IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10 Good Practice including Radiation Protection in EBT Lecture 3: Radiotherapy Treatment Planning In BSS Treatment Planning is part of Clinical Dosimetry BSS appendix II.20. “Registrants and licensees shall ensure that the following items be determined and documented: ... (b) for each patient treated with external beam radiotherapy equipment, the maximum and minimum absorbed doses to the planning target volume together with the absorbed dose to a relevant point such as the centre of the planning target volume, plus the dose to other relevant points selected by the medical practitioner prescribing the treatment; …” Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 2 …and BSS appendix II.21 In radiotherapeutic treatments, registrants and licensees shall ensure, within the ranges achievable by good clinical practice and optimized functioning of equipment, that: (a) the prescribed absorbed dose at the prescribed beam quality be delivered to the planning target volume; and (b) doses to other tissues and organs be minimized. Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 3 Treatment planning is the task to make sure a prescription is put into practice in an optimized way Prescription Planning Treatment Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 4 Objectives Understand the general principles of radiotherapy treatment planning Appreciate different dose calculation algorithms Understand the need for testing the treatment plan against a set of measurements Be able to apply the concepts of optimization of medical exposure throughout the treatment planning process Appreciate the need for quality assurance in radiotherapy treatment planning Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 5 Contents of the lecture A. Radiotherapy treatment planning concepts B. Computerized treatment planning C. Treatment Planning commissioning and QA Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 6 The need to understand treatment planning IAEA Safety Report Series 17 “Lessons learned from accidental exposures in radiotherapy “ (Vienna 2000): About 1/3 of problems directly related to treatment planning! May affect individual patient or cohort of patients Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 7 A. Basic Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Concepts i. Planning process overview ii. Patient data required for planning iii. Machine data required for planning iv. Basic dose calculation Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 8 i. Planning process overview Combine machine parameters and individual patient data to customize and optimize treatment Requires machine data, input of patient data, calculation algorithm Produces output of data in a form which can be used for treatment (the ‘treatment plan’) Patient information Treatment unit data Planning Treatment plan Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 9 ii. Patient information required Radiotherapy is a localized treatment of cancer - one needs to know not only the dose but also the accurate volume where it has been delivered to. This applies to tumour as well as normal structures - the irradiation of the latter can cause intolerable complications. Again, both volume and dose are important. Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 12 One needs to know Target location Target volume and shape Secondary targets - potential tumour spread Location of critical structures Volume and shape of critical structures Radiobiology of structures Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 13 It all comes down to the correct dose to the correct volume Dose Volume Histograms are a way to summarize this information Dose Volume Histograms Comparison of three different treatment techniques (red, blue and green) in terms of dose to the target and a critical structure 120 Volume (%) 100 80 60 Critical organ 40 20 Target dose 0 0 20 40 60 80 Dose (Gy) Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 15 The ideal DVH Tumour: High dose to all Homogenous dose volume Critical organ Low dose to most of the structure volume 100% 100% dose Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning dose 16 Need to keep in mind Always a 3D problem Different organs may respond differently to different dose patterns. Question: Is a bit of dose to all the organ better than a high dose to a small part of the organ? Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 18 Organ types Serial organs - e.g. spinal cord Parallel organ - e.g. lung High dose region High dose region Parallel organ Serial organ Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy What difference in response would you expect? Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 19 In practice not always that clear cut ICRU report 62 Need to understand anatomy and physiology A clinical decision Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 20 In many organs, dose and volume effects are linked - e.g. Boersma* et al., classified the following (Dose,Volume) regions to be regions of high risk for developing rectal bleeding: *Int. Dose (Gy) Rectal volume(%) >65 40 >70 30 >75 5 J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 1998; 41:84-92. Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 21 In EBT practice Need to know where to direct beam to, and how large the beam must be and how it should be shaped Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 22 Target design and reference images In radiotherapy practice the target is localized using diagnostic tools: Diagnostic procedures - palpation, X Ray, ultrasound Diagnostic procedures - MRI, PET, SPECT Diagnostic procedures - CT scan, simulator radiograph Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 23 BSS appendix II.18. Therapeutic exposure: “Registrants and licensees shall ensure that: (a) exposure of normal tissue during radiotherapy be kept as low as reasonably achievable consistent with delivering the required dose to the planning target volume, and organ shielding be used when feasible and appropriate” ... Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 24 Optimization of protection One part of the optimization of radiotherapy Strategies: Employ shielding where possible Use best available radiation quality Ensure that plan is actually followed in practice = verification Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 25 Selection of treatment approach Requires training and experience May differ from patient to patient Requires good diagnostic tools Requires accurate spatial information May require information obtained from different modalities Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 26 Minimum patient data required for external beam planning Target location Patient outline Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 27 Diagnostic tools which could be used for patient data acquisition Ruler, calipers, many homemade jigs… CT scanner, MRI, PET scanner, US,… Simulator including laser system, optical distance indicator (ODI) Many functions of the simulator are also available on treatment units as an alternative - simulator needs the same QA! (compare part 15) Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 