12 pits of the existed quarry plant. General condition of the borrow pits is listed in Table 5-3-19 supported by some natural photographs of them. Longsheng Quarry Taipingshan Quarry Jianzishan Quarry in Fangzheng County Pingan Quarry Borrowing earth from above pits will destroy the vegetation on them, and cause some living things vanish, and decrease the vegetation covering rate of them. Borrowing earth from them will also disturb the original soil structure, and to cause the soil become loose. This will destroy the balance of soil mass in natural condition, and destroy the soil structure, even to cause soil and water loss become easy. Table 6-19General condition of the borrow pits Average (m) No Pit 1 Weakly Longsheng quarry weathered >25.0 depth Deposit (104) Ground water Stone and quality depth(m) Pit condition and road condition Use 100m3 Tuff: gray, weakly weathered, cryptocrystalline massive >10.0m complete structure This pit is of lower mountain landform with rare ground vegetation. It locates in Roadbed and Binxi Changqing village of Bingxian station filling County. 80m3 Tuff: gray, weakly weathered, cryptocrystalline massive >10.0m complete structure This pit is of lower mountain landform Roadbed and with rare ground vegetation. It locates in station filling Binzhou of Bingxian County. 3 Weakly Shidonghe Quarry 60m3 weathered >20.0 Granite: gray, weakly weathered, joint fissure in >10.0m developing, open grained massive structure. This pit is of lower mountain landform Roadbed and with rare ground vegetation. It locates in station filling Yongzeng village of Bingxian County. 4 Shengli Taipingshan Quarry Granite: beige, weakly weathered, joint fissure in >10.0m developing, open grained massive structure. This pit is of lower mountain landform with rare ground vegetation. It locates in Roadbed and Taiping Mountain, Shengli Town of station filling Bingxian County. This pit is of lower mountain landform with rare ground vegetation. Natural slope Roadbed and of it is 45°~60°. It locates in Jianshan station filling village of Yihantong town, 13km east of Fangzheng County. 2 Baichao Quarry Weakly weathered >36.0 Weakly weathered 64m3 >20.0 5 Jianshanzi Quarry Weakly 100 m3 weathered >30.0 Basalt: beige, weakly weathered, joint fissure in >20.0m developing, cryptocrystalline massive structure 6 Weakly Songjiang Quarry 128 m3 weathered >40.0 Gabbro: beige, weakly weathered, joint fissure in >20.0m developing, massive complete structure. This pit is of lower mountain landform with rare ground vegetation. Natural slope Roadbed and is 30°~40°. It locates in Demoli village of station filling Yihantong town, Fangzheng County. 7 Balinban Quarry Weakly 160 m3 weathered >30.0 Andesite: gray, weakly weathered, joint fissure in >10.0m developing, cryptocrystalline This pit is of lower mountain landform Roadbed and with rare ground vegetation. It locates in station filling Chensuo village, at Gaoleng Forestry 8 9 10 11 12 Zhushan Quarry Pingan Quarry Xinghua Quarry Tianhengshan Quarry Kuangye Quarry massive complete structure Bureau of Fangzheng County. Weakly 120 m3 weathered >30.0 Ophite: gray green to brownyellow, weakly weathered, >20.0m cryptocrystalline massive structure. This pit locates at west of Fendou village of Yilan town, and is 1.5km away from the village, and is 6.2km west away from line Roadbed and K262+600. It is of hill area. Road Hongstation filling Tong (cement structure) connects it with outside world in convenient traffic condition. Weakly 80 m3 weathered >20.0 Andesite: gray-brown to graygreen, weakly weathered, cryptocrystalline massive structure, joint fissure developed This pit locates near the Xiaodangui village of Hongkeli town, and is 2km away from the village, and is 5.8km northRoadbed and east away from line CK282+000. It is of station filling hill area. The old Tong-Sang road (in gravel) connects it with outside world in convenient traffic condition. Weakly 150 m3 weathered >30.0 Tuff: steel gray, weakly weathered, tuffite structure, massive structure, joint fissure developed This pit locates in Qiongshengtown of Jiamusi city, and is 1.2km away from Xinghua village, and is 3.6km southeast of Roadbed and line CK319+000. It is of hill area. Country station filling road (in cement structure) connects it with outside world in convenient traffic condition. Weakly 80 m3 weathered>20.0 Tuff: steel gray, weakly weathered, tuffite massive structure, joint fissure developed. This pit locates at Qiongsheng town, and is 500m away from Xinhua village, 2.2km southeast away from line CK320+000. It Roadbed and is of lower hill area. Country road (in station filling cement) connects it with outside world in convenient traffic condition. Weakly 120 m3 weathered >30.0 Tuff: gray-brown to graygreen, weakly weathered, tuffite massive structure, joint fissure developed. This pit locates at Xinhua village of Jiamusi City, and is 700m southeast away and from Xinhua village, 1.2km northeast Roadbed away from line CK322+300. It is of slope station filling face of hill area. Country road (in cement) connects it with outside world in convenient traffic condition. Reasonability analysis to borrow pits Since utilization of borrow pits may cause side impacts to the environment, and in order to protect the farmland and woodland, and to minimize the levy to farmland and woodland, earth source is generally selected by local government, approved by railway construction party, and supported by earth source agreement signed by railway construction party and the local government. As to this design, after site survey and negotiation with local county level government, also according to the demands of railway construction building and the local real condition, 12 borrow pits of existing quarry was preliminary selected. Moreover, new pits for earth borrowing are not planned in this design. So earth borrowing will be in market way from other earth pits rather than some new borrowing pits are required. Borrowing earth design in this way is suitable. Treatment Methods and Environment Impact Assessment of disposal site General condition of the disposal site Dregs construction of this project mainly includes those from railway line, station, tunnel, and bridge engineering in total amount of 1723.10×104m3. Among them, partly waste earth from roadbed and station construction is of topsoil in total amount of 118.53×104m3, and they may be reused again as the cultivation land. Others dregs in amount of 1604.57×104m3 will be disposed in the dreg field. According to the design, 45 places of dreg field are selected in total area of 217.78hm2 which can accept all dreg from whole line of this engineering. See detail in Table 5-3-20. Table 6-20 General condition of disposal site for Harbin-Jimusi railway line Location Area (hm2) Land type Amount (104 m3) Depth (m) Waste earth yard 1 at Binxi Develop Zone CK41+000 left 8.50 Slope dry land 85 10 2 Waste earth yard 2 at Binxi Develop Zone CK41+001 left 4.54 Slope dry land 45.4 10 3 Waste earth yard at Binzhou Town CK62+000 right 3km 5.13 Waste gully 51.25 10 4 Waste earth Shiyangtun yard at CK63 right 8km 6.95 Slope dry land 69.5 10 5 Waste earth yard Taipingqiao village at CK63+500 right 8.5km 3.75 37.5 10 6 Waste earth yard at Baichao of Binxian county CK75 right 8km 5.71 Slope dry land 45.7 8 7 Waste earth yard at Binan Brick plant CK83+500 left 5km 0.90 Wasteland 22.54 25 8 Disposal site at Gaolimao Tunnel CK112+800 left gully 2.40 Woodland steppe 15 10 9 Waste earth yard at Baiduhe CK118 left 1km 40 Dry land 2 10 Disposal site at entrance of Pinan Tunnel CK123+750 right 100m gully 2.90 Woodland steppe 28.95 10 CK125+000 right 200m gully 1.86 Wasteland 18.61 10 CK128+750 left 250m gully 4.20 Wasteland 42.02 10 CK131+000 left 400m gully 2.87 Wasteland 28.7 10 No. Places 1 11 12 13 District of Binxian County Disposal site at exit of PinganTunnel Fangzheng Disposal site at Lianbin County Tunnel Disposal site at entrance of Fangzheng Tunnel 57.15 14 Disposal site at exit of Fangzheng Tunnel CK133+500 left 500m gully 2.80 Woodland steppe 27.99 10 15 Waste earth yard 1 at Changfatun village CK138 left 500m 5.48 Dry land 5 16 Disposal site at changfa Tunnel CK139+500 right 300m gully 1.58 Woodland steppe 15.83 10 17 Waste earth yard 2 at Changfatun village CK141 right 200m 2.72 Wasteland 27.23 10 18 Waste earth yard Shangzhi village at CK149+700 right 700m 2.15 Waste gully 27.5 13 19 Waste earth yard Shangzhi Brick plant at CK155 right 200m 1.00 Wasteland 13 15 20 Waste earth Jianshanzi at CK180+700 right 1.7km 3.14 Wasteland 31.2 10 21 Waste earth yard at Demoli CK189 left 500m 17.07 Wasteland 30 2 22 Waste earth yard at borrow pit for highway construction CK189+500 right 2km 4.15 Wasteland 82.9 20 23 Waste earth yard of G221 CK190 right 1.7km 0.90 Wasteland 7.2 8 24 Waste earth yard Shuanggou gully at CK194 left 300m 1.38 Wasteland 13 10 25 Waste earth Caopigou gully at CK197+600 right 200m 2.33 Woodland steppe 30 15 26 Waste earth yard 1 at Fangzheng Gaoleng County CK207+300 right 300m 1.88 Wasteland 37.5 20 27 Waste earth yard 2 at Gaoleng CK207+400 right 150m 1.40 Wasteland 20 4 28 Waste earth yard at Yongqi River CK210 left 1km 3.29 Wasteland 38.5 12 yard yard 25 29 Waste earth yard at Waqi River CK215v1km 4.17 Wasteland 38.4 8 30 Waste earth yard at Shaizihe River CK217 left 100m 3.02 Wasteland 20 8 31 Waste earth yard at Shahezi CK220+500 left 500m 4.01 Wasteland 31.37 10 32 Waste earth Erdaogou yard at CK226+500 right 500m 4.50 Wasteland 45 10 33 Waste earth Toudaogou yard at CK228+500 right 3km 8.72 Wasteland 84.2 10 34 Waste earth yard of CK230 CK230 left 100m 1.48 Wasteland 7.4 5 35 Waste earth yard ofCK236 CK236v100m 5.54 Wasteland 25.5 5 36 Waste earth yard of CK242 CK242 right 1km 10.00 Wasteland 25 3 37 Disposal Tunnel 1 CK247+100 right 800m 2.00 Wasteland 19.96 10 38 Disposal site at entrance of Yilan Tunnel 2 CK254+100 right 1500m 3.15 Wasteland 31.5 10 39 Disposal site at exit of Yilan Tunnel 2 CK257+880 right 500m 3.78 Wasteland 37.8 10 40 Waste earth yard at Zhushan CK262+600 right 6.2km 6.50 Slope wasteland 65 10 41 Waste earth Xiaowadan CK282+000 left 5.8km 5.80 Wasteland 58 10 42 Waste earth yard at Xinhua CK319+000southeast 3.6km 4.2 Wasteland 42 10 43 Disposal site at entrance of Houshishan Tunnel CK316+400 right 600m gully 3.59 Woodland steppe 35.9 10 44 Disposal site at exit of Houshishan Tunnel CK321+400 left 500m gully 3.59 Woodland steppe 35.9 10 45 Waste earth yard at Xinshi CK322+300northwest 1.2km 2.75 Wasteland 10 site at yard Yilan Yilan County at Jiamusi city 27.5 village Reasonability analysis to disposal site As to this design, 45 places for disposal site use were selected. Among them in 4 types, 36 are of gully type yard, 6 are of slow slope yard, 2 are of low-lying land yard, and 1 waste earth yard is of alluvial land yard. Since the land occupation of this project is dominated by 19.19hm2 of woodland and 71.18 hm2 of cfarmland, and 127.41hm2 of waste land. For those disposal sites occupying the farmland, land in poor operation condition will be emphasized, and their level for cultivation will be raised after the dreg is covered by soil in depth of 40-50mm. In this way, impact from construction to agricultural production activity may be limited to a minimize range. Reasonability analysis to disposal site is listed in Table 5-321. Table 6-21 Reasonability analysis to disposal site Disposal Environment condition site type Reasonability analysis According to the site survey report and the Disposal site of gully type dots in 36 topographic map along the railway line, all those places. They are not located in the stream disposal sites can’t be regarded as the debris flow Gully line of the gully. Land occupation of gully, and does not locates in the sensitive area. type yard them is waste land and woodland steppe Retaining wall will be built before the dreg is being in pile height of 2-10m. disposed, and side slope will be recovered to vegetation plants after the disposal. According to the site survey report and the topographic map along the railway line, all those disposal sites does not locates in the sensitive area. Disposal site of slow-slope type dots Slow Retaining wall will be built before the dreg is being in6places. Land occupation of them is slope type disposed, and side slope will be recovered to farmland in average pile height of 2yard vegetation plants after the disposal. Moreover, dreg 8.0m. pile platform will be covered with vegetation plants. These yards are acceptable when they are supported by proper protection measures. Disposal site of low-lying land type dots in 2 places of waste earth yard in Binan These 2 yards does not locate in the sensitive area. low-lying Brick Plant, and waste earth yard of Since the land there is flat, retaining wall is land yard borrow pits of highway construction unnecessary. They will also be covered with engineering. Land occupation of them is vegetation plants after disposal. These yards are waste land. Since water covering area acceptable when they are supported by proper over there is small, drain flow rate is protection measures. designed to 0.23 and 3.49m3/s. Disposal site of alluvial land type locates alluvial This yard is not rationally selected; therefore, it in Demoli. It is the beach land of land yard must be designed again in future stage. Songhuajiang River. Protection consideration for the disposal site a. Retaining wall first. Retaining wall must be built at the site before the disposal is carried out. Waste earth and dregs must be piled in layer and pressed to compaction. Pile slope must be constructed to masonry grid type. b.Considering the topography condition of the disposal site, protection to retaining wall must be built near the slope foot. Protection measure and type for them must be designed according to the technical specification in “Technical Specification for water and soil conservation in development to construction project”. c. For those disposal site whose neighbor are expected to collect large area of water space, drain ditches must be constructed to prevent the runoff from sweeping over the yard. d. Protection measure to disposal site must be done in advance the dreg disposal to secure its protection role may be realized. e. After the disposal of dreg or waste earth, yard shall be made flat and recovered its vegetation according to actual condition to prevent the water and soil loss. Protection measure for the disposal site a. Protection measure for typical disposal site on gully and slope Before the dreg is being discharged, water draining system like drain ditches must be constructed to prevent the rainfall from flushing the dreg of waste earth. This system must lead the rainfall into the natural ditches smoothly. The slope foot must be constructed to retaining wall; the slope face must be constructed to masonry grid type; and the slope end must be done to flat. The stone dreg shall be discharged in the bottom, and shall be covered by the waste earth, further covered by humus of 40-50cm depth. Finally, they shall be covered by vegetation of trees and shrub. By considering the topography and terrain feature of the yard area, following typical treatment and protection measure to gully type yard and slope type yard can be designed. See detail in figure 5-3-8 and figure 5-3-9. Table 6-22 Scheme for protection to gully type disposal site Figure 6-9 Scheme for protection of gentle slope spoil yard b. Engineering measure Engineering measure in disposal site includes retaining wall, drain ditches, rapid flow slot, and masonry grid slope. ① Design to retaining wall According to the calculation, height of the retaining wall is designed to 3-5m, type of it is designed to gravity one. Stability of the wall then can be calculated by the computer program. As to its length, site survey to topography may be employed. An expansion joint of 2cm wide will be designed to the wall in every longitudinal 10~15m length of the wall which will be filled by the asphalt board. Moreover, hole for draining water will be designed in every longitudinal 2~3m length of the wall. If the wall is higher than 1m~1.5m, bottom of it will be designed to a row of hole for graining water. If the wall is higher than 2-3 m, two row of hole for draining water in vertical will be designed in the wall which lowest row of them will be higher than 0.3m from the ground level. Hole for draining water on the retaining wall will be designed to geotextile for filtration. As to this design, stability calculation is done according to the height of 3-5m. Earth press is calculated according to the Coulomb’s Theory. According to the calculation, each target can meet the requirements in “Technical Specification for water and earth reservation in development construction project”. The stability factor can meet the demand; the anti-sliding stability factor is more or to 1.3; the anti-inclining stability factor is more or to 1.5. It shall be noted that selection to the disposal site must consider that load ability of the base must be more than the designed maximum base pressure value; otherwise, base strengthening measure or reinforced concrete base board must be employed. Calculation result is listed in Table 5-3-22. Table 6-23 Calculation to section size of retaining wall and its parameter Section size(mm) h h1 Standard soil Designed Volume pressure (kN) Stability factor Deviation base press in meter value Slide- Incline- (mm) (m3) H V (kPa) p p h2 b1 b b2 2000 / 173 500 865 0 1.32 18.11 4.85 1.66 2.16 194 119.03 3000 / 231 600 1154 0 2.31 40.74 10.91 1.38 1.67 354 252.92 4000 400 317 750 1587 100 3.17 72.42 19.4 1.33 1.74 455 290.49 5000 400 413 950 2067 200 4.13 113.16 30.31 1.35 1.88 531 309.31 Figure 6-10 Design scheme of spoil retaining wall ② Design to flood releasing valley and energy dissipation measure At the top platform of the dreg pile, masonry flood ditches will be constructed, and their ends will be supported by rush slots or water-fall to drain the rainfall on the pile or from slope around it. As to this design, the maximum peak flow of rain collection area for this disposal site is used to calculate the section area of the typical flood ditches. Typical