PSY Chapter 21 - Rowan County Schools

Presentation Plus! Understanding Psychology
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SECTION 1 Careers in Psychology
SECTION 2 Psychology’s
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Chapter Objectives
Section 1: Careers in Psychology
• Explain how human behavior plays a key
role in many areas of study. Understand
that the study of psychology can prepare
you for many career opportunities. 
Section 2: Psychology’s Contributions
• Describe the many contributions that
psychology has made to society by
promoting human welfare, clarifying
assessment methods, explaining human
behavior, and helping humans better
understand their world.
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Reader’s Guide
Main Idea
– Human behavior plays a key role in many areas
of study. Studying psychology can prepare you
for many career opportunities. 
– Outline the requirements needed to become
a psychologist. 
– List several careers available in psychology. 
– crisis intervention program
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information. Section 1 begins on page 603 of your textbook.
Careers in Psychology
• This section offers several descriptions of
opportunities in psychology careers. 
• The careers described here, though, are
only a few in the vast field of psychology
and related fields.
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What Are Employers Looking For?
• Employers are most likely to hire
someone who offers special skills. 
• When you have a Ph.D., you have chosen
to fine-tune your education for a specific
kind of job–you are a specialist. 
• A bachelor’s degree in psychology may
offer the most options with the widest
array of possible employers. 
• Psychology is a logical undergraduate
major for those planning graduate work in
such fields as sociology, social work, law,
medicine, or education.
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Some Career Options
• Psychology is both a science and a
profession. 
• As a science, psychologists study how
people perceive, think, feel, and act. 
• In the professional arena, careers that are
based on psychological principles seek to
predict how people will act; help people
modify their behavior; and help
organizations, businesses, and
communities to change.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Crisis Hot Line Advisor
Employer: a large hospital
Can you do it?: 
– A person holding this job might even be a senior
in high school. 
– For most crisis intervention programs,
applicants must complete a training program.
crisis intervention program:
short-term psychological first
aid that helps individuals and
families deal with emergencies
or highly stressful situations
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Crisis Hot Line Advisor
What’s Involved?: 
– Crisis hot line personnel respond primarily to two
kinds of problems. 
– One involves the immediate, possibly lifethreatening situation that can arise as a result of
a personal or family crisis. 
– The other type of problem is the crisis evolving
from long-term stress. 
– This job requires being able to calm the caller,
identify his or her problem, and help that caller to
see the wisdom of contacting the most
appropriate agency for long-term follow-up.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Word Processor Salesperson
Employer: a local computer dealer
Can you do it?: 
– People with an interest in psychology are likely
to have a higher-than-average interest in
behavior. 
– That interest–even if backed only by a high
school diploma–is a vital element of the
successful salesperson. 
– A basic understanding of people’s driving forces
would aid someone seeking a career in sales.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Word Processor Salesperson
What’s Involved?: 
– The key requirement may be experience.
– One psychologist has suggested that you
cannot educate someone to be good in sales,
but sensitivity to others can be improved by
training. 
– You must also be persistent, skillful at language,
able to query prospective customers, and able to
relate their needs to those answered by the
product you are offering.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Mental Health Assistant
Employer: a senior citizen service center
Can you do it?: 
– This is a new career field, usually requiring at
least an associate degree. 
– An associate degree is awarded after a two-year
course preparing for paraprofessional
occupations in nursing homes, community
mental health centers, centers dealing with
mental retardation, or even special-education
centers for the variously disabled in public
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Mental Health Assistant
What’s Involved?: 
– Typically supervised by a staff psychologist, an
assistant helps with or conducts admission
interviews. 
– He or she may be responsible–under supervision–
for administering various psychological tests,
either to new patients or to assess the progress
of those already admitted.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Personnel Director
Employer: a large department store
Can you do it?: 
– The successful applicant is likely to have a
bachelor’s degree in psychology. 
– Such a person might also have taken a minor in
management courses in a university’s College of
Business Administration. 
