Task 2: Modeling and Simulation of Conducted and Radiated EMI from HPM and UWB Sources on PCBs and ICs A. C. Cangellaris and E. Michielssen ECE Department Center for Computational Electromagnetics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois June 2002 1 Objective HPM/UWB Sources Antennas Cracks Apertures Cables Internal Coupling Propagation to interior EMI to connectors & packages Circuits Internal fields as radiated EMI Spurious behavior Accurately “propagate” the spurious signals (noise) through the packaging hierarchy (printed circuit boards, cards, connectors, interposer, package…) to the die. Illinois June 2002 2 Major Obstacle: Tackling System Complexity Courtesy of Qualcomm Illinois June 2002 3 System Complexity translates to EM Complexity EM Complexity – Geometric complexity and distributed nature of the packaging hierarchy (“coupling path”) – Broad frequency bandwidth of the interfering signal – Non-linearity of the terminations Tackling Complexity – Hierarchical approach to the modeling of electromagnetic interactions • From lumped models, to transmission-line models, to quasi-3D full-wave models, to 3D full-wave models Abstracting Complexity – Systematic order reduction of numerical models of the coupling path – Equivalent circuit representation of the coupling path for its seamless incorporation in network-oriented non-linear circuit simulators Illinois June 2002 4 SUMMARY OF MODELING OBJECTIVE Virtual coupling ports Radiated EMI Integrating Substrate (PCB, MCM, …) Conducted & radiated EMI Packaged digital & analog devices Physical coupling ports (e.g., connectors, cables…) EM Modeling & Simulation Model Order Reduction Synthesis Source representation of conducted noise at the physical ports V V Network representation of the coupling path Equivalent source representation of radiated EMI coupling Non-linear lumped circuits Illinois June 2002 5 Specific Subtasks Task 2.1 Development of a coupling path modeling methodology Task 2.2 Development of a (EMI) source modeling methodology Task 2.3 Non-linear Transient Simulation of the hybrid lumped-distributed non-linear network Illinois June 2002 6 Subtask 1: Modeling of the Coupling Path IBM Corporation Printed Circuit Board Chip Package Illinois June 2002 7 Subtask 1: Modeling of the Coupling Path (Cont) Our modeling approach is hierarchical – EM-Physics driven “divide and conquer” approach Use suitable EM modeling approach for individual blocks – RLC models for short interconnect at chip & package level – Multi-conductor Transmission Lines (MTL) • Balanced interconnects at the board level – Quasi-3D EM Modeling for PCB power delivery network – Full-wave modeling • Unbalanced interconnects at the board level • Coupling through cables • RF/microwave packages & boards Reduction of EM models to non-linear network simulator (e.g. SPICE) – Direct model order reduction – Equivalent circuit synthesis Illinois June 2002 8 Block Diagram of EM Modeling Flow Illinois June 2002 9 Quasi-3D Modeling of Power Delivery Network EM field between power/ground plane pairs exhibits, approximately, a twodimensional variation • Use simple 2D FDTD Three-dimensional features (vias, pins, slots, voids, etc) require locally 3D models to capture the correct physics 1 j E z (i, j ) x ( H y (i 1, j ) H y (i, j )) y 1 ( H x (i, j 1) H x (i, j )) jyH x (i, j ) Ez (i, j ) Ez (i, j 1) jxH y (i, j ) Ez (i, j ) Ez (i 1, j ) Illinois June 2002 10 The resulting discrete EM model G D V D I E( s ) C 0 E( s ) s FU( s), R H( s) 0 L H( s) V ( s) = F A + sB T -1 V = FT X G -DT C 0 FU( s ) where A = , B = 0 L D R The multiport transfer function is: Y( s) = FT A + sB F -1 • Direct time-domain simulation is possible if desired • Could be synchronized with time-domain IE solver • Alternatively, model