section size of flood ditches in all disposal site is selected according to the rain collection area. Length of them is defined according to the site surveyed topography. a. Flood calculation Design to the flood frequency: according to regulation on smaller water drain engineering for mediumsize slope face in “Technical Specification on water and soil preservation treatment ---- smaller water drain and utilization engineering”, also considering the flood control standards and importance of the downstream area, flood frequency is designed to once in ten years or in twenty years. Since many sensitive areas and national preservation areas locates near this railway line, the precaution standard then is designed to once in twenty years. Rain collection area for flood ditches in disposal site is normally less than 1.0km2. Flow of the peak for slope face then is calculated to according to formula in “Technical Specification on water and soil preservation for development of construction project”: QB 0.278KIF Where, QB—designed maximum peak flow (m3/s); I—maximum rainfall intensity in 1h(mm/h), 78mm/h; F—rain collection area of ditches in upstream(km2) ; K—runoff factor(for this design 0.65) According to the designed discharge, flow passing cross section is calculated based on the equation below: QB AC Ri Where, QB- the biggest precipitation of slope face (m3/s); A- cross sectional area of intercepting drain (m2); C- Chezy coefficient; R- hydraulic radius (m); i – gradient of intercepting drain Channel of flood discharge is in trapezoidal cross section. The size is decided by a formula, uniform stream of open channel. The speed of flow should be moderate. The grade of channel lengthwise is 5/1000~1/100, and the ratio of inslope is 1:0.75, safe altitude 0.2m, h is the water depth of the peak discharge when passing. The channel is built by layers of stones. The stone is 0.3m thick, 0.15m- thick gravel sand cushion laid below. After computation, the following determined 7 kinds of typical section size see Table 5-3-39. The cross section size of truncation and drain ditch is chosen according to the real controlled area and designed discharging quantity. At the point of big bottom slope in the drain ditch, the size of cross section should be suitably reduced and the side slope ratio should be enlarged. Table 6-24 typical cross section table each each fractur linear linear botto valle side mouth e fractur meter meter roughne Gradie Designi m y discharge slop breadt surfac e ng water breadt heig fluid foundati ss nt capacity(m3 e h e surfac depth(m h laying on ht /s) n i(1:n) ) e type m B(m) ( m2 stone excavati b(m) H(m) ) ( m3 on ) (m3) each linear meter sand cushio n ( m3 ) I 0.34 0.75 0.014 200 0.30 0.50 0.50 1.25 0.31 0.825 1.781 0.347 II 0.88 0.75 0.014 200 0.50 0.50 0.70 1.45 0.51 0.975 2.285 0.422 III 1.15 0.75 0.014 200 0.50 0.70 0.70 1.75 0.61 1.035 2.519 0.452 Ⅳ 1.79 0.75 0.014 200 0.60 0.80 0.80 2.00 0.80 1.140 2.933 0.504 Ⅴ 3.07 0.75 0.014 200 0.80 0.80 1.00 2.20 1.10 1.290 3.563 0.579 Ⅵ 7.74 0.75 0.014 200 1.00 1.50 1.20 3.45 2.07 1.650 5.375 0.759 Ⅶ 12.32 0.75 0.014 200 1.00 2.50 1.20 4.95 2.97 1.950 6.995 0.909 b. Energy-reducing measures This project is located at the low hill. The ground at the exit of flood-discharging ditch heaves greatly in some of dregs field, and energy-reducing facility is needed to establish to connect with the original waterdischarging system and prevent the water from washing the downstream. Because the exit dropping variance in some dregs field is bigger than 5m, steep trough project and energy-reducing basin is chosen in this report’s water-discharging designing in the dregs field. The energy-reducing facility is made up of graduation section upstream, steep trough section, energyreducing basin and entirely flowing section downstream, meeting with flood-discharging ditch above and with the original water-discharging system, the typical cross-section schematic drawing showing in chart 5-3-11. Figure 6-11Typical schematic drawing of energy-reducing facility The steep trough uses the rectangular section, and adds alternating rectangular coarse-tank at the bottom to increase the water depth, reduce the speed of flow and improve downstream energy-reducing condition. The size is established according to the open canal uniform-stream formula, the gradient 1:3.0. The height of side wall H is determined after the designed water depth and security height 0.5m. The force-reducing basin uses brick-laying for mortar walling, trough floor and spandrel wall both 0.5m in thickness, the cross section size determined according to the equation below: The size of steep trough in typical dregs field and the typical section of energy-reducing basin sees Table 5-3-24. Table 6-25 steep design parameter list designing flowing quantity entrance section steep tank section Energy releasing basin section Q (m3/s) (cm) Q≤1.0 exit section bottom groove breadth depth breadth depth (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) ridge baseboard level total height thickness length of flowing slope(cm) length(cm) (cm) (cm) 150 40 60 150 100 40 45 90 150 1.0<Q<2.0 200 50 70 200 110 50 50 100 200 2.0<Q<5.0 250 60 80 250 120 55 55 110 250 5.0<Q<8.0 300 75 95 300 120 60 55 120 300 8.0<Q<12.0 450 85 100 400 120 70 60 130 450 length ③Platform draining ditch In the dregs field, the platform drainage facility uses brick-laying stone water discharging ditch (vertically and horizontally spacing 200m). Because the platform area is small, the size of drain cross-section selects trapezoidal cross section, the bottom extension 50cm, orifice width 80cm, deep 50cm, the lengthwise slope not smaller than 3/1000. The mortar layers are 0.3m, 0.15m thick sandy gravel breaker strip below. ④ Land improvement After the completion of the construction, the dregs field should be leveled and smooth by backfilling, second ploughing and vegetation, according to the actual condition. If conditions permit, clay layers in 20cm thick is compacted to form the aquiclude and covered with surface soil 40-50cm. If used for farming, the fields should be cultivated completely and executed with chemical substances to improve soil structure and nutrients. Outer slope face of the field needs improvement, when higher than 8m; the 2m platform should be built. Boundary ridges should be built to keep off water at the intersection point of the dregs platform and side slope. Temporary protective measure For temporary project, topsoil stripping quantity of farming is 50cm and forest land 30cm, without stripping for wasted land and pond. The peeling regolith should be deposited inside the scope of dregs field land scope. Knitting bags are used to protect the toe of slope as temporary protective measure. Piles sets should not be higher than 4m and ratio of side slope should be controlled in 1:1.5. Height× top wide × bottom wide =1.0m×0.5m×1.1m trapezoidal cross section is adopted as the temporary earth retaining wall. it should be mutual linking and joining when built, the length of joint should not be less than 1/3 of the knitting bag . Surface of piled soil should be compacted and sprayed with water. Due to a long period of piling and loose structure of the soil, it is easy to become the source of wind and water erosion. Soil erosion happens during rainy and windy season, so the exposed surface should be protected by mixing the seeds of bermuda grass and eremochloa ophiuroides, etc. plant the protection, 60kg seeds should be sowed each hectare. Design of plant protective measure Dreg abandoning sticks to the principle of resisting before abandoning. The dregs resisting should be built at the beginning. Stone dregs are thrown away before the wasted earth. After the completion of abandonment, the field should be compacted to smooth and leveled. The dregs piling slope should be controlled at about 1:2. Then afforestation and grass sowing is carried on in outside earth from embankment and station topsoil, to restore plantation. The thickness of the covered earth is 40cm for the planting of shrubs and mixed grass sown in different rows. The plant protection measures should relate to the local soil conservation and forest plan. Based on the principle of ecology restoration, the local wide-spreading fine tree species and grass of shrub should be planted to restore the plantation as soon as possible to make the community stable. Arbors should be primarily locust tree and shrubs should be amorpha fruticosa, lespedeza and so on. The grass seeds will be setaria viridis, purple fescue, awnless brome, etc. The afforestation designing sees Table 5-3-25 afforestation technology skills see Table 5-3-26. Table 6-26 afforestation designing table growth row spacing tree specification (m) plant type forest species mixed type arbor silver chain mixed growth 2×2 between rows Wide-leafed river locust, river locust, 1×1 shrub bicolor bicolor mixed growth between rows , sowing mixed grass mixed grass seeds within rows density 2-year strong sprout 1250 item/hm2 tree height about 80cm 10000 item/hm2 neatness≥90%,germination 60kg/hm2 percentage≥85% Table 6-27 Afforestation technology table item season planting spring means Specifications & requirement Trees straight,root extending,moderate depth,raising and treading tree planting trees after half earth filling, refilling and treading, loose earth covering; depth of the trees 2-3cm over the original earth marking of the root; sowing method for mixed grass seeds (suitable earth covering based on the moisture of the soil); germination hastening before sowing for good rate of emergency. nurture Spring autumn & 2-year continual nurturing after planting,soil loosening and weeding, fertilizing, pesticide defending,dead tree wiped away immediately and replanting. After analysis and computation, the measures of soil conservation and construction quantity in the dregs(waste earth) field 5-3-27. Table 6-28 soil conservation measures and construction quantity in the dregs(waste soil) protection field N Name o Construction measures Planting measures Field Flood-releasing ditch Brick-laying stone dregPlatform water leveling &energy-reducing resisting wall drainage ditch measures (hm2) Mixed Arb Shr grass or ub seeds Admi n. Bric k- Bric Found kEarth Sand ation distric layin L layin L H L g excava cushi t excava tion on ( ( m (m g (m tion ston m ) ) stone ) ( m3 ( m ) e ( m3 3) ) ( m) (m 3) 3) Binxi develop ment 1 region ston e (m3 ) Earth Topsoi knitti l ng strippi bag Reclai Earth Sand retain 100 Are ng Field ming 100 ing 0 a Quan. excava cush 0 (10000 wall ground level tion ion ite (hm (kg) m3) ing levelin item (m3) m 2) (m3) (m3) g sowing Topsoi l backfil Are ling a Quan. (10000 (hm (kg) m3) 2) 5 2 481. 1093 2223 158 70.0 242.57 729 976.68 0 319.54 8.50 8.50 64 .30 .05 .74 9 6 8.50 221.2 0.85 51 7 85 5 1 352. 695. 1692.1 303. 116. 51.2 177.28 533 5 233.53 4.54 4.54 00 28 8 64 01 3 1 4.54 161.7 0.45 27.24 1.82 1 91 5 373. 188.35 566 848. 758.39 1726 1 123 248.12 54.4 5.13 10. 30.7 3.5 215.25 5.13 148.8 0.38 23.062 1.54 Bin Binxi Count develop y ment waste earth field 2 3 Binzho layi ng Grass seeds 117 waste earth field 1 2 region Bri ck- Temporary measures 3.40 u town waste 99 94 .18 6 .26 0 3 25 5 9 0 5 earth field Shicha ng village 4 waste earth field 105 5 1 435. 988. 2010 143 63.3 219.34 659 883.16 8 288.94 6.95 6.95 51 61 .17 .54 8 6 Taiping qiao village 5 waste earth field 77 5 1 319. 726. 1476 105 46.5 161.12 484 648.72 3 212.24 3.75 91 18 .57 .44 6 7 Waste earth field in 6 Baicha o of Bin County 96 4 1 303. 896. 1822 130 57.4 198.85 598 800.68 6 261.96 5.71 5.71 06 28 .44 .13 6 9 Binan brickfield 7 waste earth field Korea 8 hat tunnel dreg 62 5 6.95 200.0 0.70 41.7 8 2.78 7.5 22.5 2.6 157.50 3.75 0 0 3 127.2 0.28 16.875 1.13 8 5.71 181.3 0.57 34.275 2.29 9 6 51. 22.8 104.07 0.90 7 70 3 1.8 0.6 5.41 37.87 0.90 0 3 62.41 0.07 4.0572 0.27 1 255. 580. 1181 84. 37.2 128.89 387 518.98 1 169.79 2.40 93 95 .26 35 5 0 4.8 14.4 1.6 100.80 2.40 0 0 8 101.8 0.18 10.8 2 0.72 field Baidu River 9 waste earth field 4 344 152. 40.0 4 693.18 40.00 .35 05 0 7 40.00 480.0 4.00 240 0 16.00 Pingan tunnel 1 entranc 0 e dreg field 68 5 1 281. 425. 986. 92. 40.9 141.56 425 680.59 2 186.48 2.90 08 37 85 64 1 0 5.7 17.3 2.0 121.59 2.90 9 7 3 111.8 13.027 0.22 0.87 3 5 Pingan tunnel 1 exit 1 dreg field 55 5 225. 511. 1040 9 74. 32.8 113.50 341 457.00 149.52 1.86 36 57 .19 6 28 0 3.7 11.1 1.3 78.16 1.86 2 7 0 89.66 0.14 8.3745 0.56 5 1 338. 768. 1563 111. 49.2 170.55 512 768.70 4 224.67 4.20 64 70 .03 61 8 5 8.4 25.2 2.9 176.48 4.20 0 1 4 134.7 0.32 18.909 1.26 3 Fangz Lianbin heng 1 tunnel Count 82 2 dreg y field Fangzh eng 1 tunnel 3 entranc e dreg field 68 5 1 279. 635. 1291 92. 40.7 140.95 424 635.29 2 185.68 2.87 87 29 .76 24 3 0 5.7 17.2 2.0 120.54 2.87 4 2 1 111.3 0.22 12.915 0.86 5 Fangzh 1 eng exit 4 dreg field 67 5 1 276. 627. 1275 91. 40.2 139.20 418 627.38 1 183.37 2.80 38 38 .68 09 2 8 5.6 16.7 1.9 117.56 2.80 0 9 6 109.9 12.595 0.21 0.84 6 5 Changf a 1 village 5 waste earth field 94 3 1 216. 877. 1784 127 56.2 194.77 585 877.85 6 256.57 5.48 5.48 30 85 .97 .46 8 6 Changf 1 a tunnel 6 dreg field 50 5 Changf a 1 village 7 waste earth field 2 170 Shangz hi 1 village 8 waste earth field 70 5.48 177.6 0.55 32.88 2.19 6 207. 471. 959. 8 68. 30.2 104.68 315 471.81 137.90 1.58 85 81 36 9 50 5 3.1 1.1 9.50 66.49 1.58 7 1 82.70 0.12 7.1235 0.47 4 1 538. 668. 1358 89. 39.6 353.60 446 668.31 1 180.86 2.72 90 31 .90 85 7 7 5.4 16.3 1.9 114.37 2.72 5 4 1 108.4 12.253 0.20 0.82 6 5 6 1 702. 1125 1125.0 2287 79. 35.2 145.60 750 0 160.71 2.15 10 .00 0 .50 84 5 4 4.3 12.9 1.5 90.30 2.15 0 0 1 96.37 0.16 9.675 0.65 375. 762. 7 54. 24.0 375.00 109.60 1.00 00 50 1 45 4 2.0 0.7 6.00 42.00 1.00 0 0 65.73 0.08 4.5 292. 664. 1351 1 96. 42.6 147.43 443 664.50 194.21 3.14 74 50 .15 2 48 0 6.2 18.8 2.2 131.88 3.14 8 4 0 116.4 0.24 14.13 0.94 7 Shangz hi brickya 1 rd 9 waste earth field 2 Jiansha 0 nzi waste 250 71 5 0.30 earth field 5 Demoli 2 waste 1 earth field 2 224 99.3 17.0 9 452.83 .95 3 7 2 freewa y earth in-take 2 pit 2 waste earth field 509 34. 102. 11. 271.5 716.94 17.07 1.28 76.815 5.12 14 42 95 6 1 763. 1552 110. 48.9 763.47 4 223.14 4.15 47 .39 85 5 4 8.2 24.8 2.9 174.09 4.15 9 7 0 133.8 18.652 0.31 1.24 1 5 G221w 2 aste 3 earth field 66 4 210. 355. 723. 6 51. 22.8 138.13 237 355.76 103.98 0.90 51 76 37 7 65 1 1.8 0.6 5.40 37.80 0.90 0 3 62.35 0.07 4.05 0.27 Shuang gou 2 waste 4 earth field 94 5 388. 440. 895. 8 63. 28.2 195.48 294 440.53 128.75 1.38 13 53 73 3 96 4 2.7 0.9 8.28 57.96 1.38 6 7 77.21 0.10 6.21 0.41 Caopig ou 2 waste 5 earth field 122 8 1 2152 572. 1163 83.1 36.7 254.00 382 572.41 0 167.30 2.33 .88 41 .91 1 0 8 4.6 13.9 1.6 97.86 2.33 6 8 3 100.3 0.17 10.485 0.70 3 Gaolen 2 g waste 6 earth field 110 8 1931 513. 1044 9 74. 32.9 227.85 342 513.49 150.08 1.88 .27 49 .10 7 55 2 3.7 11.2 1.3 78.75 1.88 5 5 1 90.00 0.14 8.4375 0.56 95 2 124. 196.89 296 295. 473.29 686. 8 64. 129.68 28.4 1.40 2.8 8.40 0.9 58.80 1.40 77.77 0.11 6.3 2 Gaolen g waste 0.42 7 earth field 2 95 Yongqi River 2 8 waste earth field Waqi River 2 waste 9 earth field Shazi River 3 waste 0 earth field 145 6 82 4 80 27 4 42 5 1 1455 974. 1786 98. 43.6 301.82 453 693.79 2 198.80 3.29 .42 94 .63 76 1 8 258. 169.9 511 93 0 1097.6 781.0 2011 14 223.8 49.0 111.18 4.17 1 9 .43 4 1 9 Fangz heng 440. 289.1 434 Count 139 4 71 7 y 934.08 664.7 1711 12 94.62 1 .75 3 0 8 6.5 19.7 2.3 138.18 3.29 8 4 0 119.2 0.25 14.805 0.99 2 8.3 25. 2.9 175. 4.17 4 02 2 14 134. 0.31 22 18.7 1.25 65 190.4 41.7 3.02 7 8 6.0 18. 126. 2.11 3.02 4 12 84 114.2 0.23 2 13.5 0.91 9 Shahezi 3 waste 1 earth field 160 5 661. 333.2 501 63 2 1076.3 765.9 1972 14 219.4 48.1 109.03 4.01 4 6 .46 2 8 4 8.0 24. 2.8 168. 4.01 2 06 1 42 131. 0.30 62 18.0 1.20 45 Erdaog ou 3 waste 2 earth field 170 5 700. 352.9 530 88 9 1140.2 811.4 2089 15 232.5 51.0 115.50 4.50 1 1 .50 0 0 0 9.0 27. 3.1 189. 4.50 0 00 5 00 139. 0.34 43 20.2 1.35 5 236 5 975. 491.3 738 66 7 1107.3 989.2 2251 20 323.6 70.9 160.78 8.72 6 4 .64 9 5 9 17. 52. 6.1 366. 8.72 44 32 0 24 194. 0.65 09 39.2 2.62 4 Toudao gou 3 waste 3 earth field Ilan CK230 3 waste 4 earth field 97 3 224. 202.4 304 82 3 851.59 133.3 29.2 1.48 4 5 2.9 8.8 1.0 62.1 1.48 6 8 4 6 79.9 0.11 6 6.66 0.44 CK236 3 waste 5 earth field 188 3 434. 391.6 588 97 6 1647.6 1017. 2830 16 257.9 56.5 128.15 5.54 0 98 .35 6 7 9 11. 33. 3.8 232. 5.54 08 24 8 68 154. 0.42 70 24.9 1.66 3 CK242 3 waste 6 earth field 253 2 333. 526.2 791 94 0 790.57 1264. 1834 22 346.5 76.0 172.18 10.00 91 .12 4 9 3 20. 60. 7.0 420. 207. 10.00 0.75 00 00 0 00 85 45 Ilan 3 tunnel 1 7 dreg field 113 5 466. 235.0 353 79 9 353.20 565.1 819. 10 76.92 2 42 0 154.8 33.9 2.00 4 7 3.9 11.9 1.4 83.8 2.00 9 8 0 3 92.8 0.15 6 8.98 0.60 2 Ilan tunne 2 3 entranc 8 e dreg field 142 5 586. 295.3 444 40 3 443.71 709.9 1029 12 96.63 3 .40 5 194.5 42.6 3.15 2 7 6.3 18. 2.2 132. 3.15 0 90 1 30 116.6 0.24 5 14.1 0.95 75 Ilan tunnel 2 3 exit 9 dreg field 156 5 642. 323.5 486 37 2 486.06 777.6 1127 13 213.0 46.7 105.86 3.78 9 .65 7 9 4 7.5 22. 2.6 158. 3.78 6 68 5 76 127. 0.28 79 17.0 1.13 1 Zhusha 4 n waste 0 earth field 204 5 842. 424.2 637 36 4 637.38 1019. 1478 18 279.4 61.2 138.81 6.50 80 .72 0 3 9 13. 39. 4.5 273. 6.50 00 00 5 00 167. 0.49 57 29.2 1.95 5 4 Xiaowa 1 dan waste 193 5 795. 400.7 602 71 4 602.08 963.3 1396 17 263.9 57.9 131.13 5.80 3 .82 0 6 0 11. 34. 4.0 243. 5.80 60 80 6 60 158. 0.44 29 26.1 1.74 526.1 1462 86 66.24 6 .90 3.00 earth field Xinghu 4 a waste 2 earth field Monke y rocky mountai 4 n 3 entranc e dreg field 143 5 592. 298.3 512 48 9 512.35 819.7 1188 14 224.6 49.2 111.58 4.20 6 .65 5 2 7 8.4 25. 2.9 176. 4.20 0 20 4 40 134. 0.32 70 18.9 1.26 133 5 547. 275.8 474 77 7 1743.1 923.6 2818 13 207.6 45.5 103.16 3.59 5 8 .41 4 7 5 7.1 21. 2.5 150. 3.59 8 54 1 78 124. 0.27 53 16.1 1.08 55 1018.4 724.7 1866 13 207.6 45.5 103.16 3.59 2 3 .31 4 7 5 7.1 21. 2.5 150. 3.59 8 54 1 78 124. 0.27 53 16.1 1.08 55 5.5 16. 1.9 115. 2.75 0 50 3 50 109. 0.21 00 12.3 0.83 75 City of Jiamus Monke i y rocky 4 mountai 306. 275.8 133 3 474 4 n exit 38 7 dreg field Xinhua village 4 waste 5 earth field 116 5 479. 