– He or she would stress organizational and
quantitative skills. 
– Some prior experience with the employer’s
policies is a definite requirement.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Personnel Director
What’s Involved?: 
– A personnel director may participate in a wide
array of activities, depending on the nature and
interest of his or her employer. 
– Clearly, the decisions to hire and fire would be this
person’s responsibility, especially for the support
staff in any organization. 
– Such a person might also develop programs to
improve or maintain staff skills–in sales,
interpersonal sensitivity, or any other skill involved
in conducting the company’s business.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
School Psychologist
Employer: a city school system
Can you do it?: 
– A master’s degree is a must for this position;
an undergraduate major in psychology is
desirable. 
– In addition, most school psychologists must be
licensed or certified in their state of employment,
which involves taking a test.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
School Psychologist
What’s Involved?: 
– In bigger districts, you might stay in one school,
but many school psychologists divide their time
among a number of schools. 
– They usually work with children experiencing the
normal array of problems in school. 
– A school psychologist might give reading, aptitude,
interest, or intelligence tests and must be skillful in
interpreting them. 
– At other times he or she might work directly with
the children or young adults in school or with the
families of those students.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Clinical Psychologist
Employer: yourself (self-employed),
government, business, hospital, prison, or
nonprofit organization
Can you do it?: 
– To use this title in most states requires a Ph.D. (a
Doctor of Philosophy) or a Psy.D. (a Doctor of
Psychology). 
– The Psy.D. is a degree developed in the 1970s. 
– In a Psy.D. program, a student gains skill in
psychotherapy, undergoing intensive training in
testing, interviewing, and giving supervised
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Clinical Psychologist
What’s Involved?: 
– A practicing clinical psychologist is often selfemployed. 
– He or she must develop working relations with
other clinicians in the area to get patient/client
referrals that are vital to one’s success. 
– A typical day might involve 8 to 10 hours in
various stages of psychotherapy with different
individuals. 
– Other types of therapy a clinical psychologist might
offer are group therapy or consultation with other
therapeutic organizations.
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Consulting Psychologist
Employer: a management consulting firm
Can you do it?: 
– A Ph.D. is required for this job. 
– Such a person might spend graduate school in
an industrial/organizational psychology program
learning management practices, testing
strategies, interpersonal behavioral strategies,
and intervention techniques in complex
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Some Career Options (cont.)
Consulting Psychologist
What’s Involved?: 
– A consultant must offer an array of skills not
normally represented among the full-time
employees of companies that hire consultants. 
– Thus, a consultant’s job tends to be short term. 
– A consultant might, for instance, advise a
company’s top management on how to take
human performance limits into account in the
design of a control board for a power plant. 
– He or she might be involved in all aspects of the
design of an interstate highway–signs, bridges and
crossover devices, and lane-flow control.
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Future Psychology Career Options
• As psychologists in every specialty area
meet new challenges, new areas of
psychology begin to develop. 
• Often a new area of psychology develops
as a result of a merging of other areas. 
• For example, the relatively new area of
health psychology combines aspects of
physiological, social, counseling, and
clinical psychology. 
• Health psychologists focus on the role the
psychological functions of an individual
play on the health of that individual.
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Section Assessment
Review the Vocabulary What types
of situations does a crisis
intervention program handle?
They handle immediate, lifethreatening family or personal
situations or problems involving longterm stress.
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Visualize the Main Idea Use a
graphic organizer similar to the one
on page 608 of your textbook to list
a possible psychology career under
each discipline.
Medicine–mental health advisor
Law–forensic psychologist
Business–consulting psychologist
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Recall Information What are most
employers seeking in employees?
Employers want people with
specialized skills. You may also
suggest that employers want
employees who are mature,
responsible, cooperative, and so on.
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Section Assessment (cont.)
Think Critically How might a degree
in psychology help you design a
popular Web page or market
yourself as an up-and-coming
Section Assessment (cont.)
Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each of the jobs
presented in this section.
