Annual Report 2012 - All Saints' Episcopal Church

All Saints’ Episcopal Church
Annual Report 2012
Annual Meeting
January 27, 2013
All Saints’ Episcopal Church Staff & Leadership
The Reverend Karen Johanns
Ms. Norma Warner
Ms. Lois J. Kaarre
Bro. Paul H. Castelli
Ms. Rosie Glispie
Ms. Juana Roque
Parish Administrator
Director of Music
Youth Minister
Ms. Kay A. Bell
Mr. Robert Dawson
Ms. Lisa Berg
Ms. Gail Hunger
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Mr. Michael Boron
Ms. Pam Daily
Ms. Darlene Donaldson
Ms. Dyann Hayes
Mr. George Hedgespeth
Dr. Alan Hoffman
Ms. Carolyn Hubbard
Mr. Ellis Love
Mr. Charles Sajewski
2014 (resigned as of 12/2012)
Associate Clergy
The Reverend Dr. Chris Berg
The Reverend Ward Clabuesch
The Reverend Roger Derby
The Reverend Christine Humphrey
171 West Pike Street
Pontiac, MI 48343
Office phone (248) 334-4571
Annual Parish Meeting
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
Pontiac, MI
Meeting Agenda
Chair of the Annual Meeting
Song Leader
The Rev. Karen Johanns
Position Vacant
The Rev. Julia Huttar Bailey
12:45 Call to Order, Introduction, Invocation
Community Song
1:00 Appointment of Recording Secretary
Review of 2012 Meeting Minutes
1:15 Report of Vestry Nominating Committee
Robert Dawson
1:30 Election of Vestry Members
 Appointment of Tellers
 Distribution of Ballots
 Collection of Ballots
2:00 Looking Back, Looking Forward
Robert Dawson & Karen Johanns
Community Song
2:30 Financial Reports
 Review of 2012 Treasurer’s Report
 Review of Endowment Fund
 Presentation of Proposed Budget for 2013
Kay Bell, Treasurer
3:00 Election results
Recognition of Retiring Vestry Members
3:15 Courtesy Resolutions
Community Song
3:30 Closing Prayer & Adjournment
2011 Annual Parish Meeting
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
January 22, 2012
Rev. Karen Johanns called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m. and opened with a prayer,
led by Rev. Chris Berg.
A Count had been taken and 62 people were present which certified that a quorum was
Alan Hoffman was appointed Recording Secretary for the meeting by voice vote of those
The minutes of the 2011 Annual Parish Meeting were reviewed. Bruce Brandenburg
moved to accept the minutes as amended (“Dean Joyce” should read “Deacon Joyce” on
the last line of the minutes) and Bonnie Anderson seconded. The motion carried.
Report of the Nominating Committee and Vote for Vestry Members
The retiring Vestry members (Ken Dyker, Lisa Varnier, Paul Cournoyer, and Lori
Hackett) are the Nominating Committee who prepares a slate of four candidates to run for
election to replace the four Vestry members whose term expires. Those nominated are:
George Hedgespeth, Carolyn Hubbard, Ellis Love and Charles Sajewski. Karen pointed
out that the meeting packet contains biographies of each of the candidates. It was then
explained that the vote on the candidates may take one of two forms. They can be
accepted by acclamation, a vote taken without a formal written ballot, or by secret vote
on a written ballot that will be tallied during the meeting and announced at the conclusion
of the meeting. Kay Bell moved for approval by acclamation of the slate. The motion was
seconded by Gail Hunger. The slate was accepted unanimously.
Vision for 2012
Senior Warden, Robert Dawson, reviewed the past year. Special recognition of Bruce
Brandenburg and Paul Cournoyer for their outstanding work refurbishing the old Rectory
with the much appreciated help of financial support from Christ Church Cranbrook.
Other items mentioned for special help was the Produce Market.
Reverend Karen Johanns looked to our future. Karen plans to appoint a Worship
Committee to envision and make recommendations about our liturgy, music, and our
worship expanded, enhanced, and creatively reimagined. We need to find new ways to
stabilize our financial security for the long term. Arnold Miller has agreed to chair a team
that looks at fundraising and marketing. Karen wished to challenge each of us to take
ownership of continuing the transformation of our parish from a member-based outlook
to a community of disciples. We need more congregational support for and volunteer
teaching in the Little Saints’ program. Rev. Johanns indicated she would like everyone
involved in at least one Christian Education program in the coming year. Finally, Karen
will request the Vestry to initiate a vision in the Parish for one, three, and five years.
Karen’s report concluded by mentioning the names of those members we have lost in the
past year and offered a prayer in their behalf.
Review of the 2011 Treasurer’s Report
Kay Bell indicated that in 2011 we had 91 pledges totaling $261,470. We had 28 pledgers
who paid more than their pledge, 26 paid their pledge and 38 underpaid their pledge,
some by only a few dollars. The result was that 97.5% of the All Saints’ pledgers paid
their pledge. The mean pledge was $2873 with a median of $1716.
For 2012, we have 81 pledges for $242,949, with 26 increasing their pledge, 2 new
pledges, 38 renewing their pledge at the same level and 14 decreasing their pledge. Six
former pledgers moved away or died, and 6 did not respond. The mean pledge was $3024
and the median was $1870.
Successful fundraising included the rummage sale ($25,000), Nut sale ($2200), Hero’s
lunch ($875), Amazon .com ($775), paper recycling ($261), and tote bag sales ($124) for
a total of about $29,000.
A table of our investments was reviewed and totaled about $525,000.
Kay reported that a major change in 2010 and 2011 was our unpledged contributions
from Sunday plates ($18,000), a major unrestricted gift ($50,000), a contribution from
Christ Church Cranbrook rectory project ($41,000), and a bequest from Margaret
Widdifield ($167,000). Money from the unrestricted gift was delegated to the repair of
the Rectory ($10,000), a repaired roof for the Auditorium ($15,000), and hiring a youth
minister for two years ($25,000). The Widdifield bequest was used for a new endowment
($150,000), paid our diocese apportionment ($16,500), and for repair cement work on the
church ($2,000).
