® IBM Software Group Getting a Good Start with Better Requirement Management - Use Case Driven Development © 2004 IBM Corporation IBM Software Group Objectives Understand what is meant by Use Case Driven Development Understand the benefits of Use Case Driven Development Understand how the IBM Software Development Platform toolset supports Use Case Driven Development Best practices for configuring the IBM Software Development Platform toolset to support Use Case Driven Development. 2 IBM Software Group Agenda Characteristics and Benefits of Using Use Cases What is Use Case Driven Development? Capturing Use Cases Use Cases Driving Process/Project Management Use Cases Driving Analysis and Design Use Cases Driving Testing Summary 3 IBM Software Group Agenda Characteristics and Benefits of Using Use Cases What is Use Case Driven Development? Capturing Use Cases Use Cases Driving Process/Project Management Use Cases Driving Analysis and Design Use Cases Driving Testing Summary 4 IBM Software Group The Challenge: Managing Your Requirements Unmanaged requirements cause unmanageable budgets Primary reason for excessive rework, delays, and poor quality Relative Cost to Repair 200 Time not spent in requirements is time spent in rework (at cost x200) 50 20 10 5 1-2 0 Analysis Design Coding Unit Test Acceptance Maintenance Test Stage in which Requirements Error Is Discovered 5 IBM Software Group Business Driven Development Approach Business Executive End User Prioritize& Allocate Model Business Optimize Analyst Analyze & Design Operations Manager Govern Manage Application Support Project Manager Architect Implement Deploy Test Operations Deployment Manager Developer Tester Development 6 IBM Software Group Requirements Drive Development Requirements represent the contract with the Customer/Users and other Stakeholders Requirements (and derived requirements) drive all development activities: analysis, design, implementation, testing etc. Many different types of requirements Design Constraints FURPS Functionality Operating systems Usability Environments Use Cases Reliability Compatibility Application standards Performance Supportability Legal and Regulatory requirements Federal Communication Commission Food and Drug Administration Department of Defense 7 IBM Software Group What is a Use Case? Definition: A use case is the specification of a set of actions performed by a system, which yields an observable result that is, typically, of value for one or more actors or other stakeholders of the system (UML 2.0) Use: Used to describe the functional requirements of a system Representation: Use cases are shown in UML diagrams Use cases are usually described in text They tell the story of the interactions between actors and the system 8 IBM Software Group Components of a Use Case Actor: Someone/something outside the system that interacts with the system Communication – Association: Shows the Actor and the Use Case communicate Use Case: Defines a piece of functionality of the system Use Case Specification: Basic flow of events, alternate flows, error flows and sub-flows as appropriate 9 IBM Software Group Use Case Structure Use Case Name 1 Brief Description 2 Actors 3 Flow of Events 3.1 Basic Flow 3.1.1 Step 1 3.1.2 Step 2… 3.2 Alternative Flows 3.2.1 Alternative Flow 1 Step 1 Step 2… 3.2.1 Alternative Flow 2… 3.3 Error Flows 3.3.1 Error Flow 1… Step 1 Step 2… 3.4 Sub- Flows 3.4.1 Sub-Flow 1… Step 1 Step 2… 4 Special requirements 5 Pre-Conditions 6 Post-Conditions 7 Extension Points Each path through the use case is a Use Case Scenario One use case may contain many Use Case Scenarios All Use Case Scenarios must be covered during development and testing but not necessarily in the same iteration 10 IBM Software Group Use Case Diagram – The Big Picture 11 IBM Software Group Use Cases vs. Declarative Statements (Traditional) Declarative The system shall provide a list of class offerings for the current semester The system shall only allow registration for courses where the prerequisites are fulfilled. The systems shall provide a secure login. The system shall… Use Cases 1. The Student enters a student ID and password and the system validates the student. 2. The system displays the functions available to the student: create, modify, delete. The student chooses create. 3. The system presents a list of course offerings. The student chooses up to four courses to add to the schedule… Describes the system’s perspective “The system shall do this” Describe the users’ perspectives This user needs to accomplish this task.” Does not define the context well Who is using the system? Why? Defines scope and context Who is using the system? Why? What else interacts with the system? Ignores workflow Creates usability issues May work well for batch operation systems Captures workflow Addresses usability early Supports interactive systems more effectively 12 IBM Software Group Benefits of Use Cases Simple enough that everyone can understand them; greatly aid communication Give a concise view of what the system must do for its users and stakeholders Clearly defines the boundaries of a system Facilitate agreement with customers/users and stakeholders Places requirements in context Use Cases: what users use the system for Actors: who/what wants to use the system Helps verify that all requirements are captured Captures workflow Addresses usability early Helps all of project team retain users’ perspectives Supports iterative and incremental development; basis for planning goals and content of iterations 13 IBM Software Group Agenda Characteristics and Benefits of Using Use Cases What is Use Case Driven