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Reader’s Guide
Main Idea
– Psychology has made many contributions to
society by promoting human welfare, clarifying
assessment methods, explaining human
behavior, and helping humans better
understand their world. 
– Describe psychologists’ contributions in
everyday life. 
– Summarize psychology’s challenges for the
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information. Section 2 begins on page 610 of your textbook.
Reader’s Guide (cont.)
– ACT 
– SAT 
– forensic psychology 
– industrial/organizational
psychology 
– sports psychology 
– visualization 
– gerontology
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information. Section 2 begins on page 610 of your textbook.
• Although most people seem to have an
accurate idea of what doctors or lawyers
do, many people do not realize what
psychologists do. 
• These people probably do not realize,
then, the many contributions to life that
the science of human behavior has
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Psychology’s Role in Mental Health
• Of all of psychology’s contributions,
perhaps its most significant is the
development of forms of professional
helping, including psychotherapy. 
• An early step forward came in the 1790s
through the pioneering efforts of Philippe
Pinel, a French physician and a founder of
psychiatry. 
• Mainly due to his efforts, France became
a leader in improving conditions for the
mentally ill.
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Psychology’s Role in Mental Health
• Despite the progress in France, more
than half a century passed before similar
efforts were exerted in the United States. 
• After discovering that the mentally ill were
being jailed along with criminals, teacher
and social reformer Dorothea Dix became
the chief spokesperson for reform. 
• A former mental patient, Clifford Beers
became the guiding force in the early
growth of the modern mental health
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Psychology’s Role in Mental Health
• Beers’s own account of his illness and
recovery, A Mind That Found Itself, first
published nearly 90 years ago, set into
motion Beers’s plan to improve conditions. 
• In 1908 Beers founded the Connecticut
Society for Mental Hygiene. 
• In its charter, the Connecticut Society
pledged to eliminate restraints on
patients, improve standards of care,
prevent mental disorders, preserve mental
health, and provide information on mental
illness to the public.
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Psychology’s Role in Testing
• Psychologists have played a leading role
in devising and updating IQ tests, as well
as other tests in higher education that
assess personal skills. 
• Many of you have taken or will take one or
both of the two major standardized
college entrance exams: the Scholastic
Assessment Test (SAT) and the American
College Testing Proficiency Examination
Program (ACT).
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Psychology’s Role in Testing (cont.)
• Developed in 1959, the current ACT
places greater emphasis on scientific
concepts and abstract reading skills and
less emphasis on factual material than
the earlier version. 
• The SAT was redesigned in 1994 to give
more weight to abstract thinking skills.
a standardized test that
consists of four academic
tests that measure
academic development
a standardized test that is an
admission requirement at some
colleges; the test measures
verbal and mathematical
reasoning abilities
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Psychology’s Role in Everyday Living
• With many parents working outside the
home, day-care and out-of-home nurturing
and learning are significant issues. 
• Researchers note that day care appears
to have few negative effects on children
and actually promotes development of
social skills (Bukatko & Daehler, 1992). 
• Harry Harlow’s work led to the idea that
the attachment of children to their
caregivers is made stronger by physical
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Psychology’s Role in Everyday Living
• Psychologists play a role in designing
and assessing tools for learning in a
variety of media. 
• Some of B.F. Skinner’s ideas of feedback,
prior knowledge and knowledge of results,
and reinforcement on learning have been
implemented into computer software
designs. 
• The work of many psychologists led to a
clearer understanding about challenges
facing men and women as they age.
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Psychology Today
• Contemporary psychology can be
grouped into experimental fields and
applied fields. 
– Experimental psychologists use a variety of
scientific methods to study psychological
processes. 
– Applied psychologists put knowledge of
psychology to work solving human problems. 
• A major difference between the two is that
applied psychologists search for immediate
solutions, experimental psychologists for
long-range answers.
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Current Trends
• The American Psychological Association
(APA) is a scientific and professional
society of psychologists and educators. 
• Founded in 1892, it is the major
psychological association in the United
States. 