The budget for 2012, which was similar to the 2011 budget, was offered with a $9000
deficit with the belief that we can raise that money through fundraising and additional
pledges. George Hedgespeth moved to accept the budget for 2012 with a second by Ken
Dyker. The motion was passed unanimously.
Karen called for those who have volunteered for any of the many learning activities
and/or volunteer activities in the church to stand for recognition.
Recognition of Retiring Vestry Members
Paul Cournoyer, Ken Dyker, Lisa Varnier, and Lisa Hackett were honored for their three
years of service to the church through their work on Vestry.
Courtesy Resolutions
Carolyn Simpson was cited by Karen in a motion, seconded by Cindy Maxwell, for her
wonderful work as Vestry Clerk.
Glenn Anderson expressed great appreciation for the excellent leadership that the parish
currently is experiencing, especially in Rev. Johanns.
The Senior Warden reminded us that the Vestry will meet immediately following this
meeting in the library.
The closing prayer was offered by Rev. Karen Johanns.
A motion to adjourn the 175th annual meeting of All Saints’ Episcopal Church was
offered by Peggy Gibbs and seconded by Richard Fitzgerald. The motion was passed.
Respectively submitted, Alan Hoffman, Recording Secretary
Vestry Candidate Biographies – Bonnie Anderson
Bonnie Anderson has been active in the leadership of the Episcopal Church for 30 years.
She brings to the office of vestry member, organizational development skills and firsthand knowledge about the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church at
congregational, diocesan, provincial, national and international levels.
Offices and Activities have included:
President of the House of Deputies – 2006-2012
Vice President of the Exeuctive Council of The Episcopal Church
Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance
Member, Episcopal Relief and Development Advisory Board, Nets for Life Inspiration
President, Diocese of Michigan Standing Committee
Chair, Diocesan Anti-racism Committee
Organizational Development Consultant in Brazil, Columbia, Mexico and The Episcopal
Church in the U.S.
Community Organizer/Founder: Friends of the Rouge River Clean up Southeast
Public Member, Michigan Environmental Review Board
Union of Black Episcopalians – Verna Dozier Award
University of Michigan – graduate degrees – M.S.W., M.S.
Honorary Doctorates:
General Theological Seminary, NY
University of the South – Sewanee, TN
Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA
Seabury Western Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL
Her commitment to Jesus Christ is reflected in her genuine love for people. Her
commitment to the Church is reflected in her creative, tireless and down-to-earth
approach to mission and ministry.
She has been married to Glen Anderson for 47 years. They have three grown children and
three grandchildren.
Bio—Ginny Meyer
It is with great pleasure that I have accepted the nomination to serve on the All
Saints’ vestry. The people of All Saints’ have become an important part of my life these
past several years and I look forward to further enriching my service to the church.
I have enjoyed being a part of the ushering program as well as being trained to
count the offertory plate. It has been a rewarding experience helping out with the
community dinners that have been such a successful outreach program for the church.
And, I have enjoyed the fellowship of both the movie group and the book group.
I work full-time for the Henry Ford Health System and have found over the years
that the secret to success in my work is being a team player. I hope to be a strong team
player as a vestry member and I’m looking forward to deepening my commitment to All
Respectively submitted,
Ginny Meyer
Melanie Midgett
Hello my name is Melanie Midgett, I have been an on again off again attendee at All
Saints’ of Pontiac for approximately 10 yrs. I have been a steady member for the last 3
yrs. I have two children who are actively involved in the youth group. I like to help out
in many different areas of All Saints’ including staining the exterior doors, painting, and
providing treats for coffee hour. I have also attended both community dinners and helped
in the kitchen. I am a former member of St. Andrew’s of Waterford where I spent my
teenage years as an acolyte for Father Berg. I am honored and delighted to be running for
Michele Wogaman
Michele Wogaman is a native Minnesotan, who, following study for a MA in sociology
from the New School in New York moved to Louisville, KY, where she became an
avocational alto with the Louisville Bach Society, their board chair and educational
coordinator for a time, and then joined New Performing Arts as Program and then
Executive Director. This is also where she met Steve Wogaman, the rest being
history. There are three daughters in the family -- Pinkney, Emily, and Debbie -- who
have risen to the challenge of moving to Pennsylvania, Ohio, and now Michigan with
their peripatetic parents. When not packing and unpacking boxes, Michele has served
as Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Secretary to the Vestry in several parishes, and
currently feels privileged to sing with the All Saints’ Choir, help with the Community
Dinners, and participate in the Emmaus group.
Rector’s Report to the Annual Meeting: January 2013
Given by the Rev. Karen Johanns, Rector
All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Pontiac MI
It is my privilege to deliver to the people of All Saints’ my fourth annual report. As
always, it has been a year of challenges and blessings.
The readings we heard in our worship today from 1 Corinthians and Luke’s gospel
emphasize who we are and what our roles are, both individually and as a community.
Saint Paul reminds us that we have been given different spiritual gifts, but they are all to
be used for a specific purpose – to be the Body of Christ, with no part of the Body
inferior to another.
And for what purpose are we to be the Body of Christ? Jesus’ proclamation in the
Nazareth synagogue gives us a clue: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has
anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the
captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the
year of the Lord's favor. Now Jesus is being prophetic here; in fact, he is quoting from
the prophet Isaiah, but he is letting everyone know what he’s there for, what his job is –
in fact, what his entire purpose is. But then he adds a twist by saying; today this scripture
has been fulfilled in your hearing.
So we are the Body of Christ, and as Christ’s hands and feet and heart in the world, we
are to do the kinds of things that Christ himself does: bring good news to the poor,
proclaim release to the captives, and everything else that St. Paul mentions. And we’ve
managed to do many of those things with not a lot of people or resources. It wasn’t
always easy and things didn’t always go the way we wanted them to, but not only did we
do pretty well, we even threw ourselves a great party to celebrate All Saints’ 175th
anniversary. I’d like to thank everyone who has supported our work and ministry this past
year—those who have given money, energy, ideas, physical labor, who have offered
prayers, who have shown up for worship, events, and activities.
