2015 Doctrinal Teaching of New Realm Baptist

TEXTS: Romans 14:10-12; 1 Corinthians
3:10--4:5; 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 and
Revelation 20:11-15; Revelation 21:7-8, 27.
• Appreciation
• Concern about the type of Christianity we profess
• Many Christians today live like any other person
without the consciousness of heaven and eternity
• We have increase in the number of churches and
• The society is becoming more corrupt and
Are we conscious of final judgment ?
• Unfortunately, those who belong to the
church and presumably who profess Jesus
Christ as Lord and Saviour have not been able
to stand out in many aspects of life.
• Are people conscious of eternity and the fact
that everyone will be judged for actions
performed on earth? It seems many people
are not conscious of this fact.
The World has entered the church
• Today, it is seemingly becoming difficult to
differentiate believers from unbelievers in
many matters of life.
• The world has inadvertently entered the
church and subtly is turning away the so called
believers from the truths they have received
at the point of conversion and regeneration.
• Can you assess your stand in the Lord?
Importance of this study
• This year’s study is important for two reasons:
• first, it is to help those who are living right to
keep going and never become discouraged as if
their commitment and service to Christ is a waste
and two, the study is to wake those who are in
slumber to redeem the time because the days are
• The opportunity to go through this study
becomes very important because it will help all
who have the opportunity to make the necessary
amendments now before it will be too late.
Will you be ready…?
• “Will you be ready when the Lord shall
come…” 2x; I will be ready, I will be
ready… I will be ready when the Lord
shall come… This teaching therefore is
preparing all of us for the second coming
of Jesus Christ. It would be absurd if we
are not fully aware of what to meet or
experience at His return.
His first and second coming…
• Many are aware that Jesus Christ came
as a loving Saviour at His birth and His
second coming is not going to be a child’s
• It is going to be a time of reckoning,
accountability, judgment and eventually
reward according to what each person
has done in the flesh.
An Athlete and Training
• An athlete is not expecting to win without
vigorous prior practice but his winning or losing is
dependent on the discipline that he has given to
himself/ herself.
• The period of training is always rigorous and
sometimes unpalatable but the joy of winning
overrides all the rigours of practice.
• In the same manner, those who endure the
discipline of serving and honouring God faithfully
will not only smile but laugh and jubilate when
they shall receive well done, enter into the
kingdom of God prepared for the saints.
The Bema Seat of Christ
The goal of this study therefore is to
examine the Bema Seat of Christ which is
a part of the teaching on eschatology. My
prayer is that this would not be just
another study but a teaching that will
raise in all of us the consciousness of
eternity and the rewards we stand to
gain when we appear before the
judgment seat of Jesus Christ.
The Meaning of Eschatology
• Eschatology is a branch of theology concerned
with the final events in the history of the
world or of humankind; it is a belief
concerning death, the end of the world, or the
ultimate destiny of humankind; specifically, it
is about any of the various Christian doctrines
concerning the second Coming, the
resurrection of the dead or the Last judgment.
Its Greek word is eschatos first used in 1844.1
Eschatology is an important doctrine
• Contemporary N.T scholars having
studied the entire N.T conclude that
eschatology is an important doctrine
and is profoundly related to all
theology which lies at the heart of
Jesus’ message and indeed at the
heart of all the N.T.”2
Teachings about the last things
• Allison’s description of eschatology as
teachings about the last things and
specifically about the consummation of
events and history. Jesus during His
earthly ministry referred severally to
matters regarding the end of ages in His
teachings, messages and other activities.
Jesus’ Teaching on Eschatology
• He also taught and spoke about
eschatological events that will still occur
such as the resurrection of the dead, Mk
12: 18-27; a great judgment Lk 10:13-15;
11:31-32; reward for the righteous Lk
6:20-23; recompense for the wicked Lk
This teaching is to get us prepared
• All of these teachings as revealed in the
four gospels have become part of the
doctrinal teachings that the Christian
faith hold to tenaciously and will
continue to teach to generations until
Jesus Christ returns the second time. The
essence is to get the Saints prepared and
ready to meet Christ with expectations of
reward instead of damnation.