• It is made of more than 50 divisions, each
representing a specific area, type of work
or research setting, or activity. 
• Beginning in the 1970s, some members
expressed dissatisfaction with the direction
of the APA.
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Current Trends (cont.)
• As a result, a new organization for
academic and science-oriented
psychologists, the American Psychological
Society (APS), was founded in 1988. 
• Another organization, Psi Chi–a
professional and scientific fraternity–has
chapters on many college and university
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Current Trends (cont.)
• About 43 percent of those who study
psychology obtain master’s degrees in
counseling, 32 percent in clinical
psychology, and 15 percent in school
psychology (APA, 1996, 1999). 
• The United States Bureau of Labor places
psychology among the fastest-growing
fields into the twenty-first century. 
• Although psychology is still a maledominated field, the proportion of women
in psychology is greater than in most other
scientific disciplines (Simonton, 1992).
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Current Trends (cont.)
• The increasing diversity of the field of
psychology is important. 
• As diverse people enter the field, they
propose new perspectives on issues of
psychology and behavior.
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Employment of Ph.D. Psychologists
Fields of Psychology
• Forensic psychology is a branch of
applied psychology that studies and
makes practical suggestions about the
workings of the law. 
• A lawyer-psychologist often has both a
Ph.D. and a law degree (Hofer, 1991).
forensic psychology
deals with diagnosis,
evaluation, treatment, and
testimony regarding the law
and criminal behavior
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Fields of Psychology (cont.)
• Work and the working environment are the
provinces of industrial/organizational
psychology, or, as the field is often called,
organizational psychology (Coutts, 1991). 
• Sports psychology, a field that
developed during the 1980s, is an
important part of training for many
amateur and professional athletes.
deals with the psychology of
the workplace
sports psychology
studies athletics and athletic
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Fields of Psychology (cont.)
• Sports psychologists apply the principles of
psychology to sports activities. 
• Some focus on maximizing athletic
performance through visualization,
improving concentration or relaxation or
reducing negative thoughts that may
interfere with performance.
mentally rehearsing the steps
involved in a successful
performance or process
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The Challenges of Psychology
• Social change, urban problems, early
learning, psychology and minorities, and
the reduction of violence are psychology’s
challenges today. 
• One way to determine future directions of
psychology is by analyzing the trends of
age in the population.
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The Challenges of Psychology (cont.)
• The average age of the citizens in North
America is going steadily upward. 
• That creates new problems for
psychologists to study and new careers in
both research and service. 
• It also suggests a growing field in a
specialty such as gerontology.
the study of aging
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The Challenges of Psychology (cont.)
• At the other end of the age spectrum are
other factors that may impact future jobs
for psychologists. 
• The top three killers of children through
adolescence in our society now are
accidents, violence, and drugs. 
• Many of the problems that face society
today are behavioral problems–that is,
they can be solved only through changing
behavior and attitudes.
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Where Do You Go From Here?
• It is important to consider not only the
future of psychology but also how
psychology plays a role in your future. 
• You should not stop thinking critically about
and seeking to explain your behavior and
the behavior of others. 
• Psychology is a science–it is a process of
trying to understand the world around us. 
• Use what you have learned to determine
your own hypotheses and theories and to
critically analyze what you read, hear, and
experience every day.
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Section Assessment
Review the Vocabulary What do
sports psychologists do?
Sports psychologists help athletes
prepare to perform their best. They
also research the benefits of sports
participation and explore violence in
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to display the answer.
Section Assessment (cont.)
Visualize the Main Idea Using a
graphic organizer similar to the
one found on page 616 of your
textbook, outline the challenges
psychologists face.
Social change, urban problems,
psychology and minorities, and the
reduction of violence are psychology’s
challenges today.
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to display the answer.
Section Assessment (cont.)
Recall Information Why must
psychologists study aging?
The population of senior citizens
continues to increase. This creates
new issues for psychologists to study
and new careers in both research and
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to display the answer.
Section Assessment (cont.)
