training PPT - Testing Home Page

EOC & NCFE Training
Fall 2015
Makeups Wed. Jan. 20th
S2 begins Thurs. Jan. 21st
Test Security
North Carolina Testing Code of Ethics
• Persons with access to secure testing materials may not utilize
materials for personal gain
• No person may copy, reproduce, or paraphrase the test
materials in any manner
– Cannot discuss the content of the test with students or with peers
• Test Administrators Reading Aloud or Cueing the test have
added level of confidentiality
– Imperative that Test Administrators serving in this role do not disclose any
content of the test specifically or generally
• Test Administrators signing/ cueing may view a student test
book up to 2 days before the test under secure conditions
‒ Refer to Testing Students with Disabilities for complete requirements
EOC Online p. 77 & P/P p.87
NCFE p.52
Test Security
North Carolina Testing Code of Ethics
• Secure test questions must NOT be used at any time
during instruction or in resource materials (e.g. study
• Materials with sample test questions must be shared
with principal and STC before use
• Teachers CANNOT provide instruction on test day
related to the content being tested
– Cannot use test items or test information as basis for additional
• Teachers CANNOT discuss specific items from the
tests with students or colleagues
Early Finishers
• Students who complete the test before the estimated time
has expired must be allowed to read novels or other non
– Verify that students have finished and checked their answers
– TA must read the last scripted say statement ending the testing session
(“Read to announce the end of testing session”)
– Collect student answer sheet, test book, and all other materials (online
testing – students must press End Test)
– Give the student the reading material
o The reading material must be checked to ensure that it does not contain
information regarding tested content (EOC p.21 for approved material)
• If all students finish the test, review their responses, and are
ready to turn in their tests before the scheduled time is over,
the TA may end the testing session
EOC Online p.23 & EOC P/P p.22
NCFE p. 18
Test Administrator’s Responsibilities
Must be a school staff member
Must receive a face to face training, including accommodations
Read Assessment Guide (Online or Paper/Pencil) prior to training
Account for test materials
– Once they are checked out from STC until they are returned
– Return all materials in an organized manner as outlined in checklist
• Conduct unbiased test administration
– Follow script and directions exactly as written in the Assessment Guide
• Monitor the testing session actively (no reading, tech, food, etc.)
• Report any irregularities immediately (call Forgay & pink sheet)
EOC Online & P/P p. 6-8
Proctor’s Responsibilities
• Assigned in all EOC test sessions regardless of the number of students
testing; needed in certain NCFE’s (if teacher of record is test admin)
– Must be 18 years or older and not a K-12 public school system student
– Cannot be assigned to a room where relative or ward is to be tested
– Must be registered in the CMS volunteer system
• Cannot assist students nor be left alone with testing materials at any time
– Cannot pick up/return test materials
– Cannot handle any test materials (collect or pass out)
Cannot read test directions
Cannot touch a student’s computer once online test begins
Cannot answer questions
Not required in NCFE sessions if Test Administrator is not the teacher of
record or from the same content area.
• Report to testing site by 6:50 on morning of testing
EOC Online & P/P p.9-10
Hallway Monitors
• Should actively monitor assigned areas
– Walk through hallways, look in classroom windows
– Make sure rooms are prepared for testing (desk spacing,
walls cleared, and 2 adults in test session if needed)
– Assist Test Administrators and proctors with issues
– Assist students during restroom breaks and emergencies
• Will serve as Test Administrator or proctor during
emergencies. Does not move students between
sections but will monitor class if admin/proctor
needs to step out.