The Bema Seat of Christ
• The Bema seat of Christ is therefore an aspect of
eschatology. Bema which means a step, a pace
similar to baino, “to go” as recorded in Acts 7:5
means to set foot on. It describes a raised place
or platform from where orators or speakers make
their speeches. This word later found its way into
tribune in the law courts of a Roman magistrate
or ruler, “Matt 27:19; John 19:13; Acts 12:21
which was translated “throne” in Acts 18:12, 16,
17; 25:6, 10, 17.
Bema as Divine Tribunal
• Bema is used to describe the divine tribunal
where all believers in Christ will stand before
Jesus Christ. Rom.14:10 referred to it as the
judgement seat of God or of Christ. It is further
affirmed that the Father has given Him all power
to judge at the appointed time (John 5:22, 27).
Vine proposes there are two seats of judgment:
the Great White Throne as in Revelation 20:11
where the dead will appear to be judged and the
bema seat of Christ where believers in Christ will
be judged either for good or bad as seen in 2 Cor.
Issues of judgment
• We are all familiar with the issues of
judgment in the contemporary world in
the court of law. The Bible established it
that there will be final judgment and
eternal punishment and the question we
may ask is, who will be judged? Both
unbelievers and believers in Christ will be
judged. However, the judgment differs
according to the scriptures.
We shall all appear before Christ
• Both unbelievers and believers will stand before
the judgment seat of Christ in resurrected bodies
to receive their final eternal destiny.
• Passages which confirm judgment include:
Revelation 20: 11-15, Acts 17: 30-31, Romans 2:5,
Matt. 10:15, 11:22,24; 12:36; 25:31-46; I
Corinthians 4:5; Hebrews 6:2; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6
and many others where God has plan to reward
righteousness and punish all forms of
Final Judgement is Sure
• The judgment in the human race for
disobedience do not erase the final
• There are different opinions on the types of
judgment that will be at the close of the age.
The dispensational view hold that there is
more than one judgment: judgment of the
nations where Matt 25:31-46 is used to
determine who enters the millennium;
Judgment of believers’ work
• Judgment of believers’ work called the
bema as seen in 2Cor. 5:10 wherein
believers in Christ will receive degrees of
rewards and a great white throne of
judgment at the end of the millennium
where unbelievers will be judged and
condemned to eternal punishments as
recorded in Revelation 20:11-15.
You will be judged for your own sin
• This assertion confirms the fact that the
soul that sins shall die in Ezekiel 18:4 but
sometimes a person may be affected by
the misdeeds of the family or a member
of the family on earth but not for final
judgement. Revelation 20 describes the
timing of the judgement and affirm
Christ as the judge of all.
What therefore will be the nature of
the final judgement?
• Jesus Christ will be the judge 2 Tim. 4:1; Acts
10:42; John 5:26-27.
• Unbelievers will be judged Revelation 20:12ff;
Romans 2: 5-7; Luke 12:47-48; Matt.11:22;
Luke 20:47 and this shall be in degrees.
• Every secret of people’s heart will be revealed
and judged Rom. 2:16; Luke 8:17 and Luke
We shall all stand before the
judgement seat
• Believers will be judged, Paul reiterates that
we shall all stand before the judgement seat
of God… and give account of himself/herself to
God ( Romans 14:10,12. In Corinthians, Paul
writes, “For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ, that each one may
receive what is due him for the things done
while in the body, whether good or bad.” (2
Cor. 5:10; cf Rom 2:6-11; Rev.30:12, 15. 8
The World will come to an end one day
• The fact that believers will stand before the
judgment seat of God negate false teaching
and concept that the world has no beginning
and so would not come to an end as seen in
some teachings.9
• Do not be deceived by false teachings…
Loyalty and Commitment will be
• The promise of rewards for following Jesus
Christ informs more loyalty and commitment
to the cause of Christ. Matthew 19:28-29
reads … And everyone that hath forsaken
house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or
mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my
name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold.