Think Critically Consider what
you have learned in this
psychology course. What
information will be most useful to
you during your lifetime? Why? In
what types of situations during
your life do you think you will use
this information? Explain.
Section Assessment (cont.)
Search online for information about
the APA and APS.
Report on the organizations’ goals,
memberships, and future directions.
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Section 1: Careers in Psychology
• A bachelor’s degree in psychology affords
many options with a wide array of possible
employers. 
• As a profession, careers that are based on
psychological principles seek to predict
how people will act; help people modify
their behavior; and help organizations,
businesses, and communities change.
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Section 2: Psychology’s
• The most significant contribution of
psychology is the development of forms of
professional helping, including
psychotherapy. 
• Psychologists have played a leading role in
devising and updating educational testing
programs. 
• The study of psychology has implications
for everyday living, especially in the areas
of raising children, improving learning, and
understanding the process of aging.
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Section 2: Psychology’s
Contributions (cont.)
• The common link in careers in psychology
is the desire to understand behavior. 
• Psychology can be grouped into
experimental fields and applied fields. 
• Experimental psychologists use a variety of
scientific methods to study psychological
processes. 
• Applied psychologists put knowledge of
psychology to work solving human
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Section 2: Psychology’s
Contributions (cont.)
• According to the United States Bureau of
Labor, psychology is among the fastestgrowing fields into the twenty-first
century. 
• The American Psychological Association
(APA) is a scientific and professional
society of psychologists and educators. 
• The American Psychological Society (APS)
is an organization for academic and
science-oriented psychologists.
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Section 2: Psychology’s
Contributions (cont.)
• Fields of psychology that have potential
for future growth include forensic
psychology, industrial/ organizational
psychology, and sports psychology. 
• Many problems that face society today,
such as violence, drugs, and AIDS, require
behavioral solutions.
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Reviewing Vocabulary
Use the correct term or concept to complete the following
1. A(n) _______________________________is
industrial/organizational psychologist
often involved in helping businesses operate more
school psychologist may give reading,
2. A(n) _________________
aptitude, interest, or intelligence tests to middle or
high school students.
3. Gerontology
__________ is the study of aging.
4. A(n) _________________
clinical psychologist is often self-employed,
practicing some form of psychotherapy.
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to display the answers.
Reviewing Vocabulary (cont.)
Use the correct term or concept to complete the following
5. Athletes sometimes use the process of
rehearsing the steps of a
successful performance–to reduce negative
thoughts that may interfere with performance.
6. Nearly 1 million high school seniors take the
which emphasizes scientific
concepts and abstract reading skills.
7. About 1.2 million high school seniors take the
which was redesigned in 1994 to
give more weight to abstract thinking skills.
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to display the answers.
Reviewing Vocabulary (cont.)
Use the correct term or concept to complete the following
8. A(n) crisis
intervention program can respond to an
individual’s life-threatening situation or long-term
forensic psychology is involved in working
9. A(n) _________________
on the reliability of witnesses in a court
10. An important part of training for many professional
sports psychology
athletes is the field of _______________.
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Recalling Facts
Explain what research shows about
the effects of day care on children.
Day care appears to have few
negative effects and promotes social
skills. Children with experience in day
care tend to be more assertive and
aggressive. This may be a result of
day care children thinking at an
advanced level but not yet possessing
the social skills to implement their
plans smoothly.
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to display the answer.
Recalling Facts
Explain the projections for the elderly
population into the twenty-first
century. How does this impact
The average age of citizens in North
America is going steadily upward; there
are more people over 65 in the United
States and Canada now than at any time
in the history of either country. This
creates new problems for psychologists
to study, as well as a growing field in
developmental psychology–gerontology.
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to display the answer.
Recalling Facts
Using a diagram similar to the one
on page 618 of your textbook, list the
similarities and differences in the
work of applied psychologists and
experimental psychologists.
Recalling Facts
List three organizations for
psychologists and/or students of
The American Psychological Association
(APA) is a scientific and professional
society of psychologists and educators.