• Report to media center by 6:45 on morning of testing
Unethical Testing Practices
North Carolina Testing Code of Ethics
• Encouraging students to be absent during testing
• Using secure test items for instruction
• Changing student responses at any time on an answer sheet
or in the computer
• Modifying student records
• Reclassifying students only to avoid testing them
• Failing to provide needed accommodations during testing
• Paraphrasing test directions
• Not testing all eligible students
• Not reporting all testing violations
EOC Online & P/P p.7-8
NCFE p. 14-16
North Carolina Testing Code of Ethics
Employee Letter
File Civil action against person(s) responsible for the violation
Criminal prosecution
Suspension or revoking of professional license
Prepare the Testing Environment
• All rooms must be checked prior to testing by a school staff
member to ensure they have been prepared for testing
– May utilize the School Testing Coordinator Monitoring Checklist
• Make sure all windows on doors are uncovered
– STC needs to have access to monitor and observe what is happening in
each testing session
Post “Testing – Do Not Disturb” sign on each door
Walls and desks must be clear of test taking tips and content
Clocks must be at the front of the room where students can see
Space student desks to ensure proper space for testing and to
discourage cheating
• Ensure that test devices are fully charged
EOC Online and P/P p.10-11
NCFE p. 15
Morning of Testing
• Test Administrators and Hallway Monitors to
report to Media Center by 6:45 am to pickup
materials and checklists.
• Proctors to report to assigned room by 6:50
am. If proctor has not arrived by 7 am, the test
administrator is to call the main office.
• No classrooms should be streaming anything
(movies, music, etc.) on test days! All
bandwidth is needed for exams given online!
Verify Test Materials
• Test Administrator must count and record the number of
secure test materials including
supplemental materials
– When materials are checked out
from media center
– Before distributing to students
– After test administration
– When returning materials to
media center
• Materials cannot be left unattended at any time
• Use the Test Administrator’s Checklist to avoid being sent back
EOC P/P p.25-26
Prohibited Items
• Electronic Devices
– Any student observed with a cell phone/electronic device on their
person during testing or breaks must be dismissed from testing
– ONLY computers used for online testing are allowed in testing sessions.
No other classrooms should be online or streaming media
– Any electronic devices found must be investigated by Forgay
• Personal Belongings
– Students’ personal belongings should be placed under their seat or at the
back of the classroom. No access to personal belongings is permitted
during testing
• Testing Aids
– No textbooks, reference books, wall charts, study guides, reference charts,
etc. may be present during any test administration
• Food and Drink
– Not allowed unless approved for medical reasons
EOC Online p.13-14 & EOC P/P p.12-13
NCFE p. 15
Student Monitoring
• Test Administrator and Proctor must turn off their cell
phones and all electronic devices prior to testing
– Cannot be visible during testing or breaks
• Test Administrators and Proctors MUST:
Walk frequently throughout the room
When seated, have an unobstructed view
Avoid distracting behaviors
NOT be on a computer or reading
NOT read test questions over students’ shoulders
NOT indicate answers in any way to students
NOT explain test directions, meanings of words, rephrase test
questions, etc.
EOC Online p.14-15 & EOC P/P p.13-14 15
Misalignment during Testing
• Occurs when student’s answers on their answer sheet
do not match the number of the question being
answered in the test book
– Determine if the error can be fixed during testing
o Yes, and student corrects and keeps testing
o No, student will continue only marking in book and fix after testing
• Test administrators are not permitted to tamper with
(e.g., alter, change, modify, erase) student responses
to the test questions on the answer sheet or computer
• No extra testing time may be provided
EOC P/P p.15-17
Student Restroom Breaks &
• Only one student permitted outside of the testing room at a
• Paper/Pencil: All test materials must be secured
– Answer sheet, graph paper, and scratch paper put inside the test book
• Online: Student’s testing session must be paused
– Scratch paper secured
• Have hallway monitors in place to supervise students during
breaks or emergencies
• Test Administrator must record the time the student leaves
and returns to ensure the maximum testing time is provided
EOC Online p.16 & P/P p.17
NCFE p. 18
School Procedures
• Report testing irregularities by contacting Forgay (dial *6104, notify
hall monitor, or call main office) and filling out pink sheet (do not
remove students without contacting Forgay unless it is an
• Restroom breaks and emergencies: notify hall monitor/main office.
• Call Forgay if students with extended time require more than the
maximum (4 hours) to have them relocated.
• End an online test session:
– Check with student to ensure they are done. Student / Test Administrator
will select “End Test” and turn off the computer, monitor, etc.
