Global Land Cover Network Workshop
December 1st 2003
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Sub-regional Environmental Monitoring and
Information System Phase II [SEMIS-II]
Abhijit Patil
UNEP RRC.AP, Bangkok
 Following up from achievements of SEMIS I and
recognizing the need for follow-up support;
 SEMIS I achievements: Core datasets; conceptual
database design; technical capacity for data exchange
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
 Considering the request by Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS-WGE-4) in Mar ’98, and endorsement by
ministerial meeting in Sep’98, ADB approved SEMISII in Dec ’99
…to help GMS governments to make informed
decisions regarding sustainable development through
Integrated Economic and Environmental
Development Planning
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Assess the availability of useful and relevant data for planning
Increase and strengthen the capacity of the national Governments
to collect and process the information/data;
Increase the capacity of national Governments to make informed
decisions regarding development investments relating to
sustainable utilization of natural resources;
Enhance the ability of GMS national Governments to conduct
integrated economic and environmental planning with relevant
data; and
Conduct, store, manipulate, and share actual integrated planning
information using the data collected in pilot projects for some
“Hotspot” areas, such as those identified in TA 5783--REG: SEFGMS.
Work Program & Activities
Implementation plan
Position paper on data availability, quality, relevance, and data
IEEDP planning concept/procedures, case study
Sub-regional inception workshop, National workshop to present
and discuss data/info. gaps, and sharing mechanism
Assess capacity needs and develop capacity building plan
Data collection & mgmt. Guidelines. HW/SW support, Sub-regional
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
training-cum-internship (GIS/RS)
GMS level land cover mapping (coarse and large res.)
Environment Atlas of GMS
National workshops to present findings, conclusions and follow-up
actions to national line agencies (including planning/finance and
environment agencies), Sub-regional seminar
SEMIS II Outputs
Report on the availability, accessibility and usefulness of available data
and data gaps
IEEDP concept paper/manual
Report on current status of data collection and processing facilities
Data collection and mgmt. Guidelines - translation
Capacity building
• Training on GIS/RS applications in environmental management and
• IEEDP procedures
• HW/SW support
Database generation
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
• Land use/cover for whole GMS
• Large scale (50K) data for HS areas
Case studies
Environment Atlas of GMS
Major Output…
Report on on data availability, accessibility and
data gaps at sub-regional level
• Available data and their relevance for planning
• Data gaps
• Recommendations on
• additional data requirements
• Need of data standardization
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
• (Working level scales, data
exchange format, etc.)
• National level mechanism for data
Major Output…
Guidelines and manual on geo-spatial data collection and
management & translations
• Review - regional data
availability, accessibility and
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
• Basic concepts – spatial data,
measurement levels, data
models, scale and resolution,
precision and accuracy,
projection systems
• Guidelines – database design &
mgmt., acquisition, quality,
metadata, update/maintain and
Activities on the DATA
Specific Outputs: Data layers
 Review available data and data gaps
 Acquire the new data
 Fill up the data gaps with the cooperation of
concerned agencies
 Guideline for data collecting/Mgnt
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
 Training and Internship for technology transfer
 Enhanced with HW/SW support
 Case Studies by national agencies
Present status on data
New series of Satellite data over the whole GMS area has
been acquired
Landsat 7 ETM+
GIS layers have been collected
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
New land cover data sets at 1:1M scale for GMS
New land cover data sets at 1:50K scale for Hotspot
Data collection Guideline in national languages
Core Datasets
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Core Dataset
Georeferenced Object
Major roads, railways, canals,
pipelines, Major electric transmission
Soil Class (Inc slope &
Soil Map
Vegetation Cover
Forest cover map, grassland/wetland
Air Quality Measurements
Location of Measurement Stations
(Link to the administrative boundaries)
Climate Zonation
Climate (or agro-climate) map
Administrative Boundaries
Administrative/Census map;
Management/Protected areas
Elevation Contours; Coastline and
Lakes; Rivers
Core Datasets (Cont;)
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Core Dataset
Georeferenced Object
Land Use
Land use map
Geological map
Major harvesting activities
(Linked to the administrative
Water Quality
Location of Water Sampling Stations
Soil Analysis Samples
Locations of Soil Samples
Early Warning Information Systems (EWIS)
It is product of the SEMIS I project, which involves a
fairly complete database of important GIS layers like
Environment (Forest, Rivers, Wetlands etc.)
Demographic data (Population, Poverty etc.)
Infrastructure (Road, Dams etc.)