Development? Capturing Use Cases Use Cases Driving Process/Project Management Business Modeling to Derive Use Cases Use Cases Driving Analysis and Design Use Cases Driving Testing Summary 14 IBM Software Group Use-Case Driven Development Using use cases to drive development activities May start at the business level with business use cases Identify business use cases Develop business processes to fulfill business use cases Identify automation opportunities and define systems (software applications) to provide automation capability Identify system use cases for software applications Use cases can be used for: Planning and scoping of iterations Creation and validation of the architecture/design Definition of test cases and procedures Design of user interfaces and creation of user documentation 15 IBM Software Group Requirements Driven Flow-Down Business Vision Regulatory doc’s Business Rules Business Use-Case Model Business Modeling Policy doc’s Commercial doc’s Supplementary Business Specification Business Business Object/Process Use-Case Model Specification Traceability Requirements Glossary Analysis and Design Supplementary System Specification Software Architecture Design Subsystem Document Implementation Use-Case Model Survey Vision Data Model Use-Case Model Requirements Driven Flow-Down Use-Case Specification Design Model Analysis Model Class Implementation Model Components (code) Test Test Scripts/Procedures Test Cases Test Model Test Plan Following the IBM Rational Unified Process 16 IBM Software Group Use-Case Driven Flow-Down Business Business Requirements Use-Case Model Business Processes System (Application) Requirements Analysis and Design Implementation Test Object/Process Model realized by System (Application) Use-Case Model automation Analysis & Design Model realized by Implementation Model implemented by verified by Test Model 17 IBM Software Group Role of Traceability Traceability helps us manage the flow down from one requirement to another. It allows us to: Keep track of the origin of a derived requirement Where does this requirement come from? Keep track of the artifacts dependent on a particular requirement e.g. subsystems, design components, test cases etc. Traceability is key to ensure: Implementation fulfils the requirements Ensure all requirements are addressed Implementation scope is managed Only implement what is needed Manage Changes Analyze the impact of making changes – what is the real impact? If a change is implemented ensure all dependent requirements, models, designs and tests are updated 18 IBM Software Group Agenda Characteristics and Benefits of Using Use Cases What is Use Case Driven Development? Capturing Use Cases Use Cases Driving Process/Project Management Use Cases Driving Analysis and Design Use Cases Driving Testing Summary 19 IBM Software Group IBM Rational RequisitePro Used to capture and manage textual part of use cases Use Case Specifications Manages other requirements too, non-functional requirements, business rules, constraints etc. Enables traceability between different requirement types Integrated with other IBM Rational tools Synchronized Client Interface Word Document Interface 20 IBM Software Group Best Practices for Using RequisitePro Each use case specification is a separate document in RequisitePro Within each document mark requirements to manage, control and allow traceability between requirements and other artifacts How granular should you mark requirements? Whole use case? Each use case flow (basic, alternative, etc.)? Each use case step? Recommend: Mark at each use case and its flows as child requirements. Minimum for traceability Could also mark each use case step as child requirements of the use case flows Use attributes to track, risk, priority, architectural significance, iteration etc. for each marked flow 21 IBM Software Group IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA) Used to capture the visual part of use cases using the Unified Modeling Language version 2.0 Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams as appropriate Also used to model analysis, architecture, design and implementation aspects of a system Integrated with other IBM Rational tools 22 IBM Software Group Best Practices for Modeling Use Cases In RSA Use case structural building blocks provided as part of use case model template Copy and paste structures to build up use case model Overview diagrams of the most significant actors and use cases Use case structure with supporting activity and sequence diagrams under each use case. One diagram per use case flow as appropriate Functional Grouping of use cases with functional overview diagram Common Actor definitions See Model Structure Guidelines for Rational Software Modeler and Rational Software Architect by Bill Smith (09 Jun 2005) http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/04/r-3155/index.html 23 IBM Software Group RequisitePro – RSA Integration Open and browse multiple RequisitePro projects from RSM/A View, create and update RequisitePro requirements Display RequisitePro Views Associate requirements with model elements via drag and drop Visual model information Create model elements from requirements or requirements from model elements via drag and drop Customizable synchronization Requirement information 24 IBM Software Group Best Practices for RequisitePro – RSA Integration Trace use cases directly Trace activity (or sequence) diagrams as appropriate Include version number on diagram name for change tracking Use case activity diagram traced through proxy to use case Name proxies appropriately Use case in RSM/A directly traced to use case in RequisitePro