• Material check in: Ask hall monitor or call Forgay/main office for
coverage; prepare and check your bin using test administrator
checklist before reporting to media center. Count all materials!
EOC Online p.24 & P/P p.23
NCFE p. 18-20
NC Final Exams
• North Carolina’s Teacher Evaluation Process
– Standard 6 (Student-growth component of the
teacher evaluation process)
– Standard 8 (Student-growth component of executive
evaluation process)
• 20% of the student’s final grade in high school
– Exams with Constructed Response items will not
count as 20% of Seniors’ grades
– Only final exam that may be given
• 95% Participation Required
• Check the Teacher Portal after 7pm to view
scores and verify roster
NCFE Guide, p. 1-3
Testing Schedule
• Testing Time
– Maximum Time: 120 Minutes
– (2) Two-Minute Breaks
– General Instructions: 12 minutes
– Total: Approximately 136 minutes
• First activity of the day
• Test sessions have maximum time of two
hours unless Extended Time is documented
*Write form numbers on roster during
NCFE Guide, p. 5
• Proctors are required in every test session,
unless the test administrator is not the teacher
of record or from the same content area
• If you have a family member or friend who can
volunteer as a proctor please email Forgay the
date(s) and name(s).
NCFE Guide, p. 13
Test Materials
• NC Final Exam Test
• Formula Sheet (AFM, Discrete
Administrators’ Guide (begin
Math, Precalculus)
reading on p. 21, end on p. 29)
– One for all courses
• Test Books – color coded based • Calculators (scientific or
on subject area
– Memory must be cleared before and
after the test
– Math and Science Courses
– Multiple form numbers for all tests
Pre-Coded Answer Sheets
Blank Paper
Graph Paper (Math Courses Only)
Reference Table (Physical
Science, Chemistry, Physics)
– Different for each course
“Testing Do Not Disturb” sign
Student Roster
Test Day Certification Forms
Review of Accommodations
Used During Testing Form
NCFE Guide, p. 10
Constructed Response Roster
After Testing Checklist
• Use rosters to indicate form letter/ # and attendance (complete during
• Collect, separate and alphabetize used/unused books and answer sheets;
organize them in corresponding folders. Separate used and unused scratch
paper, graph paper, etc.
• Count and verify materials distributed and collected from students on the
Test Administrator’s Checklist
• Complete any Review of Accommodations Used During Testing forms
• Complete and sign both sides of the Test Day Certification Form (Test
Administrator and Proctor)
PRINCIPAL’S DESIGNEE AFTER TESTING” section on side 1 of answer sheets
(for 504s and Accommodations)
• Clear all calculator memory
• Walk all materials directly to the media center for returning materials
EOC Online p.17-20 & EOC P/P p.17-19
NCFE p. 7-8, 42
Provided and Used Accommodations:
Test Administrator
• Complete the Review of Accommodations Used During
Testing form completely
One for each student who received an accommodation
Indicate if each accommodation was provided
Record if the student used the accommodation
Explain how the student used the accommodation
* Be specific on these forms. This form is important for
future accommodation decisions for each student
EOC Online p.54 & EOC P/P p.51
Review of Accommodations
Scheduled Extended Time
• For students who need extra time
• Document estimated extended time, but the
student is allowed as much time as needed
up to a full school day
• Document based on maximum testing time
• Must complete test in one day with regular
break schedule
• May not begin testing early, must eat lunch,
and travel home at regular dismissal time
TSWD p. 105-108
Testing in a Separate Room
• All students in a small group setting must be
receiving the same accommodations
• Test administrator and proctor required
• Must document specifics:
– One-on-One
– Small Group (and group size- Maximum 12)
• If an accommodation requires separate room (i.e.