If I had to give you one word that would sum up this past year, it would be growth. For
me, it has been a year of growth as I have learned how to minister with you in the context
of serious illness. I have been profoundly moved by your prayers and countless acts of
kindness towards Claire and me, and I have grown by allowing you to minister to me.
The dedication and enthusiasm you have shown in moving our mission forward during
my absence has also taught me how to release some of my own love of
micromanagement. As I said to the Bishop last week, I miss you all, but I don’t worry
about the parish falling apart in my absence.
We have also grown as a faith community during this past year as we have continued to
be the Body of Christ in the world. Our outreach ministries are going strong, and I think
we even surprised ourselves by how much we’ve enjoyed our latest initiative, the
community dinners. Bound Together, the market, and the resale shop are all healthy and
carrying out their mission, and thanks to the efforts of our Junior Warden and many
others in the parish, we have a safe, clean building. We’re catching up on repairs and
moving towards a plan for regular maintenance. It is through our hospitality, our
dedication to serving others, and our stubborn refusal to give up on a city that has been
essentially abandoned that we imitate Jesus in bringing good news to the poor, releasing
children held captive to illiteracy, and to proclaim that God is right here in Pontiac, and
that this year, like every year, is a year of the Lord’s favor.
Growth is a good thing but it’s not always easy, and I’m sure you won’t be surprised
when I ask that we take up the challenge to grow more in different way: spiritual practice
and radical hospitality. A problem that many Christians run into is that we sometimes
feel as if we must choose between doing the outward work of the gospel and tending to
our own spiritual lives. I’ve often heard parishioners say that they were so tired from the
rummage sale or whatever other church work they do that they just couldn’t make it to
worship on Sunday. It often seems that we are so busy doing God’s work that we simply
don’t have time for prayer, for meditation, for reading Scripture, for learning. We need to
be careful to avoid this false and dangerous choice, because it is only when we tend to
our own spiritual lives that our ministries can be sustained and remain vital. Our mission
flows outward from meditation, from prayer, from the words of the Bible, from
worshipping in community. This year I challenge all of us to move beyond an either/or
attitude towards spiritual practice and outreach and embrace the concept of both/and.
This year there will be opportunities for all of us to learn how to grow spiritually and I
hope that you will take advantage of what is offered.
Spiritual growth will make it possible for us to flourish even more in the ministry of
hospitality. What does it mean to embrace radical hospitality? Congregations that
practice radical hospitality demonstrate an active desire to invite, welcome, receive, and
care for those who are strangers so that they find a spiritual home and discover for
themselves the richness of life in Christ. You’ll be hearing much more about the practices
of radical hospitality this year, but for now I’ll sum it up by saying that this type of
hospitality involves receiving everyone who comes to us as we would receive Christ
himself, and that the purpose of our hospitality is not for our own growth and survival as
a parish; rather, it is about serving the spiritual needs of those who join us. Chris Berg
and I have begun working with the New Member Ministry and other interested
parishioners in creating a new, more comprehensive way of welcoming and integrating
new people, and in the process we will learn their stories as they learn how we tell God’s
I thank all of you who continue to support and work with me as I learn and grow. I am
especially grateful to the Vestry, who stepped in without hesitation when I was diagnosed
with cancer late last year, and I cannot say enough thank yous to our Senior Warden
Robert Dawson, who has served in this role for two full years with grace, humor, and
deep faith that God always guides him. Robert is leaving the Vestry this year along with
Pam Daily, Michael Boron, Alan Hoffman, and George Hedgespeth. They have served
you well, and I hope you will join me in saying ‘thank you’ to each of them. I am also
most grateful to our Treasurer Kay Bell, who keeps us on the financial straight and
narrow, who knows where every penny is, and who sees money as a tool for ministry.
I hope you know how fortunate we are to have someone with Kay’s combination of deep
faith and business skill.
We are also extraordinarily blessed to have among us a group of dedicated retired clergy
who stepped in without hesitation to offer pastoral care and keep our sacramental and
worship life on track during my medical leave, and our Music Director has done an
extraordinary job of keeping our music ministry fresh and lively while battling her own
health challenges. I hope you will join me in thanksgiving for the work that Chris Berg,
Ward Clabuesch, Roger Derby, Chris Humphrey, and Lois Kaarre have done this year.
They, along with our dedicated staff consisting of Norma Warner, Rosie Glispie, Juana
Roques, and Paul Castelli have kept programs and ministries running and the building
So, is the scripture being fulfilled in our hearing? Yes! I do believe that God is with us as
we work and plan and struggle together to catch the vision that God has for us. Every
time I report to you I say I believe that God has a plan for us. I continue to believe that
God has called us together in this place at this time, and that we aren’t finished yet. We
already have everything we need because God has already given it to us. Through prayer,
study, and discernment, and then building upon our strengths to help us move in the
direction God is leading us, we will continue to be a prophetic voice for God’s love. It’s
not something one person can do alone, but if we truly recognize that we are the Body of
Christ, and if all of us together continue to make the commitment to work together for a
common purpose and direction, then we can only move forward as we spread Christ’s
message of love, peace, and salvation in our corner of the world.
Sr. Warden Report for 2012
"Those that do not remember history are destined to repeat it."
In our case this may not be a bad thing. In our not too distant past All Saints' has made
many decisions that may be considered counter intuitive. In the 60's & 70's when white
people were fleeing the cities and their churches were going with them, we decided to
stay. We felt that we were where God would have us to be. We took unpopular stands in
the areas of housing and civil rights. We, at that time, determined that our corporate
spiritual life led us to live a gospel of inclusivity and social justice. In our 175 years we
have faced many challenges (internal and external) and have met them.
In our more recent history we have had a major impact on the community with three
important ministries: Bound Together, Resale Shop, and Produce Market. And we have
started a "Community Dinner" that seems to be taking on a life of its own. We have also
completed many improvements to the building (not to mention a lovely mural in our
undercroft), thanks to the dedicated efforts of our Jr. Warden. We have also completed
the rehab of the rectory and have had very successful rummage sales. I believe that we
have not only preached a Gospel of Grace but have also lived it, as we have faced our
challenges as they have been presented to us.