Many believers in Christ await this most
glorious promises.10
• Its main purpose is evaluate what
each believer in Christ has done
while in the body.
• It is not a judgement to condemn to
hell but to bestow degrees of
awards/ rewards.
No more condemnation
• It is not a period of condemnation
because once a person has accepted
Jesus Christ as Lord and has
confessed his sins, he is no more
condemned; for there is no
condemnation for those who are in
Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1.
Hidden things will be revealed
• However, every hidden thing
unknown to many people
would be exposed that day
I Cor.4:5; Coll.3:25.
• Believers are rewarded at the
bema seat of Christ Rev.11:18.
What patience and endurance do
believers need to put up to?
• The question we may ask ourselves
is, what patience and endurance do
believers need to put up to qualify for
reward at the bema seat of Christ?
The Christian journey is not rosy,
there are challenges, contours and
invariably some sort of pains based
on life experiences.
Do you see the need to endure?
• It is only those who see it as a need and necessity
to endure that will have hope of appearing
blameless at the bema seat of Christ and more
importantly to receive eternal rewards.
• Enduring to the level of appearing before the
judgment seat of Christ is required for every
believer in Jesus Christ where we are more secure
because we stand before the righteous and holy
We must live for God
• We must live for God and not only for ourselves
to enjoy a rewarding applause at the bema set of
• Sharing an experience of an encounter with God
in a revelation when he was taken through the
heavens and the throne of God, Joyner expressed
that if we all know the joy that await our love and
service for God, we would do better than what
we are doing now.12
Conform to what Christ expects
• The angel told Joyner that the revelation he has
was for him to gain understanding and change his
ways of life in complete conformity to what Christ
• How are you living your Christian life? Do you
live it anyhow? Do you believe every word in the
scriptures will come to pass? How do you feel
now? If Christ should appear now, are you
ready? I hope your concerns are not for here
alone, I hope you have eternity in focus? Think
on these for a moment….
The parousia
• The “Parousia”, the Greek word for Christ’s
second coming explains Christ coming as the
Bridegroom to take His bride, the church to
Himself. Those who will be part of that
experience are those who have yielded
themselves completely to God through Jesus
Christ. They have been fully possessed by
Jesus Christ. Therefore, His second coming has
the following purposes:
Who is Jesus Christ coming for?
• He will come for only believers in Jesus
Christ; they will be united with Him
either by resurrection or by
instantaneous change in their bodies
while still alive. John 14:3.
• He will come for the national salvation
of Isreal; the reminant of Isreal will be
saved Romans 11: 26-27.
Christ will judge others also
• He will come to overcome the anti-Christ and
Satan himself II Thess 2:8.
• Christ will come for the judgement of the
Gentile nations Matthew 25:31-32
• Christ will come for the establishment of His
millennial kingdom upon the earth. Isaiah
24:23; Revelation 20:4.
Believers will appear before the bema
seat of Jesus Christ
• God’s judgment is going to be on
everyone; unbelievers and the
believers alike but while believers will
appear before the bema seat of Jesus
Christ based on how they used their
gifts, talents, opportunities, ministry,
witness and services which Christ has
entrusted into their hands;
Three scenes of the judgement
• There are three scenes of the judgement as
Prince enumerated: the judgement seat of
Christ where only Christ’s followers will be
judged; the second is the throne of Christ’s
glory where the remaining Gentiles on earth
at the close of the great tribulation before
setting up Christ’s millennial kingdom on earth
will appear and…
Unbelievers will appear before the
great white throne
• The unbelievers will appear before
the great white throne for their
judgment and condemnation.15 The
joy that believers stand to gain at the
bema seat of Christ is that God’s
grace still abound and rewards are
part of the son’s inheritance.
Christians will appear at the bema seat
of Christ
• True, faithful and committed
Christians will appear at the bema
seat of Christ. This may sound very
surprising but it conforms with I
Peter 4:17-18 which reiterates that
judgment will begin in God’s house
and among God’s people.
Final declaration on any believer is of
• Romans 14: 10, 12 warn that we
should avoid judging others because
we would all be judged as well.