241.4 415 42 5 891.34 634.3 1633 11 90.29 0 .44 7 181.7 39.8 2.75 5 7 6.1.9 Analysis and protective measure of temporary construction During the construction of the main project, the matching facilities include material field, beam field, rail laying site, mixer station, construction site, Construction building and construction detour ,etc. these facilities basically distribute on the both sides of the roadbed along the project route. Prevention area of construction and production This area mainly includes the beam field, mixer station, construction site and life area, etc. mainly cultivated land and wasted land. During construction, due to frequent activities of machinery and people, the original geomorphology and vegetation are disturbed and destroyed. The hardened construction site and the remained wasted sand stone will result in changes of soil structure, leading to a poor ability of production. In order to improve the region ecological environment and reduce soil erosion, effective measures must be taken during and after the construction. Objects of treatment are as follows:10 beam fields (123.40hm2 ) 3 rail board prefabrication field (25.20h m2 ), 31 mixer station (2900h m2) temporary electricity line163.00km(7.34h m2) and other construction field, Construction building and temporary dregs piling field 46.68h m2 .the whole is 231.62h m2. Measures for prevention and control This project involves a great variety of construction fields and disturbs many kinds of earth surface .According to the principle “unified plan, source control, combination of prevention and restoration”, effective prevention protective measures must be taken. The key is source control and the process control. Reduce the damages of the original landform to a minimum degree. The priority is given to the combination of permanence and temporary concerning the location choice of the temporary project .2 rail laying bases need to unify permanent occupying land area of the station yard. Material factory should be built in the existed railway station. Distribution of measures. Temporary facility built in the existed field should be cleared after the construction had ended. Before the implementation of temporary facilities occupying the forest land, the open land and the cultivated land. Topsoil stripping quantity of farming is 50cm and forest land 30cm, wasted land 20cm. The peeling regolith should be deposited beyond fields. Knitting bags are used to protect as temporary protective measure. Piles sets should not be higher than 4m and ratio of side slope of piling should be controlled in 1:1. During piling, the exposed surface should be protected by mixing the seeds of bermuda grass and eremochloa ophiuroides, etc. plant the protection, 60kg seeds should be sowed each hectare. In the large-scale temporary location draining water system has been included in the main body design. Excavation of drain or the cloth lap drain tank. The resilience and the investment has integrated in the principal part. After the construction, hardened ground and the macadam pavement will be demolished completely and then filled and leveled to be smooth. cultivation and preparation of soil, the backfill regolith, execution of the farm manure, restoration for the farming and the lawn, farm manure 45m3 for each hectare. Selection of the grass plants the white aneurolepidium chinense, the purple sheep fescue, the awnless brome and so on, each hectare broadcast sowing grass seed 60kg. The flow sees Figure 5-3-12. The measures of soil conservation and construction quantity in the dregs (waste earth) field Coverage clearing Topsoil stripping Topsoil conservation Temporary facility arrangement Field clearing Topsoil backfilling Reclaiming ground leveling/earth and fertilizer adding earthand fertilizer addin fertilizzertadding Original land type Other-used land Reclaiming grassland Farmland Reclaiming farmland Figure 6-12 Construction produces the quarters measure arrangement flow chart After the analysis computation, the construction production life prevention area prevention measure and the resilience see Table 5-3-28. Table 6-29 Bill of quantity for prevention measures in construction site and camp City of Bin Fangzheng Ilan Harbin County County county City of sum Jiamusi 18.24 64.97 61.53 66.23 20.65 231.62 15.66 53.72 28.18 25.74 15.97 139.27 2.58 11.25 33.35 40.49 4.68 92.35 quantity(kg) 154.80 675.00 2001.00 2429.40 280.80 5541.00 1000 item 15.48 67.50 200.10 242.94 28.08 554.10 Topsoil stripping(10,000m3) 8.36 29.16 22.35 23.67 8.95 92.48 earth knitting bag(m3) 346.92 647.99 567.28 583.87 358.90 2504.96 2.09 7.29 5.59 5.92 2.24 quantity(kg) 125.37 437.39 335.22 355.11 134.18 1387.26 (10,000m3) 8.36 29.16 22.35 23.67 8.95 administrative district Construction measures ground leveling(hm2) reclaiming ground leveling green fertilizer adding(hm2) area(hm2) Plantation grass sowing measures shrub Temporary measures area(hm2) 23.12 grass seeds sowing topsoil backfilling (10,000m3) 92.48 Temporary access road of construction Newly built and rebuilt construction detour 202km, with a land area of 85.38hm2, are designed to be the village road or the field road. It is suggested that road surface can be the macadam pavement or the putty stone road surface, 20cm thick. When construction detour span ditch and ditch, the culvert or the bridge etc. the building should be constructed ,guaranteeing the draining water channel or the irrigation water channel unimpeded, simultaneously, the road surface should be sprayed with water regularly, Appearance of the floating dust by driving cars should be prevented. After the construction, part of the construction detour is used as the field by-path or the country road with the width 4m~7m. Pavement condition in the project area should be improved and the road system should be perfected. The roadbed the side slope of the roadbed should be protected with planting grass. Protection of roadbed side slope The excavation of the construction detour on the slope worsens the degree of soil erosion .The emphasis lies in the protection of side slope. The specific measures are as follows: it must be followed by the Construction that earth should be excavated and transported as needy and promptly and can not be dumped down willingly. Drainage ditches should be built inside the excavated side slope and be built with layers with a thickness 30cm. base sand cushion 15cm, the cross section for the bottom wide × ditch deep× orifice width =0.5×0.5×0.8m, the lengthwise grade 1%, flow capacity is 0.38m3/s. planting grass to protect side slope of filling and excavation.. Measures for later period Construction detour should be restored to the original land function, if not used as the country road or the field by-path. Farming land should restored with application of farm manure, each hectare with farm manure 45m3; The original wasted land and forest land should be restored by cultivation and preparation of sowing mixed grass, the white aneurolepidium chinense, the purple sheep fescue, the awnless brome etc, each hectare sowing grass seed 60kg. After the analysis calculation, in the construction detour area, measures of conservation of water and soil and the quantity see Table 5-3-29. Table 6-30 prevention measure project meter of construction detour area construction measures plantation measures draining ditch M7.5 administrative ground district leveling length (hm2) (m) earth mortarexcavation laying sand cushion grass sowing (m3) (m3) (hm2) grass sowing slope (m2) stone (m3) City Harbin of reclaiming ground leveling and green fertilizer adding (hm2) 9.23 0 0 0 0 3.32 0 5.91 Bin County 25.43 15990 24785 12152 5437 9.15 191880 16.28 Fangzheng County 23.88 14880 23064 11309 5059 8.6 178560 15.28 Ilan County 19.12 11865 18391 9017 4034 6.88 142380 12.24 7.73 3855 5975 2930 1311 2.78 46260 4.95 85.39 46590 72215 35408 15841 30.73 559080 54.66 City Jiamusi sum of 6.1.10 conservation of water and soil plan soil erosion In construction process, because of some construction activities, such as earth intake and abandonment, construction of embankment and culvert, remodeled landform with the artificial side slope has come into being. Moreover these activities have contributed heavy damages to the original landform and the natural vegetation, leading to reduction or lose of its original function- conservation of water and soil. The occurrence and development of original landform soil erosion are intensified and new artificial loss has being created. Analysis of influencing factors concerning soil erosion in railway construction sees Table 5-3-30. Table 6-31 Analytical table for influencing factors concerning soil erosion Affective factors Natural factor Area Artificial factor Type of vegetation earth filling section strip the floor vegetation, form bare earth roadbed, form earth side slope and roadbed. Frequent vehicle grinding, artificial activities and both sides of stripped topsoil tying up, impacts vegetation growth to roadbed section embankment reduce the soil conservation function. station yard section Excavated earth and mud from bridge foundation ditch Forest land Bridge and Bridge and culvert not cleared promptly is easy to be washed away by Farmland runoff water to form new soil erosion. culvert section tunnel section strip topsoil, form bare earth roadbed,form earth side Station slope and roadbed. Earth area intake Dregs area Construction access area Texture type Exogenic force type of erosion relatively loose precipitation hydraulic erosion relatively loose precipitation hydraulic erosion relatively loose precipitation hydraulic erosion relatively loose precipitation hydraulic erosion Tunnel Front slope of tunnel side not protected promptly is easy to form earth side slope and in soil erosion. relatively loose precipitation hydraulic erosion Earth take field Strip topsoil vegetation,form borrow pit,disturb the stability of original body earth and form a great area of Waste land bare surface. Loose precipitation hydraulic erosion Dregs field Waste piled loosely, before the realization of Shrub woodland, protection, is extremely to create serious soil erosion loose farmland, waste land because of loose structure and lack of floor coverage. precipitation hydraulic erosion Construction access road Form bare roadbed surface and suppress vegetation relatively loose precipitation hydraulic erosion Farmland land , forest and Suppress and destroy original landform, wildwood and Farmland ,waste hydraulic Construction Large relatively loose precipitation temporary facility weaken original soil conservation function land, forest land erosion production and soil living area Forecast time interval of soil erosion This project belongs to the construction item. Concerning the details of the beginning and development of soil erosion during the process, prediction period is made up of the construction preparation period, the construction period and the natural recovery period. Preparation period The construction preparation period of this project is from July, 2010 to October, 2010, the deadline is 3 months. Construction period This project construction period is from July, 2010 to June, 2014. The total time is 4.0 years. Natural recovery period According to natural condition of the rail line and the project characteristics, it is predicted that 2 years is needed for nature to recover from the impact of soil erosion. The period for roadbed project construction is 17 months. The period for arch of bridge construction is 30 months. The period for tunnel construction is 33 months, after certain subsidence time, the roadbed can be paved. Period for roadbed project construction is prolonged to 24 months. Considering the construction period will possibly be adjusted, under the most disadvantageous interval, period for the tunnel area, the arch of bridge area, the abandoned dregs field area, the construction detour area and the area of construction and production should be predicted to be 3 years. Other construction period predicted to be 2.5 year. For details sees Table 5-3-31. Table 6-32 project various project areas soil erosion forecast time interval table station bridge and foreshadowing roadbed tunnel dregs yard culvert period section section field section section temporary construction construction earth access production and piling road section living area section construction preparing period 0.5 year 0.5year 0.5 year Construction period 2.5 year 2.5 year nature restoring period 2 year 2 year 2 year 3.0 year 0.5 / 0.5 year 0.5 year / 3.0 year 3.0 year 3.0 year 3.0 year 1.0 year 2 year 2 year / 2 year 2 year Quantity forecast of soil erosion (1) The additional quantity of soil erosion is predicted by calculating several aspects. Possible soil erosion area caused by the construction, the soil erosion background value and predicted value of soil erosion intensity. The formula is as follows: Prognostic formula of soil erosion quantity is: 5 W i 1 3 F M k 1 i ik Tik Where, Ws1-- present soil erosion quantity (t); Mwi-- soil erosion modulus of original landform (t/ km2. a); Fi-- disturbed surface area (km2); Ti-- forecast time interval (a); N-- forecast unit. The new added soil erosion quantity may be calculated according to the equation below: 5 VW i 1 3 F V M k 1 i ik Tik Where, W—quantity of soil erosion of the surface disturbance, t; △W—additional quantity of soil erosion of the surface disturbance, t; i-- forecast unit (1,2,3,4,5); k-- forecast time interval (1,2,3), refers to the construction preparation period, the construction period and the natural recovery period; Fi-- ith forecast unit area, km2; △M-- additional soil erosion modulus at different time interval and of different unit, t/(km2 . a); (2) Modulus determination of original landform soil erosion Based on materials collected by remote research, in combination with material collected through on-thespot investigation, a detailed analysis of construction area's terrain landform, the climate, the vegetation and present situation of soil erosion is performed. The degree of Soil erosion of project area is and mild primarily, partial land sector suffer from moderate corrosion. The occupying land area of project belongs to forest land and cultivated land. The farming is primarily smooth and the soil erosion is slight. Therefore, depending on the present situation of soil erosion, it can be decided that original landform soil erosion modulus of this area is 200~1500t/km2 .a along the route. (3)Modulus determination of soil erosion of landform disturbance This project has almost the same conditions of terrain landform, vegetation and rainfall as the Snow Town highway of China. So, it is beneficial to analyze reasons, kinds and distributions of soil erosion from ChangTing to Liuhe of Snow Town highway of China. Considering the construction characteristics of railway, the result of soil erosion intensity can be analyzed and revised comprehensively Regional soil erosion modulus of this project See Table 5-3-32. Table 6-33 modulus of soil erosion of landform disturbance Unit: t/km2.a Soil erosion modulus(t/km2•a) Construction Nature restoring period Construction preparing period First year Second year period Section Plain area Roadbed section 1000 3000 1000 200 Station yard section 1000 3000 1000 200 Bridge section 1000 1000 200 1000 200 1000 200 and culvert ( starting point ~ construction access road 1000 section CK36+477) Construction production 1000 and living section Temporary earth piling / section 3000 3000 3000 5000 Roadbed section 2000 4000 3000 1000 Station yard section 2000 4000 3000 1000 Bridge section 2000 4000 3000 1000 Tunnel section 2000 Low hill area ( CK36+477 ~ ending Dregs field section / point) Construction access road 2000 section 4000 3000 1000 4000 3000 2000 4000 3000 1000 Construction production 2000 and living section 5000 3000 1000 Temporary earth piling / section 8000 and culvert (4) Quantity forecast of soil erosion of original landform A ccording to possible soil erosion area of different construction stages and the prediction time of project construction and natural recovery, the quantity of soil erosion of original landform during future project construction and natural recovery period can be predicted based on the soil erosion modulus of original landform. The forecast time for roadbed area, the station yard area, the abandoned dregs field area forecast time is 5 years, 5.5 year for the arch of bridge area, the tunnel area, the construction detour area, the construction production and living area. Total quantity for original landform soil erosion total is 13.76×104t. For details, see Table 5-3-33. Table 6-34forecast table for original landform soil erosion Original landform Administrative district Commencement and germination mile Foreshadowing unit City Harbin Commencement~CK16+150 Plain area Foreshadowing Foreshadowing period(a) Roadbed section 82.75 5 200 827.50 Station yard section 0.84 5 200 8.40 Bridge section 54.19 5.5 200 596.09 9.23 5.5 200 101.52 18.24 5.5 200 200.64 1 200 14.70 and culvert Construction road section access Temporary section facility Subtotal Low area hill CK16+150~CK103+350 Quantity of soil erosion (t) area(hm2) Temporary earth piling 7.35 Bin County Modulus(t/km2·a) 172.60 1748.85 Roadbed section 194.94 5 1500 14620.50 Station yard section 52.99 5 1500 3974.25 Bridge section 102.25 5.5 1500 8435.63 Tunnel section 0.40 5.5 1500 33.00 Waste earth section 77.88 5 1500 5840.93 Construction road section access 25.43 5.5 1500 2097.56 Temporary section facility 64.97 5.5 1500 5360.03 and culvert temporary earth piling 17.30 Subtotal Fang Zheng county Low area hill CK103+350~CK223+000 259.50 40621.40 Roadbed section 207.43 5 1500 15557.25 station yard section 43.87 5 1500 3290.25 bridge section 130.78 5.5 1500 10789.35 Tunnel section 2.00 5.5 1500 165.00 Waste earth section 74.30 5 1500 5572.50 Construction road section access 23.88 5.5 1500 1970.10 Temporary section facility 27.95 5.5 1500 2305.88 1 1500 279.30 and culvert Subtotal low hill CK16+150~CK103+350 section 1500 536.15 Temporary earth piling 18.62 Ilan County 1 528.83 39929.63 roadbed section 151.79 5 1500 11384.25 station yard section 52.16 5 1500 3912.00 bridge section 96.59 5.5 1500 7968.68 tunnel section 