Read Aloud), then separate room must be
TSWD p. 109-110
Word-to-Word Bilingual Dictionary/
Electronic Translator
LEP- Identified ONLY
Documented language and type (paper or electronic)
Must be word-to-word or word-to-phrase
Must not contain diagrams, written notes, formulas,
• Must be a published document, not teacher made
• Electronic devices MUST be approved
Guidelines p. 25
Marks Answer in Test Book
• MIB is not appropriate for online testing
• Students must NOT receive their answer sheet
• Staff must transcribe responses after checking
in materials (3 people required)
TSWD p. 79-80
Student Reads Test Aloud to Self
• Student may read the test aloud, but the test
administrator/proctor may not help or correct
errors the student makes
• Separate Setting one-on-one required
TSWD p. 81-82
Multiple Testing Sessions
• More frequent breaks
– 5 minute break every 30 minutes
– 3 minute break every 10 test items
• Problematic if students will stop at different times
• Multiple Days
– Half test each day over two days
• Separate Setting required if breaks are different than
the standard script
• Students must finish in maximum timeIf students
taking extended breaks, give a 5 minute warning and
paper-clip test books
– If students are taking an in-class break/ lunch do NOT
paper-clip the test book
TSWD p. 99-104
Assistive Technology Devices
Low Technology Devices
Amplification Devices
Glucose Meters and Insulin Pumps
Speech recognition systems
Talking word processors/ screen reading software
Keyboarding device
Alternative/ customized keyboard, touch screens, and
Screen enlarging program
Accessibility Options
Audiotapes and Recorded Responses
TSWD p. 63-70
Special Print
• Braille, Large Print, One Item per Page
• Order on SharePoint by December 14
• Not applicable for online testing
– All students can have Large Print and Alternate
Background Color selected in SIQs
• NEW! Uncontracted (Grade One) Braille
• Test administrator must have a copy of the
test book, same form letter and # as student
• MIB is not appropriate for online testing
• When students record their responses in a manner other than
the regular answer document
– Marks in Book, Dictate to Scribe, etc.
• Must occur under secure conditions
– Three or more school personnel present at the time of
– Transcribe, Verify, Observe
– All sign front cover of original response
– CANNOT happen in the classroom and checked later
• Front cover must include
– Three signatures (secure transcription)
– Student ID and Student Name
– School Name
• Answers must be transcribed exactly as written, including
student errors
– Double bubbles
– Mixed numbers in gridded response
• For gridded response where the answer is not clear,
make the best guess and bubble appropriately
– Both test books and answer sheets will include a grid for math
• Assessment Guides will provide additional transcription
specifications for constructed and gridded response
• Example Constructed Response Box are available for NC
Final Exams for Students with Student Marks Answers in
Test Book Accommodation
Dictation to a Scribe
• Two test administrators must be present
– Both must meet TA qualifications and be trained (one serves as TA, one serves as
scribe), no proctor required
– Scribe should have prior experience with student
• Separate Setting one-on-one required
• Responses may be recorded on blank paper, answer sheet, test book,
or on the computer (online test administration)
– Original student responses must be returned to the Scoring Center
• Student must proofread responses
• For multiple-choice, student may dictate letter choice, read answer
aloud, or point
• For constructed response, scribe must write exactly what the student
• For online assessments, scribe must record student responses on
– TA must verify and both must sign statement of validation
TSWD p. 71-74
Interpreter/ Transliterator Signs/ Cues Test
• Interpreter/ Transliterator may review test up to 2 days prior to
Under secure conditions (3 school personnel)
May NOT remove notes/ materials from secure setting
Use student test book of same form letter and #
All students in the group must have same book
Only for Read-Aloud and Interpreter can a student be assigned a
different answer sheet than his original pre-coded answer sheet
• Must have two trained personnel in test session
• Items may be repeated
• For interpreter signs entire test:
– Trained Test Administrator, Interpreter, and Proctor
– One individual can serve as TA/ Interpreter
– Separate Setting required
• For interpreter signs directions only:
– Trained Test Administrator, Interpreter, and Proctor
– One individual can serve as TA/ Interpreter or as Proctor/ Interpreter
