New management tools needed... What if... – US and Pacific Rim countries form a common market? – Human life expectancy is 100 years? – Russia/China truly capitalize? – global warming continues? Social Issues in Management What if... – the UN is replaced by UN-r-US? – the UN really has power to shape the world order? other “what if’s” do you you see? What What influences corporate strategy? Company behavior? core strategy Social Issues in Management Macrosystems Model of Corporate Responsibility What are the forces/influences/dynamics? Public Policy System Economic System political Pressure Groups competitive core strategy social Social Conditions (social system) environmental Competitive and Industry System Social Issues in Management Ecological Environment Macrosystems Model Public policy system Economic system general env’t trends demand supply technology laws, regulations judicial decisions legislative actions/policies political Pressure groups competitive Competitive and Industry systems barriers to entry rivalry among competitors threat of substitutes power of suppliers power of buyers Social Issues in Management core strategy social environmental media interest groups public opinion Social conditions community conditions education condition civil sector strength Ecological environment pollution, degradation state of awareness Key Terms Multi-national: clusters of affiliated firms in different countries sharing characteristics (common: ownership, resources, strategy) MNC/MNE: multinational corporation/enterprise International: horizontal integration-national borders Transnational: globally integrated business Global: worldwide business/industry activity Home country: headquarters site Host country: countries where facilities are located Social Issues in Management SEPTEmber Environments Social Environment Economic Environment Ecological Environment The firm Political Environment Technological Environment Social Issues in Management Defining the global environments Political: Social: – social trends, shifts in social organizations and civil society issues, culture, values, people, organizations Economic: – governance, law, policy, influence in different regions/countries, global standards, codes of conduct Technological: – tools/methods of production, distribution, and knowledge enhancement, impact on people/society – conditions of production, distribution & exchange (e.g., labor conditions, Ecological (natural): human rights, major – sustainability, conservation, trends) pollution, degradation, aesthetic, life-sustenance Social Issues in Management Stakeholders of the Firm Governments Financial analysts Media Owners Customers Religious groups Employees Activists Focal Firm Suppliers Communities Competitors Primary stakeholders Social Issues in Management Secondary stakeholders Corporate Social Performance Model Legitimacy Public responsibility Managerial discretion Environmental scanning Stakeholder management Issues management PRINCIPLES of social responsibility PROCESSES of social responsiveness Social Issues in Management Social impacts Social policies Social programs OUTCOMES of corporate behavior Institutional-Ideological Model Economic ideology Business institutions Technology Ecology Government institutions Political ideology Social Issues in Management Public institutions Social ideology Institutional-Ideological Systems Economic ideology BUSINESS SYSTEM Business institutions Technology PUBLIC POLICY SYSTEM Ecology Government institutions Political ideology Social Issues in Management Public institutions CIVIL SOCIETY SYSTEM Social ideology Ideological Continuums Free market Regulated capitalism capitalism Mixed Socialism Utopian communism ECONOMIC IDEOLOGY Negotiated Simple Republic Social TotalitarianAnarchy consensus democracy democracy democracy ianism POLITICAL IDEOLOGY Individualism Collectivism SOCIAL IDEOLOGY Social Issues in Management Influences on ethics of decisions Society’s ethical climate Business’s ethical climate Organization’s ethical climate Superiors, peers, subordinates Individual Social Issues in Management Policies, programs Ethics, Ideology, Morality Morality: general approaches to resolving ethical conflicts Ideology: constellation of values that tell a story about ideals of society Values: judgments of good and bad, basis of ethics Social Issues in Management Experience Ethics: principles of right and wrong used to motivate and evaluate behaviors Business Ethics Starts with self-awareness... Why? Ethics: activity of examining one’s or society’s moral standards – how do the standards apply to our lives? – are the standards reasonable or not? – are they supported by good or poor reasons? Business Ethics: moral standards as they apply to business policies, institutions, and behaviors Social Issues in Management Stages of Moral Development Kohlberg’s six stages – PreConventional Stages 1: punishment and obedience 2: instrument and relativity – Conventional Stages 3: interpersonal concordance 4: law and order – Postconventional Stages 5: social contract 6: universal ethical principles Gilligan’s ethic of relational ethics Social Issues in Management care Ethical principles in business Rights Justice – entitlement to something – legal or moral (human) correlated with duties autonomy and equality actions and invoke protection/aid – comparative treatment of benefits and burdens – distributive justice (Rawls) Utilitarianism – Kant’s categorical imperative universalizability reversability – respect people as ends (not means) Social Issues in Management and fairness – greatest good for the greatest number Virtue (character) Ethics of Care – responsibility for relationships Corporate social performance Corporate social responsibility (CSR 1) Corporate social responsiveness (CSR 2) Corporate social rectitude (CSR 3) Corporate social regimes (CSR 4) Social Issues in Management Ethical reasoning Gather data (facts) Develop alternatives Forecast outcomes Apply alternatives to outcomes Select behavior Evaluate behavior Social Issues in Management Assessing the ethics of situations Moral standards: 1. maximize social utility 2. respect moral rights 3. distribute benefits and burdens justly 4. exercise caring Social Issues in Management Factual information: about policy, institution, or behavior under consideration Moral Judgment on rightness or wrongs of the policy, institution, or behavior Resolving ethical conflicts Gather the facts DATA GATHERING How does this situation fit with ethical criteria: Utility: Does it optimize satisfactions of stakeholder? ANALYSIS Rights: does it respect the rights of all stakeholders? Justice: Is it consistent with canons of justice NO (all criteria) NO DECISION NOT ETHICAL Social Issues in Management NO (on or two criteria Overwhelming factors? Incapacitating factors? Double-effects test passed? YES (all criteria) YES ETHICAL DECISION Ethical Conflicts: Ethics: – principles of right and wrong that motivate individual behavior and under lie evaluation of behaviors Ethical conflicts: – dissonance