28 Simulator Rotating gantry Diagnostic X Ray tube Radiation beam defining system Simulator couch Nucletron/Oldelft Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning Image intensifier and X Ray film holder 29 Radiotherapy simulator Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Obtain images and mark beam entry points on the patient Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 30 Patient marking Marks on shell Create relation between patient coordinates and beam coordinates Tattoos Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning Skin markers 31 Beam placement and shaping DRR with conformal shielding simulator film with block Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 41 Tools for optimization of the radiotherapy approach Choice of radiation quality Entry point Number of beams Field size Blocks Wedges Compensators Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 42 Optimization approaches Choice of best beam angle beam beam target patient target patient wedge target Use of a beam modifier Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning patient 43 Beam number and weighting beam Beam 1 100% 50% 50% target patient Beam 2 patient 40% 30% 10% 20% Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 44 A note on weighting of beams Different approaches are possible: 1. Weighting of beams as to how much they contribute to the dose at the target 2. Weighting of beams as to how much dose is incident on the patient These are NOT the same 25% 40% 25% 25% 30% 10% 20% 25% Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 45 Use of wedges Wedged pair Three field techniques Isodose lines patient patient Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Typical isodose lines Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 46 Beam placement and shaping Entry point Field size Blocks Wedges Compensators Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy a two-dimensional approach? Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 47 Beam placement and shaping Entry point Field size Blocks Wedges Compensators Multiple beams Dynamic delivery Non-coplanar Dose compensation (IMRT) not just missing tissue Biological planning This is actually a 3D approach Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 48 Target Localization Diagnostic procedures - palpation, X Ray, ultrasound Diagnostic procedures - MRI, PET, SPECT Diagnostic procedures - CT scan, simulator radiograph Allows the creation of Reference Images for Treatment Verification: Simulator Film, Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 49 Simulator image Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy During ‘verification session’ the treatment is set-up on the simulator exactly like it would be on the treatment unit. A verification film is taken in ‘treatment’ geometry Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 50 Simulator Film Field defining wires Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Shows relevant anatomy Indicates field placement and size Indicates shielding Can be used as reference image for treatment verification Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 51 iii. Machine data requirements for treatment planning Beam description (quality, energy) Beam geometry (isocentre, gantry, table) Field definition (source collimator distance, applicators, collimators, blocks, MLC) Physical beam modifiers (wedges, compensator) Dynamic beam modifiers (dynamic wedge, arcs, MLC IMRT) Normalization of dose Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 56 Machine data required for planning Depends on complexity of treatment approaches resources available for data acquisition May be from published data or can be acquired MUST be verified... Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 57 Quick Question: Who is responsible for the preparation of beam data for the planning process in your center? Acquisition of machine data …from vendor or publications (e.g. BJR 17 and 25) - this requires verification!!! Done by physicist Some dosimetric equipment must be available (water phantom, ion chambers, film, phantoms,…) Documentation essential Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 59 Machine data availability Hardcopy (isodose charts, output factor tables, wedge factors,…) - for emergencies and computer break downs Treatment planning computer (as above or beam model) - as standard planning data Independent checking device (e.g. MU checks) - should be a completely independent set of data Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 60 Machine data availability Hardcopy (isodose charts, output factor tables, wedge factors,…) Treatment planning computer (as above or beam model) Independent checking device (eg. mu checks) Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 61 Machine data summary Need to include all beams and options (internal consistency, conventions, collision protection, physical limitations) Data can be made available for planning in installments as required Some data may be required for individual patients only (e.g. special treatments) Only make available data which is verified Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 62 Quick Question: What data is available for physical wedges in your center? iv. Basic dose calculation Once one has the target volume, the beam orientation and shape one has to calculate how long a beam must be on (60-Co or kV X Ray units) or how many monitor units must be given (linear accelerator) to deliver the desired dose at the target. Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 64 Normalization Specifies what absolute dose should be given to a relative dose value in a treatment plan - e.g. deliver 2Gy per fraction to the 90% isodose Often the reason for misunderstanding Should follow recommendation of international bodies (compare e.g. ICRU reports 39, 50, 58 and 62) Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 65 Components of dose calculation for a single beam Calibration method - what is the reference condition? Dose variation with depth and field size - covered in percentage depth dose or TPR/TMR data Off axis ratio - if the normalization point is not on central axis Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 66 Variation of percentage depth dose with field size 120 FS 5 FS 10 FS 20 FS 30 FS 40 100 80 60 40 10MV photons 20 0 0 Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy 5 10 15 20 Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 25 30 67 Variation of percentage depth dose with FSD Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 68 Dose calculation Scatter corrections for field size changes with blocking Attenuation factors for wedges and trays difference between physical and dynamic wedges the thicker the wedge, the higher the attenuation at central axis Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 70 From single to multiple beams Mainly an issue for megavoltage photons where we have significant contribution of dose to the target from many beams 1 3 2 60 Gy 4 Beam weighting must be factored in !!! Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy Part 10, lecture 3: Radiotherapy treatment planning 71