I believe that the past is valuable only in that it can help us determine the direction that
our Lord would have us travel for the future. We can look at our successes and failures
and learn from them, and as such they can be guideposts and can help us chart our future
Now our Rector and we are faced with yet another challenge. It’s no secret that Karen is
now fighting cancer and this has been a most pressing concern for all over the past
several months. This is not only a challenge but an opportunity; an opportunity for us to
minister not only to her but to ourselves. As Karen can use this time for reflection and
spiritual growth (as well as physical healing), so can we. I can't speak for Karen directly,
but I am sure that she wants us to continue in what we do. She wants us to continue to
support and minister to each other. She wants us to continue with and improve upon our
ministries. She would want us to support our new Vestry. While she is able to do some
work from home, she must be content (for now) to function in a part time, or maybe
"advisory" capacity. The best "get well" gift that we could give her would be for her to
see a church that is healthy and vibrant and one that continues in its ministry to the
community and to itself.
It’s similar to vacations that I have had. I have worked at places where no one did your
job while you were away. In short, while the vacation was nice, I had a mountain of
work to do upon arrival back to work. It almost made vacations counterproductive. The
best vacation (in this case sick leave) is one that gives you a clean desk upon your return.
It is my hope that Karen will have that clean desk.
Yes we are faced with challenges, but with God’s grace and support for one another, we
can meet those challenges and can be all the stronger and better for them.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Dawson
27 JANUARY 2012
Wow! This has been an amazingly busy year at All Saints’! I would encourage you to
take a few minutes from your day and familiarize yourself with the rather rambling, but
important outline of property and maintenance activities for 2012. All Saints’ makes a
powerful difference within our community and we must sustain the material resources of
our buildings and grounds so that we might better offer God’s grace and love to those
around us. As you read the outline, please envision the New Year and how you might be
a helpful cog in the wheel of All Saints’ circle of Love in this community.
As you know, the role of the Jr. Warden is to oversee all things property and building
maintenance. I have found this to be a fairly tall and daunting order with a campus the
size and age of All Saints’. However, God has not only provided the challenges and
opportunities but has had the wisdom and grace to provide the necessary resources, as
well. Fortunately for me, I have had the good fortune to work with an amazing group of
folks who have been willing to assist with projects small and huge! From wonderful
contractors and vendors to talented and generous parishioners and friends, we have
managed to accomplish much during 2012.
Leak in Men’s Rm. repaired and flapper replaced
Piscina (small sink in Sacristy) repaired
Old Rectory (OR) 2nd floor sink repaired
OR 1st floor sink repaired
OR 2nd floor sink repair
Sink repairs in Women’s vesting rm.
Toilet repair – Women’s Rm. off Commons Rm.
Fall boiler inspection
Boiler repairs (numerous repairs completed and others in progress)
* Special thanks to Tony Skillman!
Thermostats programmed
Dryer hook-up w/extensive electrical up-grade
* Special thanks to Jesse James!
Dryer vent installed
City of Pontiac Backflow Inspection
Monthly Boiler Inspections – on-going
Toilet seat replacement – Women’s Rm. off Commons Rm.
Basement floor drains flushed – OR
> Annual fire extinguisher service (Inspection/pressurization/hydro-testing/6 yr.
* Church – 20 extinguishers
* OR – 10 extinguishers
> Annual fire system/alarm inspection - Guardian
> Fire system maintenance and repairs
> Guardian contract signed (5 yrs. @ fixed rated)
> Vigilante additional alarm installation – OR
> OR alarm adjustments/repairs
Wooden exit door repaired
Wooden exit door “accessibility paddle” key lock” repaired
2 fire alarm accidentally pulled – pulls replaced with up-graded models
Otis performed 3 yr. pressure test and smoke/fire test
Elevator serviced – computer malfunction & reset
Elevator serviced extensive computer malfunction and parts replacement
Elevator door inspection and refinishing quote (Ace metal Refinishers, Inc.)
Elevator door replacement quotes
Annual State inspection – completed
Elevator malfunction and extensive repair – lightening strike
Otis contract signed
> Consult and change “de-icer” in specific locations to protect new concrete
> Contract signed with San Morino for Winter 2012
> Contract signed for summer of 2012 with TruGreen (fertilization, weed and pest
preventatives, mowing, root boost/feed)
> Spring clean-up
> Sprinkler system up & running
> WAM volunteers on May 24 – great work!
* Thanks to Lenora Lighthall for coordinating this effort
> Yard light bulb replacements (as needed)
> Lay Weeders and volunteers – best efforts for tree, plant and shrub care!
* Special thanks to coordinators Michael Boron and Richard Fitzgerald
> Retaining wall brick installation – beautiful!
* Numerous bricks, as well as some plants and shrubs, were stolen over the course of
the summer and many were replaced, again. Sherriff reports were filed and patrols
were increased. A team was put together to explore security lighting.