Christians therefore should not pass
final judgement on other brethren
because final declaration on any
believer is of Christ.
Our actions and activities here on
earth will be judged
• Invariably, all our actions and activities here
on earth as individual Christians will be
brought up for judgement. Actions of
Christians can either be good or bad; no
neutrality according to Prince. “Every act of a
Christian has definite value of some kindeither positive or negative; every act that is
not performed in faith and obedience, for the
glory of God, is unacceptable to God, and
therefore bad.
Judgement of faithful and committed
Christians will not be for hell
• In judgment cases, some people are
condemned while others are discharged
and acquitted; the judgement of faithful
and committed Christians will not be for
condemnation to hell once they have
declared the Lordship of Jesus Christ and
confessed all sins. (John 3:18; John 5: 24;
Romans 8: 1).
Believers in Jesus Christ will be
rewarded for faithful service
• What will happen at the judgement seat
of Christ for believers is that believers in
Jesus Christ who have served faithfully
will be rewarded for all services rendered
to and for Christ. I Corinthians 3:11-15
read in part: “For other foundation can
no man lay than that is laid, which is
Christ Jesus….”
Quality of work and not quantity
• The quality of work and not quantity will also
affect the determination of the rewards. All
works of Christians will be tested by fire as
each Christian will appear before Christ to be
tried based on works done in the flesh. Jesus
Christ will sit on His judgement sit; the bema
seat of Christ; the glorified Christ is described
in Revelation 1: 14-15.
He will purify all that is base
• His purifying power will consume all
that is base, insincere and valueless
in believer’s works while the ones
that are true and enduring will
survive, purified and refined by fire.
This confirms the experience of
Joyner in his encounter with Christ in
the heavens.19
Principles for Reward
• What therefore are the principles on
which believer’s services will be
rewarded? Prince from two parables of
Jesus Christ on the Parable of the Talents
in Matthew 25:14-30 and the Parable of
the Pounds in Luke 19: 11-27 presented
such principles.
We will account for whatever is
committed into our hands
• Most believers who belong to the church are
very familiar with the two parables
which showed that we will account
for whatever is committed into our
hands and the ways such talents,
gifts are handled will determine the
final reward.
The Lord will assess each person not
on the strength or ability of the other
• The principles involved imply talents are given or
distributed by God by His own standard and
discretion based on each person’s ability and God
will not judge the other on what has not been
committed into his/her hands. The Lord will
assess each person not on the strength or ability
of the other. In the parable, “each of these
servants was considered equally faithful because
each had achieved the same proportionate
increase of one hundred percent.”20
Rewards will differ from here till
• The implication of the parable revealed that
rewards will differ from here till eternity while
those who do not perform satisfactorily will be
without reward and at the same time be
rejected from the Lord’s presence. We
become guilty not only of wickedness but of
negligence as in James 4:17; Malachi 3:18
because Faith without work is dead as James
2: 26 explains.
No hypocrites shall appear before
• The passage revealed an hypocritical
believer is nothing but an unbeliever and
no hypocrites shall appear before Christ.
Further studies made us learn that “all
hypocrites and false Christians will first
be separated out from amongst God’s
believing people, and will receive the
judgement due to them for their
hypocrisy and falsehood.”
False Christians will be cast outside
and then the righteous will appear
before the Father to receive their
• This is confirmedrewards.
by the parable of the wheat
and tares in Matthew 13:37-43. In the
passage, the angels will first separate all false
Christians and cast them outside and then the
righteous will appear before the Father to
receive their rewards. In line with the above is
the parable of the dragnet in Matthew 13: 4750 which complements Psalm 1: 4-5
Believers should examine their level of
• Believers in Christ should examine the
level of their obedience which are to be in
line with His principles and methods in
the Word of God and not otherwise. We
should not as believers do God’s work
with human strength but with
dependence on His might (Coll.1: 29; I
Corin. 4:20).
A day of reckoning is coming…
• How do you feel now knowing that a day of
reckoning is coming but that your faithful
services will not go unnoticed or unrewarded?