0.80 5.5 1500 66.00 waste earth section 51.47 5 1500 3860.25 construction access road 19.12 section 5.5 1500 1577.19 temporary section 5.5 1500 5463.98 and culvert facility 66.23 temporary earth piling subtotal City of low hill CK16+150~CK103+350 Jiamusi section total 1 1500 457.10 284.10 34516.44 roadbed section 80.92 5 1500 6069.00 station yard section 86.74 5 1500 6505.50 bridge section 56.09 5.5 1500 4627.43 tunnel section 0.40 5.5 1500 33.00 waste earth section 14.13 5 1500 1059.75 construction access road 7.73 section 5.5 1500 637.93 temporary section 20.65 5.5 1500 1703.63 8.76 1 1500 131.40 and culvert facility temporary earth piling subtotal 18.94 275.42 20767.63 1970.10 137583.95 (5) Quantity foreshadowing of soil erosion of landform disturbance Based on possible soil erosion area of different project areas as well as the prediction time of project construction period and the natural recovery period , quantity of soil erosion of landform disturbance during project construction and the natural recovery period can be predicted , depending on the modulus of soil erosion of landform disturbance. By prediction, soil erosion quantity for 27.86×104t. For details, see Table 5-3-34. (6) Additional quantity foreshadowing of soil erosion After the computation analysis, the addition quantity of soil erosion is 14.10×104t. Among this, 4.12×104t is added in the roadbed area , the station yard area 1.30×104t, the bridge culvert 3.09×104t, the tunnel area 0.02×104t, the dregs field area 2.07×104t, the construction detour area 0.75×104t, the construction production and living area 2.29×104t and temporary earth piling area 0.45×104t. The quantity of soil erosion during project construction period is far bigger than the natural recovery period. So , it is critical time to prevent soil erosion. Practical and feasible measures, including project and plant measure as well as the temporary protective measures, should be manipulated . For possible soil erosion of the land sector, reasonable and special measure should be taken so as to control soil erosion effectively. Table 6-35 quantity forecast table of soil erosion of landform disturbance Construction preparing period Admin. district Project construction period Nature recovery period Total Quan of tity soil Qua Quan Quan Qua of Eosio ntity Erosio tity tity ntity erosi new Erosio Erosio Commencement Foresha n Foresha n Foresha n of Foresha Foresha n of of of on soil and germination dowing Foresha Foresha dowing dowing modul soil dowing dowing modul soil dowing modul soil dowing modul soil quant erosi mile unit area period us period us erosi area erosi area erosi area erosi ity on us us on on on (t/km (hm2) (a) (hm2) (a) (hm2) (t/km (hm2) (t/km on ( t ( t (t/km ( t 2·a) ( t 2·a) ( t ) ) 2·a) ( t 2·a) ) ) ) ) roadbed 82.75 section 0.5 1000 station yard section 0.84 0.5 1000 4.20 0.84 bridge and culvert section 54.19 0.5 1000 0.5 0.5 pl City ai of commencement n construc Harbi ~CK16+150 ar tion n ea access 9.23 road section temporar y facility 18.24 section temporar y earth piling 413. 82.75 75 First year Second year 2.5 3000 6206 41.38 .25 1000 2.5 3000 63.0 0.00 0 1000 0.00 0.00 270. 54.19 95 3 3000 4877 27.10 .10 1000 1000 46.1 9.23 5 3 3000 830. 9.23 66 1000 91.2 18.24 0 3 3000 1641 18.24 .60 1 5000 367. 50 7.35 413. 41.38 75 200 82.7 7116. 6289 5 50 .00 200 0.00 270. 27.10 95 200 54.1 5473 4877 9 .19 .10 1000 92.3 9.23 0 200 18.4 987. 886. 6 56 03 1000 182. 18.24 40 200 36.4 1951 1751 8 .68 .04 67.2 58.8 0 0 367. 352. 50 80 section total 1398 95.94 6.11 959. 95.94 40 191. 1596 1421 88 3.63 4.77 roadbed 194.94 section 0.5 2000 1949 194.94 .40 2.5 4000 1949 97.47 4.00 3000 2924 97.47 .10 1000 974. 2534 1072 70 2.20 1.70 station yard section 52.99 0.5 2000 529. 52.99 90 2.5 4000 5299 26.50 .00 3000 794. 26.50 85 1000 264. 6888 2914 95 .70 .45 bridge and culvert section 102.25 0.5 2000 1022 102.25 .50 3 4000 1227 51.13 0.00 3000 1533 51.13 .75 1000 511. 1533 6901 25 7.50 .88 tunnel section 0.40 0.5 2000 4.00 0.40 3 4000 48.0 0.20 0 3000 6.00 0.20 77.88 3 4000 9345 77.88 .49 3000 2336 77.88 .37 2000 1557 1323 7398 .58 9.45 .51 lo waste w CK16+150~DK Bin earth hil 28+950 Count section l y ar construc ea tion access 25.43 road section temporar y facility 64.97 section temporar y earth piling section subtotal 826. 172.60 25 165.25 440.98 1000 2.00 60.0 27.0 0 0 0.5 2000 254. 25.43 25 3 4000 3051 25.43 .00 3000 762. 25.43 75 1000 254. 4322 2224 25 .25 .69 0.5 2000 649. 64.97 70 3 5000 9745 64.97 .50 3000 1949 64.97 .10 1000 649. 1299 7633 70 4.00 .98 17.30 1 8000 1384 .00 4409 536.15 6063 343.56 1384 1124. .00 50 1030 343.56 4214 7956 3894 .75 .43 8.10 6.70 0.5 2000 2074 207.43 .30 2.5 4000 2074 103.72 3.00 3000 3111. 103.72 45 1000 1037 2696 1140 .15 5.90 8.65 station yard section 43.87 0.5 2000 438. 43.87 70 2.5 4000 4387 21.94 .00 3000 658. 21.94 05 1000 219. 5703 2412 35 .10 .85 bridge and culvert section 130.78 0.5 2000 1307 130.78 .80 3 4000 1569 65.39 3.60 3000 1961 65.39 .70 1000 653. 1961 8827 90 7.00 .65 tunnel section 2.00 0.5 2000 20.0 2.00 0 3 4000 240. 1.00 00 3000 30.0 1.00 0 1000 10.0 300. 135. 0 00 00 74.30 3 4000 8916 74.30 .00 3000 2229 74.30 .00 2000 1486 1263 7058 .00 1.00 .50 temporar y facility 27.95 section 0.5 2000 238. 23.88 80 3 4000 2865 23.88 .60 3000 716. 23.88 40 1000 238. 4059 2089 80 .60 .50 0.5 2000 279. 27.95 50 3 5000 4192 27.95 .50 3000 838. 27.95 50 1000 279. 5590 3284 50 .00 .13 18.62 1 8000 1489 .60 temporar y earth piling section Ilan 6.92 roadbed 207.43 section lo waste Fangz w DK160+1000~C earth heng hil K223+000 section l Count construc ar y tion ea access 23.88 road section subtotal 6.99 4359 528.83 .10 435.91 lo DK160+1000~C roadbed 151.79 0.5 2000 1517 151.79 5852 318.17 7.30 2.5 4000 1517 75.90 1489 1210 .60 .30 9545 318.17 .10 3000 2276 75.90 3924 7635 3642 .70 6.20 6.58 1000 758. 1973 8348 Count w K223+000 y hil l ar ea section .90 95 2.70 .45 52.16 0.5 2000 521. 52.16 60 2.5 4000 5216 26.08 .00 3000 782. 26.08 40 1000 260. 6780 2868 80 .80 .80 bridge and culvert section 96.59 0.5 2000 965. 96.59 90 3 4000 1159 48.30 0.80 3000 1448 48.30 .85 1000 482. 1448 6519 95 8.50 .83 tunnel section 0.80 0.5 2000 8.00 0.80 3 4000 96.0 0.40 0 3000 12.0 0.40 0 1000 4.00 51.47 3 4000 6176 51.47 .40 3000 1544 51.47 .10 2000 1029 8749 4889 .40 .90 .65 120. 54.0 00 0 construc tion access 19.12 road section 0.5 2000 191. 19.12 18 3 4000 2294 19.12 .10 3000 573. 19.12 53 1000 191. 3249 1672 18 .98 .78 temporar y facility 66.23 section 0.5 2000 662. 66.23 30 3 5000 9934 66.23 .50 3000 1986 66.23 .90 1000 662. 1324 7782 30 6.00 .03 18.94 1 8000 1515 .20 temporar y earth piling section City .85 station yard section waste earth section subtotal 9.00 386.69 Low DK160+1000~CK223 roadbed 3866 457.10 .88 5200 287.49 2.00 1515 1231 .20 .10 8624 287.49 .63 3389 6788 3336 .58 3.08 6.63 80.92 0. 200 809.20 80.92 2. 400 8092.00 40.46 300 1213.8 40.46 100 404.60 10519.6 4450.60 of hill +000 Jiamu sectio si n section station yard section 5 0 86.74 5 0 0 0 0 0 0. 200 2. 400 300 1301.1 100 11276.2 867.40 86.74 8674.00 43.37 43.37 433.70 4770.70 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 bridge and 0. 200 400 300 100 culvert 56.09 560.90 56.09 3 6730.80 28.05 841.35 28.05 280.45 8413.50 3786.08 5 0 0 0 0 section tunnel section 0.40 0. 200 4.00 5 0 waste earth section constructi on access 7.73 road section 0. 200 77.33 5 0 0.40 3 400 48.00 0 0.20 300 6.00 0 0.20 100 2.00 0 60.00 27.00 14.13 3 400 300 200 1695.60 14.13 423.90 14.13 282.60 2402.10 1342.35 0 0 0 7.73 400 927.90 0 3 7.73 300 231.98 7.73 0 100 77.33 0 1314.53 676.59 temporary 0. 200 500 300 100 facility 20.65 206.50 20.65 3 3097.50 20.65 619.50 20.65 206.50 4130.00 2426.38 5 0 0 0 0 section temporary earth piling section subtotal total 8.76 1 800 700.80 0 700.80 569.40 252.53 2525.3 275.42 3 29966.6 154.59 0 4637.6 154.59 3 1687.1 38816.7 18049.0 8 3 9 1681.3 5 15987. 1970.1 30 0 215119. 1199.7 00 5 34073. 1199.7 67 5 13407. 278587. 141003. 76 72 77 (7) Prediction of destruction to the conservation of water and soil facility According to the regulations of the charge and use of soil erosion prevention in Heilongjiang Province, forests and grassed destroyed by productive construction is included in the destruction of conservation of water and soil facility area. Based on the above stipulation, the damage of this project to the facilities of conservation of water and soil is mainly the biological ones, including the forest land, the lawn, the orchard, the reed, the weed place. The total area is 697.13hm2, containing permanent expropriation Land 427.44hm2, temporary land 269.69hm2. Based on the above stipulation, this project damage to facility of conservation of water and soil area is 697.13hm2, for details sees Table 5-3-35. Table 6-36 damage of facility of the soil conservation caused by construction Permanent expropriated land Temporary occupied land District Total Orchard Forest land Subtotal Forest land Waste land Subtotal 2.79 1.78 4.57 2.34 3.57 5.91 10.48 Bin county 0 128.16 128.16 8.99 23.59 32.58 160.74 Fangzheng county 0 157.72 157.72 31.22 79.55 110.77 268.49 Ilan county 0 113.18 113.18 31.65 67.19 98.84 212.02 4.80 19.00 23.8 9.27 12.32 21.59 45.39 7.59 419.85 427.44 83.47 186.22 269.69 697.13 Harbin municipally-governed District Jiamusi governed municipally- District sum Preventive measures for soil erosion The protective measures include measures taken by the project, plant measure and temporary protective measures. The result indicates problems arise during the project construction period and the natural recovery period to a certain degree - disturbing the surface, destroying the original landform structure, and the acceleration of soil encroachment question. To prevent artificial soil erosion during construction and the process, protective measures of the intake field and dreg field should be supported mainly by project measure, with plant measure and reclamation measure auxiliary ,depending on the intensity and the corroded quantity ,with the combination of environment characteristic and the project characteristic. Plant measure and the reclamation measures for the side slope and the both sides of the roadbed: (1) To the side slope, according to its height, the slope, the soil condition and geological condition of passing areas, plant measures or project measures or the combination of the two measures are adopted. To strengthens its anti-washout ability. Guarantee its stability and prevent soil erosion. (2) To river crossing bridge’s water immersion sector, the entire slope face of the head should be build by laying slabstones one layer after another. During the construction process, few abandoned earthwork produced during excavation of pier should be immediately used in the filling of bridge head roadbed , if not, temporary straw bags should be used to protect; For the bridge foundation with hole drilling poles, the drill hole construction process will produce the massive muds and dregs will be produced. So it is requested that the mud pit and the sedimentation pond should be built before the hole-drilling construction. And muds should be reused after recycling and sedimentation. (3) Drainage should be established to discharge the precipitation from the slope face of the roadbed, avoiding the washout to the surrounding environment. (4) The excavation of earth should be carried out according to the need, not leaving loose earth surface. After the construction, protective measures second ploughing or forestation should be taken to deal with the earth taking and abandoning field. And complete the drainage system. (5) To construction detour, and big temporary base .when in use, the management and maintenance should be strengthened. After the construction, it should be restores to its original function as far as possible. Benefit analysis After the completion of conservation of water and soil project, a comprehensive protective system will be established with project control measures primarily, the mechanical control measure, the plant measure, the temporary measure and the plant protection unify conservation of water and soil ecological environment synthesis protection system. The system can prevent soil erosion of the roadbed side slope effectively, and can control soil erosion of the dregs field basically, and can reduce soil erosion of occupied land area of construction detour, construction area on a large scale, and will limit the newlyproduced soil erosion in the smallest scope. It will form a positive cycle of ecological environment. It will play a significant in the prevention and the conservation of soil and water, the security of railroad, the protection and the improvement railroad. 6.1.11 landscape vision impact assessment Along the route area many for farmland, lawn, village landscape, in addition has the part of cities landscape. Locate the region landscape environment characteristic according to the region of no relief project characteristic as well as the project, this project's following road section will create the varying degree to the local nature and the humanities landscape the impact. Impact analysis of embankment section The landform of the project passes through is in plain area and many are filling section. But the filling is not so deep or high. Besides, the construction is designed to afforest all the side slopes of the roadbed, which makes people see a green porch in harmony with the peripheral surroundings but not a high pessimistic obstacle. Impact analysis of the station yard to landscape vision 8 intermediate stations are newly established for this project, respectively farming land and construction land. The landscape type is common and single. However, in the construction designing, forestation and beautification are strengthened to approach to the multiplicity and coordination of the landscape. Therefore, after the completion of the project, the exchanging overpasses, peripheral environment and visual circumstance will all be improved. Impact analysis of the bridge to landscape vision This project altogether involves in 144 large and medium-sized bridges. The building of the bridge will produce cutting impact toward the landscape environment, forming the visual impact. Because the bridge lies between small towns and the countryside estate, the landscape is ordinary. Therefore, if only paying great attention to the landscape designing, the bridge will not have the significant impact to the peripheral landscape vision. The cross-river bridge is strengthened in the beautification designing, trying to achieve the multiplicity and the coordination of the landscape, which will greatly improve the landscape vision. Impact analysis of earth intake field and waste (dregs) field on the landscape This project establishes 12 earth-intake field and 45 waste (dregs) field along the route. During the railroad construction, these fields have serious impact on the landscape, and leave scars in the landscape, abrupt in vision; after the construction, because of the reclamation and the restoration of plantation, the vision impact will be eliminated. Generally speaking, because the local landscape is common along the route, there is not the distribution of sensitive point of landscape, and the sensitivity of the landscape is not unusual, either. The roadbed and bridge section forms the visual impact mainly because the construction itself forms the cutting impact on the landscape environment it passes through. The earth in-take and waste (dregs) field will create landscape scars and adverse towering visual impact, but which can be coordinated with the peripheral environment through the landscape afforest, outside color and appearance designing to be in integrity with the general landscape. 6.2 Investment estimate and benefit analysis of ecological protection measure 6.2.1 Investment estimate of ecological protection There are many protection constructions in the railroad project, which are not only for the safety and stability of the project, but also for the protection of ecological environment and defending of soil erosion. The two aspects are quite difficult to separate from each other clearly. Therefore, the constructions listed in this chapter are that of protection against ecological environment, defending against soil erosion, such as protection of side slope of the embankment, the forestation, protection of earth in-take and waste (dregs) field and so on. The project quantity and investment estimate of ecological protection measures sees Table 5-4-1. The ecology protection invests the total 534,683,500 Yuan. Table 6-37 Master list of project quantity of ecological protection measures Unit: 10,000 Yuan Harbin Item Unit Bin County municipallygoverned district Fangzheng County Ilan County city of Jiamusi sum quantit investm investm investm investm investm quantit investm quantity quantity quantity quantity y ent ent ent ent ent y ent M10 Slope protection of embankm ent m3 24662. 592.89 6 69055.2 76454.0 54257.7 22196.3 1660.09 1837.96 1304.36 533.6 8 6 2 4 246626 5928.89 slab stones Earthwor k m3 grill 502892 140809 155896 110636 452603. 