Flow sequence (or activity) diagrams traced through proxies to requirements 25 IBM Software Group Agenda Characteristics and Benefits of Using Use Cases What is Use Case Driven Development? Capturing Use Cases Use Cases Driving Process/Project Management Business Modeling to Derive Use Cases Use Cases Driving Analysis and Design Use Cases Driving Testing Summary 26 IBM Software Group Use Cases Driving Project/Process Management Process The Rational Unified Process is a process framework promoting iterative development and is use case driven Rational Unified The RUP framework can Process be tailored using Rational Method Composer (RMC) – an new process authoring and publishing tool provided with RUP Recommend RUP is tailored on a project by project basis – previously via a development case but can now be easily achieved using RMC Rational Method Composer New – December 2005 27 IBM Software Group Use Cases Driving Project/Process Management Project Management Rational Portfolio Manager is a complete project and portfolio management tool and includes RUP templates for use case driven iterative development RUP tasks can be scheduled, tracked and managed in RPM; these tasks promote use case driven iterative development IT & Executive Leadership Balance portfolios, prioritize investments Align resources with strategic enterprise objectives Make timely, informed decisions based on accurate project data Ensure best practices are repeated for all management processes Project & Program Managers Input and track time and expense Leverage reusable process templates for collaboration and communication Practitioners Generate accurate, objective status data Development Environment Considerations for use case driven development: Rational Portfolio Manager New v6.2 – December 2005 Use cases drive the goals and content of each iteration and hence the tasks Complete use case scenarios should be implemented in a single iteration Use case scenarios will also be tested and evaluated in each iteration Changes should be introduced at iteration boundaries 28 IBM Software Group Impact of Iterative Development on Use Cases Key Considerations: All use cases will not be defined and implemented together May flesh out details of some use cases in later iterations. Need to be able to track requirement status in terms of completeness and the iteration in which it will be implemented. Need to prioritize use cases Not all requirements are equal - effective iterative development requires architecturally significant use cases and high risk use cases to be implemented first. Need to be able to track requirement priority, architectural impact and risk Need a good understanding of the impact of changes – will changes affect design and implementation? Need traceability between stakeholder requirements, features, use cases, test cases etc. to understand and manage the impact of change. Iterative development more effective but requires strong Requirements Management – RequisitePro helps achieve this 29 IBM Software Group Agenda Characteristics and Benefits of Using Use Cases What is Use Case Driven Development? Capturing Use Cases Use Cases Driving Process/Project Management Use Cases Driving Analysis and Design Use Cases Driving Testing Summary 33 IBM Software Group Use Cases Driving Analysis and Design Use cases are analyzed and the results are captured in an analysis model in RSA Analysis approach: Study each use case Discover objects/classes needed to implement use case behavior Figure out what each class should do Determine object interaction needed to implement use case behavior Document the design in a set of UML diagrams in RSM/A Design model is derived from the analysis model, architectural considerations, system constraints and the non-functional requirements Analysis and design models are validated through use case realizations A set of UML diagrams are produced showing how each use case will be realized in the analysis and design models Use Case Use-Case Realization Sequence Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams Class Diagrams 34 IBM Software Group Best Practices for Modeling Analysis and Design In RSA Analysis and design structural building blocks provided as part of analysis and design model template respectively Copy and paste structures to build up analysis and Functional grouping of analysis and design models design models with functional overview diagram Overview diagrams Use case realizations with supporting sequence diagrams under each realization. One diagram per use case flow as appropriate See Model Structure Guidelines for Rational Software Modeler and Rational Software Architect by Bill Smith (09 Jun 2005) http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/04/r-3155/index.html 35 IBM Software Group Best Practices for Analysis/Design Traceability Options for implementing traceability from use cases to the use case realizations Use UML Realize relationship Use RequisitePro – RSM/A integration Use Case Use-Case Realization Or use both – recommended to communicate traceability in both environments Granularity of RequisitePro – RSA tracing: Trace to realization use case Trace to realization diagrams e.g. class, sequence diagrams Include version number on diagram name for change tracking Trace to analysis and design classes? – not recommended Need to keep traceability manageable 36 IBM Software Group Agenda Characteristics and Benefits of Using Use Cases What is Use Case Driven Development? Capturing Use Cases Use Cases Driving Process/Project Management Business Modeling to Derive Use Cases Use Cases Driving Analysis and Design Use Cases Driving Testing