Many faithful believers have been paid evil for
doing good while the unfaithful but deceptive
people have been rewarded falsely. Hun! That
day reveals Jesus Christ the righteous judge
will never make mistakes like earthly judges
who are limited in their knowledge. Therefore,
stand firm in the truth that you know.
• Joyner met with angels and heavenly beings
who guided him in the journey through the
heavens and made him realize that what we
value here on earth are worthless in heaven.
• Activities of help and mercy, training and
discipleship would have made many become
queen and kings in heaven. Refusal to do the
Father’s business will make many great men of
God become servants in heaven.
There will be regret that day…
• Recounting, Joyner met with many people
sharing their stories of how they have not
done God’s perfect will and are regretting such
great mistakes because these have limited
their positions, rewards and opportunities in
heaven. There are many instances of deceit
among brethren, couples and co-workers in
God’s vineyard which have marred and
hindered many from sitting closer to the king
on the throne.
Ask for the grace to finish your course.
• Overwhelmed by the revelation, Joyner shouted,
“I ask for the grace to finish my course. I ask for
the grace to love you…” and the Lord said to
• You are but one of many who have been
prepared for this hour. Preach and write about all
that you seen here. What I have said to you say to
My brethren. Go and call My captains to the last
battle…. I had a similiar revelation in 2005.
There will be sorting at the bema
• On that glorious day before the bema seat of
Christ after necessary sorting as learnt in the
parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew 13:3743 above, there will be “at least seven privileges
and five crowns that can be earned by His
children. These rewards will be awarded to those
Christians that overcome in this life. These
crowns and privileges will be awarded at the
Bema (Judgment) Seat of Christ based on a chart
below developed from the teachings in the
scriptures by Walter D. Huyck.
The Incorruptible Crown
• The Incorruptible Crown - For Striving for
the Mastery of the Christian life as an
athlete disciplines himself to master his
sport (1 Cor 9.25-27). This calls for
complete conformity to the image of
Jesus Christ as in Rom 8:29. What is the
reward for those that master the
Christian life? The Incorruptible Crown.
The Crown of Life
• The Crown of Life - For Enduring
Persecution (Revelation 2.10). “This
crown is the one that will be
awarded to those who overcome the
trials of persecution.” It calls for
living a godly lifestyle and not
necessarily looking for trouble.
The Crown of Glory that will never
• The Crown of Glory that will never fade - For
Feeding the Flock (1 Pet 5.2-4). This is for
those in leadership positions who have done
well in shepherding and feeding the church of
Jesus Christ. “The key here is persistent,
committed care. Developing spiritual maturity
is not easy or natural. It is described in
scripture as a struggle with an aggressive
The Crown of Righteousness
• The Crown of Righteousness - For Those Who
Love His Appearing (2 Tim 4.8). Today, many
do not want to hear sound doctrine; rather
they “want to hear those things that will
sound reasonable to them and will help them
achieve their personal goals.” Those who
persevere to the end like Brother Paul who
kept the faith despite all odds will receive The
Crown of Righteousness by striving to please
the Lord
The Crown of Rejoicing
• The Crown of Rejoicing - The Soul-Winners
Crown (1 Thes 2.19-20). “Therefore, the only
ones that will earn this Crown of rejoicing will
be those who decide to seek the lost with the
purpose of leading them to Jesus Christ. It's
not all that hard to do, but it does take
purpose and resolve .What will you set aside
for yourself in heaven”? Many make good
plans for their future but do not plan for
eternal investments.26
A Crowning day for Christians
• The Judgment Seat of Christ will be a
crowning day for those Christians who
will receive rewards for their works. (1
Corinthians 9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5).
Unlike the laurel and ivy crowns received
from officials at the Bema seat of the
Olympics in Corinth, the child of God will
receive eternal crowns from the Lord
Jesus Himself.