1021.37 2859.85 3166.26 2247.02 919.24 .4 8.7 6.4 3.3 16 502892 10213.7 4 4 Slope C25 protection m3 of moat concrete 36677 1038.95 201033 5694.66 212444 6017.9 191.97 559165 bricklaying stone draining ditch m3 18272 517.59 48851 1383.8 66141 1873.58 39602 1121.81 12104 342.87 184970 5239.65 419.81 16150 457.48 242.2 311.03 53300 Roadbed section Project measur es bricklaying Bricklaying 102234 2895.98 6777 15839.4 7 stone Station section BrickDraining laying ditch slabs tones m3 2800 79.32 14820 Waste Dreg- m3 0 0 2522.03 57.5 Brick- 10983.6 250.43 8550 6003.89 136.89 10980 1926.04 43.91 1509.83 21435.6 488.73 earth (dregs) resisting wall field laying 6 3 stones Foundati on m3 0 0 1316.4 0.81 3758.29 2.31 3643.58 2.24 1091.59 0.67 9809.85 6.02 m3 0 0 5829.55 135.18 8059.75 186.89 4165.26 96.58 Flood stone releasing ditch and Foundati on energy m3 releasing excavati measures on Sand m3 cushion 14175.2 328.69 2 32229.7 747.34 7 0 0 6278.79 5.5 13375.9 11.72 4 8645.57 7.57 3102.48 2.72 31402.7 27.51 8 0 0 10743.3 88.88 1 28209.9 233.38 2 16320.5 135.02 2 7506.8 62.1 62780.5 519.38 6 m3 0 0 1257.52 29.16 2065.53 47.9 1192.2 27.64 408.2 9.47 4923.45 114.17 m3 0 0 2531.38 2.22 4157.88 3.64 2399.89 2.1 821.7 0.72 9910.85 8.68 Sand m3 cushion 0 0 555.27 4.59 912.05 7.55 526.43 4.36 180.24 1.49 2173.99 17.99 hm2 0 0 77.88 84.75 74.29 80.85 51.47 56.01 14.13 15.38 217.77 236.98 Reclaimi hm2 ng 0 0 65.7 32.43 5.48 2.7 0 0 0 0 71.18 excavati on Bricklaying Bricklaying stone Platform draining ditch Foundati on excavati on Ground Ground leveling leveling 35.13 ground leveling Cubic meter m3 excavati on 5975.25 5.23 72214.5 63.26 11308.8 262.23 9017.4 209.1 2929.8 67.94 35408.4 821.05 5436.6 44.98 5059.2 41.85 4034.1 33.37 1310.7 10.84 15840.6 131.05 0 24784.5 21.71 23064 m3 0 0 12152.4 281.79 0 0 Water Constructi draining on ditch access M7.5 road stone section sand m3 cushion bricklaying 18390.7 16.11 5 0 20.2 Field leveling hm2 9.23 10.04 25.43 27.67 23.88 25.99 19.12 20.81 7.73 8.41 85.39 92.92 Agricultural reclaiming hm2 5.91 2.92 16.28 8.04 15.28 7.54 12.24 6.04 4.95 2.44 54.66 26.98 18.24 19.85 64.97 70.7 61.53 66.96 66.23 72.07 20.65 22.47 231.62 252.05 15.66 7.73 53.72 26.51 28.18 13.91 25.74 12.7 15.97 7.88 139.27 68.74 hm2 Productio field leveling n and reclaiming living ground leveling and area in hm2 farmyard manure constructi on using Embankm Item both-side shrub ent greening Plantin area arbor item g Station landscaping hm2 measur area es bridge greening Bridge m2 (grass sowing) and 422957 465.25 5 1184281 1311168 930506 380661 1302.71 1442.29 1023.56 418.73 0 3 5 7.5 422957 4652.53 50 8234 28.74 23055.2 80.49 25525.4 89.11 18114.8 63.24 7410.6 25.87 82340 287.45 0.04 2.1 2.65 132.48 2.19 109.68 2.61 130.4 4.34 216.85 11.83 591.5 3.84 1.19 19.33 6.01 24.73 7.69 10.84 3.37 5.3 1.65 64.04 19.91 culvert area waste earth(dreg s) field ivy item arbor 1.46 22400 3.65 26880 1000ite 0 ms 0 24.35 28.1 137.63 158.82 1000ite 0 ms 0 73.06 68.82 area ( hm2 0 mixed grass sowing ) 0 8.52 quantity 0 (kg) 0 0 young wood nurture hm2 constructi grass sowing on access road section hm2 Grass sowing slope m2 protection 8960 4.38 5600 0.91 91840 102.93 118.78 28.26 32.61 293.17 338.32 412.88 388.93 308.8 290.89 84.78 79.86 879.51 828.5 0.35 48.17 36.03 1.47 9.89 0.4 102.61 4.2 511.42 2.3 2890.15 13.01 2161.57 9.73 593.46 2.67 6156.6 27.7 0 8.52 1.15 48.17 6.5 36.03 4.86 9.89 1.33 102.61 13.84 3.32 1.04 9.15 2.87 8.6 2.7 6.88 2.16 2.78 0.87 30.73 0 0 191880 149.86 46260 36.13 559080 436.64 1.97 178560 139.46 28000 4.56 142380 111.2 14.97 9.64 Table 6-38 master list of project quantity of ecological protection measures Harbin Bin County municipallyunit governed district item Unit: 10,000 Yuan Fangzheng County Ilan County City of Jiamusi sum quantit investme quantit investme quantit investme quantit investme quantit investme investme quantity y nt y nt y nt y nt y nt nt production planting and living shrub measure area in s constructio grass sowing n waterproof cubic ridge earth torrent groove 67.5 hm2 2.58 0.81 2076.2 1.82 2 200.1 188.49 242.94 228.85 28.08 26.45 554.1 521.96 11.25 3.53 33.35 10.47 40.49 12.71 4.68 92.35 28.98 3401.5 2.98 2 4368.0 3.83 5 3574.5 3.13 6 697.14 0.61 14117.4 12.37 8 6207.1 77.58 5 7970.8 99.63 9 6522.9 81.53 1 1272.1 15.9 5 25761.8 321.99 3 2257.1 1.98 5 2898.5 2.54 2371.9 2.08 7 462.6 0.41 9367.94 8.21 m3 344.43 0.3 564.29 0.49 724.63 0.63 592.99 0.52 115.65 0.1 2341.98 2.05 m2 8800 37000 185 42120 210.6 14800 74 20020 100.1 122740 613.7 9100 13505 13.51 1 11523 11.52 6 18457 18.46 0 461777 46.18 8588.1 107.34 2 6092.6 76.15 2 2405.5 30.07 7 28274.8 353.41 6 m3 earth 3788.7 knitting m3 47.35 3 bag temporary water cubic draining earth temporar embankme ditch y nt cubic measure sand-basin section earth s iron wire guardrail knitting coverage 100 0 15.48 14.58 item cloth m3 1377.7 1.21 2 44 m2 17820 1.78 earth temporarily knitting 2866.4 -piled earth m3 35.83 bag 6 protection earth- 63.59 0.91 8322.0 104.02 9 1.47 retainin g wall dense networ 19507. k m2 5.85 5 coverag e 56635. 16.99 5 58446 17.53 41463 12.44 16371 4.91 192423 57.73 m3 225.14 2.81 434 690.31 8.63 476.54 5.96 292.71 3.66 2118.69 26.48 m2 8800 2.64 32700 9.81 20675 6.2 39425 11.83 14875 4.46 116475 34.94 guardrail bar ( iron m2 0 wire) 0 260 1300 520 260 2340 stone-piling resisting wall 0 755.6 1.94 1240.0 3.18 5 1543.8 3.96 9 1544.5 3.96 7 5084.12 13.05 m3 622.73 7.78 762.07 9.53 800.05 10 846.15 10.58 612.59 7.66 3643.59 45.54 m2 67325 20.2 10082 30.25 5 111125 33.34 12430 37.29 0 65150 19.55 468725 140.62 earth knitting bag station earth-retaining wall area dense coverage tunnel section network dreg- earth knitting bag earth-retaining wall dense bridge and coverage culvert section mud sump network m3 0 quantit Ite y m 5.42 1.3 6.5 2.6 1.3 11.7 1 0.03 2 0.07 3 0.1 5 0.17 2 0.07 13 0.45 sedimentati quantit item 2 on basin y 0.05 4 0.11 6 0.16 10 0.27 4 0.11 26 0.71 production topsoil stripping and living earth knitting bag area in grass seeds sowing constructio n topsoil backfilling hm2 18.24 17.15 64.97 61.08 61.53 57.85 66.23 62.27 20.65 19.42 231.62 217.77 m3 346.92 4.34 647.99 8.1 567.28 7.09 583.87 7.3 358.9 4.49 2504.96 31.31 hm2 2.09 0.65 7.29 5.59 5.92 2.24 0.7 23.12 7.19 hm2 8.36 54.23 29.16 189.21 8.95 58.04 92.48 600.11 2.27 1.74 22.35 145.01 1.84 23.67 153.62 topsoil stripping waste earth earth knitting bag (dregs) field grass seeds sowing topsoil backfilling hm2 0 0 77.88 73.22 74.29 69.85 51.47 48.39 14.13 13.29 217.77 204.75 m3 0 0 1684.7 21.06 6 2517.2 31.46 3 1439.1 17.99 9 492.76 6.16 6133.94 76.67 hm2 0 0 7.48 5.71 3.86 1.06 0.33 18.11 5.63 hm2 0 0 29.93 194.24 4.24 27.51 72.45 470.1 2.33 1.77 22.84 148.18 1.2 15.44 100.19 6.2.2 Benefit analysis of ecological protection The construction plane will be in control after the implementation of ecological protection measures. By the end of the construction and the afforestation, the vegetation will be restored for the exposed surface caused by the construction. The soil erosion will be effectively controlled and quality and of the ecological environment will also be improved. The degree of the soil erosion is weakened for the roadside side slope because there are some effective drainage systems such as mortar-laying slabstone on the roadbed side slope, plant coverage protection, drain gutters, side-gutters, etc. The systems are useful to the stability of side slope to guarantee the safety of railway transportation. There are altogether 375510 arbors and 43729.36 thousand bushes newly planted, 237.52hm2 for grassing sowing and gardening afforestation. All these play an active role in the soil conservation and ecological environment improving along the route. 6.3 Summary 1. The land utilization patterns are primarily farmland for the railroad construction from Harbin to Jiamusi. Vegetation coverage is relatively ideal in Fangzheng and Ilan County. The soil erosion is mild. Along the route, the ecological environment is comparatively stable and the bearing capacity is strong. 2. According to National vegetation regionalization, the entire line of the construction belongs to the temperate zone prairie region-eastern prairie sub-region-temperate zone north prairie region the temperate zone needle broad-leaf mixed forest region-temperate zone north needle broad-leaf mixed forest region. Along the route the vegetations are mainly wildwood, planted forest, brush, meadow prairie, bog and farmland. The common plants are the populus davidiana, the Korean pine, two-color lespedeza and so on. 3. In the animal geography regionalization, the route belongs to Song-Liao Plain area, Changbai Mountain and Xiao Xing’an range mountain area, because this area sees frequent human activities, along the route mostly farmland, villages. In addition, because of the impact from The Tong-San highway, G211 and railway, the animal resoureces are more deficient along the route and they are primarily common kinds. There are 28 protection animals along the route. And among them, birds are 26 kinds (national LevelII protection birds 20 kinds, Heilongjiang provincial-level protection birds 6 kinds); there are 2 kinds of provincial-level protection animals for crawling class. 4. The permanent occupying land area in this project includes roadbed occupying land, station yard land, the arch of bridge, access-exit tunnel land, altogether 1416.27hm2. The additional land-levying type involves in farmland 903.20 hm2, 63.77%; forest land 419.85, 29.65%; construction land 42.63 hm2, 3.01%; orchard 7.59 hm2, 0.54%; pond 8.24 hm2, 0.58%. The permanent occupying land impacts slightly on the local land utilization pattern along the route. The design fully considers reducing of occupying land, and the project is in striation distribution. Therefore it may reduce the impact to the smallest degree through economic compensation measures making and restoring field and so on. 5. This project occupies a land area of 534.78 hm2 temporarily, primarily arid land. The temporary project takes into account the combination of temporary and forever impact, trying to reduce landoccupying through using permanent levying-land and urban land within the scope of existed field or station section. The established temporary store depots completely use the old stations, without new land-occupying. Using old stations without increasing occupying, this line lays 2 rail bases, located separately at Xinxiangfang Station and Jiamusi Station of Harbin. 6. The construction will permanently occupy forest land for 419.85hm hm2. The next design will further make clear about the quantity and kinds of felling tree. In the design and construction process, if national or local protective trees found, they should be transplanted. And so are done to those small trees suitable for transplanting and those trees of great value. To those of little value and unsuitable for transplanting, under the local forestry department’s instruction, different replanting or currency compensation is carried on, in line with the isometric compensation principle of national and local compensation standard. This project takes many measures such as plantation measures on roadbed side slope plant measure, afforestation of arbor and bush planting, forest belt on the sandstorm roadbed, afforestation on the temporary location, earth in-take area, and waste (dregs) fields and so on. The entire line altogether newly plants tree 375510, bush 43729.36 thousand, grass sowing and gardening afforestation 237.52hm2, which may play an active role improving the ecological environment along the route. 7. The total length of the main-line bridge is 172862.60 double linear meter /144, accounting for 51.28% of the line span. Among it, double-line extra-longbridges are 157506.23 double extension meter/88; double-line large bridges are 15084.71 double extension meter/53; double-line moderate bridges are 206.46 double extension meter/2; steel-framed moderate bridges are 65.2/double extension meter one. The number of newly-built culverts is 294 and after deducting the length of the bridges and tunnels, the culvert is 1.90 for each kilometer. When surmounting the high-grade road, in the design the bridge directly passes through. The bridge pier is not established amidst the road and on the roadbed side slope. Simultaneously it should be considered that the bridge construction may impact the normal use of the road. The measures above can satisfy the need of activities and passing for people and animals. Some requirements are considered in the construction designing of the bridges and culverts, such as flood expelling, irrigation, the surface runoff, and people’s outgoing, animal channels. Bridges and culverts are all designed with a 1/100 water level ( Ilan-Mudanjiang bridge using 1/300 for examination and calculation). And the draining ditch will be designed on both sides of the railroad to the impact to the least degree toward the rivers, flood expelling, irrigation, surface flow and animal channels. 8. The Harbin-Jiamusi rail line penetration plan includes 9 tunnels, all in double-line, total length 14.093km, taking up 4.18% of the entire new line. It is suggested that the tunnels shorter than 500m use single mouth for construction and dregs outgoing to reduce the destruction toward surroundings. The impact analysis of the tunneling to crown vegetation indicates the volume of the water upwelling is small and leaking is mainly the micro bedrock crevice water; the water for the tunnel summit vegetation to grow is mostly from the natural precipitation and the construction nearly has no impact to the vegetation. There are only 2 inhabited areas within the scope of 1000m at the entrance and exit. The production and living both use groundwater and the section of the body tunnel has little connection with the resident’s water conservation. The construction has the slight impact to the local people’s drinking water. 9. This design includes 487 individual roadbed points, with the total length labor 150.142km, taking up 44.54% of the newly built total length. The constructions are mainly moat slope protection, deep cut, sticky embankment, soft ground embankment and so on. 10. The additional soil-erosion quantity is 14.10×104t, which is more than that in natural recovery period. This is the important section for soil erosion protection. To effectively control soil erosion, some points must be paid attention to, such as feasible project, plant measure as well as temporary protective measures, having a reasonable government toward the possible section for soil erosion. In the whole line, the total quantity of earth and stone is 4111.78×104m3, among it is filling 1437.24×104 m3; the earth or stone excavated 2674.54×104 m3. The earth excavated should be used to fill as far as possible. In this construction the used earth is 951.44×104 m3. And the total abandoned earth is 1723.10×104 m3, in which 118.53×104 m3 topsoil is reused in afforestation with the earth, 1604.57×104 m3 taken to the dregs field as permanent waste (dregs). This design initially chooses 12 earth in-take areas, all old stone pits. Altogether 45 dregs fields are chosen, the area 217.78hm2 , many enough for the dregs along the route. And in this construction, some measures are taken concerning corresponding project protection and afforestation. These measures are all about the following aspects: mixing of earth and stone, waste (dregs) field, roadbed side slope, foundation waste of arch and bridge. The implementation of these measures will reduce the soil erosion and the impact of earth-stone construction on the ecological environment. 11. The monitoring and inspection of construction unit, supervisor unit and environment protection personnel will enhance the realization of every environment protection measure. In brief, the impact of railroad on ecological environment is mainly shown in the destruction to the vegetation and land along the route. The destruction is from earth taking and abandoning, roadbed excavation and backfilling, etc. Through the realization of every relieving and compensating measure, the construction will not create serious harm toward the local ecological environment. After the construction, the ecological environment will gradually restore and improve along the route with the carrying out of the protection and greening measures. 7 Environmental Impact Assessment of Noise 7.1 Investigation and assessment on current status of acoustic environment Noise level monitoring along the alignment was conducted at noise-sensitive sites during EIA preparation. Details of the monitoring results and prediction are shown in Annex 4. 7.2 Predication and evaluation on noise impact 7.2.1 Assessment of prediction result Noise level prediction was conducted based on monitoring results and mathematical models. The details of the prediction results are shown in Annex 5. Due to the construction of the project, the quantity of freight transportation pairs within Harbin and Jiamusi Hubs would reduce. Increasing CWR would better the noise and vibration impact within the hubs. 1. Harbin Hub (1)30m to the Outer Rail Central Line The near term Leq at 30m to the old outer rail central line were 57.7~65.1dBA、54.3~66.2dBA in the day and night, -4.4~2.5dBA、-6.8~3.9dBA higher than the current status, thus are able to meet the standards of Day 70dBA and Night 70dBA set in the GB12525-90《Railway Boundry Noise Limits and Measuring Methods》. (2)residential area Grade IV area - The near term value of each survey point in the Grade IV area were 56.0~ 59.5dBA and 52.5~56.2dBA in the day and night, -4.3~-2.5dBA, -6.3~-3.2dBA higher than the current status, up to the standards of Day 70dBA set in the GB12525-90《Railway Boundry Noise Limits and Measuring Methods》. 7 points surpassed 0.2~1.2dBA of the standard of Night 55dBA for the Grade IV area set in GB3096-2008. Grade II area - The near term value of each survey point in the Grade II area were 53.7~ 57.6dBA and 49.1~54.5dBA in the day and night, -4.3~-2.5dBA, -6.4~-3.1dBA higher than the current status. 33 points surpassed 0.1~6.1dBA of the standard of Day 60dBA for the Area II set in GB3096-2008; 154 points surpassed 0.3~4.5dBA of the standard of Night 50dBA for the Area II set in GB3096-2008. Grade III area - The near term value of each survey point in the Grade III area along the both sides of the old railways were 53.5~61.4dBA and 49.3~62.1dBA in the day and night, -3~ 1.6dBA、-4.0~3.6dBA higher than the current status, up to the standards of Day 65dBA set for the Grade III area in the GB3096-2008. 3 points surpassed 0.2~7.1dBA of the standard of Night 55dBA for the Area III set in GB3096-2008. (3)Special Sensitive Points at Schools and Hospitals Day54.8~59.4dBA,-4.4~-2.7dBA higher than the current status, met the according criteria; Night50.4~56.1dBA, -7.2~-3.2dBA higher than the current status. 