order reduction of the transfer function using an Arnoldi-based subspace iteration method (PRIMA) is used for the generation of a compact multiport Illinois June 2002 11 Multi-port representation of the reduced-order model is in terms of rational functions M Rk11 k 1 s Pk Y( s ) M R N1 k s Pk k 1 M R1N k s Pk k 1 M R NN k s Pk k 1 Form compatible with circuit simulators that support rational function models (e.g. H-Spice, ADS) Equivalent circuit synthesis is possible also Illinois June 2002 12 Passive synthesis through Foster forms For a passive, reciprocal multi-port, its admittance (or impedance) matrix may be cast in the following form: aq aq H( s ) G 0 sC0 Gq s pq q 1 s pq where it is: Re{ pq } 0, q 1, 2, .Q Q matrices C0 and G q , q 0,1, 2,..., Q, are real and positive semi-definite Re{aq } 0, q 1, 2, .Q 0<Im{aq }Im{ pq } Re{aq }Re{ pq } , q 1, 2, .Q Illinois June 2002 13 Equivalent circuit for a two-port Illinois June 2002 14 Two-port sub-circuit for use in H-SPICE Illinois June 2002 15 The advantages of the direct use of the rational function macro-model in the simulator Elapsed Simulation Time 3 ports 10 ports 36 ports H-SPICE 0.7 sec 5.73 sec 21.2 min Equivalent 2.3 sec 676.55 sec >12 hours Transient Data File Size 3 ports 10 ports 36 ports H-SPICE 25.9 KB 53.4 KB 172 KB Equivalent 308.2 KB 269 MB >2 GB The secret is in the recursive convolution that is utilized for the interfacing of the macro-model with the rest of the circuit June 2002 16 Illinois Application to a 4-layer PCB 8 cm X 4 cm, 4 layer board. A 2mm gap is present all the way across the top ground plane. A total of 58 pins are used. Top view |Z21| From H-SPICE Cross-sectional view Illinois June 2002 17 Application to a 4-layer PCB (cont’d) H-SPICE calculation of the transient response. Switching occurs at port 1 while port 2 is terminated with 50ohm. Voltage at port 1 is depicted by the solid line. Voltage at port 2 is depicted by the dotted line. Illinois June 2002 18 Validation study in progress Intel 4-layer test board 1st layer: Power plane 2nd layer: Ground plane 3rd layer: Ground plane 4th layer: Power plane Illinois June 2002 19 Samples of the generated mesh Illinois June 2002 20 Generated multi-port for switching noise simulation in SPICE Illinois June 2002 21 Rational function multi-port & equivalent circuit synthesis from raw data Data either from measurements or EM field solvers Step 1: Rational function fitting – Process guarantees stability but not passivity – Check fitted multi-port for passivity • If not passive, constrain fitting using Foster constraints • Repeat fitting Illinois June 2002 22 Validation of rational function fitting PCB interconnect test structures courtesy of Intel Illinois June 2002 23 Validation of fitting (cont’d) Measured |Y61|* Synthesized |Y61| (*) Measurements courtesy of Intel Corporation Illinois June 2002 24 Task 2.1 Summary EM modeling flow for the coupling path established Quasi-3D EM Model for power delivery network completed – Validation in progress – Further enhancements include: • • Incorporation of hooks for balanced MTLs Incorporation of hooks for matrix transfer functions in Foster form Capability for SPICE-compatible broadband multi-port macro-model generation in place Illinois June 2002 25 Subtask 2.3: Non-linear Transient Simulation Physics-oriented nonlinear transient simulator Full wave modeling of printed circuit boards (PCBs) with fine geometric features, finite (and possibly inhomogeneous) dielectrics, and nonlinear loads and circuits Interfaces with SPICE solvers and models 10 cm 15 cm 25 cm 30 cm 15 cm 20 cm 1 cm 1 cm 17.5 cm 25 cm 30 cm 4.5 cm Illinois June 2002 26 Introduction (cont.) Time Domain Integral Equation (TDIE) based Marching-on-in-time (MOT) solvers 20 cm 10 cm Have been