Jesus Christ is coming back and would
judge righteous and the unrighteous
• There are many passages of the scriptures as
enumerated in this work, though few overlaps
that attest to the fact that Jesus Christ is
coming back and would judge both the
righteous and the unrighteous; the believers
and the unbelievers. Revelation 22:12 -- And,
behold, I come quickly; and my reward is
with me, to give every man according as his
work shall be.28
THE BEMA - The fact that is already
established is that both good and bad deeds
will be rewarded at the bema seat of Christ.
Therefore, there will be shame at the Bema.
• There will be disapproval at the Bema.....
• There will be rebuke…
Jesus Christ Appearing
Jesus Christ on judgement seat
Judgement Seat of Christ
• Bema Seat of Christ has the following
• All who profess Jesus Christ as Lord must wait
eagerly for Christ’s second return.
• Believers must not be pre-occupied with the
present ALONE without a solid plan for the future
when Christ will return the second time.
• Our relationship with Jesus Christ is dynamic and
must be sustained by our continuous love and
obedience to all His teachings.
Implication contd…
• Our concern is not about how or when but
about our preparedness to reign with Him and
be rewarded.
• The fact that we would appear before the
bema seat of Christ should raise in us the
consciousness of eternity.
• This awareness should help us to make it our
aim to please God always as in 2 Corinth. 5:910.
Implications contd…
• That we are forgiven of our sins as Christians
does not exclude accountability of all that we
have done in the body; confession of sins does
not exclude accountability; there is no
promise that confessed sins will never be
considered at the bema.
• We have no power over the fact that we must
all appear before the bema seat of Christ.
Implications contd…
• Notwithstanding, this should not cause us
alarm or fear once all sins have been
confessed but if not it is a warning to confess
all hidden sins and activities so that grace may
• The degree of rewards expected should
motivate our devotedness to Jesus Christ and
His cause
Implications contd…
• We should examine the foundation of our faith and
what we are building on it as in I Cor.3:12-15 for the
purpose of receiving lasting reward and invariably so
that our work will not be consumed with fire.
• The joy of making eternity is one and the joy of
receiving rewards is another; comparing this to
graduation ceremony, all who have fulfilled the
requirements will graduate and have the joy of
successful completion but some will be full of more joy
depending on the number of awards/ applause they
receive for being diligent in their studies during the
period of study.
Implications contd…
• The assurance that we shall be counted
worthy to worship and prostrate before God’s
throne Rev.4:10-11.
• This teaching should spur us to do more for
God; to be involved more in the service of
God; to be dedicated to the service of God.
• It should be an avenue to stir ourselves up
unto doing good and encourage the weary
Hebrews 10:24-25.
Implications contd…
• Every believer who is conscious of this truth
will build up the body of Christ rather than
destroy it.
• Our being approved of God will qualify u to
serve as His representatives to judge angels (I
Cor.6:3); and the world (I Cor. 6:2-3) and
others as God may decide (Matt. 19:28; Luke
• This teaching affirms the necessity of judgment
which will not be hidden but public; exposed to
all and both the soul and the body will be judged.
• God’s judgment will be fair and just and there will
be no room for complaints I Peter 1:17 since God
shows no partiality (Rom.2:11; Col. 3:25).
• On that day, every mouth will be stopped from
talking and the whole world will be held
accountable to God (Rom. 3:19).
Implications contd…
• We would all see in display absolute and pure
justice of God Revelation 19:2-2.
• The day of accountability and final judgment
informs us of the need for fair justice in the
• This teaching enables us to learn to forgive
others so that nothing will stand on our way of
making heaven and receiving reward since
vengeance is of God (Romans 12:19).
Implications contd…
• That we will all appear before the judgment
seat of God provides us a motive and an
encouragement to pursue holiness and
righteousness without which no one can see
God (Rom.3:18; I Peter 4:4-5).
• An awareness of final judgment serves as a
comfort to us as believers in Christ and a
warning to unbelievers not to continue in their
evil ways for a day of reckoning will come.
Intensify evangelism to win more souls
• The Christian church must intensify
evangelism so that more souls will be
won into God’s kingdom since the delay
in Christ’s return is so that people who
have not known the Lord will not perish (
Ezek.33:11; 2Peter 3:9).
