User Research and recommendations

Kronos Stakeholder
Detailed Findings v8.17.10
Stakeholder Groups Interviewed
Key Stakeholder Findings
Shared Organizational Goals
Landscape Considerations
Group Summaries
Stakeholder Groups
Tour of Current Portal
Business Participants
Steve Tisa, Dave Pothier, Tim Ozirsky, Paul Pak, Anthony
Radanovics, Scott Severn
Support Overview, Business Issues
Joe Lelievre, Kathleen Norton, Wendy Zimmerman
IT Participants
Andrea Rolli
Neel Vora
Tina Brown
Petra Schickmair
Kristen Cornila
Customer Billing and Finance Opportunities
Lynne Rudert, Anthony Tocci
Lynn Andrews
Overview of Ed Services needs and systems, KnowledgePass
Peter Broderick, Tom Kimmel, Scott Severn
eCase, SecureFTP,entitlements
Tim Ozirsky, Anthony Radanovics, Paul Pak
Professional Services Offerings and Needs
Leo Daley, Teri Edkins, Jeff Fulciniti
System & Software Architecture
Neel Vora, Paul Pak, Andrea Rolli
Sales and PreSales Needs
Greg Smith, Barb Vlacich, Joyce Maroney
Keith Cornila
Tina Brown
Ellen Surette
Andrea Rolli
Neel Vora
Doug Tamasanis
Glen Conant
Tina Brown
Andrea Rolli
Customer SAT/SATMetrix
RFE Application and Customer Community
Joyce Maroney
Keith Cornila
Steve Gray, Joyce Maroney, Michele Glorie, Steve Tisa, Jack
Karen Bard
Steve Gray, Steve Tisa, Brian Chertok, Ken Volk, Joyce
Maroney; Jim Kizielewicz
Karen Bard
Andrea Rolli
David Feng, Kate Burge, Rod Thorpe, Tom McKenna
Ellen Surette
Bill Bartow,Vince Teso, Susan Johnson, Joyce Maroney, Fred
Federlein, Elaine Fearnley, Frank Marino
Tina Brown
Partner/Distributor Needs
Bob Wilson, Rob Amor, Elaine Fearnley
Tina Brown
SuperSearch, Inquira
Tim Ozirsky, Anthony Radanovics, Paul Pak
Petra Schickmair
Project Management Office Needs
Susan Cyr, Tricia Kirkman
Andrea Rolli
Community , Social Media , Customer and Industry Forums
Branding, Marketing Programs, Lead generation
International Support and Marketing
Key Stakeholder Findings
Usage Patterns
Allow them to participate in RFE
Usage of the Portal is event-driven
Heavy use during implementation, then drop off into Customer Portal Needs to Reflect “Easy to Own”
“dormant period”
Single sign-on
Customers who currently use the Portal are not
User experience consistency
necessarily “decision makers”
Intuitive and uncluttered interface
Fast access to the right information
Install Base Picture and Customer Info is
Customers Want to Help Themselves
Products may not be current
Eager to adopt self-help/self-serve
Contact information may be incorrect
Bring expectations from other online experiences
Kronos may not have latest information
Want to participate in Communities
Customers Not Aware of Benefits
Customers not aware of which products they own
Not aware of support resources, training available
Not aware of content
Improved Analytics and Measurement from
Customers is Key
Better tracking of usage patterns
Take the pulse of communities
Shared Organizational Goals
Portal as Key Differentiator
Customer Portal Needs to Reflect “Easy to Own”
"The Experience You Expect”
Remind customers of Kronos value proposition
Increase Customer Awareness
Awareness of product features or resources
Awareness of service contract entitlements and renewal
Awareness of invoicing actions
Awareness of training and support resources
Manage product upgrades
Revenue Generation
eCommerce for small purchases
Promote upgrade opportunities
Cost Reduction
Encourage community problem solving
Facilitate self-serve problem solving
Provide better access to education and training
Promote More Self-Serve activities from customers
Allow them to manage accounts
Customers manage roles and permissions
Improve profile information
Build a Robust and Thriving User Community
Essential to widening audience, making site “sticky”
Provide content, functionality to “Decision Makers” and
Make Kronos the “center of gravity” for the user community
Establish Kronos as the subject matter expert
Improve International Representation
Provide more localized content
Suppress “US-centric” information that may be confusing or
irrelevant to international audiences
Obtain Better Customer Intelligence
Measure customer activity
Profile customers based on patterns
Deliver targeted content based on profiles
Improve Overall User Experience
Single sign-on
Consistent, easy-to-use interface
Simplify navigation, improve search capabilities
Provide users a personalized experience
• Lack of centralized governance
• Disparate systems need to be made to work
• Parallel initiatives need to be coordinated
• Need organization to set priorities
• Ideal Portal solution may need to be implemented in
Landscape Considerations
SuperSearch being upgraded to Inquira August 2010
Professional Services undergoing a product streamlining
RFE Group implementing new capture systems
360 View initiative underway
Finance redesigning Invoices on June 2
Phasing out Depot Exchange and Depot Repair
programs Sept 2011
• Strong passwords for Logins May 2010
• 3 Step eCase interface June 2010
Usage Dynamics
Current Engagement
Following implementation,
engagement drops off into
“Dormant Phase”
Opportunities to increase
engagement with users
through: community, training,
SME content, alerts, etc.