among principles of right (do good) or wrong (cause no harm) – Intensity, based on: magnitude of consequences degree of social consensus probability of effect temporal immediacy social, cultural, psychological proximity Social Issues in Management Ethical problem vs.... conflict What is the public interest? Who decides? Who benefits? What are “public goods”? What are “externalities”? Why do markets fail? Why do regulations fail? Social Issues in Management Principles of CSP Legitimacy – Society grants legitimacy and power to business. Those who abuse power will tend to lose it. Public Responsibility – Business are responsible for outcomes related to their primary and secondary areas of involvement with society primary: from functional roles secondary: not intrinsic, ripple from primary activities Managerial Discretion – Managers are moral actors obliged to exercise discretion toward socially responsible outcomes Social Issues in Management Managerial Discretion Economic responsibilities – profit/wealth generation – distribution of goods/services Legal responsibilities Ethical responsibilities Discretionary responsibilities – use resources for social betterment Social Issues in Management Public Issue Life Cycle legislation public attention trigger event re-emerges public concern media interest activists involved opinion leaders early Social Issues in Management -time- resolved diminished attention issue dies late Public Issue Life Cycle: Managerial Discretion managerial discretion legislation, voluntary resolution or abandonment framing shaping political activity (lobbying, trade assoc. advertising, trigger media work) event public attention early Social Issues in Management -time- institutionalization coping/adaptation late Processes of CSP Policy formulation: awareness generation Learning: technical issue, increasing skills, barriers Commitment: integration/ownership of issues Social Issues in Management Boundary Spanning Processes Public affairs Public relations Media relations Community relations Investor relations Environmental scanning Stakeholder relations Issues management Social Issues in Management Theories of the Firm Neoclassical theory – rational, self-interested behavior of managers acting in the firm’s interests, purely economic – limitations: doesn’t account for externalities can’t accommodate individual or organizational values that aren’t economic or narrowly self-interested oversimplicity in dealing with human/organizational relationships short-term perspective: maximizing shareholder wealth can’t protect the commons Social Issues in Management Theories of the Firm Behavioral Theory – people act from multiple interests and motives, with bounded rationality and personal interests that cause agency problems – “satisficing” not maximizing behavior – politics, personal limits, noneconomic influences Social Issues in Management Theories of the Firm Stakeholder Theory – businesses are in relationship with and need to satisfy multiple stakeholders – goal is to create a workable balance among competing interests – reciprocal relationships, conflict ridden fulfill various stakeholders’ needs to survive need to examine values and interests of stakeholders structure and implement choice processes among stakeholders trade-offs are necessary and help understand dynamics of real-world behaviors Social Issues in Management Social Performance Cycle communicate findings to relevant stakeholders evaluate new actions and modify as needed Social Issues in Management plan and execute new actions evaluate social objectives, actions, and outcomes communicate findings to key decision makers Corporate Social Performance Model Principles of social responsibility Legitimacy Public responsibility Managerial discretion Processes of social responsiveness Environmental scanning Stakeholder management Issues management Outcomes of corporate behavior Social impacts Social policies Social programs Related Management Tools and Processes Values assessment Ethical analysis Ethical reflection Codes of ethics Social Issues in Management Information gathering Community relations Philanthropy Public affairs Government relations Impact assessment Performance assessment Corporate social reporting Stakeholder Relations Formal (voting) power Economic power Political power Primary: essential to survival – – – – – – owners employees customers suppliers governments competitors(?) Social Issues in Management Secondary: not directly engaged but have influence over firm’s economic life Global: crossnational membership and crossnational interests in business activities – – – – e.g., environmental political terrorists religious Stakes value – – – – – – Social Issues in Management to stakeholders material political affiliative informational symbolic spiritual Stakeholder Mapping Specifically identify stakeholders – individual, groups, names and subsets What are their stakes? What are the power bases? What are stakeholder characteristics – values, types of actions likely, power Relations among stakeholders Changes in relationships over time Social Issues in Management Types of Stakeholders dormant dominant discretionary POWER definitive dangerous Social Issues in Management URGENCY demanding LEGITIMACY dependent Issues Management Process – – – – of identifying, evaluating and responding ... to social and political issues that impact corporations Process: managing responses (not issues Significant Impact: salience/impact Social Issues in Management Issues Expectational gaps: – difference between what is and what “ought to be” – controversy: stakeholders using “voice to confront relevant parties stakeholders being willing/able to push concerns into broader public forum – impact (sine qua non) Types of issues – Factual gap: what is/what is inconsistency – Conformance gap: what is/what ought to be gap – Ideals gap: what ought to be/ought to be Social Issues in Management Multiple Bottom Lines Impacts Employees Social Economic Political Technology Ecological Social Issues in Management Owners Customers Community Dialogue vs.... Discussion Discussion – – – – – action state conclusion convergent thinking argue, debate take, hold, defend position – vertical thinking – “own” ideas, individual – ideas before conversation Social Issues in Management Dialogue – – – – – creation (new) disclose reasoning divergent thinking reflect for alternatives make, test, improve discoveries – lateral thinking – collective ideas, group – ideas during conversation Discuss using dialogue... Do you want to live in a... – economy or a – society What are the similarities and differences? Does it matter? Why or why not? Social Issues in Management Scenario Exercise SEPTEmber groups split into crossenvironment groups Using book information and insight through SEPTEmber analysis develop and prepare to tell two stories about the future: the dark ages of the corporation the renaissance of the corporation How do we cope successfully as people and as managers in these different worlds? Social Issues in Management