WEEK 8 PRODUCT STRATEGIES BUSN 102 – Özge Can The Marketing Mix: 13-2 The Product Continuum 14-3 Augmenting the Basic Product 14-4 Types of Products 14-5 Consumer Products 14-6 Convenience Products Everyday goods and services that people buy frequently, usually without much conscious planning Shopping Products Fairly important goods and services that people buy less frequently with more planning and comparison Consumer Products 14-7 Specialty Products Particular brands that the buyer especially wants and will seek out, regardless of location or price Unsought Products Consumer aren’t looking for the product in question Industrial & Commercial Products 14-8 Expense Items Inexpensive products that organizations generally use within a year of purchase Capital Items More expensive organizational products with a longer useful life, ranging from office and plant equipment to entire factories Industrial and Commercial Products 14-9 Raw materials Installations Components Supplies Equipment Business services The Product Life Cycle 14-10 Product Life Cycle Four stages through which a product progresses: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline The Product Life Cycle 14-11 12 Product Development Process 14-13 Product Development Process A formal process of generating, selecting, developing, and commercializing product ideas Idea generation Idea screening Business analysis Prototype development Test marketing Commercialization Product Development Process 14-14 Product Development Process Idea Generation Producing new product ideas that will satisfy unmet needs 14-15 Product Development Process Idea Screening Selecting a few ideas that appear to be worthy of further development Feasibility studies 14-16 Product Development Process Business Analysis Reviewing the sales, costs and profit projections to determine whether they meet the company’s objectives 14-17 Product Development Process 14-18 Prototypes Pre-production samples of products used for testing and evaluation Product Development Process 14-19 Test Marketing The stage of product development in which a product is sold on a limited basis to gauge its market appeal Product Development Process 14-20 Commercialization (Product Launch) Large-scale production and distribution of a product Product Identities 14-21 Brand A name, term, sign, symbol, design, or combination of those used to identify the products of a firm and to differentiate them from competing products Product Identities 14-22 Brand Equity The value that a company has built up in a brand Brand Loyalty The degree to which customers continue to purchase a specific brand Brand Name Selection 14-23 Brand Names The portion of brands that can be expressed orally, including letters, words, or numbers Brand Marks The portion of brands that cannot be expressed verbally Brand Name Selection 14-24 Logo A graphical and/or textual representation of a brand Trademarks Brands that have been given legal protection so that their owners have exclusive rights to their use 14-25 Brand Ownership 14-26 National Brands Brands owned by manufacturers and distributed nationally Private Brands Brands that carry the label of a retailer or a wholesaler rather than a manufacturer Brand Ownership 14-27 Co-branding A partnership between two or more companies to closely link their brand names together for a single product License An agreement to produce and market another company’s product in exchange for a royalty or fee Packaging & Labeling 14-28 xxx Lice Product-Line and Product-Mix Strategies 14-29 Product-Line and Product-Mix Strategies 14-30 Brand Managers Managers who develop and implement the marketing strategies and programs for specific products or brands Product-Line and Product-Mix Strategies 14-31 Product Line A series of related products offered by a firm 32 A product and its versions in a product line: Product-Line and Product-Mix Strategies 14-33 Product Mix The complete portfolio of products that a company offers for sale A product mix is: Wide if it has several different product lines Long if it carries several items in its product lines Deep if it has a number of versions of each product in a product line 34 Product mix: 35 Product mix: 36 Product mix vs. Product line 37 Expanding a Product Line 14-38 Expanding a Product Line 14-39 Product Expansion Strategies 14-40 Family Branding Using a brand name on a variety of related products Brand Extension Applying a successful brand name to a new product category Product Strategies for International Markets: 14-41 Which products and services to introduce in which countries? Type of government, market entry requirements, tariffs and other trade barriers, cultural and language differences, consumer preferences, foreign exchange rates, business customs Whether to standardize the product or customize it for local markets? Assignment #1 (Due next week): 42 Building Your Team Skills (Chapter 14, p.327) Select a high-profile product with which you and your teammates are familiar. Do some online research to learn more about that brand. Then answer these questions and prepare a 1-2 page written paper summarizing your findings. Group Assignment (3-5 persons): Use the assignment format I uploaded to the website. Assignment #1: 43 1. Is the product a consumer product, industrial product, or both? 2. At what stage in its life cycle is this product? 3. How appealing its packaging and labeling are to the consumers? How is this product promoted by the company? 4. Is the product mix to which this product belongs: a) wide? b) long? c) deep? 5. Is the product sold in international markets? If so, does the company use a standardized or a customized strategy? 6. How is the product priced in relation to competing products? Next Week’s Topic: 44 Pricing Strategies (cont’d, Chapter 14)