8 Points surpassed 1.4~3.4dBA of the criteria. The specific estimation statistical results at Harbin are as in the table 6-2-5 below. Table 7-1 Estimated Statistic Results Monitoring Measuring Point Points Numbers Estimated Value (dB) Day Within 30m to external rail central 27 56.6~67.5 30m to external rail central line 31 57.7~65.1 Class IV 15 56~59.5 Area Class 1 42 53.7~57.6 Class III 10 53.5~61.4 School 20 54.8~59.4 line内 Night 54.1~ 66.5 54.3~ 66.2 52.5~ 56.2 49.1~ 54.5 49.3~ 62.1 50.4~ 56.1 Overstandard Overstandard Measuring Point Value(dB) Numbers Day Night Day Night / / / 0~0 0~0 Difference to the Current Value (dB) Day Night / -4.5~2.4 -7~4 0 0 -4.4~2.5 -6.8~3.9 0~0 0.2~1.2 0 7 0~0 0.3~4.5 0 33 0~0 0.2~7.1 0 3 0~0 1.4~3.4 0 8 -4.3~2.5 -4.3~2.5 -3~1.6 -4.4~2.7 -6.3~-3.2 -6.4~-3.1 -4~3.6 -7.2~-3.2 2. Jiamusi Hub (1)30m to the Outer Rail Central Line The near term value at 30m to the old outer rail central line were 59~69.4dBA, 55.8~69.5dBA in the day and night, -2.5~5.9dBA, -2.4~6.7dBA higher than the current status, up to the standards of Day 70dBA and Night 70dBA set in the GB12525-90《Railway Boundry Noise Limits and Measuring Methods》. (2)Residential areas Grade IV area - The near term value of each survey point in the Grade IV area were 55~ 68.2dBA and 52.9~68.4dBA in the day and night, -3.5~2.2dBA, -6.8~2.6dBA higher than the current status, up to the standards of Day 70dBA set in the GB12525-90《Railway Boundry Noise Limits and Measuring Methods》. 23 points surpassed 0.1~13.4dBA of the standard of Night 55dBA for the Grade IV area set in GB3096-2008. Grade I area - The near term value of each survey point in the Grade I area were 54.6~ 59.5dBA and 50.8~58.9dBA in the day and night, -2.4~1.3dBA, -4.4~2 .0dBA, -2.4~ 1.3dBA, -4.4~2 .0dBA higher than the current status. 11 points surpassed 0.3~4.5dBA of the standard of Day 55dBA for the Area I set in GB3096-2008; 12 points surpassed 5.8~ 13.9dBA of the standard of Night 45dBA for the Area I set in GB3096-2008. The near term value of each survey point in the Grade III area were 56.1~62.8dBA and 53.0~62.7d dBA in the day and night, -2.4~3.5dBA, -1.8~4.0dBA higher than the current status, up to the standards of Day 65dBA set for the Grade III area in the GB3096-2008. 11 points surpassed 0.3~7.7dBA of the standard of Night 55dBA for the Area III set in GB30962008. (3)Special Sensitive Points at Schools and Hospitals Day55.8~60.0dBA,-2.2~-0.1dBA higher than the current status, met the according criteria; Night53.1~59.4dBA, -1.4~0.6dBA higher than the current status. 2 Points surpassed 3.1~9.4dBA of the criteria. The specific estimation statistical results at Harbin are as in the table 6-2-6 below. Table 7-2 Estimated Statistic Results Measuring Points Within 30m to external rail central line内 Monitoring Point Numbers 17 Estimated Value Overstandard (dB) Value(dB) Day Night 58.2~ 54.7~ 73.5 73.7 Day Night / / Overstandard Measuring Point Numbers Day Night / / Difference to the Current Value (dB) Day Night -1.3~ -1.9~ 13.4 16.2 30m to external rail central line 27 59~69.4 Class IV 26 55~68.2 Area Class 1 12 Class III 13 School 2 55.8~ 0 0 -2.5~5.9 -2.4~6.7 0 23 -3.5~2.2 -6.8~2.6 5.8~13.9 11 12 -2.4~1.3 -4.4~2 53~62.7 0~0 0.3~7.7 0 11 -2.4~3.5 -1.8~4 0 2 -2.2~-0.1 -1.4~0.6 69.5 52.9~ 68.4 0~0 0~0 0.1~13.4 54.6~ 50.8~ 0.3~ 59.5 58.9 4.5 56.1~ 62.8 55.8~60 53.1~ 59.4 0~0 0~0 3.1~9.4 3. Inter-zone Section (1)30m to the Outer Rail Central Line The near term value at 30m to the old outer rail central line were 62.3~69.2dBA, 57.1~63.7dBA in the day and night, 6.4~18.1dBA, 8.2~19.8dBA higher than the current status, up to the standards of Day 70dBA and Night 70dBA set in the GB12525-90《Railway Boundary Noise Limits and Measuring Methods》. (2)Residential Houses Grade IV area - The near term value of each survey point in the Grade IV area were 59.6~ 67.8dBA and 56.3~62.3dBA in the day and night, 5.3~16.3dBA, 7.3~15.2dBA higher than the current status, up to the standards of Day 70dBA set in the GB12525-90《Railway Boundry Noise Limits and Measuring Methods》. 9 points surpassed 1.3~7.3dBA of the standard of Night 55dBA for the Grade IV area set in GB3096-2008. Grade I area - The near term value of each survey point in the Grade I area were 57.1~ 61.2dBA and 53.1~57.9dBA in the day and night, 4.0~6.3dBA, 4.7~10.7dBA, -2.4~ 1.3dBA, -4.4~2 .0dBA higher than the current status. 3 points surpassed 2.1~6.2dBA of the standard of Day 55dBA for the Area I set in GB3096-2008; 3 points surpassed 8.1~12.9dBA of the standard of Night 45dBA for the Area I set in GB3096-2008. Grade II area - The near term value of each survey point in the Grade II area were 56.5~ 66.1dBA and 51.0~60.6dBA in the day and night, 1.6~15dBA, 1.8~17.1dBA. 89 points surpassed 0.1~6.1dBA of the standard of Day 55dBA for the Area II set in GB3096-2008; 121 points surpassed 1.0~10.6dBA of the standard of Night 50dBA for the Area II set in GB3096-2008. Grade III area - The near term value of each survey point in the Grade III area were 58.7~ 65.5dBA and 54.1~60.2dBA in the day and night, 3.4~14.1dBA、4.4~15.4dBA higher than the current status. 1 points surpassed 0.5dBA of the standard of Day 65dBA for the Area III set in GB3096-2008; 4 points surpassed 0.4~5.2BA of the standard of Night 55dBA for the Area III set in GB3096-2008. (3) Special Sensitive Points at Schools and Hospitals Day57.1~67.5dBA,5.1~13.7dBA higher than the current status, met the according criteria; Night53.1~59.4dBA, 5.1~13dBA higher than the current status. 1 points surpassed 0.5dBA of the standard of Day 65dBA for the Area III set in GB3096-2008; 5 points surpassed 1.0~7.5dBA in the day; 7 points surpassed 1.3~12.1dBA of the standard in the evening. The specific estimation statistical results at inter-zone sections are as in the table 6-2-6 below. The specific estimation statistical results at Harbin is as in the table 6-2-7 below. Table 7-3 Estimated Statistic Results Measuring Points Monitoring Point Numbers Estimated Value Overstandard (dB) Value(dB) Day Within 30m to external rail central line 20 30m to external rail central line 63 Class IV 9 Area Class I 3 Area Class II 121 61.3~70 Night 58.0~ 64.7 62.3~ 57.1~ 69.2 63.7 59.6~ 56.3~ 67.8 62.3 57.1~ 53.1~ 61.2 57.9 56.5~ 66.1 Overstandard Difference to the Measuring Current Value Point (dB) Numbers Day Night / / / / 6.4~19.1 0~0 0~0 0 0 6.4~18.1 0~0 1.3~7.3 0 9 5.3~16.3 3 3 4~6.3 89 121 1.6~15 2.1~6.2 8.1~ 12.9 51~60.6 0.1~6.1 1~10.6 Day Night Day Night 10.6~ 20.3 8.2~ 19.8 7.3~ 15.2 4.7~ 10.7 1.8~ 17.1 Area Class III 6 School 7 58.7~ 65.5 54.1~ 60.2 57.1~ 51.3~ 67.5 62.1 0.5~0.5 0.4~5.2 1~7.5 1.3~ 12.1 4.4~ 15.4 1 4 3.4~14.1 5 7 5.1~13.7 5.1~13 4. Noise Estimation Value Changes in the Long Run The project operation train types and opening modes will have no change while the train pair numbers will have an increase in the long run. The noise estimation will be higher than the current value: noise equivalent grade will add 0.1~4.7dBA in the day and 0.1~1.8dBA in the evening. 5. Noise Sensitive Points in the Zone between the Old and New Lines 3 points of this sort were designed in this project. They were N38 Water Source Community Bungalow at Harbin Hub; N113 Glass Factory Family Buildingt N137 Model Village at Jiamusi Hub. 3 functional zones were all over standard. The assessment suggested the resettlement within 30m of the project and adopting the sound barriers and sound isolation windows at N38 and N113. Also, the assessment suggested the sound isolation window for the inhabitants at N137 lived in dispersion , 7.2.2 Equivalent Sound Grade Estimation Results of Typical Sections In the light of the actual situations, the sound grade estimation results of the pure railway noise were shown at the different sections and subgrade types and heights in the table 7-4. Table 7-4 Shield-free Noise Equivalent Sound Level along the Route Unit: dBA Noise Equivalent Sound Level (dBA) Section Route Rail Top Type Height(m) 30m 60m 120m 200m Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Subgrade 0 58.7 56.9 55.0 53.2 51.6 50.1 48.9 48.0 Subgrade 2 60.0 58.2 55.5 53.7 51.8 50.3 49.1 48.1 Subgrade 4 61.0 59.2 56.0 54.3 52.1 50.6 49.2 48.2 Bridge 8 62.1 60.4 59.9 58.2 55.5 54.0 52.5 51.5 Subgrade 0 60.9 55.6 57.2 51.9 53.8 48.7 50.9 46.2 Taiping Bridge Subgrade Jiamusi 2 62.2 56.9 57.7 52.5 54.0 48.9 51.0 46.3 Subgrade 4 63.2 57.9 58.2 53.0 54.3 49.2 51.1 46.4 Harbin -Taiping Bridge Noise Equivalent Sound Level (dBA) Section Jiamusi – Eastern Jiamusi Route Rail Top Type Height(m) 30m 60m 120m 200m Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Bridge 8 64.3 59.1 62.2 56.9 57.7 52.6 54.4 49.7 Subgrade 0 63.0 62.0 59.2 58.3 55.9 55.0 53.6 52.8 Subgrade 2 64.3 63.3 59.8 58.8 56.2 55.2 53.7 52.9 Subgrade 4 65.3 64.3 60.3 59.3 56.4 55.5 53.8 53.0 Bridge 8 66.4 65.4 64.2 63.2 59.9 58.9 57.1 56.3 Notes: 1. The noise shielding distance determination condition is the area open and without any shield; 2. The table above considered the noise impact of the project railroad only, without taking any other noise source and environmental background noise into consideration. 7.2.3 City Planning for the Ongoing Zone Noise Protection Distance The assessment suggested the sound environment distances for the valuable land resource, speedy development and the protection of the newly built buildings in the new developing zones along the project as shown in the table 7-5. Table 7-5 Sound Environment Protection Distance Section Route Rail Top Type Height(m) Subgrade Harbin Taiping Subgrade Bridge Subgrade Unit: m Distance to the External Rail (m) 30m to the exterial rail central line Area Class I (70dB、70dB) 55dB) Day Night 0 <30 2 4 (70dB、 Area Class III Area Class II Area Class I (65dB、 (60dB、 (55dB、45dB) 55dB) 50dB) Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night <30 <30 39 <30 39 <30 110 64 >200 <30 <30 <30 45 <30 45 31 117 69 >200 <30 <30 <30 50 <30 50 36 124 75 >200 Bridge 8 <30 <30 <30 93 <30 93 62 Subgrade 0 <30 <30 <30 34 <30 34 36 92 96 >200 Taiping Subgrade Bridge Jiamusi Subgrade 2 <30 <30 <30 40 <30 40 42 98 101 >200 4 <30 <30 <30 45 <30 45 47 104 107 >200 Bridge 8 <30 <30 <30 82 <30 82 85 193 185 >200 Subgrade 0 <30 <30 <30 125 <30 125 53 >200 152 >200 Jiamusi – Subgrade Eastern Jiamusi Subgrade 2 <30 <30 <30 130 <30 130 59 >200 158 >200 4 <30 <30 <30 135 <30 135 65 >200 164 >200 8 <30 <30 <30 >200 55 >200 120 >200 >200 >200 Bridge >200 138 >200 Notes: 1 . The noise shielding distance determination condition is the area open and without any shield; 2. The table above considered the noise impact of the project railroad only, without taking any other noise source and environmental background noise into consideration. 7.3 Noise Mitigation Measures 7.3.1 Noise mitigation schemes 1. Economic Comparison of Noise Pollution Treatment Measures The railway noise pollution treatment measures are mainly the barrier screen, green-belt, sensitive point function change and building sound-proof protection. The noise pollution treatment measures suitable to the sensitive points of all kinds are outlined according to the experience of the railway noise pollution treatment of many years, the general condition of the project sensitive points, noise over standard situation and other projects and surrounding conditions in the table 6-1-3. Table 7-6 Economy and Technology Comparison of Noise Pollution Treatment Measures Treatment Measures Effect Analysis Noise reduced by 6~10dBA Barrier Screen Investment Suitable Sensitive Point Classification Comparison Applicable to the sensitive points Large could improve indoor and close to the railway, high intensity outdoor environment, not to investment building, large scale, line mode in affect the everyday life of the inhabitants. embankment and bridge 1~3dBA additional rainfall of Green-belt Having the best comprehensive green belt of 10~30m while Comparative environment effect, but involving large beautify the environment; more land and resettlement. Harder in Requiring more land and investment realization. resettlement large difference The railway noise impact between Sensitive point avoided basically, but more rural and function changes investment and more urban areas difficult performance。 and large investment Building soundproof(soundproof ventilation windows, soundproof corridors and balconies, etc) Noise Requiring the new purchase of houses by the inhabitants and comprehensive arrangement of the government. Not easy in performance. reducing amoun >25dBA , affecting Comparative Good noise reducing effect and less less investment, but affecting the everyday visual sense and ventilation and the everyday life of the investment life of the inhabitants inhabitants Effectively degraded the noise Comparative Several railways parallel, could be Damping steel grade and vibration, noise large supplementary measure to the bad rail investment effect of the sound barrier reducing amount 2~3dBA 2. Noise Pollution Treatment Principles The project is the new construction of the railway. In accordance with the project features, sensitive point scale and position relations, the assessment was determined to employ the noise treatment principles as follows: 1)Based on the principle of “better the old with the new”, the project treated the overstandard sensitive points affected by the old railway. 2)In accordance with the principle of “treatment by the one who polluted”, the bidding due to the project adopted the measures as sound barriers, sound isolation windows and the like to meet the corresponding standard limits or house utilizing function. 3)Considering the sound barrier measures first, then the partial protection of the receiving points. 4)Adopting the installation of the sound isolation ventilation windows at the points at a small scale or inapplicable for the sound barriers. Remeasuring the actual noise level during the trail operation period following the project completion, carrying out the measures in case of the real overstandard results. 5)Ensuring the schools up to the standards, or enough for the indoor function. 6)In combination with the vibration overstandard protection measures, resettle the sensitive objects adjacent to the railways and under a greater impact. 3. The analysis and demonstration on the treatment measures for the rebuilt section in Harbin There are normally 3 kinds of noise pollution protection measurement: resettlement, sound isolation window and sound barrier. The reconstruction of Harbin line under the project changed the rail only without the movement of the line position. In the meanwhile, the sensitive points along the route were distributed in high density and mostly the comparatively new high-storey buildings in their construction ages in Harbin Hub, which replaced by the bodies and rails in better condition. Therefore, it was forecasted that the noise value in the Harbin Hub in the operation period. In view of the special circumstances at the Harbin, the assessment adopted the following noise pollution treatment measurements: 1)Only sound proof windows were installed for the deep cutting section unable to set sound barriers and resettlement. 2)Demolishing the houses within 30m at the plane sub-grade or bridge section. 3)The sound barrier and isolation window methods at the sensitive points in high density. 4)The sound isolation measure was used at the scattered sensitive points. 3. Noise Pollution Treatment Measures In accordance with the noise pollution treatment principles and the economic and technical comparative results, the summary of the noise pollution treatment measures for the sensitive objects along the project was as in the Annex 6. 7.3.2 Noise Mitigation Measure Assessment 1. The current situation of measure assessment sensitive points at N4 Xiehe Hospital, Highway Bureau and State Resource Bureau and N6 Hayi Hospital: Xiehe hospital has high cutting in 3.1m, 3 floor-storey and 50 beds in in-patient department. Highway Bureau and State Resource Bureau and Hayi Hospital has high cutting in 1.2m, 12 storey, work in the day, no accommodation. The oral and optical departments of Hayi Hospital were affected, having 11 storey and 300 beds altogether. The present subgrade has 4 rails, 2 of them near the sensitive points are close to the main line of Bingjing Line, the other are and line 3 and 4. Following the opening, 2 main line will be in use for the straight assess from the project to Harbin Station. The current condition is that the old lines have trains flow of 12 pairs of freight trains, passenger train of 38.5 pairs, with the seam line. 国土资源局 哈大医院 公路局 协和医院 Current Noise Value, referring to Table 7-7。 Table 7-7 Current Noise Values at Xiehe Hospital, State Land Bureau, Highway Bureau and Hayi Hospital Names of Sensative Points Xiehe Hospital State Land Bureau, Highway Bureau Subgrade Type Cutting Cutting Directions Right Right Distance from Monitoring Points to External Rail Central Line(m) Project Line Old Line 24 24 18 Difference between Measuring Points to Rail Top(m) Current Status ValueLeq(dB) Day Night 4.3 63.2 61.9 18 2.4 63.5 62.3 18 18 17.4 61.1 59.4 18 18 32.4 59 57 Names of Sensative Points Hayi Hospital Subgrade Type Cutting Directions Right Distance from Monitoring Points to External Rail Central Line(m) Project Line Old Line 20 20 30 Difference between Measuring Points to Rail Top(m) Current Status ValueLeq(dB) Day Night 2.4 63.8 62.9 30 2.4 62.8 61.2 108 108 14.6 59.8 56.6 108 108 29.6 60.8 57.3 108 108 59.6 59.3 56.3 The current noise values are all above 55db. The train flow after operation: 6 pairs of passenger trains, 56 pairs of motor trains with 8 in one group, 29 pairs with 16 in one group. Cancelling the freight trains, change the seam rails to seamless, close the entire line. Due to the cancellation of the freight train pairs, improved line conditions and train body, the noise value will better than the current status value. The noise estimated values in the operation period are as shown in the table 6-3-4. Table 7-8 Estimated Value of Noise at Xiehe Hospital, State Land Bureau, Highway Bureau ,Hayi Hospital during Operation Period Distance from Monitoring Points to Names of External Rail Subgrade Sensative Directions Central Line 形式 Points (m) Project Old Line Line Xiehe Hospital Difference between Measuring Points to Rail Top(m) Difference Current Estimated between Status Value Value in 2020 Current Leq(dB) Leq(dB) Value and in 2020 (dB) Day Night Day Night Day Night Cutting Right 24 24 4.3 63.2 61.9 58.8 55.2 -4.4 -6.7 State Land Cutting Right 18 18 2.4 63.5 62.3 59.1 55.5 -4.4 -6.8 Distance from Monitoring Points to Names of External Rail Subgrade Sensative Directions Central Line 形式 Points (m) Project Old Line Line Bureau, Highway Bureau Hayi Hospital Cutting Right Difference Difference Current Estimated between between Status Value Value in 2020 Current Measuring Leq(dB) Leq(dB) Value and in Points to 2020 (dB) Rail Top(m) Day Night Day Night Day Night 18 18 17.4 61.1 59.4 56.8 52.2 -4.3 -7.2 18 18 32.4 59 57 54.8 51.1 -4.2 -5.9 20 20 2.4 63.8 62.9 59.4 56.1 -4.4 -6.8 30 30 2.4 62.8 61.2 58.5 54.5 -4.3 -6.7 108 108 14.6 59.8 56.6 55.6 51.1 -4.2 -5.5 108 108 29.6 60.8 57.3 56.6 51.5 -4.2 -5.8 108 108 59.6 59.3 56.3 55.1 50.4 -4.2 -5.9 In view of the estimated values, 3 sensitive points will still be 55db higher than the standard in the operation period, but lower than the current status. The investigation to the old subgrade condition of this section shown that the ballast is 1,5m away from the drainage ditch and embedded the telecommunication cable. Therefore, no condition in this section is enough for the placement of the sound barrier. The assessment adopted the sound proof windows at 3 sensitive points along this section based on the principle of the new improving the old. 2. Sensive Points Noise Pollution Treatment Measures There were 139 sensitive points along the project line, of which, 21 were the school special sensitive points, 118 inhabitant residences. The noise pollution treatment measures for the entire line are as follows: (1)46 sound barriers of 3.15m in length of 15380m at the bridge section. (2)43 sound barriers of 3m in length of 12096m at the subgrade section. 