TSWD p. 75-78
Standard Testing Policies
Follow same procedures as NCFEs for the following:
• NC Testing Code of Ethics
• Test Security
• Test Administrator
• Proctor Responsibilities
• Hallway Monitor Responsibilities
• Student Emergencies and Breaks
• Testing Environment
• Prohibited Items
Testing Violations and
Students Who Finish Early
EOC Characteristics
READY Number of
EOC Questions
Item Types
Multiple Choice
English II
Multiple Choice,
Technology Enhanced,
and Short Answer
Math I*
Multiple Choice and
Gridded Response
Number of Test
*Math I includes calculator inactive section prior to calculator active
EOC Online p.4 & EOC P/P p.3-4
Estimated Time
• Estimated administration time
– Biology & English II: 150 minutes
– Math I: 180 minutes
• Two 2 minute breaks
– Additional 2 minute break every 60 minutes for students
working beyond estimated administration time
• Testing must be the first activity of the day
• All students must be permitted to:
– Eat lunch during the school day
– Travel home at their regularly scheduled time
*Write form numbers on roster during testing/breaks*
EOC Online & P/P p.3-4
Use of Test Scores
• EOCs will be used as
of the student’s final grade
– No teacher made finals permitted in courses with a required EOC
• Students will be graded on a 10-point scale for the
2015-2016 school year
• Delay of Scores
– English II scores will be posted to the Portal as soon as they are
received from the vendor
• Math I, Biology, & English II
– State accountability calculations
– Federal high school testing requirements
Handbook p.93
Required Testing Materials
• Assessment Guide
• Accurate timing device (clock
or projector)
‒ EOC Paper/Pencil
Test books & precoded answer • Test Day Certification Form
sheets for every child
• Review of Accommodations
(NOT including MIB)
Used During Testing Form
Sharpened pencils
• Student Roster
Scratch paper
• “Testing Do Not Disturb” sign
Graph paper* (Math I)
*All content material and
test taking strategies
Calculators (Math I)
taken down/covered
EOC P/P p.25-26
Prepare Students
North Carolina Testing Code of Ethics
• Purpose of assessment
• Test-taking strategies
• Inform accommodations groups of test day changes
(TA, accommodations, date, time, room, etc.)
• Help students become familiar with recording gridded response and
constructed response items
– REQUIRED: Students must participate in gridded response practice using
the gridded response activity provided by the state for Math I. Maintain
documentation of completion for all eligible students
– REQUIRED: Students must participate in the online assessment tutorial
through NCTest for English II. Maintain documentation of completion for
all eligible students
• Students should use the same type of computer or tablet that they
will use during the actual assessment
EOC Online & P/P p.11-12
Paper/Pencil Student Directions
• Student Directions read for ALL Assessments (p.30-38)
– Ensure Test Administrator reads from the appropriate callout box: “Read for Math I Only” or “Read Only for Students
Receiving Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (in English)”
• Biology (p.39-43)
• Math I (p.44-50)
– Specific instructions for calculator distribution and paper
clipping of test books (p.45-47)
EOC P/P p.30-50
Distributing Test Materials
• EOC test forms differ in form letter and number (e.g. Form A1,
Form A2, Form B1, etc.)
• Answer sheets will be precoded with forms interleaved for
equal distribution
• Each student must receive a test book with the same form
letter and color as their precoded answer sheet
• Read Aloud & Interpreter Signs / Cues ONLY
All students in that session require the same form letter and number
Test administrator needs copy of same form letter and number
Different form letter/number for each small group session
Reference “Testing Classroom Layout” for additional info
Handbook p.32
Paper Clip Test Books
MATH I & Before lunch break
• Math I consists of Calculator Inactive and Active sections
• Inactive is administered first
• When students complete Inactive, test book instructs them to raise
their hand
• TA must tell students that their books will be paper clipped and they
cannot go back
• Test Administrator:
Paper clips inactive section of test book
Collects ALL used scratch paper and graph paper
Provides clean scratch paper and graph paper
Provides a calculator (with memory previously cleared)
EOC P/P p.23
After Testing Checklist: TA
• Use rosters to indicate form letter/ # and attendance (complete during
• Collect, separate and alphabetize used/unused books and answer
sheets; organize them in corresponding folders. Separate used and
unused scratch paper, graph paper, etc.