known to the acoustics and electromagnetics communities since the sixties. Compared to frequency domain solvers, 5 cm 1 cm 17.5 cm 25 cm 6 cm 0.5 cm 4.5 cm 25 cm they can solve nonlinear problems directly. Liu and Tesche (1976), Landt and Miller (1983), Djordjevic and Sarkar (1985), Deiseroth and Singer (1995), Orlandi (1996) varistor Illinois June 2002 27 Introduction (cont.) However TDIE - MOT solvers have long been conceived as Unstable: … But recently many proposals have surfaced for stabilizing these schemes (Davies, Rao and Sarkar, Walker, Smith, Rynne,…); Slow: … Computational complexity has prohibited O N T N S2 application to analysis of large scale problems! … PWTD technology removes this 2 O ( N N log NS ) T S computational bottleneck c h Now, we can / should be able to rapidly solve large -scale, nonlinear problems using the PWTD technology!!! Illinois June 2002 28 Formulation - Problem Definition Given Eexc (r, t ) an of 3-D inhomogeneous dielectric bodies (V ), and 3-D arbitrarily shaped PEC surfaces, wires, and surface-wire junctions (S ), Multiple linear / nonlinear lumped circuits connected to S V a temporally bandlimited excitation ckt 1 interconnect geometry Solve for Er (r, t ) S V all transient currents and voltages induced on the interconnect geometry S V and the the circuits (ckt 1, …, ckt m) distributed ckt m lumped radiated electric and/or magnetic fields if required Illinois June 2002 29 Formulation – Time Domain Electric Field Assume spatially-variable, frequency independent permittivity and free-space permeability in V, and thin wires in S . PEC Eexc (r, t ) 0 0 Radiated electric field: 0 (r ) V S (r ) Er (r, t ) t (1) Er r, t A r, t c 2 dt A r, t t 0 0 (t R c) (t R c) A(r, t ) J PEC (r, t ) dv J DIEL (r, t ) , ds 4 S R R V R r r , J DIEL (r, t ) ( (r ) 0 ) (2) total E (r, t ) t Illinois June 2002 30 Formulation - MOT Algorithm Expand current as N S NT J (r, t ) I nj f nq (r )T j (t ), n 1 j 0 Surface and Volume Spatial Basis Functions q s, w, sw, d N S N PEC N DIEL n p n r 1 Tn n T p n un rn1 p k A2 sˆ n1 sˆ n r rn un 1 Vn rn1 Vn A3 A1 Tk p n an p n The temporal basis functions are local cubic polynomials Illinois June 2002 31 Formulation - MOT Algorithm (cont.) Construct a system of equations by applying spatial Galerkin testing at each time step. for the j’th time step: j 1 Z0I j Vexc j Zl I j l immediate interactions l 1 unknowns tested incident field previously computed delayed interactions Illinois June 2002 32 Formulation - Transient Circuit Simulator SPICE-like transient circuit simulator Performs linear and nonlinear large-signal analysis using Modified nodal analysis Nonlinear equations solved using multi-dimensional Newton Incorporates the following circuit elements: Independent/dependent voltage and current sources Resistors, inductors, capacitors Diodes, BJTs, MOSFETs, MESFETs DC AC Illinois June 2002 33 Formulation - Transient Circuit Simulator (cont.) Circuit behavior described by time-domain nodal equations (using trapezoidal rule for the jth time step) G 0 Vj I immediate interactions exc j G1 V j1 sources unknowns previously computed interactions from previous time step For m circuits, the nonlinear system of equations is G10 V1j I exc ,1 G11 V1j 1 j exc G 0 Vj I j G1 V j 1 m m I exc ,m m m G 0 V j j G1 V j 1 Illinois June 2002 34 Formulation - Coupled EM / Circuit Equations Combine the EM and circuit nodal equations into a single consistent system to be solved for N S EM and N C circuit unknowns at each time step Z0 Ci exc j 1 Cv I j 0 V j Z l I j l l 1 V 0 j G 0 V j exc I G V j 1 j 1 Coupling between the circuits and the interconnect structure is accounted for by matrices Cv and C i Illinois June 2002 35 Formulation - the MLPWTD Algorithm Z0I j V j 1 exc j Z l I j l 2 O( NT N S log N S ) l 1 for typical PCB structures Level Direct(0) : Source block : Observer block : 1 2 S Illinois June 2002 36 Analysis of Active Nonlinear Microwave Amplifier Simulation Parameters Objective N s 1468, N v 7096 Characterize structure from 2-10 GHz N s N v 8564, Nt 512 t 5.0 ps Geometry Device region Output port 150 Excitation pulse V (r, t ) V0 cos(0t )e inc 110 80 90 t 2 2 2 0 2 6 109 rad/s 50 t t 6 , 6.82 1011 s 180 70 Input port Dielectric constant = 2.33 31 Ground plane Illinois June 2002 37 Amplifier : Nonlinear circuitry MESFET Circuit Model 0.05 nH 0 .5 0.2 p F D 0 .5 G C gs0 Vc Ids 0.05 nH 0.6 p F 1 .0 S 0 .7 Cgs (vc ) Cgs 0 0.1 nH 1 vc / b 3 I ds (vgs , vds ) ( A0 A1vgs A2vgs2 A3vgs ) tanh(vds ) Illinois June 2002 38 Amplifier: Plane Wave Interference Transient input/output waveforms MOT results* 2 20 Input port voltage Output port voltage S21 - MOT S11 - MOT S21 - REF S11 - REF 15 1.5 10 5 dB amplitude (V) 1 0.5 0 -5 0 -10 -0.5 -15 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 time (ns) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 -20 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency (GHz) 8 9 10 * C. Kuo, B. Houshmand, and T. Itoh, “Full-wave analysis of packaged microwave circuits with active and nonlinear devices: an FDTD approach,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 45, pp. 819-826, May 1997. Illinois June 2002 39 Amplifier + Shield: geometry Simulation Parameters Objective N s 3288, Nv 7096 Determine effect of shielding box on S-parameters N s N v 10384, Nt 700 t 6.25 ps Geometry PEC shielding box (640x186x690mils) Illinois June 2002 40 Amplifier + Shield: S-parameters 20 S21 - WITH SHIELD S11 - WITH SHIELD S21 - NO SHIELD S11 - NO SHIELD 15 10 dB 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 2 June 2002 3 4 5 6 7 frequency (GHz) 41 8 9 10 Illinois Amplifier + Shield: Plane Wave Interference Eexc (r, t ) E0 cos(0t )et 2 Transient response at transistor output 2 2 E0 500xˆ 500yˆ V m 1 0 2 6 10 rad/s 9 t t 6 (zˆ r) c 0.8 8.68 1011 s 0.6 DG ONLY DG+PLANE-WAVE DG+PLANE-WAVE+SHIELD Voltage (V) 0.4 Eexc 0.2 0 k̂ -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time (ns) 2 2.5 3 Illinois June 2002 42 Amplifier + Shield: Plane Wave Interference E (r, t ) E0 cos(0t )e exc Transient response at transistor output t 2 2 2 0 2 4 109 rad/s t t 6 (kˆ r ) c 1/ 4 ns i 145, i 0 kˆ 0.5736xˆ 0.8192yˆ Eexc E 500 V/m, E 500 V/m k̂ Illinois June 2002 43 Amplifier + Shield: Plane Wave Interference Eexc (r, t ) E0 cos(0t )et 2 2 2 Transient response at transistor output 0 2 3 109 rad/s t t 6 (kˆ r ) c 3/14 ns i 115, i 45 kˆ 0.6409(xˆ yˆ ) 0.4226zˆ E 500 V/m, E 500 V/m Eexc k̂ Illinois June 2002 44 Amplifier + Shield: Plane Wave Interference Eexc (r, t ) E0 cos(0t )et 2 Transient response at transistor output 2 2 0 2 6 109 rad/s t t 6 (kˆ r ) c 3/11 ns i 180, i 0 kˆ zˆ E 500 V/m, E 500 V/m Eexc k̂ Illinois June 2002 45 Task 2.3: Summary 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) A MOT algorithm based on a hybrid surface/volume time domain integral equation has been developed for analysis of conducting/ inhomogeneous dielectric bodies, This algorithm has been accelerated with the PWTD technology that rigorously reduces the O ( NT N S2 ) computational complexity of the MOT solver to O( NT N S log 2 N S ) for typical PCB structures, Linear/Nonlinear circuits in the system are modeled by coupling modified nodal analysis equations of circuits to MOT equations, A nonlinear Newton-based solver is used at each time step to consistently solve for circuit and electromagnetic unknowns. The proposed method can find extensive use in EMC/EMI and signal integrity analysis of PCB, interconnect and packaging structures with realistic complexity. Illinois June 2002 46