1 sound barrier in length of 7m. (3)132 sound isolation ventilation windows of 107550 m2。The actual surveys will be carried out by the completion of the project for the noise level at the sensitive points, putting in use in case of the real overstandard conditions. (4)In combination of the vibration estimation and measurement implementation situations, 1194 households sensitive points were resettled within 30m along the project line. (5)The total noise protection investment is 270.187 million RMB Yuan. 41 points employed the noise reducing method of sound isolation windows to meet the relative standard or the utilizations function requirement along the entire project. 8 points employed the noise reducing method of sound isolation windows together with the resettlement to meet the relative standards or the utilization function requirement along the entire project. 47 points employed the noise reducing method of sound isolation windows and sound barriers to meet the relative standards or the utilization function requirement along the entire project. 36 points employed the noise reducing method of sound isolation windows together with the resettlement to meet the relative standards or the utilization function requirement along the entire project. 1 points employed the noise reducing method of sound barriers together with the resettlement to meet the relative standards or the utilization function requirement along the entire project. 6 points employed the noise reducing method of sound barriers to meet the relative standards or the utilization function requirement along the entire project. 7.3.3 Noise Pollution Protection Proposals In consideration of the project measures above, the following measures should be used to abate the noise impact to the best extent. (1)Reinforcement of the train bodied and rail maintenance. A regular maintenance of the train bodies and polishing the steel rails should be performed to ensure their operation at a good condition and decrease the noise induced from the train moving and vibration. (2)No horn within the completely closed section at Harbin and Jiamusi Hubs. (3)Rational Scheme and Controlling the Land Usage on the both sides of the railway It is suggested that relative city departments combine the land utilization and ciry plan with the project construction. In consideration of an overall thought of the interactive development and improvement, the city planning divisions should put the land utilization function along the project under a strict control in accordance with the stipulation in “Clause 11 in Chapter 2” of 《Environment Noise Pollution Protection and Treatment Law of P.R.China》that the city planning divisions should determine the noise proof distance from the buildings to the traffic trunks and put forward the corresponding plans and design requirements while making decision of the building arrangement in accordace with the state environment quality standard and civil building design regulations and rules. With the reference of the noise estimation results in this report, it is commented that the planning departments along the project make a reasonable scheme for the land function on the both sides of the railway and strengthen the building arrangement and sound proof and noise decreasing design. The ready researches have shown that, in view of the reducing noise impact, the surrounding building groups were better than parallel arrangement, parallel building groups were better than the perpendicular arrangement, and the non-noise sensitive buildings as the industy, storage and logistics were more applicable to the first rows of the buildings for the sake of reducing the railway noise impact to the sound environment in the building groups. 7.4 Acoustic environment asessment for the construction period 7.4.1 Noise Source in the Construction Period The construction noise impact to the environment is due to not only the sound source and its function period, but the surrounding sensitive points distribution and its distance to the sound source also. The construction noise of the project included the construction machinery, transportation vehicles and temporary construction facilities, of which, the construction machinery and transportation vehicles had the sound grade of higher level and longer working time. As the main sound sources, the measured values of common construction machinery noise according to a large number of the site survey data are shown in the table 6-4-1 below. Table 7-9 Noise Source Intensity of Major Construction Machinery & Vehicles Unit: dBA Construction Period Earth and gravel Works Transportation Distance between Measuring Point and Noise Source(m) Sound Grade AValues Average Bulldozer 10 78~96 88 Excavator 10 76~84 80 Loader 10 81~84 82 Names Constructure Installation & Maintenance Road Breaker 10 80~92 85 Heavy Lorry 10 75~95 85 Blader 10 78~86 82 Compactor 10 75~90 83 Riveted Machine 10 82~95 88 Concrete Mixer 10 75~88 82 Electricity Generator 10 75~88 82 Peumatic Presser 10 80~98 88 Vibrator 10 70~82 76 Hoister 10 84~86 85 Jumbo Crane 10 85~95 90 The main noise sources in the construction period were bulldozers, heavey trucks and road compactors. Earthworks mixing and material transportation work affected more people due to their high mobility, but this sort of impact most constrained to the day with the non-continuity and generally accepted by the civilians. 7.4.2 Noise Environment Impact Assessment Standard in the Construction Period The noise limits at different construction stages are as in the table 7-10 below. Table 7-10 GB12523-90 Noise Limited Value at Construction Area Unit:Leq(dBA) Noise Limited Value Construction Period Major Noise Source Earth and gravel Works Pile Driving Day Night Bulldozer, excavator, loader, etc 75 55 Various pile drivers, etc 85 No Construction Structure Concrete mixer, vibrator and electric saw, etc 70 55 Decoration Hoister, elevator, etc 65 55 7.4.3 The Controlled Distance of the Construction Machinery to the Site The machiney at the construction sites should be managed to be at a controlled distance up to the requirement of the equivalent sound grade limits within the sites. The equivalent and continuous sound grade A at this survey point could be calculated as the fomula below: 1 n 0.1( L C ) Leq ,T 10 lg ni t eq ,i 10 p 0 ,i i T i 1 Noise declining fomula is as follow: L A L0 20 lg( rA / r0 ) Where: LA-sound grade at rA to the sound source, dBA L0-sound grade at ro to the sound source, dBA The controlled distance of the construction machinery to the site should be calculated based on the actual situations. In this job, working period were 8, 10 and 12 hours in the day and 1, 2 and 3 in the evening, machines were 1, 2 and 3 pieces respectively, working out the controlled distrance of the construction machinery by the fomula. The noise impact range of the machinery under various circumstances was as in the table 6-4-3. Table 7-11 Typical Construction Mechinery Contro Distrance Estimation Unit:m Construction Machinery Bulldozer Road Breaker loader Blader, compactor, generator and concrete mixer 7.4.4 Limit Value at the Site(dBA) Operation Time Day Day Night Day Night Day 8 1 32 158 45 223 55 274 10 2 35 223 50 316 61 387 12 3 39 274 55 387 67 474 8 1 22 112 32 158 39 194 10 2 25 158 35 224 43 274 12 3 27 194 39 274 47 335 8 1 18 89 25 126 31 154 10 2 20 126 28 178 34 218 12 3 22 154 31 218 38 266 8 1 28 79 40 112 49 137 10 2 31 112 45 158 55 194 12 3 34 137 49 194 60 237 75 75 75 70 Night 55 55 55 55 (hours) Using 1 piece Using 2 pieces Using 3 pieces Night Day Night Mitigation Measurements and Suggestions In accordance with the stipulation of Clause No.27, 28, 29 and 30 of 《Environment Protection Methods of P.R.China》, the project should be in line with the building construction site criteria of the state regulations; 15 days ahead of the construction, the environment protection administrative divisions in charge should submit the project name, working location and period and possibe environment noise values, noise pollution protection and treatment measures; No noise pollution inducing works are allowed in the evening. In case of the special working necessary at night, the identification issued by the government above the level of county or relative department in charge and notify the residents the approved jobs at night. The assessment suggested the the following measures and suggestions on the sound environment impact during construction period in view of the actual project situation: 1. The machinery with louder noise like generators, air compactors, etc. should be arrange at a remote area and be away from the sound environment sensitive points such as the residential areas, schools and hospitals and so on; the sites of mixing, stirring and precasting should be in general more than 200m away from the residential areas; for those hard tto choice suitable sites should use close sound insulation measures and carrying out a regular maintenance strictly following the operation regulations and rules. 2. Making a rational working schedule, trying to avoid the construction in the evening or doing jobs with lower noise. Machinery with the high sound grade should be stopped in the evening (22:00~ 6:00). The relative approval should be obtained in case of inevitable continuous construction need and keep the residents well-informed. The construction at night should utilize the certain methods to reduce the noise to the maxium extent. The construction produced by the staff should be supported by the management rules and noise reducing measurement and be kept under a strict control. The vehicles delivering the material during the night should ban the horns, be gentle in the loading and unloading, not to disturb the people with the minimum noise. 3. During the construction period, the related vehicle passing time should be well coordinated to avoid the traffic gams by means of a proper communication among the construction party, constructors and traffic departments. The evening transportation should ban the horns, slower, and try not to use the road through the towns and villages to reduce the noise impact to a minimum extent. 4. Optimizing the construction scheme, making a logical working schedule, reducing the construction environment noise hazard to a minimum extent. The noise protection measures shoube be listed in the construction organization design and explicate in the contracts at the stage of biding and tendering stage. 5. In accordance with the 《Notification on the Strengthening Environment Noise Pollution Supervision and Management during the Senior High School Examination Period 》issued by the State Environment Bureau on Apr. 26, 1998, in the process of the senior high school examination and 2 weeks ahead of the examination, the noise overstandard and disturbing works should be banned besides the environment noise sources of all kinds be severely under control. 6. The contruction site environment supervision should be well done in the construction period. In accordance with 《Construction Working Range Noise Measuring Methods》, the working site should have a noise survey with the values within the noise discharge standard. This report set out the environment management survey schemes in the environment management and monitoring plan, which should be stricted followed by the relative units at work, keep the working site noise within the allowance by means of survey to reduce the construction impact on the resident living environment to a minimum extent. 7.5 Summary 7.5.1 Assessment Standards and Protection Objects There were 139 sensitive points, of which, 21 special sensitive points and 118 concentrated residential housings. The residential houses at 30m to the exterial rail central line within the assessment scope used the limit value of 70dBA/70dBA in 《Railway Boundry Noise Limit and Measuring Method》 (GB12525-90). The area having the noise function divisions followed the relative noise function division criteria. Areas through the project are mostly the villages without noise function divisions, belong the Class 2 area. The urban areas with the functional division should follow the relative functional requirement. As for the special sensitive points as schools and hospitals, the standard is 60dBA in the day and 50dBA at night(with the requirement for the dormitory) 7.5.2 The Current Status Assessment The current status survey results shown that the sound grades of each sensitive object were 52.4~ 67.8dBA 和 45.3~68.4dBA in the day and evening. The sound grade at 30m to outer rail central line were up to the standards of Day 70dBA and Night 70dBA set in the GB12525-90《Railway Boundry Noise Limits and Measuring Methods》. 7.5.3 Main Environment Impact and Proposed Environment Protection Measurements 1. The environment protection measures mentioned in the report for the construction period included majorly a rational arrangement of working site, machinery with high noise be far away side for the residential area; a rational working schedule, the job with high noise being done in the day, the beforehand report and approval by the relative administrative departments in charge for the technologically required continuous construction or some special needs; strengthening the environment noise survey in construction period, and so on. 2. On the basis of the environment noise estimation, the recent sound grade of the residential houses at 30m to the outer rail central line were 57.7~69.4dBA and 54.3~69.5dBA in the day and evening; 55.0~68.2dBA and 52.5~68.4dBA within the Class IV area; 54.6~61.2dBA and 50.8~58.9dBA within the Class I area, 53.7~66.1Db and 49.1~60.6dBA within the Class II area, 53.5~65.5dBA and 49.3~62.7dBA within the Class III area The forecasted survey on 21 school special sensitive point shown the noise level of 54.8~67.5dBA and 50.4~62.1dBA in the day and evening. 3. In accordance with the environment noise estimation survey results and considering the sensitive point scale and surrounding land condition, 46 sound barriers of 3.15m high and 15380 linear meter in total length were placed at the bridge section; 43 sound barriers of 3m high and 12096 linear meter in total length at the subgrade; 1 sound barrier of 7m of 380 linear meter at the subgrade section. 132 sound proof ventilation windows of 107550m2. 4. In combination with the vibration estimation and measurement utilizatioin, 1194 households at the sensitive points were resettled. 5. The noise environment protection investment was 270.187 million RMB¥ 8 Environment Vibration Impact Assessment 8.1 General Following the project openning, the train wheels and steel rail generated the collision vibration, which transferred from rail sleepers and bedding to the subground, then to the ground surface, vibration disturance produced to the surroundings and the residential houses and schools along the route, having a bad impact on the life, study and rest. That vibration of the train will be the major environmental vibration source. In addition, a temporary vibration interference will be generated by the subgrade filling, site excavation, bridge foundation, pier and abutment building, tunnel blasting and the like during the construction period. 8.2 The Current Status Assessment on Environment Vibration 8.2.1 The Current Status Investigation on Environment Vibration The proposed railway will go through Helongjiang Province, Ha’erbing and Jimusi. The areas along the route are mostly residential environment for cities, villages and towns. The current status investigation and research indicated that there were 88 environment vibration protection objects, of which, 7 schools with the structure of Class II and III; some of sensitive points affected by the old railway with a higher vibration grade; other points’ main vibration sources were social life induced vibration with a lower grade. 8.2.2 Current Status Monitoring I. Monitoring Methods The environment vibration measuring was carried out according to GB10071-88《Urban Area Environment Vibration Measuring Methods》 In the old railway section, measurement was done by the method of “railway vibration”, that is “read the biggest indicated number of each train passing through, 20 trains should be measured in succession at each point, the arithmetic average of 20 readings would be the assessment value.” Other pointing(areas without the passing-by train) were measured by “inregular vibration” method for the urban area, that is each continuous measurement should last for no less than 1000s, sampling interval 0.1s, reading accumulation Z percentage vibration grade, using VLz10 as assessment value. Measuring points were arranged at the flat and firm ground no more than 0.5m away outside the building or at the floor conter of the inside the building. II. Measuring Unit The measurement was performed by the Central Laboratory of No.3 Railway Investigation and Design Institute Group, having the measurement qualification certificate No. 2009001162N of P.R.China. III. Measuring Apparatus AWA6256B environment vibration grade analyser was used. To ensure the measurement accuracy, the apparatus had a self-correction before the inspection and check, up to the requirement the measure technology requirement. IV. Measuring Measurement was scheduled in April of 2010. 