> Fall clean-up – San Morino
> Sprinkler Winterization
> Unit moved to a new location for accessibility purposes
> Inspected
> Pads and battery pack replaced
Leak above 3rd floor kitchen oven hood repaired
Roof inspection (Roof Management & Kruger Builders)
Bell Tower roof repaired
South entrance roof masonry repair completed
North entrance roof masonry repair completed
Organ roof masonry repair completed
Flagpole repair and Church flag hung
Top of Bell Tower and Lower Bell roof repair completed
Roof repair over organ pipes completed
Repair to OR garage roof
Numerous ceiling tiles and ceiling light covers replaced in Lower Level
> Bell Tower masonry inspections/general masonry inspections
> Church Insurance contacts, photos and paperwork completed (water damage) – claim
filed and payment received
> Inspection (Kal Kazak) and quote for plaster/paint repairs to exterior of interior of Bell
Tower (choir loft/Nave) and South Entrance
> Exterior Bell Tower masonry repair completed
> Interior Bell Tower cleaned-out
> Interior Bell Tower repair – in progress
> Inspection and quote for ramp repair
> Additional repairs to masonry on North side of church
> Masonry repair to OR garage/Veggie Market steps and area behind garage to prevent
water leakage into garage/Veggie Market
> Chime repair – in progress
> Multiple keys made for OR and Church
> Lock repairs and adjustments OR and Church
* Special thanks to Andy Wigent
> Keypad reset and new keypad installed at OR (alarm system)
Numerous bulbs replaced (interior/exterior)
Ballast repairs
OR lighting/ceiling fan repair
OR exterior motion sensor lighting repaired
Exterior security lighting repaired
City of Pontiac and DTE contacted – street lights in progress
Additional security lighting – in progress
> New TV installed in Library
> Phone and computer up-grades and repairs
> Vents/Blowers repaired in Nave
> Bulletin boards
> Oriental Rug Repair (Rose Kneale Rm. and Altar)
> Two ceiling fans replaced in gymnasium
> Yellow tape and paint applied to various steps (interior and exterior)
> Window plastic removed
> De-icer removed and stored (summer)/de-icer put back out (winter)
> Mousetraps in OR
> Air conditioner cleaning - church
> Table procured and placed in kitchen of OR
> OR garage conversion to Veggie Market: (Kazak) cleaned, painted and installed
heating/cooling units
> Additional garage/Veggie Market floor cleaning and painting
> New refrigerators installed in OR garage/Veggie Market
> New sink and sump pump installed in basement of OR
> OR central air conditioning unit serviced
> Major driveway oil spill cleaned
> Organ maintenance/repair
OR doorbell repairs
Classroom clean-outs/face-lifts (Bound Together)
Hallway and Common’s Rm. walls sanded (Teen mission – St. Louis)
Commons Rm. Entryway Facelift (scraped, plastered, painted, new Welcome sign)
Lower Level hallways & Commons Rm. (scrape, plaster, sand, paint)
* Special thanks to Charles Sajewski
Exterior wooden doors (Gymnasium & Baptistery) doors sanded and stained
* Special thanks to Claire Dodds for coordinating this project
Inspection and quote for exterior wooden door repairs…developing a gameplan
Stained glass window soffits replaced
Memorial plaques mounted
Small parking lot restriped
Church fans put out/taken down
Window Treatment Party – install window insulation kits throughout church
ISO container for rummage storage (in parking lot)
Minor molding repairs
OR 3rd floor window “fix”
Kneeler repair commencing – ASAP
South entrance door/lock repair commencing - ASAP
“Project Ark” complete!
* Special thanks to artist Alan Kast
Many, many thanks to all of the faithful, generous and talented folks who so graciously
gave of their time to assist the Junior Warden with the up-keep of this beautiful campus.
There have been far too many kind folks who have contributed time, talent and gifts to
begin to name them all. However, it is important to give an official thanks to the folks
who have been there every step of the way, in multiple capacities, for me during my
tenure as Junior Warden. Big smiles and thanks to Robert Dawson, Charles Sajewski,
Tony Skillman, Ken Dyker, Bruce Brandenburg, Jesse James, John Myer, Michael
Boron, Norma Warner and Kay Bell.
Future opportunities abound! Together, and with God’s help, we can accomplish much!
Respectfully submitted.
Lisa E. Berg
Junior Warden
2012 Music Ministry Annual Report
Choir Roster:
Section Leaders: Nicolette Book, Amanda Kruk, Ryan Sparks, Tim Schneider
Darlene Donaldson, Lisa Uchno, Lisa Berg, Peggy Gibb, Michele Wogaman, Charles
Sajewski, Brian Goldsworthy, Michael Boron, Matthew Hackett.
The All Saints’ Choir takes very seriously its mission to enrich the worship experience
of the congregation through music. The current roster of the choir, though small, is a
remarkable collection of voices and personalities, led by four supremely talented
professional singers.
Highlights of the year have included an encore presentation of Robert Ray's Gospel Mass
in February on Absalom Jones Sunday, a Good Friday performance of Heinrich Schuetz's
Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, special music to celebrate the 175th
Anniversary in September, and music for the great festivals of the church
year. Instrumentalists have frequently collaborated with us, as well as playing solos in
the service, and their addition is always a treat.
In June the choir was invited to sing for the Oakland County Ministerial Association's
service of installation of officers--including our own Rev. Karen Johanns. The choir sang
an arrangement of Blessed Assurance which had been arranged to celebrate the
establishment of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday as a national holiday. The
performance was very enthusiastically received, and the choir hopes to be in invited to
similar events in the future, and enjoys establishing a relationship with the community
outside of the walls of All Saints’.
Respectfully submitted,
Lois J. Kaarre
2012 Youth Ministry Report
2012 was a wonderful year in the parish’s youth ministry. We experienced a blend of
learning, fun, prayer, and service. We continued to use a mixed curriculum with Weaving
God’s Promises and Re:Form for our regular meetings.
In February, the parish hosted a lock-in for our youth and two other youth groups. The
theme of the lock-in was Guts, an exploration of “gutsy” people in the Bible. As part of
our lock-in, we spent a part of our time serving at the Baldwin Center’s clothing closet.
And no lock-in is complete without a trip to a bowling alley.
Gears shifted in Lent and we joined with parents and other parishioners for evening
prayer on Wednesday nights, followed by supper and our own activity with the NOOMA
video series.
We broke a record at Crossroads Soup Kitchen, making more sandwiches in less time
than any volunteer team.
The program year ended with a fun trip to the Detroit Zoo, and over the summer two of
our youth attended a week at Camp Michi-Lu-Ca, where I was serving as the camp
As the new school year began, we launched back into our regular programming. In
addition, the youth have been helping serve tables at the December and January
community dinners. The youth group has also been doing the Bound Together Dinners
one Wednesday each month for the past few months. And I am pleased to inform you
that by the end of 2012, our youth group has nearly doubled in size.
