Unit 4 Planning Guide[1]

Sixth Grade Word Study Planning Sheet
Unit 4
6.2a Determine the meaning of gradelevel academic English words derived
from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic
roots and affixes
Main Points of Interest
Academic words
6.2b Use context (e.g., cause and effect
or compare and contrast organizational
text structures) to determine or clarify
the meaning of unfamiliar or multiple
meaning words
Multiple meaning words
Strategies for figuring out unknown
words including using the structure of
the passage
6.2c Complete analogies that describe
part to whole or whole to part
(e.g., ink: pen as page:____ or pen: ink as
6.2d Explain the meaning of foreign
words and phrases commonly used in
written English (e.g., RSVP, que sera
Activities to Teach this Skill
Sixth Grade Shared Reading Planning Sheet
Unit 4
6.Fig19A Establish purpose for
reading selected texts based upon own
and others’ desired outcome to enhance
Main Points of Interest
6.Fig19B Ask literal, interpretive,
Know levels of questioning
evaluative, and universal questions of Student-made questions
6.Fig19C Monitor and adjust
comprehension (e.g., using background
knowledge, creating, sensory images,
rereading apportion aloud: generating
6.Fig19D Make inferences about text
and use textual evidence to support
6.19E Summarize, paraphrase and
synthesize texts in ways that maintain
meaning and logical order within a text
and across texts.
6.19F Make connections (e.g., thematic
links, author analysis) between and
across multiple texts of various genres
and provide textual evidence
Textual evidence to support
Activities to Teach this Skill
6.9A Compare and contrast author’s
purpose (the stated or implied
purposes of different authors writing on
the same topic)
6.10B Explain whether facts included in
an argument are used for or against an
issue (persuasive arguments)
6.11A Compare and contrast the
structure and viewpoints of two
different authors writing for the same
purpose, noting the stated claim and
supporting evidence.
6.11B Identify simply faulty reasoning
used in persuasive texts.
6.13A Explain messages conveyed in
various forms of media
6.13B Recognize how various
techniques influence viewers’
Incorrect factual claims
Red herring
Flase authority
Faulty reasoning
Web pages
Televised news
Testimonials, bandwagon, appeal,
exaggeration, contradiction, misleading
statements, sentimental appeals, scare
tactics, false authority
6.13C Critique persuasive techniques
(e.g., testimonials, bandwagon appeal)
used in media messages
6.13D Analyze various digital media
venues for levels of formality and
6.26C Paraphrase the major ideas and
supporting evidence in formal and
informal presentations
6.27A Give an organized presentation
with a specific point of view, employing
eye contact, speaking rate, volume,
enunciation, natural gestures, and
conventions of language to
communicate ideas effectively
6.28A Participate in student-led
discussions by eliciting and considering
suggestions from other group members
and by identifying points of agreement
and disagreement.
Identify persuasive technique used
Explain the effectiveness based on
intended audience, purpose, and
Sixth Grade Writing Planning Sheet
Unit 4
6.14A Plan a first draft by selecting a
genre appropriate for conveying the
intended meaning to an audience,
determining appropriate topics through
a range of strategies (e.g., discussion,
background reading, personal interests,
interviews), and developing a thesis or
controlling idea.
6.14B Develop drafts by choosing an
appropriate organizational strategy
(e.g., sequence of events, cause-effect,
compare-contrast) and building on ideas
to create a focused, organized, and
coherent piece of writing.
6.14C Revise drafts to clarify meaning,
enhance style, include simple and
compound sentences, and improve
transitions by adding, deleting,
combining, and rearranging sentences
or larger units of text after rethinking
how well questions of purpose,
audience, and genre have been
6.14D Edit drafts for grammar,
mechanics, and spelling
6.17D Produce a multimedia
presentation involving text and
graphics using available technology.
Main Points of Interest
Activities to Teach this Skill
6.18A Write a persuasive essay for
appropriate audiences that establish a
position and include sound reasoning,
detailed and relevant evidence and
consideration of alternatives
6.20B Recognize and use punctuation
marks including:
* proper punctuation and spacing for
*parentheses, brackets, and ellipses (to
indicate omissions and interruptions or
incomplete statements).
6.20C Use proper mechanics including
italics and underlining for titles of
6.26C Paraphrase the major ideas and
supporting evidence in formal and
informal presentations.
6.27A Give an organized presentation
focused on:
* specific point of view
*employing eye contact
*speaking rate, volume, and enunciation
* using natural gestures
* including conventions of language to
communicate ideas effectively
6.28A Participate in student-led
discussions by eliciting and considering
suggestions from other group members
and by identifying points of agreement
and disagreement.