Krisztián Hincz Arch-supported tensile structures with a special suspension system CONTENTS Existing arch-supported tensile structures The block and tackle suspension system Main steps of the numerical analysis Dynamic relaxation method Numerical examples Future plans BoA Pavilion, MA BoA Pavilion, MA BLOCK AND TACKLE SUSPENSION SYSTEM Árpád KOLOZSVÁRY, Roof Arches Without Bending Moments, 2006. THE ARCH LOADS Conventional suspension system Block and tackle suspension system In practice, how much can the bending moment of the arches (due to tipical external loads) be decreased? THE ANALYSED STRUCTURES STRUCTURAL UNITS OF THE ANALYSED STRUCTURES Cable net Suspension system Truss arches Safety cables MODELLING OF THE BLOCK AND TACKLE SUSPENSION SYSTEM MODELLING OF THE BLOCK AND TACKLE SUSPENSION SYSTEM MAIN STEPS OF THE ANALYSIS 1. Truss arch and cable net topology generation (Initial shape) 2. Form finding of the cable net with constant cable forces (Theoretical shape) 3. Calculation of the stress-free lengths of the cables 4. Determination of the construction shape (prestress+dead load) 5. Load analysis (prestress, dead load, snow load, wind load) DINAMIC RELAXATION METHOD Step-by-step Nonlinear, static problems, determination of equilibrium positions of tensile structures Fictitious motion from the initial position to the equilibrium shape Fictitious masses Unbalanced (resultant) nodal forces (member forces + external forces) Newton’s II. law Kinetic damping TOPOLOGY GENERATION, INITIAL SHAPE Initial data: Geometrical data of the truss arches (radius, angle, depth, width) Number of suspended points Initial (constant) distance of the upper and lower suspension points FORM FINDING OF THE CABLE NET Constant force in the snow and wind cables The breakpoints of the ridge cables are fixed Coordinates, cable forces unbalanced nodal forces Calculation of the stress-free (cutting) lengths CONSTRUCTION SHAPE Constant suspension force Current coordinates, stress-free lengths, stiffness (+self weight) unbalanced nodal forces Stress-free lengths of the suspension cables LOAD ANALYSIS Unbalanced nodal forces: Meteorological loads Member forces Self-weight Loads: Total snow load Two types of partial snow load Wind load (+Self-weight and prestress) MOVEMENT OF THE PULLEYS 2R 2r Si Upper pulleys roll if: Si Si 1 R r R r or Si 1 R r Si R r Lower pulleys roll if: Si r cot(45 arcsin or Si 1 2R Si 1 r cot(45 arcsin Si 2R S i+1 Si 2R 2r S i+1 Displacement: li , li 1 , li0 , li01 , EA EXAMPLE STRUCTURE I. Individual suspension cables ↔ Block and tackle suspension system Idealised pulleys Covered area: 120m·120m MEMBER FORCES IN CASE OF PARTIAL SNOW LOAD TYPE 1 MAXIMUM OF THE INTERNAL FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS Normal Force [kN] Shear Force [kN] Bending Moment [kNm] Load ISC BTSS BTSS/ISC ISC BTSS BTSS/ISC ISC BTSS BTSS/ISC Construction shape -7289 -7289 1.00 69 69 1.00 265 265 1.00 Total snow load -14808 -17833 1.20 -1074 36 -0.03 31001 783 0.03 Partial snow load 1 -12393 -14459 1.17 -1427 118 -0.08 42528 3523 0.08 Partial snow load 2 -9384 -11973 1.28 -512 53 -0.10 15554 512 0.03 Wind load -9264 -10216 1.10 736 92 0.12 -19248 -1317 0.07 EXAMPLE STRUCTURE II. How does the friction affect the elimination of bending moments? INTERNAL FORCES IN CASE OF WIND LOAD 3500 Bending Moment [kNm] Internal forces 3000 2500 2000 Normal Force [kN] 1500 1000 Shear Force [kN] 500 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Coefficient of friction 0.2 0.25 INTERNAL FORCES IN CASE OF PARTIAL SNOW LOAD TYPE 1 6000 Bending Moment [kNm] Internal forces 5000 4000 Normal Force [kN] 3000 2000 Shear Force [kN] 1000 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Coefficient of friction 0.2 0.25 CONCLUSIONS By the help of the developed procedures, arch supported tensile roofs with block and tackle suspension system can be analysed. The developed procedures converge in every step of the analysis. The numerical results show that the block and tackle suspension system reduces radically the in-plane bending moments of the supporting arches. FUTURE PLANS Topology of the cable net Theoretical shape of the cable net Number of suspension points Experiments to validate the numerical results. K. HINCZ: ARCH-SUPPORTED TENSILE STRUCTURES WITH VERY LONG CLEAR SPANS, JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SHELL AND SPATIAL STRUCTURES, Vol. 48 No. 2, 2007 maximum compression force [kN] PBSS_TSnow ISC_TSnow PBSS_PSnow1 ISC_PSnow1 PBSS_PSnow2 ISC_PSnow2 PBSS_Wind ISC_Wind Prestress 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 initial prestress in the suspension cables [kN] 325 PBSS_TSnow ISC_TSnow PBSS_PSnow1 ISC_PSnow1 PBSS_PSnow2 ISC_PSnow2 PBSS_Wind ISC_Wind maximum displacement [m] 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 initial prestress in the suspension cables [kN] 300 325 PBSS_TSnow ISC_TSnow PBSS_PSnow1 ISC_PSnow1 PBSS_Wind ISC_Wind Prestress maximum compression force [kN] 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 1 2 3 4 initial suspension length [m] 5 6 7 PBSS_TSnow ISC_TSnow PBSS_Psnow1 ISC_Psnow1 PBSS_Wind ISC_Wind Prestress maximum compression force [kN] 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 initial suspension length [m] 5 6 7 QUESTIONS How much can the bending moment of the arches be decreased? How do the tangential and out-ofplane movements of the pulleys and the friction affect the elimination of bending moments? Can the cable net be prestressed during construction by tensioning the suspension cables only? What effect does the prestress level have on the behaviour of the structure? What effect does the distance of the upper and lower pulleys have? MOTION OF THE BLOCK AND TACKLE II. l i,0 li S= (li li 1 ) (lin,0 lin1,0 ) (l l n i ,0 Si li EA l S EA lin,0* lin,0 n* i ,0 R r S i+1 l i+1,0 l i+1 l l k (e.g. 10) n 1 i ,0 n i ,0 n i 1,0 ) EA EXAMPLE STRUCTURE I. Individual suspension cables ↔ Block and tackle suspension system Force in the suspension cables: 25kN - 300kN Suspension length: 1m - 6m Idealised pulleys QUESTIONS How much can the bending moment of the arches be decreased? How do the tangential and out-of-plane movements of the pulleys and the friction affect the elimination of bending moments? What effect does the prestress level have on the behaviour of the structure? What effect does the distance of the upper and lower pulleys have?