At this time, I would also like to share some bittersweet news with you. As of December
10, 2012, I have been accepted into Bexley Hall Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, and I will
be moving in August to begin my education as I continue in the ordination process. This
news is sweet because I am excited to pursue my education and enter this new stage in
my life, but bitter because it means that I will have to leave this parish that I have grown
to love and the very special youth that have grown near and dear to my heart. I will
cherish this last semester that I have to be with you, serving as your youth minister. I
wish you all the best in the future of All Saints’, and you will always remain in my
2012 All Saints’ Book Group Report
The All Saints’ book group has been meeting at the church since November of
2010. The group is open to everyone who loves to read and discuss good books. We
meet once a month at the church either on a Monday or Tuesday night, depending on
everyone’s schedule. The choice of evening is flexible in order to include as many
readers as possible. Our discussions last about 90 minutes and have been very rich and
enlightening. The group chooses a variety of genres, including fiction, non-fiction,
classics and short stories. Cost has not been a factor because the books have either been
available at the library or we have been able to order used copies through the church’s
link to Amazon.
Some of the most interesting books from 2012 were “Over the Edge of the
World”, which was an outstanding book about the life and travels of Magellan. Another
favorite was “The Worst Hard Time”, which was a detailed account of the years of the
dust bowl in America’s southwest. We revisited the classic novel “The Heart is a Lonely
Hunter”. And recently we read “The Dovekeepers” which was an historical fiction novel
about the Jews who hid out from the Romans at Masada in 70 CE.
So, come on out and join the All Saints’ book group for fun and fellowship. The
book selections and monthly dates will be posted on the church website as well as the
green sheet in the bulletin. Hope to see you.
Respectively submitted,
Ginny Meyer
2012 Bound Together Annual Report
Submitted by Jane Porter
 On Oct. 2nd the 2012-2013 program at Bound Together started for the school year.
 We have 21 children in the program
o 1st Grade
o 2nd Grade
o 3 Grade
o 4 Grade
o 5th Grade
o 6 Grade
o 8 Grade
1 (Tutor Assistant)
 We have had 6 new tutors “come onboard.”
 Jane Porter was hired as Executive Direct (full time) and Linda Church was hired
as Program Director (part time.)
 St. Philip’s continues to coordinates Kids’ café - schedule workers, shop, cook,
serve and cleanup the meals for the students of Bound Together.
 Sign in front of the Old Rectory was repainted courtesy of Casey Signs at no cost
to Bound Together.
 Celebrations
A Halloween Party was held for the children after the parties at the school were
cancelled because of power outage.
Thanksgiving event was held the Tuesday before Thanksgiving for the children.
Food was donated by Tom’s Carpet Cleaning - Lake Orion.
A Shopping Day was held Dec. 13, 2012 where the children selected gifts for
family and friends. These gifts were donated by the AAUW.
Christmas Party - St. Stephen’s, Troy, Christ Church Cranbook and the
Mothers’Council from Cranbrook donated gifts for the children. Partnership was
re-established with the Phantom MC, who supplied each child with a new coat,
pair of boots, and a toy at the Christmas Party Dec. 20, 2012. We celebrated with
a visit from Santa, sang a few songs and enjoyed a pizza dinner.
 The new website ( www.boundtogetherpontiac. org) was launched Jan. 8, 2012
with a Paypal component to make donating easier. It can be easily updated with
new material and has a Blog feature.
 A year-end solicitation was mailed and we received a positive response.
 We are looking forward to our partnership with Pontiac Center for Creative Arts to
enable the Bound Together students to participate in the 3 week day camp in July.
Grants are being written to underwrite the cost of $125 per child.
 We have been invited to participate in the Christ Church Cranbook VBS Jun. 2427. Transportation from and to CCC from the parking lot at All Saints will be
supplied along with lunch and associated activities at no cost to the “camper.”
We are in talks with Roeper Schools in regards to a swimming Camp the last week
of August.
The details are still in the planning process.
We greatly appreciation and thank the congregation of All Saints’ for its dedicated
support of the Bound Together Program and the children (and families) it serves.
This could not take place without this love and support!
The future looks bright!
2012 Little Saints’ Report
This has been the second year that we have offered a program for our early elementary
children. The program is called Godly Play which teaches the children the stories of the
Old and New Testament. We have had the gift of four teachers, Lisa Varnier, Beverly
Groves, Dyann Hayes and Betsy Fitzgerald. Several times Pastor Chris Humphrey has
come in to teach a special lesson. Our meeting time has been from 9:30 to 10:15 before
the 10:30 service.
Starting January 27th we are going to try a NEW TIME. We will meet at 10:15 until
11:00. At 11:00 we will bring the children upstairs to join their families to take part in the
rest of the morning service. As we start the new year we are in need of one or two
teachers who would be willing to join us in our journey. This would mean teaching
probably once a month. Pastor Karen has provided us with our lessons and our job is to
practice them and share with the children. If you are interested or have questions please
contact Betsy Fitzgerald.
Betsy Fitzgerald
2012 Landscape and Grounds Annual Report
(Lay Weeders)
Two thousand and twelve was a challenging season for grounds of the church and The
Old Rectory. We had repeated thefts of wall blocks around the church. Even gluing
them down only slowed the thefts.
In May and September we held work days with labor provided by community service of
the justice system.
We need more volunteers for continued success!
This coming year we need to keep our eyes on our grounds to help curb the theft
A special Thanks to all who pulled weeds and watered this past season!
Michael Boron
2012 Lay Visitors Ministry Report
The Lay Visitors continue to make contact or visit persons in our parish who are unable
to attend church. These contacts are separate from and in addition to visits by the clergy.
Currently, we are visiting eight parishioners
In addition, palm crosses during Holy Week and small Christmas baskets are
delivered. Christmas and Easter cards, signed by parishioners, are sent to shut-ins and
those for whom travel to church is presently difficult. They number fifteen.
Respectfully submitted,
Carole Elder for the Lay Visitors Ministry
Men’s Club 2012 Report
The All Saints’ Men’s Club met together in 10 monthly meetings at two locations with an
average attendance of 10 members. Our meetings were held at the The Grill in Sylvan
Lake for a noon time brunch, and at All Saints’ Rose Kneale Room for evening dinners.
Our meetings are opened and closed with a prayer for guidance and support
provided by John Buckley. The agenda begins with Bible Reflections – EIAG. This
method is not academic, but personal. It does not seek to completely explain the whole
passage, but rather use it as a springboard for asking questions, and sharing.
