How to Read Like a Professor

How to Read Like a Professor
American Literature
Introduction Chapter
Being able to recognize patterns and symbols
in literature helps the entire work make more
Learning to do this makes you a better reader.
Being a better reader makes you a better writer.
When you see the hidden stuff, you’re able to
make deep analytical written commentary.
“…Or the Bible”
Authors often reference the Bible in their
Draws people from all parts of life together.
Garden of Eden:
Women tempt men and cause failure.
symbol of temptation/failure/evil
Or the Bible….
Faces disaster, but never gives up.
Rains as a symbol of destruction
Light as a form of redemption/savior.
Biblical names:
Connect a literary character to a Biblical
Hanselee and Gretledum
Peter Pan:
Refusal to grow up.
Men saving women.
Snow White:
Saved by a prince
Sleeping Beauty: a girl grows towards
Saved by a prince (man)
Violence in Literature
Violence is symbolic, thematic, Biblical,
Shakespearean, Romantic, allegorical or
Two types:
Character caused (shootings, stabbings,
poison, etc)
Accidents where characters are not involved.
Accidents are not really accidents.
Authors use symbols all the time;
sometimes more than any other literary
Actions as well as objects can be symbols.
Symbols are built on emotional reactions;
pay attention to how you feel about a text.
Food in Literature
When people eat
together, it’s for a reason.
Act of sharing and peace.
A failed or tense
meal=negative events
Greek Allusions
 Odyssey and Illiad
Men in an epic struggle over
Achilles—a small weakness
causing a great downfall.
Penelope—the need and
desire to stay faithful to one’s
husband no matter what.
Greek Allusions
Family struggles
Mother Love
Fertility and Life
Noah and the Flood
Total destruction
Removing sin or a stain
Restorative: brings back to life
Clean: Cleanses what is marred or dirty
fog—almost always signals some sort of confusion; mental,
ethical, physical “fog”; people can’t see clearly
 Snow
• negatively—cold, stark,
inhospitable, inhuman,
nothingness, death
• positively—clean, pure, playful
 Sunshine
• Rebirth, freedom, new beginning
• Return of God or of Hope
Christ Figures
 crucified, wounds in hands, feet, side, and head, often
portrayed with arms outstretched
 in agony
 self-sacrificing
 good with children
 good with loaves, fishes, water, wine
 thirty-three years of age when last seen
 believed to have walked on water
Christ Figure
spent time alone in the wilderness
believed to have had a confrontation with
the devil, possibly tempted
last seen in the company of thieves
creator of many aphorisms and parables
buried, but arose on the third day
had disciples, twelve at first, although not
all equally devoted
very forgiving
came to redeem an unworthy world
Christ Figure
As a reader, put aside belief system.
Why use Christ figures? Deepens our sense of a
character’s sacrifice, thematically has to do with
redemption, hope, or miracles.
If used ironically, makes the character look smaller
rather than greater
Sex in Literature
Why use symbols? Make it juicy!
 Before mid 20th c., symbols allowed
authors to write about sex without being
 Function on multiple levels
 More intense than literal descriptions
Female Symbols in Literature
Rolling Landscape
Cup waiting to be filled
Holy Grail
Sex in Literature
Tall Buildings
Male Symbols
Heroic Father Figure
AKA: The “prince charming”
Sex in Literature
…Except Sex. When authors write directly
about sex, they’re writing about something
 sacrifice
 rebellion
Water and Baptism
Baptism is symbolic death and rebirth as a new
 Drowning is symbolic baptism, IF the character
comes back up, symbolically reborn.
 But drowning on purpose can also represent a form
of rebirth, a choosing to enter a new, different life,
leaving an old one behind.
 Traveling on water—rivers, oceans—can symbolically
represent baptism.
Water and Baptism
Rivers can also represent the River Styx, the
mythological river separating the world from the
Underworld, another form of transformation, passing
from life into death.
Rain can by symbolic baptism as well—cleanses,
There’s also rebirth/baptism implied when a character
is renamed.
 Jungles, tunnels, labyrinths: Represent danger and
 Geography can symbolize the human mind.
 Going South: starting to go crazy, chaos, losing
one’s mind.
 Low places:
 swamps, crowds, fog, darkness, fields, heat =
unpleasantness, people, life, death
 High places:
 snow, ice, purity, thin air, clear views =
isolation, life, death
Bellringer: 9-28-2009
What is non-verbal communication”? Give an
How much of your communication is
Do you think you're good at NON verbal
communication? Why or why not?