8.2.3 Current Measuring Point Arrangement The sensitive point distribution method was adopted to place the survey points at each sensitive object, all at 30m to the old railway or proposed railway and at the flat and firm ground no more than 0.5m away outside the first row of the buildings. 33 survey section, 135 point were arranged as shown in the appendix drawings. 8.2.4 The Current Monitoring Results and Assessment The current monitoring result and assessment are as shown in the Annex 7. The current status survey results indicated: The sound grade of part of the sensitive points of 44 along the project were over standard due to the impact of the old railway in the day and evening, the other 44 points were majorly impactd by the social life noise. The relative parameters of the old railway operation are shown in the table 6-1Table 6-2 Current Train Pair Railway Section Ordidary Goods Train Unit: pair/day Ordidary Passenger Train Tractive Type Freight Train Tractive Mass (t) Ha’erbing Hub 12 38.5 Electrified 5000 Jiamusi Hub 31 43.5 Electrified 5000 I. Sensitive Points Affected by the Old Railways The sound grades at 30m to the old outer rail central line were 60.9~67.8dBA and 58.4~68.4dBA in the day and night, up to the standards of Day 70dBA and Night 70dBA set in the GB12525-90 《Railway Boundry Noise Limits and Measuring Methods》. II. Other Sensive Points No obvious vibration source at the present status, mainly from the human activity impact, the current vibration grade of VLZ10 value is 49.0~57.0dB and 43.1~52.0dB in the day and evening, up to the requirement of 70 dB and 67 dB in the day and night set in 《Urban Area Environment Vibration Standards》 (GB10070-88) 8.3 Environment Vibration Impact Asessment during the Operation Period 8.3.1 Estimation Methods The vibration source strength and transmitting rules are affected by quite many factors. Generally, land form, land feature, geological condition and some man-made structures should all place a special impact on the sound generation and spreading. Therefore, the sound generation and spreading could show their own characters under some actual circumstance. The vibration assessment estimation mode was according to the fomula recommended in Rail Docu.No.44, 2010《Railway Construction Project Environment Impact Assessment, Noise Vibration Source Intensity Value-taken and Treatment Priciple Guidance and Proposals 》 (revised in 2010). i. Vibration Estimation Fomula Selection Railway environment vibrationVLz estimation calculation fomula is as follow: VLZ 1 n VLZ 0,i Ci n i 1 Where: VLZ0,i—— through, dB vibration source intensity, the maximum grade Z vibration at the train passing Ci —— vibration correction item of the train of No.i, dB; n —— numbers of the trains passing by Vibration correction item Ci is calculated by Ci = CV + CW + CL + CR+ CH + CG + CD+CB In fomular: CV—— velocity, dB; CW——axle weight correction, dB; CL—— line kind correction, dB; CR—— rail type correction, dB; CH—— Bridge height correction, dB; CG—— Geological correction, dB; CD—— distance correction, dB; CB—— building type correction, dB。 II. Fomula Parameter Determination 1. Vibration Source IntensityVLzo The train vibration source strength in the Assessment was determined in accordance with the Rail Docu.No.44, 2010《Railway Construction Project Environment Impact Assessment, Noise Vibration Source Intensity Value-taken and Treatment Priciple Guidance and Proposals 》 (revised in 2010)as shown in the tables 7-3-1、7-3-2、7-3-3 below: Table 8-1 Passenger Train Vibration Intensity at 160km/h or below Speed(km/h) Source Geological Axle Reference Line Condition Intensity(dB) Condition Weight Point Location 50~70 76.5 80~110 77.0 120 77.5 130 78.0 140 78.5 Railway of GradeⅠ, seamless, rail of 60kg/m, rail surface in good Alluviation condition, Layer concrete rail sleeper, road bedding with slug, straight subgrade line Correction Value Deducting 3dB from the source 30m to the strength for the training moving line strength value at central line the bridge line 21t Table 8-2 Ordinary Goods Train Vibration Source Intensity Source Intensity(dB Speed(km/h) Geological Axle Condition Weight Line Condition Subgrade Bridge 50 78.5 75.5 60 79.0 76.0 70 79.5 76.5 80 80.0 77.0 Railway ClassⅠ, seamless, seamless steel 60kg/m, rail surface condition, concrete rail Alluviation sleeper, rail bed with Layer slug,straight line, low sub-grade or bridge of 11min height 21t Reference Point Location On the ground 30m to the outer train line center Table 8-3 Motor Train Group Train Vibration Source Intensity Motor Train Group Subgrade Route Bridge Route Railway ClassⅠ, without with without with switch switch switch switch 160 70.0 76.0 66.0 67.5 170 70.5 76.5 66.5 68 180 71.0 77.0 67.0 69.0 190 71.5 77.5 67.5 69.5 200 72.0 78.0 68.0 70.5 seamless, seamless steel 60kg/m, rail surface condition, concrete rail sleeper, rail bed with slug, straight line, low subgrade or bridge of 11min height, on the ground 30m to the outer train line center, alluviation Layer,axle weight of 16t 210 72.5 78.5 68.5 71.5 220 73.0 79.0 69.0 72.5 230 73.5 79.5 69.5 73.5 240 74.0 80.0 70.0 74.0 250 74.5 80.5 70.5 74.5 III. Estimation Technological Conditions Rail The main rail adopted the interval seamless line of 60kg/m. The rail structures were dominated by the rail with the 砟 at Ha’erbing and Jiamusi and the slab-rail without the 砟 at the interval sections. Train Travelling Speed The actual travelling speed at each estimating point was calculated and determined by the train type and train traction. Locomotive Train Conditions The electric locomotive traction mass was 5000t, the passenger trains were hauled by the locomotive SS4. D. Traffic Flow Distribution The passenger and freight train paires were as in the table 7-3-4 below. Table 7-3-4 Estimated Annual Train Pair 2020 Unit: pair/day 2030 Section Ordinary Ordinary Motor Train Group Ordinary Ordinary Motor Train Goods Train Passenger Train Goods Passenger Train Train 8 in a group 16 in a group Group 8 in a group 16 in a group Ha’erbing-Taiping Bridge 8 6 56 29 8 6 69 43 Taiping BridgeJiamusi 0 0 56 29 0 0 69 43 Jiamusi~Jiamusi 东 20 44 0 29 28 50 0 43 III. The Vibration Estimation Results and Assessment at Grade Z The vibration impact estimation results at Grade Z at each sensitive point during the operation period were as in the Annex 8. The estimation results indicated: 1.The evaluation values of Grade Z at the survey point 50 within 30m to the outer rail were 70.181.9db and 70.1-82.7db in the day and evening. 6 points were over 80dB in the day, 1.0-1.9dB higher; 11 points were over 80dB at night, 0.8-2.7dB higher. 2.The evaluation values of Grade Z at the survey point 85 within 30m to the outer rail were 52.977.2db and 53.5-77.9db in the day and evening, all meeting the standard requirement of 80db “on the both sides of the rainway trunk” of GB10070-88 3. In the long run, due the unchanged train types and speed and only increased traffic flow, it was estimated that the vibration estimation should have not much difference from the one in 2020, generally 0.2~0.4 dB higher. Estimated statistic results were as in the table 7-3-6 below: Table 8-4 Estimated Statistic Results Measuring Point Location Estimated Measuring Point Numbers Within 30m Beyond 30m Monitoring Value(dB) Over 80(dB) Value Over 80(dB)points Day Night Day Night Day Night 50 70.1-81.9 70.1-82.7 1-1.9 0.8-2.7 6 11 85 52.9-77.2 53.5-77.9 0-0 0-0 0 0 8.3.2 Vibration Distance Estimation up to the Standards For the sake of the plan and control, the vibration estimation values at the different distances and route types, and the vibration distance up to the standards were given as in the table 7-3-7 below: Table 8-5 Railway Vibration Criteria Distance Estimated Value Speed (km/h) Section Ha’erbingTaiping Bridge Motor Goods Passenger Train Train Train Group (dB) Track Geological Line Condition Condition Condition 15m 20m 30m 60m (m) Subgrade 60 120 100 with slug Alluviation (6m) Layer Bridge (11m) Taiping BridgeJiamusi Subgrade / 230 / without Alluviation (6m) slug Layer Bridge (11m) Subgrade Jiamusi~ Jiamusi 东 60 120 100 Distance up to the criteria with slug Alluviation (6m) Layer Bridge (11m) 79.5 78.3 76.5 70.5 15 72.3 71.1 69.3 63.3 4 76.5 75.3 73.5 67.5 7 72.5 71.3 69.5 63.5 4 80.8 79.5 77.8 71.7 19 75.6 74.3 72.6 66.5 7 Note: The distance up to the criterial is for the outside. Indicated by the data in the table 7-3-7, the vibration impact range was larger at the sub-grade line than the bridge line. 8.4 Vibration Mitigation Measurements and Proposals To meet the environmental vibration requirement, the following measures were proposed to decrease the impact of train vibration on the environmental vibration in combination with estimation evaluation results and on the principles of the technological feasibility and the economica reasonableness. 8.4.1 City and Town Schem, Control and Management In order to mostly alleviate the railway construction impact on the environmental vibration, it was suggested that the government divisions of planning, construction and environmental protection should delimit a certain range of the buffer zone of no new construction of the vibration sensitve buildings as the residential houses, schools and hospitals within 30m along the both sides of the railway, taking into consideration of the fact of a higher vibration level along the both sides of the railway while making a plan for the land management. 8.4.2 Source Strength Control It was proposed that a regular polishing of the overall rail should be arranged to eliminate the wear and reduce the unevenness between the wheels and rails after the opening of the project, a regular wheel rounding to improve the vibration due the irregular wheel. With the development of our railway transportation, locomotive and vehicle manufacture industry, rail conditions have upgraded, the old trains will be replaced by the new, the nationaliztion and popularity of the large machinery like the rail polishing will benefit the vibration impact. 8.4.3 Vibration Control Measurements The resettlement was decided to the control the vibration impact at the points with the values over 80db after the construction. In this assessment, 438 points along the railway were resettled in view of the noise protection measurements. The investment induced was listed in the noise protection cost to reduce the impact of railway vibration on the resident life, referring to the Annex 9. 8.5 Vibration Environment Impact Analysis during the Construction Period 8.5.1 Construction Period Vibration Pullution Source Anaysis The vibration pollution source was mainly the construction machinery working vibration largely from pile drilling, hole boring, road(earth)compaction, raming and heavey transportation vehicles moving, such as jumbo excavator(earth digging), air compactor, hole driller, pile driller, vibrating raming machines and so on. The project is newly built. The construction vibration control is focus on the rural residents concentrated area close to the alignment and stations . The constrution and blasting works in the construction period should also place an vibration impact on the nearby sensitive points. 8.5.2 Construction Machinery Equipment Vibration Strength The table 7-5-1 is mainly for the construction machinery vibration values. It is shown that the pile driver produced the maximum vibration strength among those listed; the vibration declined with the increase of the machines distance; With the exception of the high vibration machines, other equipment vibration are arrange within 25~30m, up to the environment standard in “mixed area”. Table 7-5-1 Construction Mechinery Equipment Vibration Value (VLz:dB) Construction Machinery Distance to Vibration Source(m) 5 10 20 30 Dissel Pile Driver 104 ~ 106 98 ~ 99 88 ~ 92 83 ~ 88 Vibrating Pile Hammer 100 93 86 83 Pneumatic Hammer 88 ~ 92 83 ~ 85 78 73 ~ 75 Excavator 82 ~ 94 78 ~ 80 74 ~ 76 69 ~ 71 Compactor 86 82 77 71 Pneumatic Pressor 84 ~ 86 81 74 ~ 78 70 ~ 76 Bulldozer 83 79 74 69 Heavy Goods Train 80 ~ 82 74 ~ 76 69 ~ 71 64 ~ 66 8.5.3 Construction Vibration Control Measurements In order to reduce the vibration to the minimum extent during the construction of the project, the following effective measurements: 1. Logical Arrangement of the Site The scientific site arrangement is the critical way to reduce the construction vibration. The relation between the site arrangement and environment should be properly considered while ensuring the construction work. (1)Choosing the position with less environment requirement as the fixed manufacture work site, take the girder making for instance, to avoid to be close to the sensitive areas(points) like the residentia houses; (2)Keeping the road for the construction vehicles, especially the heavy transportation away the vibration sensitive areas; (3)Trying to arrange the vibration-generated construction equipment 30m away from the vibration sensitive area to avoid the interruption to the surrounding environment; (4)No use of the machines with high vibration, such as the pile driver, road compactor of raming type at the sensive construction sections as the residential areas in the evening; 2. Scientific Management, Propoganda and Civilized Construction Under the circumstance of the construction progress, making a logical construction schedule and the scientific management; The proper propoganda should be carried out for the impact to the surrounding environment even with some correpondent control measurement and stradegies because of the technology conditions and concrete environment limit at the construction sites. To increase the residents’ mental tolerance to the bad impact, reinforce the education on the environment protection awareness of workers, initialize the consciousness of the civilized construction to alleviate the construction vibration due to the man-made reasons. 3. The explosion design staff should decide the allowed safe vibration speed by the controlling standard and calculate the controlled dynamite amount each time according to the actual conditions of the buildings at the explosive areas and the sensitive areas( points). The largest dynamite amount should be under a strict control at the construction blasting, making a rational blasting sequence to ensure the ground equipment safety; the explosive time should be properly selected to minimize the impact on the residents; the efficient propoganda and safety measurement pre-scheme should be done ahead of the explosion each time to each time to lessen or eliminate the residents’ psychological panic and the necessary safety protection measurements. 4.In order to make an effective control of the construction vibration impact on the resident living environment, the environmental management should be emphasized besides the performance of the controlling measures.The construction units should accept willingly the supervision and management of the environment department in accordance with the relative laws, rules and regulations of the state and cities along the project. 8.6 Summary 1.Affected by the old railway, the average values of current vibration grade Vlzmax within 30m were 73.1 dB~84.1dB and 74.3 dB~84.3dB in the day and evening. 12 points were over 80db in the day, 0.1~4.1db higher; 12 points were over 80db, 0.4~4.4db higher. Within 30m and beyond were 57.0~78.6dB and 57.3~78.9dB in he day and evening, all points in the day and evening were up to the standard value of 80db at “boths sides of the railway truck” of GB10070-88. No obvious vibration sources at the current stage, mainly the man-made acitivities. The VLZ10 value of the current vibration grade were 49.0~57.0dB and 43.1~52.0dB in the day and evening, up to the requirement of 70 dB and 67 dB in the day and evening set in 《Urban Area Environment Vibration Standards》 (GB10070-88) 2.The evaluation values of Grade Z at the survey point 50 within 30m to the outer rail were 70.181.9db and 70.1-82.7db in the day and evening. 6 points were over 80db in the day, 1.0-1.9db higher; 11 points were over 80db, 0.8-2.7db higher. The evaluation values of Grade Z at the survey point 85 within 30m to the outer rail and beyond were 52.9-77.2db and 53.5-77.9db in the day and evening, all meeting the standard requirement of 80db “on the both sides of the rainway trunk” of GB10070-88. 3.In this assessment, 438 points along the railway were resettled in view of the noise protection measurements. The investment induced was listed in the noise protection cost to reduce the impact of railway vibration on the resident life. 4.It was suggested that the government divisions of planning, construction and environmental protection should delimit a certain range of the buffer zone of no new construction of the vibration sensitve buildings as the residential houses, schools and hospitals within 30m along the both sides of the railway, taking into consideration of the fact of a higher vibration level along the both sides of the railway while making a plan for the land management. 5.The construction sequence should be logical arranged due to the vibration impact from some of the construction machinery on the surrounding environment during the construction period. Also, it is quite necessary and effective to take the protection measures and increase the environmental awareness of the construction staff to decrease the environment vibration impact, which would vanish after the completion of the construction, during the construction period. 194