• Count and verify materials distributed and collected from students on
the Test Administrator’s Checklist
• Complete any Review of Accommodations Used During Testing forms
• Complete and sign both sides of the Test Day Certification Form (Test
Administrator and Proctor)
answer sheets (for 504s and Accommodations)
• Clear all calculator memory (Math I only)
• Walk all materials directly to the media center for returning materials
EOC Online p.53 & EOC P/P p.51
Required Testing Materials
• Assessment Guide
‒ EOC Online – ENG II Only
• Accurate # of electronic
testing devices (computer,
tablet, etc.)
• Sharpened pencils
• Scratch paper
• Accurate timing device (in tub
or room)
• Test Day Certification Form
• Review of Accommodations
Used During Testing Form
• “Testing Do Not Disturb” sign
• Student Roster
EOC Online p.27-28
Prepare Students
EOC Online p.12
Prepare Testing Devices
• Log on to each windows device using the school’s generic
username and password
• Launch NC Test App (Windows)
– Directions available for each device in the Online Testing Guide
• Launch NC Test Kiosk Mode (Chrome)
– Directions available for each device in the Online Testing Guide
• Ensure that the correct assessment and student are
• Ensure that the student name and the START page are
displayed on the student’s screen
EOC Online p.30
English II Short Answer
• Online 2,000 character limit provided for each
• If students are writing on scratch paper remind
them that all answers must be typed on the
computer screen
– Ensure that students are not given time beyond the
maximum time allowed for testing to transfer their answers
EOC Online p.16
Pausing a Testing Session
• If a student must leave the testing session for
restroom breaks, becoming ill, lunch, max/extended
time, etc.
– Secure test materials (scratch paper, etc.)
– PAUSE must be clicked to prevent test items from being
visible on the computer monitor
– A test session can be paused for 60 minutes
– Test Administrator must record the time the student leaves
and returns to ensure the maximum testing time is
– Upon return CONTINUE must be clicked to resume testing
EOC Online p.16
Online Student Directions
• Ensure Test Administrator reads from the
appropriate call-out box: “Read for English II EOC
Online Assessment Only”
• English II (p.32)
EOC Online p.32
Online Testing Guide
English II
•can be found at
On Test Day: Prepare for Testing
• Test Administrators must complete the following
steps 30-40 minutes before students arrive – Pg.
– For Windows computers use the generic login
information to log on
– For Chrome books, locate the NC Test App in the
lower left corner of the login screen and launch the
program in kiosk mode
– Login to the NCTest App using the test administrator’s
NC Education username and password
– Select the test and student’s name
– Do NOT click Start
On Test Day: Administer Test
• Admit students to the room
– Direct student to assigned computer
– Monitor the test session – Pg. 19
– Test Administrator may assist with computer problems or
procedural questions
– Proctor may not assist with computer at any time
– During all breaks, student presses PAUSE button
• Students needing additional time – Pg. 20
– Can move students to another location: close browser then log
in to new location
o Test Administrator may transport testing device to the new location
– Do NOT select End Test until student has finished the test
• Troubleshooting Tips – Pg. 20 - 21
– Local procedures for addressing technical issues
On Test Day: End Test Session
• Students will select the End Test button on their
screen when they have completed the test
• If a student needs additional time beyond
estimated, do NOT select End Test
– If the device is moving with the student, a trained test
administrator will transport the device and all other
test materials
– If the student is moving to a new device, the App
should be closed and the student will be logged on in
the new location
• Local procedures for dismissing students and
returning test materials
Enter Accommodations Provided in
NC Education
• After the test session, the Test Administrator or STC
must complete the Accommodations Provided in NC
Education for students who had SIQs selected – Pg. 24
Test records will not be submitted until coding is complete
Accommodations provided must match the SIQs entered
Complete for online accommodations only
Utilize the Review of Accommodations Used During Testing
form for data entry
– Must be completed before 7 pm on test day to be