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
and some other ancillary information (layers)
The data is provided in different scales (1:1M, 1:5M and
1:250K) depending on the layer and the source. The data was
generated by UNEP RRC.AP along with the help of MRC,
WWF and other international agencies. The national agencies
were the major source for the local data layers.
Additional Data
The additional to the core data layers followings are identified
Hydrological layers “part of topography, important for
planning, normally use independently, should be collected”,
(Topo and Hydro data layers can be derived independently
using modern technology)
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Digital imagery “digitized air photos, digital orthoimagery,
satellite imagery etc.” (Landsat 7ETM+ is one of the
Scanned paper map “Reproduce the map, head-up
digitizing, easy to georeferenced” (original maps can be
scanned and save as raster format and use for multi
Additional Data
The additional to the core data layers… (cont;)
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Slope and aspect data layers “critical to some applications
such as erosion, Crop selection etc.”, (not difficult to
generate from elevation data, but useful for those who can
not do for themselves)
Water Quality Data “.pH, conductivity, chemical analysis
are proposed to be measured” (depth to groundwater,
surface water hydrology, basin delineation, subsurface flow
etc are useful for analysis of the impact of the potential
Major Output: GIS Layers
GIS datasets for GMS
• GMS level dataset
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
• National level
Cambodia & Lao PDR
GIS Layers
GMS Level
1:1,000, 000 Scale
11- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The whole GMS
GIS Layers
GMS Level
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Theme name
1 Cultural Heritage sites
2 Airport locations
3 Dam Updates
4 Coral Reef
5 Live coral location
6 Marine Protected Area
7 Watershed of GMS
8 Population Center
9 Population Density
10 Population Growth
11 Wetland and Mangrove
Myanmar Data List
National Level
1:1,000, 000 Scale
3- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
1:250, 000 Scale
9- Thematic Layers
The selected areas
Myanmar Data List
National Level
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
1:100, 000 Scale
1- Thematic Layer
13- sites
1:50, 000 Scale
9- Thematic Layers
The Selected areas
Myanmar Data List
National Level
1:250, 000 Scale
7- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The Mekong Watershed
area in Myanmar
Thailand Data List
National Level
1:1, 000, 000 Scale
1- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The whole country
Thailand Data List
National Level
1:250, 000 Scale
35- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The whole country
Viet Nam Data List
National Level
1:6, 000, 000 Scale
12 - Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The whole country
Viet Nam Data List
National Level
1:4, 000, 000 Scale
12- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The whole country
Viet Nam Data List
National Level
1:2, 000, 000 Scale
12- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The whole country
Viet Nam Data List
National Level
1:1, 000, 000 Scale
12- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The whole country
Viet Nam Data List
National Level
1:500, 000 Scale
12- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The whole country
Yunnan Data List
National Level
1:250, 000 Scale
11- Thematic Layers
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
The whole Province
Yunnan, PR China
Major Output
Satellite imageries from two different Sensors
for GMS
Landsat 7 ETM+ (127 scenes) 2000
NOAA AVHRR two sets (1990 and 2000)
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Land cover data
• Landsat TM support to countries
• Hotspot land cover
Landsat 7 ETM+
Satellite date
Acquired for the whole GMS
Used in the Environmental Atlas of GMS
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Used to generate the Hotspots Land
cover map
Distributed to all of the GMS partners for
their country coverage scenes.
Satellite date
Acquired for the whole GMS
Used in the Environmental Atlas of GMS
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Used to generate the GMS Land cover
Two time interval data sets
(1992-3, 1999-2000)
Major Output…
Land cover data
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
Coarse resolution
• Yunnan, 1993
• GMS, 2000
Land cover 1993
Land cover 2000
Major Output
Environment Atlas of the GMS
Internship (2 months)
• Main Volume
• GMS profile – subregion, countries
• Economic cooperation in the GMS: a fruitful strategy
• Environment: the web of life – Watersheds, Wetland,
Biodiversity, Peoples, Culture, Cities
• Poverty and Environment
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
• Data Resources: Part I
• Remote sensing images
• Data Resources: Part II
• GIS thematic maps
GMS Environmental Atlas
GIS Maps
Mapping the environmental sensitive
issues with the existing data.
 Wetland,
 Watershed,
 Forest types,
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
 Agriculture zones,
 Land use/Land cover
 Cultural Heritages sites,
 Infrastructure development,
 Hydro-power dams and stations,
GMS Environmental Atlas
Remote Sensing
Created Image Maps with Landsat 7
 Eco-regions (WWF Eco regions) image maps
 Selected watershed areas Image maps
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
 Agriculture areas on the delta of major rivers
image maps
 Major forest types image maps
 Urban and cities image maps
Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
For further information: