Food Science Syllabus

Course Schedule
Course Schedule:
The following chart shows what students/parents should expect for the Fall Semester. This schedule
is subject to change based on student progress, and time allowed in class for labs and activities.
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
- No School - Labor Day
Week 4:
- DLS @ Victor 9/14
Week 5:
- FFA Meeting Monday
- District Livestock Contest 9/24
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
- NILE Livestock Contest 10/13
- No School 10/15-10/16
Week 9:
- FFA Meeting Monday
Week 10:
- Nat’l FFA Convention @
Louisville, KY 10/28-10/31
Week 11:
Week 12:
- John Deere Ag Expo. 11/1211/14
Week 13:
- SUB: NAAE 11/17-11/21
Week 14:
- FFA Meeting 11/23
- Thanksgiving Break 11/2611/29
Week 15:
Week 16:
- Floral and Foos Science
Contest 12/11
Week 17:
- FFA Christmas Meeting and
White Elephant Party
Week 18 & 19:
Classroom Introduction
- “Pay Now Pay Later” classroom expectations and
student behavior
The Science of Food
- What is Food Science
- Why Study Food Science
Scientific Evaluation
- Science, Measurments, and the Scientific Method
Scientific Evaluation
Science, Measurments, and the Scientific Method
Sensory Evaluation
- Likes/Dislikes
- Sensory Characteristics
Sensory Evaluation
- Taste Panels
- Quiz
Basic Food Chemistry
- Food Chem
Basic Food Chemistry
- Food Chem
Basic Food Chemistry
- Food Chem
- Quiz
Energy and Motion
- Potential/Kinetic
- Measuring Energy
Energy and Motion
- Heat Transfer
Energy and Motion
- Quiz
Ions: Charged Particles
- Acids and Bases
Ions: Charged Particles
- Acids and Bases
Ions: Charged Particles
- pH and Application
- Final Exam
Week 1:
Week 2:
- Districs Meats Contest @
Week 3:
- KMON and Meats Contest
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
- District Leadership @ Powell
Week 8:
National FFA Week
Week 9:
Week 10:
- JAAM Contest (3/6)
- Forestry/Vet Sci @ Missoula
Week 11:
- District Mech/Agronomy/FBM
@ Corvallis (3/19)
Week 12:
Week 13:
- Spring Break (3/28-4/1)
Week 14:
Week 16:
Week 17:
- NAAE Conference (4/26-4/30)
Week 18:
Week 19:
Week 20:
- Forestry State CDE (5/15-5/16)
- 100% Attendance Pizza Party
Week 21:
Week 22:
- No School Monday
Welcome Back!
- Structure ad Functions
- Safe water supply
- Content in Food
- Quiz
Organic Chemistry
- Sugars
Organic Chemistry
- Sugars
- Quiz
Organic Chemistry
- Carbohydrates
Organic Chemistry
- Carbohydrates
Organic Chemistry
- Carbohydrates
- Quiz
02/20/15 – 02/27/15
- Petting Zoo Tours (2/23)
- Kiss-A-Pig (2/24)
- Ag Op Jacket Day and Member Lunch (2/25)
- Staff Luncheon (2/26)
- Structure/Function and Diet
- Structure/Function and Diet
- Catalysts, Activit, and Food Supply
State FFA Conference!!!!
Food Preservation and Packaging
- Thermal Preservation
Food Preservation and Packaging
- Dehydration and Concentration
Food Preservation and Packaging
- Current Trends and Marketing
Complex Foods
- Mixtures
Complex Foods
- Seperation
Developing a Product
Developing a Product
Finals Week
- Final Exam
End of the School Year!!!!!!