2015 NCFE Training Power Point

NC Final Exam
Implementation Plan
 The schedule is designed to parallel the secure and
controlled manner in which end-of-grade
assessments are delivered.
 All stakeholders are confident that the data will
accurately measure student learning.
 Quality data for the newly-adopted teacher
effectiveness model is collected.
Required Common Exams
Math: Math II, Math III, CC Geometry, CC Algebra II,
Advanced Functions and Modeling, Discrete, Pre Calculus
Science: Earth/Environmental Science, Physical Science,
Chemistry, Physics, Science 4, Science 6, Science 7
English: English/Language Arts I, English/Language Arts III,
English/Language Arts IV
Social Studies: World History, Civics and Economics, U.S.
History, American History I, American History II, Social Studies
Occupational Courses: OCS students who are enrolled in
courses that trigger an NCFE and are receiving 100% of their
instruction from an on-site instructor (face-to-face) must still
be administered the NCFE.
OCS Courses
Common Exam Test Administration Manual
 The same manual is used for all assessments.
 Pages 1-2: Teacher Evaluation
 Page 3: General Assessment Information
 Pages 4-5:Eligibility and participation
 Pages 5-6:
 Administration time/testing schedule
 Accommodations and Alternate Assessments
Common Exam Test Administration Manual
 Pages 8-9: Testing Materials
 NEW: Each test has multiple forms.
 Pages 10-11: Calculator Requirements
 Pages 11-13: Testing Code of Ethics; Test
Administrators and Proctors; Test Security;
Student Emergencies; Testing irregularities;
Eligible Students
 All students enrolled in courses for which NC Final Exams
are required.
NCVPS students are NOT required to be assessed UNLESS the
student is also being instructed by a member of the school faculty.
 Students, including seniors, who are exempt from final
exams by local Board of Education policy shall not be
exempt from NC Final Exams.
 Students repeating courses
 LEP students
LEP students scoring below 4.0 expanding on the reading subtest
of the WIDA ACCESS Placement Test AND are in first year in US
schools are not eligible to be assessed on English I, III, IV.
Direct LEP teacher to print a report from ELLevations.
LEP students must participate in other NC Final Exams.
p.6 Last five days for semester-long courses; last 10 days
for year-long courses
Accommodations and Alternate Assessments
6-7 and APPENDIX E
Students with disabilities, including students only receiving
services under Section 504, may receive testing
accommodations for the NC Final Exams
Students should receive the accommodations they use routinely during their
instructional programs and similar classroom assessments
Special print versions are available for order
Large Print (LP)
One Test Item Per Page Edition (OTIPP)
Requests for special print versions other than Braille, LP, or OTIPP must be
submitted on an Accommodation Notification Form
Requests for special print versions must be placed at least 30 days before the test
Alternate Assessments
 Not available for the NC Final Exams
Accommodations and Alternate Assessments
NOTE: Review of Accommodations
forms are required
Accommodations for NCFINALs may still
be listed in Goalview as LOCAL assessments.
- Local Social Studies; Local Science etc
Test administrators who serve in a test
administrators role for students with
accommodations MUST receive special
training for the accommodations prior to
test day.
Test Formats Multiple Choice (Purple)
Bubble sheets are traditional
Test Formats English III (Green)
(pages 7-8)
Bubble sheets have QR Codes
 English III Only Answer Sheet
 The English Language Arts III NCFE consists of
both multiple-choice and constructed response
Test Formats: Multiple Choice and
Constructed Response (blue) (pages 7-8)
Bubble sheets have QR Codes
Test Materials
Testing Code of Ethics and Security
p. 11-13 AND
 Eligibility Issues
 Accommodations Issues
 Security Issues
Neither students nor teachers may possess cell phones.
 Monitoring Issues
 Procedural Issues
NOTE: Test training MUST include review of the Testing Code of Ethics
Selecting Test Administrators and Proctors
p. 13
Options for NC Final Exam Testing
Test admin:
Teacher of Record
Full time
proctor required
Test admin:
Test admin:
Teacher in same
Teacher from
different cluster
Full time
proctor required
Roving proctor
(one per 3 close rooms)
Roving proctors will NOT be used in special accommodations rooms
Parents will NOT serve as proctors in accommodations rooms
No stadium-type testing permitted
Emergencies, Irregularities and Misadministrations
pages. 13-14
 Emergencies and Breaks
 Procedures for Students Who Complete the Test before
the Scheduled Testing Time Is Over
Collect materials
Students may read non-textbooks
 Reporting Irregularities – School Test Coordinator must
document in OTISS
 Misadministrations – retesting is required
Courses for which grouping for makeup is
NOT allowed
Courses that CANNOT Be Combined for Testing (i.e., these courses must
test alone)
English Language Arts III cannot be grouped
Grade 8 Social Studies cannot be grouped
U.S. History cannot be grouped
Physical Science cannot be grouped
Earth/Environmental Science cannot be grouped
SCS Algebra II cannot be grouped
Courses Which Can be Grouped (small
groups and makeups only)
You can group:
 English Language Arts I
 English Language Arts IV
You can group:
 Civics and Economics
 World History
 American History I
 American History II
You can group;
 Chemistry
 Physics
You can group:
Advanced Functions and Modeling
Discrete Mathematics
You can group:
 Comm. Core Geometry
 SCS Geometry
You can group:
 Math II
 Math III
You can group:
 Comm. Core Algebra II
 Comm. Core Integrated Math III
After Testing
(pages 24-26)
Record Students’ Provided and Used Accommodations
The test administrator must use a No. 2 pencil to code
questions 1 and 2 in the TO BE COMPLETED BY THE TEST
section on SIDE 1 of each student’s answer sheet:
Question 1: The respondent must code the appropriate bubble if the student
is currently (1) identified ONLY under Section 504 (i.e., does not have a
current IEP) or (2) identified with a transitory impairment.
Question 2: If the student was provided an accommodation during this test
administration for any reason (i.e., documented in the current IEP, Section
504 Plan, limited English proficiency documentation, or transitory
impairment documentation), the appropriate bubble or bubbles must be
filled. More than one response may be filled for this question.
Absent for Makeup Test Administration
(pages 25-26)
 One individual transcribes the student’s
 One individual verifies the transcription.
 One individual observes the process.
 All 3 sign the outside cover of the test book.
High School Reporting
ONLY the 100-point converted score may be used as the
exam score; exam score shall count 25% of student’s grade.
(Exception: OCS Students)
Test Codes
p. 27 and Appendix A