Psychology 12 - Psych Disorder Project (18186)


Psychology 12

Psychological Disorders Project

Project Description:

You are divided into groups with your classmates and are part of a clinical team. Each team is assigned a specific psychological disorder that they will research and present on.

In addition, as part of the learning process, each team will present a case study of an individual who displays the symptoms and behaviors of the disorder. A representation of a disorder is one of the best tools in helping us better understand what a disorder may look like or how it may be expressed.

Project Objectives:

The purpose of this activity is to assist students in better understanding psychological disorders. At the end of the task, each member should be able to:

1. Identify the etiology (cause, or set of causes) of the assigned disorder

2. Identify the specific diagnostic criteria of the assigned disorder

3. Provide clinical examples/case studies of the assigned disorder

4. Comment on current treatment for the assigned disorder

*(all of the above will be compiled into a brief one page ‘fact sheet’ to be handed out to the entire class)

Collectively, at the end of the task, each member will learn the following tools:

1. Identify and research the multiple factors that contribute to a disorder

2. Use the DSM-IV (TR) or DSM V to identify the diagnostic criteria for disorders

3. Understand case vignettes, containing the history and current symptoms, as a learning tool

Roles To Be Filled:

Etiology/Historian Coordinator-

This member will research the history and causes of the disorder. This will include the factors that contribute to the development using the Biopsychosocial Model. That is, factors that need to be included are biological, psychological, and social/environmental factors.

Diagnostic Coordinator-

This member will research the specific criteria needed to diagnosis an individual with a disorder, based on the DSM-IV (TR) or DSM V criteria. Additionally, you will need to include the symptoms that will be expressed by the disorder. That is, you will include the behaviors and interactions that an individual with the disorder will demonstrate. Also this member will need to research current effective therapeutic approaches used to treat the disorder.

Case Study Coordinator-

This member will create a fictitious individual with the disorder. You will need to identify the biographical history of the client, including factors that you think might have

contributed to the disorder. Along with the history, you will need to include current symptoms and/or behaviors that client is displaying.

Case Study Coordinator-

This member will identify an actual individual with the disorder. You will need to research the biographical history of the client, including factors that you think might have contributed to the disorder. Along with the history, you will need to include current symptoms and/or behaviors that client is displaying.

Project Requirements

Each group will need to develop a PowerPoint/Prezi Presentation based on the information researched by the group members. Therefore, there should be PowerPoint slides representing information gathered from EACH group member. Individual members are responsible for contributing the slides to the Final Group PowerPoint

Presentation. The whole group will be given 5-8 minutes for their presentation. A reminder that each group must create a one-page fact sheet described under the “Project

Objectives” section above.

Assessment of Group Project

I will assess each student based on their slide contributions and presentation individually.

The presentation is worth 40 points.

Group Topic Choices


Generalized Anxiety OR Panic Disorder


Bipolar Disorder


Borderline Personality Disorder


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)




Anorexia Nervosa


Munchausen Syndrome


Other (choose a disorder from the DSM IV-TR or DSM V). Please make sure you

OK choice with Ms. Murray first.


Please make sure to use reputable sites for this project – not blogs, sites like

Wikipedia or sites where people can contribute their own information. Look at sites that end with “.org” or that are connected to the American Psychological

Association (APA; publisher of the DSM)