The American Psychological Society
(APS) is an organization geared toward
academic and science-oriented
psychologists. Psi Chi is a professional
and scientific fraternity with chapters on
many college and university campuses.
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to display the answer.
Recalling Facts
Identify two careers that require a
background in psychology and briefly
describe the careers.
Some careers, such as mental health
adviser, do not require an advanced
degree. However, most careers as a fulltime psychologist do involve advanced
degrees. The careers vary depending on
whether the person is involved in an
experimental or applied field. The place
of employment also makes a difference.
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Building Skills
Interpreting a Graph
Job satisfaction–
studied by industrial/
psychologists–is an
issue for many people.
Various factors
contribute to job
satisfaction. Review
the graph, then
answer the questions
that follow.
Building Skills
Interpreting a Graph
According to this graph,
what three job
characteristics do most
people find important
for job satisfaction?
Most people list good
health insurance,
interesting work, and job
security as the most
important issues for job
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to display the answer.
Building Skills
Interpreting a Graph
With which job
characteristic were
people most satisfied?
Least satisfied?
Most satisfied: interesting
work, freedom to work
independently, and
regular hours; least
satisfied: limited job
stress and high income
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to display the answer.
Building Skills
Interpreting a Graph
Select an area on the
graph. How might an
psychologist help
managers and/or
employees in this area?
I am a former mental patient
whose book A Mind That Found
Itself motivated better care from
the mental health community. Who
am I?
I am Clifford Beers.
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to display the answer.
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Explore online information about the
topics introduced in this chapter.
Click on the Connect button to launch your browser and go to the
Understanding Psychology Web site. At this site, you will find
interactive activities, current events information, and Web sites
correlated with the chapters and units in the textbook. When you
finish exploring, exit the browser program to return to this
presentation. If you experience difficulty connecting to the Web
site, manually launch your Web browser and go to
What do you think will be the most serious
problem or problems in the United States
and in the world in this century? Write your
answer in your journal.
Imagine that you work in a technology store
as a salesperson. Write a sales pitch to sell a
DVD player to another teen. Identify how
your knowledge of psychology helped
formulate the sales pitch.
Reflect on what you have learned in this
course. Write about the things that surprised
you most about psychology and the things
that disappointed you the most.
Read the case study presented on
page 609 of your textbook. Be
prepared to answer the questions that
appear on the following slides. A
discussion prompt and additional
information follow the questions.
Continued on next slide.
This feature is found on page 609 of your textbook.
What is parapsychology?
Parapsychology is the study of behavior that
deviates from normal behavior and cannot be
explained by mainstream psychology.
Parapsychology suggests that humans possess
senses other than the known seven.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on page 609 of your textbook.
What abilities did Gellar claim
to have?
He claimed to be able to bend and break metal
objects by using mind control only.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on page 609 of your textbook.
Critical Thinking Do you believe that
some people have parapsychological
abilities? Why or why not?
Continued on next slide.
This feature is found on page 609 of your textbook.
Discuss the following:
What other perceptions beyond the
normal senses do some people claim to
have? How might someone’s claim to
have these perceptions be proved or
disproved? What is the most likely
explanation for Gellar’s failure to perform
his abilities on national television?
Continued on next slide.
This feature is found on page 609 of your textbook.
Scientists have been investigating
extrasensory perception (ESP) since the
early 1900s. Most tests of ESP involve a
“sender” who focuses on an object or
thought with the goal of sending a mental
image to a “receiver.”
Continued on next slide.
This feature is found on page 609 of your textbook.
– A 1994 study used the ganzfeld procedure (from
German words meaning “the entire field”) in which the
receiver does not know that a sender is sending a
message. 
– The receiver spoke about his or her thoughts for 30
minutes. 
– During that time, a sender in a separate room
attempted to send a message about a photo that he or
she was viewing.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
information. This feature is found on page 609 of your textbook.
– After 30 minutes, the receiver was asked to select one
of four photos. 
