Daniel Besmer, Miles Zupan, Tylar Young
Creation Myth
In the beginning there was only darkness and two beings
where born.
A male Kumulipo whose name means essence of darkness.
A female Po’ele whose name means darkness itself.
They created all creatures of darkness. Shellfish that lived at
the bottom of the ocean and the plants that only grew in
As this life was born it became slightly lighter
The first couple created two more beings
A male Pouliuli “ deep darkness”
A female Powehiwehi “ darkness with a little
Created creatures of almost darkness such as
fish that live in the deep sea.
These fish had offspring making the darkness a
little lighter.
Two more beings where created
A male Po’el’ele “ night”
A female Pohaha “ coming to dawn”
Created creatures of darkness near
And insects and a large egg.
The egg hatched a thousand birds that sing
before dawn
Every time the fish, insects, and birds had
offspring the darkness would get lighter
Popanopano and Polalowehi made the turtles,
lobsters, and other creatures that live in
shallow waters near darkness.
The last beings to be made where
Po’ne’aaku and Po’hiolo “ night
The created a rat and a pig both
creatures of night and day
And finally the first dawn was created
and light enter the world.
The first man Ki’i and woman La’ila’a
where created and where very
dark because they where born at
They had many children and each
generation’s skin got lighter till the
color they are now.
Estimated to arrive between the
4th and the 8th century.
Where From
• About 2,000 years ago Polynesians from the
Marquesas islands where the first people to
step foot on the Big Island of Hawaii. They
traveled around 2,000 miles in canoes to
• Then 500 years later travelers from Tahiti
came bringing their beliefs in gods and demigods.
All of the Hawaiian islands were created by the kind of volcanic activity that
continues today.
Where is it?
It is a chain of islands located in the central
pacific ocean.
Found between the southwest of North
America and the southeast of Japan.
Hawaii is the newest of the 50 U.S states.
“The Aloha State” became the 50th state in
And is the only state made up of islands.
• Traditional Hawaiians believed in many gods, and many stone
temples were built to honor these gods.
• Temples were surrounded by wooden posts that had images
carved in them. Inside were idols of wood, stone or sea
• Wooden platforms that were six meters above the ground
contained offerings to the gods. The offerings were supposed
to keep evil spirits away.
Art from Myth inspiration
The art of hula, surfing, lava sledding, chants and tiki carving were
made, all of these were used to worship gods.
Lava/land surfing
Hula Dancing
• Unknown. "Hawaiian Culture." THE BIG MYTH - an Animated Study of
World Creation Myths. Distant Train Inc., 2011. Web. 05 Oct. 2011.
Pictures• http://xbeachwallpaper.blogspot.com/2011/08/hawaii-beach-sunset.
• http://www.seaturtlenet.com/images/Turtle/green-turtle.jpg
• http://www.cruise-club.com/iStock_Hawaii_Dawn_570.jpg
• http://www.google.com/imgres?q=beach+wallpaper&um=1&hl=en&client