Summary 37 IBM Software Group Use Cases Driving Testing Use cases represent how the user will use the system and are therefore the ideal starting point for system testing Derive the initial set of Test Cases from the use cases Goal to test each use case scenario – however there may be many scenarios for each use case Basic flow with sub flow 1 Basic flow with sub flow 1 and alternative flow 1 Basic flow with sub flow 1 and error flow 1 Basic flow with sub flow 1 and alternative flow 2 with sub flow 1 38 IBM Software Group Best Practices for Testing Testing approach is to cover all paths in each use case but minimize duplicate testing: Test each flow at least once Loops should be tested twice (with and without exiting) Repeat testing of selected flows to cover appropriate variable testing i.e. invalid passwords, negative entries, out of range entries etc. For complex scenarios could create scenario requirements in RequisitePro and use case trace flows to the scenarios For simpler scenarios could just trace use case flows in RequisitePro to the appropriate test cases in IBM Rational TestManager See Traceability from Use Cases to Test Cases by Peter Zielczynski (16 Dec 2004) http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/04/r-3217/ 39 IBM Software Group Use Case Based Testing using IBM Rational TestManager TestManager supports test planning, execution, results capture and results analysis Integrated with RequisitePro allowing test cases to be associated requirements in RequisitePro Requirements from RequisitePro Test Cases Associated with Requirements Plan functional testing structure to support use case testing At least one test case per basic flow, alternative flow, error flow and sub flow. May have additional test cases to support variable testing 40 IBM Software Group Summarizing Keep your team on track and out of the red zone with IBM Rational RequisitePro Relative Cost to Repair 200 50 Maximize your time and decrease your cost by spending time and effort in requirements 20 10 5 1-2 0 Analysis Design Coding Unit Test Acceptance Maintenance Test Stage in which Requirements Error Is Discovered 41 IBM Software Group Summary Use Case Driven Development uses use cases to provide a valuable focus for development activities Use cases drive work content in iterations as well as the analysis, design and testing activities Use case realizations allow analysis models and design models to be validated against the use case requirements prior to implementation and testing Helps ensure all requirements are captured Reduces risks Use cases drive functional testing Test planning can start early – as soon as the use cases are define IBM Software Development Platform integrated toolset supports Use Case Driven Development Rational Method Composer (process), Rational Portfolio Manager (project management), Rational RequisitePro (requirements management), Rational Software Modeler/Architect (modeling), Websphere Business Modeler (business modeling) and Rational TestManager (test management) 42 IBM Software Group Next Steps Contacting your IBM representative - 1 800 728 1212 Ordering IBM Rational RequisitePro – IBM How to Buy site http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/howtobuy/index.html ROI information - Achieving ROI with Requirements Management Tools http://www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rational/web/reports/roirm.pdf Success stories - IBM Case Studies http://www-306.ibm.com/software/success/cssdb.nsf/topstoriesFM?OpenForm&Site=software Training - Web-based or Instructor-led http://www-306.ibm.com/services/learning/ites.wss/us/en?pageType=page&contentID=a0000337 Mastering Requirements Management with Use Cases Essentials of IBM Rational RequisitePro Essentials of IBM Rational RequisitePro Baseline Manager 43 IBM Software Group IBM Rational RequisitePro <presenter name and email> 44 IBM Software Group 45 IBM Software Group Organizing Requirements - Types, Attributes and Views User-defined requirement types User-defined attributes User-defined filters (views) Saved views 46 IBM Software Group Reporting on Requirements Customizable views Export views to Word or Excel Create and compare partial or complete baselines 47 IBM Software Group Managing Changing Requirements - Traceability Graphical trace matrix Textual trace matrix Graphical trace tree 48 IBM Software Group Communicating Changes and Their Impact Email notification of changes “With Rational RequisitePro's suspect links, my team members and I can immediately see changes that are made…” Jason Oliver, Kodak Suspect links 49 IBM Software Group Live Integrations – Rational Software Architect Access Requirements, Views and Documents in Requirements Explorer Drag and Drop Requirements to create model elements Create requirements from model elements See Traceability Information in Requirement Trace View View and Edit Requirements in Requirement Query Results View 50 IBM Software Group Live Integrations – Rational Software Architect Access Requirements Information and Documents from Model Elements 51 IBM Software Group IBM: The software development leader # # # # # 1 1 2 2 1 Analysis, Modeling & Design Twice the market share of nearest competitor IDC, July 2004 Software Configuration Management, Widened market lead with double digit growth 2002/2003 IDC, July 2004 Requirements Management Double-digit revenue growth 2002/2003 Gartner, July 2004 Automated Software Quality Double-digit revenue growth outpaced #1 competitor IDC, August 2004 Embedded Software Modeling and Test Automation Modeling: twice the market share of nearest competitor VDC, July 2004 1IDC, 2Standish, 3Gartner 52