– Researchers found that receivers selected the correct
photo more often than could be explained by chance. 
– However, follow-up studies have failed to duplicate the
findings of the 1994 study. 
– This is the common history of parapsychology: one
breakthrough study followed by studies that refute its
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
information. This feature is found on page 609 of your textbook.
Continued on next slide.
Continued on next slide.
1. An understanding of
psychology helps in
understanding human
behavior and
motivation. 
2. A mental health
responsibilities include
helping with admission
administering tests, and
monitoring progress. 
3. A school psychologist
administers and
assesses psychological
and intelligence tests
and works with
students and families
to resolve student’s
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to
display the answers.
Continued on next slide.
1. The two primary fields
in contemporary
psychology are
experimental and
applied. 
2. Help would come
from the applied field
to treat depression. 
3. The experimental field
would discover a
genetic tendency
toward depression. 
4. They both gather
available evidence,
offer the best
information they
find, study behavior,
and use similar
processes in similar
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to
display the answers.
Interest Assessment
From the Classroom of Art Friedman
James Logan High School, Union City, CA
Purpose: To help you consider career
options that are available in the field of
You will be taking a nonscientific interest
assessment test. There are no right or
wrong answers. You will use the answers
to the questions to help identify the areas
of psychology that interest you the most.
Continued on next slide.
Interest Assessment
From the Classroom of Art Friedman
James Logan High School, Union City, CA
Write the answers to the following questions or
statements: 
1. What do you have fun doing? 
2. What do you do well? 
3. List things you feel strongly about. 
4. What are your dreams for the future? 
5. What is the most exciting thing you have done this
school year?
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to
display the information.
Interest Assessment
From the Classroom of Art Friedman
James Logan High School, Union City, CA
• Browse through a list of various specialties in
psychology. 
• Imagine that you have decided on a career in
psychology. 
• Examine your answers to the five questions and
identify the areas of psychology that would be of the
most interest to you. 
• For example, an avid athlete may decide that his or
her area of interest is sports psychology.
Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to
display the information.
Since World War II, the world has become increasingly
interdependent. Today the countries of the world are
linked by trade, travel, the Internet, and so on. At one
time, the work of promoting cooperation belonged to
diplomats. But today they are joined by cross-cultural
psychologists who investigate the similarities and
differences in the psychological functioning of different
cultures and ethnic groups. These professionals study
everything from child-rearing practices to perceptions of
beauty. Cross-cultural psychology is predicted to
become one of the fastest-growing psychological fields
in the twenty-first century.
Student-Counselor Ratios
Experts agree that the student-counselor ratio in
middle and high schools should be 300 to 1. In
1999, the ratio in Los Angeles County averaged
986 to 1. Counselors often have contact with
100 to 200 adolescents per day, most for just a
minute or two. Often, minor problems have to
become serious before the counselors have
time to help. The challenge faced by society is
how to increase the funding to allow for more
school counselors.
• Psychology makes important contributions to
understanding human behavior on a regular
basis. 
• Find five contributions that psychology has
made to humanity during your lifetime. 
• Prepare a 2- to 3-page report discussing your
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
• Read the Psychology and You feature on
page 605 of your textbook. 
• Discuss the following:
Why do so many jobs use the skills
you have learned in this psychology
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
Linda L. McCarley
Click the picture to listen to
a biography on Linda L.
McCarley. Be prepared to
answer questions that
appear on the next three
This feature is found on page 606 of your textbook.
Linda L. McCarley
How does Linda
McCarley help
She helps people create
drawings, paintings,
sculptures, and other art
forms that provide a glimpse
into their inner world.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on page 606 of your textbook.
Linda L. McCarley
How can artmaking
help people?
It provides avenues of selfexpression, helps release
tension, and is lifeenhancing.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on page 606 of your textbook.
Linda L. McCarley
How do art therapists
help their clients?
They set the stage for selfdiscovery and healing by
facilitating their clients’
creative expressions.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the
answer. This feature is found on page 606 of your textbook.
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