Give members of the group time to silently read the passage through, and react to
Have someone identify a particular: verse, word, or action, which catches his
Analyze the particular – what is it objectively saying, what questions does it
provoke, what is the author trying to get at?
What is it saying to me: What is it telling me to be and /or be?
The meeting continues with a Review of Clip Board Items (Short term & on
going goals) that includes our monthly commitment to provide the Coffee Hour on the
third Sunday of the month following the morning service. A review of church related
activities for the month ahead is discussed with location and contact information given
for those wishing to volunteer or assist. Men’s Club long-term goals are reviewed with
topics such as presentations by “Special Speakers”. The Social Activities & Plans for the
month ahead are reviewed, and the location and time of the next meeting are set. This
year’s speakers were as follows:
 Jan. 10th – Angela Branch (a representative from the Michigan Gov. “Senior
Brigade”) Topic – “Phone & mail scams, and other related topics”
 June 12th – Rev. Chris Humphrey Topic – “Highlights of her Ministry”
 Sept. 9th – Matthew Hackett Topic – “Brushes with History” about the role of
Education and Resource Locations in Oakland County.
 Nov. 13th – Bill Richardson Topic – “All about China”
 Dec. 11th – Jane Porter Topic – “Bound Together & Me”
All of the Men’s Club Special Speaker presentations were well attended, and very much
appreciated for their interesting topics, and discussions.
We are the men of All Saints’. All male members of this congregation are automatically
members of the club. How you choose to participate is your individual choice.
We are a group of men with many skills. We will use these skills to foster the spiritual
and temporal well being of our parish family, our neighborhood and our community.
We are a group of men with many personalities. We will share these personalities in a
spirit of camaraderie, good will and fun for the betterment of all whom we encounter.
We are a group of Christian men. We will live our lives honoring that and encompassing
an ecumenical spirit for all others.
Respectfully submitted,
John Meyer
2012 All Saints’ Movie Group Report
Now in its ninth year, the All Saints’ Movie Group gathers each month for good movies,
fun company and informal conversation. Parishioners, visitors and friends are warmly
invited to attend each month or whenever they can. Movies are shown in the library yearround from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month.
The movies shown are from just about everywhere and of all types: American, foreign,
drama, comedy, Academy Award winners and lesser-known finds. Our group is always
looking for interesting ways to vary what we see. This past year, we held our first shortmovie night. It was enjoyable to see three films on one night and compare and contrast
Movie nights are a pleasant diversion and there's something for everyone. Rides can be
arranged for people who don’t drive at night. To be placed on the movie news email list,
please contact Lisa at
--Lisa Uchno, Movie Group Coordinator
2012 New Member Ministry Report
Our committee is comprised of Carole Elder, Cindy and John Philips, Lisa Uchno and
Pam Daily. When visitors, guests we often call them, attend our church services, our
committee makes every attempt to greet them. We all keep attuned to new people at the
services so we can have a short conversation of welcome with them. We also keep track
of visitors who've signed the guest book or the newcomer pamphlet. They are given
homemade cookies, a personal note of welcome is sent by Karen, and the names are
added to our All Saints' mailing list. When a member of our committee sees a new person
in church, every effort is made to welcome that person individually after the 10:30
service and to extend an invitation to join us for coffee hour. Nancy Derby is our
honorary member who extends the welcome at the 8:00 service for us. We also make an
effort to contact visitors who have not been present for a number of weeks.
We are planning on having a newcomer brunch this coming spring. We've done this in
the past, and it's always been an occasion enjoyed by all. It's a small informal group
where we can spend quality time with new people who've found All Saints'.
We don't have very many people in our NMM, so if what I've presented seems of interest
to you, please contact us. Perhaps you have some fresh ideas and insights to share. We
have seen many more new people at All Saints' this past year which is wonderful. We
know that we all share the goal of having our church family grow in numbers and
dedication to continue our good works.
Respectfully submitted, Pam Daily
2012 Prayer Shawl Ministry Report
The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes knitted or crocheted shawls and lap robes for those in
physical and/or spiritual need or who are celebrating a significant event in their spiritual
journey. As these are completed, they are gathered and blessed. As a reminder of God’s
everlasting love, fifty shawls and lap robes have “wrapped” parishioners, friends and
family members in the warmth, love and prayers of All Saints’.
If you would like to learn to crochet or knit, we can offer instruction. We invite you to
join us.
Chris Berg
Carole Elder
Kay Bell
Carolyn Hubbard
Nancy Derby
Carolyn Simpson
Produce Market Report for 2012
While at the mall, I saw someone with a T shirt that read, "This stuff writes
That may be a bit of an overstatement, but I went to thinking: can the produce market
report write itself? I thought that it would be interesting to see what our customers had to
say about the market. To that end we asked our customers to give us their comments
(good or bad). As we are not a "for profit" ministry, I need not bore everyone with
Income Statements and Balance Sheets. Suffice it to say, that we are holding our own
(sometimes we gain a little, sometimes we lose a little); however, we were able to have a
"free market" day the Saturday before Christmas and to pay for supplies etc. Instead of
the reports I have listed these comments below, and I have tried as much as possible to
transcribe these comments as they were written, as I think that only in this way can the
feeling be accurately related.
"I look forward going to the market every Saturday. They have a great selection of
produce and the people are so nice. I am also a graduate student and am very stretched
with time and money, and this place is great for me and the rest of the students I know,
when we shop."
"Enjoy my every sat. shopping. I can really afford this on social security."
"I have purchased most of my produce from All Saints for the past year. It is a
HIGHLIGHT of my week to come each Saturday to buy better produce at more
reasonable prices than the supermarkets. As a grad student, All Saints is an important
resource connecting me to the community."
"We love the All Saints Market!!! It gives us a healthy place to shop and we love the
produce. Thanks for everything!"
"My family could not eat as well as do without All Saints. We've met so many nice
neighbors too. Thanks you!"
"My husband and I appreciate Very Much the church market. We are retired and its close
to our home & a financial blessing for us. Its good for the local community as the need is
great at this time."
