meg and sarah lesson plan - CIA-Biology-2011-2012


Group Members: Meghan Hoefs and Sarah Griffiths

Unit: Plants: Structure and Function Lesson Title: Factors that Affect Plant Growth

Ministry Expectations/Learning Goals

A1.7 select, organize, and record relevant information on research topics from a variety of appropriate sources, including electronic, print, and/or human sources, using suitable formats and an accepted form of academic documentation

F3.4 describe the various factors that affect plant growth (e.g., growth regulators, sunlight, water, nutrients, acidity, tropism)

F2.1 use appropriate terminology related to plants, including, but not limited to: mesophyll, palisade,aerenchyma, epidermal tissue, stomata, root hair, pistil, stamen, venation, auxin, and gibberellin [C]

F3.1 describe the structures of the various types of tissues in vascular plants, and explain the mechanisms of transport involved in the processes by which materials are distributed throughout a plant

A2.1 identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study (e.g., zoologist, botanist, geneticist, ecologist, pharmacologist, farmer, forester, horticulturalist) and the education and training necessary for these careers

Prior Learning


Basic understanding of ecosystems, the importance of balance, and the effect of human activity on sustainability


Cell division, cell specialization, organs, and systems in plants and animals

Hierarchical organization of cells, from tissues, to organs, to systems in plants and animals


Diversity of living things

Evolution and genetic processes

Structure and function in animals (basic human and animal physiology, including the effects of hormones)

Plants: structure, organ functions, transport of nutrients, reproduction

Before: Minds On

1. Diagram Web Activity

Plant labelling (structures that are involved with plant hormones)

Students brainstorm and try to come up with external and internal factors that affect plant growth. They are added into the diagram

(drawings or words).

? min During: Action!

1. Interactive Lecture: Plant Hormones & External Factors that Affect Growth (20 min)

Worksheet provided to guide note-taking

Various types of media used (videos, photos, smart board) in a powerpoint slideshow.

2. Headbandz Game (10-12 min)

Each student will receive a flashcard with the name of a plant hormone on it. They must not look at the card they receive, and hold it on their forehead.

 Students sit in a circle, and take turns asking “yes or no answer” questions in order to determine which plant hormone they are.

Students can use their notes as a helpful tool if they are struggling.

Groups of 5


Diagram of young and adult plants


- Review prior learning (plant structures associated with reproduction photosynthesis and nutrients, methods of transport etc)

- Allow students to start thinking about plant growth, and factors that might influence it

- Informal assessment of what students currently know about plants and plant growth

- Caters to different learning styles (verbal, visual-spatial etc)


Laptop, Projector, Pwpt Slideshow

Worksheet for students

Headbandz cards


1. Interactive Lecture and Worksheet

- Students will learn how to efficiently take notes using the worksheet. The worksheet guides their note-taking by suggesting important points that they should be listening for. It also leaves room for them to record information they may find personally interesting.

- Various types of media are used to engage students, and provide examples and context

3. Assign Homework (and provide time to work on it) (10 min)

Assignment: Humans have benefitted from the use of plant hormones in agriculture and horticulture. Select one use of plant hormones in agriculture or horticulture. Specify how humans use this hormone, and how it works. What are the risks or problems associated with this use?

Compare your findings with a classmate.

Students have the option to begin working on this assignment, or continue to play the headbandz game. to the information.

2. Headbandz Game

- Students are given the opportunity to test and show what they have learned.

- This is an opportunity to work in small groups, and have fun while reviewing and consolidating new information.

3. Homework

- The assigned homework allows students to investigate real-world applications of what they have just learned.

- Students have the choice to select what hormone they would like to learn more about. Providing students with choice can intrinsically motivate them to want to learn more.

After: Consolidation & Connection

1. Exit Ticket (5-8 min)

List two internal hormones and describe their effects on plant growth.

 Describe one effect of an external factor on plant growth.

Why do you think it is important to understand plant growth? How can we use this knowledge to benefit humans?


Exit Tickets


Review of lesson.

Assessment opportunity.

Encourages students to look at the essential question, and think about the importance of what they have learned.

Assessment Opportunities

Minds-On Activity: Assessment of (prior) Learning – Teacher can determine the amount of information students have retained and learned from the previous plant lessons. This allows the teacher to review and remind students of prior learning that may be needed to understand new concepts (of they have forgotten).

Note-taking Worksheet: Assessment for Learning – The students can use the feedback from their note-taking worksheets to improve their note-taking skills, and to see what they have done well and what they need to work on.

Headbandz: Assessment as Learning- While participating in the game, students actively review and test each other on their new knowledge.

Homework Assignment: Assessment of Learning – This assignment provides opportunity to assess students’ learning, and their ability to independently investigate further and make connections.

Exit Ticket: Assessment of Learning – Demonstrates how much students have taken from the lesson, and what they might not have understood.

Next Steps

Now that students have an understanding of plant growth and factors that can influence it, the next two lessons will focus on succession and sustainability.

 Students will submit their homework assignment (about human manipulation of plant hormones for use in agriculture) next class.

This assignment provides a good segue into dialogue about sustainability and human activity & consumption.

Further in the future, students will begin working on their independent study projects, and preparing for the unit test.
