Introduction to MS Word

MS Word Lesson Seven
Formatting and Sorting Lists
Mrs. Brown
Bell Ringer
• What is a Cover Letter?
• A Personal Business Letter that is sent with a
resume when applying for a job. You introduce
yourself and highlight the qualities that make
you suitable for the position.
Lets Review
• Project 11 and 12
Project 11
Project 12
Questions and Answer?
• Project concerns
Content Outline
Creating a Bulleted List
Creating a Numbered List
Changing the Bullet or Number Formatting
Sorting Paragraphs
Application Skills
• As the customer service manger at the
Michigan Avenue Athletic Club, you have
recently received a number of complaints
about the club’s check-in policy for members
who forget their ID badges. In this lesson, you
will create a memo to employees about the
proper check-in procedure. You will use a
bulleted list and a numbered list, and you will
sort the bulleted list into alphabetical order.
You will revise the memo to send to members.
Vocabulary Words
• Bullet: A dot or symbol that marks an
important line of information or designates
items in a list.
• Picture: A graphic image stored in a graphic
file format
• Sort: To organize items into a specified order.
• Symbol: A visual element such as a shape or
mathematical or scientific notation that you
can inset as a character into a document
Bullet List
Marks items in a list when the order does not matter
Click the Bullet buttonParagraph grouphome tab
Default is a black dot
Indented 0.25” from the left margin
Can select a different bullet from library or use a
symbol or picture
• Selected bullet becomes current bullet and added to
the recently used area in bullet library
• Bullet can be selected before or after you begin typing
• To end bullet list, press the enter twice or click none in
the bullet library
Lets Practice
• Complete “Try It” page 140
Numbered List
• Use numbers to mark a list when order
• Renumbers when you add or delete items
• Default is sequential  you can select to
restart numbering in the middle of a list and
set number value if other than one
• Default is Arabic
• Levels can be changed
• Format can be changed
• End number list by pressing enter twice or
click none in the number library
Lets Practice
• Complete “Try It” page 141-142
Sort Paragraphs
Lets Practice
• Complete “Try It” page 143
• Page 143-142
• Research how to turn off the automatic
numbering feature in word.
• Create a short memo to me explaining and
illustrating the process
WProj 14