Service Event
Service Event
Service Event
“Dormant Phase”
Usage Statistics
70% of support issues are handled via phone, 30%
Goal is to solve support issues 30% by phone, 70%
Overall customers are very satisfied with the level of
support provided by Kronos and the response time
Major Challenges Are Incomplete Customer
Major complaint is Kronos not knowing who
customers are or what their support entitlements are
Bad profile information, bad contact information in
No awareness of product, or version customer has
Not tracking history on which service packs
customers download
Customers are not currently notified when their
support contracts are terminated for non-payment they are not aware of this until they call
On service calls, customers are asked for a lot of
information regarding their install base - this
information is never updated in permanent records
SuperSearch at the Heart of Support
Customers use SuperSearch to solve problems, only
call when necessary
New SuperSearch based on Inquira platform roll-out
in August 2010
Customers have informal communities where they try
to assist one another
Establish a correlation between support history and
training opportunities
Customer Billing
Potential for eCommerce on incremental items
(badges, clocks, etc.)
However, there is a potential conflict with existing
sales channels
Companies and customers are hard to define
Currently relying on Solution ID to determine billing
Need for customers to provide self-updating of
Portal as An Access Point for Billing?
Ability for customers to view electronic invoices?
Would need to have well defined user permissions for
it to work.
Potential to alert/notify customers when invoices are
Most customers don't pay first invoice, Portal could
notify them
Ability for customers to view contracts online?
Challenges to Billing
Need for better Customer contact and profile
Education Services
Promoting and Selling Education Services
Portal should be the single point of access for training
Goal is to sell training during "dormant" periods, post
Improve registration for courses by pre-populating
Increase Customer Awareness About Education
New customers need awareness of training available
Existing customers need to be reminded about
training opportunities of which they have not taken
Training can be recommended based on support
patterns, history
Need to reach out to customers who are not active
Customers who use the Portal are not necessarily the
decision makers
• Consider tools such as a "curriculum wizard" that
makes training recommendations based on customer
• eCommerce: ability to purchase of training courses
• Promote training for customers thinking about
• UK offers discount for support if customer takes
training. Opportunity?
eCase is well liked by customers
Generally, customers like to use eCase
20% of customers use eCase
Desire to flip proportion of eCase vs. SuperSearch
20% to 80%
Customer Request
Would like a way for customers to submit
"attachments" or submit information related to their
Dependency on Entitlements and Other Challenges
Entitlement levels determined by support level
Currently Asking Customers to Provide Information •
We Should Know
These need to be checked before opening a case
Would like to have complete customer information
Issues with hardware support: Exchange Program vs.
when generating an eCase: product, version number,
Depot Repair
Difficult to reconcile serial numbers, track what
customers have
Systems and Processing
Data discrepancies affect billing
eCase data managed by AmDocs
Overnight process to update
Only worldwide system in place
New 3-step process implemented with Inquira
Need for a Concerted Community Effort and Strategy
Social Media Governance is essential for strategy
Previous efforts have had little user participation
Existing forums are hard to find on the current Portal
Community Strategy needs to consider existing initiatives:
Blogs, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter
International considerations for community
Critical to widening the Portal audience from IT to Decision
Makers and Influencers
Opportunity to “Crowdsource” Support Functions
Provide tools such as Yahoo or LinkedIn Answers – encourage
community problem solving
Information-sharing between members
Can Kronos be a connection for employees within a
customer's company?
The user community has a great desire to connect localized
How can we encourage community participation?
Reputation points? Perks?
Conversations are happening, But Not on the Portal…
Good way to enhance reputation with Marquis customers
Forums like Yahoo Groups are where conversations are taking •
Allow easy subscriptions and alerts to ongoing discussions
Debate of whether community discussions are open or public •
Monitor, measure what customers are discussing
Open Forums could be SEO opportunities
Ensure that any forums or discussions are searchable and
appear in SuperSearch
How to deal with Partners? Should they have a separate
User Community as a Way to Enhance Perception of Kronos
Desire to become "The Kronos" guy, on the new Portal
Great way to position Kronos as a subject-matter expert
Is Kronos ready to support content and moderation needed to
foster a community?
Community as a way to enhance the RFE program
Community can serve as the "stickiness" to bring back
Request for Enhancements (RFE) Program
New Capture Software
RFE integrating a new software tool to capture RFEs
Desire to Integrate RFE Process with Portal
However, keep RFE process a product process, not
Improve Submission Process and Transparency
Influential groups are the Product Advisory Council
(PAC) and the Customer Advisory Board (CAB)
Only 5-10 RFEs are accepted and implemented out of
all submissions
Currently a 12 month cycle, no immediate feedback
to contributors
Not a transparent process
and small companies?
Small companies provide most of the RFE inputs,
however, large companies carry a lot of weight
How to Nurture Custom Work User Communities?
Active user communities that do custom work and
share it amongst themselves - how do we harness?
Do you support them?
How to integrate into RFE process?
Opportunity for "Idea Capturing Widgets", ability for
users to contribute ideas outside of Portal
Large Companies vs. Small Companies
ADP as largest reseller, yet competitor - how to
• Do they have separate communities?
• They provide unique requirements
How are ideas weighted between large companies
Professional Services
Professional Services Include:
Trigger notification of a class based on what user is
doing on Portal
Implementation, support, consulting, and
optimization, upgrades, and consulting (after-market; •
Provide steps/roadmap (what steps to take, what to
expect) for upgrade, etc.
Customer that interact with the Portal that don’t have •
Customers interface with customer portal to see their
many touch points with PS
project (OpenAir)
Big clients get all attention (TJX, Lowes)
Professional services information should be public
Potential Opportunities
“Services finder” - how to make the most of the
Rebranding Services Initiative
PeopleSoft websites offers tools for people to see
In process of making service offerings a simpler
what it takes for an upgrade
Live chat with rep (e.g. SAP)
Roll-out of new services list ~7/12
New product/services pages
-soft-launch July, hard launch in Fall
Compare portal and BtoC Amazon/eBay rather than
Services are higher level to products (no correlation) •
Customers upgrade if losing support on existing
Portal > Generate leads and revenue
Lower cost/and increase efficiency of support
“Solution View” aggregates a majority of info
organization by self-service
Contextually relevant services, self-help
Support this high-margin center and optimize as
Portal as a Tool to Promote Professional Services
much as possible
Promote post-implementation services
System Architecture
• Several IT projects currently in progress
• Portal/Ownership has transitioned
• IT-managed tech components
• Business units mange the content
• Portal is decentralized
Multiple systems
Secure FTP
Move to strong password for login
"Changepoint" migrating to Open Air
(Professional Services)
Architecture Goals
• Opportunity to leverage Inquira
• Single sign-on experience is a goal - users
should not have to log in twice
• Portal needs more governance
• IE6 is still a requirement
Architecture Changes
• Inquira rollout August 2010
Sales and Pre-Sales
Remind Customers about Kronos Value Proposition
Remind customers of who Kronos is
Connect people with demand generation campaigns via
Reinforce Image of Kronos as a Partner
Put a "face" on customer contacts: sales rep, sales manager,
ops, etc.
Customers could log in to see who sales rep, support sales
rep, ops person is
Kronos as homey, comfortable, intimate experience is
differentiation - ratings are 9/10 for customer support
Make the Portal the Single Point of Customer Interaction
Portal as single point of interaction for customers
Make one stop for finance/payroll/HR professionals in industry
(value-add content)
Customer should be able to configure to pull in information
they are interested in - a “dashboard” - by vertical,
community, etc.
Customer could log in to see contract info, renewal dates on
portal, RFE status, credits statement, learning point
statement, voting, (not all people should have access),
support incident status
(don’t configure properly or maximize investment)
Automate and suggest enhancements (like Amazon, e.g. have
you considered…) - would need record keeping to keep this
Use data patterns to identify sales opportunities
• Make Kronos “center of gravity” for community (currently
mostly external)
• Look at what issues are, get customers thinking about
• Show focus in verticals with user groups/communities
• Cater to verticals and IT community
• Calendar of events
• Use Portal to create demand
• Opportunity to cross-sell managed services
• Create demand by providing some free information as a
Measure Customer Activity and Deliver Targeted Content
• What features are not being used and make suggestions
Customer Satisfaction Metrics
General Goals
Increase net promoter status of as many customers
as possible
Provide content for broader audiences
Provide customers with feedback on what is being
done with their survey information ("We are
Listening" message)
Encourage users to help us improve our profile data
Provide Users a Personalized Experience
Ability to customize your Portal interface
Subscriptions to content
Maintain Engagement via Notifications
Add notifications for when sites/discussions happen
Reputation points for forum participation
RSS or email notifications that something has
Gather Better Intelligence on Customers
Measure click patterns, trigger analytics
Deliver targeted content
Understand who has registered for what
Measure what content is popular/not popular
Listen to the “Voice of the Customer”
RFE process
Customer advisory board
Give people the ability to comment any time =
“suggestion box”
Ask them what they want
Encourage Participation in User Communities
Provide rewards/incentives for number of answers
provided in forums
Reinforce Kronos Value Proposition
Having a presence in Portal that explains what we are
doing with feedback and “happy stories”/testimonials
Establish Kronos presence - what we are doing
Publish results and what improvements are being
made on public site
General Portal Goals
Increase in Revenue
Cost Reduction
Funding needs to be based on driving more revenue
Creating Notion of Value for Customer
Show ongoing value that Kronos can provide
What else can Kronos do for you?
Portal Priorities
#1 Make it easy/support
#2 e-Commerce
Avoid potential channel conflicts
Need a phased/tiered recommendation for project after Discovery
Desire to Improve Intelligence on Customers
Track customer behavior
Compilation of “customer profiles”
Data profiling - a distinct Kronos advantage over competitors
Personalization needs to focus on .com and Portal sites
International Support
Majority of Content is US-centric
Globally (outside US and Canada) content is UScentric
Workflow process (e.g. 800 numbers) is US-focused
Some issues not relevant or different (e.g. Daylight
UK/Australia – Content Language is not an Issue,
But Some Content is Still not Relevant
UK finds info for KnowledgeBase, eCase, Service
Packs useful
UK Support promotes portal use
Share responsibility to initiate information changes
Non-US regions – translated content not available
create demand
But where the most growth exists, the most help is
Common Goals
Conceptually, every region wants the Portal and
wants to promote its use
Desire to generate more local-specific content at the
local level
Implement better filtering so non-applicable content
is omitted for that region
Desire to make this a greater organizational priority
Share desire to reduce support costs through selfserve support
Install Base, Customer Data Also International
Common platforms (Oracle, Amdocs)
Customer data and install base data are also issues
Growth Opportunity for Regions
FY11 – India/China plans to grow from $1-10M in 3
China and India need to grow brand awareness and
Partner Organizations
Need for a shared space on the Portal for
Partner Organizations
Portal is ideal resource for Partners to browse
and download Kronos support materials
Need for Kronos to provide access to large
files, VMWare and make accessible to Partners
Partners such as ADP have unique relationships
with Kronos
Needs may differ from smaller partners
Existing partner site not working well, needs
Some Content Should be Easily Accessible
Sales Materials
Opportunity to Co-Brand Portal Offerings?
Can Kronos “pass-through” support of content
access to Partners in a co-branded Portal?
Proprietary Information Should be Password
Price sheets
Statements of work
Larger Partners May Require Different