"I have been coming to this wonderful place for the past couple of months. I thank
everyone for the time they put in making a go of this. Am laid off so it has been a
blessing. Great prices, things priced great that I might not ordinarily buy at the store
because of higher prices. We eat everything I purchase here, nothing goes to waste! The
people here are the best and make you feel very welcome. I hope this nice place will
continue on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Merry Christmas."
"We love your produce market. It is such a wonderful thing to be able to afford fresh
produce. Thank you!! (the author included a smiley face)
Like the T shirt said, "this stuff writes itself."
As a further note we were able to distribute over 13,000.00 (our cost) worth of fresh
produce, using about 900 "volunteer man hours” (a conservative figure). We were also
able to distribute fresh produce to Baldwin Center and some local families free of charge.
We are also the beneficiaries of the efforts of some local volunteers and other churches.
First Presbyterian has been with us from the conception and Advent Episcopal Church
has recently joined our ministry along with that of Resale Shop and other of our
ministries. Also, Christ Church Cranbrook has provided us with drivers and fresh
produce from their garden during the summer.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Dawson
2012 Resale Shop Report
A year of rehabilitation to our former parish house culminated in opening the doors on
February 18 to our newest significant venture into outreach, The Old Rectory Resale
Shop. Displayed on the main floor in its separate rooms are departments for Women's,
Men's, Children's, Books, Kitchen, and Miscellaneous home appointments.
As a parish we can take pride in bringing to our surrounding neighbors the opportunity to
regularly shop for quality merchandise in pleasant surroundings in an accessible location,
where prices are always very affordable. Many of our customers are repeat customers
who don't neglect to offer their gratitude for providing this outlet for them.
Five (5) rotating teams constituted by a manager, cashier, bagger, and floor salesperson
operate the Shop on all Saturdays of the year from 10 till 2 (except for those during
operation of Rummage Sales.) In addition, one day of the week (now Thursdays),
volunteers gather for a few hours to restock shelves and clothing racks. As a bonus to the
aforementioned shopping opportunities, the Shop has been a financial success as well in
that (net) revenues amounted to $5,736 for the year.
Going forward, we have need of additional volunteers, so that this effort can be
maintained and that our current volunteer staff can be refreshed from time to time. With
an even greater number of volunteers, we can expand our hours of operation and be able
to support the related restocking demands. John Meyer ably coordinates scheduling, and
we would welcome your interest.
Becky Brandenburg
2012 Rummage Sales Report
We continue to have a strong following with our customers at our semi-annual sales. A
significant percentage of our customers are repeat customers which speak well not only
of the recognized values that they are able to acquire, but also to their total shopping
Revenues were somewhat less than those of 2011, yet sales still amounted to $20,912.
Combining the revenue totals of the Rummage Sales and those of the Resale Shop,
however, result in sales revenues that exceed 2011 Rummage sales. Going forward it will
continue to be one of the challenges that will face this endeavor in that we will need to
continue to garner a constant source of salable goods by way of the many generous
donations that we receive from our own parishioners, from those of our sister parish,
Christ Church Cranbrook, and the many friends of All Saints’.
As this is a labor-intensive effort, many volunteers are needed not only during the hours
of the Sales and the 2 ½ weeks immediately prior to the Sales (where donations are carted
into place, final-sorted, displayed, and priced), but also after the sales(!). Into 2013,
opportunities to volunteer hope to be somewhat “front loaded” from actual Sales events.
The current year-round pre-sort operation (in its infancy) is hoped to be further amplified
by a regular, additional “secondary” sorting operation that will somewhat alleviate the
“peaks” in manpower demands associated with our Sales. Not only will such efforts have
a leveling affect on the intensity that the current process demands, but could also very
well result in greater revenue.
If you have not yet participated in this ministry, or feel that you would like to contribute
more, the Rummage Sale Committee would welcome your commitment.
Becky Brandenburg
Rummage Chair
2012 Service Committee Report
The mission of the Service committee is to provide outreach opportunities for members
of the parish. Between January and June we provided for HUGS which was a collection
of new hats, underwear, gloves and socks. These items were given to the Baldwin Center
for distribution. In March we served lunch at Crossroads to feed around 900 people.
There were two shifts of workers. In the morning the workers made homemade soup and
about 1400 sandwiches. The afternoon crew served the people with either a sis down
meal or a take-out lunch. All Saints’ service committee paid for the food which we
This fall the committee organized the Thanksgiving collection of food for Lighthouse to
distribute. We also collected new clothing and game items for The Baldwin Christmas
Store. There was money in our account so we voted to purchase the food for the two
community dinners we have given for the people in our community. We will also provide
money for future community dinners. If this is a ministry that would interest you we
welcome you to be a part of the group. Any questions please call Betsy Fitzgerald or
Carole Elder for more information.
2012 Annual Ushers Report
Ushers – 8:00 a.m.
Appreciation is extended to all ushers who served during the past year with special thanks
to Paul Godoshian and Bob Waddell for their many years of service.
Ushers – 10:30 a.m.
All Saints’ continues to have a fine group of devoted and very dependable parishioners
who volunteer to usher and/or serve as greeters. There are four groups that serve the
10:30 a.m. Sunday service, one month at a time throughout the year, plus any additional
services for Holy Days, Christmas, Easter, etc.
TEAM 1Richard Fitzgerald, Charlie Harmon, George Hedgespeth, Dennis Daly, Ron Smith, Jim
Bowie and Marjorie Avery (Greeter)
TEAM 2 –
Jim Davis, John Philips, Cindy Maxwell-Philips, Reatha Williams (who retired this yr),
Dyann Hayes, Ellis Love and Austin Sliter
TEAM 3 –
Bruce and Becky Brandenburg, John and Virginia Meyer and Bob Hauser
TEAM 4 –
Paul Cournoyer, Barbara Gilchrist, Doris Warner, Ken Dyker, Marc and Noel Dyker,
Alexis Melton, and Cody Dyker – usher in training
Ushers also provide assistance at all funerals and special events if needed. Special thanks
to Richard Fitzgerald for continuing to coordinate and oversee the ushering for funerals
and to those who ushered at the funerals.
Anyone interested in becoming an usher and/or greeter, please let me know, we would
love to have you join us!
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Maxwell-Philips, Chairperson