Lessons from the Seven Churches
• Today’s church should learn from the letters to
the seven churches as recorded in the book of
Revelation: Ephesus- Loveless Church, they
had lost their initial love for God (Rev 2:1-7);
Smyrna- Persecuted Church, they held to God
despite their difficulty because they await the
crown of life, they were advised to be faithful
till death (Rev 2:8-11);
Pergamos-Compromising Church
• Pergamos-Compromising Church, the church
has compromised its faith and was involved in
immorality, idolatry and heresies (Rev 2:1217); Thyatira- Corrupt Church, the church has
commendation for being tolerant, patient,
loving and of high service to God but is guilty
to have tolerated Jezebel’s immorality,
occultism and idolatry (Rev 2:18-29);
Sardis-Dead Church
• Sardis-Dead Church, the church is full of
criticism and condemnation with few who
remain faithful. Sardis was influential and rich
but had lost its power and vitality, they are
popular but they are dead(Rev 3:1-6);
Philadelphia- Faithful Church
• Philadelphia- Faithful Church, Jesus could
boast of this church because despite
their little strength, they could stand the
wiles of Satan and they had God’s
approval and promise of blessings as
they wait eagerly for the second coming
of Christ (Rev 3:7-13).
Laodicea- Lukewarm Church
• and Laodicea- Lukewarm Church, the church
that was full of condemnation despite their
self-sufficiency, they were judged as
lukewarm, wretched, miserable, poor, blind
and naked. To be a lukewarm Christian is
dangerous (Rev 3:14-22).31
• Qualifying for eternal life however should not
be the ultimate for believers in Christ but in
addition is the aspiration to be rewarded at
the bema seat of Christ without shame but
with full joy. Reflecting on the revelation
Joyner had about his appearance at the
judgement seat of Jesus Christ gives believers
the assurance that serving Christ is not
without its reward,.
• Most importantly, every hidden activities that
is not known to man will not only be revealed
to all but shall be judged and rewarded.
Nothing can be hidden. The thrones of God
are for the overcomers who have served God
faithfully in every generation. It is only those
who endure that will be worthy to sit on these
Personal Reflection
• Are you actually saved? Can you recount the difference you
have experienced in your life when you professed Christ as
Lord and Saviour? Do you have a testimony about your
salvation story? Revelation 12:12; I Corin. 15:52-54; I Thess.
4: 14-18.
• The teaching about the end of the age is not a fable; it is
going to be a real experience. Mark 13: 34-37; Matthew
• What is the percentage of those that are prepared for His
second coming in your home, church and the Christian
Personal Reflection contd…
• What would you say about the signs of the last
days: as seen in ecological signs (earthquakes,
famine and pestilences, distress of nations.. Luke
21: 11, 25-26; Racial signs … Luke 21:10;
Antisemitic signs- more people will hate the Jew
Luke 21:20; Religious signs and signs of deception
in False Religion Luke 21:8; Matthew 24:24; II
Timothy 4:3; Sign of Religious Persecution which
is evident all over the world now and the
Psychological sign as revealed in Luke 21: 34-35;
Luke 21: 36.36
Personal Reflection contd…
• Are you preparing to be part of those that will be
raptured or left behind?
• Is there any hope after the rapture? Matthew
• How does the knowledge that there will be final
judgement for believers affect your lifestyle now?
• When you will appear before the bema seat of
Christ, how would you feel when all your words
and actions that you have hidden from people
are made public on that glorious day?
Personal Reflection contd…
• The teaching revealed we would participate with Jesus Christ
in judging angels and the whole world (I Cor.6:2-3), does this
motivate you to live right with God?
• All brethren in Christ and your friends at church will all appear
before the judgment seat of Christ, how would you fair
compared with others; it is not going to be a secret show;
everything shall be made public. How is your relationship with
other brethren? Any bitterness? Any unforgiveness? Any
strain relationships?
• What is your stand about the final judgment? Both believers
and unbelievers will appear before the judgment seat of
Christ and shall receive their due reward. What is your
expectation that day? 37 When He appears, what will be your